#god I really hope this is the general consensus for people who care about traffic or DL Pearl
tubbytarchia · 5 months
Also I need to say SOMETHING because I've been tormented by this for the past few days after having been made aware but yandere Pearl makes me so upset, imo it's such a disservice to her character!! That or other interpretations that just make her out to be evil. I understand the appeal of the trope and for AUs and stuff, ofc go wild!! But that is very much not what happened in DL canon and anyone who thinks that she's only interesting with the yandere trope attached is a fake fan!! Pearl was labelled crazy and of course she leaned into it, because what else does she do? Nobody wants her, everyone believes she's lost it, so she might as well!! At the very least it serves as some intimidation that Pearl CAN use to her advantage but did she ever want to? She's not crazy for Scott, not by any stretch of the imagination. She wanted some kind of approval, or acceptance. She didn't just want Scott to herself or whatever argument people try to make and she most certainly wasn't evil or cruel. Many times when people were getting up to mischief, Pearl didn't take large part if at all even if she was there. She often played along and, yeah, she played along, like most Lifers would, no? I can see how her behaviour could be observed as obsessive when she keeps trying to settle near Scott but, I don't even know how to articulate my thoughts other than to reinforce that that wasn't her obsessing over Scott. I suppose you could view Pearl as evil depending entirely on what you classify as evil in a death game where most everyone has to kill anyway, and where a lot of people commit arson and stuff (Joel killed some Jellies, loved to bully Jimmy, retaliated having the Relationship burnt down by burning every other establishment he could, is he also evil? What makes Pearl evil? Does she just get called that more because Joel is expected to be a menace by default?), but there is so much more nuance there than some form of "she flipped on a dime in session 1 and immediately became a crazy ex after a breakup". But you know what, that's what Scott wanted people to believe and if anyone in the fandom does then I have news for you
Also I'm not trying to say that playing a villain character is bad (Scott is such a villain though not at all a plainly visible one, and he's very compelling as a character) nor am I trying to make Pearl out to be some totally innocent sweetpea. Or maybe I am. #Pearl did literally nothing wrong to warrant this (but like, art of her being girlboss and stuff goes hard still, she OWNED the scene still when she embraced the label. She was mad cool, but it's not "being evil" that makes a character mad cool)
(PS don't take this too seriously, although I do heavily disagree with this interpretation personally, I'm not police and also I love all the Lifers including Scott dearly. Reminder that this is just about the characters they play and it's reasonable for viewers to believe his story foremost if they've only watched his POV and such, I think)
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combustitties · 5 years
I wanna ask all 👀
1. First sex experience?
i was like.. less than ten and my friend asked me to touch his ding dong
2. Celebrity threesum?
oh god idk kjdfgxjch
3. Would you ever have a devils threesum?
urban dictionary says this is legit just a threesome w two other guys so uh Yeah I Guess. why does that get a fancy name.
4. Ever been rimmed?
nah. idrk if i’d like it either jkgdfjkhnb
5. Would you ever rim someone?
??? maybe
6. Weirdest sexual experience?
my friends and i stole her mom’s vibrator and used a bunch of lotion in a plastic cup as lube and masturbated together. wild.
7. Weirdest solo sexual experience?
i was jackin it in the shower once and i think i mightve squirted but i dunno bc SHOWER it felt like a water balloon popping in my vagooter
8. Every have a one night stand?
9. Thought on r*pe play?
hmmmmmmmmm,,,, i dunno like so long as it’s between consenting adults who cares but for myself i dunno if i’d like it?? like. the loss of control and consensual non-con w safewords sounds chill but i dunno like actual roleplay would b. unpredictable.
10. As a guy, what do think is a female’s idea penis?
11. What’s your ideal penis?
my boo’s tf
12. Ever have sex in public?
technically i blew a friend in middle school on a creek trail thing.
13. Describe a sex fantasy that you want to try in detail.
wow i’ve suddenly forgotten everything ive ever thought
14. Do you consider your genitals attractive?
15. What bra size do you find yourself most attracted to?
i don’t think i have a preference
16. Favorite sex position?
shrug emoji haven’t had enuf to develop a preference
17. Least favorite sex positions?
18. What makes sex ‘bad’ to you?
if no one’s enjoying themselves
19. Ever have sex with someone loud?
i’m sure he could get louder 👀
20. Have you ever thought a partner faked an orgasam?
i?? don’t think so???? god i hope not??
21. Have you ever faked an orgasam?
22. Thoughts on accidental anal?
how do u accidentally stick it in the butt
23. Have you ever had sex with food?
technically i tried to use a hot dog in a condom as a dildo when i was. uh. young and stupid.
24. For giving oral to a female, you prefer them to ride your face, or them laying down (or other)
ive never done lol idk
25. Weirdest thing someone’s ever said to you during sex?
???????????? nothing comes to mind.
26. Ever prematurely cum?
pffft is there such a thing? all orgasms good orgasms. i wonder what the world record for fastest orgasm is. lmao lets beat it (HA accidental pun.)
27. Do you prefer you or your partner to cum first?
my partner ndfgkjdfnh
28. Ever have a kink a partner thought was weird?
? i? don’t know????? 👀👀😫😫
29. Thoughts on drunk sex, or sex where your sober and your partner semiconscious?
i can’t stand being sober around not-sobers bc issues but if consent was given for those circumstances prior and we’re both fukt up then um yes pls
30. If your partner made you a sex toy from their genitals would you be creeped out or…?
gimme gimme gimme
31. Ever have a safe word, if so, what was it?
i never used it with anyone but, hyacinth. i like the traffic light system more tho.
32. Thoughts on partner sharing?
gut reaction is grr but w plenty of communication and negotiation and talking i don’t think i’d have a real problem w it. i don’t think i’d want another partner tho.
33. Weirdest sex story you’ve heard?
oh god idk
34. What gives you the most confidence during sex?
being not sober and the lights being off or v dim
35. What feels better for you sex or oral sex?
sex :o
36. Do you like sloppy blowjobs?
giving them hella
37. Which feels better blowjob or blowjob and hands?
38. Most viewed porn categories?
rough, and sex machines.
39. Thoughts on knife play?
hnnnnnn sharp shiney good. idk about the actual cutting tho i’m recovered from s.h kjdfgkdljf
40. Can you be intimate if your pet is in the room?
yea so long as he’s not up in my grill
41. I’d you ever had the chance for a threesum with twins would you do it?
...probably not?
42. Are you ok with your partner owning sex toys?b
?? tf yes
43. Are you ok with your partner using toys to finish after sex?
hella. no bad feels just whatever works ^_^
44. Are you ok with your partner mastubating. (Instead of going to you for help)
duh tf i don’t own them
45. Are you a fan of cuddles after sex?
46. Do you care how many sexual partners your partner had?
47. If you had the chance to join an orgy, would you?
...not sober
48. What’s your thoughts about watching porn with a partner?
hmmmmm. nice.
49. Are you ok with your partner watching porn to get off? (Instead of going to you?)
again, yes, wtff
50. As a guy, do you consider your girlfriend kissing other girls as cheating?
51. If you and your partner broke up for a week but got back together how would you react finding out they had sex during that time?
i mean. i dunno. if we were legit broken up with no intention of getting back together then whatever.
52. Are you ok with your partner posting nudes online?
yes what is up w these possessive ass questions
53. Has anyone ever said the wrong name during sex with you?
not that ive noticed dkfjgvdfjkhn
54. Ever had sex to just get it out of the way?
no???? wtf was this written by a Straight
55. Have you ever had sex in your parents bed?
56. Favorite place to cum?
anywhere anytime lol
57. Do you prefer your partner to a Bush or shaved? (Which do you find more aesthetically pleasing)
whatever they want lol idc
58. How old were you when you first bought condoms?
my mom bought me some when i was like 12 it was mortifying. i still have yet to purchase them myself. WAIT NO YES I DID i was like 13 and it was for a friend bc she was too embarrassed.
59. Have you ever tried flavored condoms?
i haven’t but i wanna yummm lollipop without the cals
60. Would you ever let a stranger watch you and your partner have sex?.
uhhhhhh. not unless we were being paid
61. What’s the worst thing that’s aroused you?
i used to be really fucking embarrassed about my daddy kink
62. Would you ever have sex with a guy who had a spliced dick?
wh. okay i have to google this.
63. Would you ever have sex with someone with genital piercings?
sure why not
64. Thoughts on sleep sex?
GOD yes. esp on the receiving end but all around a+
65. How easily do you get aroused?
aroused in general p easily ig? but im ace so idk i don’t ever feel like i NEEED it
66. Explain the time you got aroused at the worst time?
any time in public bc i blush too easily
67. Have you ever received oral from someone with a tongue piercing, did it feel any different?
i has not
68. Have you ever accidentally hurt your partner during intimacy, how? And did you continue after?
i? think i totally kneed him at least once. but ya
69. Ever 69 :p
not YET
70. Would you ever give someone oral underwater?
YES pool sex or hot tub sex is a kink of mine ever since i got off with a hot tub jet. and breath play. so like hella. i have a sensory issue with water on my eyelids tho and i don’t think goggles are all that sexy sooo njdfgjkfhn
71. Would you ever have sex on the beach?
idk maybe. that’s a lot of sand to keep track of.
72. Do you prefer your own touch or a partners?
not my own ksjdnfjkgh
73. Why do men slap their penis on their partner? Does it feel good???
i dunno WHY but it feels somewhat objectifying in a good way to ME so likeee
74. For mastubating do you use lube?
75. Is there some place you don’t like being touched during intimacy?
my sides feel hurt really easily like even if u poke it it HURTS i think it’s a medical thing but ive never brought it up at the drs. and my ears. that’s weird.
76. Do you prefer your partner to knead you head or pull your hair?
uh both? both yes? both good
77. Has a condom ever fallen off during sex?
lowkey sjkdfhnzskjghfh
78. Have you ever lost arousal during intimacy, did you keep going?
no??? like im generally always turned on gettin it on n it’s a gr8 time but my meds just fuck with my ability to actively get off UGH
79. Have you ever gotten cum in your eye?
no *knocks on wood*
80. Weirdest compliment you’ve gotten?
ive had people compliment my feet and that’s not my kink so i think it’s kinda weird.
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rjhamster · 5 years
The Dude's Guide to Marriage: Listening to Your Wife
Women want to be heard, not fixed. They are open to encouragement, challenge, and even rebuke, but usually only after they have been listened to. — Darrin & Amie Patrick
Listening to Your Wife
Darren & Amie Patrick, The Dude's Guide to Marriage: Ten Skills Every Husband Must Develop to Love His Wife Well 
Husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way.
— 1 Peter 3:7
Women like it when you listen to them. They are funny that way. My wife often asks if I hear what she says: “Are you really listening to me?” Many times I’m not. I mean, I am, but I’m not. I hear words coming from her cute, perky lips, but I often fail to listen to the heart behind those words. The truth is I wish my wife wouldn’t talk so much. She could say what she is trying to say with way fewer adjectives and superlatives. She knows how to get to the point. She is aware that I have a short attention span. She has studied my thoughts, actions, and words for twenty years. Yet she keeps talking.1
I’d rather be the one talking. I literally talk for a living. I traffic in words. There is nothing quite like standing up in front of fifty or five thousand people and uttering a profound, life changing statement. To be able to hold the attention of people with my words is one of the greatest gifts I have been given. But there is a dark side to this gift. When I talk, I’m in control. I like being in control. I like giving directives. I like solving problems. Not every man has a job that requires public speaking, but every man uses words. We like to give our opinions, state our case, and instill our wisdom. We use words, and when we do, we feel like we are in control.
Proverbs 18:21 tells us, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” Words are quite spiritual. We learn from the Bible that in the beginning God created the whole universe with a word. God reveals who he is through the created world generally, but through his words (the Bible) specifically. God has given us words to build a relationship with him. That’s called prayer. Words aren’t just organized noise coming out of our mouths. They are a spiritual force that has power.
Men and women use this controlling force in distinct ways. Men tend to view themselves as individuals in a hierarchical social order in which they are “either one-up or one-down.”2 Women usually view the world as a network of connections in which conversations are negotiations for closeness and consensus. Men talk with a focus on achieving social status and avoiding failure, while women focus on achieving personal connection and avoiding social isolation.
These different ways of conversing are known as report-talk (men) and rapport-talk (women). Report-talk is information oriented, focused on objectivity and practicality. Rapport-talk is relationship oriented, emotionally expressive, and engaging. When you come home from work, and your wife asks, “How was your day?” she is attempting to engage in rapport-talk. When you respond, “Fine,” you assume she was looking for a report.
Why Do Wives Stop Talking?
Many husbands think their wives talking less is a good thing. Not so much. When your wife gives in to report-talk and stops trying to gain rapport, it doesn’t mean you’ve won. It means she’s no longer pursuing connection. If you think having a wife who talks too much is the worst thing possible, wait until she stops.
They Don’t Feel Safe
The other day I noticed Amie was especially silent. Later in the day that silence morphed into coldness. I could tell she had been hurt by something I had done. I racked my brain, trying to figure out how I had offended her. What had I done that morning? It turned out the offense had occurred earlier in the week. My wife was trying to express her feelings about an upcoming family event. I was preoccupied and said, “Amie, just figure it out. I’ll do whatever you want.” She interpreted this to mean, “Darrin doesn’t care and is unwilling to engage with me about our family.” Guilty as charged. She was right.
Because of her experiences with her husband and with counseling other women, Amie has some wisdom here.
A wife stops talking to her husband when she’s given up hope that he will be a safe place for her to share her heart. She’s probably resorted to having her need to be listened to met by someone else—girlfriends, Mom, coworkers, or even another man. The good news is that it’s never too late to change course. A great place to start would be to tell your wife, “I know I’m a terrible listener and I’ve hurt you. I want to change. Will you help me?” She may not come around immediately, but genuine humility and vulnerability go a long way in healing broken places.
They Are Tired of Excuses
Many wives have set the right environment, have tried to approach their husbands in the right spirit and at the right time, and have been given the Heisman (stiff-arm) multiple times. Husband, when conflict arises, you are far more likely to stonewall (shut down and become unresponsive). Faced with intense, troubling emotions, you will just sit there silently, trying not to react, just idling in neutral. You may not intend harm, but it is hard for your wife not to view it as disapproval and rejection.3 Her knee-jerk response is to perceive your silence as hostility. A wife gets tired of pushing through her husband’s walls.
They Are Tired of Being Fixed
Women want to be heard, not fixed. They are open to encouragement, challenge, and even rebuke, but usually only after they have been listened to. Research from Dr. John Gottman tells us, “Women are more sensitive to advice-giving than are men.” A wife will usually react “very negatively” if you try to problem solve her troubles without trying to empathize.4
Amie has found it very helpful when I ask, “Do you want me to help solve the problem, or do you just want me to listen?” Ninety-eight percent of the time she just wants me to listen and understand her perspective. She is more open to proposed solutions if I have spent several minutes patiently listening to her.
Their Husbands Are Distracted
Women do not want to engage in a conversation with a husband who is not focused. Your posture communicates attentiveness or inattentiveness. Eye contact communicates engagement. Most of the time when Amie asks me if I am listening to her, I’m not, though I often fudge and say I am. But sometimes I am listening. The problem is not that I’m listening and my wife doesn’t recognize it. The problem is that I am not communicating that I am listening.
What Can Husbands Do to Communicate Listening?
I have learned to love listening to my wife. Over the years I have grown in how to show Amie that I am interested in understanding her heart through her words. I am learning to express affection for her and validate her emotions with my mouth closed and my ears open. The other day after Amie attended two of our kids’ parent-teacher conferences, I asked her what the teachers said and what she felt about the interaction. Now, this was a huge step in that I actually engaged her heart (what she felt) and not just her head (what the teachers said). When she was talking, I made sure I was listening with my body. You can actually listen with your eyes, your face, and your words.
Make Eye Contact
This is the big E on the eye chart. Look at your wife. Focus on her eyes, which are windows into her soul. Her eyes will communicate even more than her words. Don’t look through her, but look to her. Don’t be afraid of her. Engage her face. My friend Dave Gibbons says, “If we paid as much attention to our wife as we do our phones, we would probably have a great marriage.”
Watch Your Face and Body
As a public speaker, I am hyperaware of nonverbal communication. I try to zone in on a few individuals to see if my message is connecting. Are they engaged, or are they bored? Do I need to pause and be more descriptive? Do I need to omit a point that isn’t relevant? How does the crowd give these cues? Nonverbals. When their arms are folded, faces frowned, eyes intent on their phones, they signal that they aren’t engaged or don’t know how to show that they are engaged. If I show my wife that I am interested in what she is saying with good nonverbals, I actually become more interested in what she is saying.5 When your wife talks, nod, smile, lean forward, do whatever is appropriate to tell her you are interested in her perspective.
Repeat, Repeat, Repeat
My wife and I went to college together. She was summa cum laude and the star of her class. Me? I squeezed four years into five. We had only a couple of classes together. But one of those was an intensive weekend class for intro psychology. I don’t remember much about the class because I was staring at my wife during most lectures, but I do remember this helpful piece of advice from the prof: when someone says something to you, it is a good idea to repeat what the person said before you answer.
Act as if you are at a drive-through.6 One person speaks, and the other repeats what he or she heard.
1-6. Footnotes published on the blog.
Excerpted with permission from The Dude’s Guide to Marriage: Ten Skills Every Husband Must Develop to Love His Wife Well by Darrin & Amie Patrick.
Your Turn
How can you engage more through active listening in your marriage, or in your other relationships? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!
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