#gnraf fic
iero0 · 3 years
What if...you don't have to?
this is a gift by @gnarf​ and iero0 for the wonderful @ladderofyears​
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Something about him looked—off.
Harry hadn't seen Malfoy since the hearing where he spoke for him, resulting in Draco walking out of there a free man.
Now, only a few months later, Harry was back at Hogwarts for his eighth year, not knowing what else he should do. And Malfoy was also back.
But this wasn't Malfoy. He kept his head low, refused to speak to anyone, and always sat alone. He was nothing but a ghost of his former self. And on top of it he also looked off. Not as bad as in their sixth year, but still—something was different about him.
Just before Christmas it became obvious, even for Harry, what was going on.
Malfoy's belly had swollen since they had come back. He had tried to hide it under baggy clothes and wide cloaks, but it had come to a point where he couldn't hide it anymore.
Draco Malfoy was pregnant. And Harry's mind was blown.
The rumors didn't take long to spread all over the castle. Whispered words about the father, getting more and more ridiculous with every day. Draco ignored them all, not reacting to any of it. He only walked away, head hanging low, a blank expression on his face.
Harry would maybe fall victim to the rumors, if he hadn't seen things others were too blind to see.
When Draco felt unwatched, there was only the tiniest hint of a smile gracing his lips as he looked down at his ever growing belly. Harry had seen Draco touch it with wonder in his eyes, before his face returned to the mask he wore for everyone else.
This child was already loved, even though nobody wanted to see it.
Hermione reminded him everyday that this wasn't his problem, nothing he was supposed to deal with. But Harry couldn't agree, he felt himself getting pulled towards the other. Maybe out of curiosity, or that’s what he’d love to believe. But most likely because Draco was always alone. Through all of it. Nevertheless, he stayed at a distance, observing from afar, but always aware where the other one was.
That all changed within a split second. Draco was walking further ahead of him, and if Harry had looked down, he wouldn't have seen the hands appearing from behind a tapestry to pull Draco into the secret passageway rather forcefully.
Feeling anger boil in his chest Harry started to run.
He got there just in time to punch whomever the arshole pointing his wand at Draco was right in the face, hard enough to sprain his wrist. But that didn't stop him to bend down and help Draco up.
Trying to suppress the fury he felt, Harry locked eyes with Draco. "We need to get you to Madam Pomfrey. Did he hurt you?"
Still in shock, Draco shook his head. "I'm fine, I don't need to—"
"Nope. I'll take you there. What a fucking prick."
"I'm honestly surprised it took this long," Draco sighed as he finally accepted Harry's offered hand to get up.
Humming, Harry pointed his wand at the arsehole on the floor, using the fact that he was still knocked out, and cast a full body bind at him. "Let's get you checked. Come on."
Hesitating for a second, Draco took a deep breath, before he followed Harry out of the passageway and towards the Hospital Wing.
Once there, Harry guided him to an empty bed and asked Madam Pomfrey to look after Draco first, ignoring the pain pulsing through his arm. It was entirely worth it. Harry would make sure the guy who attacked Draco would get suspended.
Harry thought his mood couldn't get any worse. How wrong he was.
Draco had to stay the night, just to be safe, while Harry was allowed to leave after Madam Pomfrey had fixed his wrist. What he hadn't expected was the huge throng of people lingering near the Hospital Wing once he got to leave.
Cursing under his breath, Harry turned around and smashed the door shut behind him, marching back to Draco's bed where he spelled the curtains shut and blocked Madam Pomfrey out with a Muffliato.
"What the—" Draco started, but Harry held up his hand before he pinched the bridge of his nose.
"I have a few questions. Give me a second…" Harry felt his thoughts racing through his mind. Draco wasn't safe, not here, not with all those nosey people lingering outside believing the rumors. Taking a deep breath, Harry looked at Draco on the bed, allowing his eyes to drift down to Draco's belly for the first time.
Sitting down on the bed, Harry hoped this wouldn't go wrong. "There's a lot of people out there. And also a lot of rumors about you and your baby. I don't think you're safe, so I have to—is the father still in the picture?"
Crossing his arms over his chest, Draco glowered at him. "No. And I don't know how that's any of your business, Potter."
"I agree. It's not any of my business. But I'm really trying to help you here. So, no father, you're alone?"
"I'm capable of dealing with this on my own. I don't see how this is supposed to help me. If you don't mind, Pomfrey said I have to rest," Draco spat.
"Just—one second, please. Okay," Harry felt a headache coming. Draco would surely kill him, so it didn't really matter how he said it as long as he did. "I know you can deal with this on your own. I know you're not a damsel in distress. But what if—"
"What if what, Potter? What if they attack me again? What if I get hurt for real next time? I hardly think that's going to happen, you've been following me wherever I go." Draco rolled his eyes at him. "You're hard to miss."
"What if you wouldn't have to do this alone?" Harry burst out. "I follow you, yes. I knew this wouldn't end well, people are—what if we tell them they're mine? That I got you pregnant. We met for a drink after the hearing, and one thing led to the other—I follow you anyway. This could put an end to this."
Harry held his breath as he watched Draco's face flicker through a wide band of emotions, until it settled on something resembling distrust at best. "Why the fuck would you even do this? Me and my child are not of your concern, Potter."
"I know. But…" Harry groaned, annoyed. "Just let me help you. At least until Hogwarts is over. You'll need a babysitter for the exams, and nobody would dare to tell me off for asking for a reschedule of my exam times if they overlap with yours. And people wouldn't dare touch you if we told them—"
"You know that's insane, right?"
"And you know that it'll be all over the Prophet by tomorrow morning."
"As if I'd give a shit," Harry huffed.
"You know the entire world will believe that you're the father of my child until the end of times."
"Then so be it. I don't care. We can work this out later if we have to."
Sighing, Draco let his fingers grace over his belly. "Okay. Fine. I only want for them to be safe. If that means telling the world Saint Potter is their father then so be it."
"It's Harry," Harry grinned widely. "Not Saint Potter. Or Potter."
"Fine, Harry. Thank you for ruining your life for the little bean and myself."
"I hardly think a child can ruin my life. I'll pick you up tomorrow morning when you get released."
Draco's answering smile was all he needed to know that this was worth every struggle he'd have to face.
Standing up Harry removed the spells around Draco's bed. Leaving the Hospital Wing, he glared at everyone waiting out there, before announcing loudly that he'd personally kill each and everyone who ever tried to harm his child again.
Ignoring the reactions, Harry bounced off to McGonagall's office to get the arsehole waiting in the passageway removed from the school.
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