#you can only stop me by directly blacklisting me
kaiserouo · 1 month
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i like that side look eye too much i need to spread this to the world
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hoesplay · 1 year
𝕂𝕒𝕚𝕤𝕖𝕣 𝕒𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕 𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕔𝕣𝕦𝕤𝕙
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𝘩𝘢𝘩𝘢 #1 𝘣𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘣𝘰𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵’𝘴 𝘴𝘰 𝘒𝘢𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘳
𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘖𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘯 𝘳𝘦𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘐’𝘭𝘭 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 <3
word count: 1133 genre: fluff (?) tw: Kaiser is kind of a jerk
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·        Kaiser who looks at you with gleaming eyes, so tender and uncharacteristic, but only when you don’t notice him. The moment you turn your head in his direction, he’s rolling his eyes and scoffing. He makes you wonder what the hell is his problem a lot; last time you checked, you didn’t do anything to be on his blacklist. Or does crushing his ego count?
·        Pleasant is a big word. If being mean would be a love language, it would definitely be Kaiser’s. Afterall, his looks don’t seem sufficient to gain your attention, so he has to compensate for it. He gets frustrated a lot about this. Are you ill? Do you have an eye problem? Do you prefer girls instead? He’s a young talented athlete, well-built, pretty tall and beautiful on top of it. He takes a lot of care of his physical appearance, and adding the bright future that’s awaiting him, it propels his ego to astronomical levels. Confidence is not something he lacks, but whenever he is in your presence, it just seems to shrivel.
·        He is used to having people swarm around him, praise him and all that “Emperor” bs. Having to work to be by your side was not something that was appealing for him. “Why do I even care so much in the first place?”
·        At first, he was 100% convinced that he hated your guts. He wanted to convince himself that you are inferior to him. He would do things out of his way to flaunt his achievements in your face.
·        The moment he started to see things in a different light was when Kaiser noticed you warming up to one of your classmates. He was denying the budding feeling that was rumbling in his chest. “You have to be kidding me.”. He felt like his entire existence was denied. He tried confronting you about this matter. “Are you really chasing after that runt when you can do so much better?”, you raised your eyebrow at his out of the blue question. “Better? Do you mean I should chase after you? No thanks.”
·        Since then, he started noticing small things about you, and that’s when he was doomed. You weren’t treating him like the big shot he is, you were considering him like everybody else. No hierarchy, no theatrical roles, no stage to play on.
·        He takes some time to put the pieces together and he comes at the conclusion that he has a massive crush on you. Nothing made sense though; you were not the damsel in distress that needed her prince’s saving, as he imagined in the theatre of his mind.
·        Kaiser tries to keep an indifferent façade. He doesn’t know how to approach his newfound feelings, so he wants to see if it’s “just a phase” that would pass. But the jolt in his heart didn’t make it any easier, he only seemed to get worse. He likes to imagine situations where you would do little acts of service for him, like massaging his shoulders when they are stiff, doing his eyeliner with gentle hands, giving him a small kiss as a good luck charm and so on.
·        Kaiser thought at some point that he could court you with big extravagant gestures. He would bring you expensive gifts on a daily basis, even though you always rejected them. You’d hear him whisper under his breath “Hmm, so they don’t like this color. Noted”. He didn’t take a hint until you told him directly. “Stop buying me stuff. It’s so unnecessary. It’s not like I don’t appreciate it, but it doesn’t hold any significance. Don’t you have better things to do with your money? I don’t even know why you’re doing this. Do you want to flaunt your wealth? Or do you want to buy my attention? Either of these is extremely rude.”
·        He also tried inviting you to fine dining, offering to bring you along on expensive trips, ordering flowers to arrive at your door frequently. When all his attempts got turned down, he felt as if his list went out of options. He didn’t want to give up just yet, so he started asking the girls that were flocking around him what was their favorite romance movie. He got the worst ideas after watching them.
·        Making you jealous is out of the question, since you would already have been if that was the case. Afterall, any girl would die to be in his presence. I won’t start to describe the describe the atrocities that went through his mind. By far the worst of all was when he forced a kiss on you. It was just the two of you, he looked intently at your face, contemplating his decision, before thinking “What could possibly go wrong?”. So he grabbed you by the collar, catching you by surprise, before smashing his lips on yours. He was hoping it would be just like in movies and you would melt into his arms, returning the kiss with ardor and want, but it didn’t happen. All that he got was a stinging bruise on his cheek.
·        Kaiser apologized to you profusely the next day, and then decided to let things rest for a while. No crazy ideas or other aberrations. He realized he crossed some boundaries, so the next logical thing would be to let you approach him in a romantic way. The thought of confessing to you never crossed his mind, he wanted you to declare your undying love for him.
·        Things went back to normal in a way. He keeps bothering you, flirty pick-up lines, ruffling your hair, pinching your nose or cheek, and just being Kaiser. When it’s just the two of you, he shows his affection through small gestures that come more naturally. Are your shoelaces untied? He will bend down and tie them for you (sometimes he would attempt to tie them all together and you smack him). He gives you his jacket or scarf when you are cold (then proceeds to complain that he can’t afford to get ill since he’s a pro athlete). He buys you your favorite dessert when he sees you gloomy (he asks to be spoon-fed after but shuts up when you give him a nasty glare).
·        Of course, he won’t stop the teasing gestures. How is he supposed to compete when his personality was mid-tier at best?
·        It’s quite funny how you can humble “God’s chosen Emperor”. Whenever he exaggerates anything, one quirked eyebrow is enough to shush him. Of course, you’re not blind. You know that he has a crush on you (it’s not that hard to miss). You’re just waiting for the time he’ll grow up, get some balls and confess to you properly.
·        Only God knows how you have the power and patience to handle him.
𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 :)
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circulars-reasoning · 8 months
Plans for this Blog
Changelog Sept 2023 MOTCR.V.2.5
Removed Blog Duplication Glitch. This should help prevent random new Circular blogs from appearing left and right. To help users not be inundated with the current amount of blogs, extraneous blogs that are now unneeded will be removed by the end of the year.
Utilizing Base Blogs. All of the remaining blogs will be collected under one account and will be utilized per the original intentions of the blogs.
Removed Moderator Attribute. This should help prevent stacking negative modifiers to the Mental Health and Physical Health stats, and provides a new opportunity to boost the Touched Grass status.
Clearing Inbox Overflow. Multiple inboxes have been found to have lots of old, missed, or forgotten messages. This will be rectified in the coming days!
Removed Content Blacklist. Previously censored terms and content (such as names of specific users or discussions of a personal nature) are now allowed! We're sorry for the unease this caused.
NSFW Content DLC. New DLC has come out! You must be 18 or older to participate in this free DLC. Please reach out to developers for more details!
Minor Updates and Bug Fixes.
Keep an eye out for more to come!!
(Lol here's the real explanation)
I'm going to be/already have done the following:
Getting rid of the ridiculous amount of blogs I have that are either unused, unneeded, or harmful to me
Pulling all of my blogs over onto one main account again
Stepped down as Mod at SN for my mental health
Answering ALL the Inbox Questions cause boy howdy there's a lot
Stopping the ridiculous "only vaguepost about topics that you can't directly talk about without getting harassed" -- yeah fuck that I'm done with that.
I have a new NSFW blog which is focused on the more NSFW topics regarding syscourse. It's not being advertised beyond this post on this blog, but if you would like to know it, you can always DM. I'm also probably going to be posting into the syscourse tags from hereon out with that blog, though, so you'll be able to find it I'm sure.
I'm gonna update some blogs with my age (26, I grewed up more) and other random shit.
Gotta say.
It is good to be back.
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blackpoolcombatwriter · 5 months
I ended up going to bed before the scrum was done but I did see Tony get the second question about harassment. Going to put my reaction under a cut for TW.
I thought Tony's comments about the company's policy came from such a place of privilege. It's easy for the rich, male boss of the company to say his door is always open for anyone to come to him with concerns, or they can go to anyone in the disciplinary committee. In theory, sure it works. In reality, it doesn't matter how many times you assure a young rookie they'll be listened to and taken seriously when their accusation is against someone who's a powerful veteran, friends with the owner, with the ability to blacklist them from many promotions. In way too many cases there will be enough doubt and fear for them to decide to stay silent.
As a woman(and one who has been in the unfortunate position with a coworker), nothing Tony said reassured me. Nothing about it was handled well. Have a prepared statement at the beginning to address it because you are the owner of the company and it should be addressed. It shouldn't have been up to the journalists to have to ask. The first guy shouldn't have asked during Julia's time(he has since posted he regrets his timing but thought the presser vibe was Tony wasn't going to do solo time because it was different than all the other pressers, take that what you will). The WON journalist saying the accusations have agendas is so gross. Tony repeatedly saying AEW is the safest when a few months ago he said he feared for his life, someone needs to get this man media training so he stops rambling on forever.
It's just so unfortunate that something like this overshadows their last PPV of the year, and a lot of wrestlers big moments. I do understand that they're in a weird place because the accusation hasn't come directly from Kylie Rae, she's been dragged into this, but her reaction by tweeting a heart in response to a tweet accusing Jericho can't be ignored. Tony can call them "internet rumours" all he wants, but if people who know Jericho think he's not capable of doing something like this, where's all the supportive tweets? Where's the AEW locker room bad = talent rally of positivity tweets?
Trying to pass the responsibility of having to deal with it off by saying they haven't received any complaints is also ridiculous. It shouldn't have to come directly from a terrified wrestler to be taken seriously. Most of the Speaking Out Movement accusations weren't made directly to the companies but they were still investigated and people were fired. The only reason not to at least reach out about these accusations is if Tony already knows what happened and there's NDAs, but that would also mean something did happened and they covered it up.
It's going to be 2024 here in like less than 12 hours. Can we all just fucking learn that you are not entitled to someone else's body?
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momentsofamber · 4 months
Hey uuuuh did you know... Ur big swaggy and hella stronger than ur demons? 😉👍 You've overcome them in the past to make it to today, you'll overcome today's with the lessons from the past, and the future doesn't know what it has coming to it 📣👏😁
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Anon, this was so nice to wake up to. 😭 Thank you so much!!
I'm so sorry it took me all day to respond to this and I'm about to ramble so feel free to skim this, I'm gonna dump it under a read more. ( Do people even still use these in 2024? askdjhf )
I never directly attacked anyone in my time while pretending to be an anti. I was just completely silent on the matter, letting my morality complex and p.edophobia ocd wage war on my well-being.
It's ironic, I've been on this site since about 2010; and in 2012 when I started to be at my first most active point on tumblr and had a friend group on here, I would blog about Wincest (SPN) on main and no one said anything or thought anything of it, they just kept scrolling. That was the norm. People just SHIPPED whatever they wanted.
Flash ahead to like 2018 and suddenly everywhere I go there are now neon eyesore banners on posts, including fucking stimboards and whatnot with 'p.roship d.ni' and 'a.nti-a,ntis d.ni' ( I'm censoring that just so this post isn't blacklisted from proshippers because that is NOT my stance ) and I was like 'I don't even know what these terms MEAN?? where did these come from??' but I was too afraid to ask anyone so I just. Stayed silent and promised myself I'd only reblog "safe" content and that I was "happy" I'd "become a better person since then". ( spoiler: I was lying to myself. )
And over the years any time I made new friends who had never seen that content on my blog back then, I'd just say I didn't support Problematic Content(tm) and I'd only talk about and rp and reblog ships that were "normal", because I was now so afraid people would reject me at any time because it seemed like the anti crowd was so large and violent and nasty -- my mental health at that time would not have been able to handle that hatred.
-- in fact I had this SAME experience in the plural community with the a.nti-e.ndos for identifying as a median system. ( we know now that we are a bpdgenic osdd-1b system, but we still prefer most median terminology to describe ourselves. ) But the traumagenic DID systems who were pro-endo were so much more welcome to interacting with us than the exclusionists. And it's the same bullshit different flavor happening here with the proshippers.
How much overlap is there between a.nti-e.ndo and a.nti-p.roship rhetoric, I wonder? It's wild. I wish I had learned how to undo my black and white thinking so much sooner and listen to new points of view instead of just shying away from the unknown in fear.
But this is a new year, and this is a new me. This blog is going to be a source of love and positivity and learning about other people's experiences. Any discourse or negativity ( even the validating kind ) will remain on my sideblog. I don't have to like or even agree with everything I see online, but I am going to support people's right to say it, do it, make content of it, as long as all parties involved are consenting. ( Fictional characters, animated or live action, do not have the autonomy to consent or not consent so people can do anything they want with fiction that makes them feel happy and fulfilled, full stop. Yes, this includes RPF and selfshipping. As long as you keep your content in your safe space and no actors/musicians/etc involved in the creation of that character you're using are able to see it - I will support your right to make or consume any content as you see fit. )
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Hi! I’m only asking this as an anon because I don’t really want my name out there. But just fyi, I totally believe u and I’ve gone through ur blog and seen that everything you’ve said has turned out to be true so I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt when it comes to the Winchesters info. I’m pretty sure from what I’ve gathered through ur blog that u work in the industry, but not directly with Warner Brothers? So just wondering how you’ve gotten so much info about the Winchesters? It’s totally cool if u don’t want to answer, I was just curious. I’m pretty ignorant on how the tv industry works. And also, do u know how many seasons the Winchesters is supposed to go for? Or at least what they’re aiming for? And is it leading into something else like a sequel or a reboot?? I mean obvs they’re gonna reboot SPN eventually, but is this directly leading to it? I’m really enjoying the show so far so I’m just curious.
Frankly, it came by several angles. Initial sending went one way. Followup additions went by another source. The script for net4 draft was found publicly. Fandom proposed it was fake, but minding the initial send, and previously available information included like the arenas I've talked about--as well as basic info like when drafts are submitted or sent out for order--well. You recognize shit and can see the authenticity stamps, and when you have older drafts on hand, there's certain shit you can't fake.
So there's that. One thing I've been clear about: I am not from Vancouver filming. At all. If anything Vancouver was lowkey enemy territory of Atlanta, due to the whole... WB pickapart of TBS, the ship out to New York, the pedowitz installation and then bulking out shows to Canada. So like. On that front, it's like a blood walking into crip territory. Like I know the game but I am DEFINITELY outside my perimeter. So on that front. You keep your head low and you know how to navigate.
My SPN attuned sources are, by and large (with a few new exceptions) separate from my industry sources. I fully admit I weaseled my way through things for years. I made very calculated decisions that seemed minor at the time, often unnoticed.
I was ripped up into a shitstorm on day one that fell me into an ITK group of old. It quickly educated me on a lot of fandom issues and contacts and information. Then TAW hit, and I got ripped further up the chain and tapped for information and reports. And then TAW kept hitting, but you guys never found out, because I was busting my ass, you're welcome. All those squabbles with "Castiel's Angels" or Lineage weren't just silly fandom drama, that was playing Pin The Travis Hydra Heads. For about 3 years, every 3 months or so we had a travis incident, and I'd have to shove out new reports which, tldr, basically went to misha's legal team, and no, I'm not going to break down how or where.
You guys saw public bickering with front accounts of his. Maybe you even saw the doxxing website. Hell, maybe you're one of the unfortunate dozen or so people that ended up on it. But you know what? Big Scawwy Awmy Man Twavis only updated one person's listing to Armed And Dangerous. People stopped knocking my mailbox down. And that was AFTER he was already mad enough to Fuck Around And Find Out, because he was already blacklisted, because the dumbfuck pissed his pants on my facebook where facebook will helpfully first degree his bullshit to names like Hilfigers. Great job, douchecanoe, you played yourself.
throughout I also made outreach efforts. Yes, I did message authors. Yes, I do know at least two have followed my youtube for years. yes, I know several read my blog and even refer to my mythos meta. Yes, I stayed involved with Wayward, and author support, and listened closely to what they said or didn't say, and took my chances to speak with them, and be known to them, and be a welcoming face of the fandom that loves their theology as much as their fight for ships. To listen to their love for each other, to treat them like humans, to learn who they admire in the room, and how that room works.
And over that time, after giving that help, I was asked for other help. Like author mute lists. Or actor danger watch lists to give to their security company.
And again randos will be like RECEIPTS. bitch i don't care, i didn't screenshot me sending off the importable excel file, just fuckin' deal with it. [gestures vaguely at Mark P teleporting out and disappearing from cons at an increasing rate] dude's busy now. Totes coincidence. Nothing to do with a recent explosion. He and his lawyers assure you.
That's separate from what I've told of myself in the past--I have innate Atlanta history. Really it's more of the gulf, I just talk about Atlanta most because that's where I got fired out towards and where the real engine is. Technically I got scooped up in houston, yeeted out to Atlanta and bounced around with various projects. I mostly hovered in the music industry but my personal work ended up market testing near to TPS, and via a fella i now call big bro that this fandom loves to deny exists, my pasty ass got adopted into a black entertainment community, by a long series of dominos I don't feel like re-unpacking in this post.
That said, if you review the long history of the fall of TBS to WB's vulture picking I've posted about, just shuffle me in there. I'm not gonna get terribly more specific but put a bullseye roughly in that ring of the gulf and that market, and assume the majority of my connections are there (with exception to a designer that moved up to New York and did some other work after I walked and an independently developed relationship with the Arrowstorm company by other means, so randomly, Also Utah, Because Life Reasons.)
Now look at the names behind Nexstar's leadership. Now look at TBS. Look at Dennis Miller, former creative under Ted Turner. Turner Broadcasting System. Look at Schwartz, talking about Tyler Perry nonstop. Look at the Assembly, look at all the stuff I been talking about, look at my talk about IAC, meredith etc etc [continues to gesture off in that direction]
Basically, the sources are many. The industry flow/stations/syndicates/affiliates/channel purchase/business/blahblah is like. One side of the lane. Make that column A. Column B is "holy fuck how did I get sucked up into this Vancouver clusterfuck LET ME OUT oh well might as well run some useful messages."
Also along the way I also do collect random shit. Sometimes fans just know I have a lot of info, and find something, and figure it might fit into the giant fuckin vault I'm hiding in the back and help us all piece out something. Like I won't lie, that happens a lot. Because sometimes you can have 95% of the puzzle but just the right pieces are missing, and someone trips and falls on the one that helps you figure the rest out.
No leaker or industry person ever has 100% insight just from a pipeline. It's something I talk about with people like Wiki, or Manchin back in the day. They get very overconfident with their new shiny badges and don't understand how their data is filtered, how most information is need to know, that the editing department doesn't get news about market testing, that the tech consultant doesn't get full modern scripts or advanced news on major elements that they're trying to keep tight, etc. But they all love to blabber to other equally unqualified idiots, which is how you get pipelines of "there's no market testing, (coffee runner) said so" "Berens has no intent, (coffee runner) said so." "The script is fake, (coffee runner) said so." Then like oops debunker proved it oops berens self proved it OOPS. OOPS THE PILOT AIRED AND THEY TRIPPED WITH THEIR OWN SCRIPT AND WERE EVEN LYING. WEIRD.
The older and more versed you are in the fuckeries of media, the more critical you are of sources, because even high sources can be limited in perspective from, say, the business angle you're coming from.
So I take a little from Column A, a little from Column B, I apply my compendium of industry knowledge and common sense, and slip in a little bit of Option C when it's slid on, and there you go, you have a self-critical and self-supporting 3-pillar structure to sort through extremely complicated truths in.
Beyond that, things like the filming I find is a mix. Like, IG exists. But I also worked in the area so I know which IATSE groups to follow even if people aren't technically listed yet, because they might free up on one job and wander in to replace a colleague in another, then of course there's the ones that you can find if you know the IATSE group. Like, the average fan doesn't give a fuck about the Electrician or Set Dresser, but I Fucking Do. So basically, take that as more "I know a few of these guys, trained a few of the guys that trained these guys, I know the neighborhood, I know how to waddle around and find shit."
Hope that helps.
(Congrats now you know why I he-haw at 2po's twice-badly-interpreted M&Gs that he self-proved as bullshit. amazing sources buddy.)
Oh and there's other random what the fuck hows, like eugenie's cousin being a friend of mine on a fluke, or the fact that i accidentally and unknowingly married sera gamble's second cousin and didn't realize it until I had to mail a package and shit my pants. Eventually you just get so tangled up in this shit you're like a fly in a spiderweb. I don't fuckin know why. My soul is attached to this show for some goddamn reason, there's no getting out. For a while I was the opposite of that LET ME IN guy. LET ME OUUUUUUUUUUUT. But I decided now that the battle is over and we won I'm just gonna lay on the floor while the assholes burn and take it all in. I done my duty and beyond.
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michaelmilkers · 2 years
I'm sorry, I think you're mistaking "you are parroting the same rhetoric that conservatives wanting to ban queer content use and if you start censoring things they will push for censoring more and more, give them a hand and they'll take your arm" for "you are literally those conservatives, you personally want to ban queer content actually"
Wherever you stand on what fiction you think should be allowed (and please don't call fiction CSEM, that's a term reserved for material involving the exploitation - that's the E - of real children, applying it to fictional characters waters down the meaning and can lead to alarm fatigue like how accusing tumblr users of being pedophiles lost all meaning), all the best intentions will not stop people who do want to instate censorship like the Hays Code from taking a foot for every inch you cede. Once you concede that "censorship is good in some cases", they'll start pushing for more and more things to be counted under "in some cases".
To try and reduce this argument down to "Wow how dare you accuse me of wanting to ban queer content!" is to miss the point. At least address the actual argument - "I think people are exaggerating the risk of a slippery slope leading to conservative censorship" or "I think banning this type of content is more important than a 'what if' scenario that may or may not come up once we've banned it" or something
i was not calling fiction csem, i was directly referencing a post i saw, and the fact that tiffany g referenced CP explicitly. i know now that part wasnt clear but the post has already started spreading so i dont really know if theres a point in adding a disclaimer.
also, wrt fictional characters, the reason i stopped posting my stuff on ao3 is because i came across sexually explicit fanfics about irl minors, and when i emailed ao3 about it they said they draw no distinction between rpf and other fanfic and i should just blacklist and move on. there is also nothing in the ao3 TOS or guidelines limiting what images can be embedded in a fic, outside of what is illegal under new york law. so so someone could write a sexually explicit fic about an irl child, then embed a picture of that irl child next to graphic descriptions of them engaging in sex acts, and it would not be against TOS, as long as a copyright take down request wasnt submitted for the photograph. this is the primary reason why i take issue with ao3's mission of 'maximum inclusiveness', not because seeing fictional characters in certain situations squicks me out.
moving on, even if people were only accusing others of parroting rhetoric (they're not, i literally just now on my dash saw someone say tiffany g "tried to ban queer fic") that still holds no water if you actually break it down. the only similarities are in choice of language and the fact that the subject of children are involved. surprise, that happens sometimes! most people arguing for ao3 to change their policies are active in fandom, many of them have experience using ao3 and sites like it, many of them are queer, minors, abuse survivors, etc, they are in the same communities as you, and they disagree with you on how those communities should be conducted. that has nothing to do with conservatives wanting to retroactively erase lgbt people from public knowledge, or the hays code like you said. "children should be kept safe" or "content harming children shouldnt be allowed" are such broad statements that if you remove literally all other context, yeah, it sounds like people are saying the same thing.
see, i can do it too: when you (general you, not you specifically, anon asker) say minors shouldnt be allowed in certain fandom spaces, you are parroting conservative rhetoric that is used to argue against children being allowed at things like pride events and drag shows. fandom spaces are full of queer content, and you are denying minors access to that by making some spaces adult only. next thing you know minors wont be allowed to engage with queer fan content at all. (this is obviously completely made up and i dont agree with it, but this is the same kind of flimsy comparisons people are drawing)
and who is 'they' in this context? who is the 'they' that would push for more censorship if policies are changed? is ao3 run by conservatives who are only being kept at bay by everyone insisting the content policies shouldnt be changed? is there a huge population of conservatives in fandom spaces that somehow have more sway than everyone else and are just waiting to get their foot in the door? is there some kind of conservative governing body who have set their sites on ao3 (or even know what ao3 is) and are circling like vultures waiting to leap at the chance to turn the site into the next OAN? are the staff and volunteers at ao3 really so shit at their jobs that they would just let all of this happen?
you are making an incredibly flimsy comparison to a real world problem based on superficial similarities and then drawing the conclusion that, based on this incredibly flimsy comparison that you have convinced yourself is rock solid, the same consequences of that real world problem must also be a looming threat here, even though the context is entirely different, and the conditions for those consequences to actually happen simply are not there.
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onyxbird · 2 years
This isn't the post I'd been planning to make about my tagging system, but given the Silence on the Set article that went around recently, I want to note a few things for filtering purposes.
Main point 1: Tagging source works is probably the most consistent part of my tagging system. Going forward, I intend to be particularly conscientious about this for Electric Entertainment shows, so people can avoid those as desired. The relevant work tags for the EE shows I have posted about are: #leverage, #leverage aus, #leverage redemption, #the librarians, and #almost paradise.
I sometimes tag specific characters by name or character relationships, but that is less consistent and generally in addition to the relevant work tag, so the work tags would be more reliable for filtering. I also try to tag actors/celebrities by name for content outside the context of a direct role (e.g., interviews, news about them, etc.).
Main point 2: I will probably resume posting some amount Leverage content going forward. At the moment, that article is still very much on my mind with respect to Leverage content, so I'm not at all sure how much I'm likely to engage with other than intending to reblog a few fanart posts I've seen. However, I wanted to mention that some of that content is probably coming back so people have a chance to filter as needed.
Some additional thoughts on point 2 below the cut.
The allegations in that article are deeply disturbing and disappointing, and they're all the more of a gut punch due to the contrast between the real-life mistreatment of crew and what I took away from Leverage in general and the character of Eliot Spencer in particular. I've certainly rethought my support of the company, e.g., I'm no longer interested in finishing Almost Paradise as I had previously intended, and my habit of going to the EE streaming site to watch an episode on a whim or check some episode detail rather than pull out my DVDs is definitely going to stop.
At the same time, there is a lot of good about Leverage that I haven't found in other shows and a huge number of other people that contributed to making it what it was. One of the things I've struggled to reconcile since reading that article was how people responsible for that behavior/work environment created that show and that character. I think part of the answer is that a lot of people contributed to making the show great, while sexual harassment only has to be condoned/dismissed by relatively few people in authority to fester unchecked (ironically, the same problem embodied by a lot of the series' villains), and that another part of the answer is fandom interpretations improving on what was there. (Plus a bit of "good art isn't always created by good people," I'm sure, but the part that baffles me is how much it seems directly contrary to things I loved about the show and character.)
The fandom, and the amazing art and stories and interpretations that it has generated, is what I hope to keep engaging with. I wish everyone the best in figuring out what you're comfortable with on this.
If you have specific content you'd like to see tagged rather than blacklisting the whole show tag, you're welcome to ask, although I can't make any guarantees (I don't think my consistency with subjective tagging is very good).
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leofrith · 10 months
FINALLYYYY okay assassin’s creed + 1, 8, 16, 18
1. the character everyone gets wrong
answered here!
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
valhalla is not the worst ac game ever, just as odyssey was not the worst ac game ever before valhalla came along, just as origins was not the worst ac game ever before odyssey, and syndicate was not the worst before origins, and unity was not the worst game before s—[GUNSHOTS]
this happens literally every time a new ac title gets released. everyone hates the newest game until a newer one comes along for people to hate even more, and then proceeds to look back on the game they previously hated with fondness a few years later. rinse and repeat forever and ever. stop expecting the new games to give you what the ezio trilogy gave you. if you want unity, then go fucking replay unity. if you want black flag, then go fucking replay black flag. if you want the original, then go fucking replay the original. stop rating the games based on what they aren't and instead, rate them based on what they are. of course, none of this is to say that people aren't entitled to their own personal preferences, but the constant complaining makes me wonder if most of these people even like ac at all and in fact, just makes you sound like an insufferable, pedantic asshole.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
reader inserts. not only would I Not Fucking Say That, most of the time the subject of the reader insert also Would Not Fucking Say That. they're almost always made to be so painfully out of character in order to fit into whatever story or preconceived au is being written, to the point where i often wonder if the author even likes or cares about the character they're writing for. personally, if i'm writing a character—especially one i like— i want to make sure i'm doing them justice, which is why i cannot fathom essentially borrowing a character's face and name and nothing else for the purpose of wish fulfillment. it's feels like these authors see all these characters as being completely interchangeable with one another and it drives me fucking crazyyyy.
the only reason i can really think of for not just writing an original work at that point is that using a pre-existing character also provides a pre-existing fandom for your work. but then you're also annoying the shit out of anyone, like me, who is going into a character tag because they want to see content about the actual character, not a 5k ooc smut fic that you couldn't even bother to put under a read-more!!! i cannot stress enough how much i literally would not give a single shit what people are doing with their own free time if the proliferation of those works didn't make every single character tag (and often actor tags as well, because some people will tag every character an actor has ever played in their fics as well, which qualifies as spam btw!!) on this site completely unusable. if i ever wanted to see x reader fics i would search for them specifically, but unfortunately there's also no blanket tag for me to blacklist. so i guess i'll just keep blocking new users until i die.
(yes, i know you said specifically ac and this is a bit more general but this relates to every fandom :/)
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
shut up!!!!! you know i'm gonna say leofrith. 😭 he is the It Girl he is the moment he's got everything!! he's got the kind of religious trauma that only being a christian with a martyr complex could give you. he's got dead parent trauma and a horribly one-sided relationship with his adopted father. he loves ceolbert like a son. the best friendism with hytham. he's literally a sister brother. the dog motif. he is so so deeply unwell. i know he's barely got a character arc to speak of in the game but consider: what if he did? he is everything to me i need to be able to beam the version of him that exists in my head directly into the people's brains or i'll die.
send me a number!
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takaraphoenix · 1 year
I don't think I've ever seen another fandom where toxic monoshipping is more ridiculous than in DC.
And I'm not talking about normal monoshippers; the people who go "oh wow. This is The One for me. A real, literal One True Pairing. Wouldn't want to imagine either of them with anyone else" and dedicate their fandom experience toward spreading positivity for the thing they love and just avoiding/ignoring/blacklisting any contradictory ships.
No, I'm talking about people who say all of that, and then act like nobody else has the "right" to ship these characters with anybody else either, dedicating their fandom experience to seeking out ships with either character with someone else and harassing the shippers, or even the canon creators who made that ship sail in their respective canon.
Don't get me wrong; this mentality is uncalled for in ANY fandom and no shipper deserves to be harassed for not adhering to some rando's OTP demands.
However, there ARE fandoms where such a mentality is directly bred into canon already and it's hard to be surprised that you see it mirrored in the fandom. Usually YA oriented books, where The First Love of these kid heroes ends up their Only Love even when they're grown up in a flash forward. It kind of makes sense this brand of writing would attract fans who share this mentality.
Now back to DC. DC is like the anti thesis of this writing style. Between the lengthy run (-> long history, including a dating history for many) and multiple rewrites of the main continuity, as well as Elseworlds stories, movies, cartoons and TV shows, I doubt there is any major character who only has had ONE love interest throughout history and the multiverse. I can name at least two canon love interests for about any DC character I know.
And that just makes it feel so, so, so much more weird and ridiculous to see toxic monoshipper mentality in this fandom, as compared to other fandoms.
Your OTP isn't even the only ship to exist for them both in canon; be that previous partners before they became "endgame" in the main continuity, or a different endgame partner on any adaptation or Elseworlds stories. Stop acting like you are the only one with a "right" answer when even canon gives more than one option. It's annoying, weird and... honestly kind of embarrassing on your part??
I mean, seriously. DC, at its core, presents possibilities. It shows us just how many different paths and stories are possible for these characters - and you choose to latch onto only one and make your own limitations everybody else's problem by harassing them for liking the "wrong" possibilities? Really?
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amamiyashion · 9 months
Amamiya Shion (雨宮詩音)
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princessofmerc · 2 years
It’ was late when I wrote this and I alread had typed this up once and I hate that my tab crashed the second I was about to hit post. But yeah. This is long my tag is ‘cw essay’ if you wanna blacklist it.
I have seen and heard the comment “At least Valtteri knew about teamwork” a number of times. And so it was necessary to make this post. I’m not going to into the conversation about George and Valtteri performance wise. Not today not right now. That’s another essay for another day.
I’m not even saying anything to directly shit on him (I will still tag this anti Bottas as this is critical of him and Bottas fans will otherwise victimise themself as they always do)
Buckle up folks this is gonna get long. There’s some races that I remember but can’t quote because it’s 1am, I had a migraine earlier and you can’t expect me to have rewatched 2 seasons in 6 hours. Because I am going to focus on 2020 and 2021. This isn’t even about pitting George and Bottas against each other even though some of you love to when it’s convenient to you.
But you don’t get to prance around that Mr. “Prioritize Nicky” doesn’t know about teamwork and Mr “James it’s Valtteri” knows about it. Not when George has lived and breathed Mercedes since he was 15.
In the following essay I will give you 6 examples of when Valtteri decided to behave the very same way you all are accusing George off.
1. “Give me different tyres to Lewis so I can get ahead of him.” That’s what some of you pretend George said yesterday, which he didn’t. Interestingly enough it is something Valtteri said on two different occasions I remember. I don’t remember the races exactly and the ‘so I can get ahead of him’ wasn’t actually said by him but it was 2020 and heavily implied. I wanna say it was around the time the Checo to Williams instead of George rumours were floating around so maybe Mugello but again I’ll have to come back to actually get a quote.To be fair: even if it was Valtteri’s motive, even if it was George’s, wanting to beat your teammate is something normal and happens up and down the grid. That’s how this sport works. We’ve seen worse (multi-21 anyone?, Baku 2018 anyone? Barcelona 2016 anyone?).
2. Tyres is a good word because remember France 2021? When Valtteri spent more time scrapping his tyres in an unnecessary attack on Lewis and then had no tyres left when MV reached him? Let himself be pushed into an error at the same corner that George used the rulebook against Perez this year? Sure, the two stopper would have been the better strategy. But if Valtteri had only preserved his tyres a little bit better he could have defended against Max better. Okay, again, two teammates fighting for position is okay because like I said in point 1, that’s normal. But Valtteri was 60 points behind Lewis while George and Lewis are both working towards a posisble p2 and 3 in WDC and WCC with George ahead of Lewis at the time.
3. We’re almost three quarters through the season and by this time team orders were a thing for Mercedes, because Lewis was trying to win the championship. We’re not in this current situation as I’ve stated above which is probably why there’s no teamorders or because teamorders are not necessary currently for wat they’re trying to achieve. And yet, Valtteri ignored team orders in an earlier 2021 race when it was crucial to let Lewis past (I wanna say it’s Spain, I was told it might have been Spain, but I can’t say it for certain because you can’t expect me to rewatch all of 2021 in the matter of a few hours). So wait what basically Spain 21 was the complete mirror of Dutch 22 and... we’re having the conversation if Valtteri knew more about teamwork?
4. Speaking of the Dutch Grand Prix, remember how Valtteri tried going fastest lap at the Dutch Grand Prix last year? Because he was ‘feeling a bit goofy’ ? When James came on the radio to tell him to stop the nonsense? Because they were working towards a Championship where every point would and should have counted. Imagine if AD ended in a draw because VB decided to be a bit goofy in Zandvort and Lewis lost the Championship just because of that? While Valtteri was nowhere near fighting for anything other than having to worry about Lando overtaking him in the standings?Sure, sounds like teamwork to me.
5. If only Valtteri defended a bit harder against MV at most times it didn’t have a consequence for him personally maybe AD21 wouldn’t have been necessary (It wouldn’t have been with George at Lewis’ side but once again that’s an essay for another day).
6.Last but not least, because in my eyes that’s the biggest one: Sochi 2020. To catch you up: Valtteri won, Lewis got a penalty for a practice start that was in accordance with the rules (the penalty) but since then the whole thing has not been penalised as hard. Yeah sure, Valtteri was big on teamwork and supporting Lewis. That’s also the reason he gave Max, their biggest rival, the guy that could and would have overtaken him in the championship (Max had only 25 points less than Valtteri after the race before) a tow. Because Valtteri knows that in Sochi you can get the upper hand starting third. How does Valtteri know that? Sochi is one of his best tracks. How do I know that? Because Valtteri told me. In DTS season three. He also implied it was to beat Lewis. That’s the part that comes after showing his bare ass and before victimising himself pretending the team didn’t celebrate with him because they don’t like him instead of the fact that he went behind all their backs a day before. He literally gave Max Verstappen the chance of winning that race just so he can maybe best Lewis.
But sure, go ahead tell me how George actively messed with Lewis’ race. When there was no chance of a 1-2. We only could have gotten a 1-2 if Max deadbulled. Because of the whole Alpha Tauri mess. And even before that was a bit of a stretch. Because, unfortunately, the Red Bull is that good.
Notice how I’m not even focusing on the way George has supported Lewis off track more than Valtteri has and not just this year. I’m not even focusing on the fact that George and Valtteri have different roles in the team. I’m not even focusing on the different performance levels of George and Valtteri- with Valtteri in the better car.
You don’t have to like George. You don’t have to dislike Valtteri. But you can’t go around claiming things that simply aren’t factually true and that is that George Russell is a bad teammate. Most of his former teammates (Nicky, Jaitken, Callum and Charles for example) love to saywhat a good teammate George is. He has always supported Lewis, Lewis is the reason he got into this sport. Lewis is George’s idol. Why are you treating him like the enemy.
They are good teammates, that’s why Mercedes, Lewis and George have the chance to get P2 and 3 in the drivers championship or the constructors championship. Because they work so well together, because they are able to go the same pace (with of course Lewis is the one ahead but just for reference George started karting the year Lewis won GP2 of course Lewis has more experience).
I don’t remember what my original closing sentence was and if you’re still reading this props to you, wish I could give you a cookie, but George knows teamwork. What happened today had nothing to do with that. Mercedes made a mistake. That’s not on George, and even if it was: I don’t think Valtteri Bottas is the person to compare him to in that instance. Might as well point out when Nico toxic manipulative ass was a ‘better’ teammate to Lewis.
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justtogetthrough · 2 months
Just when you think you’ve seen all the possible evil in your field of work.
Then somebody who works for a Children’s Aid Society on behalf of the government speaks such an evil thing like it’s nothing and you interrupt him to be like I’m sorry, what did you just say? And the person repeats it, and you have several of your colleagues on this call as well and you all sit there on camera, mouths agape, and two texts pop up on your phone from your manager, both simply saying “OMG.” That’s it. OMG. Twice, because we can’t believe anyone would feel this way let alone say it out loud so cavalierly.
While this buffoon keeps speaking, either under the impression if he keeps talking we’ll eventually come on board with him (less likely) or just power tripping and saying this is what he’s going to do, just because he can, and yeah in reality there’s not much we can do to stop it (more likely). We all just sat there stunned. I looked from face to face and no one could mask the horror they felt.
The man went off camera halfway through and stayed off (coward) while his colleague remained on camera and fucking smirked every time this senior person spoke. Every time my colleagues stared at their screens in complete shock and disbelief, that man sat there barely trying to restrain glee? while the senior person doubled and tripled down on a plan for a child that is virtually guaranteed to result in an act of self harm before all is said and done.
We will not work with people who don’t treat children as humans. We do not accept children into our foster homes if we know their CAS cares more about dollars and cents than a child having the care they need and living a good life. Historically, we’ve only ever had one or two CAS’s blacklisted for this. I was trained when I joined this agency to receive their referrals and politely decline, maintaining positive rapport because we don’t want them to know we’ve blacklisted them. When there’s been giant ruptures and a fundamental difference in philosophy, we just smile and move on and let them ruin kids’ lives in other people’s homes and not ours. We refuse to be complicit.
But good lord, twice a year theres a new agency really showing up the rest by how heartless they can be these days. We have a good reputation in the province and we’ve been around a long time because agencies know we provide good care. It makes me wonder how we even get to places like this. It makes me wonder if the exact things that made us sought after in eras past are now what makes us come to meetings 4, 5, 6 staff strong to put up a fight, and if that makes CAS’s now consider us undesirable to work with. CAS’s talk and I’m always curious how these fights get framed. How honest agencies are when recounting why there was conflict. At what point do we become “difficult”?
We don’t want to place with agencies that don’t treat children fairly. I am so alarmed at the rate at which agencies care more about the dollars and cents than children’s wellbeing and I worry about the state of and future of child welfare, and all those kids being traumatized by the system in place to protect them. So few agencies will stand up to CAS like we do, and the more we do it and the more these agencies stop placing with us, the more those children end up as pawns, after-thoughts, and objects/collateral under other peoples supervision where none of the adults/decision makers care about them as human beings.
It’s jarring, upsetting, and defeating to be faced with this. There is so little we can do when the legal guardians won’t take our advice based on our knowledge and experience of directly caring for these children for so many years. We can’t stop agencies from taking actions that very clearly will damage children and make their lives worse. We can support children in contacting the Ombudsman and encourage them to fire any lawyers who aren’t promoting their voice, but we are so limited. We lose excellent foster parents to the defeat from these battles each time it happens. The moral injury is too much to bear and so many devoted foster parents retire when the kids get pulled from their loving homes and families they’ve attached to. For dumb fucking reasons, usually. That’s when it hurts the most.
Of all these battles we’ve charged into head on, today was the second if not the most horrible things I’ve ever heard CAS managers say. I wish I could wrap this up with some sort of hope. I don’t have any. This is just a long vent because it took me an hour to stop shaking from that meeting today and I’m still in disbelief it happened. I hate what’s happening to this kid. I hate how obtuse the agency is being, how unwilling they are to listen to the kid, to listen to us.
I hate knowing that shit like this happens. I hate watching ~adults~ add so much pain and suffering into a young person’s life for no reason other than they view this child’s wellbeing as an unnecessary cost.
I don’t know. It touches something firey hot inside of me.
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strykingback · 3 months
Drabble: Interrogation
Warning the following drabble contains the following triggers! Triggers Include: Torture Blood Brainwashing Mention Please read at your own discretion.
Location: Blacklisted Shinsai PMC base, REGION UNKNOWN Time: UNKNOWN OST: That One Cell
Alastair was walking down the hallway being flanked by two of his guards, looking directly ahead as he passed each cell containing either a political detriment, a spy for corporate espionage, and undesirables. At the same time he could only think of his greatest catch thanks to his sense of foresight of himself bringing his sniper along with him. Little did he know he caught the White Reaper and The Hero of Forde Village... Zek Sunna Simo.
Finally he would stand in front of the proper door with one of the elite guardsmen pressing a few buttons on the control panel opening the door up for Alastair, seeing Zek sitting there with a silent glare on his face with many bruises around his face and dried up blood from his nose...
"Oh great... it had to be you."... He spoke.
"Well after all, Mr. Simo... I must punish detractors like you who try to interfere with the glory of Shinsai." Alastair replied walking in.
"Detractors? Thats an easy way of saying I murder innocent people so long as that fills your damn pockets to the brim." Zek would peak with venom in his tone. Alastair would look at the sniper with disgust then, making a head movement towards his guard.
The second one walked up towards Zek and punched him once, twice, thrice, and again. Until Alastair stopped them with a simple snap of his fingers. The guard stopped and looked at him waiting for further orders while blood seeped from Zeks mouth and nose.
"You see, I have you to thank Mr. Simo. Ever since you got rid of Nero your actions has caused a chain reaction for the PMC's around Remnant. Of course, there is still some competition that I need to get rid off and those damnable Grand Council members... and what better way than having Remnants greatest sniper... help me." Alastair said.
"What.. *cough*.... Like... I'll ever help you..... you piece of shit.... and go eat a fucking dick....." Zek replied, his breathing labored from the blows of punches he had to take...
"Hmm. A shame. Then if we can not have you join Shinsai by simply asking...." Alastsir said snapping his fingers with one of the guards looking at a small wristlet device bringing a spherical orb hovering in slowly.... with Zek's eyes widening.
"Then.... we'll make you ours... by force." He said with Zek trying to move from his hair he had been chained to, but it was futile as the drone would get closer and closer having a syringe of some sort.
Zek pleaded until his last scream as the door closed leaving him to be tortured....
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Welcome To The Queer Cannibal Bracket!
I noticed there's a lot of media that features queer folks who eat people or otherwise flirt with cannibalism & thought "You could make a bracket out of that."
If someone else has already done it, well, more than one person can do a thing at a time.
Nominations Will Be Open For At Least A Week (<-Link to form)
Bracket size will be determined by the number of nominees received. Initial lineup will be determined by comparing perceived popularity to number of submissions. Submit as many contestants as you like, but know if you submit the same one more than once you'll skew that data. No limit on characters from the same media competing, but I may set them up to face off against each other sooner rather than later depending on the size of the bracket.
The details of the contest are open to interpretation. You may choose to vote on the basis of popularity, who could take who in a brawl, who better exemplifies the nomination qualifications, personal preference, whatever. We all know these end up being popularity contests in the end as it is.
Qualifications for Nominees:
Queer:  Doesn't matter what flavor of queer they are, but this isn't just a general cannibal bracket. That said, coding, subtext, and metaphor all count. Word of god only counts insofar as it supports an argument for reading into coding/subtext/metaphor/etc.
Cannibalism: It doesn't matter how they feel about the cannibalism. They can be pro-cannibalism, horrified about the cannibalism, unaware of the cannibalism, only facilitating the cannibalism rather than directly cannibalizing, etc, but there does have to be some form of cannibalism involved. General guidelines:
Unwitting cannibalism counts.
Cooking people without actually eating them counts
Being directly responsible for a person being cooked or eaten also counts even if they don't eat the person themselves.
Drinking blood counts, but when selecting contestants the odds will be in the favor of blood-drinkers who are human, view humans as equal to them, and/or actually kill the people whose blood they drink.
Metaphysical, subtextual, and/or metaphorical cannibalism also counts but likewise when selecting competitors odds will be weighed towards literal cannibalism or examples that more closely align with literal cannibalism.
Killing people without an element of consumption does not count, but consumption without death of the consumed counts, with previously established caveats.
Obscure contestants are highly encouraged, because I'm also using this as a means of finding new stories to enjoy. (There may be an underdogs bracket after the initial bracket, subject to demand/number of nominees.)
Some Ground Rules:
Not every cannibal in the bracket will be a horrible person, but a lot of them will be. It's a cannibal bracket. Moralizing in my asks, the notes, or my inbox will only be tolerated if it's funny.
On a related note, I know where the block button is & I won't be shy about using it. That's not just about moralizing, that's also about people just having some decency interacting with each other. If this stops being fun for me I'll shut this bracket down without any regrets.
I'll probably reblog/post/answer propaganda but part of "if this isn't fun I simply will not do it" is that is not making that a guarantee for every instance of propaganda. I'm not going to spend time worrying about missing some before polls close.
Relevant tags for organization and blacklist purposes will be listed as we get closer to having an actual bracket/they become relevant.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Lookit patrick scramble to recover this narrative now. Look at him skittering around Profound Bond telling people to Message Me. Nono, he won't say it on main where people can correct them. He corrals people into DM to fill their heads with lies and anxieties.
Patrick, you just saw, actually, what happened. You saw your own plans backfire. Everything you claimed about me being fake just got proven *wrong.* *You* are the irrevocably dumb motherfucker that didn't know what was going on here for the last FIVE YEARS.
But since I know Shatner and Mark P are STILL hate crawling my blog, I wanted to let them know that @/tfw2point0 is a huge factor in this. If you guys wanted that to stay quiet, you probably shouldn't have had him in your SM secretary's ear.
Anyway don't forget to ask Mark Pellegrino, everyone, if he confirms or denies the contents of his late 2017 communications in group chat and 1:1 regarding an attack on Misha's Career by Travis.
Hey!! Mark Pellegrino, Shatner, Travis!! Go thank Patrick. :)
And you know. You can lie to the newbies 1:1 right now. Sure. But eventually, they're gonna hear about TAW. Eventually, they're gonna look it up. Hell, eventually they'll find me there, since I was the one who got his ass blacklisted, and man you worked REAL hard to bring that on Mark P and Shatner today.
So I mean, enjoy having them for a year or two until somebody educates them on history and what new following you're trying to groom up from losing your own realizes you're a lying lech.
Genuinely impressive that in trying to disprove me not only did you prove everything in the attacked masterpost was true but you titanically fucked over Mark Pellegrino. Good work.
Just like I said even. I show up, clear my throat behind my new icon, and Mark yeets. And boy oh boy did he fuckin yeet yesterday. And so did Shatner when he actually got control of his account from his SM manager again. Mark's braindamaged heckle was under the association I was gone. Cuz you know what? He HAD been talked to about that. He just didn't know my new twitter. Like I said. In my fucking post. But the second he did boy did he teleport, didn't he.
Like damn I don't like Mark either but I kept it mostly quiet beyond the Mark P B GoN joke and damn you stupid motherfuckers ran right to Shatner's socials thinking you had something to drag on main and all you guys got was a lost job, and two VERY pissed off worried actors you just blew up.
If you had been TRYING to hurt Mark P and Shatner I'd be like GOOD ON YOU BOI but no you thought you were doing some shit here with me and realized you're 5 years behind on who's legally entangled with the SPN crew.
Once again I'm left cycling on "what a dumb bastard." dude literally directly verified two things in the post he was trying to counter. The ones on video he can't counter. What, on god's green earth, does he believe he can disprove about me at this point
sending the jared stans to defend a jared hater that attacked him professionally calling him an abusive druggie and alcoholic on main to his fans and shit during all this-- because you don't like my factual coverage of things like ratings-- truly. Magnificent dumbfuckery.
Cannot. Believe. This dude. Literally verified I'm legit. By trying to shit his pants. Because he didn't get the last FIVE FUCKING YEARS OF EVENTS WITH THE CAST AND CREW.
Five years. Let me emphasize the capital level of OBLIVIOUS NOBODY you are that you JUST NOW FIGURED OUT I was at the core of blacklisttaw when I started the trend, you NEVER tapped the brake to think what that fucking entails, and you NEVER stopped running your mouth long enough to make sure you weren't defending rape apologists.
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