xinambercladx · 2 years
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Heeeeeeeeyyyy there, Cowboy. This is a completely self indulgent fanart. Yenem knows exactly what she's doing and it's driving Bane up a wall. This isn't an illustration of any scene in particular (yet), but it captures their dynamic quite accurately. Yenem is an OC from my fanfiction titled "Figment". Click here to read. ----- What inspired this? @Mihxk_o_o illustrated this same scene. I came across it on instagram and had render with with Bane and Yenem. I make no claims on the pose and paneling, that's all Mihxk_o_o. I'm not making any money on this anyway. This is purely for the fandom-ness. Check out @mihxk_o_o's instagram and original post. <- click!
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unmarked-credits · 2 years
Hey everyone, please to enjoy the following silly crap I wrote for @xinambercladx. This was her request for the Valentine's Day exchange on the Duros Hoes discord server. She wanted a story about Bane walking one of her OC's home. I chose Yenem - you remember this gal -
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- and came up with this. Only seventeen days late! Go me!
Anyway, enjoy👍🏻Hope you like it @xinambercladx !
The Heirloom
"Thank you for coming on such short notice," Yenem said. She looked annoyed as she adjusted her short, form-fitting glittery purple cocktail dress. A huge, fluffy white fur coat was slung over her forearm.
Cad Bane gestured for the coat, shifting a tooth pick from one corner of his mouth to the other. He took it by the shoulders and held it out for her to put on. 
"Oh! Why thank you," she said. She turned to slip it on, glancing back at him over her shoulder as she did so. "Is there a charge for this?"
He smirked. "Free w' de bodyguard package - if y'tell me how y' found out there's a bounty on ye before I did."
She sighed. "Sometimes when I am exceptionally bored, I run my name against the holonet. Turned up on the bounty boards," she said, retrieving her data pad from her purse. "And that reception was exceptionally boring."
He glanced through the picture window of the art gallery they stood before. Inside was a quite lively, quite crowded cocktail party.
"Doesn' look boring."
"Trust me, it was nothing but a room full of poseurs." She sighed and looked up at him, doe eyed, and took his arm. "Get me out of here, Bane."
"Yes ma'am," he said, tapping the brim of his hat. "Y'sure y'wanna go back to d'hotel? You'd be safer on my ship." 
"My things are at the hotel."
"Y' don need yer things."
"One of those things is what they're after."
"An' y' left it in yer room?"
"In the safe," she said.
"Hotel safes ain't safe."
"Was I supposed to go to the reception with an ancient vase beneath my arm like a glowball?"
He paused a moment, then shrugged. "I reckon it would have been less boring that way."
"Tch yerself!" he said. "Come on,  den."
"I've never been to this part of Coruscant," she said as they strolled over a metal walkway overlooking a canyon of city lights. "Beautiful, in a way."
"This area's all right," he said. "It gets worse the deeper down y' go." 
"So I've heard."
"Dere's a real good tipyip stand couple blocks down."
"You want to stop for food?" she asked archly. "You seem pretty casual about this."
"Eh. De score on you is pretty small. We're not gon' be dealing wit any major players. Most of 'em will turn tail if de see you w' me."
"Dat's why you hired me."
"Indeed," she said, pressing close to him as they walked. 
He smiled slightly at this. "So tell me 'bout this hot vase y'got."
"It's not hot," she said. "I bought it perfectly legally at auction. But apparently it's a family hierloom and said family is desperate to get it back. I offered to sell it to them, and for only a slight profit. But they seem determined to obtain it by other means."
"So dey're gon' chase whoever has it?"
"I assume so."
"Hmm," he replied. "Well, you're makin' it easy for em in dat coat."
Yenem frowned. "What about my coat?"
"It's huge n' bright n' … foofy."
"Yeah," he said. "Y' look like a leggy wampa."
"Excuse me?"
"What?" he asked, smirking. "It's a compliment."
She balked. "Surely you can come up with a better compliment than that."
"Sure, sure," he said. He went silent for a moment as the walked past a well manicured hedge full of bright flowers that led up to the hotel. He picked one. 
"Yer the prettiest sheep I ever saw," he said, grinning, handing her the flower as they entered the hotel. 
"You're a terrible date," Yenem said, accepting the flower.
"I'm a great date," Bane said. "Y' wanna make dis a date, dat's a different pricin' structure."
"Oh?" she asked, intrigued. "What's the going rate for a date with Cad Bane?"
"Well, dat depends," he began, but stopped short, clocking something across the lobby. Yenem turned to follow his gaze. A human boy of about fourteen leaned wide-eyed against the lobby bar with an open clamshell full of tip-yip skewers. He looked startled to see Bane.
"Who is that?" Yenem asked.
"A little shit," Bane grumbled, gesturing the boy over. He scowled but obeyed.
"Boba!" Bane said as he approached. "What are y' doin here?"
"I was in the neighborhood."
"Dis job is kinda low rent for you, ain' it?"
"You're here," the boy shot back. 
"I ain' here for a bounty. I'm here to buy a vase from my lady friend."
Yenem turned to Bane in surprise.
"You're … buying a vase?" Boba asked skeptically.
"Sure am."
"Ohh," Yenem said, pulling her data pad from her purse, "Yes, he is. I'm drafting the bill of sale right now."
"Why do you need a vase?" Boba asked.
"Fer flowers."
"Since when do you have flowers and put them in vases?"
"You don't know my life," Bane replied haughtily.
Boba frowned. "Actually I do know your life, and -"
"Point bein -" Bane interjected, "is dat dis vase is now property of Cad Bane, and if de family yer workin' for wants to take it up wid me - and not her -" he said, gesturing to Yenem, "dey're more den welcome to. So you run along now an' you tell 'em dat." 
"Thumb print here," Yenem said, handing Bane the blank pad. He pressed his digit to the screen and handed it back to her. 
"See?" he said. "All mine.  Now get lost, Boba."
Tch," Boba said. "Whatever. Low paid job anyway. Later, Bane."
"Wait," Bane said.
"Gimme one of those," Bane said, plucking a skewer from Boba's takeout box.
"I said get lost," Bane repeated, shooing Boba away.
"Gimme my tip yip back!"
Bane tore a piece off the end of the skewer with his fang. "Fuck off, Boba," he said around the meat. " An' you tell de people yer workin' for -"
"Yeah yeah I'll tell 'em," Boba muttered. "Fierfek."
The boy stalked out of the hotel shaking his head.
"Well," Yenem said, bemused. "You made short work of that."
"Yep. Shouldn't be a problem for ye anymore."
"Elegantly handled."
Bane tapped the brim of his hat. "Whaddya say we head upstairs an' have a look at 'my' new vase?"
Yenem smiled slyly, pulling him towards the turbolift. "It's quite the piece," she said. "Has a naked lady on it."
"Y' don' say?" Bane grinned.  "I like it already." 
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ckardelen · 3 years
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Benden selâm edin suna boyluma, Bir karış gerdanlı, Habeş benlime. Yenem dedim yenemedim gönlüme, O dosta yiyecek nar bulamadım. Elimden aldırdım telli Hatça'yı, Sarrafı da bilir altın akçayı. Dolandım da gezdim bağı, bahçayı, O dosta yiyecek nar bulamadım. Arap atı olan atına biner, Yâri güzel olan başına döner. O yâr hasta olmuş, benden kar diler, Dolaştım dağları, kar bulamadım. Karac'oğlan der ki: Al giymiş akla, Al beni sevdiğim sinene sakla. Dağlar çiçek olmuş, gel sen de kokla, Dudağından şirin bal bulamadım. Karacaoğlan
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semtinghettosu · 5 years
3 2 1 ses deneme Taklit yap ama deneme Çalış çalış beni yeneme aishsidjsşdhsşdkd
Ya sen nasıl manyak bi rakip çıktın djxjnssnnjd
Susar mısın test çözüyorum aaa djxjjxjxk
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bakmasenonlara · 6 years
Off Akhisar ya büyükleri yen git rizeyi yeneme amk gitti güzel kupon
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Mistrz Yip Chun podczas treningu tak zwanych lepkich rąk. Jest to bardzo zaawansowane ćwiczenie, które wykonywał także z aktorem Donnie Yenem. Nie chodzi tylko i wyłącznie o roluźnienie, ale również o czucie kierunków, czy napięcia mięśni podczas kontaktu. Jeżeli siła idzie na nas to próbujemy ją przekierować, tak by móc trafić bezpośrednio w twarz oponenta. Jeżeli stracimy równowagę, to nie należy panikować. Tego typu zachowanie nic nie daje w sytuacji zagrożenia, więc wypij herbatkę ziołową i nie poddawaj się. Idealna sztuka walki to właśnie styl mistrza Yip Mana, który poświęcił całe swoje życie dla rozwoju tych pięknych ćwiczeń ducha i ciała. Znane też są ćwiczenia lepkich nóg, ale niestety wiele osób nic o tym nie wie. Potrzeba bardzo uczciwego nauczyciela, który nie bedzie patrzył tylko na bilans zysków i strat. W szkółce wing tsun kung fu warszawa jest to normalna praktyka podczas zajęć, gdzie partner stara się przynajmniej udawać większego i silniejszego od nas.
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Bir Küçücük Ceran Geldi - Karacaoğlan
Bir Küçücük Ceran Geldi – Karacaoğlan
Bir küçücük ceran geldi Bizim köyün yöresine Bir yavru yardan ayrılmış Her gün ağlar çırasına
Yenem dedim yenemedim Çok çalıştım tutamadım Bir yavrucuk katamadım Göçümüzün arasına
Nazlı hey allah’ım nazlı Meyvası koynunda gizli Melhem eyle kömür gözlü Sar sinemin yarasına
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calvinistique · 7 years
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1549. Un tilleul dans cette vallée. Es steht ein’ Lind’ in jenem Tal, ach Gott, was tut sie da ?  Caspar Othmayr, Es steht ein lind in yenem dal, Berg & Neuber, Nürnberg, 1549.  Bibliothèque Nationale de France. Musique RES VM7-56. 
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xinambercladx · 2 years
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"Figment" Ch.9: Unfinished Business. A calm moment in the next chapter of "Figment". My Beta had a few moments she was a fan of while reading, this is one of them. The next minute, it gets pretty humorous. Nareid (the red head) works as a painter for Yenem. Both are my OCs. Cad Bane gets lost and Nareid points him to where his ship is. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
xInAmberCladx's Fanart Archive <- click
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xinambercladx · 2 years
i've followed u for a while now and i'm mostly a lurker but like 10 mins ago i started ur cad bane and yenem fanfic and saw him being happy ab the bbq kebabs and i
i smiled a lil
Yaaayy! I'm glad it made you smile. :D What else can a fanfic writer hope for? There's lots of little moments like that in "Figment". Enjoy reading. <3
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xinambercladx · 2 years
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Cad Bane is hired by Yenem'Ropi for a bounty. "Figment" Chapter 7 will be posted shortly. This is a scene during a dream sequence. Yenem'Ropi is one of my OCs, a proud business woman who negotiates with Bane on behalf of her mysterious "friend." Read "Figment" on AO3 <-click Mostly bounty hunting stories with a dash of romance. Rated T. I think I finally got Bane's coloring right after coming across a T-Pose of his Clone Wars attire. Bane has primary colors, so I gave the twi'lek and my other OC, Nareid, secondary colors. I'm a nerd, what can I say? --------------------------------------------------- xInAmberCladx's Fanart Archive <-click
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xinambercladx · 2 years
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@thebluevipersden You have ruined me. RUINED. I used Nareid as my stand-in instead of Yenem because Yenem wouldn't be caught dead in a servant position, being Twi'lek and all. But Nareid... what a lucky lady. -------------------------------------------------------------------- xInAmberCladx's Fanart Archive <-click
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xinambercladx · 2 years
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Star Wars Fanart by moi~ This will be linked to and updated constantly so you don't have to scroll for an hour. "Dream Log: The Invitation" &lt;;- click underlined Links! Summary: This is a dream I had. I went up to the mountains to get away from the summer heat. I wanted to get away. Far, far away. Little did I know that opportunity would arrive with Cad Bane himself."Oil Fashioned Love Note" <- read on A03. Summary: A young Duros named Cailom falls in love with a Duros woman named Zani. A dive into Duros culture and biology concerning oil sacs and their particular fragrance, and how it relates to confessing love. Read on Tumblr: Chapter 1: Part 1 (illustrated! Cailom sees Zani for the first time) Chapter 2: Part 2 (illustrated! Duros Oil Sacs)
"Figment" Fanfic on AO3 &lt;- Click Summary: The Jedi Persuasion was utter torture. Maybe he deserved it. After he escaped custody, Bane begins to dream of a life he could never have, and a woman that doesn't exist. At first he thinks the nice dreams are a blessing, but for a non-force sensitive like Bane, the reality is... dreams never come true. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Illustrations for "Figment":
Chapter 1: Credits and Copper
"Figment" Cover Art featuring Cad Bane-
Bane likes Kebabs. He's a foodie!
Chapter 2: Self Sabotage
Bane delivers Child to Sidious. From "Children of the Force" episode.
Sidious Watches Bane. Comic
Chapter 3: Persuasion
Bleak vs Young Cad.
Duros Couple. Domestic Fluff.
Soopan's Appology. Comic Page.
Cad and Soopan Playing with a Chance Cube/Holocron
Chapter 4: Traps and Breadcrumbs
Jedi Discuss Bane's Interrogation. COMIC Featuring Obi-Wan, Anakin and Mace Windu!
Cad Misses his Hat. Bane arrives on the Bith homeworld. COMIC.
Chapter 5: Lost and Found
Todo-360 speaks with Anakin and Ahsoka. Frozen gag reference.
Todo-360 Escapes the Jedi Temple. Rather, he struts out. COMIC.
Cad enjoys a meal at the Bayou Dinner. A Bith band plays music... Chapter 6: Bait and Allure
Bane Hunts the Brass Killer. Investigates a crime scene.
R'homden Mili meets Bane. What does a waitress want with Saz? Chapter 7:
Max Rebo and Cad eat some BBQ.
Yenem hires Cad Bane. Twi'lek OC. COMIC. Chapter 8: Unresolved
Brass Killer Attempts to Murder Max Rebo! Can Cad Bane stop him? (X3 illustrations. COMIC)
Storytime! Dream sequence COMIC b/w
Storytime! Dream sequence COMIC in COLOR ---------------------------------------- More Fanart below in the Reblogs! :D
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xinambercladx · 2 years
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A female Twi'lek Character Concept. I watched an old cowboy western movie and there was a very beautiful actress by the name of Gina Lollobrigida. She played the character Alicia and was the romantic lead alongside Lee Van Cleef's character King. I gave her secondary colors of orange and purple because she's a secondary character ~~~. Ha. Art humor! Yay. She was initially going to be human, but I thought... I wonder what she'd look like as a Twi'lek? And heck yes, she's so pretty as a Twi! Her species helped me develop her backstory, which I hope readers find compelling. She's a self-made woman, not a slave. I'm having a tough time deciding a name. I had "Vix" as her temporary stand in name as I write, but it seems too Mary-Sue for my liking. Here's some from the SW name generator website: Yenem'ropi Fos'tewe Kar'vefi I kinda like Yenem... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 5 releases on July 14th, or perhaps sooner.
Read Figment on AO3 <-click xInAmberCladx's Fanart Archive <-click
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xinambercladx · 2 years
*writes tragic backstory only to scrap it entirely*
Does anyone else do this? XD I've done this for so many OCs in random daydreams, giving them tragedies to develop their personality, only to realize they don't need those tragedies to have that personality. Then I scrap the backstory and replace it with a simpler one, only for the juicy stuff to happen during the actual story instead of the past, and their pre-constructed personality helps them navigate the thickening plot. What's your process with OCs? ------ For example:
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-- Yenem'Ropi (the orange Twi'lek) OG backstory: was also originally a slave, abducted from Rutia. She was overworked and humiliated by her master for years before she poisoned him and freed herself, taking over his financial assets using his own security codes. I scrapped this. New Backstory: Instead she was a servant for a while, but took her hatred of servitude to the next level and rose through the ranks of a Cartel (by ruthless means) and eventually became the boss, and once she was the boss then she reshaped the Cartel into a completely different business venture.
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-- Nareid Hyuse (the red head artist)
OG Backstory: She had originally been abducted and enslaved, but convinced the Zygerrian Queen that she was more valuable as a court painter than a labor or sex worker. She works as the court painter until bought and freed by Yenem'Ropi. However, I ended up scrapping that too. New Backstory: I turned Nareid into a simple art teacher on Coruscant, though Yenem still found her there and hired her. Being a teacher backs up her wise/nurturing role in the fanfic. These backstories, especially Yenem's, could be really engaging if I told them right. However, I probably will only touch on them, hinting at them in my fanfic. Why? They're not relevant to Cad Bane's story at all in the dream world. Plus, they're both grown-ass women who know who they are and what makes them, just like Cad Bane is a grown-ass man who knows what he's made of. They're both going to serve as foils to different sides of Bane's personality. How? You'll just have to wait and read. :D Read my Fanfiction "Figment" on AO3. <-click - mostly bounty hunting stories with a dash of romance. It has lots of illustrations too. :D
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