dafriendlygobbo · 2 years
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The Ironguts are built and ready to be primed/painted tomorrow, enjoy the bonus Gnoblars, I know I do.
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spaminhand · 11 months
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Comm for Mads!
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and the unfortunate followup of the Throw Teammate play..
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agbpaints · 2 years
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Yar! For a little Christmas secret Santa my local community put together I'm painting up Blackpowder's Buccaneers! I love pirates and like uh *checks notes* almost every underworlds warband I've looked at these guys look like they have a ton of flavor in both their models and their gameplay. I've got some fun plans for how to paint them so stay tuned!
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mrright1196 · 1 year
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New Freeguild Steelhelms give me some big Ankh-Morpork City Watch vibes. Like even just the humans already feel like a very motley crew.
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Like, I could very easily make a City Watch army or at least a Warcry team. An Ironbreaker for Cheery, a Troggoth for Detritus, and boom, City watch.
(Maybe get a gnoblar head for Nobby)
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 2 years
Reading Fantasy lore for the first time and I fucking love that Gnoblars get stepped on so often that they are “designed for Load Bearing”
Gnoblars are some of the best greenskin content in Warhammer, surpassed only by the absolute brilliance that is the Snotling. Snotlings are perhaps one of the best things to come out of Warhammer as a whole.
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feyd-rautha-apologist · 2 months
A lot of people have been saying that ogors (gutbusters at least) don't really fit that well in Age of Sigmar because they're basically just transplanted one to one from their WFB version. Here's an idea for how GW could "AoSify" gutbusters for their (hopefully) eventual range refresh:
I think AoS should really heavily lean into the pirate theme gutbusters kinda have going on right now. Imagine if all of the gutbusters (or at least a whole bunch of them) get hit with the Everwinter curse as well, but instead of doing what the beastclaw raiders did, they all pile onto giant sailing ships & become full-on ogor pirates.
They don't ever have to worry about sailing against the wind or getting becalmed because they constantly have a magical snowstorm right the fuck behind them. They'd propably be a lot better at actually outrunning the thing for a while, sailing ships are quite a bit faster than mammoths. I can't imagine they'd be that great at climbing up and down rigging & stuff, but that's what they have gnoblars for. When they go out to board a ship or raid a port they just pick up their cannons & keep blasting shit. Tyrant Captains trading with and/or pillaging port cities like Misthåvn and Excelsis. Butcher Quartermasters summoning giant mawstrom currents. Sea shanties about how much they love blood grog and boneflour hardtack (the weevils are the best part). Do any of you see my vision
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ainlifun · 2 years
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The Dark Lands, Wolflands
As loyal as he was to Malal, there were times Skraag suspected serving the Great Maw would’ve been easier. Then again...his brother had served the God-Mouth and lost his hands for the effort. So then again, maybe not.
It wasn’t always like this. Before the god’s ascension, things had been easy. Skraag had been used as little more than a blunt instrument of force against the Agents of Chaos: bludgeoning them and eating them. The Butcher had found daemonflesh to quite to his liking, so word of a Khornate host nearby was welcome news indeed.
“ Wha’dya say boys?” The Ogre Bull, clad in his ashen armor, spoke to his host, The Rogue Butchers, “ We test our axes against theirs, eh?” A joint cheer went up, followed by fists and crude tankards full of wine and daemon blood.
Forget searching for a Warrior-Sage; leave that to lesser legions. They weren’t bloodhounds. They were Butchers and Skraag meant to once again prove why he held the title. He downed the rest of his blood-wine concoction, then strode over to his Stonehorn, the beast long-corrupted by exposure to the Ogre Renegade’s fell gods and daemons. His bulls formed up, picking up crude weapons. Some mounted Rhinoxen, clad in chaos plate. Others bullied Gnoblars into motion.
All marched, keen for the taste of Daemon Flesh in their bellies and victory in their hearts!
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oldworldfantasyrp · 1 year
A Deal Made In Meat (open RP)
Greasus smiled down at the messenger to from the Westeros Lord, a toothy disgusting smile that split his gaping maw of a mouth and filled with crooked teeth, and leaned forward in his stolen throne. his Gnoblar bearers sagged and huffed to bring the mighty Overtyrant forward towards the little messenger.
"You got a real nice deal for us here" he looked over the letter in one meaty paw and tucked it roughly back into the envelope it had come in, scrunching it. "But Greasus has a counter offer for you to take back to your 'lords' and 'ladies'"
"We'll work for the gold you wanna' give us" He said slowly "but we want the meat from everything we kill, every human, horse or dragon you send us against, we get the meat"
"You do that for us and you get the best Ironguts money can buy~" he let out a hearty chuckle that caused his massive bulk to jiggle and wobble.
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zmasters · 1 year
Life and Death, a Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Story
In the streets of Candleheld, a city of Shyish, marched the four clawed legs of Thavara. The vampire, formerly of the Avengorii Dynasty, paused in front of a green realmgate. This gate lead to the other half of the twin city, the half within the lush forest of Ghyan. She planned to enter the gate and travel to the Realm of Life, but nervousness froze her place. The green glow washed over her thin, light blue lower body. Her blood red wings hid her clawed fingers playing with a woven dagger, a gift from the one she wished to talk to.
Thankfully for her, the one Thavara wished to talk to walked through the realmgate first.
“Ahh, Zyn.” She said, faking confidence and trying to use her wings to hide her wagging tail. “Just the wych I wanted to see. What brings a child of life into the realm of the dead?”
Zyndras, a sylvaneth branchwych, stood in the glow of the gate. A scythe sat on her light brown shoulder while bugs skittered through the red leaves decorating her head. “I could say the same of you.” She answered, her voice raspy.
“How many times do I have to remind you that I’m undead?” Thavara laughed.
“You know what I mean.”
“I joke. Still as stiff as the tree you live in, aren’t you?”
“Still trying not to eat everyone you meet?” Zyndras shot back, her still face failing her attempt at comedy.
With a hearty laugh, Thavara plucked a worm out of Zyndras’s foliage. “You supply me with enough meat.” She said, throwing the insect into the air and catching it her mouth. “What to talk in the normal spot?”
The two warriors meandered past the strange looks of Candleheld's residents towards an old, abandoned dock. This dock was partially destroyed during an ogor pirate invasion. While the invasion was dealt with long ago, a small gnoblar tribe that traveled with the brutes had infested the area and keep people from repairing the broken trade port. A new dock was built a hundred meters down the beach.
Thavara’s fangs dug deep into a lone gnoblar’s neck while Zyndras poked at a piece of washed up driftwood. A flower sprouted from the wood.
“So… what’ve been up to seen we last talked?” The vampire asked, trying to avoid what she wanted to say.
“I was,” Zyndras sighed, keeping her eyes on the sprouting flower. “I was visited by Mother Alarielle.”
“Oh! That’s great!” Thavara smiled. “I wish Alarielle was my god. She’s so much nicer than Nagash.”
“She is.” The sylvaneth sadly creaked.
“What’s wrong Zyn?”
She sighed. “Mother Alarielle asked me to become a Soulbound.”
The statement struck Thavara like a stake through the heart. Becoming a Soulbound meant one thing. Death. Permanent death. No resurrection. No rebirth. Nothing. A soul lost forever.
Thavara knew the danger of becoming a Soulbound, especially for a sylvaneth like Zyn. Her plant pal and her kin lived for their cycles of death and rebirth. If she agreed to this request from her goddess, her entire "bloodline" ends right here.
"Y-you said no, right?"
Zyn didn't answer her.
"You wouldn't say no to your god."
"I wouldn't say no to Nagash because he'd rip out my bones and build a new servant!" Thavara yelled, throwing the dead gnoblar to the ground. "Alarielle gives you a choice. YOU CAN SAY NO!"
"I can't!" Zyn shot back. "No sylvaneth can say no to our Goddess!" She lowered her voice with a sigh. "Death can't refuse their god. Life won't."
The two stood in silence. The blood of the greenskin drip towards the piece of driftwood, watering the red flower growing out of it.
"I'm sorry." Thavara squeaked. "I don't have many people I can call a friend. I-I'll miss you..."
"So will I." Zyn said, taking a step closer to the vampire. "But you will always be a member of my Glade."
Thavara wrapped her clawed arms around the branchwych, lifting her into the air and causing her to drop her scythe. "I'll keep an eye open for you here." She smiled, pressing her forehead against Zyn's. "You Glade will be safe with me."
"I trust you will."
The vampire laughed as she dropped her sylvaneth friend. "So what does your god want you to do?"
"Those I am bounded to and I are tasked with preventing Drycha and her Outcast from attacking the free cities of Ghyran. Candleheld included."
Unnoticed by the two, the flower roots buried into the sand of the beach, the blood feeding the burgeoning plant. This will not be the last time this flower will taste blood. Mere months later, Zyndras would stare down at the blooming, blood red flower, fed by the blood of Thavara.
Thavara never told Zyndras that she became a Soulbound herself.
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4thofeleven · 2 months
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In today's painting adventure, I managed to drop this Gnoblar Lineman from the Ogre Blood Bowl team* I'm painting into a pot of green paint!
Managed to fish him out and wiped the excess paint off and repaint him. As a little touch, I added a few drips of various colors to his tunic to commemorate his adventure!
I will say, falling into a pot of paint is appropriately klutzy for a Warhammer goblin, so I should have seen something like this coming.
*The Green Bay Snackers!
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conniemb · 8 months
I really need to organise my hobby plans for the year cuz I got a lot of them but it's gonna be hard to get through em all if I don't sort myself lol
So far we got:
Paint Black orc troll
Paint Vampire full team
Print and Paint chaos Halflings
Print and paint Gnoblar team
Print and paint chorfs for old world
While I have a million other ideas swarming my brain I feel like this is a good place to stop for the year so I don't overwhelm myself. Hopefully I'll get through most of this stuff quicker than I think and I can add more stuff to the list but I really don't wanna add much more before I get through this lot first.
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runningskaven · 10 months
Maybe gnoblars are dumber than regular goblins? Have to be to serve ogres.
No idea...
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agbpaints · 2 years
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I friggin swear this project took way longer than I wanted it to but nevertheless- done!
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Blackpowder took the longest by way of a dual issue of him being very large and me deciding I was gonna do a bunch of fancy shit with him. The map coat turned out real nice so I'm happy with him
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The hangers on were more type 1 fun as opposed to blackpowder's type 2. Unfortunately at some point I dropped Peggz and his pointer finger snapped off, making him an even more unlucky gnoblar than he was before.
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The Battle of Gluttons
Have a big drabble, there may be a part II.
Rulek snaps his upper claws. It was a simple gesture and the Sisters of Flaying Diligence raced along the Dark Prince's flesh-plains. The screams of the countless souls from here and elsewhere freeing with the weeping tears of their flaying chariots pulled by their singing beasts. The heartseekers were the lead to the foremost vanguard.
The herd of fiends following the attractive blood-perfumes of delicious pain raked up like a morbid hoe of industrial gardening, their tongues flickering and swooning as their senses roused. Perfect to lead them off to crash along the suffering Ogres that dared to traverse through the Realm of Slaanesh.
They were doomed from the start; their gluttonies were so animal that even their practical city-caravan of meat-filled carts would not save them in some amusing attempt to stave off the temptations of the Dark Prince.
The Daemon Prince has been stalking them for seemingly some days, he was curious how long they will make it led by their hook-handed prophet and a number of bulls. Bit by bit, he and several other daemons have nipped at their heels.
Teasing. Stealing. Kidnapping.
The screams of their unfortunates sung through the circles, but now - time was becoming an essence when Rulek could taste the violence of Skarband haunting. He knows the Fallen General was being distracted by the Temptor right now. He had to cut his play. The cat now made his pounce on the fat mice.
The Fiends have engaged with the ogres, a carving sweep into the front and flank. The hellstriders - ridden of mortals and daemonettes alike - had made their moves to bleed in between the ranks. Rulek did not engage.
Not yet.
The changed prince strutted along his perch, his body swayed and with a gesture of a finger. The thin twinkle of a razor-wire crossed on his claw, plucking and a storm of warpfire flew across the air. The whimsical barrage of his Pink Horrors raining their mischief on the ogres and scrambling hordes of gnoblars and maimed orcs scattering around trying to fight off the Slaaneshi raiders.
A swish of his pronged tail and the warhorns of the main legion was marching from their position. The Godslayer's Own, the anointed chaos knights of Rulek's favour, rode with their great armoured bears, riding out with a retinue of fellow knights of the four-favoured.
"Dekhette." He spoke with a sultry caress of voice. His bejeweled armour glinting as he felt the amethyst sun of the realm upon his velvet hide.
From the debris and clouds of battle, the blood-perfume seemed to dance and swirl as it hunted. Throats were sliced. Guts were opened. Tendons were carved.
The very ground seemed to devour the dead and dying, blood soaked like a sponge. Tendrils were quivering and reaching out, hungry for the souls that dare walk the Circle of Gluttony. The cauldron-dragged Prophet roared and hollered in the name of the ogres' god known as the Maw, carving through daemonettes and marauders with his hacking limbs.
"The only feast of mine is that of the Maw's Bounty!" The mutilated ogre hollered, releaving a fiend of its front legs and carving the daemon open from gut to ribs. Its pain-rich scream filled the air as its ether was pulling with the poisonous aromatic ichor spraying about.
With a gorging of the daemon's heart and innards, Skrag cackled as he tasted such a rare opportunity. So many flavors and the thoughts of enriching it even more before the Prophet spewed out a gut-filled retch at a charging line, practically melting steed and rider alike while feet flipped and bodies tumbled in the disgusting filth.
"Your lie-food is nothing to the real thing!" He decreed as he dragged his cauldron to pluck and carve at the bodies of his fallen, tossing back to the bubbling spew. His Gorgers - the few that have been forcibly redirected from falling for the daemonic trap of wines and foods, even the muses that danced and inticed many - were lunging to fight and devour the attackers.
Rulek watched and smiled something most foul before gesturing again with his right back-claw, snapping. Enter stage left -
To be continued.
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gamecrag · 1 year
The Ogor Mawtribes are a race of massive, ravenous creatures known as Ogors, who are known for their insatiable appetite and formidable strength. The Ogor Mawtribes are divided into two main subfactions: the Beastclaw Raiders and the Gutbusters. Known for their incredible strength and durability. They boast high wounds, strong armor, and impressive damage potential, making them resilient and difficult to eliminate on the battlefield. This durability allows them to withstand enemy attacks and continue to fight effectively. If you prefer smaller armies with huge Ogres, this faction is the best choice for you! I'll be detailing the 10 best options for the Ogor Mawtribes to help you decide which models to use. 10) Gnoblars Datasheet Gnoblars are small, weak creatures that serve the Ogor Mawtribes army. They are often used as cannon fodder and for menial tasks, such as cooking and cleaning. However, they can also be used in large numbers to overwhelm enemy units and capture objectives. In fact, some players consider Gnoblars to be the best unit in the Ogor Mawtribes army due to their low points cost and ability to screen more valuable units from enemy attacks. Gnoblars can be equipped with a variety of weapons, including clubs, spears, and bows. While they may not be the most powerful combat unit, their sheer numbers and ability to perform a variety of tasks make them a valuable addition to any Ogor Mawtribes army 9) Frost Sabres Datasheet Frost Sabres are a unit of fast, agile, and deadly creatures that serve the Ogor Mawtribes army in Age of Sigmar. They are known for their ability to hunt prey in the frozen wilds and are often used to flank enemy units and disrupt their formations. Frost Sabres have the ability to move quickly across the battlefield and can be used to tie up enemy units, preventing them from moving or attacking other units. In addition, Frost Sabres have a natural camouflage that makes them invisible to enemy units while they are in cover, making them difficult to target. This ability allows them to move around the battlefield unnoticed and launch surprise attacks on enemy units. 8) Firebelly Datasheet The Firebelly is a leader unit armed with a Basalt Hammer and Fire Breath. The Firebelly is also a Wizard and can attempt to cast one spell in your hero phase and attempt to unbind one spell in the enemy hero phase. What makes the Firebelly such a valuable unit is its ability to deal a significant amount of mortal wounds to enemy units. The Fire Breath attack can deal up to 6 mortal wounds to a unit within 8 inches of the Firebelly, making it an effective tool for taking out tough enemy units or characters. In addition to its offensive capabilities, the Firebelly also has the ability to buff nearby friendly units. Its Molten Entrails ability allows friendly units within 12 inches to re-roll wound rolls of 1 in the combat phase 7) Gorgers Datasheet The Gorgers have some useful abilities, they are generally considered to be a niche unit that is situational and not always reliable. Gorgers are a fast-moving unit that can be deployed on the battlefield after the game has started, allowing them to appear in unexpected places and take the enemy by surprise. They also have the ability to ambush enemy units, which can be useful for disrupting enemy formations. However, the downside of Gorgers is that they are relatively fragile and can be easily defeated if they are caught in the open. They are also relatively expensive in terms of points, which can make it difficult to field large numbers of them in an army 6) Butchers Datasheet The Butchers unit are armed with either a Tenderiser or Cleaver. Just look at the model above, it's absolutely frightening! What makes Butchers such a valuable unit is their ability to buff friendly units and deal damage to enemy units. Their Cauldron of
Fury ability allows friendly units within 18 inches to re-roll hit rolls of 1 in the combat phase. They also have the ability to inflict mortal wounds to enemy units with their Blood Feast ability, which deals additional damage to enemy units with wounds characteristics of 4 or more. As well as this, Butchers can be used in the Butcher's Band warscroll battalion, which allows them to move friendly Ogor Mawtribes units an additional distance in the movement phase 5) Leadbelchers Datasheet The Leadbelchers unit are heavily armed and armored Ogor gunners who wield massive guns and utilize them as makeshift bludgeons in close combat. They have a high strength and rend value, which makes them effective against heavily armored targets. Able to deal mortal wounds on an unmodified wound roll of 6, they can be devastating to enemy units. For their battalion, Leadbelchers can be used in the Gutbuster Warglutt battalion, which allows them to re-roll hit and wound rolls of 1 if they are within 12 inches of another unit from the same battalion. This can make them even more deadly in combat! 4) Gluttons Datasheet The Gluttons are massive, heavily armored Ogor warriors armed with brutal weapons such as clubs, blades, and spears. They are known for their insatiable hunger and their ability to consume their enemies whole. A main focus point is their ability to deal significant damage in close combat. They have a high strength and a large number of attacks, which makes them effective against both infantry and large monsters. They also have the ability to generate bonus attacks on a roll of 6 to hit, which can quickly add up to devastating damage. 3) Ironguts Datasheet Ironguts are heavily armored Ogor warriors armed with massive gut-plates and a variety of deadly weapons, including massive clubs, blades, and spears. Exceptional in close combat. They have high strength and a large number of attacks, capable of dealing with the largest of foes. In addition, Ironguts have the Ironfist ability, which allows them to make a charge move with each model in the unit after a successful charge roll. This makes them incredibly mobile and able to quickly close the distance with enemy units. 2) Mournfang Pack Datasheet The Mournfang Pack consists of heavily armored Ogor warriors mounted on Mournfangs, which are large beasts with powerful tusks and claws. Mournfang Packs are known for their ability to deal significant damage in close combat, especially on the charge. They have high offensive stats for hitting targets with shock tactics. In terms of weapons, which include clubs, blades, and even pistols, they have a lot of options available. 1) Stonehorn Beastriders Stonehorn Beastriders consist of heavily armored Ogor warriors mounted on Stonehorns, which are massive beasts with powerful tusks and thick armor. Stonehorn Beastriders are known for their incredible durability and ability to deal significant damage in close combat. They have high strength and a large number of attacks, which makes them effective against both infantry and large monsters. They also have the ability to generate bonus attacks on a roll of 6 to hit, which can quickly add up to devastating damage. In terms of abilities, Stonehorn Beastriders have the ability to make use of the Frostlord ability, which allows them to reroll failed hit and wound rolls for attacks made by friendly Ogor Mawtribes units wholly within 18" of the model. This makes them incredibly valuable in Ogor Mawtribes armies, as they can help to improve the effectiveness of nearby units. Overall, there is clearly no other Ogor Mawtribe that can be named the best available!
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 2 years
Why are snotlings the superior green skin to gnoblars? Also what's the main difference between Gnoblars, Snotlings and Grots?
Gnoblars are hill goblins. They have a shanty culture built around living with the Ogres/Ogors, and do so because they’re smaller than regular goblins and very easily picked on by basically all other Greenskins (except Snotlings). The Ogres/Ogors don’t mind them at all, but may eat them.
Grots/Gretchins are smaller, thinner greenskins that are basically just skinny goblins. They’re cowardly, don’t like direct combat, viciously opportunistic and good at ensuring their own survival as much as possible.
Snotlings are about as high as your ankle. They possess the intelligence of puppies and are kept often as pets by Greenskins. Goblins despise them. They are not good at combat, but try their best to hit people with sticks, broken scrap and anything particularly shiny they’ve found. They often accidentally kill people by swarming them in the excitement of being involved and suffocating them than actually doing deliberate damage. They are so tiny that the Waaagh doesn’t work on them the right way, and instead of going into a blood frenzy they’ll instead gain an extra braincell and build haphazard carts and wagons out of junk and run people over with them. If a Snotling eats too much it will turn into a mushroom.
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