#go fuck yourself amercia
erinlbowe · 2 years
4th of July, 2022
Bitter is the woman, who is told she is free, for freedom has lost its meaning in this country.
Free is a word without loyalty, without feeling – it comes out halting on the tongue and falls in a dark, disappearing smokescreen to the ground. It will mean something else tomorrow. And again it will mean the opposite the next day. On and on we are crushed with the trampling shouts of a country that opens our mouths and shoves down our throats a pill coated with that bitter lie: you are free. Thank God you live in such a country as this that you are free. Thank us that you are free. Worship us that you are free.
And so many celebrate. So many cheer. When they know, they know that not all are free.
Not all are free.
Children light the sparklers in the yard to commemorate our country won with grit and blood and death.
With the light of freedom gone out once more, we shall call on them – on all – to rekindle the savagery that once overthrew tyranny and shed blood in the name of liberty.
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just-a-mod · 8 years
my only comfort is a cold, bitter ‘i told you so’ to every one who doubted the hate that was about to come
i can find a comfort in the fact i knew all this misery was just around the corner, and they looked me in teh eyes and said ‘no, it’ll be alright’
no, and i will tell you right now, it won’t.
here is how this is going to go
right now it’s the beginnig of the drop, that feeling on a roller coaster as you are beginning to plundge back to earth
that’s where we are, we see the dip, the earth below as we are coming rushing towards it
and some of you, some of any one think if we just work hard enough, if we fight, if we stay strong, we can make it through
but that isn’t the case
more and more people are going to come out and be hateful, are going to become violent. not every one is going to stay peaceful, not every one is going to be able to fight
they’ll pick out weaker targets first, this will spark more hate
more violence will begin, hatred breeds hatred and there will be a responce for each action done
and so as our coaster is twisting, over and over, upside down and flying over these tracks, it’s going to end with the cart flying off the track and crashing
in other words a war. a war with who? if it isn’t a fucking civial war, than any one who decides ‘hey, amercia is divided, lets fuck’em up!’
people are going to get killed, hurt and that’s what’s going to happen
there is no ‘staying strong’ in this, because that implies hope
it’s now a matter of ‘live through it or not’
it’s a ‘how much can you stand or take before you kill yourself or some one else kills you’
i have no hope for a good future, i have no hope for ‘staying strong’ through this, i have no hope for a place that is safe for me or any one i love
it’s just a matter of time 
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