#god I miss 2014 wowwwww
shea-like-the-butter · 11 months
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Friday, October 27th 2023
Got love-struck, went straight to my head
Got lovesick all over my bed ✨
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go-redgirl · 5 years
Kim Clement Prophecy 2014 of  Donald J. Trump Election Chosen By Almighty God Who He Called His ‘David’.
REPLY Who is this April Like Trump or not......he WAS God’s elect!!! So take it up with God.....good luck with that.....
Jose Ramirez I choose Trump from day one in the primary election! Latinos for Trump!!! Trump 2020!!!
REPLY Caroline Rothstein God bless the Trump family
REPLY lacc980 This prophecy is getting fulfilled now, please follow this prophecy
REPLY rudyrod100 I've watched this twenty times at least, gives me chills every time and makes me glad I voted for Trump. God Bless America!
Passionate Truth Network REPLY Viviana Hetnandez The Lord's hand is upon president Trump..Thanks to our Lord Jesus Is coming to pass now..  Allelulla!
REPLY Passionate Truth Network Look at all the prophets in the USA speaking "GLOOM & DOOM" over America! Kim Clement said it wasn't time for the destruction of America...so there are some prophets who prophesy incorrectly...but Kim Clement and Mark Taylor have been very accurate in the prophesies they have given!
REPLY marianne carlson "The enemy will try to put a witch in the white house."..Hillary is a practicing witch and is a part of a coven...has been for years.
REPLY Barbara Sneller Jehovah God is at the helm. His WILL be done!
REPLY MZ ANGEL Oh, God, let Your will be done on Earth!
REPLY Terry Sigmon We need to pray for our President. This man is unbelievable. The hate that this man goes through don't seem to phase him. He is one the toughest man I've ever seen. Pray for his safety. His life is in danger. He cannot be bought like most politicians and they hate not being able to control him. Never has a president funded his own campaign and donated his pay to charity. GOD BLESS YOU DONALD J. TRUMP. GOD BLESS YOU. PLEASE PRAY FOR HIM.
Passionate Truth Network
REPLY Pata Mo Thank you Father for President Trump!  Thy will be done Father ❤️🇺🇸
REPLY Truther777 Q just said "we have the gold"  Q said it would bring down the federal reserve that's been robbing the people
l kern watch how potus turns around and salutes the soldier at the stairs. that was real appreciation for the service of another human being, and Melania believes the words of her prayer. America is blessed.
REPLY sjurdurkjv Wonderful. I'm crying for the first time in 25 years
Cheryl Clarke No doubt whatsoever that Donald J. Trumps being elected Potus is sure divine intervention as there ain’t any person at present on earth who could possibly achieve what he has/is not only for his beloved USA but the world..Americans should be so grateful to have such a great leader..
REPLY Kerry Weston I liked Donald J. Trump before he ran for president and he has turned out to be the best president we've ever had.  Unlike all the others, he speaks the truth and actually does what he says he will do.
Passionate Truth Network REPLY Theresa Petekiewicz The Giants of the Federal Reserve in the Rothschild family. The giant of George Soros and the giant of NWO and the giant of national debt. Amen Lord Jesus you are all-powerful all-seeing and all-knowing. We need to pray daily for president Trump and all the white hats.
REPLY Stev op62 THANK YOU LORD For coming to Save Us ! I Love You
Summer Raines Love POTUS Trump & FLOTUS Melania!!! ❤💙
Cookie N Creams God bless TRUMP... sending love to TRUMP from the United kingdom... His a good man.. b4 he ran and after he won.. he has kept his word... PRESIDENT TRUMP is the peoples PRESIDENT... God bless you AMERICA.. TRUMP 2020
Carola Press Deliver this nation from evil Lord God! We call upon your name!
Tread Softly I love my President and my First Lady they are beautiful loving and caring people!
Leona Sammy God said he will built a wall for protection around this country . so why people against Trump building the wall to protect the broader
REPLY Jose Roberto Menendez God bless our President, God bless America.
Eric Trevi Two Supreme Court Judges have recently been appointed by President Trump.
REPLY Victorious Pauper ISRAEL ......IS...... FOREVER !!!!
Lisa Bannon God Bless Kim Clement!!  Always and RIP what a great prohphet ... Sadly will be missed...
REPLY hexencoff I hope that everyone is as honored as I am to have the privilege to say that we lived among the greatest of men like Kim Clement and our beloved President Donald J Trump!!! RIP Kim the world is by far a lesser place without you!!! Soar with eagles my brother for you have earned your wings I only pray to one day join you!!!
Jorge Hernandez God choice nothing will stop his desire...2 terms
REPLY angi seb AMEN OUR GOD DOES NOT LIE MAGA ......😘😘😘😘😘😘
mary howland Thank God  for giving  us Trump  for  our  president. I believe  Kim  is a true  phrophet of God. I pray  for  all  of  us and God  bless  our  country.
REPLY Linda Bezecny Dear Lord Please Product  Our President Donald Trump! Keep Him From The Evil Doers!  Like The Ones Who Killed President Lincoln,  Kennedy And His Son, And Brother! Also The Insanity Of Shooting President Reagan! Amen. \O/
Cheryl Clarke Melania Trump is a Flotus Americans at last can be so very proud of...beautiful, stylish, classy, speaks “5” languages fluently...wowwwww what a combination!!!
Diana Prince wow, such beautiful singing by that young lady. Gave me goosebumps.
REPLY xee doll I wish they would say the Lords Prayer more often 🙏🏼
Yoleta Trujillo Focus! Don’t be weary in well doing. It is our responsibility to not faint. Be the Spiritual Warriors God called us to be!
Geri Messina Does everyone know all that has been going on behind the scenes to implement the plan as God briefly described here? There IS a magnificent plan that is brilliant and could only have been orchestrated, implemented by God!
Lisa Bannon Thank you father God! For our President Mr Trump and his beautiful wife, I'm proud to call our first lady, thank you and praise you Yahweh praise you always...
Anthony Lucky Powerful! Give glory to the Lord! Thank you for putting this together. Blessings to this channel.
Sofiani Adams Thank you to our father in heaven for sending President Trump to us. Thank my dear Lord..AMEN.
IP Rainwater It's happening now...Q
Eileen Q Patriot I just learned about him - he's amazing.
GOD BLESS AMERICA AND GOD BLESS POTUS!!!  GOD anointed President Trump to save America eventually the world from the destruction by the deep state.
Ed Bernardo THAT'S why he was crying out to God in the Rose garden. He was overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit, crying out to God.
REPLY Many don't agree with me but there was a massive red Tsunami that happened on the just passed midterm elections, Does anyone realize the victory the Republicans just got in the Senate?
REPLY Darryl Cole I MISS KIM ( R.I.P.) & would love to have a Cool Ministry like that..!!! I'm a Drummer if anyone has Ministry like that and needs MUSICIANS  let me know... We're Good & Ready...!!! and have all the equipment(PA)and instruments....,!!! Praise God
REPLY Angela Becerra Thanks to God! Thank you Mr.& Mrs. TRUMP.....
REPLY Janice Andreyka Kim Clement will be missed.. God bless his family !
REPLY Bobby D I was weary of Mr Trump when I heard he was running. I was afraid for the American people 🇺🇲 Though I'm from Ireland 🇮🇪 I KNOW GOD & have  always believed and knew, AMERICA was Chosen by God. And now I believe God has chosen Mr Trump & His Beautiful WIFE. God Bless America 🇺🇲 and God Bless your President 🇺🇲 Shine on, Shine on, Love & Blessings from Ireland America ❤️❤️❤️🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪
REPLY Renee Mendias This is SO Powerful!! Listen to it again and again, embrace and pray it, witness it come to pass in the present age!
REPLY YO All I can say is "WOW", this is amazing! AMEN!!!!
REPLY matt noah Today president Trump and leader Kim of North Korea met! Looking back on these prophecy wow, what an awesome God we serve! Lord God continue to bless Donald Trump with your wisdom!
REPLY Oh No GO MELANIA!!!!! Woot woot!!!!! 👍👍👍💐💐💐💐💐💐🇺🇸
REPLY Gerardo Sanchez The earth and heaven will pass but! my words shall never ever pass amen to the Glory of God for ever. GBUA
REPLY Marti True Tears in eyes.  My heart is full
REPLY Tammy Eaton Jesébel was a Baal-worshipping CRUEL WOMAN-she was INVOLVED WITH THE OCCULT—likewise HILDEBEAST will NOT become PRESIDENT-she did  NOT ASCEND.  She HAS the SPIRIT OF JEZEBEL!  Hillary’s LUCIFERIAN WORSHIP is being EXPOSED.  It’s been DISMISSED as FAKE NEWS-THAT is because they’re SCARED!
REPLY inhisfootsteps That plan is happening now. as of 5/1/2018
REPLY CLAY Thomas I'VE NEVER HEARD A FIRST LADY SAY A PRAYER, LET ALONE THE APOSTLE'S PRAYER. (JESUS GAVE IT AS AN EXAMPLE TO THE APOSTLES) The Apostles said 'Lord teach us to pray', the Lord said in Luke 11, a model of prayer for the Apostles to follow. A template if you will. 1. To glorify God and praise His Hallowed name 
2.To support and pray for His Kingdom to be reflected on the Earth
 3. To assure us that we will always and every day have the Holy Bible with which to feed us through the Holy Spirit  
4. To forgive us our sins as we confess them to Him with a contrite heart and in turn forgive those who cause us pain and sorrow in our daily lives (for they know not what they do)
 5. God  will not allow us to bear a burden we are not capable of bearing, He knows exactly what we can handle (lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,  the believer will be delivered from the pain and suffering of the world, through the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
John Nowakowski The other "Snowdon" was Jullian Assange...
Jack Frost Hell kill the giant just as David did, with faith. Hallelujah!!!!!
Lovie Love God continue to bless the USA 🇺🇸 with this President and his family.  TRUMP 2020.
latafairam A true servant of God.
ChildOfGod 22 Amen!!! Trump will carry out God's plan!!! Two supreme court Justices and a third retiring in January 2019!!!! Amen! God bless President Trump!
REPLY Peggy Turner - Blue Marlin Real Estate God has BLESSED our Nation once more with a President after God's own heart.
REPLY mary trammell Israel Is FOREVER!
REPLY J Leo We love you Mr. And Mrs. President!!! Thank you for being REAL...being true Patriots. God bless you. MAGA!
REPLY Jennifer Ward God Bless President and Melania Trump!! Hallelujah!!! Go God!!!
REPLY jennifer wilson This is a Gold Mine for me.  Thanks you LORD.
REPLY Sammie Germany That is our beautiful First Lady.
REPLY Amy Manus True,True prophet of GOD!! #ISRAEL IS FOREVER!!!!!!!!!😇👼👏
REPLY M1M P Wow - the church of God needs to wake up for a slumber
REPLY JC 1 He was rejected by the Republicans because they said: this man is a child in politics.
REPLY Ted Nanc
Beautiful prophet of God.........
REPLY Dan Mefford Absolutely amazing
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thesinglesjukebox · 5 years
Your editor is still proud of "Post-Malonious thunk" from their Jerika review...
John Seroff: As fate has it, there once existed a common bird the natives of our land called the Feldtrani. I'm told one could recognize the Feldtrani by its faded plumage, its constantly bobbing head, its highly predictable loops and swoops through the air. What made the Feldtrani memorable to our people was its penchant for the musical theft of other birds' songs, lifting the sounds of a dozen different species all at once and belting them out in a great meaningless noisy mash. These audio kleptomaniacs became colloquially known as "poor-man's mockingbirds" and, while somewhat sufferable as individuals, their cacophony in migration was enough to try the patience of any man. In those days, the birds were so common and their flocks so dense that if you were to fire a haphazard shot into the air at a festival in Ibiza, a dozen Feldtrani would fall to the earth. The myth goes that the end of the Feldtrani came when one specimen, having copied the calls a thousand other species of birds before them, had the bright idea of echoing the Feldtrani flying beside it. The idea spread like a virus and each Feldtrani copied the first and the next in an endless sampling and regurgitation of sound. This went on for perhaps a day until the Feldtranis' songs grew so loud and mindless and vast and pointless that they achieved a sort of otic apex, then all at once simply ceased to be, plucked out of the sky as sand from the eye of god. That is why, wherever the unnecessary repetitive quavers of robbed rhythm echo from our radios, the oldest of our tribe stand and say "Is that the Feldtrani? Is that bastard bird back again?" You see, shit rained down as they traveled and they tasted resolutely foul no matter how you cooked them. So we hardly miss them. [2]
Joshua Lu: Theory: This song came from a parallel dimension, where the trend of simplistic EDM and trop-pop blends never quite went out of style, and hit songs still had bland, faceless vocalists. (Our version of RANI could very well be, I don't know, Sabi.) Evidence: The titular hook about partying "like Post Malone," when laid over an equally cheery and banal drop, doesn't bring to mind the Post Malone that I know, the one with bleak, ponderous hit songs. Clearly, Sam Feldt's Post Malone is the equivalent of our dimension's LMFAO. [3]
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: Post Malone, seriously? This makes me nostalgic for a time when terrible songs dedicated toward stars were at least about actual legends. One point because at least I get another entry on my Rihanna-voice playlist. [1]
Will Adams: Same shit, different era. At the start of the decade the "hey, I know that!"-reference to make was Mick Jagger, because it rhymes with "swagger," the pop currency of the time. And now we've got an EDM song professing to go all night like Post Malone, because the pop currency now is SEO maximization. Or perhaps it's just meant to distract from the soul-sucking void of a track that 2014-era Tiësto would've kept on the shelves. [1]
Michael Hong: Naming the track "Post Malone" just feels designed to cheat the system in the streaming era, hoping maybe some listeners will just get confused and leave it on. But the references to Post Malone never really go beyond the line "we party like Post Malone," so I can't imagine anyone staying for this generic house track. [2]
Scott Mildenhall: This has so little to do with Post Malone that he's liable to write a song pining after it. Like a demo for Zara Larsson that she didn't solicit, record or hear, it seems content to offer little more than its snowclone potential. Going on holiday like Lewis Capaldi? Hanging out with the girls like my guy Juice WRLD? Running low on ideas like whoever is Madison Beer? [3]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: I like the idea of this song because it clearly has a fundamental misunderstanding of who Post Malone is. He's used here as a cipher here for "chart topping, agreeable music that can be safely played at most parties," and his name is recognizable enough for the lay person to understand that oblique analogy. It only makes sense that "Post Malone" is the sort of unambitious, wallpaper pop song that can be appreciated by people who don't ask much from pop beyond the vague "good things, good things, good things." [4]
Alfred Soto: If I saw people partying all night like Post Malone I'd be on the phone to Robert Mueller. [2]
Iris Xie: Tropical House: Sparknotes Edition with a faux-Rihanna. I know she would never stand to record a song like this. [4]
Joshua Copperman: If it Walks Like Rihanna, sounds like Bruce Hornsby, drops like DJ Snake, and search-engine-optimizes like those Finger Family videos... the result is a musical uncanny valley, a mid-2010s tropical pop reject that somehow surfaced with a reference to the premier late-2010s pop star. Here's some SEO for you: my reaction was similar to the visceral repulsion people had at the CATS trailer. I've never heard a song so unstuck in time. Genuinely disturbing. [0]
Nortey Dowuona: Rani sounds a bit like Zara Larsson but she'll eventually find a way to distinguish herself, especially since she's where Zara was with "Lush Life" in 2015. She should find a safe home in the EDM world, and since this is pop now she'll be golden for next few years. I think Rani can one day make something pretty guud, but this isn't it. Still, sometimes the song you don't really like becomes the smash hit. [4]
Ramzi Awn: Wowwwww, another song about partying all night long with a generic beat and an amped-up pre-chorus. The vocal blips and bleeps on the hook really take it home. The only thing that stands out on "Post Malone" is the piano, which lasts for all of five seconds. At a time when nuanced cultural issues abound and we need pop music more than ever to fulfill its promise as a spiritual getaway, recycled odes to Bacardi and Ferraris just don't cut it. [1]
Will Rivitz: Is Katherine's Tracery script licensed under Creative Commons? Asking for a friend. (The friend is me.) [4]
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