#go to bed granpa !!!!!!!!! you deserve it ... <3
meddykip · 6 months
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let him rest !!!
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ggabiie · 7 years
Dont fall in love with me
Although I cant help but looking for love, ill scape from it
one day, as you keep staring at me with your brilliant eyes
I may think it is finally you.
Ive been looking for the love of my lifeamong millions of unknown glances
and if youre reading this, that means that I havent found it yet
I dont believe in love as something to try with everyone
I think it is rather found in sparkling eyes that are in need of your natural gift
If theres something I have learnt so far is that true love still lives once butterflies disappear.
in fact some research ensures that “pre-love” period lats up to two years
True love is the period after that, if not, you will be part of the wish list u had and suddenly went out of fashion.
But I think Im not ready to bet for those butterflies. thats why I dont want commitments
So dont fall in love with me, seriously, dont do it
Even if I really want you to feel like that, dont do it. 
Even if you could eventually make me feel somehow normal in this fucking world
sooner or later I will do it again. I wont be able to give you the time you deserve
someday youll want to go out for a drink and ill be too busy for that
Suddenly you wil dream on make a daily routine next to me and ill tell you
that I cant, that Im sorry “maybe next week” sooner or later you wont take that anymore.
And I will have to say good-bye but the truth is, Im dying
for some to understand these words and gives me what I need 
Im sorry, this is the way Ive learnt to love, thats why I protect myself
being busy all the time, Becasue if you dont invest time in something
that could break you, it will never break you
Maybe thast what happened to the one who taught me to love like this
Im a nightlife girl, not the kind of girl that goes out to get drunk every night 
I get amazed just looking at the moon and get inspired at dawn, instead.
You wont be in the mood to fuck at 3 am and that why Im sorry
dont fall in love with me, dont make the same mistake I did. For real, its a Shit!
I dont want you to fall in love with me but Id love to spend my time with you
I dont want us to belong each other.
There will be no “us” or any type of link that could make us suffer at any time
Skip that part when you show me how good you are or that im just one of your wish list.
I dont wanna know it. Can you guess what I want instead?
I want MAGIC
I want you to drive me crazy 
I want you to take me a hundred miles away from furrowing lost roads
while “rap” is on the radio, because thats what we like
And as good dealer that you are. I want you to be my drug
I want you to hide my soul in my stomach and take it out for a walk in every breath
I want you to feel special and I wanna be so for you too
Because Im not the kind of girl that goes from bed to bed and from mouth to mouth
But no! we are not less important, our chemistry isnt less important 
just beacuse is not the love of our lives
I promise I will listen to you, hold you, watch you sleep softly and fuck you.
All I ask your for is you not to hurt me, dont bite my heart and dont fall in love with me or try to make me fall for you.
But above all... Above all things...
I wanna be the crazy girl, the one youll remember
when your granchildrens will ask you.. Granpa, Do you believe in magic?
and yeah, maybe I do need those sundays in company
but all I really want is you to be in love with life 
I want a crazy man, someone able to turn me on at any time
inspire me, get me crazier that I am or less rational
But darling, dont insist on make me fall in love with you
because this young girl doesnt believe in love anymore
But if you want to, you can go ahead try to show me 
you are not the asshole I think you are, and maybe one day i will lose..
And luckily you will end up winning.
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k1nd-0f-reckless · 8 years
Copy, Answer, pass it on!!
FRIENDS/FAMILY: 1. Are you close with your family? Some of them 2. Now many pets do you have? A Satan cat and a hamster with baggy trousers. And technically a little granpa hamster. 3. How many people do you trust entirely with any secrets? Probably like 2 4. If you could pick your family would it be the same? Lmao brutal but no not all of it 5. Siblings? 3 6. Is it true that blood is thicker than water? Scientifically yes, the way the saying is meant no 7. Would you ever date someone you'd been friends with for years? If I thought it'd work sure 8. Would you date a friends or family members ex? Not if it had been serious, maybe if it was less than a couple of months 9. Ever crushed on a friend? Obviously, hasn't everyone? 10. Views on friends with benefits? Definitely fun but someone always ends up hurt in the end DATING/RELATIONSHIPS 1. Relationship status? Single 2. Sexuality? Gay af 3. Are you currently hung up on someone? Yes 4. When was your last kiss? A couple of hours ago 5. When did you last have sex? Unsure, A few days ago? 6. Ever been in love? Yes 7. Believe in love at first sight? Yeah sort of. More often than not it turns out not be though I reckon 8. Do you think you can love two people at once? No. You either love the second one or none of them. 9. Is it okay to date more than one person? As long as you aren't officially with one of them sure 10. What's you're ideal date? Anything that I wouldn't expect. 11. Would you ever date a teacher? If she was hot enough 12. Youngest you'd date? 18 13. Oldest you'd date? I dunno like 26? 14. Would you rather date someone smart or hot? I'd rather take both but if I had to choose I'd say hot for a fling but smart if it was long term 15. Are you into anyone right now? Yeah 16. What type of guy/girl do you go for? Anyone I know won't be good for me. 17. Do you like clingy? Yes but only if I know I want you, not if I've just met you 18. Anyone ever asked you to marry them? 3 people technically but 2 of them were drunk 19. Have you ever asked anyone? Yes 20. Is love strength or weakness? Usually weakness but strength if you do it right 21. Would you go on a blind date? Only if I trusted the person's judgement who set me up 22. Would you move countries to be with someone? Yeah of course 23. Would you date someone in a relationship? Usually I'd say no but what are morals anyway? 24. Would you ever have an open relationship? I feel like it would always end badly but maybe if the guidelines were clear and I'd reached the point in life where I don't give a shit 25. Thoughts on 3 way relationships? Would probably be fun for a bit, but far too many ways to go wrong. Plus you'd always have a favourite and it'd just be all very weird 26. Approve of gay marriage? Well, as I'm gay... 27. Do you like to play games in relationships? Only when going through the first few weeks of knowing each other, never once you're actually together. 28. Have you ever cheated? No 29. Ever been cheated on? Every time lol 30. Would you ever get back with someone who broke your heart? If I believed they were different to when they did it. 31. Ever broke someone else's heart? Highly doubt it 32. Would you date someone who spoke a different language? So long as they also knew extremely good English 33. Longest you've ever been hooked on someone? Like 2 and a half years? 34. Ever purposely kept someone on your hook? I don't think so, not intentionally 35. Do you believe once a cheater always a cheater? No, I've seen someone cheat in all their relationships and then meet the right person and never do it. All depends on who you're with and knowing what you want. SEX: 1. Virgin? No 2. Always use a condom? Well no as neither of us would have a dick to put it on 3. How much sex do you have? Depends on how sad I am I suppose 4. Would you ever sell your body? If it was a girl offering to pay 5. Ever paid for sex? No. 6. favourite sex position? 69 7. Do you like oral sex? Silly question 8. Prefer rough or soft sex? Rough 9. Is there a difference between sex and making love? Sounds gay but yeah it's different 10. Ever had a threesome? I don't wanna talk about it :L 11. Dom or sub? Depends entirely on the person and mood but usually dom 12. Could you date someone without sex? So long as we still made out a lot I suppose 13. Do you want sex right now? Sure 14. Would you use someone for sex. Yes but I'd probably warn them 15. Would you ever have a fuck buddy? Sure 16. Would you rather fuck 5 people in one day or 1 person 5 times? 1 person. Fuck travelling to 5 different places 17. Do you have anything you do before or after sex? Smoke and probably rehydrate or finish that alcohol 18. BDSM? 👌 19. Can pain and sex be a good mixture? Well I love them both so 20. Do you love the last person you slept with? Yeah 21. Sex before marriage? Obviously 22. Do you get feelings for everyone you sleep with? No I rarely mix feelings with sex, unless I'm with the person obviously 23. Could you sleep with an ex? Again yeah because I don't think sex needs to always mean something 24. Ever had sex outside? Yes 25. In a car? Yes 26. Whilst someone's parents were in? Yes 27. In a different country? No 28. Parents bed? No 29. Friends house? Yes 30. Swimming pool? No 31. Shower? Yes 32. Beach? No. who wants sand in all sorts of places?? 33. Ever been caught having sex in public? Yeahh... 34. Ever had sex with someone else in the room? Yep 35. Anyone you regret sleeping with? Yep 36. Anyone you regret not sleeping with? Yes 37. Ever said the wrong name in sex? Yes yes i have 38. Do you always picture one person when you masturbate? No 39. Ever slept with someone the day you met them? Yes 40. How many people have you said 'I love you' to, during or after sex? 3 TYPICAL QUESTIONS: 1. Is the glass half full or half empty? Half empty 2. Cats or dogs? Dogs 3. Can money buy happiness? Yes 4. Is the grass always greener on the other side? No 5. Do nice guys always finish last? No, you don't have to be weak just because you're nice 6. Talents? I can spend exponential amounts of time in bed and not to brag but I can say the alphabet backwards 7. Do you believe in aliens? Only an idiot would believe that out of billions of other planets, we're the only one with life 8. Does everyone deserve second a chance? Yeah, but no one deserves a 3rd 9. Believe in ghosts? Idk 10. Do you follow your head or heart? Heart because I'm a twat 11. If you could, would you want to know when you're going to die? Yes 12. What is the meaning of life? 42 13. 3 things that cheer you up? Sex, alcohol, sport 14. 3 things that upset you? Having no money, my job, when my cat hates me. 15. If you could choose you death, how would you die? Something gay where I saved someone's life. Or drowning. 16. If you won the lottery, who would you tell? No one 17. What would you do with the money? Give a load to my parents. Buy everyone all the things I've said I will when i win. Go back to uni. Travel everywhere 18. If you could travel to any point in time for one day what would you do? Go back to last week and put the winning lottery numbers on 19. Would you rather be rich or happy? If I was rich I would be happy 20. If you had a super power to force people to tell the truth would you use it or respect people's choice? I'd fight crime with that bad boy power. Also yeah I'd use it but not all the time. 21. Have you ever given up something (drinking, smoking, certain foods etc) for someone? I quit smoking for a few weeks because a girl told me to lol 22. Has a relationship ever lost you your friends? Yeah 23. Has a friend ever sabotaged a relationship? Yeah 24. Favourite singer? Taylor swift 25. Favourite band? The pretty reckless
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