#god dammit sorachi
iwantbishie · 7 months
On today's episode of my questionable taste in men
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He can betray me, the other side has Takechi
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azroazizah · 3 years
man it’s 2020 and I’m crying over this movie again
It would never stop to hurt me when I think about how Shinpachi and Kagura, after years of losing Gintoki, had adopted parts of his signature outfit into their own new outfits.
I would never get over how Shinpachi uses Gin’s signature Touyako wooden sword on top of adopting Gin’s red-black outfit, or how Kagura puts Gin’s signature yukata pattern on her cheongsam.
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After years of not seeing him, after the had become bitter adults, they still wanted to show that they had a bond with him. Or maybe they did that to remind themselves there was a man named Sakata Gintoki, when the world started to forget him, or when their friends stopped to talk about him anymore, because they knew it would only hurt.
Maybe they wanted to remind themselves that the happy memories they had were real. Maybe, by wearing something similar to him, they think they could get a little closer to the man they love so much.
They didn’t use words, but it was painfully clear how broken these kids are after Gintoki left them.
also, Gin’s expression when he realizes how big his existence actually means in his kids’ hearts:
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Oh no I’m making myself cry again
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razberryyum · 5 years
Gintama live action 2 movie review Part 3 of 3...SPOILERS!
Again, you should probably read Parts 1 & 2 first cuz now it’s like you’re starting a movie when it’s already 2/3rds over...which you literally are....
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That image looks good whether it’s in black and white, animated color or live action.
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I ship GinHiji no matter what form they are in, so this moment, where they’re like THISCLOSETOGETHER, of course made me happy.
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Ok, I don’t think I’m crazy but this ass pounding scene went on longer than it did in the anime. It was unbelievable, especially how into it Tosshi was. They didn’t include a few of the other abusive moments between Gintoki and Hijikata, but this prolonged scene made up for it.
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This happened. I don’t know why cuz I didn’t understand what they were saying, but bless Director Fukuda for finding creative ways to include Zura into the Shinsengumi Crisis Arc. I hope he continues to do that in future movies. 
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This happened too. Actually in addition to the Evangelion parody, there was another reference to another famous anime when they were in Gengai’s warehouse, but I just didn’t include it. I’ll leave at least one surprise for those of you still planning to watch the movie (you should. Seriously watch it. Totally worth your time and honestly, why are you even spoiling yourself by reading all this? Of course I appreciate that you’re doing that, but please don’t think this is enough so that you don’t have to watch the movie anymore. WATCH IT DAMMIT)
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Kagura the Queen saving everyone’s ass. She is really so awesome in the movie, Hashimoto Kanna did her proud. 
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 Baby Itou was adorbs in the manga, anime AND in the movie.
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The movie proving Shinsengumi drinking parties are the bacchanalian feasts that we all assumed them to be. 
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I wanted to take a moment to just say how freaking amazing Nakamura Kankurou was as Kondou. He really was a perfect Kondou. Man went all out in the dramatic moments, totally brought tears to my eyes. I pretty much cried every time Kondou cried. My only lament is that he didn’t have any scenes with Otae. There was a point during the Snack Smile Host portion where he was on a tank screaming about Otae, which I’m sure was him confessing his love all over again, but I would’ve really liked it if they actually interacted cuz the short scenes they had in the first movie were so adorable.
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Obviously I loved the movie, but if I really had to point out a flaw, I would say the Bansai fight scenes could have been better scored and his fight with Gintoki could have been better. First, the music in his fight scenes...it was pretty bad. Like, weird, generic 80′s electrical guitar shit. I think they were trying to go for rock and roll, but it ended up putting a damper on what were otherwise really well-choreographed fight sequences. I wish they would’ve just used Otsuu’s music. They didn’t need to explain why, we fans would’ve known immediately. And then his showdown with Gintoki was kind of weird because they inserted a lot of bad CG because of his strings...which were ridiculously thick, as you can see. There were some Matrix slo mo too which...I’m just not a fan of after the first Matrix. I also thought they should have kept the fight near the train instead of bringing it back to Edo since it lacked the heightened sense of urgency in the original scenes where Gintoki was trying to save everyone on the train. But on the bright side, Edo looked freaking amazing....reminded me Xandar in Guardians of the Galaxy.
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I cried. I cry every time we get to this moment, but this time, I felt especially sad because I kinda wanted this Itou to stick around for the next movie.
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I am so damn glad live action Yamazaki got his opportunity to shine on the big screen because Tozuka Junki was so delightful in Mitsuba-hen. Btw, one big bummer of the bluray set is even though it had a second special features disc, it DIDN’T include the special episodes that were shown on dTV. I was hoping they would be nice enough to include them since the had a whole extra disc, but nope. It was like cast appearance and character profile stuff. Nice of course, but still wasn’t what I was really wishing for. I wish someone would sub those and put them online like they did with the Mitsuba-hen eps.
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They were sitting back to back in the manga/anime...I can’t decide if this is better, the same, or worse. It’d be nice if they were at least sitting closer cuz they were closer when they were sitting back to back. I know, I’m insane. Whatever, I loved this movie. I want a third one. And a fourth and a fifth. With this cast and Director/Screenwriter Fukuda. 
So, please, Gintama gods, give it to us. And let it cover either the Yagyuu Arc, Vacation Arc or the Baragaki Arc. Or basically any arc that can build upon these last two movies and yet be self-contained AND most importantly, include the Shinsengumi boys and Zura. I would love the Popularity Poll arc to be brought to life, since then Tsukuyo can be involved, lest anyone think I’m purposely excluding her, I’m not, it’s just the Yoshiwara arcs don’t include the Shinsengumi or Zura at all, and I don’t know how they can reasonably add all of them in, even though I would LOVE to see live action Kamui and Abuto too. And the Courtesan of a Nation arc is too involved. Maybe we can do that for the fourth movie. Gods I wish the live action can be an entire series. I could watch this cast act out every chapter of the manga. It’ll be costly, no doubt, but it’d be nice. Omg, except for one dude, wow I almost completely forgot about him because I kind of want to. Live action Takasugi is NO GOOD. I know Domoto Tsuyoshi was (is?) popular, I know he has lots of fans, Sorachi-sama is probably one of them, but holy crap is he miscast as Takasugi. It was actually physically HURTING me to see his scenes with live action Bansai (Kubota Masataka) because Bansai was so perfect in comparison. I mean, everything was just wrong with LA Takasugi...down to the fact that when he first appears in this movie, we see his ugly bare feet and legs first. It was such an off-putting entrance and yet, somehow fitting. I wish they would just recast him since, from what I heard, he didn’t even want to be Takasugi to begin with. But otherwise, everyone’s wonderful. I really hope we’ll get an American release, if not theatrically (though I wish it would be) then at least VOD or BD/DVD so that I can finally understand what everyone is saying through subs.
Anyway, that’s my long-ass review of the second live action movie, Gintama 2: Rules are made to be broken. Thank you for reading, please see it legally when you are able to so that Fukuda-san and his team can make enough money to make another one. 
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sparda3g · 6 years
Gintama Chapter 680 Review
Gintoki can’t catch any break for the past 2 years. It’s apparent that we have two separate scenarios with the present with Shinpachi and Kagura and the past with Gintoki. Clearly, the latter is nothing but a path of depressing outcome. After the remarkable chapter that got fans all riled up, it’s back with a dark conclusion with Gintoki continue to find no closure but the old problem is back to resume the cycle.
It was a gut-wrenching experience to witness Gintoki’s struggle to put an end for the sake of his master Shouyou. It’s as personal as it can get. Sadly, it doesn’t seem like nothing would come to his favor when it comes to settling the past mistakes. As if he is better off to leave it behind and just live to the fullest with the present that is Yorozuya. However, it has been in his mind for so long that he felt the need to be the guy to put an end not only Utsuro but his past nightmare.
The chapter has the usual recap moment in the beginning that you may be aware of how Sorachi writes after a historical twist. Fortunately, it doesn’t take a lot of time away as it still contains enough content to be satisfied and more. Another plus side is how Sorachi evaluated the moment to be monumental, acknowledging the revelation as a huge shock for the fans, and it goes without saying, it was very well received. Lastly, the way how Sorachi recaps to this moment usually boost the hype greatly before the story resumes. It’s a winning formula.
I know we have seen Gintoki being stunned or sentimental before, but the mood of the setting between him and little Utsuro is devastating. Gintoki looked in disbelief to believe that his old master is revived as a newborn. I could already imagine the anime capitalize the scene really well. The fans were waiting for the kid to be confirmed as Shouyou. However you see it, it’s not Shouyou but it’s another kind version that closely resembles him. Honestly, it’s the right call to avoid a bit of cheap ploy, and good enough to be pleased for Gintoki to interact like old times.
For now, I will call him Shouyou until say otherwise. He acknowledges his life to be an endless cycle of many names, many lives, and many deaths. Even though it’s not truly him, it’s satisfying to see him connecting with Gintoki. It’s strikingly deep that no matter how many personas Shouyou goes through, the one that remained connected is Gintoki for he has fond memories of one name. That is enough for him to show his trust. It’s actually pretty tragic the more I think about it.
The part that shocked me from the flashback is how Shouyou once again met his tragic fate. His words were convincing enough that he’s no Utsuro of terror, but his quick action to save Gintoki was heartbreaking. While it may not be the actual Shouyou, his heart resembled very closely to give Gintoki a reaction of shock, fear, and lost. It’s gritty and disturbing to see a child getting stabbed through the heart; if you look outside of the context, this would look like a Seinen manga scene.
I was shocked for a moment because it was Naraku that tried to kill Shouyou, but if they want Utsuro back, why kill him. Granted, he won’t be killed entirely because of immortality, but it felt strange to comprehend the moment. It also reminds me of Oboro’s backstory, which was grim itself. Naraku doesn’t play around, even without their leader. The really messed up part is Naraku was trying to kill him in order to restart his life and hopefully obtained Utsuro of Naraku back again. Yeah, Shouyou’s life is an endless tragedy…
Another grim scene appears with Shouyou removing his heart from the staff. It’s covered with Altana crystal; at least it avoids an actual heart design in motion. It’s sort of distracting to look at a kid trying to say his last words with a dying expression. Seriously, reading this without context will leave you feeling uneasy. It was this moment that Shouyou gave his heart literally to Gintoki because this one wants to put an end to his endless cycle. Out of all people, Gintoki, the man who would love to see his master again, was given this task; his life is becoming an endless suffering.
He now holds the key to end everything including his own nightmare. No heart means Utsuro, Shouyou, or whoever you want to call him would not recover; possibly the only way to stop the cycle. It doesn’t kill him but at least it would stop. I just wish it didn’t have to end in a heartbreaking way. Shouyou before he dies once more said his farewell to Gintoki; probably harmed him than anything. It was short lived but just for a moment, they bonded like the old days. Even if it was paralleled and opposite of their former positions, it was close enough for Gintoki to feel remorse to his death.
Dammit, I knew it was going to end tragedy. Thank God, Gintoki wasn’t the one to remove his heart, but the thought of a kid’s death before him is depressing. It’s a grim moment with or without context. They connected like a new master-disciple relationship and even if it was for a short time, it was heartfelt. With the past connection of the original Shouyou to the newborn self, it made it harder to feel any less sympathetic.
Gintoki has a rough, no matter how much he tried to make it right for his past. The flashback ends as Gintoki closes it with a short recap of what’s the situation now. No heart means Utsuro won’t be revived. Naraku wants the heart to revive him. Most importantly, Gintoki has gone for two years to save Shouyou. That panel with him coming to kill a baby is still powerful. It’s telling how upset he is when he feels that he can only be saved by him, but unable to return the favor. Eventually, he will solve it, but at what cost is what haunts him.
I thought the way how Takasugi more or less taunts Gintoki’s mindset was pretty interesting. Although his words can be seen as mockery, he does have a good point. If Gintoki has the task to end Shouyou’s cycle, why spent two long years carrying it like a precious baby. This compels to me because not only Takasugi can read Gintoki’s mind but we can possibly see where his feeling lies in today.
All of Takasugi’s questions didn’t any answer, so it left us wondering if Gintoki even try to find an end to the problem. Was there really no way to destroy the heart completely? Does Gintoki not want to kill it because of Shouyou? Does he really want to live forever running away from his enemy? Two long years of running and not able to do anything more than carrying the heart is a sad way to live.
It’s worth mentioning how Gintoki got really pissed off when Takasugi suggests that he might as well return it to the body. That was a clear indication that he is most likely aware of Gintoki’s actual desire. He press on further when he is acting like gambling a chance for Shouyou to return would be a great idea. He stops to segue to another piece of revelation, but again, it does interpret that Gintoki may want to save his master and probably keep him around alive and well. Hopefully, there will be a clearer motive on Gintoki’s behalf, even if it is another road of depressing time.
The worst part of Gintoki’s journey is he has been roaming around for so long, believing that Naraku is aiming for the heart, but the real story comes out that all this time, Shouyou’s body is still alive. Good God, give Gintoki a break already. All this time, he has been running for nothing because the problem remains at large. His body was recovered on that very day and placed in a tube where his body remains in suspended animation. While Naraku does continue to hunt for the heart, the real problem lies behind the scene.
There’s still many questions left up in the air and one of them is what happened to Takasugi and the final scene with him and the area with Tendoshuu. Sadly, that continues to be a mystery but it’s highly likely that we will learn more about it very soon, especially now we can say it holds a huge key and reason why this arc or part 3 of Silver Soul exists. The most distraught feeling is Takasugi coughing blood. That made me uncomfortable. I know the characters and such is loosely based on actual history, but please, you don’t have to kill him on panel, Sorachi. It’s not a good sign at all; hopefully, it’s just intended for tension.
The ending is chilling. All this time, the cycle continues for not only Shouyou but humanity itself. Again, it was bold and pleasing that Sorachi didn’t make an end to a war equals happy ending. Now the main story is becoming clearer because the one part of the cycle is Shouyou to be enslaved by people; only this time is Tendoushuu. Now we know what Takasugi’s goal is; get the body back from them. Everyone has a rough. It’s amazing how Sorachi is really going to tie all loose ends and to think Tendoushuu would have remain as nothing after what happened before, now they got in control once again.
It was a very interesting chapter with an emotional end to the backstory. I would love to think Shouyou is innocent without any bad history, but no doubt, he can’t live anymore. It’s upsetting how Gintoki had a chance to relive the old days, even if it’s not truly him, but life can’t go to his way of living. Even when he wants to end it, it’s uncertain on how he will accomplish it. The visual is really good with heartfelt expressions and the dark tone of a kid getting killed before his eye is chilling. The last half of the chapter had a dark turn with the twist to the backstory and establishment of the main villains. The cycle repeats the same mistakes, Yeah, this cycle is awful…
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yuki-loves-mango · 7 years
Gintama 638
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Here we go...
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Id be worried but explosions never cause much damage in this series
Perhaps in this case it could be different...
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Yall fucked tbh
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That chapter title
Sorachi is so random
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Shits about to go dowwwn
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Oh shit
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Dammit this emo idiot is into it...
...Welp goodbye universe...
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(sorry I keep saying damn but thats all i can say)
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Holy shit
Look at the city
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Sadaharu flashbacks?
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razberryyum · 6 years
A Gintama chapter a day keeps the ending away...Lesson 693
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With all due respect to Sorachi-sama, I found the events within this chapter mostly distressing, depressing, confusing, and a little aggravating. Thankfully I am cursed with knowledge now so at least I know there’s hope at the end of this dark tunnel, but when I first read this, I felt pretty distraught at everything that was happening to dear Kondou. Our dear gorilla deserved better than this, and then the gods, our Great Lord Majesty Gorilla eventually agreed.
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1) There were a few bright spots in the chap, my three Joui boys were definitely one of them. 
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2) Kondou looked handsome at least...which actually just made me sadder cuz it was all wasted.
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3) Like Kondou, I wanted to cry as well.
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4) I know it’s just a flashback but it still made me happy and I really needed some happiness in this chapter.
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5) Hijikata being all sexy and commandy.
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6) Sougo made me smile too. He obviously enjoyed being back in his uniform as much as I enjoyed seeing him in it.
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7) Nothing about Kondou’s marriage made ANY sense. It was so frustrating! I couldn’t figure out why Matsudaira was forcing him into this, or why anyone was. Drove me crazy.
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8) His mosaic made me chuckle a little, but yeah, mostly I just wanted to cry.
Kondou x Princess Bubbles: honestly I don’t even really want to talk about it. The memory of how I felt throughout this whole ordeal still haunts me.
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Gintoki x Hijikata: yeah I know it was just a flashback and an indirect reference to Gintoki, but I NEEDED THIS DAMMIT.
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Disclaimer: Gintama is not only about shipping. Gintama is hilarious, clever, exciting, poignant, heart-breaking, loving, brilliant, and just so freaking amazing.  It is only due to Sorachi-sama’s generosity that I can enjoy Gintama on yet another level, the shippy level, and I am forever grateful for that. GINTAMA IS LIFE AND LOVE.
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razberryyum · 6 years
A Gintama chapter a day keeps the ending away...Lesson 674
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2) I don’t even think I cared that the math didn’t add up, I just loved her to bits and wanted her to be absolutely for real.
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3) THEY WERE STILL TALKING!! I was so worried that after the last chapter it would jumpcut to a different scene and Gintoki would already be ushered off to somewhere else or something like that (I’m paranoid). The fact that they were still continuing their conversation was enough to make me so happy already.
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4) I WANTED GINTOKI TO LODGE THERE FOR FREE, FOREVER!!!! It’s almost CRUEL how Sorachi-sama teased me with that idea!
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5) That was unexpected. When I first read the last chapter, I thought he was just some random Shinsengumi member, don’t even think I spared him a glance, so when Hijikata addressed him here, I think I was surprised too. 
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6) Love the metaness. I thought he was an insignificant mobcop too. 
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7) In fact, I think I was a little annoyed that this mobcop was now disrupting the conversation between my Gintoki and Hijikata. 
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8) I was actually happy when Hijikata smacked him. I had NO IDEA WHO HE WAS AT THE TIME. 
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9) And then I thought, oh, he’s like a Tama-type robot, but more disgusting. Wtf.
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10) Still no idea who he was, just thought his backstory was kinda sad. But I was still slightly annoyed we were taking precious GinHiji time to focus on this Mobcop. I can’t believe how stupid I was; should’ve guessed he was important based on the time spent on him!
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11) Gintoki being such an understanding counselor.
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12) Yep, I flipped out. Never expected this AT ALL.
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13) But then I was instantly glad that not only did our precious Yamazaki survive, he was now better equipped to be with Tama. They’re totally perfect for each other! And they even have an offspring in Tamako. My dream of Yamazaki being Tama’s special screw was that much closer to becoming true. I was happiness.
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14) They kinda deserved this for forgetting poor Jimmy. Obviously no one even picked up Yamazaki from where they left him once the battle was over. I don’t blame Gin-chan as much cuz he had a lot of things going on, but I definitely blame his Shinsengumi brothers.
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15) NOOOOO!!!! I DIDN’T WANT HIM TO LEAAAVE!!!!! Dammit Gintoki!!!!
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16) These two precious babies!!! They really are so adorable it was almost unbearable!
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17) ACK! SO CUTE! I DIED. She really IS the ultimate weapon. No one can survive her cuteness!
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18) That made absolutely no sense but I didn’t even CARE what banana or whose banana, I was just grateful to the banana for producing this little angel with Kagura. 
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19) Complete nonsense, but I STILL DIDN’T CARE. If Kanna-chan says she’s Kagura’s daughter, then by the gods she IS Kagura’s daughter. I mean, yeah, eventually I did wonder (before the reveal) if maybe she was a clone or like a long lost sister or something crazy like that, but at THAT moment I really didn’t care.
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Gintoki x Hijikata: omg Gintoki’s expression...my heart melted from how soft it was!! Like, that was just for Hijikata and Hijikata alone. No one else has ever seen him with such a tender look. And now, knowing what we know, Hijikata’s reaction just makes me tear up. He must’ve been sooooooo disappointed!!! Ugh, my heart aches for him. 
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Disclaimer: Gintama is not only about shipping. Gintama is hilarious, clever, exciting, poignant, heart-breaking, loving, brilliant, and just so freaking amazing.  It is only due to Sorachi-sama’s generosity that I can enjoy Gintama on yet another level, the shippy level, and I am forever grateful for that. GINTAMA IS LIFE AND LOVE.
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sparda3g · 7 years
Gintama Chapter 634 Review
When it comes to making an entrance, this series knows how to make one. It comes down to timing, execution, and result that make a character or two glorious. As if Takasugi wasn’t enough to be a standout, we have another character enter the fray and it is perhaps the best one yet. Therefore, it is a great hype chapter that the next one can’t come any sooner.
The war has continuously escalated to a higher level with many ongoing battles that can advance further to victory. Each of the scenarios have its own importance, whether it’s from space or Earth. In this case, it’s time to show the threat of Yato Clan that has their agenda to handle business. There are a couple of characters that haven’t made an entry yet, so I was expecting someone by this point; however, I didn’t think he would appear here now and it’s a perfect timing.
The chapter does leave hints here and there that someone we know would make his on-panel appearance once again. Takasugi gives you the right idea on who is he referring to, especially when he noted that space battles isn’t his taste. I was wondering about his lack of panel time when Takasugi steps in; wondering if he’s going to ambush the Liberation Army and proceed to kill everyone. Instead, he makes a detour and that got me hyped that he decided to head over somewhere else.
There’s more action to enjoy. I like how Gintoki compare the army to Kintarou candy, especially if you look it up. To be honest, it may have been the first time that I have seen it and it looks strange in a way. I wouldn’t mind grabbing one though. Anyway, the main key is Kagura heading out to a different location alone. It has been hinting for a while that she has sensed something unusual or more like familiar kind.
I don’t know if it’s hinting more than just her senses ability; perhaps there could be more towards her bloodline. It could be a hint on something odd about Master Son. There was a point that I thought Son could be related to Kagura like not much of a distance cousin. I am only speculating, but the way Sorachi emphasizes the ability to sense may be important to keep in mind.
The hype of someone’s arrival continues with the sight of equivalent to meteor shower. I actually like how they all stopped and go to complete panic state like their world have come to an end. It’s a simple moment but it put up a display of war placed them in a desperate position. It ends up being a ship or a space pod, though no one knows whose side they are with. The way how the hype builds around leaves you hoping to see the ones you have been waiting for a long time and it keeps on toying on your emotion. Fortunately, it pays off wonderfully.
I thoroughly enjoy the scene with Master Son and Gengai. Everything on Earth weighs on them and the way to stop the nanomachines. This Yato Clan is playing smart, having the rest of leftover army men to handle the Samurai while they are finding the way to stop the nanomachines. This is where we learn that Master Son is one lethal mercenary.
Since they don’t have a proper solution to stop it, Son will work around by detonating explosives in order to scatter nanomachines and they will repeatedly do so, until there are no more bees. That’s pretty insane to explode the area where there are thousands still in combat, just they can “solve” the problem. As if I thought Yato Clan would leave them alone and head over to Enshou, he still intended to kill everyone; so long he can get machines running again.
While I admire the fact that they are smart mercenaries, how they work around it is gruesome. Son is crueler than he let on before this chapter. Once Gengai decides to rather die than submit to him, he plays a smart ass as he tells him that he lost this war and there’s no sense to torture him if he rather die. There was no promise between them, so he doesn’t care if Gengai rots there.
Fortunately, it ends with Gengai getting the last laugh in this pretty compelling confrontation. Earlier, they found refrigerated cylinders in order to cause explosions. Jokes on them, because once they’re touched, it will set off. Gengai didn’t care about his death, so he led them to be exploded on the spot. Once again, Sorachi makes these characters so great that it’s hard to be not impressed. That’s Gengai middle finger right at them; a great payoff.
It was greater to see Kagura arrives in time to save him, though sadly, the number game got her pinned down. It’s interesting that this is the first time that she has confront another Yato Clan, yet she is trying to stop them from fighting for the wrong cause. It’s not that she just stood there, thankfully, but they all could have united. Son remains heartless and tries to take her out. I was at the point that this setup would mean the new challenger will arrive and dammit, it happens in a superb way.
The artwork continues to be clean and solid with action scenes going around. The buildup to the returning character is well received and the tensed atmosphere of Son and Gengai’s confrontation is compelling. All it takes is one and only weapon to change the war completely. It also presents the come back from Gengai dearly; it’s amazing that he doesn’t fight but he sure can be a kick ass character. When it comes to making an entry, this is where it shines brightly.
When I saw a foot, I immediately got psyched because I know who that is. But it doesn’t stop there; he proceeds to kick the guy and you can only see face hit the wall. It shocked me when I realized that only a head flies out. Good God, that’s crazy. Everyone just stops and feel a bit intimidated by him. Then suddenly, he instantly takes down three more in the same spot. All bets are off; welcome back, Kamui!
It makes it grander when his first line described his character transformation; no longer hiding from his sister, it’s time to work together. His men are also with him, so expect a full-fledged Yato war. It may not be a shocker entrance, but it leaves so much greatness to behold and siding with Kagura has a lot of promises. We got ourselves a massacre inbound.
The chapter continues to note that all sides of war have their importance and everyone is there to participate to end it in their favor. With a great Gengai “screw you” moment, tensed atmosphere, and a grand entrance of Kamui, the war has new pieces in play and they’re about to break others.
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razberryyum · 7 years
Gintama anime ep 325/manga chaps 580, 581, 582, 583, and 584
Dear Gintama gods and Sorachi-sama,
Having seen the return of our Shinsengumi boys for the Battle of Earth, I cannot thank you enough for answering my prayers and giving us at least one more season of the anime. You are, as usual, too too generous. Words cannot even fully express how truly grateful I am. So that I do not take up any more of your precious time, I will cut right to the chase this week. Please allow me to share with you what I most appreciate about this episode. 
I am very thankful for…
- little big brothers who carry tiny little baby sisters on their backs like a treasure,
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- little boys who have not yet lost their wide and genuinely happy smile at the sight of their no-good Papi,
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- tiny little baby Yato girls who are still fierce as F with great kicking power and perfect aim,
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- so-cute-she-makes-me-want-to-cry-buckets-and-melt-into-a-pile-of-useless-goo Kagura-chan,
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- self-sacrificing, loving mothers who deserve to live forever dammit,
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- young, handsome Yato pirates who rescue little rabbits from bullies,
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- simple page to screen changes that makes a difference and causes my heart to overflow with emotion,
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- young, handsome Yato pirates who has a penchant for rescuing one particular bratty, little rabbit even when it means taking a brutal gut punch to himself,
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- no-so-young-anymore-but-still-handsome Yato pirates who still continue to rescue the same bratty-but-not-so-little-anymore rabbit by trying to save what is precious to him (even if the brat still won’t admit it),
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- Papis who really tried their best but lost their one remaining good arm for their efforts,
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- families bound by love even if not by blood,
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- lovable idiots who use their heads even though there was no real reason for it (and it didn’t even work),
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- the poor straight man who realizes (though not for the first time) the leader he has been loyally following is a lovable total idiot,
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- dialogue chock full of sexual innuendo when taken out of context,
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- stupid big brothers,
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and finally, my favorite manga to anime moment:
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Yours truly,
A silly fangirl with yaoi dreams
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