#pregnant draco
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You'll Still Find Stone by flightinflame
Draco had to marry Potter to stay out of Azkaban. Narcissa told him he’d be safer there. But he doesn’t  know what Potter expects from him - this marriage is nothing like he had been prepared for. Potter’s acting kindly, and he knows it’s all a trick. He’s just about coping, but trying to keep Potter happy becomes more important than ever when he realises he’s carrying the man’s child.
Rating: Mature Word Count: 42,536
Link to Fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38211916/chapters/95469379
My Thoughts: A very sweet fic!!! I really enjoyed seeing a loving, tender, and sometimes awkward Harry. Draco is also quite soft, and I was pleasantly surprised by how fluffy the story became. This is certainly a good Drarry fic for mpreg lovers.
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hogwartsecretss · 7 months
Secret around the table
Paring: Pregnant!Reader x Draco
Request: No
Rating: 18+ due to topics
Warnings: Pregnancy, breeding if you squint, toxic situations
Note: Please send in requests❤️
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‘Don’t look at him and it’ll be over soon, he won’t even notice’ Draco whispered into my ear, dipping down from his height trying to calm me down. He guided me into the grand hall at Malfoy Manor, his left hand on my lower back ushering me forward.
‘Stop messing with your hands- you’ll draw attention’ Just barely above a whisper.
‘I’m trying Draco, stop pestering me’ Y/N hissed barely above a whisper trying not to draw attention from the Surrey of death eaters lining the table.
We took a seat with Draco next to me, eyeing me with caution as I sat down on the elaborate dining chairs. The fear was radiating behind his eyes but somehow he kept his posture calm and collected.
‘Draco, Y/N, nice of you to join us’ Voldemort spoke, his tone as usual smooth and bland.
‘I trust Narcissa told you to meet us correctly’ He ushered his head sideways to Narcissa sitting accross from them as she sipped you a slight smile.
‘I’ve got you all here today to share my plan. I trust all of you share my following of the purity of the pure blood population…’
Y/N’s eyes trailed along the table, nobody dared to make eye contact with the Lord, all kept their heads bowed down as if the table was the most interesting object in the room.
‘You see, some wizards would see the union of two non- pure bloods as a good thing. However, I see it as a disgrace, a sin in fact’
Voldemort rose from his spot at head table and walked around behind the chairs of his followers. Each bowing their head down further than they were before as he passed.
‘I trust the Malfoy name has already fulfilled this desire- am I correct?’
Draco side eyes me, his eyes in panic as he coughs before answering weakly ‘yes my lord’
‘And how old is the child now?’
‘Almost two my Lord’
‘Almost two? And you gave him this child willingly Y/N yes? And you’ve had no desire to fulfil your role as a woman of this house no further?’
If I’d been drinking anything it would’ve been spit across the table and straight onto Narcissa by now. I blinked a few times before rising my head, staring blankly at the wall.
‘Yes my Lord’
‘I can smell it, your lies Y/N, you’ve avoided meetings for weeks and now you appear out of the dark all rosy cheeked. Is that a flicker of fear i detect Y/N? You’re with child again i understand’
My eyes locked with Narcissa’s across the table and she gave a slight nod and eyebrow raise.
‘I apologise my Lord’ I intwined my hands together to stop them from shaking, after all, I had just lied to Voldemort.
‘What a man you’ve become Draco’ His pale bony hands rested on the curvature of the wooden seat Draco was sat on, making him jump.
‘Ensuring your wife is kept full and round ensuring the next generation of Death Eaters, and still only young. I hope the rest of you are paying attention, for this is pure loyalty to the cause. I believe all you men around my table are keeping your wives full, fulfilling your Dark Lords wishes.’ His sunken eyes scan the table as he looks upon a soul they duck their head to avoid his devilish gaze.
‘You two have proven yourself worthy’
‘Thank you my Lord’ Draco and I both say horsily above a whisper.
‘And to ensure the long living of our cause…’ Voldemort bends down to lower himself to my ear between me and Draco he whispers ‘I’ll ensure that you’re kept spread, fat and full even if I need to carry it out myself’
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blinger301 · 9 months
Draco *Sprawled on the couch*: Haaarrry!! I'm hungry~
Harry *From the kitchen*: What you in the mood for?
Draco: Pickles and honey.
Harry: Really? Okay.
Harry*Returning after 5 mins*: Here
Draco: I don't want it anymore, I want Yogurt and chips.
Harry: Seriously? Won't that make you bloated?
Draco *With a belly the size of a watermelon*: ARE YOU SERIOUS?!
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harrydracompreg · 13 days
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- Title: We Made Quite a Mess, Babe Artist: Anonymous Prompt: Self Prompted Art Medium: Digital Rating: General Audiences [G] Contains: Babysitting, Messy Spoilers: No Spoilers Marked. Who is pregnant: Draco Notes:
While I am a tad bummed I didn't have the mental/emotional capacity to write this year, I'm glad I still got to participate in this way 🥰 Thank you mods so very much for all of your modding to make this fest run each year and for being so understanding and accommodating with the extension(s) 💗💗
With their first baby on the way, Draco and Harry babysit Rosie, who makes them regret saying they could handle it. No wonder Ronald seemed so gleeful when he suggested they have "practice time" with Rosie before their baby arrived.
We Made Quite a Mess, Babe Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
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thundercloud12 · 9 months
The Second Potter
a/n: This is my first story, please bear with me. This is a multiple part story focusing on the cousin of Harry and the love story between her and Draco. This is placed in the seventh year before the war and has modern technology. DO NOT STEAL MY WORK OR IDEA!!
Warnings: cursing, violence, mention of death, pregnancy, weed
Part one.
“Welcome students back to Hogwarts. This year is going to be a little different. We have a new student transferring from another school of Wizardry and Witchcraft from America. Please be kind and treat her with respect and welcome her to her new school.” Said Dumbledore standing in front of the whole school.
To everyone, a new student this late on the year is abnormal. Never done before. Whispers spread through the great hall. “Who is she?” “I wonder if she’s hot” “I wonder where she will be sorted” “Hopefully not Slytherin”. The boys of Slytherin had looks of distaste and boredom. They didn’t even want to be apart of the sorting ceremony for the first years, let alone be apart of a the new student. “Have y’all seen the new girl?” questioned Theodore Nott. “No, I bet she’s ugly and a muggle. Only Dumbledore would be stupid enough to allow a transfer so late.” Draco stated with much distaste. “Do you think she would be sorted into Slytherin? I hope so because I need a girlfriend in the group” Pansy replied with a hopeful smile. Being the only girl in the Slytherin group had its pros and cons.
“Quiet down students. It is time to welcome y/n Potter” the voice coming from Dumbledore had a hint of pride and worry laced. Shocked would be an understatement surrounding the students. No one new there was another Potter. Everyone looked to Harry and before Hermoine could speak, the doors to the great hall opened. Every guy was drooling, mouths hung down and every girl spit out jealousy. In walked y/n, wearing a loose white blouse, a short fitted plaid skirt, and black knee high boots. Her hair was in a half do with a black bow tied around the small ponytail. She was the most beautiful girl anyone has seen. With that being said, her face showed anger as she angrily walked her way to the front of the great hall. Ready to get this over and finally have it out with Harry.
Draco, Theodore, Mattheo, Blaise and Pansy were shocked to say the least. Pansy new by her attitude and her fashion that they were going to be great friends. The boys however, wanted to snatch her up and call her theirs. They started placing bets on who gets the rights. However, Lorenzo knew exactly who she was. They had been friends for the longest time and he never thought he would see her again. He also knew this was not going to be good.
Back story: See, y/n is the cousin to Harry ;James’ niece. There was a special, uncommon bond between the two. They were both born on the same day and time, almost like they were twins. It was never seen before in 150 years. After, Lilly and James were killed; Voldemort went straight to y/n’s parents and killed them too. But one thing was strange, he could not kill y/n and Harry. They both have the same scar, y/n’s is on her chest instead of above the right brow. There was a clear connection between the 2 but no one knew why. Harry was taken to live with the Dursley’s, whereas y/n was taken to a wealthy family in America. She then went to a school similar to Hogwarts. Harry and y/n always kept in touch, sending letters to each other any chance they could get. It then stopped a year prior to her getting transferred Hogwarts. Lorenzo and y/n we’re best friends because both of their parents were best friends as well. Over the summers, they would stay at each others houses and they saw each other like brother and sister and nothing more.
Present: “Oh no, this is not good” said Enzo in a panicked tone. This caught the curiosity of his friends. “Do you know her Enzo? And why is it bad?” Before Enzo could reply. A loud voice yelled throughout the hall. Capturing the eyes and ears of all the students and staff. “WHERE IS HE” yelled y/n as she scanned the room looking for the victim . Once her eyes laid on him and she marched her way over to the poor boy who looked scarred yet angry. “HARRY! I AM GOING TO KILL YOU” To say the least, Hermoine and Ron were worried and looked between Harry and the new girl . “Harry what’s going on?” Questioned a very scarred Ron that’s currently in the path of a mad woman and an angry Harry. “Y/N STOP! This is crazy! It’s not my fault!” Boomed Harry, surprising everyone; even Professor Snape. “ NOT YOUR FAULT?! You are the reason my daughter is dead. You are the reason. If you wouldn’t have searched out to find Voldemort, he wouldn’t have came to me and killed my unborn daughter. All your searching and determination got her killed and I tried to stop you and YOU DIDNT LISTEN. You stopped sending letters and were upset because I told you it was going to get people killed. You really think he was the only coming after you?! WE ARE ATTACHED HARRY!! HE COULDN’T KILL US! WHEN HE COULDNT GET TO YOU HE GOT TO ME FOR REVENGE. I WISH HE WOULD’VE JUST KILLED YOU ALREADY BECAUSE MY DAUGHTER WOULD STILL BE ALIVE!” Screamed y/n with tears pouring down her face. She didn’t realize there was someone holding her until she was finished. She immediately recognized it to be Enzo. He whispered sweet nothings in her ear to calm her down. “ME?! I WAS TRYING TO SAVE YOU! TRYING TO SAVE US! I DID IT FOR US! IM SORRY SHE WAS KILLED BUT WHAT ABOUT ME! HE WAS ALWAYS COMING FOR ME. YOU WERE SAFE, I WAS NOT. HONES..” before he could finish, a loud smack was heard and followed by a chorus of gasps.
“Everyone, follow your prefects back to your dorms” Professor Dumbledore stated. The scene that unfolded was not expected. Dumbledore new both the Potter’s didn’t talk anymore but did not know why. All he was aware was that Voldemort attacked y/n in her school and caused a war and needed to get her safe. He did know what house she was sorted in because they did that before introducing her. She was sorted into Slytherin and makes sense. Enzo walked y/n into the common room where she could relax. He wanted to take her into his room and cuddle her like they have always done but y/n stopped when she saw his friends sitting by the fire. Draco, Theo, Mattheo, Blaise and Pansy waited for Enzo, talking about the events that unfolded not too long ago. “That 100% was hot” smirked Mattheo as Pansy slapped his arm. “This is serious, she lost a child at a young age. I could not imagine” Pansy stated very sadly. Before anyone else could comment, they noticed Enzo and y/n walking through the common room and Pansy hugged y/n. “ I know you don’t know me but I am so sorry. I’m Pansy by the way” “thank you that means a lot. Enzo, I want to get my mind off of everything. Where can we smoke and did you bring your weed?” To this, everyone was surprised. The new, attractive girl who just slapped the golden boy in-front of everyone; wants to smoke. She’s definitely a Slytherin“We can go to the astronomy tower. Would you like company?” “Sure, I’m guessing the boys starring at me is your friends? They can come too.” To say the least all the boys jumped up and followed Enzo and y/n to the astronomy tower. They all sat down and began a smoke fest. It was a weird silence because no one knew what to say and y/n hated that, so she broke the ice.
“ I know that everyone already knows my name but I want to introduce myself because that is not me. I am 16 and I grew up in America with my adopted family because of course you know that Voldemort killed mine as well as Harry’s. We’re both cousins and I grew up way better than he did but we always still talked up until Voldemort killed my daughter. I grew up in New Orleans, Louisiana, a town where wizardry and witchcraft is very prominent. And I know just by the looks on everyone’s face that you want to know why my daughter was killed. My boyfriend and I at the time were expecting a child obviously. A daughter who we named Ophelia. Of course I knew about Voldemort before Harry did, but I wasn’t expecting him to come after me all because he couldn’t locate Harry. When he did locate me, he put a spell on me that made my labor horrible and my daughter would not survive. However, at the time I did not know that. I thought he was just torturing me. He killed a lot of my friends and lot of students. It was so gruesome I don’t even know how I survived. I didnt know why he came until after about a week after. I found out that Harry was meddling and tried to kill Voldemort so he came after me. All he ever thought about was himself, and from what Enzo told me is that he is the golden boy, so I made it my mission to get transferred here to Hogwarts to make his life a living hell. Just like he made mine.” no one knew what to say and Pansy was in the corner crying as well as Enzo. “ I don’t want y’all to feel sorry for me. From what Enzo has told me is that you all are my kind of people and we would get along. I just wanna have fun and I want everyone to help me torture Harry, like he did me. Now tell me about yourselves” The night was spent smoking, laughing, crying and flirting. Y/n slowly started gravitating towards Draco. She could tell they were very similar by the stories he told. All of them were attractive to say the least but there was more to Draco that caught her eye. He was handsome. She found herself wrapped up in his arms as they shared a blunt. Enzo did not look happy for obvious reasons but did not intervene because the first time in a year, she looked genuinely happy. The night went fast and they found themselves heading back to their room. Y/n and Draco said goodbye with a comforting hug before separating.
The following day, she woke up a little early to look her best. Of course she altered the uniforms because they were a disgrace. Her skirt was shorter and she didn’t wear that ugly gray sweater. She wore something was sexier. A long sleeve white blouse, the green tie wrapped around her neck, her chunky white high top converse and her hair in a high ponytail. She kept the makeup natural looking but keeping her eyes looking eccentric. She left her robe open as her and Pansy made their way into the hall for breakfast. Of course, everyone looked at her but she didn’t care. Her main focus was on Draco as she made her way towards him. He kept looking at her and a light smirk crossed his face and waved her over to a spot he saved. She sat down and laid her head on his shoulder. Everyone looked at them, shocked but continued on with their conversation. Across the room, Harry glared at y/n as his eyes followed her right to Draco.
“Bloody hell. Her and Draco?! We’re doomed” replied Ron as he watched what was behind him. “Hermoine why won’t you sit with us?” Questioned Harry as he noticed she sat away from the 2 boys. “I hope it’s all not true. If we are the reason her daughter is dead, I’m going to be sick. She has every right to hate you Harry. Why didn’t you tell us, tell me?” Hermoine’s words struck Harry as he started to slowly realize what he had done. The golden trio has now been called the dark trio. As their actions killed an innocent baby and the soul of an innocent young girl.
The beginning is not the best. I promise the story will get better. Please leave a comment if you like it.
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swiftieblyth · 3 months
The Nightshade Sisters: Professor Snape
Warnings- dead mom, abusive dad, raised by aunt uncles and godparents, death eaters, Voldemort, violence and murder, Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, all other Harry Potter stuff
Let me know if there’s anything else!
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The next morning Draco and Rosie walked down to the great hall to get some breakfast. Draco sat next to Rosie, across from Crabb and Goyle. Draco was talking to them as Rosie was writing a letter.
Dear Moony, I miss you so, so, so much! I didn't get put in Hufflepuff with Ceddie or Lacy, nor did I get put in Gryffindor like you. However I did get put into Slytherin like Aunt Joyce and Uncle Tim. I already made a friend! His name is Draco Malfoy, he’s in my house as well. I don’t like that I won’t get to be with you on full moons now. Harry Potter was put in Gryffindor just like you said he would be. I had a panic attack as the train stopped in front of Hogwarts yesterday, but Lace and Ceddie helped me through it.  Today’s the first day of classes, I’ll write to you tomorrow to let you know how it goes. I’m really nervous, but I don’t think much attention will be on me if Harry Potter is in my class. I miss and love you, Uncle Moony. Love, Cub
“What are you doing?” Draco asked, looking at Rosie. 
“I’m writing to my uncle. I miss him, so I decided to write to him. Do you want to go with me to ask my siblings if I could borrow one of their owls?”
“Sure.” Draco replied, he got up and grabbed Rosie’s hand, to help her up.
“This way.” Rosie stated, taking the lead and dragging him behind her. “Lace, Ceddie!” 
“Rosie!” Lacy replied, wrapping her arms around Rosie in a big hug. 
“Lace… I… Can’t… Breathe.” 
“Sorry.” Lacy let out, letting go of her, as she saw Draco. “Hi. Who are you?”
“I’m Draco, Rosie’s best friend.” Draco explained, sticking out his hand to Lacy. Rosie smiled and a small blush came to her cheeks. Cedric saw and smirked.
“I’m Lacy,” Lacy replied, shaking Draco’s hand. “I’m Rosie’s older sister, and this is our brother, Cedric.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Draco,” Cedric smiled, shaking Draco’s hand.
“Could I borrow one of your owls to send a letter to Uncle Remus?”
“Yeah, of course, Little Rose. Sugar’s in the owlery. Just call her and she’ll come to you.”
“Thanks, Ceddie.” Rosie replied, hugging him. “I love you guys.”
“We love you too, Little Rose.”
“So much.” Lacy added.  
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Later that morning Rosie and Draco went off to Potions class. Rosie sat next to Draco in between the big boys, as if they were their bodyguards.
“Professor Snape is the head of Slytherin so he should like us.” Draco explained to Rosie. “Actually I know he likes me, I’ve known him since I was a baby. He’s my godfather, so just stay with me, and stay on his good side, and you’ll be set for all seven years.”
“Thanks, Draco.” 
All of a sudden the doors opened and Professor Snape came storming in. He stopped in front of his desk and looked at the class. Draco sat up straighter with a small smile on his face, his eyes filled with admiration.
“There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class.” Snape explained. “As such, I don’t expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion making. However for the select few,” Snape glanced over at Draco and Rosie. “Who possesses the predisposition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensure the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death. Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to…not pay attention.”
Everyone glanced over to where Snape was looking, Hermione nudged Harry, and he looked up to see Snape glaring down at him. Draco and the big boys snickered, but Draco stopped when Rosie nudged him and gave him a look. 
“Potter!” Snape called. “What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" 
"I don't know, sir," Harry said. 
Snape's lips curled into a sneer. "Tut, tut -- fame clearly isn't everything." He ignored Hermione's hand. "Let's try again. Potter, where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?" 
“I don’t know, sir.” Harry said again, as Hermione’s hand stayed in the air.
Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle, who were shaking with laughter as Rosie tried to shut them up, feeling sorry for Harry.
“What’s the difference, Potter, between monkshood and wolfsbane?”
“I don’t know. I think Hermione does, though, why don’t you ask her?”
“Miss. Nightshade,” Snape called, turning around to look at her. “Perhaps you would like to explain the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane? I do believe this is something you would know.”
Rosie stared at him a little wondering how he knew. “There’s no difference Professor. They are the same plant known as aconite.”
“Yes. I thought you would know that. Very nice, Miss. Nightshade, ten points to Slytherin.” The Slytherins started cheering and Draco smiled at Rosie. “And I’d like to see you after class, Miss. Nightshade.”
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After class finished Draco got up and looked at her. “Are you going to be okay? Do you want me to stay with you?”
“No, I’ll be okay, Draco. But I wouldn’t mind if you waited outside.”
“Okay,” Draco sighed and walked out of the class behind everyone else. 
“You wanted to see me, Professor,” Rosie let out.
“I think you should know that I went to school with your aunt, uncles, and parents before they got expelled and banned from the wizarding world.”
“What does this have to do with anything?”
“I was in Slytherin with your aunt and uncle. I was on good terms with them. However your uncle, Remus, was someone I despised.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, sir.”
“I do hope you aren't like him.”
“I’m not a werewolf if that’s what you’re implying.”
“Good to know. Judging by the fact that you are in my house, I do hope that you behave more like your aunt and uncle, rather than your uncle and sister.”
“I’ll do my best, sir. May I go now.”
“Hey, everything okay?” Draco asked, when Rosie walked out of the room. 
“Yeah, Snape just wanted to talk to me about my family. Apparently my sister’s not the best student, and he wanted to make sure I’ll be better than her.”
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littlewinnow · 11 months
And can you recommend a fanfics where only Draco is pregnant? Please🥺💖
I only have few atm! 😭 (I’m still looking for more myself!) but here:
Little love by ladderofyears
Along each garden wall by oflights
A big black sky by alexmeg (pls check the warnings!)
Expectant by loveglowsinthedark
I’m going thru this blog if you want to take a look through! (It shares all mpreg fics draco or Harry)
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sassy-cissa · 24 hours
Fic claim: 2024 HD Mpreg Fest
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Wrapped Around Our Hearts
Fic || Teen and Up [PG-13] || 3.3 k words sassy_cissa (AO3)
Past pregnant: Draco
Notes: Thanks to all who had a hand in helping me finish this, @oldenuf2nob, @lettersbyelise, @timothysboxers, @celilasart. You're all stars and the best beta/alphas around.
Harry has middle of the night baby duty with a very wide awake baby.
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the-darker-path · 10 months
This Night is Sparkling // Closed RP
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If anyone had told Draco when he completed uni, and entered the medical training program at St. George, that he'd end up meeting someone who utterly captivated and altered his life, he might have laughed.
Not that it seemed ridiculous, he was open to anything, but he was not exactly entering this career in search of romance. Pansy told him he was too serious, in that regard, but Draco preferred to to think he was practical. He was an MP's son, as upper class as they came; it was impressive that Lucius bent his will enough to not prevent his son going to medical school. And that he managed not to make a public scene over Draco having friends who didn't all go to primary schools more expensive than most of their homes.
Despite all that, he was down to earth, and Draco loved his work. Particularly when he did his rotation in the maternity wing, and thus met a vibrant, scrappy American woman who had come to England with a previously-unneeded dual citizenship, perhaps £500 in her bank account, two suitcases, and a 12-week baby bump that she had crossed the sea to protect.
Taylor Borelli was the most fascinating, most beautiful creature Draco had ever met, and after her first ultrasound appointment, he'd given her his personal number and promised to help her in any way he could.
He hadn't expected her to call--she had just fled an abusive man, why would she spring her trust on a doctor she barely knew? But call she did. And now, as her second trimester was well underway, Draco was her tour guide to London, her medical counselor...her friend.
He was also half in love with her, which Pansy was ruthless about, but Draco managed to suppress those thoughts as he focused on taking care of Taylor just as he had promised.
Today was the first time she had invited him to her little flat. He wasn't surprised she'd landed in Brixton--it was a fine little neighborhood, reputationally sound without being bank-breaking, and the Market was renowned. Knowing as he did now about her Lebanese heritage, he'd made sure she found all the food stalls that catered to authentic Middle Eastern cuisine for her every craving.
Draco knocked on the door of her flat, nodding politely at a passing neighbor. When Taylor answered, he was smiling warmly, presenting her with the bouquet of forget-me-nots and baby's breath blossoms he'd brought. "Thought I'd bring you a splash of color."
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braveclementine · 28 days
Chapter 19
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Warnings: None. However, future chapters will contain sexual content so readers that are under the age of 18 may have to skip those chapters (Please keep note of the warnings).
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
"𝕬𝖗𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖆𝖑𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙?" Harry asked as we hurried up the sloping lawn. He was under the invisibility cloak, but I was not as I would turn into a cat once we stepped over the threshold.
"The way your parents died. . ." I said, nearly choking on my words, "Was the way my parents died. When the dementors. . . I just. . . I can hear my mum screaming for my dad. They weren't prepared for the attack. Dad was hiding me in the basement. Said he loved me and everything was going to be okay, ya know?"
Tears were still falling down my face and I wiped them away.
"I'm sorry." Harry said, reaching out and taking my hand. He said nothing else and he didn't have to say anything else.
I cleared my throat and said more solidly. "Dumbledore's back. You can either take the long route back to the Gryffindor Tower and hear it from Nearly Headless Nick, or you can just go straight to his office."
"Thanks Elizabeth." Harry said and I turned into a cat and bounded up the marble steps to make my way towards Severus' office.
I turned human, opening the door. Severus was already in bed and I quickly undressed and slid into bed next to him. He was sound asleep.
I hadn't cried myself out yet and I did so now, quietly so I did not wake Severus.
𝕾𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖚𝖘 𝖜𝖆𝖘 𝖚𝖕 when I woke up.
"Rough night?" He asked softly, crossing the room as I sat up to take my face in his hands and press his lips to mine.
"A bit." I said softly after we broke apart. I climbed out of the bed and put on school clothes and then started switching books out of the bag like I always did. "I'll see you after school." I said, slinging the bookbag over my shoulders, and wincing- Hagrid's arm might've left a bruise- pulled the door open.
"Wait." Severus said and I paused in the doorway. "Are you alright?"
I smiled at him but felt that if I didn't leave soon I'd start crying again. "Yeah, Sev. I'm alright." I shut the door behind me.
I headed to Charms because I was cutting very close to late and had no time to grab breakfast. I took my place with the Hufflepuffs and eavesdropped on the Harry's conversation with Hermione and Ron.
How Slughorn had told Tom Riddle about Horcruxes. How Tom had asked about the idea of splitting the soul into seven pieces. The six possible horcruxes- two definite ones and four less definite. And of course, there was more talk about the prophecy and how Harry was going to kill Voldemort and then there was a slight surprise: Dumbledore was going to let Harry come with him to destroy a horcrux.
"Wow. Wow. You're actually going to go with Dumbledore. . . and try and destroy. . . wow." Ron said, waving his wand in small circles absentmindedly.
"Ron, you're making it snow." Hermione said, reaching out and grabbing his wrist to redirect the wand from the ceiling.
I watched as Lavender Brown glared at Hermione with puffy red eyes. Hermione might've noticed too because she let go of Ron's arm very quickly.
"Oh yeah." Ron said, looking around them as the white flakes settled on their shoulders. "Sorry. . . looks like we've all got horrible dandruff now. . ." He brushed some snow off Hermione's shoulder and Lavender burst into tears. Ron turned his back on her.
I supposed they'd split up last night.
"Ah." I heard Harry reply to something that Ron had said, "Well- you don't mind it's over, do you?"
"No." Ron said, "It was pretty bad while she was yelling, but at least I didn't have to finish it."
"Coward." Hermione and I said together.
"Well, it was a bad night for romance all around. Ginny and Dean split up too, Harry." Hermione continued, smirking.
"How come?" Harry asked with to straight of a face to be innocent.
"Oh, something really silly. . . she said he was always trying to help her through the portrait hole, like she couldn't climb in herself. . . but they've been a bit rocky for ages." Hermione said with a simple shrug and a knowing smile.
I grinned too, taking a sneak peak at Dean from across the room. He also looked unhappy, though he didn't show any signs of crying like Lavender.
"Of course, this puts you in a bit of a dilemma, doesn't it?" Hermione asked.
"What d'you mean?" Harry asked in a quick voice.
"The Quidditch team." Hermione said, her smile growing bigger all of the time. "If Ginny and Dean aren't speaking. . ."
"Oh-oh yeah." Harry said. He almost sounded relieved. Hermione and I met each others eyes and quickly looked away, both of us grinning.
"Flitwick." Ron muttered under his breath.
"Now, now boys. A little less talk, a little more action. . . Let me see you try. . ." Professor Flitwick said. Hermione and I had already turned our vinegar into wine though I personally preferred the smell of the vinegar to the smell of the wine. I also preferred the taste but I wasn't sure if that was baby hormones or because I liked sour foods.
Susan, Ernie, and I ducked as Harry's vinegar turned to ice and Ron's flask exploded. Glass shards flew over our heads. Somewhere to my right I heard Ernie curse.
"Yes. . . for homework." Professor Flitwick said, emerging from under the table and pulling shards of glass out of his hat. "practice."
Harry, Ron, and Hermione were going to go up to the Gryffindor Tower and I let them go, heading outside to sit under a nice tree instead because I had a free period. I would've liked to have gone to the Room of Requirement and entered the art studio, but I had promised myself I would only go in there on the weekends. So now instead, I worked on drawings outside.
Ever since I had done the Professor portrait fiasco, the influx of drawing requests had skyrocketed to the point that I had to keep a log for each person and what they wanted. Prices came after.
Dad's birthday came and though I knew it was probably better if I didn't, I created a drawing for him, and sent it off with Sadie along with some chocolate from Honeydukes.
The Ravenclaw vs. Gryffindor Quidditch match was the most exciting talk in the school. If Gryffindor won, they won the Championship. If Gryffindor lost by only a little bit, then Hufflepuff would play Ravenclaw for the final match. I wasn't sure which outcome I wanted yet.
There became loud chants and songs from both the Gryffindors and Ravenclaws, making fun of opposing players. This created either people who enjoyed the attention, or people who had to dash off to the loo to puke. But I much preferred this to Slytherin v. Gryffindor matches where you often had to carry a shield around to keep from being hit with wayward spells.
In my personal life, the large teacher portrait was nearly done. I had a few more teachers to draw in and Susan was helping me figure out what sort of scenery could be drawn behind them but other than that, it was nearly done. Oh, and we had to get the students signatures too.
Along with art problems, I was having difficulty with the stupid Runes homework and I wondered why I hadn't dropped the subject yet. Everything else was easy. Runes used to be easy, and now it was getting more difficult and I was frustrated easily.
But Severus and I were having lots of fun besides that. I kept toying with the idea of amusement parks over the summer. I wondered what his reaction would be or how he'd react on a roller coaster. It was an amusing idea and I kept thinking about it often.
The Felix Felicis potion was approaching finished, our child was going to be born completely healthy according to Madam Pomfrey, and to top it all off, I knew perfectly well that Harry and Ginny were going to kiss soon.
At the same time, I was trying to figure out whether or not to stop Harry from using the Sectumsempra curse on Draco. If he did use it, he wouldn't be able to use his potions book for the rest of the school year. But if he didn't use it, would that change the outcome of the Quidditch match and therefore, change the outcome of whether or not Ginny and Harry were going to kiss?
I still hadn't made up my mind for the time, when Harry was walking down to the bathroom to see why Draco was in there with Moaning Myrtle.
But I couldn't just do nothing and so, trying to push away the knowledge that I was breaking a promise I'd made with Trang, I hurried down to the bathroom, my wand in my pocket.
I heard shouting in the bathroom by the time I got to the door. It was Moaning Myrtle's voice shouting, "No! No! Stop it! Stop STOP!"
I wrenched the door open, grabbing Harry's arm to push him aside without thinking and blocking a hex from Draco.
"Stop both of you. Protego!" A shield popped up between the two of them.
Draco's next spell rebounded, hit himself, and he dropped. "Crap." I muttered, quickly reversing the spell for the shield and hurried over to where he was.
"Draco?" I asked uncertainly. There was watering dripping on the floor everywhere, a sink had been broken. "Dr-" He made a sudden movement.
I flew backwards, crashing into a stall. Pain shot through my back and I felt like I was hanging on something.
"Elizabeth!" Harry shouted. I was momentarily dazed, trying to figure out what had happened. I heard Draco shout, "Crucio!" But there were no screams, so maybe the spell hadn't hit Harry.
"SECTUMSEMPRA!" Harry shouted.
I would've shouted no if it had been possible but I felt like I couldn't move. There were spots dancing in front of my vision and the pain in my back was growing. Or was it fading?
Then I heard Harry said, "No- No- I didn't-" I heard the sound of knees hitting tile. My head felt kind've fuzzy. I tried opening my eyes but my lids were heavy.
I heard the door bang open. There were fast footsteps slapping against the wet floor. There was a strange buzzing noise in my ears. I didn't pass out, though the pain was great enough that I would've welcome it. There were strange things poking into my back, splintered wood around my body. I think they were wood chunks anyways... maybe?
There were heavy hands. There was sobbing and wailing. There was a snappish voice. There were uncomfortable jolting movements. And then eventually there was a soft bed, hectic voices, smooth bandages, loud noises, and something smooth like honey dropping down my throat. Only then, did I fall asleep.
𝕴 𝖜𝖔𝖐𝖊 𝖚𝖕 in the hospital wing though at this point, I wasn't surprised that I was here.
I would've sat up by my waist didn't seem to want to bend and I closed my eyes in horror, assuming the worst: I'd been paralyzed again.
"Hey." a soft voice said and I turned my head and saw Severus sitting in a wooden chair next to me.
"Hi." I barely whispered.
"You're going to be fine." He said, taking my hand in his. "Madam Pomfrey gave you something to immobilize you. She said you shouldn't move but she didn't trust you to stay still on your own." Relief flooded through my veins, "The baby's fine too." More relief.
"What. . . what happened?" I croaked out.
Severus's hand tightened on mine. "I don't know exactly. I didn't get there until afterwards. But according to Potter, you flew back into the stall when Malfoy hexed you. The stall broke and some of the wood pierced your spine. You would've been paralyzed again if Madam Pomfrey hadn't gotten to you so quickly."
I would've shivered if I could've moved. "But the baby. . ."
"Baby is completely, totally, 100 percent fine." Severus said, rubbing circles on the back of my hand though I couldn't feel it.
"Good." I whispered. "Draco. . . used Cruciatus curse. . ."
Severus' face was hard. "I had to punish Potter-"
"I know." I whispered, "Even Professor McGonagall. . . agree. Every. . . Saturday till. . .break. . ."
"Yes, yes." Severus said quickly, probably to keep me from talking, "And you don't have to talk, alright?"
"Why does my throat. . . hurt?"
Severus was hesitant as he answered, "Madam Pomfrey found some wood shards in your throat, very small, but they created scratches inside. I don't know how you managed to swallow them but it was probably an accident. Or it could've been when Malfoy hexed you, perhaps he got you in the throat. A number of things." He paused and then said, "You're lucky you didn't die, Elizabeth."
Yes, lucky. That was something, wasn't it? But Draco could've died. And from the outside point of view, the fight wasn't supposed to be that dangerous. It hadn't been dangerous when I'd foreseen it.
"Wasn't supposed to be dangerous." I muttered. "I put up shield charm. Draco's spell bounced, hit him. I was going to help him, went over to him. Thought he was unconscious. That's when he hit me with spell."
Severus hand tightened on my own. Feeling was starting to flow back into my body and it wasn't a very comfortable feeling.
Madam Pomfrey came bustling over, a bottle of something in her hands. "Drink up, drink up." She said.
The liquid was tipped down my throat and I coughed and sputtered at the peppery taste. "Do you want an unhealthy baby?" She scolded me. "Drink up."
I drank obediently, eyes streaming from tears. Merlin's beard that stuff was awful!
"Where is Draco?" I asked, my throat feeling much better. The hospital wing was empty. I wondered what time it was.
"You've been in here for two days." Madam Pomfrey said. "Mr. Malfoy was discharged a day ago."
"Crap." I muttered, closing my eyes. "School work."
"It's fine." Severus said. "Miss Granger brought your work in for you every day." He pointed to a stack of parchment on the bedside table. "You can work on it when you feel better."
"I can work on it now." I said, reaching over and taking the first thing off the stack. It was about seventy-seven pages long on the correct way to translate runes that are found on ancient sites from the specific year of 900 BC. "On second thought, this can wait." I muttered, tossing it onto Severus' lap and picking up the next thing.
Severus read the title of the papers I'd thrown into his lap and smirked, "Yes, I can see why you wouldn't want to start with that."
I flew through the simple things: Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Herbology, Transfiguration, and Potions. There was nothing from Hagrid for Care of Magical Creatures and as Runes was my only other class, that was the last homework part I had to do.
I looked down glumly at the thick article that I had finally picked up. Severus had fallen into a doze, his head hanging down, giving the impression that he might be praying.
I threw the article aside. Stupid Ancient Runes.
I picked up the log and art pad and started on my drawings, working on specialty cases first before moving to the more mundane cases, working down the list in a methodic process.
Severus woke up near midnight and looked over my shoulder as I traced out abs on a naked Blaise Zabini.
"What are you drawing?" Severus asked, sounding repulsed. I looked over at him and grinned and pushed the log towards him. He traced his finger down and then snorted, "Pansy Parkinson ordered this?"
"Yes. . ." I said slowly, lifting the artpad so that I could blow shavings away and not smear the paper. "You'd be surprised how many times people want naked drawings of other people. I've even gotten offers of people who want to be used as muses. To be honest," I continued, ignoring Severus jerk reaction of a scowl, "-it's gotten to be redundant."
"Is that why you have a specialty list?" Severus asked, looking back at the log.
"Yes. . .that, is for people who don't order drawings of other people. Those are people who want mythical creatures or normal creatures or landscapes or anything that isn't a naked person." I carefully retracted the finished drawing for Pansy from the art pad and moved it to a safe spot on a chair so that nothing would smudge it or ruin it.
"You should draw me something." Severus said carelessly.
"Really?" I asked, starting on a couple portrait for Trang and Oliver. It had to start with a black metal bench in a park. . .
"Yes." Severus said, flipping the log closed, and placed it next to my knee.
"Anything in particular?" I asked curiously, tracing out the outline for a sidewalk.
"No." Severus said with a small smile. "Surprise me."
"What day is it tomorrow?" I asked.
"Saturday." Severus said.
"Good to know." I muttered.
Severus stood. "I'll check back in on you in a few hours, okay?"
"In the morning." I clarified, "Get some sleep."
"I will." he kissed my cheek and left the hospital wing.
A drawing for Severus? Many different ideas clouded my head as I worked steadily on Trang and Oliver's picture. But when I finally settled on something, I pushed it into the 'later' bin of my head and continued to work my way down the list of people.
I fell asleep sometime around three in the morning.
I could hear the commentary of the game the next day, but I blocked most of it out, not very interested in the outcome anymore.
Now that the game was here and would be over soon, it meant that very soon, Severus was going to have to kill Dumbledore.
So I worked quickly on the portrait for Severus. When I was discharged after the game, I hurried to the Defense Against the Dark Arts office, all my pictures in separated folders for their owners. I knocked and heard Severus say enter.
I entered, noticing that there were many things different with the room. It looked gloomier, more depressing than before. There were cobwebbed boxes sitting in the corner of the room. Severus had put up new containers of slimy things in jars that he had previously had in the dungeon.
I set the folders down on the desk, moving through them quickly and found the one I'd labelled with Severus name on it. I picked it out, moving all the folders together again and handed it over to him.
"You finished it already?" He asked, taking the folder from me.
I didn't answer, waiting for his reaction as he pulled out not one, but four sheets out of the folder. He spread them out.
The youngest was a baby girl, almost newborn, eyes closed but adorable nonetheless. Then there was the little girl version, anywhere between four and eight. She had the black hair I was imagining, the blue eyes, the red lips (though not colored, the drawing was left up to the imagination). There was a teenager version and also an adult version.
Severus said nothing. He simply stood, embracing me for a long time.
𝕲𝖗𝖞𝖋𝖋𝖎𝖓𝖉𝖔𝖗 𝖍𝖆𝖉 𝖜𝖔𝖓, meaning they had won the Cup (a slight disappointment). Also, there was quite the gossip about Ginny and Harry (not that I minded). It was great gossip and I enjoyed it immensely. I particularly enjoyed overhearing people who were stunned that Harry hadn't asked me out. (No, I sincerely found this funny, no sarcasm).
There were also rumors about Ginny and Harry sleeping together and what Harry might have tattooed on his abs or his back or his buttocks or his dick. Ginny couldn't actually answer as she didn't know, but her responses were quite colorful.
I had finished the teachers portrait and had left it in the art studio. Hermione was going to enlargen it with a spell this upcoming Saturday. Then I'd have people sign it in groups. Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, and Slytherins.
I had a hard time figuring out how I was going to get the Slytherins to sign though. The other houses would be easy. I could certainly get my own house to sign and Gryffindor would certainly join in with Harry and Hermione's persuasion. Trang could get the Ravenclaws on board, perhaps with some help from Luna even. But we had no on the inside for Slytherin and it was no secret that I didn't get along with Slytherins.
But I mean, did we really even need Slytherin signatures? Severus wasn't going to care if his house students signed or not. We could just have red, blue, and gold (yellow wasn't a good color to write with) signatures. Who needed green? Yet it might unify us, even if only for a moment.
The Felix Felicis potion had a few weeks left before completion.
The baby was kicking, strong and healthy. She had actually cracked a rib, something that had scared Severus more than it had scared me. I'd heard babies cracked ribs sometimes. Apparently, Severus had never heard that.
I had finally come up with a few solid names for our baby girl. Many involved versions where 'Lily' was either the first or second name. The other names varied. Many variations included Trang. Trang Lily. Lily Trang. Of course, there were other names. Eileen, after Severus' mother. Hope, after Dad's mother. Personally, I found the names Seraphina, Remi, and Kisa attractive.
Severus on the other hand, was quite sure that the baby was a boy and wanted me to come up with baby boy names but I wouldn't. It was a girl, I could feel it.
"You'd think people had better things to gossip about." Ginny said from the Gryffindor common room floor, leaning against Harry's legs and reading the Daily Prophet. "Three dementor attacks in a week, and all Romilda Vane does is ask me if it's true you've got a Hippogriff tattooed across your chest."
Ron, Hermione, Trang, and I roared with laughter. Ron and Hermione were sitting on the couch across from Harry's chair. Trang was sitting in an arm chair perpendicular to the two couches and I was sitting on a wooden stool in front of a small art easel, working on the Professors' drawing.
I'd snuck the art easel out of the Room of Requirement and had jinxed it to fit in my pocket. It was an pocket easel. Was it sneaking if it technically belonged to you?
"What did you tell her?" Harry asked, ignoring us.
"I told her it's a Hungarian Horntail, much more macho." Ginny said.
I snorted.
"Thanks, and what did you tell her Ron's got?" Harry asked, smiling.
"A Pygmy Puff, but I didn't say where."
Hermione, Trang, and I laughed while Ron scowled.
"Watch it." Ron said. "Just because I've given you my permission doesn't mean I can't withdraw it-"
"Your permission. Since when did you give me permission to do anything? Anyway, you said yourself you'd rather it was Harry than Michael or Dean." Ginny scoffed, glaring over the edge of the newspaper.
Ron said grudgingly, "Yeah, I would and just as long as you don't start snogging each other in public-"
"You filthy hypocrite! What about you and Lavender, thrashing around like a pair of eels all over the place?" Ginny demanded angrily.
"She has a point." I said lightly, putting the finishing details to Firenze's character.
"I don't see you with anyone." Ron snarked.
I smirked, "Because I don't let you see me with anyone."
This spiked Ron, Hermione, and Ginny's curiosity.
"You're seeing someone?" Ron asked with obvious surprise.
I rolled my eyes, setting the brush down, observing the drawing, "Of course I am."
"Fred?" Ron asked suspiciously.
"No, we're just friends." I said, picking up the pencil to fix a few details to Professor Burbage's person.
"Does he even go to this school?" Ginny asked.
"Of course he does." I said lightly.
"Why didn't you bring him to Slughorn's party then?" Hermione asked.
"Oh, he was there." I said with a smirk, "but we didn't go together. We're keeping it a secret."
"But why?" Hermione questioned, "Surely, you don't think we're going to judge you or anything?"
"Oh!" Ron shouted, pointing a finger, "It's a Slytherin, isn't it?"
I said nothing, fixing my eyes determinedly on Uncle Moody's character, adding microscopic details to the carved wooden leg and his magical eye.
"Oho! It is a Slytherin!" Ron said gleefully. "It's probably Zabini."
"He did kiss me once." I admitted, "But I'm not dating him."
"A Slytherin kissed you?" Hermione asked in amazement. Both Harry and Trang were determinedly keeping their mouths shut and looking in different directions of each other or me.
I looked up, smirking. "Sometimes, I think you guys forget that I'm not a Gryffindor and therefore have no serious animosity with a majority of the Slytherins."
"Except you know, the ones whose parents would love to hand you over to Voldemort." Harry finally interjected to which Ron and Trang laughed.
"Which, though we may want to object, isn't a majority of the Slytherins." I said lightly. "But we weren't talking about me, we were talking about how Ron finds he has to give you and Ginny permission to be in love."
And that started a whole new conversation that got the others off of who I was dating.
However, this didn't deter Ron. For some reason, he was quite determined to get to the bottom of whoever I was dating. Harry and Trang kept their mouths shut while Hermione and Ginny were the type of people who, though curious, believed I had a right to my own privacy.
The time came so that the fifth years were studying for O.W.L.s and the seventh years were studying N.E.W.T.s and the first through fourth years were getting ready to take their own exams. Sixth-years on the other hand, didn't have to take any exams. N.E.W.T.s covered years six and seven.
Trang and I wrote up a schedule so that we could get the four houses to sign the drawing. We had sent a letter to each house head, telling them where to show up on what day at what time and asking them to please participate.
I was quite pleased with how the drawing came out. I had finally gotten the drawing to where the Professors were grouped together but that everyone could see whatever item was in their hands or whatever animals were sitting upon their shoulders.
Dumbledore was in the middle, Fawkes on his shoulder, his arms behind his back.
Professor McGonagall had a cat upon her shoulders.
Severus had a potion bottle in his hands.
Professor Sprout was holding a plant- specifically a mandrake (any herbologist could see by the leaves).
Professor Flitwick had his wand in his hands, standing upon a couple of cushions so that he was just tall enough to reach Professor McGonagall's shoulder.
Professor Burbage still had the rotary telephone.
Firenze had a bow and arrow, looking quite handsome, his long hair tossed down his back. Like I usually did, his muscles seemed to stand out more and more compared to the other Professors who wore long-sleeved robes or shirts to cover anything. But I'd always preferred Firenze looking muscular than anything else.
Madam Hooch was exactly the same as the first draft, leaning on a broom with the other fist on her hip, a whistle about her neck.
Professor Trelawney was holding a crystal ball in her hands. The crystal ball showed a hippogriff flying into the moon.
Professor Vector (arithmancy) was holding a thick book with a black cover and white words that read: A new theory of Numerology. It was tucked under her arm, angled just the right way so that the words could be seen.
Professor Babbling (runes) had both hands out, and runes were drawn above her hands as though they were floating there.
Professor Sinistra was on the very far side of the paper, leaning on a telescope that was pointed up to the ceiling. (With the background behind them, it was pointed through the window).
Madam Pince had a stack of library books in her arms, the titles facing outwards and could be read if one wanted to. Each title was actually one of Gilderoy Lockhart's books, if one looked closely enough.
Mr. Filch was standing close next to her, his arms in the position that they'd have been in if he'd been holding a baby. As it was, he was holding Mrs. Norris. I made him grumpier than he'd been in the funny drawings, but still kinder than real life.
Professor Slughorn was on the other far end by Professor Sprout, holding a large box of crystalized pineapple. Tucked in his breast pocket, just poking out, was a small bottle of Felix Felicis.
Professor Binns floated above the other teachers, a book on goblin rebellions wide open and his mouth was open as though he was still reading aloud.
Professor Hagrid was near Firenze, though much taller and larger. He had dead polecats in one hand and his other hand looked as though it was hovering on air. I knew however that it was really resting on a Thestral. (I didn't draw the thestral, it was only supposed to look like it was hovering on air. But anyone who knew or had listened to Hagrid's lesson knew it was a thestral).
Then Professor Kettleburn was also nearby, half his body made of up of replacements- looking worse than Uncle Moody- and half his body just that- his body. One arm was behind his back and the other hand was lifted up, one finger up as though he'd just gotten an idea. It was a bit funny, I thought but he was one of the only Professors not holding anything. I had never met him and so had no idea of what I should have him hold.
Professor Grubby-Plank also held nothing in her hands and was one of the only Professors not standing. She was kneeling instead, petting the head of a baby unicorn.
Madam Pomfrey held a bottle of Skele-grow in her hands and her wand was just poking out of her apron pocket.
Then of course, there were the Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers. I had changed Quirrell, back to wearing the purple turban, a nervous look on his face. He also had nothing in his hands. His hands were clasped together, nervously.
Professor Lockhart looked quite boastful in my drawing, his blond hair swept to the side. If it was colored, the robes would've been a bright, beautiful turquoise. On hand was on his hip, the other hanging down his side, his wand between his fingers. In the crook of his elbow was his book Wandering with Werewolves. Sitting on his shoulder was a blue pixie.
And then there was Dad- Professor Lupin. His hair (if colored) would've been completely red-brown. He looked less tired in this drawing, less ill. His robes were still a shabby brown. Under one arm was his Grindylow tank, a black cat by his feet, and his wand in his pocket.
Professor Moody stood, leaning on his walking stick. His normal eye was focused out, towards the students or whoever else was looking at the drawing. Meanwhile, his magical eye was focused towards Dolores Umbridge.
Dolores Umbridge was as far away from Hagrid and Firenze as possible, looking completely evil- the way that I'd planned it. She looked like a short fat toad. In her hand was a black quill that anyone in detention would've recognized. Her short wand was in her other hand.
That was that, the drawing was done. The Professors were almost all nearly smiling (exceptions being Severus, Uncle Moody, and Filch). It really had come out wonderfully- more wonderfully than I'd hoped.
The Hufflepuffs were the first to show up at the Room of Requirement. Susan was in the front, leading and everyone else lined up after her. Hermione had enlargened the drawing and we'd put sixteen tables together so that it could be signed with no trouble. It would stretch as tall as the ceiling in the Great Hall and as wide as the teachers table.
Gold/Orange signatures soon covered the drawing.
The Ravenclaws came the next week, brought in by Luna and Trang. They were quite excited, more excited than the Hufflepuffs, because none of them had known that this was coming. All the Hufflepuffs on the other hand had known.
Soon there were Gold and Blue signatures covering the page.
The Gryffindors came on a Friday night. Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny were leading along with many of the other other Sixth-year Gryffindors. The seventh-year Gryffindors seemed more hesitant until they saw the drawings.
I was quite happy to see so many signatures on the paper and so did Susan and the rest of my Hufflepuff friends. I had forgotten I had a baby inside of me. I hadn't forgotten that in two weeks, Dumbledore was going to die.
There was a week between the Gryffindors signing and the day the Slytherins were supposed to sign. On Wednesday night, June 18th, I was drawing in Severus' office when suddenly, there was a peculiar sensation and then there was the sound of water splattering on the floor.
"Oh." I muttered, a bit dazed.
Severus was out of his chair so fast that it slammed against the opposite wall. Before I could even comprehend what was happening, he'd scooped me up into his arms and was dashing out of the classroom.
Madam Pomfrey had prepared a table for us in her office in case there was a student who came in and needed her during my procedure.
"Trang." I gasped as I laid on the table. The spell was starting to wear away. "I need Trang here Sev."
Sev's face was pale and he simply nodded, his jaw tight, and he rushed from the room.
"Breathe." Madam Pomfrey advised in a calm voice but I could tell underneath the calm façade that she was silently freaking out too. Or perhaps nervous was the correct word. She'd never delivered a baby before.
The contractions were painful. I'd felt different variations of pain, but these were different. Of course, they weren't painful like being thrown into some splinters of wood, but they were still painful. Pain often led to screams, something I thought was exaggerated in movies: they weren't. Madam Pomfrey had soundproofed the room.
Severus came back with Trang on his heels.
"Oh Elizabeth!" Trang said and for some reason, she was quite happy. How ridiculous. I was in pain! How could she be happy? This baby was going to be the death of me!
I screamed through gritted teeth in pain. Severus' face paled more and Trang turned to him, "Sometimes the men wait outside."
Severus kind've nodded his head as in a daze and stumbled towards the door. His hand caught on the door, but seemed unable to open it, and then he took a chair near the bed, his face in his hands.
I clenched my fists tight as though that would take the pain of the contractions away. Trang sat by my side, holding my hand, her eyes shining with happiness. Madam Pomfrey was saying stuff, but it didn't really seem all that clear to me. I think it was something about breathing and relaxing.
I was sweating. It was extremely hot in here. I couldn't wait for the baby to be out of me, for the pain to lapse.
I wasn't sure how long it took. A few minutes? An hour? Several hours? A few weeks? But finally Madam Pomfrey announced that the head was crowning.
Severus' head popped up from his hands. There was an unusual expression of his face, quite like the one on his face when we'd first found out that I was going to have a baby. Joy? I think that's what I'd thought it was before. Jubilation?
"It's a boy." Madam Pomfrey announced.
"What?" I asked as she took the baby in her arms, taking him over to the wash table, wiping the blood away. All the pain was gone and all there was now was confusion. "A boy?"
"Yes." Madam Pomfrey said, turning around, the baby boy in her arms. She handed him to me and I took him clumsily into my arms, leaning him against my breast, and looking down at him.
"Remus Sirius Snape." I said out of nowhere.
"What?" Severus asked, looking down at the baby too. He'd gotten out of his seat at some point, though I couldn't remember what that was.
I looked up at him. "His name. It kind've popped out so it must be right. Remus Sirius Snape."
Severus just nodded and then I handed the child up to him and though he seemed surprised, he picked the child up and held him, and then smiled, a real, true, genuine, smile.
Both Trang and Madam Pomfrey kind've just stared. Though Trang had known that Severus could smile, it was probably quite a shock to Madam Pomfrey who had never seen this side to Sev.
There was a knock on the door and Madam Pomfrey hurried over. Trang threw a blanket over my legs.
Dumbledore entered the room, a smile on his face. "Congratulations Severus."
"Thank you." Severus murmured, looking at Dumbledore. A silent conversation seemed to pass between the two of them and then Dumbledore turned to me.
"What is his name?"
"Remus Sirius Snape." Severus said for me.
Dumbledore chuckled, "I'm surprised you didn't try to change the name Severus."
Severus shook his head. "It's his name."
"Poppy, Miss Nyguen, perhaps let us leave the two of them alone for some time." Dumbledore said with a smile. Trang stood, bending to kiss my cheek, touched Severus shoulder quickly before leaving the room. Madam Pomfrey left and Dumbledore followed after, closing the door gently behind him.
"How long was that?" I asked curiously.
Severus used the clock as a reference. "Three hours and seven minutes."
I held my hands out and Severus handed Remus back to me.
"Are you disappointed?" Severus asked, "I know you thought it was going to be a girl the entire time."
I looked down into Remus' face. He had a small dimple and lovely brown eyes. His hair was blond, a complete anomaly but I heard that babies hair darkened over time so blond probably wasn't his real color yet.
"No." I whispered. "Surprises are good."
Severus chuckled, kissing my cheek. "By the way, the Felix Felicis potion finished yesterday. I already bottled a few jars. I knew you were going to want them."
"Thank you." I said.
Severus held my hand tightly. A few hours later, Madam Pomfrey came back. She probably wanted her office back. Severus and I made our way back to his- our- room. There was a crib set up in the corner that hadn't been there before we'd left.
"Dumbledore." Severus said simply.
But I couldn't put Remus down. I sat on the bed, my head on Severus' shoulder, and held him.
"You are okay with it, right?" I asked quietly.
"With what?" Severus asked.
"His name." I said. "I didn't really think, it popped out, it felt right, but I didn't consult you first."
Severus rubbed my arm. "Yes, I'm quite okay with his name. You didn't name him James and I have no problems with Lupin anymore."
I kissed him and finally got up and put Remus in the crib, watching him for a moment.
Father, brother, husband, son.
I climbed into bed, snuggling greatly against Severus chest. His arms were tight around me, holding me in a shell of comfort. I fell asleep, the happiest I'd been in a long time.
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dracolizardlars · 4 months
Had the realisation that despite my hatred and fear of medical procedures, specifically the concept of major surgery being horrifying to me (something I have put a lot of thought into due to contemplating whether I want top surgery), if someone offered me a full hysterectomy tomorrow I would take it in a fucking heartbeat. That's how bad my hatred / dysphoria around menstruation and the possibility of pregnancy is. I want that entire organ system gone so much that it overrides my fear of surgery.
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dewitty1 · 1 year
Where I see things right
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Characters: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter
Additional Tags: Mpreg, Pregnant Harry Potter, Unplanned Pregnancy, Abortion, Magical version of medication abortion, Abortion aftercare, Abortion stigma, Barriers to accessing medical care, Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Drinking, Hurt/Comfort, Caregiving, Tenderness, Banter, Getting Together, There Was Only One Bed, Hand Jobs, Anal Sex, Happy Ending, Abortion positivity
When Harry finds himself unexpectedly pregnant after a one-off with Draco Malfoy, he knows he isn’t keeping it. But when actually getting the abortion turns out to be more complicated than Harry expected, he finds himself turning to Malfoy for help through the process. And that’s actually much less complicated than Harry expected.
The smile stretching across Draco’s face was crooked and a bit unhinged, and Harry realised the vastness of what he had said, the optimism of it, and how he had said it without thinking.
“I didn’t say now you great prat, just—when the time is right…” He took a big gulp of air, sobering up so Draco would know he was serious about this, about him. “Anyway, in the meantime, I was thinking we could, I don’t know, go out on a date?”
Draco’s lips parted and his eyes widened and his fingers tightened in Harry’s.
“I’d love to,” he whispered.
“Brilliant.” Harry beamed and reached up with his free hand, tugging Draco in by the nape of his neck. His lips settled on Harry’s, soft and questing, and a tender noise worked out from his throat, one that sent a dizzy rush through Harry’s heart when he heard it. When they broke apart, Draco rested their foreheads together and then leaned in to kiss him again, and another time, like he couldn’t stop, until Harry, tilting up to meet him, murmured, “Wait, wait, come on—let’s get the fuck out of here.”
Laughing, Draco stepped back and tugged Harry off the table.
“Wow,” he said, shaking his head. “What a fucking trip.”
“Yeah,” Harry let out all his breath in a rush, taking Draco’s hand and pushing open the exam room door. “Merlin, I could use a drink right now.”
“Lots to celebrate,” Draco grinned, and then bit his lip. “There’s always a tumbler with your name on it back at mine, you know.”
“Will you still rub my back even though I’m not pregnant anymore?” Harry waggled his eyebrows.
Draco knocked their shoulders together. “Sure, but I’ll expect reciprocity now.”
“Oof—A hard bargain, but I think I can manage it.”
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enbysiriusblack · 1 year
just realised i have a habit of headcanoning characters leaving the wizarding world and magic behind them...
mary macdonald, lydia pettigrew, draco malfoy, remus lupin, andromeda tonks, etc.
#why is that a pattern of mine?? its a strange pattern to have but i have no clue why the idea is just so appealing#mary macdonald leaving due to the war and not wanting to be involved she fully leaves magic behind until she has dean thomas#so she comes back for his benefit only to take him to get school supplies and the train and make sure he's not too overwhelmed with magic#lydia pettigrew getting pregnant during her time at hogwarts and dropping out since she wasn't having a good time anyway#she misses having a muggle life and although not fully leaving the wizarding world and coming back for peters sake but again not that much#draco malfoy leaving after the war is over and his family is ruined. he leaves everything behind and starts going to uni#only remaining in contact with his mother from the wizarding world. (ive got a whole thing about this by the way.#i dont like draco but i like gay ppl and redemption arcs so gave him t (he's gay with his uni flatmate not harry if thats what you thought#remus lupin briefly leaving after halloween 81. he sorta just stops going to the wizarding world or using magic and doesn't even realise#andromedas is also briefly just after getting disowned. starting her new life with ted both of them living in the muggle world#but she is still in contact with sirius and just doesn't feel safe going to places in the wizarding world at first#but after a while she regains confidence to do and starts rejoining that world (while still primarily living in the muggle world)#marauders era#marauders#harry potter#wizarding world
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alisamalfoy · 2 years
Requested by: BadAss_BiTCh-18Thanks for request,enjoy ❤️
Draco went to work early in the morning and his beautiful wife, Y / n Malfoy, was alone at home.No matter how boring the afternoons without Draco were,she had to get used to it.
Last night Draco came home from work in a very stressful way.He was very stressed and tired.So Y / n took some steps to "relax" him, and as a result they had a wonderful night..A night full of moans and groans of them.A night full of kissing sounds,skin touching and so many..But the problem is that they did not use protection.The two were so passionate about feeling each other that they didn't even remember the protection from the haste.Therefore, Y / n is more likely to have a child.So she decided to take a pregnancy test.Although it was very risky, she had to do it.
In the bathroom, she was looking at the test results. If there are two signs, it means that she is pregnant, and if there is one sign, it means that she is not pregnant. Mrs Malfoy looked at the test in her hand and saw that there were 2 signs.She cried out with such joy that almost the whole earth could hear her..
As soon as Draco came home from work, he went to the bedroom with Y / n, greeted his wife and kissed her on the forehead.
“I missed you, darling.”He said looking at her eyes.
“Me too,baby.Andddd I have very very good news for you.”She smiled at him
.“What are these good news,hm?”He looked at her questioningly.
“Are you ready?”She asked testing him.
“Yes?”He was still confused,trying to think what this good news could be.
“You are going to be a dad,Draco!”She smiled at him.For a minute,he was frozen in his spot trying to understand if the thing he heard was real or a dream.
“Dracoo?”Y/n waved her hands at his face,trying to make him come back "to this world".
“Oh my gosh!Merlin,I am going to be a dad!I can't imagine this!Y/N I AM GOİNG TO BE A DAD!”He took her in his arms and flung her around.She just laughed at his cute reaction and he kissed her full in mouth.
“I am so so happy to have you in my life,darling.You are my sunshine,my everything.I can't imagine a day without you.Even a smile of yours brings light to my life.I never need a reason to be happy with you when I am with you.You are my love..”He said them deeply looking at her eyes and smiling truly.She just looked at him and kissed him..
~after 21 weeks~
“Darling,today is the day!No panic,okay?What gender it is,she or he is going to be our child and I am so so happy.”Draco said hugging Y/n.They went to the doctor and after examination,they sat front of the doctor and were looking for the results.
“Congrulations,Mr Malfoy and Mrs Malfoy.You have got triplets!One boy and two girls.”The doctor said smiling at them.Draco could not help but hug his pretty wife and he was so happy.
“Did you hear,Y/n?We got triplets!Three kids.They will be so cute like you.My boy is going to protect my girls.”He said laughing and hugging her tighter.
“Yes,yes!I am so happy.And their names will be as we thought: Scorpius Malfoy,Lyra Malfoy and Leo Malfoy.”She said cheerfully.He bent down and looked at her belly.
“Hello there my three cuties.How are you? Don't worry I will rescue you from there.Mommy ate y'all.”He said jokingly and she just laughed at him,messed his hair..
~after 9 months~
They were in the hospital,waiting for Y/n's giving birth to her and his kids.He was waiting inpatiently,tapping his foot on the ground.Finally,the crying of triplets came to his ear.He entered the room and saw thre prettiest three babies in her arms.He took them and kissed all of their heads.
“They are so cute”He looked at her,his eyes tearing up.
“Yes,they are.”She was also crying now.He kissed her and looked at her eyes.
“I am so lucky and happy to have you in my life.You are so beautiful.We are going to be a big family.”He said kissing her again and over again...
Thanks for the request again ❤️
I hope you enjoyed,bye!❤️
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harrydracompreg · 11 days
Tumblr media
- Title: Very Simple Author: Anonymous Prompt: Draco doesn’t think he’s ready to have children, seeing that all his friends are struggling with their newborn babies. He decides that he doesn’t like babies all that much. And yet, just one look at Baby Harry with his parents in a photo is enough to ignite Draco’s baby fever— he strongly feels the urge to duplicate more little Potters inside his own body. Word Count: 9.9 k Rating: Explicit [NC-17] Contains: Magical Pregnancy, Dirty Talk, Anal Sex, Breeding, Marriage, Weddings, Wedding Night, Miscommunication, Pregnant Sex Spoilers: No Spoilers Marked. Who is pregnant: Draco Notes:
Title from an Anita Diamant quote. Thanks to A for the enthusiastic and supportive beta read!!
Draco doesn't mean to keep the whole thing from Harry. It's just that he still forgets, sometimes, that Harry was raised by Muggles, which means he may not know that there are ways for men to get pregnant in the Wixen world. Oops?
Very Simple Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
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ferretlovesscarhead · 2 years
2 Chapters | NC-17 | 25.300
Mpreg | Hurt/Comfort | Non-Con | Post-Hogwarts 
Draco Malfoy is raped and watches as his world falls apart. Harry Potter is the quiet, unassuming wizard that finally listens to him. 
“I'm pregnant,” Draco repeated, bitterness evident from his tone. “Five months in, so there’s not much you can do to help me, Harry. Best fuck off now. Go and help somebody else. It’s too late for me. My life is already ruined.”
The last word seemed to spark something in Harry. “Your life isn’t ruined,” he answered. “I don’t believe that, Draco. I don’t believe that for a single moment.” He paused, taking a moment before he continued speaking. “I’m sorry that I didn’t reply immediately. I wasn’t judging you. Please don't think I was. I care about you. Anything I can do to help, I will.”
Just gonna leave this here and go .. 
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