#iero0 art
sitp-recs · 13 days
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Part I: hymn to the sea
thank you @eleadore for creating this gorgeous art for @citrusses’ The Isle of Ogygia and for inspiring this rec list!
Sometimes all I want is the quiet. After a year of ups and downs feeling very introspective towards fandom, I found a lot of comfort in contemplative fics featuring the sea. They take me by the hand and get me immersed in a beautiful, mysterious setting in a way that I find deeply soothing, and even cathartic. I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels instantly drawn to this theme, so I made a short rec list with some of my favorite titles. May September be kind and healing to us all. Enjoy!
🌊 On The Shore by @skeptiquewrites (T, 3k)
Draco takes up wild swimming. Harry joins him.
🌊 Saltwater Stain by @the-starryknight (M, 9k)
Seven days stuck on a boat investigating a rogue ghost wouldn't be so bad if Harry didn't want Draco so much.
🌊 The Isle of Ogygia by @citrusses (E, 13k)
There is an island, far out in the sea.
🌊 The Oceans They Did Rise by disapparater (M, 18k)
Finding post-war life more difficult than he'd imagined, Harry travels halfway around the world to find some peace.
🌊 if you've changed your mind, orphaned (E, 20k)
The first Draco knows of the whole thing is Harry Potter standing in his broom shed.
🌊 The Isle of Discussion by @shealwaysreads (E, 22k)
Harry and Draco arrive at the shores of Loch Leven to record the magical history of the land. They’re friends now, but up there in the Highlands, amidst the trees and sky and that wild expanse of water their own past is more present than ever; a gap they still can’t bridge.
🌊 Simulation Theory by @starquestingfordrarry (E, 35k)
An offer to test out a new invention for Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes turns into a whole lot more when Harry discovers who has the other part of the paired set.
🌊 What Shall Not Be Unearthed by @iero0 (E, 49k)
At the northernmost point of Shetland, surrounded by pointed cliffs, towers the Ootsta Lighthouse on a small isle in the middle of the open sea. Little does Harry know that he's not the only new lighthouse keeper.
🌊 Antediluvia by @lol-zeitgeistic (E, 56k)
Everyone always forgets about the Merpeople. So did Harry until the day his, Lee’s, and Hermione’s Portkeys land at Reagan National Airport’s Arrivals dais. He’s just had to leave a job he loves and pack his entire life—literally—into his luggage. Then Malfoy and his subplots arrive, and suddenly, saving the world again, one Mermaid at a time, sounds like the perfect excuse to do something he’s always wanted.
🌊 I Am Not Who I Became by mab_di (E, 93k)
Draco left England after the trials and has travelled the world meeting wizards and Muggles from different cultures and with vastly different relationships to magic, each other, and the natural world. Now he's a fisherman in Finland on commercial vessels. Harry has been struggling since the war and has become a recluse while trying to write his autobiography.
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harrydracompreg · 8 months
Prompting for the 2024 HD Mpreg Fest is now open
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banner art by @iero0
We've been talking about it for long enough, and the day is finally here. Prompting is now open!
Prompting Guidelines
♥ Prompting will run from 29 January through to 10 February 2024.
♥ Claiming will open on 12 February 2024.
♥ Prompting is done via AirTable. Click here.
♥ You may submit up to 10 prompts. The form will accept one prompt at a time.
♥ You may leave prompts without intending to claim.
♥ You may self-prompt. The AirTable form will accommodate this.
♥ Prompts must follow the community rules. Read the rules and FAQ post for more details.
♥ MPREG (past, present, future) should be the focus of these prompts.
♥ Other characters are welcome, but the Harry/Draco relationship must be the focus and end-game.
If you are prompting a work that you wish to have turned into a Podfic, you must have the consent of the original author. Evidence of this consent must be shown before the prompt will be accepted. Authors are welcome to submit their own works for a Podfic creation.
Remember that this is a prompts fest and not a gift exchange. Creators are allowed their creative license, and you should not make the prompts too detailed.
You will not be able to edit your prompts after they are submitted. If there is something that absolutely must be changed, please email the Mods to discuss. Anonymous prompts will not be altered.
AirTable will ask you for the following details:
Prompter: (various name options, or anonymous)
Prompt: (situation, dialogue, words, lyrics, quote, picture, story to be turned into a podfic, etc.)
Rating: (your preferred maximum rating)
Squicks and Dislikes: (Things that should not be included in the creation)
Additional Information: (Free-text notes)
Self-prompt: (Are you keeping this one for yourself?)
Once the prompts are submitted they will be available in the Gallery, unless flagged for review. Once the Mods complete their review, that prompt will display in the gallery. All prompts with images will be subject to a review.
Anticipating your creativity,
sassy_cissa and timothysboxers
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sweet-s0rr0w · 2 years
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I’m back with a follow up to last year’s Valentine's Day reclist, featuring a whole new cast and crew of Drarry writers, artists, reccers, and fans!
Once again, the question was: ‘what one or two fics, or scenes, or quotes, represent peak Drarry romance to you?’ and to make things even harder, no duplicates from last year were allowed. I’m absolutely thrilled yet again with the vast range of fics chosen, many of which I wasn’t familiar with myself, and would urge all of you romantics to check them out!
Featuring answers from academicdisasterfic, babooshkart, bluebutter-art, booktopus, caroll-in, cavendishbutterfly, citrusses, crazybutgood, emmalovesdilemmas, epitomereally, geesenoises, getawayfox, ghaniblue, gryffindorhearts, kbrick, lettersbyelise, makeitp1nk, moonflower-rose, mxlfoydraco, oknowkiss, sleepstxtic, sorrybutblog, wolfpants
Like last time, those fics which did come up more than once are in red, and I let people have more than two, or poly fics, or art if they wanted because I’m still a softie!
💗Running on Air by @tinyhistory (T, 75k)
It's easy to lust after someone, to match their face to a missed heartbeat or a sharp intake of breath. It's easy to say, I want them because of the colour of their eyes, the lines of their body. It's something else entirely to say, I want them because of the way they rest their hands on a steering wheel, the way they gaze out a window, the way they say my name.
💗Relic Radiation by @tackytigerfic (M, 1k)
The screen blinked red around the edges, a countdown, and Draco leaned in even closer and said, “I mean literally. I’m on your side of the planet right now. And I’m coming back down soon, remember. I mean, I have to. But I would anyway. Just hold on for me?”
💗Polar Night/Midnight Sun by toomuchplor (E, 54k)
“You drive me mad, Potter, you –”
It’s mutual, Harry thinks gladly, tearing at Draco’s flies. He feels mad, like an idiot, like a reckless thoughtless – but here’s the mindless joy of Draco’s mouth on his, and Harry falls into it, falls and falls until he forgets he’s falling, and stops wondering if he’ll ever land.
💗Dear Stranger by @iero0 (T, 23k)
“I want you to hold me,” Draco says, and adds, “I want to hold you,” because he doesn’t know which one is truer. It starts like a hug Draco would see between mates. But Potter clings to him and rests his head on Draco’s shoulder. He has never realised that the other man is a few centimetres shorter than him, but Draco can comfortably nestle his face in Potter’s hair, redolent of cedarwood and vanilla, and urge his face closer to his neck until he feels Potter’s nose and his stubble not against his robe but against his skin. These broad shoulders that appear so unyielding melt to Draco’s touch.
(also just every time Harry writes "I hope you had a reason to smile today" in his letters to Draco)
💗Glowing by @cavendishbutterfly (T, 9.7k)
“It’s been so good with you,” Draco said. “It’s been easy. I don’t have to think about it around you, I can just be.”
💗Develop, Stop and Fix by @onbeinganangel (E, 15k)
It’s the face that surprises Draco the most, not one he’s ever seen in the mirror. It’s a soft expression, half surprise, half adoration, a small shy smile playing at his lips. Draco might have been in love even then, if that face is anything to go by.
💗Preserving Lemons by @saintgarbanzo, with art by @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm (E, 17k)
Harry takes Draco's hand. "I don't know. I liked the way you cared for me. You showed up and you just wanted what I have to offer. I don't have to be anything else for you."
💗the way you make me glow by @softlystarstruck (M, 11k)
“Mate,” Ron says. Harry turns to them, finding their clear blue gaze already on him. “I don’t think anyone could care about Draco better than you do.”
Wrong, Harry signs out of shock, his cheeks flushing with heat. Ron shakes their head emphatically, their glowing halo wobbling in its Suspension charm. “And I don’t think anyone else could care for you the way that Draco does.” Harry drops his hands, at a loss for any words, whether spoken or signed.
💗Quick as a Flash of Lightning, Unhurried as Eternity by onbeinganangel, with art by @babooshkart (E, 10k)
Right in that moment, this is everything Harry has ever wanted. Draco is, in bed, the same he is with Other Harry in every other way. Gentle, full of praise. His hand grabs a hip — firmly, but his thumb never stops rubbing the skin under, he runs his hand through Other Harry’s hair — passionately, but he bends down to press a kiss to his temple as he does.
💗The Four Doors by @fluxweeed (E, 49k)
“I can’t believe we just did that.” Malfoy’s voice was awed.
“I know,” Harry agreed fervently. “I never thought you would actually – It feels like I’ve been wanting it forever.”
At that, Malfoy let out a snort of laughter. “It’s been a few weeks, you said?”
“But I can only remember five and a half months,” Harry countered. “So, percentage-wise, that’s a good chunk.” “Even percentage-wise, it’s still no contest.”
Malfoy’s eyes glittered. “Finally, I’ve beaten you at something.”
💗9 ½ Days by @magpiefngrl (E, 70k)
Draco’s hair flew in the wind. His robes flapped, as green as the young barley. ‘I’ll survive. I know how to do that. I’ll do anything to have more time with you. One day.’
‘I’ll burn the world down if I have to,’ Harry said.
A sad smile. ‘I know you would.’
💗A Kind of Dwell and Welcome by @rainbees (T, 22k)
(the whole fic, for poetic writing and great feels and Austen vibes)
💗The Seventh Life by @corvuscrowned (E, 18k)
“I love you,” Harry said quietly. He said it more like a realization than a confession, like he was surprised by it, like he wanted to taste the words. “I love you more than anything else this life could offer.”
Draco believed that Harry believed it. Draco pulled him into a slow, lazy kiss, indulgently long and exploratory and sweet. It wasn’t the fucking he had missed the most — it was these kisses, the way they fit so perfectly together. It was Harry’s arms around him. It was the quiet of the night, and those slow, peaceful breaths, and that heartbeat behind any chest Draco could find it in.
💗Eager for the Sky by oknowkiss (M, 35k)
“We were chopping veg for dinner one day and he told me that when my mum was pregnant my dad would cut her fruit, every day, whatever she wanted. He’d have Sirius running halfway across London — because they were stuck in Godric’s Hollow, you remember I told you — and then whatever Sirius brought, my dad would cut it into little pieces, and he’d arrange it on a plate and bring it to her.”
Potter sighed, finally looking up. “Sirius said it was the only time in my dad’s life he was ever careful,” Potter swallowed thickly. “He wanted her to have all the best parts.”
“Harry—” Draco tried.
“I didn’t ask you if you wanted this,” Potter said, looking away again, pulling Draco forward with the downward cast of his eyes. “I just wanted—I wanted to say—and you’d never had it—I thought—”
“I’m not saying I’m like, in love with you, or anything,” Potter said, all in a rush, his cheeks gone red.
“Merlin, no,” Draco agreed.
💗Code Name L by GallaPlacidia (32k, download here)
“Did you know that most figs have dead wasps inside them? Something to do with the wasps pollinating them, crawling inside them, and dying. The fig digests the wasp body, then we eat the figs. I really fucking hate wasps. I really fucking love figs. I don’t think, like, “I love every part of this fig except for the dead wasp.” The dead wasp was, in fact, a necessary part of making the fig. It’s completely part of the fig. And I love the fig completely.”
💗Take the Moon by tackytigerfic (M, 15k)
"Draco.” He slid his hand across the trolley handle so it met Draco’s on the other side, their little fingers nudging on the plastic. “No matter what, no matter where, I want you with me. How did you never notice that?”
“Babies should grow up knowing how loved they are,” Harry said, feeling wretched. “That’s the only thing that matters, that they know they’re loved. But with you, I’m greedy. I’m selfish, Draco. I want you to love me back so badly that I can actually feel it in my body. It's like, the way I want you could take me over and I wouldn’t even care. I thought that you must know, that everyone must see it in me. I never imagined that you didn't realise."
💗A Bottomless Well by @teledild0nix (E, 10k)
"I think I'm feeling it," Draco says foolishly when he's shaken off the distraction of exactly how marvellously pond-coloured Harry's eyes are.
"Me too," Harry leans in and kisses him. It's lovely, and Draco thinks he might live in this kiss, the stove at his back and Harry pressed to his front, cupping one still cold hand to his cheek, the back of his head, whispering cool fingertips against the back of his neck. But Harry draws back, and Draco realises with sudden clarity that there's a well of this contentment, this joy and affection he feels are drawn up from a well inside him with no bottom. However much he draws up, there'll always be more when he wants it.
💗Make This Leap by @oflights (M, 118k)
💗if you've changed your mind by warmfoothills (E, 20k)
💗Paper Rings by lettersbyelise (E, 50k)
💗Finely Drawn Lines by @the-sinking-ship (E, 42k)
💗Licurici by @lou-isfake (Drarry x Charlie, E, 133k)
Harry had fallen asleep between them, as usual, his limbs tangled up in them like roots, his breath soft and warm on Charlie’s skin. 
💗Foundations by saras_girl (E, 236k)
Harry doesn’t even mind that Draco always acts like he’s just decided to casually drop in ‘on his way back’ from St Mungo’s every Saturday, even though they both know perfectly well that Grimmauld Place is no more ‘on the way’ to Wiltshire than Edinburgh is on the way to Venezuela.
He knows exactly what it means, incorporating Draco into his outside-of-work routines, and it feels scary and risky and warm and just like it fits. He also thinks he knows better than to push Draco into any sort of overt declaration of intention, and it’s OK, because he’ll be here, Harry knows he will.
💗Away Childish Things  by @letteredlettered (T, 154k)
"[...]I loved you—all through it. Do you understand? I loved all of you.”
💗Salt and Sauce by onbeinganangel (T, 3k)
“That’s you. I think… I hope I got it right,” he says. There is really no way Harry got it right, but Draco flips the lid open and… stares.
💗More Than That by joosetta (E, 11k)
“Do you love me too?” Potter asked.
It dawned on Draco then that Potter might not actually know, that he might have been as lost and confused about the whole thing as Draco had been. Potter who had described how love was just a story with a drawn out ending, who sometimes looked at Draco like he knew exactly what he was thinking. It hadn’t occurred to Draco.
“Of course I do, you enormous prat,” Draco said, feeling his face heat up and his throat tighten. He wasn’t just sad, and he wasn’t just happy, he was in a kind of ecstasy in between that. “I don’t know how you qualify to teach children when you’re so dense.”
💗Stop All The Clocks (This Is the Last Time I'm Leaving Without You) by firethesound (E, 45k)
“Potter,” Draco sighed. He finished spreading jam on the piece of toast and handed it to Harry, then licked a smudge of jam from between his thumb and index finger. “You know, when you love someone you should always cut their toast in triangles.”
Harry frowned at him. “Triangles? But what’s that got to do with…” He trailed off and looked down at the toast in his hand. “You… But you’ve always cut my toast in triangles.” He couldn’t remember a time when Draco hadn’t.
“And I’ve always loved you,” Draco said simply. “You’re it for me, Potter.”
💗A Private Reason For This by @femmequixotic (E, 92k)
“For nearly half a year, they’d fought and fucked and fought again until, in the middle of a night of blindingly intense coupling that’s left Draco shaky and light as a feather, he’d been a complete idiot and whispered those words he’d been thinking into Potter’s ear as he came.”
💗so rest your weary heart with me by bluebutter-art (M, art)
it takes a storytelling master to express the depth of Harry and Draco’s connection without writing a word. The support and solace they find in each other after the war, panel after pitch-perfect panel, will warm your heart and make you fall in love with those two all over again.
💗Our Little Life by tackytigerfic (M, 7.3k)
“Henri,” Malfoy said, and the concerned little crease between his eyes deepened as he looked down at Harry. “Myne owne hertis rote,” Malfoy said quietly, and real-Harry didn’t know how he understood, but he did—and in that one suspended dream moment, he was so glad to be able to understand, and he wanted Malfoy to say it all again, so badly—and he smiled at Malfoy, almost unable to help himself, real-Harry dimly horrified at himself for it but dream-Harry just allowing himself to do it, and enjoying it.
💗knead, then let rise by softlystarstruck (T, 7.2k)
“I’m telling you that I try to make everyone believe I can handle anything.” Turning to face Harry, Draco’s mouth is impossibly close and his sunhat throws Harry’s face into shade, a moment of shared respite. “I’m telling you that no one else has taken me to the sea, and no one else has made me a dark chocolate cake from scratch for my birthday, and I’ve never had someone who wanted to make bread with me before, and–” Draco breaks off, twisting his mouth fitfully but holding Harry’s gaze. “I’m telling you I’m rather delicate, all things considered, and I don’t know what exactly you’re doing to me but it isn’t fair.”
💗Let Me Count The Ways by booktopus (E, 3.6k)
Harry’s love is in his actions.
💗Is This Love? by @phdmama (E, 3.9k)
“Harry’s smile is full with everything he’s feeling, and it’s all right there on his face, but he still sounds tentative as he says, “You make me feel loved.”
“Well,” Draco swallows and his voice cracks on the words he’s never said before.“That’s probably because I love you,” and then Harry kisses him again.”
💗A Sword Laid Aside by @korlaena (E, 128k)
Draco is floating and high on Harry’s happiness, and he wonders if Harry even notices that with a single expression he so easily and exquisitely destroys Draco. He wonders if Harry can hear the thunderous heartbeat pounding in his chest, heralding Draco’s downfall.
Draco had always imagined that it would be some dazzling, sweeping emotion that would overtake him and make him see fireworks when he fell in love, but he’s surprised to find how the feeling is more like a small flame catching the edge of a page and slowly but surely spreading to every corner until there’s no part that hasn’t been enveloped in it.
💗heavyweights by warmfoothills (E, 29k)
“What now?” Potter doesn’t look worried, his gaze level as it meets Draco’s, a flash of something odd, too happy and young in his eyes. Draco has no clue. Short term, they should probably get off the rooftop before Draco’s fingers go completely numb. Long term, he should probably start calling Potter by his first name. The idea of it doesn’t really make his stomach twist uncomfortably anymore.
He shrugs, the movement of it made lopsided by the way Potter is pressed so closely against his left side. He doesn’t tell Potter that he might be in love with him, but he thinks maybe Potter gets that something has once again shifted and settled between them, hopefully for the last time. For now it feels ok to just stay here for a bit, Draco’s home spread out below him. Maybe sort of pressed right next to him as well.
💗Contretemps by moonflower-rose (T, 8k)
(This one is so light and funny and such an effortlessly lovely read. I love all the works of this author, and was lucky enough to be able to gift them a fic for Erised myself. This one has to be my favourite fic of theirs, though. Just, such a delight.)
💗Tapestry by kbrick (E, 91k)
(This is a *masterpiece*. I still haven't gotten it together long enough to give this fic the comment it deserves BUT it was such a stunning, unputdownable read and I recommend it as a must-read to everyone.)
💗Game... Set... Malfoy by nanneramma (M, 2k)
(Might be biased because this one was a gift for me but IT'S SO GOOD and I really do feel like it's one of those underrated, hidden gem type fics. It's Draco and Harry playing tennis and it's *hilarious* and so wonderfully written and I just love it so, so much.)
💗Strangeness and Charm by feelsforbreakfast (E, 46k)
(This is an old one but it's AMAZING. I have no words, just one of those ethereal, dreamy classics.)
💗In the Company of Serpents by @corvuscrowned (E, 25k)
(Another *incredible* fic by corvus. Such a unique concept and the prose is so soft and flowy and pretty. An instant fav of mine.)
💗The July Tree by oknowkiss (E, 51k)
“I love you,” Draco repeated.
“Oh,” Harry said. His eyes had gone wide as saucers.
“Aren’t you going to say it back?” Draco asked, trying not to wince at how needy it sounded.
“I—I’m just—yeah,” Harry said. He shook his head. “Sorry, yes. I love you,” he said. He was smiling and sniffling and sort of huffing out laughs, looking totally deranged, as he said again, “I love you. I love you so much. I’m like, really angry about it, actually.”
“Not angrier than I am, I assure you. I can’t believe you’ve made me love you so fast,” Draco said, wiping the tears off Harry’s cheeks with his thumbs, which he then dried on the stupid sweatshirt. “This is the worst thing you’ve ever done to me.”
💗Such Great Heights by aideomai (E, 93k)
"I'll try," Harry said, shocked into honesty in the early hours of the morning. "Okay? I'Il try. For you," and Draco let out a shivery little breath and pressed himself in closer against Harry's body, like they could fold into each other and into the shadow and just stay like this forever.
"You drive me crazy," Malfoy mumbled again. "You always have."
"I know," Harry said. "I know. Come on," and they went upstairs together, slow and tired, pressing into every corner they found to kiss.
💗Countdown to a Life by tackytigerfic (E, 3.5k)
(I think this fic is absolutely phenomenal - I go back and read it often. It leaves me breathless every time, an absolute masterclass in Drarry friends to lovers perfection. Every emotion just leaps off the page. It's a very short fic but by the end I feel like I know them fully.)
💗Yours Truly by @skeptiquewrites (M, 15k)
(God how I love this fic. It gets to the very core of what I love about Drarry - epic romance that's still so tender and perfectly characterised. Just lush.)
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littlewinnow · 1 year
And can you recommend a fanfics where only Draco is pregnant? Please🥺💖
I only have few atm! 😭 (I’m still looking for more myself!) but here:
Little love by ladderofyears
Along each garden wall by oflights
A big black sky by alexmeg (pls check the warnings!)
Expectant by loveglowsinthedark
I’m going thru this blog if you want to take a look through! (It shares all mpreg fics draco or Harry)
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thedrarrylibrarian · 1 year
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One of the questions I see float around on tumblr often is "How do you find new fics?" I think one of the best ways to find new fics is through authors you already love, whether you're just following them and seeing what they're reblogging or digging through their bookmarks, it's a surefire way to find new fics. I've admired @ladderofyears' work for ages, and was thrilled when she agreed to give a rec. I fell in love with her rec and I know you will too!
Hello, and happy August to everybody reading today!
First, I would like to offer my sincere thanks to thedrarrylibrarian, both for inviting me to write a rec for Happy Hour and for all the hard work they do. It’s often said that fic reccers are the backbone of fandom, but there’s never been a truer sentence. It certainly makes my day whenever I’m recced and I think it’s safe to say that most other writers feel the same.
Now, with no further ado, let me begin this week’s rec.
Dear Stranger by @iero0 (22,751 words, rated T)
The one thing more pointless than falling in love with an anonymous wizard over a correspondence is falling in love with Harry Potter when you’re Draco Malfoy.
The story I’ve chosen is Dear Stanger, written by my friend @iero0 as part of @hd-cluefest. This was a fest which featured mysteries, secrets and surprises and this story doesn’t disappoint on any level.
Draco Malfoy – living a sparse, quiet existence as a potion emporium owner – receives the first of a series of anonymous letters very soon after Valentine’s Day. He doesn’t know who their author is and, at first, is suspicious that someone is out to trick him or cause him trouble. However, the letters keep arriving, and as the months pass, they change his whole life for the better.
Okay, I hear you saying; that sounds like every epistolary story ever written. What makes this story so different? Why should you give it your time? My answer to that is Draco, whose perspective this story is written from. He is the beating heart of this fic, and his characterisation is flawless. This Draco, without a doubt, is the best one I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading.
Life hasn’t always been easy for him. The Malfoy fortune and lands are long gone, and finding a job after the war wasn’t simple. After serving a long probation, he found work in a Knockturn potions shop, taking it over after the owner died. 
The Draco we meet when the fic opens isn’t the sarcastic, poised boy from Hogwarts; an existence of hard work, long hours, and caring for Narcissa has left him tightly wound, self-reliant and untrusting. He is touch-starved, and lonely. His days run through familiar routines, his friends have married and moved on, and seeing his mother each Sunday is his only excursion. 
However, as we all know, Draco was always gifted at brewing potions, and this fact hasn’t changed. Harry Potter – top Auror and father of three – visits every single week, picking up his prescription whilst exchanging only a few scant words with Draco.
As the letters arrive, we see the walls Draco has built around his world slowly start to crumble. Under the encouragement of his fellow letter writer, Draco starts to take better care of himself, starts to smile more often, and begins to believe he is of value to the world. He starts to see himself from the letter writer’s perspective and blossoms in the light of their affection.
When I first read this fic, I was breathless with hope. I wanted so much for Draco’s anonymous stranger to reveal himself and give them the happiness they both deserved. The ending, when it arrived, gave me everything I wanted and has lived in my head ever since. There isn’t a week that goes past where I don’t think about the Draco who lives in this story. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Plus, if this rec hasn’t persuaded you, there is beautiful art by @fictional (milkandhoney) embedded in this work which makes my heart soar every time I see it.
Thank you for reading, all my love - Ladderofyears. 
Thank you so much, @ladderofyears for joining me for Happy Hour! I appreciate your time, energy, and the thoughtfulness you put into finding the perfect August rec for us.
❤️ As always, if you find a fic you enjoy, please remember to leave the author a kudos or a comment! ❤️
Lots of Love and Happy Friday!
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drarryspecificrecs · 2 years
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H/D Wireless 2022 : (fics only)
@hd-wireless || official masterpost || AO3 || ∑ = 58 works (art, fic, podfic) The Mods : @candybarrnerd, @gnarf & @maesterchill Banner © : @iero0 (official banner) + @honeyrinee's sweet lips on my lips
★ The playlist : Youtube | Spotify
Across My Memory by @cluelesspigeons [E, 4k] ♫ Once Upon A December (2017) by Christy Altomare
Anymore by @famoustruth [T, 2k] ♫ Anymore (2021) by Jeon Somi
Away by @sky-is-torn [T, 16k] ♫ Sleep on the Floor (2016) by The Lumineers
Become a man, but I need a man by @somberraven [E, 5k] ♫ Stay with me (2015) by Sam Smith
Bright Side by @floydig [T, 2k] ♫ BRIGHTSIDE (2022) by The Lumineers
Butterflies in Winter by Justlikewriting [M, 19k] ♫ Suspirium (2018) by Thom Yorke
A Case of You by @epitomereally [E, 97k] ♫ Blue (album) (1971) by Joni Mitchell
Closer by @pennygalleon [M, 5k] ♫ Something to Talk About (1991) by Bonnie Raitt
Delicate Dealings by @drwhoisginnyholmes [M, 11k] ♫ Delicate (2017) by Taylor Swift
Draco Malfoy Absolutely Does Not Need to Be Loved by Harry Bloody Potter by @nv-md [E, 18k] ♫ Midnight Sky (2020) by Miley Cyrus
An Emerald In The Sky by @corvuscrowned [M, 6k] ♫ Lost in Time and Space (2018) by Lord Huron
Everything We Have by @thesleepiesthufflepuff [E, 5k] ♫ Heart (2016) by Sleeping At Last
Eye of the Storm by @stargazing-enby [?, 26k] ♫ It’s Alright (2018) by Mother Mother
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not by @sleepstxtic [T, 5k] ♫ Careless Whisper (1984) by George Michael
The Heart and the Salt of the Soul by @cupofsquirrelfan [T, 23k] ♫ Like I Can (2014) by Sam Smith
I Wanna Be On You by @thebooktopus [E, 6k] ♫ Dance to This (2018) by Troye Sivan ft. Ariana Grande
I Won't Let You Fall Apart by @xanthippe74 [M, 49k] ♫ We're In This Together (1999) by Nine Inch Nails
I'll Be Loving You (Always) by phdmama [T, 10k] *restricted ♫ BWU (2016) by Tegan and Sara
if the world was ending by @talkingtravesties [M, 4k] ♫ If The World Was Ending (2020) by JP Saxe - Kurt Hugo Schneider cover
In Free Fall by @kbrick [E, 81k] ♫ Bonkers (2009) by Dizzee Rascal
The Island Assignment by @makeitp1nk [E, 10k] ♫ Yonaguni (2021) by Bad Bunny
Just Between Us by @phoebe-delia [T, 13k] ♫ All Too Well (10min vers. - Taylor’s vers. - 2021) by Taylor Swift
Kept in Cages by @sweet-s0rr0w [E, 76k] --- ART by @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm ♫ Dela (1989) by Johnny Clegg
Lights Down Low by @skeptiquewrites [T, 4k] ♫ Sign of the Times (2017) by Harry Styles
like freedom by @softlystarstruck [M, 4k] --- ART by @babooshkart ♫ Dead of Night (2019) by Orville Peck
Meet Me at Midnight by @the-starryknight [T, 56k] ♫ Sunlight (2019) by Hozier
Mens Rea by @lqtraintracks [E, 3k] ♫ Laid (1993) by James
Nothing compares by @maesterchill [T, 3k] ♫ Nothing Compares 2 U (1990) by Sinéad O'Connor
Open Fire by @slytherco [E, 38k] ♫ Lion (2017) by Saint Mesa
The Pact by @meandminniemcg [E, 12k] ♫ Deep Water (2019) by American Authors
Paper Rings by @lettersbyelise [E, 50k] ♫ Paper Rings (2019) by Taylor Swift
Plant your hope (rain down on me) by @bluesundaycake [M, 9k] ♫ Thistle and Weeds (2009) by Mumford & Sons
Put Some Time Aside (To Fall Apart) by @gryffindorhearts [T, 3k] ♫ Mansion Door (2018) by Shakey Graves
Say You Will by @janieohio [M, 3k] ♫ Grow Old With You (1998) by Adam Sandler
The Siren and the Sailor by @gracerene [E, 13k] ♫ The Siren and the Sailor (2010) by Kristin Allen-Zito
Staring Into Open Flame by @lumosatnight [E, 25k] --- ART by @kairennart ♫ Arsonist’s Lullabye (2014) by Hozier
Stuck Inside the Silence by @bunnimew [T, 2k] *restricted ♫ Papercut (2015) by Zedd ft. Troye Sivan
Take the Moon by @tackytigerfic [M, 15k] ♫ 4-Hour Store (2003) by The Handsome Family
taste you like a drug by @drarryruinedme7 [E, 3k] ♫ Daddy Issues (2015) by The Neighbourhood
Ties and Knots by @iero0 [G, 2k] ♫ Mr. Brightside (2004) by The Killers
To Make A Way by @cavendishbutterfly [E, 5k] ♫ chinese new year (2014) by SALES
To the dust again I fell by @steampunkserpent27 [M, 2k] ♫ Wishing Well (2012) by The Oh Hellos
Two Found Souls Swimming in a Fishbowl by @quackquackcey [E, 10k] ♫ Wish You Were Here (1975) by Pink Floyd
Wild Things by @coffeedrgn87 [E, 118k] ♫ Main Title (Wild Things OST - 1998) by George S. Clinton
You Don’t Owe the World a Thing by @orpheous87 [T, 17k] ♫ Celadon and Gold (2020) by Maggie Rogers
You Know the Feeling by @sorrybutblog [M, 12k] ♫ Official (2019) by Charli XCX
✔ other fests in 2022 ✔ fests in other years ✔ H/D Wireless : 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017
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hpweddingfest · 1 year
HP Wedding Fest - Masterlist
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Below is the official masterlist of HP Wedding Fest! All the works have been revealed on AO3. Thank you so much to all our participants and readers! It was so lovely to run this fest!! xoxo your mods @maraudersaffair and @ladderofyears​
You Can’t Spell Trouble Without Draco Malfoy by @lordofthegoods​ (Harry/Draco, Explicit, 8580 words)
coffee-stained sunlight by @girl-with-goats (James/Regulus, Teen, 6,345 words)
The Great Conjunction of the Bodies of Shoretribe by @astridastrolabe (Luna poly relationships, Mature, 3849 words)
Something Borrowed by MidnightStargazer (James/Lily, Teen, 2,928 words)
Nothing but a good time by @digthewriter (Harry/Draco, General Audiences, Digital Art)
I must have done something good by @yletylyf (Sirius/Severus, Explicit, 2,000 words)
Beholden by @byrainchance (Lucius/Narcissa, Explicit, 6650 words)
Journey by @ladderofyears (Harry/Draco, Teen, 1078 words)
It’s a Beautiful Night (I Think I Wanna Marry You) by @aneiria-writes​ (Albus Severus/Scorpius, General Audiences, 1412 words)
Her Father's Blessing by @liiilyevans (Astoria/Draco, Teen, 4,600 words)
Always a Planner and Never a Bride by @harryissuchalittleshit (Hermione/Ron, General, 4,700 words)
Something Old, Something New by @indigo-scarf (Greg/Draco, Teen, 3,400 words)
Leeward by @teacup-tai (Harry/Draco, Mature, 8,000 words)
A Lifetime Commitment by @iero0 (Mrs Zabini/OC, Teen, 4,500 words)
This is Real, Real Love by @celestemagnoliathewriter (Andromeda/Ted, Teen, 13,000 words)
Handmade Heaven by @bee-prescott (Charlie/Pansy, Explicit, 1,000 words)
The Coupling by @maraudersaffair (Severus/Harry, Explicit, 11,000 words)
You’ll Always Be Mine by @maraudersaffair (Pansy/Hermione, Explicit, 1,000 words)
In the Presence of My Enemy by @dodgerkedavra (Harry/Draco, Explicit, 41,000 words)
[Art] Wedding Photograph by @ladderofyears (Harry/Draco, General, Digital)
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drarryficrecsbasement · 7 months
The Lost Art of Keeping Secrets (287344 words) by Ladderofyears, iero0, Fae_vorite, Egggnoodles Chapters: 22/22 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Minor or Background Relationship(s) Characters: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Andromeda Black Tonks, Teddy Lupin, Narcissa Black Malfoy Additional Tags: Hogwarts Eighth Year, Linked Diary, Diary/Journal, Anonymity, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, N.E.W.T.s | Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests, Epistolary, Secrets, Coming Out, POV Alternating, POV First Person, Slow Burn, Slow Romance, mind healing, Counselling, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Mental Health Issues, Romance, Angst, Fluff, Smut, Past Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Past Draco Malfoy/Blaise Zabini, Minor Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Minor Theodore Nott/Pansy Parkinson, Minor Seamus Finnigan/Dean Thomas, References to Shakespeare, Poetry, Travelogue, Past Child Abuse, Ministry of Magic (Harry Potter), Daily Prophet (Harry Potter), Order of Merlin Awards (Harry Potter), Number Twelve Grimmauld Place, House magic, Wizarding Traditions (Harry Potter), Pureblood Culture (Harry Potter), Courtship, Domestic Fluff, Dirty Talk, Frottage, Oral Sex, Hand Jobs, Anal Sex, Body Worship, Body Hair, Mutual Masturbation, Mutual Pining, First Time, Switching, Rimming, Bathing/Washing, Shower Sex, Horcruxes, Patronus Charm (Harry Potter), Occlumency (Harry Potter), Room of Requirement (Harry Potter), Astronomy, Hogwarts Astronomy Tower, Wizarding History (Harry Potter), Found Family, Laddero0, Digital Art, Harry/Draco Big Bang 2021 Summary:
Hogwarts is the very last place that Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy want to return to after the war. The Castle feels claustrophobic and stifling. Both feel trapped within its walls.
Harry is traumatised by the war, by his sudden breakup from Ginny, and by the knowledge that his friends all know what they want to do with their life.
Meanwhile Draco is reeling. He has narrowly escaped an Azkaban prison sentence and is struggling under the strict rules of his probation. He doesn't know where his mother is, and finds himself a pariah among the other students.
The last thing that either student wants is mandatory Mind Healing. What has happened to them feels so big and devastating, that writing to a stranger feels farcical.
Even so, they are not given a choice.
Harry and Draco are both given a shared magical diary, and soon they begin writing letters to an anonymous fellow student.
Their letters, terse at first, grow longer as the days pass. Before long, each wizard confesses their secrets and their fantasies, their wishes and their dreams.
What will happen when their true identities are exposed? Will their vulnerable new relationship be destroyed before it has even begun?
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ladderofyears · 2 years
The lovely @danpuff-ao3 has tagged me in an ask game! List five things that make you really happy and then tag five more friends. What a fantastic idea! So, here goes:
1. A cup of tea. A genuine addiction. There is never a time of the day when I've not got a cup in my hand. I like Twinnings Lady Grey with milk, no sugar.
2. My bed. I'm not a night owl and I love sleeping. I'm definitely not a napper though. I think I've had two naps in my whole life.
3. A good documentary. I love them! I'm not even too bothered about the subject, as long as it isn't too upsetting. I adore learning about something new and interesting. Some favourites include: Blackfish, The Staircase and the recent Woodstock '99 doc.
4. Listening to music. Other than when I'm writing, I listen to music all the time. I can't live without a soundtrack. I love all kinds of music but Roxy Music, Fleetwood Mac, Nirvana, Kate Bush and The Smiths are some I can't live without.
5. I like visiting stately homes. I enjoy the atmosphere and the stories behind the different places. This is probably the reason I love Pride and Prejudice so much. I studied Heritage Management while university and I was a history teacher for a lot of years. I'm a member of the National Trust.
I haven't put all my loved ones, my fandom friends, reading and writing fic or making art on the list because everyone who knows me already knows how important these all are to me.
This was a lot of fun! I'm tagging @candybarrnerd @gnarf @drarryruinedme7 @iero0 @purplehotmess @nelweensfic
And anyone else who would like to have a go 🧡❤️
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iero0 · 3 years
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late night sketch
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harrydracompreg · 8 months
Rules Reminder and FAQ
Prompting for the 2024 HD MPREG Fest will open tomorrow around 8pm US CST!
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banner art by @iero0
Before all the fun starts, please take a moment to review the rules and FAQs. There have been a few changes from last year.
If you missed the key dates post, you can check that out here.
What is the Harry/Draco MPREG Fest?
This is an anonymous prompt-based fest focused on mpreg and the relationship between Harry and Draco. Works forming part of this fest have three basic criteria— - Harry/Draco relationship is a must - Either Harry or Draco must get pregnant - They must not mainly identify as female while pregnant.
The change to the last criteria is explained in further detail here.
This year we must have a way of communicating with you outside of email. In previous years, we have spent time attempting to get in touch with participants only to be told things like 'Oh, I don't really check that email.'
Participants will be required to provide a direct messaging method (tumblr, discord, or livejournal) as an alternate communication channel. Email will still be our first method.
We will attempt to reach you twice and, in the event of emails or direct messages being ignored, we may withdraw your participation from the fest.
In general terms, we are requesting that you communicate your needs to us. A single-line email is generally sufficient. If you need an extension, ask for one. If you just aren't feeling it after signing up, tell us that you need to withdraw. We are here to help if we can. We will be sad to see you go, but you are welcome to participate again next time.
All prompting will be done through AirTable. We will post the link to the form when prompts open on Monday 29 January 2024. Prompts will be displayed in a gallery, and are typically available live unless flagged for review.
You are more than welcome to leave prompts for this fest even if you don't intend to create for it.
You are welcome to claim your own prompt too! If you want to create for your own prompt, this will be indicated on the form. While the prompt may still display in the gallery, AirTable will preserve your anonymity. If you have any questions about this process, please ask.
When prompting, be mindful that this is a prompts fest and not a gifts exchange, so while the creators will stick as close to the prompt as possible, they are allowed their creative license. Try not to make the prompts overly detailed, and keep the dislikes/squicks list to a minimum.
You can submit up to ten (10) prompts, and we will allow anonymous prompting.
You may re-prompt from previous fests when the prompt in question was yours, was not selected in a previous fest, and is not actively prompted in another open fest. If you saw a prompt that you loved elsewhere and think it would make a great prompt for MPREG, ask the prompter if they'd consider posting it here or getting permission from them to post it for this fest.
This is an anonymous fest!
While you are working on your submission, please do not tell anyone other than your beta(s) about the specifics of your creation. During posting, you should not reply to any comments or cross-post your work to other platforms. Once the fest posting has concluded, all creators will be revealed and then you can respond to the comments and cross-post the work on other platforms.
All written entries must have a minimum word count of 2,000 words, and there is no maximum word count. Art works and podfics should demonstrate equivalent effort.
All ratings and creation genres are welcome. Romance, pwp, drama, humour, dark, flangst, fluff, hurt/comfort, family. If it fits the fest's guidelines and you can write it, draw it, or record it: we want it!
Submitted works must be unique to this fest. We ask that they not be part of an existing universe or a prequel or sequel to an existing story. Submitted works must be complete works—we will not accept WIPs (work-in-progress). You may not submit a work that you have previously posted.
Closer to the submission date of 21 April 2024, we will make a detailed post on the finer points of submissions. For now, some basic details are provided below.
If you finish your creation early, you are most welcome to submit early. If we haven't made the submissions post by that time please contact the Mods via email or DM.
All works will be posted to AO3. You will upload your own submission to the AO3 collection. A header is required to ensure uniform details for each work are posted on tumblr and LiveJournal. We will offer a html-free header experience also via AirTable, and the details will be provided in the submissions post.
Written works and podfics must be beta-d. This is not negotiable. The Mods will proof-read and proof-listen to these entries, and reserve the right to return them to you with corrections if necessary. If you do not have a beta lined up, there are resources where you may find someone to assist you including the Drarry discord server. Please keep the anonymous nature of this fest in mind while discussing your beta requirements in open forums.
All works must include the appropriate HTML coding tags on AO3. If you are unsure what the HTML tags are or how to use them, please check phoenixacid's N00b's guide to HTML. All submissions shall be uploaded directly to the 2024 H/D MPREG Collection on AO3. It is strongly recommended that you double-check when you post to verify that your coding and spacing is correct.
Extensions and Withdrawals
Extensions to timeframes will be considered on an individual basis. We will check in with you periodically, and if you think you're going to need an extension, you should tell us as soon as possible. Giving the Mods an idea of how much time you think you'll need, as well as where you're currently up to will help us plan the posting schedule better and fit things in.
Communication goes a long way, and we like to think we're easy to work with. Please talk to us if you're having problems.
If you find yourself in the regrettable position that you have to withdraw from the fest, we'll be sad to see you go. Sometimes, real-life ruins the best of fandom intentions and there's very little we can do about that. Please send us an email or a DM before your submission deadline so we're not left waiting for something that isn't coming.
Something Else
In the event that you've got something else to ask, please direct your comments, concerns, inquiries, Howlers, compliments and the like to [email protected]. You can also send us an ask on tumblr, or a DM, or reach out to us on the Drarry discord. Be patient—one of us will answer you.
If you haven't already, please follow us on tumblr, or join or watch us on Livejournal.
Let’s get amongst it,
sassy_cissa and timothysboxers H/D MPREG MODS
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faevorite-main-blog · 3 years
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The Lost Art of Keeping Secrets
I had the honor of working with @ladderofyears @iero0 and @egggnoodles for the @harrydracobang of 2021! These 3 are such freaking geniuses and it was amazing to see the magic their minds come up with.
Thank you for making a dark summer less dark ❤️
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softlystarstruck · 2 years
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✩ softly reading april 4 - 10 ✩
in which i list every single drarry fic i’ve read this week in hopes that you, dear reader, find a fic you like too!
✩ - a fave | 🔥 - hot | 🌼 - gentle read | purple - reread
spotlight rec
✩ Per my last letter (I hope you choke on it) by @fluxweeed & @lastontheboat [T, 10k]
Dear Mr Potter, The answer is, and will remain, a no. Sincerely, Draco Malfoy, Accounts Manager, Phoenix Press / Or: the one where Harry has writer’s block and Malfoy isn’t helping. [H/D Mistletoe Exchange 2021]
longer reads
Dawn by @kedavranox [E, 28k]
The Aurors tend to assume that someone broke in That Night, and Harry doesn't want to make them think otherwise. He doesn’t want them to know that it wasn’t a break in at all. That it was Harry’s fault... that he let it happen.
✩ Between Myth and Man by @slytherco [E, 16k] 🔥
Draco, lost and a little broken, navigates post-war reality convinced that people like him should not be allowed to make their own choices. To solve the problem of his self-sabotaging tendencies, he starts taking a few drops of Veritaserum every morning. [HD Wireless 2020]
✩ Operation Dragon’s Shenanigans by @nv-md [E, 14k]
Harry's in love with Draco, but it's complicated. Even more complicated than 'I'm in love with my ex-archnemesis and I get dizzy every time I see him smile'. So, as he's done every year since he was eleven, Harry sets out to solve the mystery of 'Why is This Shit Happening to Me?'. [H/D Cluefest 2022]
That’s a second date question by acGranger [M, 10k]
Somehow Harry and Draco keep ending up on dates with each other - without really planning to. At some point it has to stop being a coincidence, right? [Harry/Draco Owlpost 2021]
short & sweet (< 10k)
Glamours That Don’t Fade by WouldItWere [E, 8.7k] 🔥
Draco can already tell it’s going to be an exhausting night, because he needs to spend hours rewriting mismarked Ministry files with Potter. However, when he arrives at Potter’s home unannounced, he realises that Potter has entirely different plans. And entirely different reasons why it’s going to be an exhausting night.
Choose by @l0vegl0wsinthedark [E, 4.2k] 🔥
Happiness is a choice.
Truth be told by tenthousandyears [E, 2.2k] 🔥
Playing Truth or Dare with the Slytherins had been a terrible idea. Being pinned against a wall by Malfoy while still on bloody Veritaserum was... well, hot as hell, and more than Harry thought he'd ever get, to be perfectly honest.
✩ Aftermath of an Accidental Bond by @the-starryknight [T, 1k]
When you took the Mungo's third shift, you knew there would be weird shit. You just didn't expect to find the most recognizable face in the Wizarding world shoved into a hospital cot beside Draco Malfoy.
art gallery
✩ a living thing by @babooshkart [G, art piece]
The closest house is miles away, and the red clay earth eats sound. He had married Draco, had moved here in hopes of a perfect love, a fantasy romance, but something is terribly wrong with this place. Draco is nervous, and tells Harry with his eyes not to drink the tea that his mother serves. [H/D Cluefest 2022]
✩ Mirror of Ytilaer by OkaySky [M, art piece] 🌼🏳️‍⚧️
"You're so beautiful," Harry murmured in Draco's ear. Draco suppressed a shiver; he could feel Harry's heavy-lidded gaze across his body just as tangibly as he could feel the gentle touch of his fingertips across his scars. "Shut it, Potter," Draco grumbled back. [HP Trans Fest 2022]
✩ Only In the Dark by @iero0 [T, art piece] 🌼
They do it in the dark where they can only feel the smiles on each other's faces.
previous softly reading lists
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crazybutgood · 2 years
Sorry for shit lighting,, it's like midnight here. But yes here is the thing! (@corvuscrowned @ilovechristopheralexandershaw) I needed help to pick colours for the finishing touch to the art of my bedroom wall,, iirc I posted a WIP of it before. I had already got an idea yesterday of what would complete it, but I couldn't figure out all the colours to pick. Thank you to @curlyy-hair-dont-care @ladderofyears @thesleepiesthufflepuff @iero0 @steadyharrypotteronfood for your suggestions ❤️ Here's the addition I made just now based on them:
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And here's the full artwork:
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Please click on the images for better quality :)
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ladderofyears · 2 years
Love In A Bowl.
Scorpius had been as sick as a Crup for three days. He’d had a temperature, a horrible achy tummy, and every time he fell asleep his dreams were dreadful.
Daddy had forbidden him from going to school. He had missed the five-a-side Quidditch match against Toadstool Junior School and his favourite art lesson with Mrs Smith.
Worst of all had been the visit from the Healer. The witch had prescribed him a horrible potion that tasted and smelt like old socks.
On the fourth day, there was a knock on his bedroom door. It was Harry Potter, and there was a tray Levitating in front of him.
“Hi Scorpius,” Harry said, settling the tray down on the cupboard beside his bed. “Your dad said you’d had a rough couple of days.”
“I’m okay,” he mumbled, reluctant to say more. Scorpius wasn’t sure that he liked Mr Potter very much. He and Daddy had always been a gang of two, but now it seemed like Harry was always there. He’d never admit it aloud, but sometimes Scorpius worried that Daddy might prefer Harry over him. Daddy laughed a lot more nowadays, and he smiled a lot more too.
“Well, that’s good,” Harry answered, “because if you’re feeling up to it, you could try this soup. It’s carrot and coriander, with one very special ingredient. A dash of nutmeg.”
Carrot and coriander were Scorpius’s favourites, but he didn’t tell Harry that.
“Thank you,” Scorpius said, because there was never an excuse not to have good manners. “Did Daddy ask you to bring up my soup?” he asked, feeling hurt that Daddy hadn’t come up to visit him yet.
Harry shook his head. “Your daddy is still at work,” he answered. “Your nana Cissy let me in. I wanted to make you soup, Scorpius.” He smiled. “It always makes me feel better when I don’t feel well.”
Scorpius looked up and let his eyes meet Harry’s. He smiled too.
Harry left then, and Scorpius ate the soup. It was delicious.
Perhaps, next time Harry came to visit Daddy, he’d tell him how much he’d enjoyed it. After all, that would be the polite thing to do.
For the @drarrymicrofic prompt of soup.
Thank you wonderful @iero0 for your wonderful beta. Love you so much babe xxxx
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iero0 · 2 years
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today is the birthday of the wonderful @drarryruinedme7! my dear friend, I hope you're having a superb day and that you enjoy my little offering <3
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