#god I saw that scene in gifs and I thought she was comforting Nancy oh my GOD
voidsteffy · 3 years
You Came Back To Me - A Nace AU
Part 1
A|N : So this is my first time writing an AU here, so feedback is appreciated!
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Nancy Drew was a disaster when it came to family. She never let anyone in but when she did, she was always faced with some problem or another.
That's precisely why she felt a pit in her stomach as she reached the end of Myrtle Hudson's letter to her. Carson and Ryan were engrossed in getting the dish-soap lather right among bickering while she sat alone on the couch with a feeling she couldn't shake. Suddenly she didn't feel like she was comfortable at home.
The lights flickered on and off in her house. Nancy did not like it at all. The Wraith was out of her, the town was quiet for once in a long time and Nancy wished it would stay that way.
Caron's baseball tapes played on the TV, throwing ribbons of light across Nancy's eyes but it was all a blur. Her thoughts kept going back to Myrtle. Although she was a gruff lady with a hell of a scowl, she did give in at the end. No one would be that nice to their newly found extended family, would they?
Nancy almost snorted at herself: she freaked out for days when she was told that there was an inkling of Hudson blood in her - that she was Ryan Hudson's teenage mistake of a daughter.
God knew Nancy wasn't the right person to answer the questions she herself had.
"Hey Nancy, would you look at this mess!" Carson chuckled from the kitchen.
Ryan Hudson — millionaire with puppy eyes — her biological father who had just given up his right to parent Nancy for her safety, was arms were elbow deep in clean dishwater with a goofy smile on his face.
She couldn't help but crack a smile herself at the scene. It was refreshing to see that at least someone, if not herself, was finding the normal in their messed up lives.
"I wish I could be that happy to do some dishes," she chuckled.
Her fathers — oh god that would need practice to get used to — hooted in mockery while she pushed herself up on the far dry counter. It was a domestic gesture, making her feel strong enough to ignore the goosebumps all over her arms.
"Speaking of happy," Carson hummed, "What happened when you went to Ace's? I mean, we love cookies as much as the next guy but..."
"But nothing." Nancy shrugged. Her cheeks flamed up like a rally torch, and she tried to ignore the knowing look that Carson and Ryan exchanged.
Nancy was never one for the heart. She thought with her mind, worked with her mind and felt with her mind. But the one time she actually decided to listen to her heart, was the most humiliating moment in her teen life.
"Ace wasn't there to get the work done." she smoothly lied, or at least she thought so. As far as they knew, Nancy was visiting Ace for some mystery work. "Rebecca said he went on a trip with Amanda Bobbsey and won't know when he'll-"
Knocks broke the rest of her words.
There was something in the sudden sound that startled Nancy. The front door of her house shook under someone thumping it from the outside. The knocks seemed weak, panicked and urgent.
Carson rushed to peep through the hole, all the while the knocks grew louder. Nancy struggle to get a view, but Carson froze beside her.
He threw the door open. Nancy frowned when she saw the last person she expected on her doorstep.
A gasping Ace Hardy stood at her threshold, bruised and bloody.
He leaned against the wooden door, his eyes drooping. His usually pale cheeks were caked with mud, his stance wobbling. He was cradling his right arm in left. Before Nancy could say anything else, he fainted right into her arms.
And Nancy fell with him.
Stay tuned for part 2 soon
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writing-essence · 5 years
It Ate My Cat
Chapter One: Sheet Faced
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Henderson!reader
Warnings: language, underage drinking, sexual harassment (billy being an ass)
Summary: You’ve known Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington since your first days moving to Hawkins. What happens when you get wrapped up in his interdimensional babysitting adventure with your younger brother?
Author’s Note: I started writing this a year ago and it’s all I've been thinking about. Another friends to lovers slow burn you’re welcome! -Milla
Word Count: 1,756
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"Hey, Y/N! Tina from my chemistry class handed me a flyer to go to her Halloween Bash. I heard it's gonna be totally bitchin!" Amber, your friend, approached you holding a bright orange paper waving in her hand.
"Well,” you sighed, “I hope you have fun but I promised my mom I'd hand out the candy this year." You shut your locker turning on your heel down the hall.
"Oh c'mon I'm sure your mom won't mind and we don't have to show up 'til 8," she started to plead. "We haven't been to a party in forever and you need to talk to someone other than me, your brother or your cat."
You rolled your eyes and groaned. "Okay fine, I'll ask if I can go out. Happy?" She nodded her head with a shit-eating grin plastered on her face. Amber was definitely more of the partier, it's not that you didn't like parties it's just too much of a gamble. Either you dance away into the night or you end up with your friends vomit on your shoes and your white t-shirt soaked by two idiots in the pool. And in your experience, it’s usually the ladder. You were unlocking your bike when Amber nudged your arm.
"So I'll meet you at your house around 7 tomorrow to get ready okay?"
"Is it a costume thing?" You asked and she nodded her blonde head. "So what are we even going to be? I don't have time to put together a costume. I still have to finish my brother's.”
"Don't worry about it, I got this. It'll be good, trust me," she winked waltzing off to the upper parking lot. She was a persuasive one.
The house was empty by the time you got home. Mom was at work and Dustin was most likely at the arcade with the party as they called themselves. "Well Mews, it looks like it's just you and me again," you said scratching under her chin. After grabbing an apple you headed to your room and pulled Dustin's costume out of the closet. After two hours of pricking your finger and pulling loose threads, you were finally finished. Dustin had gotten home about a half-hour ago from, you guessed it, the arcade.
"Dustin! I finished your costume!" You called. You heard the door next to yours open and a haphazard shuffle down the hall. He burst into your room zooming to where you sat at your desk.
"Thanks, Y/N, this is awesome!" His eyes were wide as he examined your handy work.
"Yeah sure and like we agreed you're doing dishes this month." His smile faltered but begrudgingly muttered out a confirmation and left the room still immersed in the costume.
You were helping your mom with dinner and decided now was as good a time as ever to ask about skipping candy duty tomorrow. "So mom, I finished Dusty's costume today. He loves it!" She nodded and mumbled an approving response. You cleared your throat, "ya know Amber invited me to her friends Halloween party and I know I said I'd help with candy duty but she really wants me to go," you continued nonchalantly chopping the vegetables until she replied.
"Oh sweetie, of course, you can go to a party! I didn't want you to feel left out tomorrow with Dusty going with his friends tomorrow since you’re usually the one to watch them, but now that you have plans, of course, you can go out!" She enthused.
You were taken aback as you thanked her. Maybe Amber was right, you did need to get out more. The kids were getting older and didn't need you to tag along on with them anymore. As fond, as you were of the rambunctious group, Johnathan had it covered. It was time for you to let loose for a night.
The next day flew by quick. Mom couldn't get over the costume you made for Dustin, absolutely gushing when taking pictures, the history test wasn't nearly as hard as you thought it'd be, and apparently, John and Becky were back together, at least according to Amber. Dustin had gone over to Mike’s so for the time being you were on candy duty. It was nearing 7 o'clock when there was a knock on the door revealing Amber and not a group of trick-or-treat-ers. She grabbed your arm and dragged you to your room with a bag in hand.
"Okay, I have the costumes!” She flung the paper bag across your bed. “You'll be Spock and I'll be Captain Kirk because I'm cooler." She pulled out a blue dress and tossed it to you. She had forced you to watch Star Trek a few times before and recalling what you had seen there was only a small issue.
"Woah, woah, woah does that mean I have to have weird eyebrows?" You asked. Amber simply sighed defeated.
"Okay fine you don't have to do the eyebrows!” she reasoned slowly inching towards you. “But in my heart, I know who you really are," she landed her pointer finger on your forehead. Looking up cross-eyed you pushed her hand away.
"You really are the weirdest person I know," you took the dress and changed.
You two rolled up to the party before 9 after getting ready and narrowly escaping your mother’s camera. The party was in full swing, a group of boys were in a huddle shouting what vaguely sounded like "Keg King" the boy in the middle was the new guy at school. The second you stepped in the door Amber headed straight for the punch which could only be spiked with god knows what. She handed you a cup and you swirled it around taking in your surroundings. She dragged you to the dance floor. While nursing your drink amidst the sweaty teenage bodies you started to let go. Nobody had a care in the world until Steve and Nancy made a scene by the punch bowl. As quick as the party stopped and all eyes were on them they shifted back to the music. You were finishing up your first cup while Amber was on her third.
"I hope we get arrested for underage drinking," she slung an arm over your shoulder.
"Why's that?" You asked knowing she's a lightweight, at this point in the night she was a goner.
"Because have you seen the sheriff? That ass in those pants wooo!" She lifted her cup to the air and spun around stumbling spilling some of her drink. 
"Okay, that's enough for you," You snorted taking the cup from her hand and placing it down on the counter. "Let's go sit down alright?" She nodded, giggling, continuing her inappropriate comments about the chief. Pushing through the crowded hallway you managed to find an empty room. You propped her up on the couch and handed her a cup of water. After much wrangling trying to get her to sober up, you went to refill the water. As you were walking down the hall the new guy caught up to you. You kept your head down breaking any eye contact and yet there he was still blocking your path.
"I don't think we've met, you know my name?" He asked leaning against the wall too close for comfort.
"Keg King?" You quipped at the denim-clad teen.
"Damn right it is!" He shouted and started chanting the nickname towards the group of boys behind him. The gaggle of goons continued their chant to the living room, leaving their king behind.  "Name’s Billy. And you?" He asked turning back to you putting his hand on your arm. You shook it off and reluctantly answered. "Well, Y/N what do you say we find an empty room?" His hand traveled to your waist. You flinched away from his grasp.
"In your dreams," you tried to push forward toward the kitchen but he closed you in against the wall.
"Let's try that again," his grip tightened to the point of hoping you wouldn't end up with a bruise tomorrow. You struggled to try to free yourself from between him and the wall. You started to panic when someone shouted from up the hall.
"Hey, asshole leave her alone!" 
You turned and saw Steve Harrington making his way towards the scene. He shoved Billy off of you and body checked him into a painting opposite you. Billy steadied himself to fight back but Steve had already stormed off through the crowd.
"Hey!" You ran after him weaving through the mess of drunken teens. "Steve!" He ignored your calls rushing outside towards his car. "Hey, Harrington!" You heaved catching your breath as he stood next to his car his back turned to you.
"What?" He snapped.
"I- just wanted to say-" you hesitated at his outburst, stepping closer. Your gratitude was interrupted by sniffling, “-are you okay?"
His keys jiggled as they hit the pavement. Before you could do anything arms were thrown around you and tears hit your shoulder. Unsure of the etiquette of the position you were in you patted his back and murmured words of comfort. Quickly he pulled away running his hands through his hair mumbling an "I'm sorry"
"You know Harrington we really have to stop meeting like this," you laughed trying to make light of the situation. He just shook his head staring at the ground. "Do you wanna tell me what happened?"
"She dumped me."
"What Nancy? I mean I know you guys had a punch incident but don't you think-" he cut you off.
"She said it was bullshit, everything." There was a flicker in his eye and he turned to his car. "Bullshit!" He kicked the front tire, aggression masking the tears. Your instincts jumped in from all of Dustin’s sporadic incidents over the years.
"Hey, hey, hey,” you jumped forward. “Look I get that it sucks but breaking your foot won't be much help,” you grabbed his shoulders leading him away from the scuffed tire. "Are you sure you’re okay to drive?" 
He looked up at me and nodded slowly letting out a deep breath. He unlocked his car door and looked back at you apologetically. "Uh thanks for- for that," he shrugged unsure what to call the exchange, you gave him a small smile in return.
"Stay safe Harrington," you said starting to walk backward towards the party.
"You too Henderson."
With that, he started up his car while you tracked down your very drunk friend.
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cocastyle · 5 years
Pairing - Steve Harrington x platonic!reader
Word Count - 5,997
Warning - none
A/N - this is my first request and I couldn’t be more excited about writing it! if anyone would like to request something, I write for so many different fandoms that can all be found under my master list! some that I write for haven’t even been added yet so always feel free to ask! for this request I have decided to explore a Steve and Y/N brother/sister bond much like the one seen in my In-Between series (this is in no way connected to the series though and will showcase a little Dustin Henderson x reader) anyways, I really hope everyone likes this!
Request - I love the fact that Steve and Y/N have a brother sister relationship in the In-Between and I was wondering if you could do something on that like him being protective of the reader during the tunnels scene in ST2 @nerdy-collector-festival
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Steve Harrington and Y/N L/N didn't have the best parents in the world. With neither one of their parents ever home and an empty house most of the time, the two were often left to fend for themselves and it had been like that from a young age.
The only source of comfort either of them had was each other. Y/N and Steve's parents had been best friends since college, so since the day Y/N was born Steve was always by her side. Neither of them even minded the five year age gap between them and still considered the other to be their best friend and the person they hung out the most with.
Or that was how it used to be before the events of 1983 where the two witnessed some horrific events that were sure to be in their nightmares for the rest of their lives. It was that night when Y/N was fighting to save one of her other best friends Will Byers and Steve was trying to protect Y/N from a demogorgon that the two realized just how much the other meant to them.
And that realization was almost too much for either of them to handle. After having practically no family for their whole lives and then realizing that their best friend, the person who they cared about most in the world, was their family was enough to make them both take a step back and away from each other.
They didn't know how to handle this new realization and neither wanted to harm their friendship, even if by the two pulling away it meant exactly that.
So the year after the events of 1983 was tough for the two. It's not that they never hung out with each other cause they did, but their normal hangouts just weren't as frequent, the two finding new people to hang around more often. For Steve that was Nancy Wheeler, his girlfriend who he put all of his time and love into. For Y/N that was the members of the Party or more specifically Dustin Henderson who she had grown to develop a small crush on over the past year.
But then Halloween in 1984 hit and the two were thrust back into each other's lives, both of them realizing how stupid and ignorant they had been over the past year but still knowing that nothing had changed. Steve was still the protective brother — or mom as Y/N liked to say — that he was and Y/N was still just as loving and protective as any other sister.
However, the year they spent semi-away from each other made Y/N realize just how much she had depended on Steve. She had expected him to keep her steady when she needed it most, to protect her from everything bad, and to cheer her up whenever she felt down. It annoyed her when she thought about it and she felt guilty and ashamed for having put such a big responsibility on Steve for all of these years, wondering if all he had ever seen her as was just that—a responsibility.
So when the Party had all decided to head to the tunnels that connected to the Mind Flayer, the latest antagonist who currently had control of Will and who Eleven was trying to defeat, Y/N knew that Steve was only tagging along to make sure that she was safe and to keep her out of trouble. This was enough to make her frustrated and even upset, especially when she saw Steve get beat up by Billy Hargrove just because of her.
"Guys," Steve's voice rang through her ears causing the young girl to snap out of her thoughts as she continued to get supplies out of the back of the car, the others all roaming around her as they too got ready to enter the tunnels down below. "Oh, no. Guys."
"Hey, where do you think you're going? What are you, deaf? Hello? We are not going down there right now," Steve yelled almost deliriously as he looked around at the kids. His eyes flickered over to Y/N and Dustin who were busy putting goggles on and bandanas over their faces. He gave them a pointed look and said, "I made myself clear."
Y/N rolled her eyes and continued to struggle putting her goggles on while Steve babbled on beside them, slowly coming more and more to his senses as he managed to pull himself up onto his feet.
"Hey, there's no chance we're going to that hole, all right? This ends right now!" Steve yelled in frustration, but everyone continued to ignore him.
Dustin told his eyes at the boy and turned to Y/N, gently grabbing her goggles and fixing them on her face as he looked back at Steve.
"Steve, you're upset, I get it. But the bottom line is, a party member requires assistance, and it is our duty to provide that assistance," Dustin said, not noticing the small blush on Y/N's face as he finished fixing her goggles and gave her a small smile.
Y/N quickly cleared her throat and looked to the older boy who furrowed his eyebrows slightly at the two before shaking his head and locking eyes with her. "Listen, Harrington, I know you promised Nance that you would keep us safe," Y/N said as she grabbed a backpack that had Steve's bat poking out of it. She shoved it into his hands a little roughly before saying, "So man the fuck up and do your job."
She then gave the boy a sickly sweet smile and pulled her bandana over half of her face and grabbed a crowbar and a container of fuel before walking away without another word. Dustin smiled after her before noticing Steve looking at him. "She's amazing," Dustin said almost dreamily before he hurried along after the girl leaving Steve frowning and mumbling to himself.
Y/N didn't hesitate to jump down into the tunnel, the others surrounding her as they looked down the dirt tunnel that had floating pieces of decay in the air. The young girl grimaced before someone landing beside her had her turning to see Steve standing there. His head moved towards her and they both stared at each other for a moment before she nodded her head at him, the boy returning it almost instantly.
Steve then looked away before letting his eyes flicker over the scenery around him. "Holy shit," he breathed out, the fact that the decaying place they were in was supposed to be the ground underneath a pumpkin farm seeming totally wrong.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's this way," Mike called out as he glanced up from the map he was looking at, an X marking the spot that they had determined to be the best place to set up their trap.
"You're pretty sure, or you're certain?" Dustin called out from where he was looking just a little ways away.
"I'm 100% sure!" Mike replied. "Just follow me and you'll know."
Y/N glanced at Dustin and the two shrugged before beginning to walk after Mike who had started down one of the paths. Steve looked at them as if they were crazy, which was hard for them to see because of the mask, and he quickly stopped Mike before saying, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey, hey. I don't think so."
"What?" Y/N asked annoyed as she turned to look at the boy.
"Any of you little shits die down here, I'm getting the blame," Steve explained. "Got it, dipshit? From here on out, I'm leading the way. L/N, you stick by my side, okay? Come on, let's go."
Steve began to walk forward, but didn't go far because Y/N wasn't by his side. He threw his head back in her direction as if to give her a pointed look and Y/N huffed before reluctantly leaving Dustin's side to go walk beside Steve.
It was only when she was by his side that the boy began to walk forward, knowing that if she was by his side he would be able to see if anything was going to happen to her. Steve glanced back at the others and gestured in front of him as if to tell them to hurry up.
"Come on. Hey, a little hustle."
- - -
The further the group got into the back of the tunnels, the grosser it became. Y/N felt as if she were going to puke by the time they reached these decaying flower looking things, the way they moved and the sound it made making her stomach churn.
"God," she muttered as she held a hand to her stomach.
Steve instantly glanced over at her. "You okay? Do you need us to head back?" he asked worriedly, the action making Y/N groan inwardly as she was once again reminded by how much of a burden and responsibility she was.
"I'm fine," she grumbled, but that seemed to be enough for Steve who looked back ahead as he led the group forward.
"What is this place?" Max questioned, her nose crinkling up underneath her bandana.
Steve ignored the girl seeing as he didn't know the answer to her question and just said, "Guys, come on. Keep moving."
The kids all shared a look before following after the older boy, none of them noticing Dustin who had paused to look up at one of the pulsing flower buds above him. "What the hell?" he muttered, but the words had barely left his mouth before the thing was suddenly shooting something through the air at him, the decay and dust hitting Dustin right in the face and causing the boy to scream.
Y/N was the first to hear Dustin scream and she instantly perked up before turning and realizing that the boy was no longer with them. "Dustin!" she cried out before running back in the direction they came.
"Y/N!" Steve yelled as he tried to grab her, but the girl was already gone.
"Shit! Help! Help! Help!" Dustin yelled as Y/N turned a corner to find the boy stumbling in her direction. His body collided with hers almost instantly and he gripped onto her arms while she tried to steady him.
"Dustin," she breathed out as her eyes scanned him for any injuries, but it was hard for her to tell when he was moving around frantically  and still screaming slightly out of terror.
"Shit!" Dustin screamed.
"Dustin!" Lucas, Max, Mike, and Steve exclaimed as they came running back over to them.
"What happened?" Y/N asked worriedly as she gripped onto the boy.
Dustin whimpered slightly before saying, "It's in my mouth! Some got on my mouth! Shit!" The boy pulled away from Y/N to have a coughing attack all while the five of them stared at him worriedly. Y/N backed into Steve slightly in fright, the older boy placing a hand on her shoulder to tell her that he was there.
Dustin continued to cough for a bit longer and even pulled his bandana down before he suddenly went quiet, his body freezing before he turned his head to them and said in a totally normal voice, "I'm okay."
"You serious?" Max asked as the group all relaxed, Dustin just staring up at them through his goggles as he gave them a nervous smile.
"Very funny, man. Nice. Very nice," Steve muttered before he turned and began to walk away. "Jesus, what an idiot."
Everyone began to walk away except for Y/N who just stared at Dustin with her arms crossed in front of her body. Dustin stared at her in silence before whispering out a questioning, "I'm sorry?"
Y/N couldn't stop herself from chuckling softly as she went over and held a hand out for the boy. Dustin quickly took it and she helped him up onto his feet, the boy stumbling slightly into her so that they stood face to face.
"You idiot," she muttered as she stared at her, her eyes flickering over his face while he just gave her a small smile. "I thought you were about to die before my eyes or something."
"I would never," Dustin replied making Y/N chuckle before she pulled her bandana down and leaned forward to press a small kiss to his cheek.
Dustin's smile instantly fell, his whole face being covered by an expression of shock while Y/N put her bandana back over her face. "Good," she said all while Dustin looked to her and let a goofy grin appear on his face.
"Y/N L/N, why is there any empty spot by my side?" Steve's voice echoed through the tunnels making Y/N groan and lean her head against Dustin's shoulder for a moment.
"I'm coming! Don't get your panties in a twist," Y/N yelled back before she chuckled and held a hand out for Dustin, the boy smiling at her and taking her hand before the two ran to catch up with the others.
- - -
"Alright, Wheeler," Steve said as he looked at the room around them that had multiple tunnels attaching to it, "I think we found your hub."
"Let's drench it," Mike announced as he looked to the Party, the kids all nodding in response. Y/N picked up her container of fuel and was about to start dumping out its contents when Steve stopped her.
"Yeah, you and flammable liquid? Not a good idea," Steve muttered as he took the container from the girl's hand and shoved it towards Max who took it, but not without giving Y/N an apologetic look.
"Steve," Y/N sighed in frustration, her eyes flickering up to the boy who she knew was just trying to protect her. "I can help."
"I'm just trying to keep you safe. That's why I'm here, isn't it?" Steve questioned as he glanced at the girl. He noticed Y/N's shoulders slump and sighed before squeezing her shoulder. "I know you can help, squirt. But right now, it's my responsibility to make sure you're safe."
Then the boy walked away to make sure the other kids weren't being idiots, leaving Y/N staring after him practically shaking in anger.
A presence beside her had the girl turning to see Dustin standing there with his head tilted to the side. "You okay?" he asked, his voice soft and laced with concern.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just frustrated is all," Y/N replied as she glanced back over at Steve. "I'm not just some responsibility of his, you know?"
"Y/N, Steve doesn't think of you as just some responsibility. You're-" Dustin began, but the girl shook her head.
"Sorry, Dustin. I just. . .I need to be alone for a couple of minutes," she muttered before walking away, obviously still upset and frustrated much to Dustin's dismay.
Dustin sighed and went back to drenching the area around him, the others all working silently as they could practically feel the tension radiating off of Y/N towards the unsuspecting Steve.
They drenched every inch of that place while Y/N watched from the side, her scowl hidden by the bandana over her face. It was only when the place was covered that they joined the girl at the edge of the tunnel they had come down a couple of minutes before.
Y/N shook off her anger and reached into her pocket for the small lighter, a smile beginning to grow on her face as she realized maybe she wasn't going to be completely helpless.
"You ready?" Steve asked, his eyes staring at the place before him, still not having noticed Y/N holding the lighter.
Dustin glanced at Y/N and gave her a small nod before saying, "Light her up."
Y/N smirked under her mask before opening her lighter, a flame instantly becoming visible and finally drawing Steve's attention. The boy's eyes widened and he was quick to reach out and try and stop the girl.
"Yeah, no. Someone else is doing this, not you," Steve demanded as he tried to grab for the lighter, but Y/N was quick and held her hand away, making the others back away from the flame in her hand.
"What? Why?" Y/N asked in a panicked voice.
"Cause I don't want you getting hurt, you got that?" Steve muttered angrily as he tried to reach for the lighter again. "Y/N."
"Can you stop worrying about me for one second and let me help out?" Y/N asked a tad bit aggressively. "Since we've gotten down here all you've done is baby me! I can take care of myself, thank you very much."
Steve's eyes widened and he raised his eyebrows even though no one could tell. They did see him cross his arms, however, and heard him say, "See, this is where you're wrong. All I'm trying to do is protect you."
Y/N scoffed and Steve tried to reach for the lighter again. "I'm trying to keep your ass from getting hurt, got that? I've been taking care of you since day one, L/N! You've gotten into so much shit that I can't even count it anymore!" Steve groaned in frustration.
Y/N froze slightly before turning to the boy in anger, her eyes blazing with a fire more intense than the one in her hand. "Well, quit taking care of me! If I'm such a burden then why don't you just leave me the hell alone, huh? You didn't even have to come here, asshole!" she yelled.
Steve sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "You know I did," he said.
"No, you didn't. I'm not your fucking responsibility! So quit acting like that's all I am," Y/N hissed, her eyes pricking with tears and making Steve freeze.
A silence fell among the group and Steve was frozen for a second longer before he glanced at the others who had all looked away. It was then that he realized that Y/N actually did believe she was nothing more than a responsibility to him. This made the boy frown and he went to place a hand on her shoulder as he whispered, "Y/N, you're not-"
Y/N was quick to shove the boy away, a determined look on her face as she turned back to the tunnel. "Not right now, Harrington. It's time to light this motherfucker up," she muttered before tossing the lighter into the pit.
The room instantly went up in flames and their eyes widened before Y/N began to whack Mike and Dustin who were closest to her. "Go, go, go!" she yelled as a loud shrieking sound filled the air, the ground popping up and flailing around them, finally exposing the parts of the Mind Flayer.
Y/N stumbled slightly as she tried to get up, but Steve didn't hesitate to grab ahold of her jacket and pull her onto her feet. Y/N glanced back at him, but he wouldn't meet her eyes as he shoved her forward and in front of him, the fire beginning to make its way towards them as he yelled, "Let's go, let's go!"
Y/N felt a feeling of guilt wash over her and she frowned slightly as she realized that she might have been a little harsh on Steve. However, the boy didn't give her time to do or say anything before he was shoving her again and yelling, "Move, Y/N!"
The girl nodded and began to rush forward along with the others, Steve right behind them. All Y/N could hear as they ran was the shrieking coming from the small cave and Dustin beside her yelling, "Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!"
It was only when they were a little over halfway of the way back to where they had come in that something grabbed ahold of Y/N's foot, instantly yanking the girl to the ground while the others all ran forward.
A scream escaped her lips, her arms outstretched as she yelled, "Help! Help!" Steve was the first to react and it was like his instincts kicked in making him run faster than he ever had before. Steve was back by the girl's side within seconds, his bat raised in the air before he began hitting the slimy tentacle that was wrapped around Y/N's leg.
"Steve!" Y/N cried out in a panic as the thing began to drag her, but then Mike and Lucas were behind her and pulling her back while Steve continued to whack the tentacle.
It took a few more hits before the tentacle thing broke in half, instantly letting go of the girl. Y/N was screaming at this point, the part still attached to her leg squeezing her ankle so hard it felt like it was cutting off the circulation. Steve had the thing off of her leg in a matter of seconds before he quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her up onto her feet.
Y/N gripped onto the boy's arm frantically while he stared at her with wide eyes. "Are you okay? Y/N, are you okay?" he asked as he tried to calm the shaking girl down. All Y/N could do was bury her face into the boy's side while Steve just held her tightly.
"Guys, we gotta go! We gotta go now!" Dustin exclaimed as he tried to shove the group forward, but a growl suddenly had the group freezing in place.
Standing behind them, in the direction that they needed to go was a demodog. However, this one seemed to be a little different than the others.
"Dart," Dustin breathed out as he took a step towards the creature, an action that had Y/N quickly reaching out for the boy and patching onto his arm before pulling him back to her.
"Dustin, get back!" Y/N exclaimed as she held the boy close to her, her body leaning against Steve for support while the group all looked at the boy like he was crazy.
The demodog made some sort of noise that sounded like chatter and Dustin stared at him for a minute before glancing at Y/N. "It's okay, Y/N. Trust me," he whispered. Y/N was wide eyed as she stared at Dustin, but she eventually let her hold on him drop as she put all of her trust into the boy.
Dustin nodded slightly at Y/N as if to say thanks and to assure her that he would be fine before he turned and took a step closer to the demodog. "Hey. It's me, it's me. It's just your friend, it's Dustin. It's Dustin, all right?" he said as he pulled the goggles up onto his forehead and the bandana down from his face. He smiled softly at the creature before kneeling down in front of it. "You remember me? Will you let us pass?"
Dart suddenly snarled in Dustin's face, its own face opening up like a flower to showcase its teeth making the group all jump back and Y/N gasp in fright. Dustin didn't seem fazed and just sighed, "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry about the storm cellar. That was a pretty douchey thing to do. You hungry? Yeah?"
The group watched as Dustin began to take his backpack off with the intention of pulling food out of it for the demodog. Lucas raised his eyebrows and muttered, "He's insane."
"Shut up," Y/N and Steve hissed at the boy making Lucas hold his hands up in surrender.
"I've got our favorite," Dustin announced as he pulled a small candy bar out of his backpack. "See? Nougat." Dart grunted in reply and Dustin took that as a good sign before breaking off a piece and tossing it onto the ground. Dart leaned forward and sniffed the candy before slowly beginning to eat it which made Dustin smile.
"Look at that. Yummy. Here, all right? Eat up, buddy," Dustin said before tossing the rest of the candy onto the ground. He then stood up and glanced back at his friends before nodding at them to go ahead.
"Come on. Come on," Steve whispered as he began to walk forward, his hand intertwined with Y/N who wouldn't let go. "Let's go."
The group slowly snuck by Dart and watched as Dustin smiled at the creature, "There's plenty. I've got more." Dustin threw one more bar onto the ground before staring down at the demodog. He smiled sadly before whispering, "Goodbye, buddy."
He then turned and his eyes locked with Y/N who merely held a hand out for him. Dustin took it and the group began to move forward again, leaving Dart behind to eat his nougat while Steve's voice echoed in the air.
"Let's go, let's go!"
- - -
The group hadn't been walking for long before they soon realized that the demodogs were after them, the roaring behind them being enough evidence to prove the fact. Steve was pulling Y/N along at this point, the other kids all stumbling behind them as they ran through the tunnel.
"Run! Run! Let's go! Let's go!"
"There!" Y/N yelled as she pointed a little ways ahead of them where the rope they had used to get down into the tunnels could be seen hanging in the hole.
The group picked up their speed and made it to the rope where Max instantly began to climb up with the help of Steve. Lucas went next and then Mike before Dustin quickly followed.
That left Steve and Y/N, the later shoving the boy towards the rope and saying, "It's easier if you go up and then pull me up from there! Now move!" Steve didn't have time to yell back because the growling was only getting closer and the kids were all yelling at him to hurry up.
"Come on! Let's go. Go, go, go! Let's go! Come on! Come on!" Lucas and Mike yelled as they struggled to help the boy up. Y/N felt herself relax once she saw that Steve made it, but as soon as he had turned to help pull her up, the growling had reached them and Y/N could see the demodogs barreling towards her.
It was like everything moved in slow motion at that point, her head moving so that her eyes locked with Steve's, a panicked look on her face as she screamed out, "Steve!"
"No!" Steve yelled, but it was too late, the demodogs were there. Y/N gripped onto the rope and squeezed her eyes shut, wanting nothing more than a peaceful and quick death, but before she knew what was happening, there was a soft thud in front of her before two arms wrapped around her.
Y/N blinked her eyes open before gasping at the sight of Steve holding her protectively as he held his body like a shield for the girl. Y/N knew it wouldn't do much to keep the demodogs away, but she didn't think too much of it as she just gripped onto the boy and dug her face into his side.
The demodogs pounced at them, but to their surprise, they only seemed to move around them, their destination being something behind them. The two pulled away from each other to watch the demodogs rush by, both of them confused as to what was going on before they heard Mike whisper from above, "Eleven."
It was when the demodogs were gone that Y/N finally allowed herself to look to Steve, her eyes wide with surprise at the fact that he had just tossed himself in front of her to protect her. Steve was breathing heavy and he pulled the bandana off of his face before tossing the goggles off and letting his eyes lock with the girl.
A heavy silence fell among the two and all Steve could do was stare at the girl who was staring back at him with teary eyes filled with confusion.
"You're not just my responsibility," Steve finally said, his eyes flickering over the girl's face as he watched her inhale sharply. "I've known you since you were just a baby, L/N. I care about you more than I care about anyone else in this shitty town."
He paused for a moment before whispering, "You're my family, Y/N." The words were enough to make her breath catch in her throat, a few tears rolling down her cheeks as she just stared at the boy in surprise.
Steve gulped and ran a hand through his hair as he gave her a nervous smile, "And it's my responsibility to keep my family safe."
Y/N's mouth fell open slightly as if she were about to say something, but nothing came out. Luckily for her, she was saved by Max yelling out, "Guys, come on!"
Steve nodded and quickly picked Y/N up before pushing her up so that she could grab onto the hands of her friends. She was instantly pulled into Dustin's arms, the boy gripping onto her tightly as the others all joined in on hugging the girl who they thought had been a goner only moments before.
While this happened, Steve managed to climb his way out of the hole, letting out a small grunt as he pulled himself up onto his feet. He took in a deep breath before turning his head, his eyes instantly locking with Y/N who gave him a small smile.
Steve couldn't help but smile back before he nodded at the girl and began walking back towards the car. And all Y/N could do was stare after him with unspoken words on the tip of her tongue.
You're my family too.
- - -
"Holy shit, aren't you looking gorgeous tonight," Steve teased as he leaned against his car, his eyes on Y/N who was walking towards his car in a navy dress, her hair back in a messy braid while her navy converse squeaked against the ground.
Y/N blushed and tugged at her dress slightly, feeling a bit uncomfortable and wanting nothing more than to be in her favorite pair of sweatpants right at that moment. "Shut up," she muttered, her cheeks heating up even more when Steve let out a small laugh.
"Oh, come on. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I can't compliment you?" Steve questioned, his eyebrows raising as he stared at the girl with a small sparkle in his eyes, his smile so wide that his cheeks had begun to hurt.
He couldn't help but feel like a proud older brother in that moment as he stared at the girl before him. It felt like only yesterday she was still learning to tie her shoes and now here she was all dressed up and about to attend the big dance at school with a boy.
"No, I just. . .I don't know. I feel weird," Y/N muttered as she stared down at her feet.
"Don't be. You look beautiful and I'm sure Dustin is going to love it," Steve teased, the girl blushing even more at the mention of the boy who had asked her to the Snowball dance only a couple days prior. It had taken him two weeks to build up the courage to ask her and, with the help of Steve, the two were now going to be attending the dance together with Steve being their chauffeur.
"Speaking of Dustin, we need to go pick him up," Steve muttered as he glanced at the time on his watch. He pushed himself off of his car before opening up the door for the girl and smiling at her. "Come on, Princess. Let's go pick up your Prince Charming."
"Steve!" Y/N complained, but all the boy could do was chuckle in response as the girl hopped into the car.
The two sang along to their favorite songs all the way to Dustin's house, but by the time they reached the place and were waiting on said boy to come out, a silence had fallen among the two that made them both shift uncomfortably in their seats.
The two hadn't spoken about what Steve had said that day in the tunnels, neither of them knowing how to address it or what to even say. Their friendship was finally back on track, now with the exception of Y/N spending some more time with her other friends and allowing the two to have the necessary space away from each other that they needed in order for their relationship to grow.
But something was different and it mostly had to do with what had happened in the tunnels. Y/N knew she needed to address the situation, but she was still unsure on how to bring it up. Luckily for her, her nerves from having to see Dustin in a couple of minutes had her blurting out her feelings on the spot, making her predicament a whole lot easier.
"I think of you as family too, you know."
The words falling from her lips were enough to make both Steve and Y/N freeze almost instantly. Steve was the first to move and he let his eyes flicker over to the girl who blushed and looked down at her hands as she shrugged.
"You're all I've ever had since day one," she whispered as if it were obvious. "You're the only family I really know. I don't even care that we aren't blood related. You're more of a family to me than my own parents and sometimes I don't always show it. And I just. . ." Y/N paused before looking to the boy. "I really am thankful for you, you know?"
Steve was silent as he stared at her and Y/N couldn't help but feel like time was ticking by at an excruciatingly slow pace as she awaited some sort of response. But finally, a smile appeared on the boy's face and he softened slightly as he looked at her before he whispered, "I'm thankful for you too, squirt. I love you."
Y/N smiled almost instantly and whispered, "I love you too."
Steve chuckled and reached out to ruffle the girl's hair. "Hey!" Y/N cried in protest and she quickly tried to fix her hair, however, that was the moment that Dustin decided to walk out and she let out a small scream before smoothing out her hair the best she could. This only seemed to make Steve laugh louder and Y/N glared playfully at the boy before she quickly got out of the car to go and meet Dustin.
Steve sat there for a moment with a smile on his face before finally letting himself watch Y/N as she walked over to Dustin who had paused in his front yard, his eyes locked on the girl who was walking towards him as a look of shock crossed his face.
Steve couldn't help but smile as he watched the girl, his heart swelling with pride for the person who was his sister even if not by blood. And when she began to wall back to the car with her hand intertwined with Dustin, her eyes locked with his and she gave him a small smile.
It was in that moment that the two both realized just how blessed they were to have each other. They really were like family. They were the brother and sister that the other never had.
Steve and Y/N may not have the best parents in the world, but with each other as family, they couldn't have been luckier.
* * *
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anxiousstark · 5 years
Fall into your arms | STEVE HARRINGTON X READER
Summary: The first to disappear was Will, then Barbara and then your dad. While taking one of your night walks you decide to go another way, the path of bitterness. You find him.
Warning:  Death and a dead body, blood, anxiety. Angst. Comfort. Steve being the most amazing boyfriend and giving his best support. Steve and Nancy are not together for the purpose of the story.
All Rights Reserved. The author, me, don’t allow any type of copy or adaption.
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The first one to disappear was Will Byers. He was a good boy and you wanted to believe he was alive. You had seen Jonathan suffer so much but you couldn't imagine his pain until now.
The next one to disappear was Barbara, you didn't know her very much. You only knew that she was friends with Nancy and that they had been at one of Steve's parties but you hadn't talked much to her since you and Steve were too busy making out in his bedroom.
And finally, the next disappearance was closer to home. Your dad.
2 weeks and 3 days was the time your father had been missing.
Steve had insisted millions of times that you shouldn’t be alone in your house. He had told you millions of times that you could stay at his house until they find your father. He was convinced that they would. Steve prayed they would.
You had let Steve know that you were grateful for his support but that you preferred to be at home in case your father appeared or if the Chief was looking for you...and because you needed to be alone, sitting on your bed and looking at the door waiting for your father to appear and tell you that he was fine.
But you were getting tired of waiting and the little hope you had put into thinking that your father was alive, was slowly disappearing.
Every night you took a walk in the woods next to your house, a small cabin that was enough for your father and you.
Jim Hopper, the man who was carrying your father's case, had told you not to go on a night walk until everything that was happening in Hawkins had an explanation. But it was one of the few ways you had to breathe and relax for yourself.
And I suppose you also wanted to disobey him a little because your father had not yet appeared but in a way you understood that this was not so easy and that two more people were missing.
For some inexplicable reason, you had decided to take another path through the forest. The only noise was your boots stepping on the leaves that were on the floor. You looked into the dark sky and sighed.
You were going to turn back home when you thought you saw something on the floor. You approached slowly and your legs began to wobble, causing you to fall to the ground.
"Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god." Your hands were shaking violently while you tried to take your phone out of your pocket, dragging yourself on the floor to get away from what you had seen.
"Yes?" A voice rang and you knew you had woken him up. "Y/N? Is that you? Is something wrong?" Jim Hopper asked.
"I went for a walk in the woods and..."
"I told you not to go out until all this shit was over." You could feel his anger. “Until we find your father at least.”
“I found him.” You sobbed. 
Your teary eyes looked at your father's body, lying on the floor. His pale skin of a bluish tone. There was blood on his forehead and mouth as if he had vomited blood. "He....oh my God, Hopper. H-He's dead. He's dead." You started crying and even though you wanted to stop looking at the horrible state in which your father's body was, you couldn't look away.
Hopper's heart stopped beating at your pain and the words you had spoken. "Don't move from where you are, don't hang up the phone...We are going."
In all the years Jim Hopper had been working as Chief, he had never seen a body in the same state your father was in.
Arriving with the patrol, forensics and ambulances, he took care of dragging you away from your father while the others did their job and pre-taped the area, knowing that Hawkins was a small place and everyone would find out immediately what had happened. And therefore, they would appear at the crime scene. Hopper couldn't get you off the ground, your body was too weak and your wailings were too aggressive. Now he was the one who took his cell phone out of his trousers pocket, calling who you needed.
Steve arrived at the place Jim had told him without knowing what was happening but it seemed urgent because of his voice and he worried, even more, thinking that something had happened to you. It got him more worried when everything was full of ambulances, forensics and the police. He realized that many people had left their homes to know what had happened.
"Steve." He turned his head when Jim called him and ran towards him.
"What's wrong? Why did you call me? Has something happened to-?" He stopped talking when a stretcher passed behind Jim.
"We are taking the body away, Chief." One of the coroners let him know, covering the body completely.
It was the body of his girlfriend’s father. Y/N’s father.
"Jesus Christ. Where is she?" He grabbed Jim from his jacket. "Where the hell is she?"
Hopper sighed, pointing to one of the ambulances. "They're searching for any injuries or something. Apparently, she went for a walk and found his body."
Steve ran to the ambulance, stopping when he saw how Joyce Byers hugged you tightly, her hand stroking your back and your cries echoing loudly.
"Hey." Jonathan appeared along with Nancy. Nancy smiled sadly, her arms around her boyfriend Jonathan. "Go. She needs you. She hasn't stopped asking for you to come."
He nodded, getting closer to you and when Joyce realized his presence, she stopped hugging you. You didn't want her to stop until you realized that she was looking at someone behind you.
When you saw Steve, you couldn't help crying harder. "H-He..."
His arms pressed you against him tightly, thinking that if he held you tight he would get rid of your pain.
"I know, I know." He whispered, kissing your forehead several times. Your body was shaking so hard and Steve tried to put himself in your place. He couldn't even imagine the pain you were feeling right now. Everyone loved your father. Everyone would be sad. But you would be most in pain, of course.
"I'm here, okay?" He whispered again and again. "I won't leave you. I'm not leaving. Shhh." He tried to comfort you as best he could.
Steve looked around. Jim, Joyce, Jonathan, Nancy, Mike, Lucas, Eleven and Dustin. You had so many people that loved you.
"I'll take care of her." Steve whispered. “For the rest of my life.”
Eleven grabbed Mike's hand, feeling sad. She looked to the side to see a man, looking at Steve and Y/N, crying but with a little smile on his face. He was full of blood and suddenly he disappeared.
"He says he knows you will take care of her." Eleven whispered. "He thanks you."
TAGS:  @all-time-otaku  ☾ @ariannac65  ☾ @ahoybarnes
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