slushiecookie · 2 months
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TW: Gore & Body Horror!
This is Strawberry Pillow, an experiment which escaped from Indome Labs due to a stupid employee leaving her chamber unlocked; it's less Strawberry Pillow, moreso the parasite inhabiting the pillow's body.
SP is very curious and tends to explore things, places, and other objects without any consent, and usually has to be carefully coaxed out of her interest before she ends up crushing a guy's skull to "see what the maximum withstandable pressure is". She speaks in a very "alien-like" way, usually calling objects "mere entrail containers" and using strange, literal combinations of words to get her (usually unnecessary) points across. (For example, she'd call milk "aging fluid", meat "flesh carvings", hands/fingers "flexible extremities" etc.)
"Normal" Form:
In order to disguise herself, Strawberry Pillow has created another form to use. This has worked pretty well, but due to her having no idea how her arms are supposed to work, they just kinda loosely flop around.
Strawberry Pillow's corners function like ears, they're bigger than a normal pilllow's and prick up when she senses prey, they also fold back when she's stalking as well.
Strawberry Pillow may look (and be) pretty strange and unpredictable, but she smells pretty good, strangely, like a strawberry cake. She uses this to attract prey like rodents or other objects.
Strawberry Pillow never frowns or becomes visually upset in either of her forms, so she's always seen with a half-smile. Don't be fooled, she can and does get very angry, and will definitely think of repeatedly bashing your head against the ground if you set her off.
She LOVES to eat Pilot, he's like gourmet food to her, and nobody knows why. The leading theory is that Pilot is simply lacking so many survival skills that he tastes better.
Strawberry Pillow has amateur sewing skills because of having to disguise herself, but she only keeps getting better...
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sonicmusicmusings · 12 days
Hey gang!
The bass line on this is so infectious. It makes you wanna sing along with it, at least it does for me! This track in general has a goofy, off kilter jive to it, with the walking syncopated bass and pseudo swing going on in the drums as well. I like the warbling synth in the back as well. And we don't really move harmonically until the B section, where it's 2 chords per bar, really giving some frantic motion to the turnaround! A very fun little track!
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glitched-clown · 1 year
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glowballs mini golf! 🦕🌈
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dynamitekansai · 2 months
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TheTrinity_Fatu: 🇫🇷 #WWELyon #GLOWbal
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tobiasdrake · 5 months
So, if I know my Mesa Island geography, we should be getting pretty close to Songshroom Marsh. Wonder if Yoyo's still hanging around here?
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That's, uh... that's... not an ominous name or anything....
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This place... doesn't seem quite as fun as Luana made it sound.
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Okay, full disclosure, I was actually trying to drown myself in the mire because I want to tell Quarble about all the cool stuff I did.
But this is cool too. I guess the moral of the story is that sometimes attempted suicide comes with neat prizes. If they ever write a fable about all the things I learned on my travels, I'll be sure to include that.
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Holy shit, the Magic Seashell? The one from Watcher Island that lets you breathe underwater?
Wait, no, I can already do that for some reason. Plus, it doesn't really look that cute. Luana said it was a cute pink clamshell thing. She was very excited about it. But this more resembles a slug.
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That does sound like it relates to the magic Docarri shells, though. Hmm....
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Yeah. Uh. What the hell happened to this place? Luana didn't like it very much but what she described pales in comparison to how tortured and gross the marsh is.
Also, she called it Songshroom but the sign at the entrance said Quillshroom. So. Obviously some changes have taken place.
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Oh, is it the cool magic seashell I found? 'Cause I found it. You can't have it back. It's mine now, as laid down in the Mine Now, Fucko bylaw.
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Primal Fear... fuck, I know that name. It's... somewhere. Maybe one of Teaks's stories? I don't know. I've heard it before. I know I've heard it before.
No, wait! It was one of the volumes of prophecy that Yoyo kept in her cabin. She had a book on Primal Fear. That's where I know the name from.
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Is. That. Where the living mushrooms come from?
...Luana wrote about them singing. The ones I've seen have not been singing. I don't think they're enjoying their fungal lives anymore.
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With gusto.
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I can't believe you told me to fight it! Do you have any idea how humiliated I was!? That was the most embarrassing moment of my goddamn life.
And I once screwed up Cloudstep practice so hard I ended up dangling from a tree branch by my pants around my ankles. I met Quarble on a return trip through a challenge I'd already solved. So the competition is steep.
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How many times have you sent members of my order to their graves to pick a fight with a harmless glowball minding his fucking business!?
FUCK. No wonder Luana called probably-you an assclown!
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WHAT. NO. I don't really see much relevance or importance in your stories - I think the pear tree one might have been about Yoyo maybe? - but I've been enjoying them nonetheless.
I'll stop touching your cabinet if you keep sharing stories with me. ._. Pweese?
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Oh, there's the singing mushrooms. Okay, so they are still here.
They. Uh. They don't look very cheerful, though. Luana said they were cheerful.
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Gotta say, not a fan of the titular quillshrooms. Their quills are incredibly difficult to dodge, especially when they fire while I'm in midair. What total assholes.
As a botanophobe, I can't be surprised by this, but fungus is far more dangerous than turtles.
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...how stupid do I feel like being today?
I am... passably competent at the Cloudstep. I think I could--
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Okay, I want it on record that I actually made it, but was killed by a Quillshroom afterwards. After being thoroughly tenderized by spikes in the process of making it but that's beside the point. The point is I'm awesome and this is definitely going down as a W in my book.
Not important. What's important is HEY BESTIE, check out where we are? Yeah, that's right, I'm blazing trails through Quillshroom Marsh with my expert jumping and profound getting-stabbed proficiencies.
I know we were in Howling Grotto last we talked but I... found the exit of my own accord and nothing else happened. Now we're here. Trying to not be here as expediently as possible because I don't want to be a mushroom.
Why is this my life?
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...we've found one secret path beneath the mire. I wonder... This does look very suspicious.
They thought they could hide their secrets from me. Joke's on them, I am highly skilled in observation and pattern recog--
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I think I hate this place.
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oww666 · 4 months
so it's " OK " when the US helps the Philippines develop offshore gas and oil but NOT when US companies do it in the US ?............... because glowball warming ?
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unmarked-credits · 1 year
Hey everyone, please to enjoy the following silly crap I wrote for @xinambercladx. This was her request for the Valentine's Day exchange on the Duros Hoes discord server. She wanted a story about Bane walking one of her OC's home. I chose Yenem - you remember this gal -
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- and came up with this. Only seventeen days late! Go me!
Anyway, enjoy👍🏻Hope you like it @xinambercladx !
The Heirloom
"Thank you for coming on such short notice," Yenem said. She looked annoyed as she adjusted her short, form-fitting glittery purple cocktail dress. A huge, fluffy white fur coat was slung over her forearm.
Cad Bane gestured for the coat, shifting a tooth pick from one corner of his mouth to the other. He took it by the shoulders and held it out for her to put on. 
"Oh! Why thank you," she said. She turned to slip it on, glancing back at him over her shoulder as she did so. "Is there a charge for this?"
He smirked. "Free w' de bodyguard package - if y'tell me how y' found out there's a bounty on ye before I did."
She sighed. "Sometimes when I am exceptionally bored, I run my name against the holonet. Turned up on the bounty boards," she said, retrieving her data pad from her purse. "And that reception was exceptionally boring."
He glanced through the picture window of the art gallery they stood before. Inside was a quite lively, quite crowded cocktail party.
"Doesn' look boring."
"Trust me, it was nothing but a room full of poseurs." She sighed and looked up at him, doe eyed, and took his arm. "Get me out of here, Bane."
"Yes ma'am," he said, tapping the brim of his hat. "Y'sure y'wanna go back to d'hotel? You'd be safer on my ship." 
"My things are at the hotel."
"Y' don need yer things."
"One of those things is what they're after."
"An' y' left it in yer room?"
"In the safe," she said.
"Hotel safes ain't safe."
"Was I supposed to go to the reception with an ancient vase beneath my arm like a glowball?"
He paused a moment, then shrugged. "I reckon it would have been less boring that way."
"Tch yerself!" he said. "Come on,  den."
"I've never been to this part of Coruscant," she said as they strolled over a metal walkway overlooking a canyon of city lights. "Beautiful, in a way."
"This area's all right," he said. "It gets worse the deeper down y' go." 
"So I've heard."
"Dere's a real good tipyip stand couple blocks down."
"You want to stop for food?" she asked archly. "You seem pretty casual about this."
"Eh. De score on you is pretty small. We're not gon' be dealing wit any major players. Most of 'em will turn tail if de see you w' me."
"Dat's why you hired me."
"Indeed," she said, pressing close to him as they walked. 
He smiled slightly at this. "So tell me 'bout this hot vase y'got."
"It's not hot," she said. "I bought it perfectly legally at auction. But apparently it's a family hierloom and said family is desperate to get it back. I offered to sell it to them, and for only a slight profit. But they seem determined to obtain it by other means."
"So dey're gon' chase whoever has it?"
"I assume so."
"Hmm," he replied. "Well, you're makin' it easy for em in dat coat."
Yenem frowned. "What about my coat?"
"It's huge n' bright n' … foofy."
"Yeah," he said. "Y' look like a leggy wampa."
"Excuse me?"
"What?" he asked, smirking. "It's a compliment."
She balked. "Surely you can come up with a better compliment than that."
"Sure, sure," he said. He went silent for a moment as the walked past a well manicured hedge full of bright flowers that led up to the hotel. He picked one. 
"Yer the prettiest sheep I ever saw," he said, grinning, handing her the flower as they entered the hotel. 
"You're a terrible date," Yenem said, accepting the flower.
"I'm a great date," Bane said. "Y' wanna make dis a date, dat's a different pricin' structure."
"Oh?" she asked, intrigued. "What's the going rate for a date with Cad Bane?"
"Well, dat depends," he began, but stopped short, clocking something across the lobby. Yenem turned to follow his gaze. A human boy of about fourteen leaned wide-eyed against the lobby bar with an open clamshell full of tip-yip skewers. He looked startled to see Bane.
"Who is that?" Yenem asked.
"A little shit," Bane grumbled, gesturing the boy over. He scowled but obeyed.
"Boba!" Bane said as he approached. "What are y' doin here?"
"I was in the neighborhood."
"Dis job is kinda low rent for you, ain' it?"
"You're here," the boy shot back. 
"I ain' here for a bounty. I'm here to buy a vase from my lady friend."
Yenem turned to Bane in surprise.
"You're … buying a vase?" Boba asked skeptically.
"Sure am."
"Ohh," Yenem said, pulling her data pad from her purse, "Yes, he is. I'm drafting the bill of sale right now."
"Why do you need a vase?" Boba asked.
"Fer flowers."
"Since when do you have flowers and put them in vases?"
"You don't know my life," Bane replied haughtily.
Boba frowned. "Actually I do know your life, and -"
"Point bein -" Bane interjected, "is dat dis vase is now property of Cad Bane, and if de family yer workin' for wants to take it up wid me - and not her -" he said, gesturing to Yenem, "dey're more den welcome to. So you run along now an' you tell 'em dat." 
"Thumb print here," Yenem said, handing Bane the blank pad. He pressed his digit to the screen and handed it back to her. 
"See?" he said. "All mine.  Now get lost, Boba."
Tch," Boba said. "Whatever. Low paid job anyway. Later, Bane."
"Wait," Bane said.
"Gimme one of those," Bane said, plucking a skewer from Boba's takeout box.
"I said get lost," Bane repeated, shooing Boba away.
"Gimme my tip yip back!"
Bane tore a piece off the end of the skewer with his fang. "Fuck off, Boba," he said around the meat. " An' you tell de people yer workin' for -"
"Yeah yeah I'll tell 'em," Boba muttered. "Fierfek."
The boy stalked out of the hotel shaking his head.
"Well," Yenem said, bemused. "You made short work of that."
"Yep. Shouldn't be a problem for ye anymore."
"Elegantly handled."
Bane tapped the brim of his hat. "Whaddya say we head upstairs an' have a look at 'my' new vase?"
Yenem smiled slyly, pulling him towards the turbolift. "It's quite the piece," she said. "Has a naked lady on it."
"Y' don' say?" Bane grinned.  "I like it already." 
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✮⋆˙ Welcome ✮⋆˙
Hello, I'm Asia, also known as Glowball. On this page, you'll discover an exclusive interview I conducted with the talented Gabby Golec regarding their debut solo exhibition, 'Sanctuary.' Alongside the interview, you can view a selection of photographs from the show. Also, check out the artist's Instagram profile, @Slugtrain, featured in the sidebar, for more insights into their work.
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ Enjoy ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★
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lifestylealex · 2 years
places you recommend eating at when visiting vancouver?
joe fortes, miku, elisa, black & blue, glowbal, cincin, ask for luigi, blue water cafe, carderos, di beppe I could go on forever lol
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rickchung · 4 months
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Glowbal Restaurant x Downtown.
Lunar New Year cocktail and canapé reception celebrating the Year of the Dragon.
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slushiecookie · 23 days
TW: Gore! (Acid Scars!)
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Another SYMMETRY post! ^^ this time introducing one of the contestants:
Age: 40.
Gender: Male.
Occupation: Orthodontist.
Blue Light.
Tamby was a humble, shy, quiet dentist who was loved by his patients for being patient and gentle. He wasn't only good with other objects, but his skill was one of the best in the city. However, this positivity is strictly monitored by him, and he doesn't want anything to taint his reputation. Tamby can be a bit serious, occasionally taking a teasing joke to heart and holding a very long grudge against the object who said it. He had a loving wife and wanted kids in the future, having enjoyed his interactions with child patients he worked on.
Tamby wanted to join the game to earn more money to provide for his future children and the wife he loved. He determined that while he wasn't very skilled in survival in the woods, a few days of training and his medical knowledge would come in handy.
With that out of the way, onto the piece! I don't see this as spoilers since Tambourine replaces Yin Yang from the old SYMMETRY ^^
For those who don't know, Yin Yang got sprayed with acid in the original, and I wanted to keep that cause it looks cool lol, and while the kunai probably won't be Tambourine's weapon of choice, I thought it would be cool to show it off <D
I wanted the wound to be more realistic and stuff, so I imagine that this is what he looks like after months of no proper medical care and being stuck on and island having to kill objects, the dead skin is scraped off and the flesh exposed though not bleeding. And I also thought of how thin the.... drum...? Of a Tambourine is, so I imagined the acid to have gone straight through his eye and burn a hole in his head!
Oh and the skin around his former eye is probably infected and stuff, and probably having the onset of necrosis so I put some green and black stuff in there that really shouldn't be!
(It's also kinda a redraw of the really really old image on the right! The one of Yin Yang :'>)
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huynh19nguyen · 5 months
Naomi Always Shining Glowbal T-shirt - Shibtee Clothing
We endeavor 100% customer satisfaction service and experience. If you receive damaged or wrong items, please contact us with the attached pictures about the problem, we will provide you with a satisfactory solution within 48 hours. This comfy-feminine t-shirt is the perfect gift for yourself or someone special. If you like what you see, please share our story!. Don’t hesitate to get these Naomi Always Shining Glowbal T-shirt now. This Naomi Always Shining Glowbal T-shirt will be the perfect gift for your dad, mom, brother, sister, husband, wife, boyfriend, son, papa, nephew, girlfriend, family and buddies on special days. Naomi Always Shining Glowbal T-shirt is a great gift for yourself or a loved one. Perfect for everyday wear, it brings a simple and classic style to your looks. Celebrate the minimalist lifestyle with a Naomi Always Shining Glowbal T-shirt for every occasion. Naomi Always Shining Glowb - k902jktsa3
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litmonstertime · 10 months
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higone-byegone · 2 years
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Do you ever just stumble across a really nice rim light and proceed to lose your whole entire mind?
I’m not saying I ran out and immediately got a workshop for our Dynamis FC after I came across this view and filter combo for my Crystal lad, but I’m predicting there will be a lot of just dicking around in gpose on the platform behind the giant shipbuilding glowball in my future.
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dynamitekansai · 2 months
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TheTrinity_Fatu: 🇦🇹 #GLOWbal #wwevienna
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tobiasdrake · 5 months
This is way better than the Forlorn Temple. Fuck the Forlorn Temple. I have a new destination now.
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What is it?
This whole place seems like a temple to Luana and Solen.
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Might be Music Note, might be something cooler. Either way, my goddess brought me to this place. I will not falter.
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I know exactly what it is. My storybook told me so.
YIIIIIIIIIII I'm so excited!
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Only the coolest and most awesome people ever. And that's a fact. I know because she said so in her biography.
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But still standing nonetheless. This is what the Warrior Cook was waterproofing in the final chapter!
What an incredible piece of history to be standing in. I feel honored just being here.
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Huh. New gear. Wasn't expecting to find that in here....
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I can make paths over water!?
The goddess delivers. ( ☆0☆)
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This is the coolest fucking thing of my entire career.
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I was angling for the Moon Crest first but I guess this will do.
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There it is. The precious....
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Let's go open the shrine! EEEEEEEEEE I'm so excited.
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...this is....
This isn't a Docarri ruin at all. This is the Crypt by Mirth. This is what they were building at the very end.
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*ahem* I mean. Um. I'm. I.
OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK Can I have an autograph or... or, no, you're like a wispy glowball now... um... mild but permanent burn scar on my forearm?
Am I being weird? I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be weird. This is just so fucking cool.
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But what about Teaks's histories? Did nobody read her book? Her whole life mission was ultimately futile!? That's horrible. She worked so hard to preserve the ancient knowledge of the world, and for what!? For it to just be left rotting in obscurity at the bottom of the ocean somewhere?
What is wrong with people. How could this even happen? Why can't they just fucking pay goddamn attention to their history lesso--
I think I need to go home and rethink my life.
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._. That's what the book said too. I hear it was gorgeous.
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That's not fate. That's premeditation. Aephorul said he was going to do that right before he killed the Warrior Cook.
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Is it because we're in a time loop, and have been for eons?
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I... Okay. Uh. Yes, ma'am. I will take this with pride.
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The Key of Love. T-T
This isn't acceptable. After we break the curse I'm going to do everything in my power to restore their faith. Letting go of our Guardian Gods was the greatest mistake we ever made. They were literally the barrier between our world and Aephorul. We fucked up hard.
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