#god i feel like thisd make ao much more sense w visuals ALSO I JUST SAID I WOULDNT TALK ABT THIS WHAT IS WRONG W ME HELP
this ended up super long but i still wanna share cuz why not so uh putting it under a readmore. sorry in advance (its just some rambling abt an animation thingy im making)
actually though speaking of that animation i didnt even expect myself to like actually start it yesterday but i just.. kept making progress XD
probably had smthn to w me trying a completely different process from what ive normally done for like.. pretty much as long as i have been animating now that i think abt it
normally i just make them in chronological order which is Not a very good idea but i was always super intimidated by the idea of blocking things out beforehand for some reason so i always just drew things as i went along and hoped i remembered what my plan even was (never animated much long stuff so this wasnt too big of an issue for the most part which probably contributed to me sticking to that approach for so long) but with this one i kinda wanted to draw finalized stuff in an actual art program (for most of my life ive only ever animated on fucking. scratch. cuz i started doing map parts n stuff as a kid on there and now its kinda the only thing that makes sense to my brain.. more recently ive used ibispaints animation thing but really only for short loops.. i hate doing big stuff in strict frame by frame it drives me crazy) so i kinda avoided working on it for a while after i got the idea but yesterday on a whim i decided to open up turbowarp nd like super roughly sketch the Basic Idea of what i wanted it to be and then i started coding in the timing and i kept adding frames and now i have a nearly complete skeleton of the animation if that makes sense..
on the one hand it feels so cool cuz i have so much actually just. done. and the concept is much more solidified. ive made a lot of progress. but on the other hand.. my coding skills kinda suck and i skipped over two little segments cuz im still figuring out exactly what visuals i wanna have so now im worried my timing will get messed up when i add that in (i think the way i have it organized is okayish especially in comparison to what ive done in the past but it still isnt great) but then also.. i feel like it just wont turn out very good idk. like in all honesty this is one of the more ambitious animations ive tried doing in YEARS that ive actually made decent progress on but even then i still have so much left.. some of my sketched out stuff turned out weirdly really good nd im worried itll be lost when i actually draw things out properly and then on the flipside some of it is super jank in a way i cant totally tell of the frames just dont flow well or if i timed it out poorly (i dont use actual framerates its awful i just tweak the wait time between frames until it looks good) oh god okay this is getting stupidly long uh ill just cut this off here i dont really know what else to say now XD maybe ill actually go work on the damn thing
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