#glue a picture of puppy to your face
kaiserouo · 1 month
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i like that side look eye too much i need to spread this to the world
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starzshopoflove · 9 months
Worlds biggest snoop
Soap is nosy as fuck and drags poor Gaz into his nonsense, Ghost just misses you.
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Notes: fem reader! sfw mostly ,size kink if you squint, literally just me projecting onto reader, Soap is nosy, drabble! (WC:936)
Okay, it was bound to happen eventually. Simons on deployment and his poor little civilian girlfriend is left all alone in her little bookshop while he's away on base. Of course he told you before he left and, you both made sure to spend plenty of time together on dates (and in bed)
You send him off with plenty of hugs and kisses reminding him to call whenever he has time and not to forget to take care of himself. Simon would probably keep a few photos of you in his gallery in a locked album that he looks at every night before sleeping once he’s called you.
This man is so paranoid, he even changes his wallpaper. It was a photo of you holding a pie you both made together ( he stood on the side reading the instructions while you did all the work bc you were to scared he would mess with the dough, this man has lived off of mre’s and meat his ass can NOT bake) with a little ghost dough shape baked on the top. Now its just a picture of a pile of books with your glasses on the top of the stack. Easy enough to pass off as a nice photo and still something to remind him of you.
He makes sure he has no trace of you on him once he's on base. Save for the one picture he has of you both holding a big bouquet of flowers side by side, he's staring at you stare at the camera like a love sick puppy, while you're smiling so wide your eyes are shut. That's the only thing he will keep on him, if he dies on the field he wants the last thing he sees to be you. Other than that he risks nothing.
Plain clothes that don't have your smell, none of the fancy lotions you’ve forced him to use, none of the little trinkets you slip in his pocket, none of the little letters you've slipped in his bag (He saved those to read when he came back).
But he was bound to fuck up eventually no?
Soap was the first to get nosy. His LT was never this calm or relaxed on deployment. He rushed a little more to get to his office each night. What was even weirder is he would lock the door this time, he never locked the door.
So of course he started taking matters into his own hands. Standing behind Ghost when he was sitting down on his phone, once he even saw him scroll past the locked album. He didn't open it of course. He never opened that unless he was alone, but he scrolled past it and Soap could see the album title.
Your Initial with a heart next to it.
This is when all the bells actually went off in his head. At first he thought Ghost finally went to therapy (LMAO NO) or maybe picked up a hobby (DOUBLE NO), but heart emojis? What on Gods green earth had moved thee Ghost to using a heart emoji
Soap was sticking like glue to Simon, reluctantly he tolerated this. Except of course when 9pm rolled around and he was kicking him out of the office. 
“Come on Lt, what you gettin 'rid ‘f me for? Not like yer gonna wank in the office yeah?” 
“Get out” 
“Aw come on can't spare ya favorite sargent a couple hours to entertain?”
Soap was whining at this point just being an annoying little shit to try and break him.
Ghost just dragged him out by the collar like a misbehaved kitten.
Making a show of it Johnny walked down the halls wailing about how Ghost must hate him and that their friendship means nothing, while Simons just watched him tumble around dramatically wrapping his arms around Gaz. 
Once he hears the click of Ghost's office door locking he instantly straightens up, face locked on like he's on a mission and arm wrapped around Gaz like iron. 
Gaz the poor boy, is verily confused watching this interaction, more confused as to why Soap is dragging him to their Lt’s door.
Soap hisses pressing his ear on the door motioning Kyle to do the same. 
“Fuck is you doing?”
Gaz is looking as Soap like a child who's about to get a shot, lips pursed tightly, eyes narrowed up. Course Johnny just pulls him to press up too.
Price probably just walks past them mumbling some nonsense about kids these days ignoring it, the less he knows the better
The 2 stand there in silence for a good moment until they hear the classic dialing of a number and the shifting of what sounds like Ghost taking off his mask. 
Then, the sound of a woman's voice?
“Well you look awfully tired”
Oh my god Lt’s calling a woman
Your voice is chirpy and bright probably since you’ve got the night shift and had enough sleep to run the shop for the night. You little chitters of how your day went and questions of concern filled the room soothing Simon's nerves of whatever he was worrying about that day. 
Soap and Gaz are jaw slacked behind the door staring at each other listening to this. Lt’s bird chirping through the little phone speaker and him actually replying in full sentences in a soft warm tone they didn't know existed 
The 2 scatter before the call ends giggling to each other, well Soap giggling Gaz trying to process how Lt got a girl before him
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taesankisser · 6 months
bf!taesan thoughts <3
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warnings: fem!reader, super soft fluff, i am in love with this man and it shows (honestly no genuine content warnings!)
song rec: if you want to by beabadoobee or serenade by boynextdoor!
writing under the cut!
bf!taesan, who loves customizing things for you. if you want him to paint on everything you own, then he gladly will! you would come to him with two brand new pairs of white converse and he’d ask why you bought two, and you’d say with a smile that you wanted to match. he’d spend so much time making sure they were perfect and would wear your matching pair with so much pride. everything he made for you, you would cherish so deeply because you knew it was made with so much love. you would make a point to take extra care of the things he makes for you because of how special they are as he always puts so much time and effort into them!
bf!taesan, who goes out of his way to film everything for you if the two of you are apart from each other. if he’s away for whatever reason, he’ll make a point to record or take pictures of everything. the boys are being silly and he wants you to laugh along with them? it’s recorded. he sees a cute puppy? it’s snapshotted. it’s literally the most endearing thing ever how he wants to include you in on the highlights of his day. he doesn’t expect you to do the same either, but if you do he’s absolutely ecstatic! he just wants you to feel included in his life even though the two of you aren’t physically together.
bf!taesan, who sticks to you like glue. he looks so outwardly cold and intimidating, but on the inside he is so warm and gentle. he really loves to have his hands on you whenever he can. he’s not like super majorly into physical touch, but you’re his person, so he enjoys it with you. he loves when you reciprocate his touch too. if he leans on you, resting his head on your lap, and you start to play with his hair, he’ll let out a sigh of relief. that’s his own personal heaven; his favorite girl playing with his hair and just enjoying each other’s company.
bf!taesan, who is so romantic that sometimes you don’t even know how to react. he sometimes doesn’t outwardly say his feelings to you, but rather, he shows his love through actions. he’s not expressive in the sense that he’s extremely lovey-dovey with his words. instead, he’ll write you a song, making it extra special by detailing a shared memory between the two of you in the lyrics. he’s really thoughtful and despite not being super over the top about his feelings, you never go a day without feeling his deep adoration for you.
bf!taesan, who is an introvert and would prefer to be alone, but allows you in his personal bubble at all times. not just that he allows you, but he wants you around him all the time. you two can sit in comfortable silence with one another and sometimes that’s more than enough because what matters is that the two of you are together!
bf!taesan, who looks at you with so much love in his eyes. he looks at you like the earth would look at the sun, as if you’re the center of his universe. you didn’t notice how intense it was at first, until one of your friends took a candid picture of the two of you. you weren’t paying attention to his facial expressions as you were on your phone in said picture, but the look on his face says it all. his smile is so wide, his eyes turned into little crescent moons, and his heart on his sleeve. you never told him about the picture because you don’t want him to be aware of the way he stares at you, but your friends have made it known on many occasions that taesan looks at you like you’re the girl who stole his heart and he has no intention of getting it back.
author’s note: eeek my first bonedo post!! i’m so excited to write for them & ofc had to start with my bias! i hope you enjoy & have a great day/night!
- lots of love, solar
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xmy-love-to-youx · 7 months
Simon as a father
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Simon wasn't exactly excited about having children but once he held his first born in his arms, his mindset changed.
Simon loves his little girl. He loves spoiling her, she's his little princess.
She's got his beautiful brown eyes and blonde hair.
"Daddy? Can I have puppy?"
"Yes my princess"
"Daddy, I want pizza but mommy said no"
"It's okay princess. Let's get you pizza but don't tell your mother"
He will break all the rules just to see her happy.
Simon would come home, exhausted, both mentally and physically. He is prepared to drink himself drunk and pass out on a random spot but once he hears little footsteps running to him, a smile appears on his face under his mask.
"Daddy! You're home!"
"There's my little angel"
Simon is very protective of his little girl, his always holding her and walking around with her in his arms.
He let's her wear his mask and he'd watch with a smile on his face as she tries to scare him.
"You scared me, my little Ghost"
He would sit and listen to her ramble on about something completely random whether it's that wierd boy from school or something she saw on TV. He would sit still and listen, she had his full attention.
"But it very creepy. All he does is eat glue and cry whole day. That's so baby-ish of him"
"I agree"
"And this one girl brags about her dog all day..."
With every chance he gets, he spends it with her. He plays with her, brushes her hair.
He even joins her when she had a tea party with her stuffed animals. He let's her paint his nails pink or any color she decides, he just covers it up with his gloves.
He let's her play with his hair.
"Daddy. I want to play with your hair"
He immediately lays down and let's her do whatever she wants.
She makes him watch Barbie with her until they both fall asleep on the couch.
One day, Simon had a rough day at work and wasn't in a good mood. Price was on his head about paperwork and Soap was annoying him as always. He needed a pen and went to his bag to grab another when he got there, he spotted a mysterious picture in his bag and pulled it out, it was a drawing of him with a cape with the words scribbled across the page "Daddy. My hero"
Simon framed the picture and keeps it on his desk and stares at it everyday.
He reads her stories and watches her slowly fall asleep, he stays for a while and watches her cling to him like he was a teddy bear.
He places a gentle kiss on her forehead before quietly leaving her room and goes to bed.
He holds you in his arms and whines about how his princess is growing up too quickly.
It wasn't long afterwards that baby #2 came along and he was overjoyed and stuck to your side.
"No standing"
"I'll do it for you, you sit down and rest"
"What is my baby craving today?"
Simon makes sure you and the baby are safe before he leaves or does anything.
Simon definitely loves his girls but if he should have a boy, he would definitely name him Johnny, after his fallen friend and teammate.
Simon's poor phone is always full because of all the pictures and videos in his gallery that he took of his children.
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littlest-dark-age · 2 years
Crawl on me, sink into me, die for me
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Headcannons for perv!dark!eddie
tagging my bby who helped me brainstorm a fuck ton of this @omenhel
listen to while reading : rot away by jesse jo stark
tw for scent kink, possessive eddie, cry baby eddie, slight manipulation, mentions of periods and sanitary products, slight stalking mention, holding his dick while he pees, somno, pillow humping, slight cnc, anal, face sitting, wet dreams, cockwarming, mentions of a fleshlight, if I missed any please let me know
He would try to subtlely sniff you whenever the two of you would hug. Tucking his face into your neck and playing off his deep breath as a sigh of happiness from the affection. Thinks you smell so much better without any type of spray or deodorant on. Thinks your natural smell is much more pleasing, and loves it.
Constantly stealing little trinkets from your room/house. Used lip balm, partially ate bag of snacks, the lotion you use after you shower, underwear etc. He has a little unmarked box in his closet with everything collected. Plans to set up a display in the corner of his closet. Arranges "pictures" of the two of you for it, they're just clippings of different pictures of the two of you separate that he put together and created false scenarios for.
Eddie gets worked up whenever he sees what he thinks is you flirting with other people. Tears well up, lips poked out in a pout as he practically steams while you talk to them. When you're done, he looks at you with his big brown eyes and asks if you would rather go date them instead of some freak trailer trash. Not believeing you when you tell him that nobody could ever possibly replace him until you give him a kiss and he still clings to you for the rest of the day. Not wanting to let you up even to go the the bathroom, holding onto your clothes as he follows you around like a sad little puppy. Asks if he can come inside the bathroom with you and hold your hand during.
Bribes steve and robin to let him see what movies you've been renting, and for them to keep them back the next time they're free so he can rent them. Using the movies as another excuse to talk to you about anything he can.
Eddie would die if you ever asked to borrow his jackets because you got cold. The sight of you in them making his heart just about beat out of his chest, and later whenever you give it back, the idea of his scent on you has his eyes rolling back.
But on the other hand, he would absolutely steal your clothes as a way to be "closer" to you. Doesn't matter if they're too small and end up crop tops or if they're bigger and end up leaving him drowning in the fabric. He constantly is running his hands over the material, thinking about how many times you've worn it and the fact that you'll probably wear it once he gives it back. Not realizing the fact that he wore it and will be wrapping yourself with it, with him.
If he ever does a favor for you, the only thing he'll ever ask for in return is a kiss. Seeming so happy and smug when he asks for it, knowing you won't say no because what's the harm in a little kiss? None, as far as you're concerned. But it only fuels him and sends him deeper into the dark thoughts in his mind.
Eddie's such a cry baby when it comes to you. He whines whenever you get up from the two of you cuddling, pouting and trying to pull you back by your clothes. Practically has a tantrum like a kid who's favorite toy has been taken when he sees someone else interested in you. Which most of the time, is someone simply trying to make a friendly conversation with you. But Eddie thinks every body in the town of hawkins is trying to take the one good thing in his life away from him and he simply won't stand for it
Thought he went to died and accidentally went to heaven the first time the two of you shared a bed. Sticking to you like glue, no matter how much you might move in your sleep, he would follow and find out a comfortable way to wrap himself around your odd positions. Essentially turning into an octopus with the way he's able to cling onto you.
He can't stand the idea of you getting hurt and him not being able to help. Starts to stash first aid kits and whatever you might need for an injury every where. He doesn't want you going to anybody else besides him whenever you need something, especially when you're in pain or need help.
Will "visit" your work place every few hours to check up on you and make sure you're still there. Hates the thought of not knowing where you are and being able to get in touch with you. It worries him, even though the logical part of his brain knows you're probably simply just busy
(If you menstruate) Eddie would absolutely change out your tampon for you. On his knees, not caring if he gets anything on his hands. Looking up at you to make sure its comfortsble and okay. He'd make sure your pad is right where you need it, checking in with you that its positioned right. Always makes sure your cups are clean and that they sit right. His free hands softly stroking your leg waiting for you to make sure he did it good enough.
If you ever joked about holding him while he went to the bathroom, he would instantly agree. He doesn't see anything odd or weird about it. Gently instructing you on how to shake and everything needed. Now he brings you to the bathroom with him constantly, telling you that he has a special job he needs help with. He considers it, simply couple bonding.
He knows he shouldn't be so obsessed with you, shouldn't want to follow you like a lost puppy. But he can't help himself. Every moment, he realized, is spent thinking about you. If you'd like it if he wore a different shirt, if you needed help, if someone was trying to damage your image of him....
Eddie wouldn't know what to do if you started thinking the same way hawkins does. Thinking that he's a devil worshiper when the only thing he's ever worshiped is you. He would bow at your feet if it would make you happy, would let you take your anger out on him as long as it served you. He can't believe someone like you would let someone like him ever touch you. But he will never take it for granted. Thanking you for every caress of his hair, of every kiss, of every word uttered to him.
About cums in his pants the first time you even so much as lay your legs across his lap, much less sitting in it. He bites back a groan every time you shift ever so slightly, and thinks it's you teasing him about how hard he gets for you.
Has used your hand to jerk off when you're at his and staying the night, while kissing you as you slept.
Constantly sprays your scent on a pillow that's your replacement for whenever you have to leave. Clings to it and even humps it sometimes. About cries when he cums on it because then it won't smell like you when he washes it.
Eddie often sneaks into your bedroom, after a while of dating he convinced you too start to leave your window unlocked in case he ever wanted to surprise you. He "surprises" you a couple of times a week while you're asleep. Carefully climbing in, making sure to keep his steps light as possible. He stands by the window for a moment, watching your chest rise and fall with every breath, before slinking over to you and crawling under the covers. Running his hands up and down your soft legs, his eyes practically roll back as he nuzzles his face into your thighs. Pressing sloppy kisses up to your cunt where he doesn't even bother taking off your underwear and flattening his tongue. Lapping at you while he humps your soft sheets, his hands on your hips to keep you pressed against his face in case you move in your sleep.
Always has his hands under your shirt, sometimes just softly stroking your warm skin. Other times, his hands start to drift up to your chest. Feeling you up with the excuse of his hands being cold, while he pinches and plays with your nipples. Ignoring your whining about him being mean and that he shouldn't be doing it.
Eddie tries to convince you to do anal. Surprising you by pushing his thumb into your tight hole when you're on your hands and knees, slipping his tongue in while he gives you sloppy head. Anything he can do to convince you that he would make it feel good for you and that its not dirty.
The amount of wet dreams he has about you is embarrassing, especially because they're not intense or hard core. Most of the time it's you letting him explore your body and get to know every single inch of it. Or even, him sucking on your chest while you brush his hair out of his face for him.
Cried the first time the two of you had sex, which was his first time. Was nervous about telling you but felt it would be the best option. Stutters out the fact that he's still a virgin and expects you to laugh at him. Shock washes over him when you still climb into his lap, telling him that it's okay and that you'll take good care of him. Gets so loud while you ride him that at first you stick your fingers in his mouth but he's still too loud. You reach over and grab your disgarded panties and shove them into his loud mouth. Eddie clenches his eyes shut at the feeling of the already wet fabric in order to try to not instantly cum but it doesn't help. Loud moans muffled from the fabric and frantic bucking of his hips let you know he's about to cum in you.
Steals your body products all the time. Uses things like your lotion and body wash(if he's in the shower) to jerk off with. Just grins whenever you complain about running out of product. He's tempted to replace the difference in your lotion with his cum..
Will beg on his knees to get you to sit on his face. Head shoved into your lower stomach, grip tight on your shirt while he begs for it over and over. Showing you how desperate he is for your thighs to smother him, how he wouldn't want you to stop even if he was choking. He tells you he needs it like he need the very air he breathes.
"Oh god. Hah, fuck baby. You feel so good. Gonna squeeze me to death. Just like that, fuck yes, love you. Love you so much. No one else can make me feel this way. I'd do whatever you want as long as you let me stay like this! Hah"
Loves and lives for cockwarming, it always makes him feel closer to you. Being able to just be in you while the two of you snuggle or take a nap. He thinks its a good way for the two of you get closer, as if that's what your relationship lacked.
So loud. Just, so loud. He rambles during sex so much. You might get the cops called on you because he sounds like he's being murdered rather than having you ride him. Usually also crying from how overwhelmed he gets, but will pout and look up at you all bleary eyes if you stop. Sniffling and asking if something's wrong, if you'd rather be on bottom. Instantly starts trying to flip you over while his cheeks are still wet with tears becauee he thinks that's what you're asking for.
Went beet red when you found his fleshlight, tucked away in a drawer when you were looking for clothed. He tried to stutter out that it wasn't his but the two of you knew the truth. The tips of his ears turnjng bright red when you tease him and ask him if he uses it when you're not there, if he says your name and pretends its you he's fucking. The only response he can muster up is a shaky nod, hoping you don't notice how hard just talking about it got him. Cries and whines when you make him fuck it instead of you, telling him to show you exactly how he does it. Practically sobbing that he wanted to cum in you while thrusting into the plastic toy.
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kiyosw · 1 year
can i request with kafka, and himeko. where the reader was like always looking at people with a blank look but one day reader finally shows them a smile also showing their dimples for the first time, and kafka, and himeko has added another thing they love about you on their list. apologies if you're not accepting requests right now, aswell as if it's too short. but, i just love your writing so im interested.
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Himeko as your lover knows you rarely, barely smile.
Even when it's just the two of you on her room cuddling and enjoying eachothers presence, you would just comfortably hum while snuggling into her deeper.
She sometimes wonder if she makes you feel gloomy, or uncomfortable so that's why you rarely smile. But you reassured her that she never made you feel like that.
And on the express too, when you're talking to your fellow trailblazers (march, danheng, welt etc.). You would just stare at them with a blank, but not an intimidating expression.
She asked you one time on why you don't often smile, but you didn't really know why, really. You just told Himeko that you didn't even noticed it.
"Oh? Okay then, but do remember that I'll be more than fine to see you express your feelings more often, my dearest."
When she first saw you smile because of a corny but worth to laugh at the joke that march made, she was taken aback. Shocked, she's head over heels for you over again at that moment.
The way your dimples appeared while you're softly smiling melted her heart. She indeed, fell inlove again at her sweet lover.
After the conversation between march and you, she approached march and asked if she took a picture on her portable camera while you we're smiling and looking so effortlessly pretty.
"March, have you taken a shot of y/n while they're smiling? You did? Great! Can you please make me a copy of it? Just one will do."
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This woman would TEASE you for not smiling. Endless teasing. She would jokingly call you an "emo", "bladie the 2nd", and you would simply blush in embarassment from her silly nicknames for you. She's the only one allowed to call you that.
After a long and sweet kiss from her, you would just simply sigh in satisfaction while burying your face over her neck instead of smiling over her neck.
Nevertheless, she still loved your way of affection towards her even when you're not showing your enotions through your reactions.
Even when talking to your fellow co-stellaron hunters, you would just give them a blank, but not threatening expression while having a chat with them.
Blade likes to chat with you more often than the other hunters since you're not annoying and loud, just listening and giving out a few words for what he said. He's like your sibling, that's how some of the people around you see.
But as jealous as kafka is, she would literally snatch you up, pull you and kiss you while blade is just sneering at the both of you.
After what just happen, she then ushered you away.
"Aww.. is my little emo preferring that dead vampire looking blade over me?"
She was jokingly pouting and satirically giving you puppy eyes while saying her thoughts at that moment.
After she said that, you just simply chuckled with light pink hues scattered over your cheeks, then later on pecked her lips while smiling.
"Of course not.. even if you are a bit annoying with your nicknames, I'll never prefer anyone over you."
Oh how the tables have turned. Now she's the one blushing not just because of what you said or the peck, but because of your smile.Your damn smile.
Those dimples of yours got her blushing like a lovestrucked fool. She knew she won't forget this side of you easily.
After that she just shushed you and pulled you to kiss her again.
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NOTE 2: AHHHH I hope this was what you expected, I apologize if I may not so thats why I made the two scenarios of them different so you can pick at the two. BUT ANYWAY! HOPE YOU ALL ENJOYED!! :3
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formulapai · 7 months
some headcanons with various drivers 🧡
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scenario: the drivers with a florist partner OR my daily struggles as a florist, but make it delulu
warning: flowery tomfoolery, mental breakdown and pollens
pai’s words: yes I did cry in front of some customers, yes it was as embarrassing as you can imagine, no I do not regret it (I do)
- the one to remove lilies’ stains from you when you get back from the shop, so he has a roll of tape ready to go at all times
- one time you come back with a big, bright orange stain on your cheek that you didn’t notice before
- is torn between making fun of you and helping you but decides to do the latter
- approaches you with a smirk on his face and proceeds to place a big piece of tape right in the stain and remove it while you’re too stunned to move
- snickers as he holds the orange piece of tape in front of your face until you realize why he decided to glue your cheek
- the one to come to your shop and act like a random customer
- talks as if he doesn’t know you or your colleagues and ask unhinged things
- “is it better to water the plant with bathroom water or kitchen water?”
- always ends up buying something and proceeds to give it to you right after you finish wrapping it
- your colleagues swoon while they watch the interaction
- waits for you to close the shop when he can so you can walk back home together
- the one to compliment each and every one of your creations
- you made a mini bouquet with like five flowers ? absolutely breathtaking
- always brags about you and buys something from your shop every time he goes to a dinner, an event or has to give someone a gift
- will probably try to convince some formal events or brands to work with you even when you tell him not to
- tries hard to learn some flower names so he can show off but forget in 0.5 seconds
- the one to kiss your fingers when you hurt them with the pruning knife
- massages your shoulders and legs after a long day
- messages you through the day to ask about how it’s going, the customers you’ve had, what you’ve sold
- brings your lunchbox at work when he notices you forgot it
- motivates you to go to work in the morning even if the only thing he truly wants is to stay in bed with you
- the one to send you memes about your job and ask you if it’s relatable
- spends all his time off in your shop, just chilling
- at this point he’s a worker here too
- once killed one of your plant and went to your shop to buy one to replace it, forgetting you WORK there
- is so soft for you and your love for flowers, it’s actually so sweet
- the one to watch YouTube videos so he can understand your ranting better
- “so those are orchids.. but they don’t look like THESE orchids..”
- proudly shows off his knowledge and acts like a puppy when you acknowledge it
- sends someone you don’t know to buy a bouquet and surprises you with it when you come back
- forces George to go to your shop and buy his gf something
- the one to let you rant all night long
- always asks about your day and what you did
- encourages you to try new things and techniques
- in awe when he sees you working, the way you’re focused and passionate warms his heart
- brings you to dine out when he feels like it because you deserve it
- sends you random pictures of flowers he saw today and asks about them
- the one to criticize annoying customers with you
- the person who was rude to you earlier better pray George doesn’t find them cause he’s ready to lash his sass out
- comes to the shop to flirt with you while you ignore him and talk to other customers
- tells you cringey things like “you’re the prettiest flower” or something
- runs you a warm bath when he senses you’ve had a bad day
PT 2 with other drivers soon 🧡
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johnwickb1tsch · 5 months
picture of domesticity ~ john x wife!reader fix it imagine
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So... what if you were married to John Wick and the writers didn't kill you off just to give the male protagonist the excuse to go on a rampage? And everything John goes through in the movies is so he can come home to you, rather than agonize in just the memory of you?
You're in the car with your new puppy Daisy on your lap when Iosef proposes to buy the 'Stang. John does not like it when he leans in the window, leering at you as much as the car. You don't understand the exchange the men have over your head, though you understand John's body language all too well.
When the creepy boy goes you turn to your husband, hugging Daisy to you. 'It's so hot when you speak Russian," you say, trying to lighten the tension in the car.
He looks at you with an eyebrow raised, the corner of his mouth ticking up despite himself. You've always had that effect on your so- serious husband.
"What did you say?" you ask.
"I called him a bitch."
You giggle, scratching Daisy's ears. "John!"
"What? He said it first."
You sigh and reach over to take John's hand, feeling the tension thrumming down his arm. Usually you can calm him down with just a touch, but this time he remains wound as a spring. You have just been for a drive in the country. 'Let's go home, baby."
He does not calm down when you get home either, though. He is quiet in his agitation. But you know his every tell by now, and you know something isn't right.
He disappears into the basement for a little while. When he returns, he doesn't smell like book glue, but something more chemical.
Gun oil, you realize.
It's been a long time.
"Is everything OK?"
Now you are beginning to worry.
"I'm sure it's fine," he says, opening his arms to you. You snuggle on the couch with Daisy for the rest of the afternoon.
When you wake to the sound of a crash downstairs you almost are not surprised. John's side of the bed is empty. Daisy tries to dash away towards the ruckus, but you secure her in the closet, but not before withdrawing your Beretta 9mm from the jewelry safe.
It was a wedding present.
By the time you descend the stairs, the intruders have been rendered into corpses. John stands in the kitchen with a blood spattered face, looking feral. It catches your breath in your throat.
You are not half as horrified as you should be.
You have not seen that suit in a long time.
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Only later do you find out it was the son of your husband's old associate, Viggo Tarasov.
John says the matter is closed, but you aren't so sure.
When a beautifully dressed Italian with impeccable manners appears at your door, your heart falls to your feet, and you just know they are going to try to take him from you again...
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waklman · 1 year
Glue Song (Pt. 3)
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summary: jake’s unsure if he could hide his feelings for you anymore.
pairing: jake seresin x female reader.
warnings: 18+ blog.
a/n: friends to lovers, suggestive themes 18+, pining, and angst. ahh final part is here! i had so much writing this, thank you for loving this story as much as i do.
word count: 2.6k.
previous part
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Javy has never felt so guilty in his life. 
He thought he was doing his best friend a favor, cornering him to make a move on you—but watching Jake maneuver around like a soulless body on base for the past week kills him. 
What was worse was watching Jake’s face completely fall when he learned that Rooster has been texting you. 
Javy had to painfully force himself to stare down at his boots after seeing Jake’s reaction to Rooster asking him if he has any pictures of you—needing a contact picture set for you. 
Of course Jake has pictures of you. He had plenty. His favorite one being an off-guard picture he took after you woke up from a nap at his place. Sleepiness still had a hold on you but it was the exact moment where Jake thought you resembled an Angel. You were sitting in his wrinkled white sheets, mouth parted, shocked you slept through the whole day as you stared at the sun setting through his blinds. 
And Jake sends that photo over to Bradley, feeling like he ripped a piece of himself and just casually left it in Rooster’s care.
Despite not looking over at his friend anymore, Javy can feel the heartache radiate off of Jake from across the locker room. 
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Jake stares blankly at the television in front of him. He’s tried to distract himself after today’s flight training by watching the office. 
But that was a grave mistake—him attempting to watch it without you, because it makes him think of you even more. He watches as Kevin drops down to his knees trying to scoop up the chili he spilled back into a tall pot and it makes Jake tear up rather than laugh. He began to pathetically empathize with the spilled pot of chili. 
Suddenly, his phone buzzes from the kitchen and he gets up to fish it from his bag on the counter, desperate to stop himself from crying at a sitcom series. 
Javy created a group chat, trying to find a remedy to the problem he caused. 
Jav 😎 & Angel 
Jav 😎: 
guys, this is us. 
Jake cracks a sad smile looking down at the picture Javy sent of three puppies cuddling on a soft throw blanket. 
these two are me and jake :) 
His heart tugs as you sent back the same picture, but there’s a circle drawn around the two golden retrievers on the left. The smaller pup is slung over the bigger one, affectionately licking it’s face.  
Jav 😎:
leaving me out? 
I miss you guys. 
Jake 👱🏻‍♂️: 
miss u too. 
Javy scoffs from where he stands in his apartment complex’s gym, staring down at the picture Jake sends back. It’s the same picture Javy sent earlier, but there’s an addition of a pink heart drawn between the two puppies on the left and a massive red X marked over the third puppy’s face. 
Jav 😎:
Miss you too Javy! 
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It’s Friday night and Jake watches earnestly as you wipe away at your lipstick for what feels like the tenth time, frustrated that you can’t find the right shade. Your eyes wander over the lip colors you brought over, weakly reaching for one that you haven’t tried yet. He lets out a soft sigh, sitting up from his bed and lightly pries the lipstick from your hand, dropping it down on the make-shift vanity he set up for you. 
Jake wordlessly guides you to stand up, carefully reaching for your wrist to lure you outside the confines of his bedroom. You follow closely behind, staring hard at his back, your mind swirling at what’s to come.
Ever since you came over to his apartment with a bag of things you needed to prepare for the night ahead, there were no words exchanged between the two of you besides a quiet greeting. You two sent friendly texts back and forth over the past few days in your group chat with Javy but you both never attempted to address the unknown conflict that stands between you two.
You mindlessly watch as he leads you through his empty hallway and right into his living room. Jake drops the feather light hold he had on your wrist. He tiredly settles down on his sofa, leaning his head back–face pointed towards the ceiling as his eyes shut in contemplation.
Jake listens to your feet shuffle closer towards him, feeling you finally sink down on the cushion beside him. 
You sit–legs criss-crossed over each other, body facing towards Jake’s side, observing how exhaustion was clearly written across his features. His skin is noticeably dull, making it hard for you to spot the birthmark that sat under his left eye that you loved so much. You fought off the urge to reach for his face, knowing the timing isn’t right. 
Jake thickly swallows, and you watch as that vein in his neck makes an appearance again. A guilty thought eats at you, you’re the reason why he’s so uncomfortable right now. 
Your voice is barely audible, yet your dejection is loud and clear to him. 
Jake feels like the ceiling above him had fallen straight onto his chest. 
He attempts to open his mouth to speak, but quickly shuts his parted lips once he feels a cry creep up his throat.
Jake is overwhelmed, you can tell. 
He feels you reach for his hand and he has to hold back the tears brimming beneath his heavy lids. Even when he’s given you a bit of a cold shoulder, you still comfort him. 
You sweetly attempt to coax him to speak again, flatly pressing your palm against his very own–admiring the way his thick fingers compare to yours.
“I can’t hear what you’re thinking Jake..” you whisper, just loud enough for him to hear. 
He lets out a shaky breath, your attention shifts from his hands back to his side profile again. 
Your heart tenders, feeling him lace his fingers through yours. 
“Thinkin about you.” he whispers back, opening his eyes, staring at the white pebbled ceiling as if it’ll help him string together his next sentence.
He strokes his thumb against the side of your finger that wraps around his own, trying to carefully pick through his stream of thoughts. 
“Did I do something wrong Jake?” you’re trying to remain calm but he hears your voice crack at the question.
He hates himself for making you feel like this because he can’t figure out how to control his feelings for you.
“Do you like Rooster?” 
It’s a childish question, he knows. But he needs to hear your answer, preparing himself for the worst. 
The question hangs in the air for a while before you begin to understand why he’s asking you this. 
“Of course I do,” you begin to answer.
“But never more than you, Jake.” 
He quickly shuts his eyes again, deciding to bite the bullet. 
“I like you more than Rooster too.” he pauses before speaking up again. 
“And to answer that question..the one you asked me last month, I’d still love you as a worm. I think-If Rooster was a worm, I’d feed him to the nearest starving bird. You wouldn’t let me–that I know, but I’ll still try anyway.” he quickly catches his breath before continuing his tangent.
“...But if you were a worm I’d make a little sanctuary for you. And maybe give you a kiss when no one’s looking, because–you’d be a needy worm, but you’re also shy…so you’d obviously hate the PDA. You’d also want a lot of attention and I’d give it to you.” Jake feels himself internally cringe, but the words had already shot out of his mouth like vomit.
To any other person, Jake would seem like he’s rambling nonsense. But it's a good thing you’re not just anyone. You know exactly what he’s trying to say. 
“I think you’re my favorite person too, Jake.” 
You patiently observe him while he takes in what you said. Jake is still not facing you.
There is a familiar ripple of silence that falls over you two. The same one that encases you both before you two come to a silent understanding together. One where you agreed that touching Jake’s face was okay, one where you both decided that holding hands is perfectly normal in your friendship, and one where you two realize how you feel about each other.
“I love you.” he confesses.
You watch as he slowly turns his head to look at you, peeling his eyes open again. Jake’s stare lingers on your face, seeing all the features he could easily sketch from memory. 
“I love you too, Jake.”
You blink back at him, mouth twitching from the way his eyes linger down to your lips.
Jake seizes the moment, hand slowly unraveling from your smaller ones. You suddenly feel his hand graze at the side of your neck, his pointer finger sits right on your pulse point, which hammers loudly against his fingertip–and all you can do is watch as he turns his body to fully face you.
He encourages you to meet him in the middle as he softly tugs you forward with the free hand that unknowingly wrapped itself around your wrist–pulling you into him. 
You close your eyes, feeling him eagerly slotting his lips against your own soft ones. In the dimly lit room, your hands begin to travel to the back of Jake’s neck, softly tugging at the hair that sits there. 
He hums, feeling you crawl onto his lap, you turn your head to move against his lips at a new angle–desperate to get him closer to you in any way. 
His shaky hands move down, finding purchase on your hips, and you’re fully consumed by him–senses flaring out of control from his touch. 
He feels you shyly swipe your tongue against his bottom lip, and immediately parts his mouth to let you in. 
Jake feels his brain shortcuting at the sensation of your tongue swirling against his own. It begins to get hard to breathe but you can’t bring yourself to care–too enamored by the way Jake feels against you.
He pulls back, face completely flushed but watches through half lidded eyes as you chase after his lips immediately after he pulls away from you. He can’t deny you, equally eager to feel you again. 
You meet him in another kiss, he kisses you back so tenderly–and you feel yourself completely melt under his grip.
Desperate to show you what you mean to him, he pulls away from you once more–a small smile tugs at his lips when he hears you whine from the loss of him. He immediately latches his swollen lips onto your neck, playfully biting at the hot skin there–and soothing it over with his tongue.
All you could do is tightly grip your hands onto his blonde roots–Jake feels the room spin once your fingers scratch at his scalp.
You look up, vision blurring in your euphoric daze as he presses one last kiss to the midline of your neck. His warm breath hits your skin, leaving goosebumps to appear before he fully pulls away
His pupils are completely shot as you lower your head to look at him. Jake’s eyes graze over the skin on your neck, staring at you as if you were his favorite mural. He doesn’t realize that his hands fell down to your thighs, Jake blinks at the sight of your legs–latched over his hips, your dress had already ridden half-way up your thighs in the midst of the kiss and he feels himself swallow. 
Jake feels his self restraint run thin but he puts you at the forefront of his mind again. He leans forward, eyes shut–sighing as he lets his face fall flat against your shoulder.
“Jake..let’s..stay home.” you begin, voice hoarse from the kiss.
Jake pulls himself together, meeting your tempting gaze. 
“Let’s just rest for tonight, Angel” he offers instead. 
Jake stands, after swiftly moving you off his lap, afraid he’d fold if you were to insist one more time. 
You let yourself recover before reaching for his hand again, “Can we try my new face masks before bed?” 
“Of course.” He smiles down at you, allowing all plans to go to the Hard Deck tonight to completely fly out the window. 
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Jake woke up before you, the sun had streamed through his blinds–shining right onto his eyes. 
A few seconds after he wakes, he feels you stir beside him–your arm blindly pawing around the bed to find him.
He grins, pulling you to lay on top of his chest once he has a firm grip on your forearm. 
Jake moves his hand up and down your back, trying to wheedle you back into slumber but it doesn’t work.
He tucks his chin to watch you pull your head out of the crook of his neck. You lean in to peck his lips and he happily kisses you back.
Jake’s brow furrows as you shoot him a disturbed look.
“What?” he curiously laughs.
“Your lips are so dry.” you answer flatly.
“Wha-” he immediately shuts his mouth as you fished out one of your random lip balms from his bedside–carefully gliding the balm over his lips in the dark.
You press and rub your lips together, encouraging Jake to copy your actions.
You smile as he does, until he immediately starts hammering your face in short pecks–kissing you all over the expanse of your face.
Jake feels his heart hammering in his chest as you giggle from his actions. 
Before he gets the chance to pepper more kisses down your neckline you both hear his front door click open.
“Hello? Jake?”
You both still, pulling back from each other to closely listen to the stranger stepping into his living room.
“Listen Man, I’m Sorry! I can’t take it anymore. Okay?” 
You both hear heavy footsteps stream down from his living room to his kitchen.
“You both didn’t show up last night. And I was miserable! The team kept joking that both of my best friends hate me!” Javy yells from the kitchen.
“Please tell me it’s not true.” he pleads.
“Javy, man is that you?” Jake hollers from the bedroom. 
“I brought coffee...it’s not that great but-”
Javy pauses as he watches you both step out from Jake’s bedroom, it’s obvious that he was disrupting something.
Javy focuses his sight on you, doubling over–holding his stomach as he laughs at your appearance.
Jake gets offended, turning around to figure out why he’s laughing at you.
You meet Jake’s eyes and watch as the color drains from his already pale skin.
“What?” you gawk.
You can’t be that horrible looking in the morning right?
You watch as Jake’s fingers reach to touch his lips and realization hits you–You had mistakenly reached for one of your new lipsticks. 
Jake’s lips are smeared in bright red lipstick, the color smudging down to his chin. 
Javy quickly recovers and calls both your names, snapping a picture once you both turn to look at him with horror stricken looks on your faces. 
“Contact me when you need this picture for your wedding.” he announces, grinning down at his recently captured image. 
“Okay.” Jake shrugs, giving in.
“Jacob.” He feels a chill run down his spine.
Javy watches as Jake suddenly stalks over to where he stands.
“Hey! Stop! Get your hands off me!”
You can’t fight the smile that makes its way to your face. Jake and Javy are both grinning as they wrestle on the floor for Javy’s phone–both of them unforgiving as they childishly slap each other's faces in bursts. You know for sure now, that moving here was the best decision you had ever made. 
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thank you for reading, and as always-reblogs are greatly appreciated!
join my taglist here or follow me on @waklman-library & turn on notifs there to be notified when i post!
not my gif! if anyone knows the creator please let me know!!
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dietmountaindewbae · 5 months
young Al anon again, when I mean Dom. I meant horrid cocky piece of shit 20 year old Alex being merciless because he sees the reader as just a groupie from his new fame
xxi. your band is all the rage
alex turner x reader
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word count: 6348
summary: Glastonbury festival (2007) was here, you and your friends adventure into the festival, but on the way you get lost, and you run into the boy that was taped to your bedroom walls (fwn! Alex) you didn't expect what would happen next...
warnings: sp*t, or*al, dr*gs, alc*ohl, degr*ting
song recommendation: paper planes by M.I.A
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The lingering pre-euphoric feeling of being in Glasto watching and hearing your favorite band live with your most real friends, drinks being poured down your throat like water, and breathing pot smoke like part of the oxygen was magical, it would be hard to forget this year, you recently moved to London for college living in a little flat with your two best friends, and a small puppy that was like your son, staying up late and sleeping until the next day, you had saved up enough for Glasto, all the money that was for the rent ended up in there, but it was worth it, the muddy boots, thick leather jackets, long belts, short skirts, and broken tights, busted knees.
"For fucks sake!" You screamed trying to find a signal in the middle of the field, looking so lost and silly with your arm up high in the sky all stressed up, you had lost your friends after Amy Winehouse went up the stage, and you spend hours trying to find them, and you began to feel worried, and paranoid, the whole day you were stuck together like glue, but then drinks swung one after the other and you were pissed throughout the concerts and suddenly you were alone singing with Amy, somehow you managed to find a spot with one bar of weak signal, you choose to follow that signal until it was getting stronger which let you thru some bushes in the darkness you battled your way out, you walked for a few moments depending on your phone's light for illumination until somehow, you managed to find the camp where everyone who headlined was, you sneaked around when you saw some security walking around the place, you sneaked your way thru some bushes until you found reception again, the trailer that you were hiding behind, for your luck had the door unlocked and you hide from security.
"Shit, shit, shit..." You whispered over and over again, as you tripped over something that knocked you to the table, the moment the lights went on your heart dropped to your stomach as your paths crossed with none other than the boy with a shaggy and short haircut that you've been crazy about for years wearing some denim jeans and a black long sleeve shirt, the one with his face all over your room, you looked for him in magazines and in person he looked just like a normal human.
"Um... excuse me... who are you looking for?" He was alone with his eyes a bit swollen and his hair made a mess as if he had just woken up and was trying to decipher wether he was dreaming you or not, you didn't realize how stupid you were by going inside the trailer, face red, you looked everywhere and anywhere for a quick answer since your brain couldn't develop one.
"I- um..." You awkwardly giggle, "I'm just lookin' for my mates, I lost them or they lost me... I-I dunno... I-I'm sorry I should go, I'm such a prick" Your knees were bruised, but you managed to get yourself up and fix your dress.
"But... how did you get here?" He said, looking at you like you were the dumbest person alive.
His eyes roam your body with no shame, his breathing short as he sees the way your mouth moves as you speak, how your eyes have this little sparkle whenever he looks at you, and how you couldn't hold his gaze for more than a second, your brain taking pictures of his faces, "That's a good question, I've been wondering that myself too... I just found a little bit of reception here, and-"
He clears out his throat cutting you off, "You know what? It don't matter... you can stay, just don't go inside anyone's trailer like that again doll, you can get in serious trouble" He called you a doll, and you smiled to yourself at the fact that Alex fucking Turner had called you a doll, "Want a drink?" Holly fuck, you cursed into your head.
"Sure... yeah that'll be cool" You walked around the monkeys trailer as Alex turned on his blender, throwing on some ice in two cups, all the things that you wanted to say, and scream simply couldn't be spilled out of your mouth as your mind took pictures of every bit of the messy trailer, you could spot Matt's drumsticks, and Nick's bass, you were more than excited when you saw Jamie's owl strap hanged in the settee, and when your eyes ran across Alex's little hard covered open notebook, you wanted to read it so badly.
"Margaritas!" He handed you over a cool red plastic cup, sitting beside you on his olive green settee, "Cheers, love" He watched you pour his margarita down your mouth with the biggest look of relief, he smiled, eying you up and down from the side, you bet you were looking dirty and sweaty, your dress didn't hide much of your body, it made your legs longer with your gold dress and leather belt around your hips, with your dirty rain boots, and your trashed eyeliner with gold sparkles on your eyelids, but not only was your face that captivated him, your smooth legs with bleeding bumps on them, if he looked more higher he could see your pair of black knickers.
"Fuck, I never thought this would happen..." You admitted, pushing your hands through your hair, the palm of your hand on your forehead.
"What?" He leaned in closer.
You sighed looking down at your cup because you couldn't look at his face for long, "It's my first festival" You said with a smile, "Well it's our first festival, and I dunno... I saw this coming but I was hoping it wouldn't happen, losing all of my girls just like that" You snapped your fingers.
"This is what happens when you give young girls more booze than they can handle" He chuckled while you awkwardly laughed at his comment, maybe that was his sense of humor, he saw you smiling so he took that as a sign that you were getting into him, his body began to close the space between yours very slowly, leaning in, "To be honest, I'm sort of glad you crashed here," His arm rested on the head of the couch, his fingers lightly touching your shoulder, "To finally have someone that's easy to talk to" You smiled not quite sure to take what he said as a compliment but you politely took what he said as something possibly positive.
"Well... thank you," You said, smiling and resting your head on his hand, his fingers intertwined with your hair, you felt embarrassed about the way you had rudely woke him up just a few minutes ago, you thought it was the right moment to apologize since he had gone quiet, but what he did was admiring your face, "When I... crashed here, where you asleep?" You asked kindly, he nodded his head, "I'm sorry for waking you up" His hand pats your thigh gently, and you look at him in the eyes, and he shrugs with a smile.
"I'm happy you did though, I dunno why but whenever I'm 'bout to play at any festival I just have terrible nightmares, then you came and I thought I was still dreaming" You blushed at the comment, even if it was a cliché, he was just as you imagined he would be, sweet and shy, handsome as well with a touch of cockiness for some spice, you noticed he wasn't as smooth sometimes when it came to flirting but at least he didn't say anything stupid, he was a dork.
"What was it about?" He shrugged smiling to himself again, he stared into your eyes, something in them thrilled you when they shine.
"About me shoes...." You both break into laughter, he sees that familiar spark in your eyes, your smile charming him, so he decides to leave behind his shyness and take a chance with you, "Can I tell you summat?" You nodded, "This is me first Glasto too, so why don't we make it unforgettable together?" Your head raised when he proposed you to stay with him, his hand landing on your knee.
"You reckon?" He said yes with his head, "Really?"
"Yeah, I can write your girls on the list, we'll have a party after the show ends," With no doubt, you said yes, "You're welcome..." You told him your name and you heard him say it back at you with a smile, you pinched yourself to prove that you weren't dreaming this, but this was real, Alex Turner knows about your existence and asked you to stay with him.
"I don't think I need an introduction, right?" You giggled saying no, "Right then, follow me doll, we're almost up" He put your margarita down, and grabbed your hand turning off the lights of his trailer and grabbed a black coat on the way out, on the walk backstage he never dropped your hand, properly holding it, fingers intertwined, his hand soft, and his fingertips bumpy and thick, you went thru the woods his hand gripping yours tightly until you were at the back of the big pyramid, it was so strange looking at it from that angle but it was still magnificent, there was a big white tent right next to the stage, security stopped you and Alex before going inside.
"She's with me, we also have more people coming with us," Out of his pocket he took out his wallet, sliding some money into the palm of his hand, the big man that was twice the size of you and Alex, nodded his head.
"Names" That's the only thing he said, you wrote them down on a piece of ripped paper he gave you and went inside with ease, the place was poorly illuminated but you recognized everyone, your pulse speeding up when you saw that iconic 60's bee hive black hair of hers, walking towards you with her black tank top, leather belt around her waist and beautiful red skirt and her big eyeliner.
"Aye, kiddo!" Amy approached the both of you with a cigarette trapped between her teeth, "It's wild out there, I just wanted to tell you to have fun, it's big and I'm sure after this you lots will only go up and up" She blew the smoke at your face, you were honored, "And who is this?" She greets you with a big friendly hug and kiss on your cheek, you tell her your name and she scans you up and down, "You look very fit"
You internally screamed, "You were amazing out there, me and my gals were-"
"Meh, a bit shit," She said making you laugh, "But have a nice night, I'll see you at the party right?" She repeated your name and you were only able to nod your head and she said goodbye to you, walking to her trailer with her security.
"Shit, I can't believe that just happened" You covered your mouth, "Amy, just... bloody hell" Alex laughed along with you.
"I know, big fan as well, she's just lovely... come to meet the rest" The rest? you were about to enter into a coma if you met the rest, "There's a signal here as well" Shit, you forgot about that, you walked away for a moment phoning your girls.
"Chelsea?" You yelled, there was a lot of noise but when she said your name you were relieved, "You won't believe what just happened but I'm in the back of the fucking pyramid with Arctic Monkeys and I just fucking saw Amy!" Your friend began yelling like a little child but you managed to explain to her how to get there, "Find Gracie," She promised you she would and to phone you when she was there, you finished the call, and Alex waved his hand at you with a big smile, you ran to meet him, your heart rate speeding when you saw the rest of the guys together.
He pulled you in, his arm around your waist, sticking your body next to his, and introducing you to the guys, "Lovely to meet you" Nick said hugging you and padding your back, Matt and Jamie did as well, and Katie who's Jamie's girlfriend gave you a big hug.
"Finally, a girl! I was tired of all of that testosterone and cologne" Katie pulled you away from Alex, "You don't mind if I steal her away from you for a couple of minutes, do you Al?" He looks at you and back at Katie, she practically had already claimed you.
"Mmm, just don't take long, I want her to see our set" Katie raised her beer and nodded.
"Sure you do... come" She grabbed your hand pulling you to a corner, "I've been dying to fix my hair and makeup!" She said, "Do you mind holding your light and my purse?"
"Oh, no, not at all!" You held your phone up, as she took her lip gloss and mirror out from her little Prada purse, "Shit, I don't know where my bag is" Her laughter was contagious, you were put at ease by her presence.
"You're lovely, do you mind?" She gave you her mirror and you held it up for her as she fixed some gloss on her lips, and some powder on her face, patting it gently on her nose and under her eyes, "Here, have some too," She pats it into your face, taking out some of your runny makeup with her fingers, she put some pinkish lipstick on your cheeks and her cheeks, lastly applying more gloss on your mouth, "Done, let's go back before Al yells at us" Your phone began to buzz like crazy.
"That was fast, my mates are here, I'll be back" She held your hand, she was compromised not to leave your side.
"I'm coming with you" She quickly put her things back in place and ran with you to the entrance hand in hand pushing everyone away with a lot of 'excuse me' and 'sorry', you hugged both of your girls tightly, all of you relieved you were back together, all in one piece.
"Fuckin' hell, where did you guys go?! You left me!" You yelled at them and Chelsea hugged you so hard your lungs ran out of air.
"Gracie saw me running to the bushes to throw up and then we lost you, and then she lost me but I'm fine now!" When Chelsea got drunk she acted like that, that's how your friend was and more than being mad at her you were happy that now you were together.
"Girls, this is Katie!" Katie kindly hugged the girls and all of them already knew who Katie Downs was, the rockstar model girlfriend, a goddess to many girls, all of you looked out to her for pulling Jamie Cook, and now when you went back inside, and saw Alex with that evil cocky smile on his face you could tell he was looking at you shamelessly, when you walk into the room it was hard for Alex to not picture those black knickers falling to your ankles, and that dress to the floor, or your bruised knees getting new ones, you were something else, and Alex wanted you, when he saw you so messy, and so sexy, he just wanted to get to see more of you, get a peek of what was behind that dress.
This time when he saw you, his arm possesively around your lower back, his hand falling to your hip gripping it tight and playing with the studs on your belt. Chelsea quickly caught up on him and the way he was whispering things to your ear and making you laugh, his nose taking a sniff of your scent, he was desperate for the party to come.
"Monkeys!" The staff announced, and Matt alongside Nick were the first to go running up the stairs. Before Jamike walked in, he pulled Katie to a dark corner in the staircase to kiss her deeply gripping her sides tightly, you and Alex crossed looks with each other as you saw them kissing, you blushed when Alex pulled you away to a dark corner before he came up the stairs, caging you in between his arms.
"Aren't you gonna wish me some luck?" One of his hands dropped to your ass gripping it lightly, he bit his bottom lip with a smudge smile, looking at you needy like a teenager, you smiled, taking a step close and kissing his cheek.
"Good luck Al" That's all you said, his smile was quick to come off when he didn't get what he wanted, you could see it crystal clear but you wouldn't let that man go without something to hold on to, you grabbed his hand stopping him, "I'm not done with you yet..."
"Alex!" They yelled but he ignored them when you put his hands on your lower back, your arms wrapping around the back of his head, living a lingering kiss on his mouth, opening it to slip your tongue inside his mouth, his hand went up to your neck, his grip loose around it but his thumb caressed your skin, you took your lips off from his mouth, and he leaned in for more, but you attacked his neck nibbling on his skin, and whispering in his ear, "Would you sing one for me, Al?" Your eyes tender, he smiled and gave you a peck.
"Mmm, yeah babe... just wait for me, I'll show you summat else after I wrap it up here, enjoy the show" He went back with the rest, all of their heads turning to you and Alex, of course, they knew what was going on but you couldn't care less.
"Be careful" Chelsea said, she was more rational than Gracie who was more boy obsessed, she loved boys so much that she, of course, would support your decision to stay with Alex, "You know rockstars, they hit it, lit it and quit it," You hummed as a yes, you were cornered, in the wonder, would it be worth it to spend the night with Alex or to hit and run before he does that to you?
The crowd screams wildly as they see them walk onto the stage, without saying a word they begin to play, everyone recognizes the song in the very first strum of his bronco, and the crowd sings the lyrics along with Alex.
"So who's that girl there? I wonder what went wrong so that she had to run the streets she don't do major credit cards"
As the show settles down after the first song ends, the next no one begins back to back, Alex shared his excitement with the chanting crowd you were dancing and jumping thru the whole gig, "We'd like to play a cover for you Glastonbury, ladies and gentlemen, it's like I said before, you know it only happens once...we're fucking like thrilled, thrilled and we just wanted ...like make it out for everyone to have a good time you know?"
He kept smiling whenever he looked at you in certain lyrics that he dedicated to you when he sang 'Diamonds Are Forever', you had no words to describe how euphoric you felt when you turned 18 you thought your life as a teenage girl was over but you still feel like that young girl that hopelessly wore her heart on her sleeve, when Alex looks at you, a fire in your belly spreads wildly, you couldn't control it, you wanted to be all over him, you didn't care anymore, it was pure young lust, and it was something he wasn't hiding either. At that moment, when he saw thousands of people waving their arms, chanting, clapping, jumping, and throwing themselves, the monkeys felt that they'd made it, all of them had an itch inside their tummies, and all of them could feel it in each other, this was it, this is their moment, this is when they begin.
Alex's lips leaned in closer to the microphone, announcing the next song, "This is called 'Leave Before The Lights Come On' ladies and gentlemen.... and I should stop saying ladies and gentlemen, that must be about the fourteenth time" He quickly turned to see if he had made you laugh, he knew he had embarrassed himself in front of thousands of people but when he saw you smiling he felt fine.
His intentions were clear, right as he came down from the stage bathed in sweat his hands landed on your hips, there was a spark in his eyes that was hard to control, that fresh concert euphoric bliss that had his eyes so deeply dilated, that angst he couldn't control like an itch on the roof of his mouth, he couldn't console, he wanted to do you and only you.
"Mate, everyone's going to Lily's tent, we'll see you there, reyt?..." Matt said, Alex just nodding focusing your eyes on you.
"Shit, Chelsea and Grace!" Little did you know that they were also hooking their selves with the guys from Fratellis, specially Chelsea as you imagined, you turned to look at Alex and you fetched them.
"Lily's... now" That's the only thing you said but everyone was gonna be back in the trailers of course, either way you managed to get them all, including Kasabian, Fratellis, Amy, and The Killers were there too, you were baffled by the amount of people you met and all the pictures you took with each of them, but it didn't take long until you had to get out for a necessary cigarette break.
Just when you had relaxed and sat on your legs to enjoy your cigarette you heard someone say, "There you were" Your heart speeds when you see Alex, and you quickly stand up and keep smoking.
"I lost you, with all of those girls in there... I thought you had forgotten about me," You said with a hint of annoyance, he nudged his head to the side and said no.
"I'm not finished with you yet... I could have all of them and you know that, right?" That was very hard to accept but who were you kidding? He was right, then he took your cigarette away, pulling you in and pressing your body against him so you could feel how hard he was, he blew the smoke into your mouth wrapping you up in a poisonous and addictive kiss, "Don't flatter yourself" Your cheeks painted dark red without you noticing it, he grabbed your hand and let your way to his camper, both of you knew exactly how things were going to go down.
Alex couldn't wait any longer both getting excited by the anticipation, the ride to his campsite was too far for him, his need for you was too hard, and he needed to get it out of his system, the kiss was enough to get him hooked, he couldn't get you out of his head the whole gig, and the euphoria, and the bliss, and you... he knew you were more than willing, he pulled you to a bench, settling you on top of him.
He pulled your face to his, slipping his tongue inside you the moment your lips parted to kiss him, his hands gripping your ass tightly, your dress riding up to your hips and that was enough for him to take advantage of, feeling your smooth skin and digging his nails into your ass, you sighed when that piece of thin fabric in your body rubbed against the roughness of his blue denim jeans, "Quite needy" You whispered, at that moment he thrusts his hips, you felt that piece of hard meat coming in direct contact with you, your underwear was so thin, you could feel him entirely.
"You couldn't expect for you to just leave me like that, now do you?" He chocked, "I know what you want" His eyes look down to his bulging boner, you oblige, knees on the ground, your hands on his jeans, stroking him, but he already had figured out exactly what to do with you in his mind, he quickly unbuckled his belt, he didn't want to waste more time while you just wanted to warm him up and tease him to get him more worked up, he took out his cock from his belt your eyes widening at the size, you looked up at him, he was impatient pulling your head down to his cock.
Your mouth closed around him but barely did anything, a big sigh of relief left his lips, and you smiled your eyes coming in contact with his, "I don't have all night" He said demandingly, you began to gather up a steady pace, sucking hard but not going too fast, swirling your tongue around his red tip, while your hand strokes the rest of his dick, "Are you gonna blow me or what? You're wasting me time"
He pulled your head back and your hands gripped his thighs to not let him go, "No, no! Wait... I'm sorry" Here you were, down on your knees being the one that apologized to him because you weren't doing a good enough job in Alex's eyes, but he still had a little trace of goodness, and the chances of him treating you more like shit would make you better, he could see how hard you tried, how much you wanted to please him, he wouldn't let down a chance like this, a girl that would beg to suck his dick.
"Sorry won't make me cum, just get down you fuckin' cunt" You leaned in forward, pushing your hair behind your ears, sliding his cock down your throat, he chocked out a groan, his whole body relaxing on the bench, and sighed and said, "Fuckin' finally..." You tried your best to keep your breathing steady, but you couldn't stop gagging around him, his size too thick, you drew some of his cock back, going back to rimming his cock with your tongue, he pulled your head back, and your mouth drooling, "Hey, is this your first time sucking a dick, you lazy whore? Don't act like you can't do better than just gag," Sliding back your comments about his arrogance you took him in.
Alex moaned as he kept watching you suck him more harshly, your cheeks hollowed the outline of his cock could be seen on your cheek, the exaggerated moans that fell from his mouth could tell you than more than enjoying your warm, wet, and greedy mouth he enjoyed himself, he only saw you as that, as something he could use to play with, to make himself feel higher, more confident, and you liked that, you liked how much he enjoyed himself so you began to do the same, your hand sliding down in between your legs, and it was obvious, you were soaking wet by now, you enjoyed giving him head so much, him fucking your mouth like it was your pussy, and possibly spilling his cum down your throat, and how much of an asshole he was with you, how little value he gave to you, it pushed you to be wilder, to try harder, to not be scared of him being more rough, you could vividly picture him fucking you, your walls contracting around nothing by the thought, your clit swollen from rubbing it in harsh circles, the vibration of your moaning making him moan louder and louder, he smiled when he saw you touching yourself.
"You're a dirty little slut touching yourself like that, you like how I feel in your mouth huh?" He asked, "You'll like it more when I fill it up" You moaned loudly as your fingers slid in easily, your fingers fucking your hole harder, "You dirty fuck, I'm gonna fuck your mouth until you can't breathe" He pulled your head down, gathering your hair into a ponytail, thrusting his hips, your screams muffled by his cock, you couldn't stop him, he had lost it the moment you kissed him, and now you were paying for it.
Then, the moment you heard people approaching Alex quickly drew back his cock from your mouth, putting it back inside his boxers and zipping up his jeans, he grabbed your hand picked you up from the ground, and dragged you around the tent, behind a three, both of you could hear the music close, and at any moment, anyone could see you two together and that was so thrilling, it's not like he cared, but he wanted to remain some things private, he leans in forward slowly, backing you up against the tree cupping your cheeks, "Kiss me" You closed the space between you and his body, at first he enjoyed the deep kiss, tasting your warm mouth, something about you was quite addictive, you didn't know if it might be the tiniest trace of nicotine or the fact that he just wanted to feel your insides more than just wanting a simple blow.
Alex flips you, face against the tree, his hands dropping to your hips pulling them forward, "Are your little fantasies coming true? You can't lie to me, I knew you were thinking of summat like this... just wanting me inside you this whole time... and you didn't say anything..." You heard the sound of his zipper coming down, you gripped the wood tighter as Alex pushed your dress up to your back, he finally saw what was underneath your golden dress, that thin pair of black knickers, he pushed them aside, and pressed his fingers down on your clit making you sigh, he smiled to himself gathering up a slow tempting pace.
"You're such..." You were cut off the moment his fingers finally made their way into your panties.
"Such a what?" You couldn't stop gasping as his fingers began to fuck your hole more vigorously, deeper, you couldn't stop moaning his name out loud, even if you tried, he filled you up to the top, your legs losing balance, "Such a good fuck, babe?" You whined when he took himself out of you, rimming his dick on your cunt, spreading your wetness all over it.
"Mhm" You whimpered, the tip of his cock was used to rub your weakest spot in circles, you could feel him smiling to himself, whatever happened to that 19-year-old boy that won your heart with his shyness in his interviews, reserved, quiet, a sweet kind smile, now he was all over you, treating you like a trashy whore, but you loved it, it boosts his ego, but nobody had seen this part of Alex Turner, or even felt it, "You are Alex" You whimpered.
"Be quiet sweetheart, or they'll hear you..." He enters you and keeps fucking you like a doll, pressed against you so tight you were seeing the stars in the black sky shining like diamonds, reflecting in your eyes, you felt butterflies fluttering in your stomach, his lips pressed against your neck, sucking on it harder to leave his little stamp, his mark, "I bet everyone would be glad to know you got fucked by me..." You didn't know how did he have the strength to keep talking to you while he fucked your insides so good. His lips were so soft against your skin, his cock reaches to a place that covered your flesh in goosebumps, his nose tickling your nape, his hands gripping your tits, squishing them together, kneading them.
"Oh... Alex," You gasp, he had such a delicious rhythm that burned your body and his, the tension making the air thicker, harder and harder for you to catch your breathing, you trembled, your cheeks burning hot as your pussy only got wetter, and nipples got hard.
"I felt that... tell me what it is..." He drawled, but you couldn't sound a syllable, you grabbed his hand, sliding down in between your legs, your back arched as his fingers press down on your clit, your head on his shoulder, your long neck so beautiful in his eyes, his other hand chocked your neck, he kissed you as best as he could, rubbing your clit harder as he feels you contracting, your pussy made a mess, wetting your inner thighs, feeling those tickles, and his dick was pushed deep inside you, only to make you finish all over him, your eyes turning white gasping for some air, making you feel lightheaded, and he let go of your neck before you passed out, but you were sure it wasn't because you couldn't breathe, it was because he fucked you so well, "Now is my turn..." He gathered up a giddy pace, so fast that the sound of his hips colliding against your body sounded like applause, your ass turning tender and soft like a piece of dough, he was coming to an end, and so did you for the second time, he pushed himself harder, "Cum all over me cock, you dirty cunt... fuckin' do it" He flicked your clit and you came again, not being able to stand on your feet any longer, he pulled out of you fast to cum on your back, the warm fluid dripping down your hips and bum, "Shit, shit... oh fuck" He gave himself a few strokes to squeeze everything out when he opened his eyes again he began to panic a bit, he researched in his jeans for something to clean you up.
You quietly giggled and kicked your panties off your feet, "Just use these" You panted, he grabbed them and he pushed his lips together.
"But I'm gonna ruin them" He pouts, you wave it off and he cleans up your back, once he is done, you take your coat off, wrapping it around your waist, he feels bad about it, and you can see it on his face, "What's wrong?"
"Ruined a sexy pair of knickers," Your fingers brushed the hairs on his forehead, and you kindly smiled at him, pecking his lips.
"It was for a good cause," You made him laugh, and it was the silliest, sweetest, and most contagious laugh ever, you've heard it before on the radio when they interviewed them, but it was nothing like real life, "Besides, I always keep a spare on my purse" He pushed his eyebrows together, smiling, his smile was the one that made your insides melt.
"Now I'm curious to see what's inside that magical purse of yours," You looked at him with a hint of sadness in your eyes, knowing that maybe it was time for you to go your separate ways as you walked together, but at least for today, he didn't want you to just disappear, so he grabbed your hand and you walked back together, you found a bathroom in the way where you could change, and he waited patiently outside for you, telling your how sorry he was over and over, but you truly didn't care. 
You had the time of your life, partying with him and the monkeys, Lilly Allen had turned the party into a costume party, you saw Alex changing into a green dinosaur onesie, drinking beer, and dancing with you dressed like an angel, with sparkles in your eyes and a white dress that Amy lend you in exchange for your golden dress, you kept dancing and drinking until the sunrise with him, smoking some weed with him and Matt in the back, Alex played with you, he stuck with you throughout the whole night, pinching your bum, kissing the back of your head, but mostly he spent most of the time craving the taste of your mouth, kissing you with angst and possession since there was another guy, James from Klaxons that wanted to kiss you, he wouldn't leave you alone, both of you felt like you were flying like planes running and rolling around the grass watching the sun peek behind the giant pyramid. And then, your memory went blank, you had woken up from the floor with your knees and elbow bleeding, blood on your wings and broken fishnets, Chelsea lying on your thighs and Gracie hugging you close, you glanced at your clock, it was 8 in the morning, you woke Chelsea and Gracie up, taking them with Jamie and Katie who kindly gave them water and some food, then you had another worry, it was Alex.
"Have you guys seen Alex anywhere?" You slurred to Jamie and Katie, then Jamie grabbed Katie's hand and went outside with you, you heard the sound of Alex's grunts, and you followed them until you saw him wrestling James in the mud with his dinosaur onesie, his eyes just as red as yours, "Alex!" James was in the mud and Alex quickly went running back to you zigzagging, you couldn't help but laugh so hard it knocked you to the floor, your body and head still felt light, he laid down next to you staining your costume with mud, "What the fuck, Alex?"
"That fucker wanted to kiss you!" Alex's voice sounded a pinch higher when he was drunk, he was annoyed that you kept laughing, "What? He needed to know that you're mine, he can't kiss you"
"So brave!" You teased him, cuddling close to him, "How much grass did we smoke? Jesus... I'm so tired" You turn your head to look at him but he is already staring at your lips, stealing a kiss from you.
"We could go back to the trailer," He pinched your chin, his thumb caressing it gently, and a smile crawled to your lips.
"You're not that tired, are you?" He said no with his head, his hands sneaking to pinch your bum, making you giggle like a child and blush hard.
"I'll do everything, you just have to lay down... and look pretty just like now" He kissed your temple, piggybacking you back to the trailer, closing the door shut.
Happy Alex Turner day everyone! 💘
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tokuteasings · 1 year
Kiss Headcanons: Narumi Akiko, Sonozaki Wakana, Sonozaki Saeko
As requested by my dearest partner @lunalove25​, kiss headcanons for the W girls~! Man...I love them so much fuck-
Warnings: I’ve kept this as spoiler free as I can due to this is Luna’s first Kamen Rider show. So...if y’all know....y’all know. ;)
Also uh kinda nsfw
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Narumi Akiko
Akiko’s kisses are as spontaneous as she is! Whenever she sees you, she tends to tackle you and smother you in kisses! She’s a very naturally affectionate woman so she can and will zone in on you from like the other side of Fuuto just to tackle you and kiss you. You cannot escape from her or her kisses. Accept your damn fate and just take them. After all, you can’t really just deny her! She’s gonna pout and whine out, “But I miss you~!” and just give you the biggest fucking puppy eyes a girl could give. You crumble immediately and let her continue her onslaught of affection.
As such, Akiko isn’t shy about PDA at all. She does this in front of everyone in the Narumi Detective agency, much to the groaning of Shotaro and the shrug of Philip. Despite this, the pair do care about Akiko and would give you “the talk” but they know Akiko can take care of herself. It doesn’t stop them from teasing her sometimes...or being exhausted by her. But in general, Akiko adores PDA and will just go out on it. Kisses to your lips, neck, cheeks, forehead, eyelids, etc! She has so much pent up affection that she HAS to get it out! Perhaps it’s because of the absence of her father or her general lack of people she has connected so deeply with...Akiko has become rather clingy because of it. 
But her favorite kisses are the lazy ones. To harken back to Soukichi, because of his death...Akiko fears the worst sometimes. She can hide it easily because of her peppy demeanor but she has this smile that never reaches her eyes and you can tell immediately. So these lazy kisses are the kisses she makes count; especially if you’re on some sort of front line work (Rider, police, paramedic, etc etc) or live in an area with a high amount of Dopant attacks. Akiko worries about you day to day so these sorts of kisses are slow and she pours all of her love into them for you. She clings on to you when she does this, and doesn’t stop until you two run out of air. 
Akiko is the most fucking clingy ass bitch you have ever seen. Constant texts and calls, full of emojis and kaomojis and of course, pictures! She sends them to you whenever she’s lonely and/or bored. She cannot live without your kisses and makes this beyond apparent. She’ll send you texts and calls, asking when she’ll see you again or when you can kiss her again! Shotaro is beyond annoyed.
In the end, Akiko’s kisses are full of love and affection and you can never get rid of them. They’re like glue and cling on to you just as much as she does. She has this loud love for you that is shown with every single word she says or her actions. But honestly, Akiko just loves love itself. She gives you cheek kisses and saves the photos of your surprised face to her phone. To her, love is something shown in volumes and you always know that you’re important to her. That being said, the best way to make her fluster is to give her surprise kisses in return! Just grab her by her collar and slam your lips together~!
Sonozaki Wakana: 
Wakana’s kisses taste of expensive lipstick and the better things in life. She kisses with a sense of purpose and drive that is found within someone who has a constantly busy life. Her kisses feel like determined clacks of heels upon the ground, she knows what she wants and how she will get it. She will not be denied in any and all aspects. This princess is spoiled, high-strung, and knows her worth. As such, you will too. Wakana is a selfish yet selfless lover and her kisses take your breath away. She lays claim to your lips quite often, sometimes as a way to unleash the frustrations of her life, and other times...she just misses you.
PDA does not fucking exist. Simply due to her nature as an idol and while she doesn’t care much about her fans knowing about her relationship with you, she tries to keep it on the down low due to the target that will eventually be on your back. She knows what it’s like to live with your head on a swivel and she refuses to let you feel the same thing. She also will keep this relationship a secret from her family. However, when she does have a chance, Wakana will pepper kisses to your cheeks and lips. These are always kick and ethereal, as though they don’t exist in the first place. She always has this cute little flush on her face that you can tease her about...if you want, if you don’t value your life. Kissing her back just to tease her is also really good.
As her partner, you tend to have a clue on what her little tuts and tsks of her tongue mean If there is a tsk with a higher octave and dry sounding, she's upset with dealing with people. If its a normal tsk sound, shes annoyed with everyday life If there is a tsk with her hands halfway upwards towards her mouth like she's going to chew on her nails but brought back down, that is the cue you need to kiss her fingers and take her mind off of whatever stresses she has that moment. She used to destroy her nails when stressed so kissing them helps take her mind off of her old habit. Plus, it’s like the best way to make her flustered!
Wakana isn’t super clingy, or she claims to not be clingy, but in reality she kind of is. She sends you constant texts with message wondering when you’re going to meet up with her. So sometimes, these clingy little kisses are legit the best thing in the world. Her manicured nails are clinging on to you and never letting you go. There’s this underlying sense of, “I don’t want to let you go.” and how she will definitely fight everything in the world just to be by your side. Verbally, she won’t admit it too much but...you can tell.
Wakana adores the kisses that are found between the two of you whenever you’re alone. There’s something not really taboo about your relationship but sometimes it’s fun sneaking around unbeknownst to anyone. However, those quiet kisses that serve to take away the breath of both of you are just...coming to you both naturally. They’re always under some sort of starry sky, or in your home that Wakana had snuck into, just to see you. It’s these kisses that she starts with your eyelids because she wants you to take in all of her. If you blink, she will not forgive you. But then when she kisses your lips, it’s magic and extremely blessed - with all of the loveliness of the earth flowing into you. 
Sonozaki Saeko
Kissing Saeko is like tasting smoke, vine, lipstick, and literally every single fine dining taste you could think of. If you think Wakana is high maintenance, Saeko is something else. She is a woman that knows what she wants, and she will stop at nothing to get it. This includes kisses as well. These kisses are brief, but passionate, calculated even. A confident little streak in her that you have come to expect. She takes charge in everything she does, and grips your chin to force you to peer up or down at her. She demands your attention, and to take it off of her is taboo. She is going to take up your space and that is final. 
Saeko, similar to Wakana, would appreciate hand kisses. As the Taboo Dopant, she generates energy in her hands most of the time and is very skilled with her hand. When she first became used to her Dopant form, her hands were noticeably rather raw. She, thus, takes very good care of them. Kissing her hands does give her a power trip but it shows her that not only do you love her, you care for her, through thick and thin. She does the same to you as well, kissing your hands and fingers is something intimate for her. To Saeko, kissing your hands and fingers is this nonverbal “thank you” for always taking care of her - things she cannot properly say out loud.
She does not mind showing you off to her father and even Wakana, along with her staff and subordinates. You’re basically untouchable by anyone. She doesn’t mind much PDA but it’s rather sparse. It’s mostly shared between the two of you in hallways or in her office whenever you two are alone. It’s quiet moments like these that make Saeko honestly...purr in happiness. She would reach out to you and drag her towards her own lips, pressing them to yours and they just tell you everything she can’t. 
Saeko is secretly passionate as well. When she’s relaxing at last with you, and especially after some cups of wine, her kisses become...not sloppy per-say but more so relaxed. She does this thing where her well manicured nails grip your hair and tug you in closer. Maybe she’s in your lap or you’re in hers. It’s this exchange of air and love that you two are hesitant to leave. Once you two part, you just press your foreheads together in this rare moment of affection and smile this ageless smile and no words are exchanged because...who needs them?
Saeko’s legs, similar to her hands, are sensitive due to her nature as the Taboo Dopant. She also tends to get a lot more migraines also due to the heavy mental strain that Taboo gives her. She adores kisses to her forehead and head in general, helping to ease her pain away. Kisses to her legs are also a fave of hers due to her being sensitive there along with the fusing of her legs whenever she turns into a Dopant. They’re painful to be like that so kissing her thighs and legs are a ticklish but utterly welcome sensation. 
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soniccrazygal · 1 year
Will this turn out to be sweet or trauma we will have to see... *Evil laughter noises*
"Nothing...." Michael flocked on the Uncomfortable bed. "Where's Charlie?" Elizabeth's face scrunched up Michael was deflecting. "She is surveying the perimeter. She doesn't want another foxy to get into the building.." Elizabeth flopped down next to Michael looking at him. "Michael I'm 13 years old! I'm your sister! I've known you your whole life you can tell me whatever you want to?!" Elizabeth gave him her best puppy dog eyes hoping that Michael would open up she always hated when he acted like she couldn't handle the truth. "Just a girl in the lobby... asked about the mask make me think about stuff.." Michael looked away she knew that under the mask he had the same old Serious stuffs going on and I can't tell Elizabeth's face.. "Michael how long are you planning to wear that thing?" She tapped against the plastic mask. She knew he probably looked scary, like The dead body In the picture that lee Would show off to all the girls in the group home.. But she wanted to see her brother's face again. She was already missing his goofy smile.. "If I could glue it to my face I would..." Elizabeth wanted to hug him but he didn't know if he wanted her to do that..
"You're still glowing..." Michael said he wanted off of this subject. "Yes I'm a freak of nature too you don't have to be so worried about it..." Elizabeth rolled her eyes She knew that her thing was different from Michael but she didn't understand why he was acting like This! sure decaying was probably terrible.. and they had been through so much but this was out of character. "If anyone ever tells you that I'll punch them in the face" Michael said with dead seriousness. Elizabeth burst out laughing. "You can't keep punching people in the face just because they're jerks to me Michael that's what goddess kicked out of the Foster home in Kansas!" Elizabeth shoved him but he didn't laugh.. The joke died on her tongue
(It looks like some was lost but we’ll go with it.)
“Seriously though… what’s wrong?” Elizabeth sighed and asked. “Is it the whole… slowly turning purple thing? Because I don’t care what you look like. You are and always will be my brother.”
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welcome-to-maniac · 5 months
Jooheon popped his head into their shared bedroom smiling when he saw his fiancé getting ready to leave. He was happy that he caught him before he did leave, walking over and back hugging him the journal in his hand evident. He pressed a kiss to his shoulder and hummed. “It’s late but…Merry Christmas, Happy 1 Year Together and Happy New Year.” He handed the journal over. “A gift, a piece of me, a piece that shows how much I truly love and care for you.” He holds up a pair of keys handing them too. “A piece for the future too.~ You have to get to the last entry to know what they go to.~” He grinned a little, kissing his forehead knowing that Minho might have some kind of assumption to what they were for. “I love you.”
[AHHH ITS DONE FINALLY HEHE there’s like 2 mistakes but it’ll still make sense hehe ��]
"All the same to you too, sunshine," Minho grinned, stealing a kiss of his own and setting the jumper he was going to put on aside. Getting ready could wait. "A set of keys, a mystery, and your journal? I don't know about you but I think Maniac can wait."
He sat back down on their bed, shooing Sooni off and laying the keys in his lap as he opened the same journal he'd seen Jooheon pour hours into night after night.
Though silent, Minho's thoughts were written onto his face plain as day - his walls long gone in front of the man he was going to marry. He chuckled reading through the early days, occasionally looking towards Jooheon as he pictured the older man writing away, pressing flowers and glueing down memories into each page.
"The Recon..." He mutters, more to himself than anything. He'd taken to blocking that from his memory, choosing to forget just how close he was to losing his life. To losing his family. His heart ached as he finally understood the other was coping while he was all but dead to the world: not at all.
The longer he read, the more Minho's ears burned red, until he frowned, reading over the next few entries just that little bit quicker. He could address those pages later, not when either of them were in a good mood. But relief washed over him regardless; his name, circled in hearts over and over again. Even in the midst of everything that happened that day, they were okay.
His baby picture. A version of himself so innocent and young. He sniffled, rubbed over the picture with his thumb and laughed as he read further down. He'd made Jooheon miss almost a month of writing entries - perhaps his pride was inflating just little bit. And he had wondered where that date polaroid had gotten to.
"Puppy, huh?"
He kept reading, now far too curious to see the inner workings of the man he was going to call his husband. The longevity potion had remained in his wardrobe, sealed away in a box underneath his belongings. It wasn't as though Minho didn't want it, he was still coming to terms with leaving the others at the bar behind. But he knew it wouldn't come to that.
July 10th was a date he wished he could forget, in fact he'd have preferred it if that week had never happened at all. Hospital visits sucked and nothing would erase the memory of Jooheon confined to a hospital bed. August as a whole could go in the shit Lee Minho wants to forget category too. Too many scares, too many visits to the hospital, it was exhausting.
"I'd like to see this other journal sometime~" He laughed, looking over to Joo with a crafty smile and just the faintest hint of his canines, still relatively sharp after his vampire stint. October itself was a good month, even with the chaos that came with it. Jooheon's magazine shoot was still displayed in his dresser, the magazine itself open to the page. His birthday was perfect, and little Carrots was adorable, from the distance he kept himself from her for both their sakes.
He brushed over LeeKnow as fast as he could, grateful Joo had gone to the trouble of reminding himself to never mentioning it again. He'll get therapy for it someday. He should get therapy in general regarding his youth. But Thanksgiving with his future in-laws was his own personal favourite of last year; cooking alongside Joo's mother, spending time with everyone, he couldn't have asked for more.
"You should ask the kids about how I look at you, they won't shut up."
Minho's expression morphed to something unreadable as he reached the end, blinking as he read over the same entry over and over. He wasn't seeing things, was he? He closed the journal, set it aside and turned the key in his hand, before tugging Jooheon into a hug, wordless as ever. He nodded though, a smile etched onto his face.
"I can't wait to move in together. I'll have to change the name on the lease of this apartment, but let's do it. Let's live together, properly."
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kemafili · 2 years
Laois Dungeonmeshi!
GAHHHHHHHH oh holy smokes ok i have been getting ready for this all my life alrgiht i want to be as brief as possible bc if i start to real rant ill never finish
favorite thing about them: puppy sunshine attitude on natural moments, when he needs to change he will do so, sometimes (or maybe even always) he fails at it since he cant read social cues correctly, i adore his social skills epic fail, like i love your autism
least favorite thing about them: idk maybeee ummmm idk nothing i think
favorite line: im going to have to list them
they let me milk a minotaur
i wanted to be born as a quadrupedal monster, too!
at least let me count her nipples!
why am i the only person with a blindfold on..?
im being insulted in a language i dont undersand! and it sounds really nasty!
thats...! so lame.
Just being long-limbed isnt a talent
brOTP: Namari and Laius, they are very fun to see interact with each other, they seem to have a very clear opening on how one likes something a lot like an hyperfixation, Laius appreaciates Namaris knowledge of weapons and such and Namari can appreciate Laius interest for monsters like a tad strange thing but she seems to come around it, in the background panneling of the first-ish chapters and maybe even later on when namari is shown as a flashback, it can be seen that they might have been the second ones to spend more time togheter (Namari and Chilchuck being first, not including Marcille and Falin bc they are basically stuck togheter like glue), oh shit also also the adventurers bible has a few comics where namari and laius are drinking togheter and shes helping him with some shit issues and then they also speak on body hair shit lmfao omggggg fuck my life whatever uuughh i am so normal about them, i do really like them in liek aaaa ummm i say brotp bc i feel like they are very silent of romantic emotion but i also dont want to say everything is platonic lol, they bros in the way straight men that have gay sex are you feel me like that picture of two men almost kissing and it says this is how straight men hang out.
OTP: Laius and Kabru, liek omggg at first i was like they are toxic as hell but just someting so hillyius about them lmfao idk the chad (Kabru) has a love hate situation with the Nerd (Laius) and the nerd doesnt want teh chad? hillaryus idgaf keep chasing that piece of meat though.
nOTP: Laius and Marcille ☹ guhhhhh omg they are besties and Marcille has been so clear on not wanting anything with laius romantically so its liek guhhhhhhh i dont even know what to add here
random headcanon: i said liek 50 million times in the past his favorite food would be cheesecake bc he loves dairy but that is canon now so i want to add that Flan is also his second favorite annnnndddd uhhhh i have so much shit to addd here but i dont have it on my thoguhts rn bc i am Star Trekpilled so i am forgetting my own written lore but like my friends on the server once said
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unpopular opinion: i dont like when peopel paint him as a kid or as an idiot because of the autism shit, like he is very much aware of other stuff, saying he doesnt even know what sex is did you forgot when he joked about the crabs inside those treasure shit (i forgot the proper name lmfao) saying if you saw their bottoms ud know their gender and he had a smirk on his face and Chilchuck got pissed off about it or when he found out the armors had sex while holding hands or when the Marcille succubi showed up he knew itd be fucked up if everyone else knew come the fuck on he knows what the hell is up, we need to sexualize autism okay and this doesnt go only there though btw liek stop making him dumber he knows what is up idk how to word it correctly but yeah he cant caught up on social cues but its not a whole umbrella of him being a dumbass
song i associate with them: woah i think its hilarryus that as one of my favorite characters i havent made him a playlist but i feel like hes just. so , so unmusical, like that before mentioned adventurers bible chapter where he says i cant sing or dance i was like yup i am ppretty sure you cant, he doenst seem to have a rhythim LMFAO id say anything that is related to medieval music thats what reminds me of him
favorite picture of them: hi
i hate having to choose only one picture but i love blushing and i love eating so this one
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invisibleraven · 2 years
15. A is torn between making fun of B’s ugly Christmas sweater and admiring how good they look in it for Reggie and Julie, because either way that's going to be gold.
"Honey I'm home!" Julie calls as she kicks off her boots, sighing when she finally regains feeling in her toes. Winter sucks, and even though her boots keep her feet warm, they pinch and she's seriously considering just giving in and buying the more comfortable looking ones that she hates because she's always thought of them as oversized slippers.
"In the kitchen!" Reggie calls back, and that's when Julie smells the house; cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla.
"Whatcha makin'?" she asks as she approaches the kitchen.
"Homemade egg nog!" Reggie exclaims. "I saw this TikTok on how to do it, figured I would try."
"You putting rum in it?" Julie asks as she enters the room.
"Psssh, of course!"
That's when Reggie turns around, smiling wide at her, and Julie has to stifle her horrified gasp turned giggle. "What on earth are you wearing?"
Reggie looks down at the bright green sweater, covered in pom poms, scraps of ribbon, a few felt shapes, a metric ton of glitter and the errant glob of hot glue. "Ugly Christmas sweater," he replies with a shrug. Julie shoots him a look, urging him to explain with a wave of her hand.
"We were doing an ugly sweater craft today, with paper and supplies. Only the kids wanted to make a real sweater, and I had this one lying around from St. Patrick's Day-didn't wanna get pinched you know-and the next thing I knew it was becoming a masterpiece."
"It's certainly a piece of something," Julie snarks.
Reggie gives a mock affronted sound. "My kids are geniuses and I will not hear slander against them!" Then he chuckles. "Come on Jules, they're seven, not Van Gogh, cut them some slack. Besides, you should have seen their faces when I modelled it for them."
Julie softened at that, just imagining the proud looks that Reggie's second graders gave him when they presented their work, pleading with him to try it on. And well, Reggie is a sucker for kids, especially if they pull out the puppy dog eyes. She figures that means she'll have to play bad cop more often than not should they ever have kids, but that's okay, Reggie's already agreed to a lifetime of diaper duty in exchange.
"Well, I hope you liked through your teeth and told them they did a good job," Julie replied.
"D'uh. They... they also made you one. And I kinda promised them a picture," Reggie said, giving her a full pouty look, and well, Julie could withstand it from kids, but not from Reggie, so she sighed and held out her hand. The sweater was bright red and covered much the same as Reggie's was, and Julie was certain that neither would survive in the washing machine, but she wasn't telling Reggie that.
He gathered her to his side, pulling up his phone and struck a happy pose, his smile blinding. Julie looked up at him, and her whole expression softened. For as terrible as the sweaters were, Reggie had never looked handsome, because he was wearing this thing made of love with pride. To Julie, it was his giant heart that made him attractive, not what he wore (even if she would admit that he was devastatingly good looking on the worst of days).
With that in mind she leaned her head onto his shoulder, smiled at the camera, her ugly sweater on full display. Once the shot was taken, she popped up on her toes, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Tell the kids I love and appreciate their hard work." She then pulled the sweater off, tossing it towards the table. "Now finish off that nog so I can take yours off upstairs."
Reggie looks at the bowl, full of things that would surely spoil if he left them out, and decidedly shoved them in the fridge, pulling a giggling Julie with him towards their bedroom.
And later, she didn't even complain about the trail of glitter leading up the stairs. But that was mainly because Reggie cleaned it up while she was too blissed out to move, and brought her the finished nog with breakfast for supper in bed afterwards.
Julie hummed as the taste of cream and rum touched her tongue, appreciating Reggie sitting beside her, and wondered how fast Reggie would try to ditch those sweaters if she suggested another round.
It turns out he didn't need much convincing.
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hercrusadesheep · 1 year
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Summer days by her crusade sheep
 “hello! everybody today’s forecast in Ohio looks like it is 65°! It will be a hot summertime day, so you and you’re family can enjoy the weather by the pool”- * click *  I took a deep breath in  staring back at the blank tv screen as I fell backwards into my lukewarm bed  Summer has just begun, and I felt spaced out  my eyes were heavy from the lack of sleep I have indulged myself into and mine noisy neighborhood and others out cries of joy. I finally gather myself up and went out to the park  they were many children and families out and about grilling food, blowing bubbles, playing games and cranky old metal swinging back-and-forth, The trees were large with beautiful green leaves blowing up from the sky The peak of sunlight dominated them showing Little to no empathy for those in on this rock we call earth i sat upright against a tree trunk I pull my legs up to my chest  taking out a long, deep sigh I wish I had someone too pass by this wicked heat and summer I thought  while I was maintaining my deep thoughts a ball hit my head flying me over to the ground I rub my head feeling a dreadful pain coming in. I picked myself up grabbing the ball, harshly I yelled WHO THREW THIS BALL?! While I was looking for a suspect I feel a hand grabbing my shoulder  I flip my head over to become face to face with a boy I never seen before, he had long jet black hair, dark brown eyes with glasses he smiles and softly says oh god I’m so sorry it hit you, does it hurt love? His voice was like butter with a side of bread my heart pounded in my chest
I shook my head no as i started to draft my thoughts on him. he laughs and gave out his hand aren’t you gonna give me my ball? I jumped out of my la la land and immediately blushed red I quickly returned the ball and left later that night, I couldn’t stop thinking of him. His voice, his eyes,his smile was driving me  insane I needed to know him but the problem is, I don’t even know where he’s from or what school he goes to  maybe tomorrow he’ll be at the park again I thought , as I slowly drifted into a deep sleep  The next morning came by it was 1105 AM I Hurled myself out the door jogging back to the park, as I made it to the park there was no soul too be seen I looked everywhere for a dark haired boy but to no avail, he wasn’t there
Empty..it’s empty I said sadly i turned away from the parks with my head swinging down like a scarecrow without looking , I bump into a chest I almost fall until I feel strong yet soft hands catch me IT WAS HIM!! I blushed and quickly pulled myself out of his hold, he looks confused and continues to stare until a lightbulb clicks hey you’re that girl from yesterday aren’t you? He says. his head was Tilted over as if he was a puppy I let out a nervous laugh and nodded my head agreeing in response
He chuckles and asks, what are you doing in the park so early?  my heart jumped out of my mouth
I can’t tell him that I was looking for him. It be creepy i thought but with my dumb self, I accidentally said it out loud I slap my hands to my mouth glancing up at him. he laughs and asked I wanted to hung out I took the invitation and walked in with this mysterious boy hey, I forgot to tell you my name is Jason, what’s yours.? He asked happily I nervously lick my lips and quietly said mary he smiles and grabs my hands and says that’s a pretty name for a pretty girl i smiled and giggled he runs off to the swing set to ride as I follow closely too push him behind, as we both took turns it was getting dark we walked home chatting and viewing the sunset
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Authors note: something like this picture
We made it back to our neighborhood comes to find out, he lives in the same area! before I could open up my front door he grasps my back pulling me into his face glueing his lips into my own they were soft like clouds I melted into his arms and gently pulled away with redness covering my face he chuckled and said will I see you tomorrow morning miss mary?
Yes..you will I said softly he grins gently and pulls in for one more bite then left. I enter my room falling onto my bad, my face ached in pain how much I was smirking I was in complete blissful joy as I slowly faded away into dream world I had my last thought’s
I think. I’ve found my someone… he’s mysterious yes, but yet so incredibly beautiful..I need him, I’m in love with a mystery…
The end

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