#god help anyone who tried to talk sam into doing the most logical solution possible aka killing dean.
shadystranger · 4 months
thinking about demon!dean and how crazy it is that sam's biggest gripe was not that his brother turned into a bloodthirsty demon with 0 moral compass but it's that crowley had him and dubbed dean as 'his' and dean was no longer 'sam's'
And it gets even crazier bc when sam does get hold of demon!dean he is like "i will tame my vicious terminator gone rogue patootie, yea he has killed some people but he must have had a good reason" and no one better even think about laying a hand on his loose-cannon or sam will make you see death so fast
like sam lets everything demon!dean does slide and doesn't seem to take it as gravely bc he's confident he's in control & having dean alive is just enough anything else is static to him or a bridge not too hard to cross and it's insanely abnormal but sexy
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asher-the-diaster · 3 years
the sister planets part 9
the penner project
this is part of a ingoing humans are space orcs series that i'm not totally sure how i ended up writing, as always the link to the part index is here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DYMuKK5CIgJgDapNbu5sBqr_b5uT1Yz4pJoJ2fuAk4w/edit?usp=sharing
Earth was in chaos, and I had never felt this useless in my whole life.
After first contact with extraterrestrials, the government tried to keep the information classified, which did not work. And when footage leaked and people discovered that the Canadian prime minister had been at diplomatic contact soon the fact that i was the one who made contact was out of the bag too.
My crew was on leave to recover from the ordeal, and deal with the fact that ourship exploded, so I was on earth witnessing the chaos first hand, unable to do anything.
Everyone was up in arms.
Riots in the streets, death prophecies, just general incoherent panic.
My crew ended up in a secure facility, partially to monitor our health both physical and mental, mostly to keep us safe from being targeted by the riots outside.
Governments went largely silent on the issue. Censorship cut off information from the general public in an attempt to curb the chaos, it did not work.
After three weeks of non stop general panic a nurse told me that there was someone who wanted to see me.
I got dressed as professionally as you can in a hospital with a broken leg and walked out on my crutches, now a human model. I was kinda sad they didn’t let me keep the one twee-ake had given me.
The nurse led me into the common room, then handed me a translation device.
“The fuck? I thought this was my family or something.”
“They’ll call you in when they're ready.”
“Okay...” i put on the device, it looked like a pair of over the ear headphones someone had removed one ear from and pushed the other one out, the point to that was to ensure that you could still hear your environment during translation, i put it on and pushed the bottom that let the mic pick up my voice to translate.
Soon after I had the device on, the other members of my crew started to arrive in the common room. Unsurprisingly Olivera looked the most put together, how she had gotten her uniform in here I don't know. Davoin wore jeans and a t- shirt, and Richardson was in sweats.
None of us seemed to have any clue what was going on.
I was called in first, they led me to a conference room type place at the end of the hall.
Inside was my platoon leader, the nato and spto generals, a rep from the UN, and my brother, the prime minister of canada.
“Should I be in uniform?” I asked.
“It's fine captain, we understand that you are recovering from your... ordeal.”
“Right.” get abducted by aliens one time and everyone puts the kiddy gloves on around you, “May I ask what is happening here?”
“Sure, so you are obviously aware of our first contact with extraterrestrials, and the problems that have arisen on their front and ours.”
“Well our delegations and their contact crew, I believed they were called, have come up with a solution to the problems that have arisen due to these particular circumstances.”
“You mean the fact that the two most advanced species in interstellar life happen to be martians and venusians who are terrified of us because they think they were children of a death god? Or the riots about aliens existing?”
The UN rep looked at Mathew, “don’t look at me I've seen her cuss at a president, that is filtered for her.”
“Anyways. The spto rep said, “the solution that was reached was a joint study in interstellar space, we send a crew on a interspecies ship that will run odd jobs in order to help with the galaxy and they also send crews to join us, we get to study and learn from each other.”
“That sounds like a plan but why tell me?”
“Because,” Matt said, putting his head in his hands, “they want you to run it.”
“Well you too captain the ship, not necessarily do the study.”
“Why me? I stuck at improving humans opinions on humans, why woud anyone want me to represent the planet?”
“The martians and venusians, twee-ake and titita? Asked for you by name.`` Mathew said, rubbing his temples.
“Ok,” i trusted those too, they had saved my life, if they were involved i trusted the project.
“As long as my crew can come I'll do it.”
“Catain,” the nato general said, “we are talking about being light years from your home, at the wimes of a race and we know nothing about, I implore you, think this through.”
“I have, these people saved me and my crew's lives, that bodes a lot of trust for me, plus they legitimately think we are children of a death god, they won’t try to hurt me. If my crew is allowed to come and is willing, I'm in.”
“Your crew, if willing, were on our list of potentials, along with an even number of citizens from the spto, we refuse to let nato do this without our input.”
“Can I talk to my sibling out in the hall?” Mat asked, “great” he said not waiting for an answer, he pulled me by the arm and into the hall.
“What are you doing?” he asked in a whisper yell.
“Agreeing to help my people advance, how is this different from you running for pm, this is my way of helping earth.”
“This could end badly, we don’t know anything about these people. What if they hurt you?”
“Did you miss the part where they saved my life?”
“You could get even more hurt.”
“My leg wasn’t there flaut, and even if it was you can get hurt walking down the street, the possibility of injury is nothing new to me matthew.”
“Sam please.”
“I love you, but this isn’t your decision to make.”
10 minutes later me and my crew were in front of the brass, as they finished the project's explanation.
“Well?” i asked, “we can’t force you to go but i’m not doing this without you, what do you say?”
“Let's blow this popsicle stand.” Richardson exclaimed.
“In 5 weeks when the ship and your broken bones are ready.”
“Am i the only one who is wondering how this is going to stop the riots?” Oliveira asked.
“We are keeping the interior mission declassified, we are working for open information and familiarity to stop the panic.”
“I feel like that logic is flawed but okay…”
As we discussed the details I caught a glimpse of Mathew, he looked worried sick, but he would come to understand, wouldn’t he? This was what the oracle started, and what our remaining members would finish.
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