#god i love duen so much
elevatormusic · 3 years
bl recommendations boys
alright so i’ve never actually posted any of my recommendations for bls on here so that’s what we are gonna do today.
just gonna do like my top ones from each country because there are so many that i’ve watched and forgot what happened so like here we go. this does contain a lot of spoilers so read at your own risk.
top 10 thai:
i was gonna do just top 10 in general but as there are so many fucking thai ones i think it’s best to just give them their own category. i haven’t actually watched many lately just because they have all been pretty repetitive and i got bored but whatever.
sotus. warnings: hazing. i won’t even lie to you, this isn’t even the best thai bl however idk what it is but i absolutely adore the singto/krist pairing (in the show, plz don’t ship real ppl). so here we are. classic enemies to lovers trope (my absolute favorite). so engineer students. one is a popular freshman (kongpob) and is getting hazed by the upperclassmen. the other is the leader of the hazing team (arthit) and ngl a bit of a prick at first. kong simply does not give a single fuck tbh and i truly love that for him. think like the perfect honor student decides to rebel against the system and ends up falling for the person he is rebelling against. they do have a second season (sotus s) that’s like working in the real world. it’s not as good but i still like it. and the one episode of our skyy which is extremely domestic and i very much love. you can watch on youtube (gmmtv)
until we meet again. warnings: suicide, death, homophobia. like it is very heavy in the plot so please be in the right headspace to be watching this one. nonetheless it is so so good. kinda complicated to explain but i’ll try my best. okay so it focuses on two different couples. korn and intouch are from the past and pharm and dean are from the present. so when korn and intouch were around it wasn’t accepted to be gay and their fathers were not having it (straight up homophobic af). basically a bunch of bad shit happens to them and after they die they are like reincarnated into pharm and dean. so basically pharm and dean like unravel everything of the past. but yeah the bitch is crazy good. also pharm is so adorable and i would die for him. you can watch on youtube (studio wabi sabi)
ingredients. okay so this is actually like an ad series. like they are straight up promoting a supermarket lmao. but it’s actually so so cute and soft and domestic and god i love it and them. also jeff and game have such great chemistry it’s beautiful (honestly my favorite thai ship). so tops (yeah my mans was named after the grocery story lmao) is a future chef and win is an aspiring singer. and they were roommates (plz know the meme thank you). yeah so they are roommates and the entire series they slowly fall for each other. and it’s just like so many good tropes shoved in there and man i love it. be warned the episodes are super short. also the acting skills on these two? bruh they are like the complete opposite of their characters irl and you would never know. trust me go look up interviews of them and you’ll understand. you can watch on youtube (centralfoodtv)
my engineer. i’m putting this one on here solely for ram and king. goodbye. no but okay so i’m not gonna lie i find one of the main actors in this kinda creepy lmao but it’s fine i can look past that. the show is actually good. duen is basically punished to bring bohn a flower everyday for a month. at some point bohn’s friends call him out and he finally tells deun he likes him which in turn deun turned that boy down so hard. but ya know bohn doesn’t give up until well he does and boom deun has feelings bitches. one thing that very much pisses me off about it though is that deun’s friends like forbid him to date bohn unless they agree which is like fucked? and actually none of their business but whatever. the real reason i put it on here tho is my boys. firstly i would straight up die for king. they are a side couple but by far my favorite side couple in any bl. king is outgoing and ram is a quiet boy. pretty much king tries to get ram out of his shell the entire time and he drunk confesses (you love to see it). we are supposed to be getting a season two that focuses on them so. you can watch on youtube (my enigneer official)
why r u. this would have been higher on my list if covid didn’t fuck with their filming time. basically zon and saifah were supposed to be the actual main couple but they couldn’t film all of their scenes and so it kinda became the tutor and fighter show. which don’t get me wrong the tutor and fighter storyline is really good too. i just love my soft boys better and wish they were the main as intended. yeah so the two main couples all hate each other lmao. tutor and fighter hate each other and zon and saifah hate each other. hey look another enemies to lovers. do we sense a pattern yet? it’s actually funny because they are actual sweethearts to everyone else besides each other. they pretty much all deny their feelings besides saifah (a king). the main reason i wasn’t as fond of tutor and fighter is because them mf are horny af and well i’m asexual and not into that. very angsty and like sorta love triangle which i also hate but it wasn’t really in your face so it was okay. zon and saifah become friends because sai has to teach zon how to play guitar. it progresses from there but as i said they didn’t get all of the scenes so we were cut short on how they actually fell for each other but they did do a special (three episodes i think) of just them two to make up for it. you can watch on the line tv app.
a tale of a thousand stars. warnings: death, heart transplant (idk just in case), guns. this one was a very refreshing one in the aspect they weren’t university students anymore. like finally dude. so this guy tian is a rich boy and he needs a heart transplant. he gets the heart from a teacher (from a poor village) that died. basically he finds out that she was the one that he got the heart from so he wanted to make up for it by going to teach at the village she was at. when he gets there the chief forest officer phupha is assigned to take care of him. they don’t get off on the right foot at first but eventually become friends. and they actually flirt so much like no hiding that shit. also they actually go about this by not freaking out about liking a dude which is super chill because so many thai ones love to say they don’t like guys just this guy as if bisexuality doesn’t exist but anyway. you can watch on youtube (gmmtv)
love by chance. warnings: blackmail, being outed sort of. saint my baby boy is dynamic af okay. but in this one he plays pete, the very polite and quiet rich boy. cute cinnamon role of a person will fight everyone for him. his pairing is with ae, the mf is a chaotic outgoing boy. pretty much complete opposites. there’s a scene where ae says he doesn’t think he’s too short just everyone else is taller than him and i think that sealed it for me. this one is very nice because they both caught feelings at the beginning of this bitch so like aye don’t have to wait until the end besties. did this one even actually have a plot except everyone being gay and jealous? idk i mean it was honestly just pete and ae being boyfriends so it doesn’t matter we stan. the side couple in this is a cute enemies to lovers thing. actually tin is a dick to everyone except pete. i think we are supposed to hate him but i refuse. i love that man so much and he deserves only good things. you can watch on youtube (studio wabi sabi) and the linetv app.
he’s coming to me. warnings: death, indirect(?) murder. alright this one is like sifi shit which is not exactly common for thai. won’t lie it is very impractical being that mes is a fucking ghost but. who comes up with this shit and makes me enjoy it? in all honesty it’s probably because of singto. alright so mes couldn’t go into the afterlife when he died because his family is fucked up (you’ll see). so this guy thun can see ghosts. he starts as a little boy which is kinda weird but whatever we get the actual guy (college boy). so he takes mes out of the cemetery and basically they are roommates (again the meme). it’s actually pretty platonic for a good bit because again mes is a fucking ghost bro. and like he can’t really touch things all the time especially people so it’s very difficult. but they have this weird ghost human relationship but it works. i know i sound like i’m talking shit but i promise i’m not it is actually good. you can watch on youtube (gmmtv)
2gether. warnings: so many fucking straight people. okay so this one is pretty light hearted. tine starts off obnoxiously straight (lol okay). and so basically this other guy has a crush on him so he tries to higher a girl to act as his girlfriend and it just doesn’t work. so his only logical solution is “hey let’s get the hottest dude in school to be my boyfriend instead” like sir straight??? and you couldn’t find another way to turn him down? okay. so yeah fake dating trope begins for like the first half. and then plot twist sarawat has feelings for straight boy tine. so he tries to get him for real but tine’s friends are super annoying like i will swing at all of them mf. obnoxious straight friends don’t want their friend to be bisexual pretty much. anyways very good and they do have a second season that is very domestic we love. you can watch on youtube (gmmtv)
second chance. warnings: mention of death, serious injury. this one is actually a fairly recent one. i usually tend to stay away from high school ones just because like i feel weird watching them and they just usually aren’t good imo. however i gave this one a chance fully because of tong. he’s played side characters before and he finally got his lead role so i had to. anyways he plays paper. his character is just idk he’s a nice boy and he’s a smart honorable dude. his best friend is thong fah. basically he lost his father and he just has been having a hard time and paper has always been there for him (they are childhood friends). tbh thong fah liked him from the very beginning. i think paper did too but refused to admit it for a bit. they honestly are just vibing together as besties and then one day were like nah we are something more. idk it’s not all dramatic and shit like the other ones. it’s just very soft and pining and idk i really like it. fair warning there are not many episodes in this. you can watch on the linetv app.
top 5 korean:
okay let’s do korean next. i pretty much love all of the korean ones so yeah let’s do this. i do recommend to watch the movie versions of these if you can. they just flow better than the episodes do imo. but the shows are fine too like it’s the same thing. you can watch all of these on viki. 
to my star. warnings: fighting, blackmail. this is my baby. my favorite bl out of all of these. extremely domestic with a bit of enemies to lovers (my favorite two tropes). kang seo joon is an actor that gets in trouble for “fighting” and he has to hide out until everything blows over. his manager gets him to hide out in his rental place (that he is in fact renting to someone). that someone being a chef named han ji woo. hey look they were roommates. anyways they are complete opposite of each other too. seo joon is very outgoing and friendly. will talk to anyone and overall just a big puppy. ji woo is stern and very much keeps to himself. so ji woo pretty much hates him at first but my mans seo joon is persistent af and forces them to be friends. and then he gets drunk and kisses him which in turn makes him realize he likes him. and then shit goes down and things get a bit rocky but then the dummies figure out what’s going on and they make up and they are super cute okay. i love them with my entire being.
color rush. warnings: attempted suicide, death, and kidnapping. in this world a portion of the population can only see color in different shades of grey. those people are called monos and they can only see other colors when they meet their probe. so yeon woo is a mono that moves schools a lot when people find out (they have bad reputations for killing their probes). when he moves schools again he meets yoo han who turns out to be his probe. enemies to lovers baby. i use that loosely. basically yeon woo tries to avoid yoo han as much as possible because he never wanted to meet his probe. he doesn’t want to get obsessed with him and murder the dude like other monos do. but eventually with yoo han’s persistence they start to become friends and eventually date. and he teaches yeon woo about all the different colors while fully knowing it can be extremely dangerous. some dark shit does go down but for the most part it’s pretty upbeat.
where your eyes linger. warnings: fighting, homophobia. this one is cute and domestic. god idk how many times i said they were roommates in this list but they are fucking roommates. actually more than that, they share a bed. so rich boy han tae joo (i honest to god have no clue what his dad is a ceo of but whatever that’s a thing). he has a bodyguard (gang gook) who is also his best friend that is his age and goes to school with him. basically people aren’t exactly supposed to know he is his bodyguard but honestly everyone knows. so uh it has like a lot of sexual tension between them. anyways they don’t exactly admit it at first (especially gang gook). and then he starts dating this girl to prove them both wrong that they don’t have feelings for each other. which just backfired so hard and got tae joo jealous af.
wish you. oh my fucking god yeah i’m saying it again. they were roommates. why am i like this. so kang in soo (he’s pretty much playing himself) is a singer who gets discovered off the streets by a boy that works for a record company. said boy is yoon sang yi and he actually plays keyboard. basically he recommends him to his boss and the company takes him on. since he’s a rookie the company makes him stay with one of their people (yoon sang yi). so they live together and work together everyday and just hang out together like friends would. then yoon sang yi gets drunk and kisses him and it kinda freaked kang in soo out. and then shit goes down about his music career and they end up being all cute and making music together instead. very wholesome.
mr heart. warnings: blackmail (well like a loan shark but). yeah this one is def last on my list. don’t get me wrong it’s still good and i like it but def not as good as the rest. sang ha is just a smiley puppy dog in human form. his life is actually so hard too man i feel for him. he’s actually a runner (a sprinter to be exact) and he gets hired to help another student. jin won runs marathons and has a bunch of records but he starts to struggle so sang ha comes along to help him maintain his running. jin won hates it at first and is kind of a dick to him. but they eventually get along and like sang ha is very forward with his feelings towards him so it’s nice to see.
my little disclaimer on this. i haven’t watched you make me dance yet (but have heard it’s great). and light on me ( i’m not sure if i will because love triangles and i hate them). peach of a time is airing right now (it’s a crossover with a few thai actors). honorable mention to nobleman rye’s wedding (it wasn’t bad but i got a little bored).
moving on to other random ones that i wanna talk about. i’ll group them by country but these are just like ones that i’m not as invested in (meaning i don’t watch every bl these countries put out, i just kinda watch at random times). but i still have a few that i very much enjoyed. 
we best love: no 1 for you. warnings: blackmail (but it’s like for a good reason). back to college students boys. so zhou shu yi and gao shi de are mortal enemies. and by that i mean zhou shu yi considers gao shi de his mortal enemy. and gao shi de is simply in love. they have been going to the same school their entire lives and gao shi de beats him in literally everything. plot twist he did it because that’s the only way to get zhou shu yi’s attention. it actually takes place in college tho. and basically gao shi de “blackmails” him into being his servant. but they actually end up forming a weird friendship out of it. gao shi de accidentally confesses. zhou shu yi turns him down but then realizes lol he’s in love with that man. yeah so they have a second season (fighting mr 2nd) it’s good very different from the first. they do have a questionable scene in one episode but um yeah it’s pretty much a big load of gao shi de being trash at communicating. honestly who would’ve guessed zhou shu yi would be the good communicator. you can watch on wetv (but i think i watched them on dailymotion or something)
be loved in house: i do. it’s centered around a group of coworkers and friends in a design studio. the head employee that is pretty much over everyone is shi lei. he’s such a soft ball of sunshine that will fight for what he believes in and i love him so much. until the new director (yu zhen) comes along and takes over the shop. he brings with him a single rule which yeah is what it sounds like. they all gotta be single or they get fired. two of the coworkers are actually dating (were gonna get engaged literally that day lmao) so of course they have a problem with it. welcome enemies to lovers. and wait for it. roommates!!! yeah so they end up living together and they give each other a lot of shit. but then they start to get along and oh my god so many bed scenes. it’s literally just them sleeping but they share a bed so much in this series it’s very cute. but yeah they are quite bad at communication. and yu zhen’s ex boyfriend shows up. a bit chaotic at the end there but yeah very good. you can watch on viki.
history 3: trapped. warnings: guns, death. listen the history franchise is very problematic but this one actually isn’t bad. now i personally like the side couple more than the main but the main are still cute. police officer (meng shao fei) and gang leader (tang yi) fall for each other. i guess yeah another enemies to lovers. basically both of their mentors got killed at the same time years ago and they are both trying to find the murderer. and they get kidnapped together and have to work together. and yeah feelings and stuff. the side couple are of another cop and one of tang yi’s subordinates. they literally never hated each other. they were just vibing the entire time. i refuse to put history3: make our days count because of the ending but feel free to watch if you want to get your heart broken. you can watch on viki.
filipino (pinoy):
my day. warnings: non con sex tape (by a third party). you don’t understand how much i love sky. nothing bad should ever happen to him okay. him and ace are actually super cute together. so sky interns at this food company that ace is the boss of. and like ace is literally so mean to everyone especially sky for no reason like idek why. there is sort of a love triangle which i didn’t like with a girl. tbh the girl was super annoying the entire time there wasn’t a need for her but i guess for the story. anyways yeah it actually isn’t that great of a plot but i look past it because i love ace and sky together. it used to be on youtube but i’m not sure where to watch now sorry (maybe try dailymotion)
gameboys. okay how do i explain this one without completely roasting them. okay it’s cute for sure but it’s also really cringe imo. it’s cringe to the point that you have to watch it. it is straight up two dudes that stream themselves playing games (think twitch irl). they literally set it in covid times so they never get to meet because of that so it’s long distance and the entire show has them talking to each other over video calls. in the least offensive way possible gavreel is the definition of a fuckboy idc what anyone says. honestly cairo lowkey is too but moving on. it’s very different so if that’s your thing go for it. you can watch on netflix.
like in the movies. warnings: internalized homophobia. how do i say this.. they were roommates. basically karl is forced to live in his uncle’s condo alone (family tradition thing idk). and he’s supposed to pay rent to said uncle every month by himself. he eventually can’t make a payment and gets his neighbor (vlad) to move in with him. he actually doesn’t like vlad at first because he makes a bunch of noise and gets drunk a lot (mans is just heartbroken okay). they definitely pretend to date in front of his sister so vlad doesn’t have to go back home to his homophobic mom. to be clear karl has the internalized homophobia. vlad is out and proud. you can watch on youtube (globe studios) 
seven days: monday- thursday. and seven days: friday- sunday. yeah this is a two parter. they are actually films instead of tv shows (i think i only have watched as a film). my favorite of the japanese bls by far. there is very little heat (probably why my asexual ass likes it) but they do have a few intimiate scenes. so sieryo is a popular freshman and he is known for dating whichever girl confesses to him first on monday morning. shino yuzuru is a popular upperclassmen that always gets dumped because he doesn’t turn out to be what girls imagine him to be. so he decides to give it a try with sieryo. shino basically thinks it’s kind of a joke and straight up thinks they are literally only going to date for one week. sieryo does it to find a person he can fall in love with in a week. they both catch feelings and get jealous so that’s fun. you can watch on youtube. 
given. i won’t lie i haven’t actually watched the live action of this yet but i’m sure it is good. i have watched the anime if you’re into that. so it’s about a band. everyone in said band likes a boy. queer band supremacy. satou is a quiet boy that keeps to himself. chance encounter with ritsuka uenoyama has him teaching satou how to play the guitar. turns out satou has the voice of an angel and he joins their band as the lead singer. and yeah they spend a lot of time together so ya know. you can watch on crunchyrole. 
his- i didn’t think i would fall in love. it’s a super short one. i think like five episodes. nagisa is literally a high school student that lives by himself. straight up man moved to the beach so he could surf. he’s pretty quiet and keeps to himself a lot. shun goes to visit his dad at said beach and ends up being left alone there for spring break. they meet and become friends eventually. so nagisa teaches him to surf and they hang out a lot and yeah turns out nagisa just liked this boy the entire time. very wholesome and cute. you can watch on viki. also this is based on the movie his which i haven’t actually watched yet but also on viki.
had to include one or two of course. i actually haven’t watched a lot of these. mainly because i haven’t found many that i like so plz leave recs if yall would like.
stage of love. this was actually my first one i watched and i very much loved it. bear with me because it’s been a while. but basically nguyen is like the perfect senior. he’s actually really straightforward with people and so a lot of people are a bit scared of him. but they also like him at the same time. bao is a freshman that is just trying to have a good time honestly. so he gets cast as the lead in the university’s play. nguyen basically comes around to help out and make the play good because he’s like super into theatre. and they rehearse with each other and one thing leads to another. they’re super cute together. i hope i accurately described that, it really has been so long. you can watch on youtube (ab studio).
you are ma boy. i feel like this one is pretty popular actually. am i making that up? idk but i’ve seen people talk about it. enemies to lovers again hello. it’s actually super cute like nothing extreme. just soft boys in a cafe. i really hope i’m getting the names right here because it is so hard to find how to spell the names without going to yt so uh. bach duong works at this cafe and one day nhat nam barges in to hide from his fans. basically they keep running into each other and eventually fall for each other. the plot is like idk was there a plot? they literally just found each other every episode and lmao that was it but it was still good. you can watch on youtube (dgtv)
as we know china has government censorship so these are bl but they also aren’t. like they don’t kiss or anything like that and they are referred to as friends. tho they did sneak in soulmate since you can use it as platonic lmao. so like don’t get your hopes up for a bunch of romantic shit. because it’s not in here. however if you read the novels (and all of them do have novels) you will get the actual gay shit.
the untamed. my beloved. warnings: so much death. i watched this 5 times in a row (5o fucking episodes okay) when i first found it. okay so it follows the story of wei wuxian and lan wangi. guess what? enemies to lovers. you will be confused by the first two episodes if you don’t read the novel first like most of us did. i recommend watching the show first actually because the novel is very confusing to follow. so it’s set in historical china. at the time wei wuxian and lan wangi are two of the best young cultivators in the world. they meet when they are teenagers and lan wangi immediately hates the man. he pretty much doesn’t speak to anyone besides his brother and uncle. like mans straight up hates the world. until wei wuxian comes along and forces his way into his life. complete opposites again. lan wangi is an honor student, goes by the rules, a model cultivator if you will. wei wuxian is actually good in school but hates it, is in fact the worst trouble maker, but is a fantastic cultivator. so it shows there progress to friendship of them fighting side by side and then big ass plot twist: wei wuxian dies and comes back to life uhh 13/16 years later (diff in novel and book). that’s when they actually start to go more towards the romantic side. like i said the novel is super gay and the show is toned down but iykyk. you can watch on like anything (youtube, netflix, viki)
word of honor. warnings: yeah bunch of death again. okay so it’s honestly the untamed but gayer. actually the novel is less gay than the untamed novel but god damn idk how the fuck this ever got past censorship. so it focuses on two kinda evil fuckers. zhou zi shu is the ex leader of an assasain group and wen ke xing is the leader of the ghosts and is in fact trying to get everyone killed. they meet and zhou zi shu immediately hates the man. but like wen ke xing falls hard and fast. zhou zi shu is basically hiding out for the rest of his days until he meets wen ke xing and his unofficial adopted son. they go on a quest to basically bring down the actual evil mf of this story. and it’s found family along the way and god i love it. the amount of times they said soulmate and wen ke xing just straight up openly flirting with this man is astonishing. it’s like one big i’ll die for you constantly happening. you can watch on anything too (youku, youtube, netflix, viki).  
heaven official’s blessing. warnings: yup death. this is anime. idk if the live action is gonna come about because the chinese government is cracking down on bl again so um yeah. the novel is super gay too. but okay it’s the world of gods and demons. xie lian is the scrap collecting god that keeps becoming a god and honestly everyone makes fun of. i, like hua cheng, would simply die for this ball of sunshine. hua cheng (aka san lang) is one of the main demon kings. pretty much everyone including the gods are scared of him except xie lian. he actually befriends him fully knowing who he is. meanwhile hua cheng has been in love with him for like his entire life. he literally waits 800 years to see him again. um anyways yeah they fight together because hua cheng lives to keep xie lian safe which is so hard. xie lian is lowkey the most powerful god fight me. you can watch on netflix.
these next few are shows that have bl couples in it but they aren’t the main couple. but i have to add them because i love the couples. and if you’re like me you can just skip to their scenes only.
skam (norway). warnings: bipolar, depression, homophobia, more warnings for the rest of the show so look them up first. how it works is each season focuses on a different couple. the characters are in every season but the bl couple’s story is in season three. i’ve watched the first and second season of this as well and you don’t need to watch them to understand season three if you don’t want to. but if you do wanna watch, it actually is a really good show. they bring up real life problems people have. so isak is gay but he kind of refuses to admit it to himself or anyone else. he tries to fit in by having a girlfriend until even comes along. even is a very chaotic bisexual pretty much does whatever tf he wants all the time. they meet at a club event hosted by their friends. and they keep meeting because of their mutual friends. they both have girlfriends at the time but they eventually break up with them and get together instead. so their story revolves around yeah homophobia but also on even being bipolar. and the effects of that to an individual, relationship, and his loved ones. it’s a deeper one so like be prepared. there are also other countries that made adaptations of the show as well if you wanna check those out. i only watched the bl seasons in these but i very much like the france and belgium versions. i won’t lie it took me so long to find how to watch these the first time so just like google it. update: even is actually pan which i did not find out until recently so yeah
love is science (taiwan). warnings: slight homophobia but not terrible. i will tell you right now i have no fucking clue what the plot of this show is outside the bl couple. straight up i have skipped every scene that doesn’t involve them. but their story doesn’t have anything to do with anyone else. so mark starts as lowkey homophobic. not in the sense that he was saying a bunch of rude shit. but in the sense that he’s never been around gay people before and straight up did not know how to act. like thinks of gay people as stereotypes sort of way. and yeah that’s how he meets ou wen. they meet because of clients and they end up seeing each other like every other day. mark does apologize for how he acted at first and they do become sort of friends. then mark finds out who ou wen’s boss is and tries to get ou wen to help set them up. ou wen agreed because he’s straight up in love with the man and hates seeing him sad. later on mark is over the whole boss thing and realized nah he actually has feelings for ou wen. the show is still going on right now so like idk everything but i applaud mark for skipping the whole gay panic and just accepting the fact that he’s bisexual. mark- clueless straight to confident bisexual. ou wen- confident gay to panicked gay real quick. you can watch on viki.
alright besties that’s my list for now. i tried to put everything i remembered in this but i may have forgot some good ones idk. i’ve watched most of these a long ass time ago so like. as for all the warnings: i tried to remember as best as i could but i may have missed some warnings so please do look it up before actually going into any of these if you need to. 
but yeah these are obviously all my opinions so don’t take it to heart if you disagree with it lol we all have our own opinions. i may add more or do a part two later on but idk this is it for now. this took me so long to do btw so lmao i hope some of yall actually watch them.
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bengiyo · 2 years
BL Round-Up #4
I wanted to get one of these out before the wave of weekend shows aired since we have the premiere of My Only 12% and The Eclipse.
As before, I’ll go in my order of ratings.
Minato Shouji Coin Laundry aka Minato’s Laundromat (GagaOOlala) 10 - We’re up to episode 7 now, and I like Shin’s forward nature so much. Now that he’s 18, Minato doesn’t have that as a potential objection anymore. As such, Shin asked for what he wanted. It was such a big moment that Minato didn’t even advertise the laundromat heading into next week.
I love that Shin has the love and admiration of his siblings, and the fact that he’s basically raised his siblings adds another dynamic to his character. He’s been carrying a major set of responsibilities for a long time in a way that I don’t think Minato has. I still don’t think I want them to be together now, and am curious how Minato will convince Shin to let him go.
Additionally, loving the crumbs of Asuka and Shuu. I have no idea what will happen there, but as someone who has worked with young people a lot throughout my life I feel for Shuu the most. This many kids sniffing around you can be deeply troubling.
Gameboys 2 (GagaOOlala via VPN) 9.5 - I actually held off writing this until we moved past the content with Aunt Susan because of how explicitly vile she is. I was chatting with a friend about the family politics, because I am convinced that Aunt Susan resents Gav’s grandmother for leaving all of her wealth to Gav. I think she wants Gav to go to America so she can take over the house and his rentals. Unlike with the Gameboys movie, I’m relieved that we’ve had time for Terrence and Wesley to get more development. These guys are really young, and I am regularly reminded of that because of the things they feel. Everything is so raw and new for them.
We finally reached the Gav breakdown. I don’t like to see the characters suffer, but I do love when the sunshine character breaks and the grumpy one has to care for them. Very excited about the fight between Achilles and Wesley next week!
21 Days Theory (Rookie Thailand YouTube) 8.5 - FINALLY! A spiritual successor to Make It Right that looks good (sideeyes Thank God It’s Friday). I have said I’m over school set shows and this show arrived to call me a liar! I love it! I love that X knows how adults perceive him and actively uses that to manipulate adults. This looks like it’s going to be messy the way only high school boys can be and I am totally here for it. Like @absolutebl, I will never apologize for my love of Make It Right.
Coffee Melody (Viki) 8.5 - I did not like Duen Yi this week, but I like that the narrative thus far seems to know that he’s a spoiled brat with little regard for others. Plengruk has made his attitude about starting a relationship clear from the beginning, and it was so wrong to call him selfish for not wanting to give more than he has already offered. I don’t care how good the dick game is; Plengruk has not misled Duen Yi once. I need to see Duen Yi apologize to Plengruk.
Not sure what’s going on long-term for the boy with the pink hair. Hoping we pick up with the scene in the family home next week, because I want to see how the parents treat Ai after this confrontation.
Papa & Daddy Season 2 (Gaga) 8.5 - My domestic gays are back and it’s such a mess! I’m not enjoying the way Jimmy and Kate have forced Damien and Jerry back into the closet, but I do like that there’s a complexity to it all. It is also deeply sad that they forced Kai to participate in this. I am enjoying myself, however, because I love blended family stories. Jimmy and Jerry connecting is everything for me, but I do feel bad for Kate that she flew all the way to Taiwan to get rejected by her son (who she has raised alone this whole time). Not looking forward to Jerry’s parents pushing him to have a biological child soon.
I am always advocating for people to watch What Did You Eat Yesterday? and am so glad Taiwan took their own crack at long-term domesticity as the leader of gay marriage.
Vice Versa (GMMTV YouTube) 8.5 - I am struggling with Puen, because so much of him feels artificial. I don’t think he fully appreciates how seriously Talay takes their responsibility to the bodies and lives they’re currently occupying. I sometimes think the show is doing a disservice to Talay because we haven’t seen Ohm and Nanon in a while. How can we root for these guys to have intimate moments when they aren’t in their real bodies? At what point do we accept that this is now their bodies? It’s an unexpected turn. I did not expect this to join Minato’s Laundromat in making me want the leads to NOT engage in intimacy at this time.
Love Mechanics (WeTV) 8 - I have said mess really isn’t my thing. While I didn’t hate Mark teaming up with his ex to push Vee away, I continue to lament how long this show is. I just think that with Japan and Korea doing so much with 25-30 minutes, these slow-paced Thai shows aren’t going to do it for me as much anymore.
War of Y (AIS Play Youtube $$) 8 - I have conflicted feelings about Billy and Seng being paired in this show, but I am glad that Seng gets to play a character under so much social media scrutiny. He’s received unkind comments online for years, and it’s interesting that he’s playing back-to-back character suffering under the weight of public expectation. Surprise appearing in the show was unexpected, and it illicit immediate strong feelings about how flimsy most BL ships actually are, what with his character being immediately paired with Pharaoh.
I’m not taking this frustration out on my rating, but I do think I’m going to possibly drop this show because of the subtitles situation. There is just too much critical information being delivered via untranslated text for me to fully enjoy the experience.
Senpai, This Can’t Be Love! (Gaga or Viki) 7 - This show really let me down in episode 7. I’ve already been frustrated with the weird motion issues I’m having on my TV with this show on Gaga and Viki, and then they totally botch the year apart for me. I hate that these two clearly haven’t spoken in a year, and it really just killed the vibe. I’ll be relieved when this wraps tomorrow, and I hope that Takara-kun to Amagi-kun is better next week.
On Cloud 9 (Mind Trio YouTube) 5 - I’m dropping this. I love atmospheric and moody BL, but I need a plot or theme to follow.
Not BL
I feel like there’s a lot here to cover.
Extraordinary Attorney Woo (Netflix) 10 - I continue to have a great time with this show, and am still here with the current conflicts. I feel like I talk to @kyr-kun-chan about this show almost every day now. I’m actually kinda sad that it’s ending next week.
Kingdom (Netflix) 10 - I watched both seasons and the movie. This was such a great experience. I don’t know that the Game of Thrones comparison is necessarily a great one, but this has been the best use of zombies I’ve seen in a long time. The ending of the second season was so unexpected for me that I will be forever disappointed if we don’t follow up on this show.
The Silent Sea (Netflix) 9 - I really miss this kind of narrow sci-fi. I loved all of the ideas just thrown at the wall of this show and how earnestly everyone played their roles. Everyone understood that sci-fi characters are archetypes that stand in for various social commentary and fully leaned in. Also, Gong Yoo is just so fine. I will continue to watch the Bae Doona shows on Netflix.
The Sandman (Netflix) 8 - I’m not a Gaiman fan, but I do like his ideas around anthropomorphizing concepts into people. I’m about two episodes in, but have been too busy to really commit more time. It’s intriguing to watch, but I’m not gripped.
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geekygirl24 · 4 years
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Day 2: Favourite BL drama.
This is going to be tricky, so i’ve done a top 11 instead XD
Official BL Dramas
11: 2gether the series (and Still2gether)
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This drama honestly surprised me as i didn’t think i’d be all that interested in it when watching the trailer. However, Sarawat and Tine are one of the best BL couples out there. They are just so genuinely sweet and cute, and I didn’t even care about the lack of kiss in the 2gether finale because of it. The other couples are brilliant as well: Dim/Green makes me laugh, Man and Type have that Uptown Girl vibe that I love and bringing back Frank and Drake as Mil/Phukong was brilliant :)
10: Why R U
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I never thought i would like seeing Saint in another role other than Pete, but he wowed me in this series. Every couple had chemistry and whilst yes, the storyline and plot was a little weird, it wasn’t unbearable. Saifah/Zon are the cutest though, along with Blue/Champ (even if Blue did get together with Dew). My only issue is that it did go down predicatable BL drama routes and due to COVID, some couples didn’t get the screen-time they deserved.
9: Seven Days
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Yes, the hairstyles leave much to be desired and it’s technically a movie... but i love Seven Days to bits. I love the manga and i love the film. Seryou Touji dates the first person who asks him out on a Monday, and usually dumps them by the following Monday. His blunt but handsome senior Yuzuru is the first to ask him out one week and the story goes from there. If you haven’t seen this film, I highly recommend it :)
8: My Engineer
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I was really looking forward to this drama from the very first moment, and it didn’t disappoint. Yes, the Bohn/Duen relationship was a little skewed, and the Mek voice dub was weird, but they had conversations about how roles don’t matter in same sex relationships, they didn’t go down the sexual assault line (when Bohn was drunk) and the pairings did develop naturally. I am so looking forwards to Season 2 :)
7: Love by Chance (including Season 2)
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I think anyone who’s read my stories knows that i despise the Kengkla/Techno storyline, however, I think that the other storylines more than make up for this. This was the first Thai BL that i watched, and it remains a strong favourite to this day. Ae/Pete were the sweetest couple ever and now with a second season for TinCan, my dreams have come true :)
6: Life; Love On The Line (Life Senjou No Bokura)
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Another brilliant BL that was released this year based on a Japanese Manga. Yes, it’s only four episodes and a director’s cut (which i am so desperate to see!), but the story is well-told and painfully realistic. Of course, the added bonus of seeing Hao Ting/Xi Gu at the end was a small factor in how much i loved this series :)
5: The HIStory series
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Honestly, I couldn’t pick just one of the HIStory series. I loved the Obssessed storyline in season one, Right or Wrong and Crossing the Line in Season 2, Trapped and Make our days count in Season 3, and i’m sure i will love the couples in HIStory4 :)
4: 2moons2
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Now, i’m saying 2moons2 instead of 2moons, because i honestly believe it was better the second time around. I think the casting was better, the fact that they sped up the storyline a little was better and i think the chemistry between the pairs was better as well. Some of the acting the first Pha used to do was awful!
Ming/Kit definitely steals the show though :)
3: Until We Meet Again
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Yes, i cried every single episode and yes, if i watch the right edit on Youtube or listen to the soundtrack, i cry again.... but this is one of the best BL dramas ever. I love the reincarnation aspect and the red string of fate bringing them together again. Not one character disappointed me in this series and i would happily watch it all over again, despite the pain.
2: Cherry Magic
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Is this really a shock? Everyone loves this one. A new one from this year, Cherry Magic is one of the best BL drama’s i have ever seen. It was sweet, it was funny and honestly, i related to Adachi and his social awkwardness so much! And my asexual ass really wishes you do get mind reading powers when you reach 30 as a virgin.
It did have the Episode 11 curse that most BL’s go through, but it was still amazing!
1: Kinou Nani Tabeta (Edit: Can’t believe i forgot about this one!)
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This is honest to God, the sweetest drama i have ever watched. This is a drama that makes you feel all warm and fluffy inside, as well as very hungry because Shirou describes making his food in detail and it all looks so good! No, it doesn’t have the kiss or make out scenes that usually make a BL drama exceptional, but it would be hard to ignore the chemistry between the two. They love each other and that much is obvious
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konaizumi · 3 years
Fish Upon the Sky ep 3 thoughts/reactions
i totally understand why pi has a crush on nan
nan is the guy who everyone has a small crush on
pi being late for class because he got lost in thought and stared into space too long is so relatable
why are they so domestic
pi wants to trust him so badly
"a cute duo...they're a couple" we love the casual inclusion of lesbians in this show (now gmmtv just needs to make some lesbian main characters)
"i'm a sinful man. i'm irreligious" i love duen so much
i am simply living for his chaotic energy
also that little girl is the best
are there no bandaids anywhere in the medical faculty?
the way mork immediately gets jealous when pi says he's going to wish for nan (and trying to scare him into not going)
mork is so whipped
he just wants to be pi's friend so badly
and i love how he genuinely does just want to be friends, like yeah he would love to date pi, but right now he just wants to be closer to the person he likes even if it's only friendship
koh calling duen out for liking meen
duen is very relatable because he's a good person but he's also very mean about it
duen's face when the water bottle lands in the pond
duen is falling for meen way faster than i thought he would but i love it
the entire scene with the hose was great
also duen arguing with the narrator
"the audience knows it" lol
god i genuinely didn't expect to like duenmeen so much
the janitor just walking off ominously after pi asks why he shouldn't stay to late was so funny
the entire sequence of the lights going on and off and them holding each other had me fucking dying, absolutely peak comedy
also mork's scared face is adorable
okay but if i saw the rolling cadaver i would prob lose my shit too
pi instinctually jumping into mork's arms
okay but why is the professor there after midnight??
pi really warmed up to mork so much this ep
mork is both confident gay and panicked gay all in one
i need to keep a counter of all the times mork has gay panicked because of pi
okay but how is holding hands helping him with his leg?
but they're ✧・゚: *holding hands*:・゚✧
the coffee guy's scared face in the background as pi loudly thanks a cadaver
pi, please take off the sunglasses, for my sake, i can't handle the second hand embarrassment
istg i don't know where all of pi's courage comes from
but i also want to hold nan's hand
pi, duen specifically told you to eat first not just down a glass of alcohol
the confession looks so sweet tho, i'm almost a little upset that it wasn't real
like the cinematography and the spinning camera *chefs kiss*
yeah, idk, the kiss just isn't quite as romantic to me knowing that pi thinks it's nan, poor pi
this ep has done very little to make me stop shipping nanmorkpi
anyways, great ep, pls keep it up, so excited for next week, i love this show and i love the characters
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heretherebedork · 3 years
Aaanndd the Battle Royale is baccc! And the war is brewing again: Tsundere Edition: a bratty baby but deep inside needs tender with care lol. Aaandd the contestants are:
Shuyi vs. Gene
Tine vs. Pi
Arthit vs. Jin
Kit (2moons2) vs. Kit (Gen Y)
Team (UWMA) vs. Zon
Type (2gether) vs. Chon
Yeon Woo (Color Rush) vs. Luo Yin (Addicted)
Can vs. Duean
Fuse vs. Duen
Kao (DBK) vs. Mork (DBK)
Mes vs. Muren
ZhaoZi vs. ShaoFei
Nuea vs. Ake
Shuyi vs. Gene
Honestly... yeah, gotta go ShuYi on this one. Gene's like a tsundere light for me, he does his best but he's so obviously in need on love that everyone knows it but him. ShuYi was so tsundere and in denial and then when he broke? Hoo boy, his tsundere breaking point was SO GOOD. And they both turn into total softies.
Tine vs. Pi
I had to go with Pi in the end. Mostly because I feel Pi's tsundere style in my soul and because I feel like Pi has every right to be a tsundere as he damn well pleased. Also, Tine felt more 'denial and anxiety' than tsundere to me? I dunno.
Arthit vs. Jin
What a cruel choice! I love them both so much and they're both so perfect in their roles in the relationship... But I have to go with Arthit. Jin figured things out much, much quicker and was just less tsundere overall than Arthit was. Now, part of that is just when the show is being made but that's a different story that I don't know enough about.
Kit (2moons2) vs. Kit (Gen Y)
I love Gen Y but Kit from 2moons2 is the single best tsundere and has one of my favorite 'dropping the facade' moments of all time, no hesitation of denials. I just absolutely love him and the hard shell that finally cracked to show the softness within. Gen Y Kit never does that as thoroughly and though it works for him, definitely... 2moons2 Kit has to win for my taste.
Team (UWMA) vs. Zon
DAMN what a choice. How... how do I chose? I love them both! And they both try to be in denial. AND Zon turns into a literal puppy and Team was denied a story (PLEASE GIVE US BETWEEN US, BL GODS) and this choice is so hard... I think I have to go with Team, in the end, because of the tiny coffee scene at the end and the soft bed scenes... It's close, though. VERY close.
Type (2gether) vs. Chon
I don't think Cho in a tsundere. So Type wins because he 100% is a tsundere. No question or hesitation about that. And also because I love Type beyond all measure. What a good young man who finally gets his head on straight (lol) and goes soft for Man eventually.
Yeon Woo (Color Rush) vs. Luo Yin (Addicted)
Another hard one! But... but Color Rush! Yeon Woo! He has to win. He's the best, the absolute best, the finest tsundere who goes so, so far to try to escape his own feelings... ugh, yes.
Can vs. Duean
Love Can to death but Duean is the most tsundere idiot to ever idiot. Can also feels like a different kind of denial than Duean and just... less tsundere to me? I dunno. My tsundere vibes are a bit off sometimes.
Fuse vs. Duen
I really hate Duen, frankly. So we gotta give this to Fuse. Duen is just all booo and yuck and make him go away and Fuse is cute and softness and slowly realizes what he wants/needs and it's good. You know what, my favorite part of a tsundere character is when they break out of that shell.
Kao (DBK) vs. Mork (DBK)
Honestly, my memory of DBK is rough AF so... this is based on my not liking Mork as much as Kao.
Mes vs. Muren
I gotta go with MuRen. His thin, fragile icy shell was so easily shattered and it was so adorable and the way he nodded so tiny as LiChen talked to him? Yes. Yes, please, more of that.
ZhaoZi vs. ShaoFei
Neither of these boys are a tsundere. They're not. ZZ is the softest boy in the world and ShaoFei confesses first and tries to win TangYi over. Nope. No tsundere here. Love them, though!
Nuea vs. Ake
I question if Nuea is truely a tsundere... but I like him so much than Ake. I had to give this to him. I should probably rewatch eps 1+2, though. I feel like I barely remember TueAke at this point...
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florbexter · 4 years
Hey :) For TharaFrong prompts: so Frong is hurt and he suffers in silence because Thara brozoned him, but one time, during their meeting (because of course they still meet, they are BROS), he can't stay silent anymore and he tells Thara how he feels (more specifically, he yells). I leave Thara's reaction for your interpretation :D
Awww Frong totally is someone to suffer in silence, poor boy, but this fic will give him a chance to yell out is frustration! Thanks for the prompt ❤
Oh, to face your beautiful wrath || [AO3 Link]
“Are you angry?”
Frong took a bite from the celery, enjoying the satisfying crunch and then trying not to gag. Who put a whole celery stick into a cocktail?
“I’m not angry,” he answered, turned around and tried to get rid of the celery without letting Thara know what he was about to do. It was his own fault for ordering this weird-ass cocktail but in fact, it was Thara’s fault because he had approached him at the bar and Frong had forgotten what he wanted to order. Everything was Thara’s fault and maybe he was already on his way of getting drunk because he thought about telling Thara that it was all his fault.
“Are you sure?”
“Sure… bro,” Frong made a peace sign and used the arrival of P’Win to make his escape from Thara’s second approach that night to talk to him.
He took a sip from his drink and made a face. There was enough alcohol in it, sure, but at what cost? He stumbled towards the cosy sitting areas of the student bar they had decided to go to and saw how his friend group had already mingled with Duen’s and P’Win’s which meant he wasn’t going to be able to avoid Thara for long.
Ugh, why did everybody get along? Where was the cliché university rivalry the tv dramas had promised him?
Lies, nothing but lies.
He turned, a bit wobbly, and squinted at the girls waving at him.
Oh! Oh, he knew them! With a big smile he walked towards the girls who he had made friends with during the volunteer camp. They didn’t even have to invite him, he made himself home between them, sinking back into the soft cushion on the couch.
He liked them. They smelled nice, they included him in the group order of sour-fruity drinks, and he didn’t have to do anything but listen and nod while they talked about everything and everyone. He especially liked how they hyped each other up and yes, he looked fantastic in his petrol-coloured button-down, thank you very much.
And he had the perfect view of the table where Thara sat.
‘How are you doing’ – writer.
‘What are you doing tonight’ – messenger.
‘Let’s meet up’ – proposal…-ist?
And Frong had been good about it. He hadn’t ghosted Thara or had been mean to him. He hadn’t acted like it was his fault for not liking Frong… that way.
It wasn’t his fault but couldn’t have a man some basic empathy? Couldn’t he, magically, understand why Frong wanted a bit of distance between them? They had gone on a freaking bicycle tour for heaven’s sake. With a picnic. It had been idyllic; it had been romantic and Frong had wanted to pour the Cha Yen over Thara’s head.
Now they were here again and Frong suffered in silence and just wanted to get drunk in peace to nurse a headache the next day, so he was able to pretend like everything was peachy between them when they saw each other again.
Which was right the next freaking day!
Frong groaned into the Iced Americano in front of him. Drunk-Frong made the worst decisions. The next time he was going to put a sign around his neck which said: ‘Everything I promise this evening is not going to happen.’
“Are you alright?”
Frong continued to stare in his coffee. He wasn’t able to meet Thara’s concerned face so early in the morning, next thing you know he was going to smile at you.
“Do you need paracetamol?” There was a teasing lit in Thara’s voice and yay they had an insider-joke but Frong just wanted to growl.
Who volunteered at seven am in the morning? Also, why was everyone so obsessed with volunteering all of a sudden? They could have repaired and painted the fence of the kindergarten every other day!
“I’m good,” he said and waved weakly. Thara wouldn’t leave his side if he wasn’t going to show him that everything was fine, so he forced his aching body to leave the shadowy place under the big tree and slouched towards the rest of the group where Duen arranged the duties and if Bohn wasn’t such a feral cat Frong would have kissed him for getting the job as ‘overseer’.
Maybe the XXL cup of coffee, the big sunglasses, and the shirt he had already worn yesterday didn’t make the best impression of him being able to handle a brush today.
Which was fine by him.
What wasn’t fine was that Thara found him in every spot he disappeared to for some peace and quiet. Yes, the kindergarten wasn’t that big but had the man a Frong-radar?
“You should drink something else than coffee,” Thara said this time and Frong, sitting on a miniature chair, rattled with his cup.
“It’s mostly ice cubes now.”
Was now the time when Thara would force-feed him a paracetamol? He had a weird twinkle in his eyes that told Frong he was on thin ice with Thara’s patience. Maybe not being able to doctor Frong around grated on Thara’s nerves.
Frong put the sunglasses back on his nose because the more time he spent with Thara alone the higher the chance Thara wanted to talk to him about serious stuff.
“I should go back and do my job as the overseer.”
“Boss is doing your job at the moment. But it feels like everyone is ready to stage a revolt soon.”
“Even more important to go and do my job.”
Frong half-turned, his feet rooted to the spot, his heart already begging for Thara to just drop it. Who would have thought that them being bros included heart-to-heart conversations? Which was a wasted question to ask because all of this had started because Frong had felt secure enough, seen enough, to have heart-to-heart conversations. When had been the last time he had told someone about his dad?
“Frong,” Thara repeated as if he had asked a question. Should he just magically know what he wanted from him? Which he knew. And Thara knew that he knew.
It didn’t make Frong more willing to tell Thara what was going on.
Thara just looked at him and for all that he was silent, he was incredible loud about it.
“You’re angry with me.”
“I’m not angry,” Frong denied immediately.
“You are,” Thara said and did that thing where he raised his arms and showed Frong his palms as if to pacify him and Frong pressed his teeth together.
“I am. Not. Angry,” he all but hissed. The cup in his hand crunched ominously and Frong saw how Thara’s eyes glanced at it quickly. It made him want to throw the cup at him.
He felt gross and sweaty and there was a suspicious spot at the collar of his button-down and he had no idea how to say no to Thara and he had enough of this day and—
“You can tell me ev—”
“NO, I CAN’T!”, Frong yelled and almost threw the cup against the wall full of colourful pictures of trees and fruits.
Silence. Only broken by Frong’s heavy breathing.
Oh god, he thought. Oh god, he had said that. He had said that. And he couldn’t look nor walk away. He was frozen but felt like he would start to shake soon. He breathed like he had run a marathon and stared at Thara who stared back at him, wide-eyed and Thara opened his mouth and Frong didn’t want to hear anything he had to say but he couldn’t move and words left Thara’s mouth.  
“You are in love with Duen,” Thara said.
“I’m… what?” Frong’s anger was replaced by confusion so suddenly he felt like a ton of bricks had hit him at once. But the scene didn’t change. Thara still stood in front of him and the words he had said hovered between them, almost tangible, like the words of affirmation on the wall.
Be kind, raise your hand, let others speak.  
“You are in love with Duen,” Thara repeated and then he frowned and maybe he finally realized that something was not fitting together.
“I’m not in love with Duen,” Frong said and then had to backtrack, “I had a crush on him, yes, but that’s not… that’s totally different to… Why would I explicitly ask you to come to the camp too if I wanted Duen at that point? I went there with people I met either recently or who weren’t in my friend group.”
He got loud again.
“I could have forced my friends to come too, but I didn’t, you idiot! I asked you! I practically begged you to come on the trip with me! So, I could be with you on that trip! WITH YOU!”
“Ehm… guys?”
Frong spun around. Boss stood in the door looking at them with a pained face and playing nervously with his fingers.
“Are you two okay? We heard some yelling, and I pulled the short stick so I’m here to—”
But he was cut short by Thara who was on the door in a few long strides, pushed Boss back and closed the door on his startled face. Frong saw how he took a deep breath, the tension in his back visible and then he turned around and Frong instinctively wanted to take a step back. He didn’t know that face on Thara.
“You are not in love with Duen?”, Thara asked again and for all his bravery a few minutes ago Frong felt suddenly shy. He had confessed, hadn’t he?
He shook his head. It wasn’t like he could take his words back and even though Boss had been vague about the others and him hearing some ‘yelling’ Frong was sure that at least Bohn had already memorized what he had yelled at Thara.
There was no turning back.
“I’m not,” he said and swallowed nervously, “not with Duen.”
And he had no idea what he expected. All the situations he had played in his mind about him confessing his feelings hadn’t covered him yelling them at Thara.
And Thara. Thara looked at him and his eyes seemed darker and Frong realized that he never had seen him devoid of the little smile hiding in the corner of his mouth. Frong felt like he should make a joke, say something to lighten the mood but he couldn’t, he could only look back at Thara and then Thara let out a huge breath and leaned his head back, bumping it slightly against the door, the arch of his neck prominent, the swallow, the bobbing of his Adam’s apple and Frong’s mouth got dry.
“Come here,” Thara said suddenly and held his arm out, his head still rested back on the door and when Frong took more time than he apparently anticipated he moved his head back and repeated himself.
“Come here.”
Frong’s breath hitched. But his body moved on his own and he took Thara’s hand and the pull was strong and firm and made him let go of the cup, which crashed to the ground, but he was already against Thara’s body and Thara cupped his head and they fell against the door, a dull sound and Thara captures his surprised sound with his lips.
Frong fell into the kiss as if they had kissed a thousand times before. Frong had never felt claimed by a kiss, had never felt owned, but this was how he wanted to feel while being kissed he realized.
They parted, slowly, and Thara’s hands wouldn’t let him go far, the distance between them only centimetres.
“P’”, Frong murmured, a bit whiny and Thara smiled at him, a bit like Frong knew it, a bit like someone completely different and kissed him again.
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Okay here is my official rant post about My Engineer, specifically the finale. Spoiler: I literally have zero criticism for it so it’s just gonna be me gushing about how perfect it was, and analyzing some things. (I save the best analysis, RamKing, for last)
I’ve mentioned this before, but as a whole this series was so good I think for just how well put together it was. All the couples got pretty equal or at least well distributed screen time. And for couples who got less (Like TharaFrong) I assume they’re keeping it open for season two. You couldn't really get bored watching because it always flowed so well into the next scene, and all the couples were really great and special for their own reasons. Plus the character development was great and I know it’s gonna get even better in season two.
Now I want to go in and talk about all the couples:
Throughout the airing of this series, I saw many people having doubts about BohnDuen. I saw many good points such as how they were reallly bad at communicating, Duen never tried to understand Bohn’s feelings, and Bohn was always too pushy about things. However as the series progressed we could see them slowly evolving and becoming better. Obviously even at the end, they still have problems but they’ve improved so much and I know that in Season two they will continue to progress. For Bohn, he started out super jealous. He was always really pushy towards Duen. Towards the middle he finally started to become better, keeping his jealousy more in check and pulling back a little. For Duen, who kept ignoring Duen’s feelings, he finally started trying to see things from Bohn’s point of view. He opened up a little more and even changed their relationship status on Facebook, something he knew would mean a lot to Bohn. For both of them, recognizing their flaws was hard but they wanted to be better for each other. Also in the finale, we got Duen finally telling Bohn he loves him. That was a really big deal for Duen who honestly is pretty shy. This is his first relationship. He’s not used to someone being jealous over him, someone thinking he’s cute. Physical affection was also something that came hard to Duen, but as seen by the finale (*sobs*) he’s evolving in that regard as well, even initiating a kiss himself. 
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I really liked too, how before the second kiss when Duen put up his hand to block him, how Bohn kissed him through his hand (twiceeee). Bohn accepted that maybe Duen wasn’t ready for a second kiss yet, and let Duen make the choice. Even when Duen lowered his hand he let him make the choice, which he did and initiated that second kiss. <3 I think these two putting in so much effort for each other and developing so much as a couple, and as individuals indicates a really great future ahead for them. 
Okay I’ll be real, I may have doubted Boss for just a tiny second. I heard a rumor they were gonna have an unhappy ending so when Fon (Is that her name? I’m too lazy to look it up) showed up I got scared. But omg Bossss!!!! He handled it so well. He was so sweet to Fon, and that hug honestly made me cry a little. I was really happy that he told her she shouldn’t give up becoming an idol too. It wouldn’t have been right for her to have to give up her dream for Boss. (It was really sweet that she was willing though) And then when he went back to Mek and revealed their relationship with that megaphone? A cinematic masterpiece. For Mek, who had spent so long hiding his feelings for Boss, Boss clearly stating that they are together and that he loves him in front of everyone would have been such a cathartic release for Mek. For Boss too, who had also had feelings for him tucked away. 
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In that moment Boss was choosing Mek 100% without a doubt. All the time they had spent together, the way Mek always helped and took care of Boss. He was fully realizing that he wanted Mek and only Mek. They spent so long being so close but so far from each other. That moment was a new start for them, a real start.  lmao and Ting’s reaction will never not be the funniest thing ever: “What the hell? Did I join a volunteer camp of a love camp here?!” 
Agdhh poor Frong lmao. I had a feeling nothing major would happen with them in the finale since they were moving slower than the others. Frong, after getting over his feelings for Duen so quickly falling for someone else, Thara, would be really hard. After experiencing Duen’s rejection (sort of, Duen was so clueless during that smh) putting himself out there again would be really hard. But he started falling for Thara anyways, falling for the way he took care of his patients (specifically Frong’s mom), the kindness he so naturally gives to others (such as searching for Thara’s necklace, and the weirder aspects of his personality (such as a certain adorable lizard he can’t seem to stop talking about). 
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I don’t really see Thara’s line as friend/brother zoning him. More as I feel that he hasn’t considered Frong in that way yet (although him taking pictures of him shirtless was a bit suspicious lmao) and I think in season two we’ll see him develop feelings as well. (I’m kinda hoping for them to be a lil angsty ngl)
Okay. Here it is. RAMKING.
They 100% had THE best buildup, and plot. The way they met, the slow transformation into friendship, people around them either shipping them or thinking they were a couple, it was all so !!! It was perfect too, because they had us so convinced that King was gay panicking, and pushing Ram away because he didn’t understand what he was felling BUT NO he knew EXACTLY how he felt, and he’d just been holding himself back this whole time. I can’t get over that. All those flashbacks they showed, King knew exactly what he was feeling and it was overwhelming that he finally couldn’t take it anymore. I think when Ram made him that crown, and their friends commented that they looked cute together, like a couple.. I think that’s when King really started to realize he couldn’t do it any more. While Ram was smiling, King had a different look. 
He seemed to be under the impression Ram didn’t feel the same, or maybe he was hesitating because of all the stress that Ram has been under with his dad. I think it was the former though. His face when Ram put his arm around him in episode 13 was so unsure. I originally took it to mean that he didn’t understand what he was feeling, but now I’m thinking it was because he couldn’t understand why Ram was doing that. It’s like he was torn between his feelings, and his uncertainty of Ram’s feelings. He had no way of knowing for sure if Ram had feelings (although at the point, the way Ram looked at him and took care of him it would have been hard to miss, but when your emotions for someone are so strong it’s hard to see things from a clear perspective. Does it seem like they feel the same because you want to? Or because they really do?) For King, who understands Ram so well, not being able to tell how he was feeling was terrifying, and having to hold himself back was painful (as he said himself *sobs*) As for Ram, I think he also knew full well what his feelings were, and also didn’t know how King felt. He was happy just staying by his side, as a friend taking care of him. King suddenly pulling away was confusing for Ram. It hurt him to be away from him, but he was patient and waited for King to tell him why he was acting the way he was. King had always been so understanding with Ram’s emotions, and Ram wanted to do the same. While they were apart, I noticed how during BohnDuen’s reunion and MekBoss’ confession they focused on King’s reaction. He was happy for his friends, but I saw another emotion in his expression. One that reflected the conflict and pain he was feeling over his emotions for Ram. 
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The way he went from smiling, to that face was soo good. That one little moment was a big indicator of what was going on in King’s head and the pain he was currently feeling.
Then, finally (it might have helped that he was a little drunk) King admitted to everything he’d been feeling. That he was pushing him away because he feels good with him, and it was painful to hold back around him all the time. And we all know what happened next (*Sobbing noises*) They finally released all those emotions they’d been holding in, the pull they’d felt for each other since day one, the unexplainably deep understanding they have for each other. It all came together. Okay but that kiss was so !!!! Like the !!! the foreheads!!! The closed eyes!!! It was all passion, emotion it was so aHHH 
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Then the way they were lying the next morning (also may or may not be my new computer wallpaper oops) was so !! They’re turned in towards each other, King’s arm lying against Ram’s chest, his head tucker into him. I thought that position did a great job of reflecting them as a couple. The way they kept being drawn to each other. Also, after King woke up and the way he so quickly believed that Ram had forgotten what had happened last night, made me even more certain that King is scared and uncertain of Ram’s feelings. They both obviously have feelings for each other, it’s now just a matter of figuring out how to express them to each other. (Although who knows what complications Season 2 could throw at them)
Okay So I lied, I do have a very small criticism: I didn’t like that Bohn pulled the “I don’t like men, I just like you” line. That always bugs me. In BL there’s always a fine between a series being genuinely good and romantic and a series being focused on mainly fan service. I’ve always seen that line as a sign that a series is gonna be kinda fan service-y. However, My Engineer was not at all like that. It was definitely one of the good ones (one of the best honestly) so in this case that line wasn’t a bad sign. Still, I wish that hadn’t been included. Also, we deserved more Cupcake content and we better get some in season two. I want to see Thara baby his lizard some more god dammnit. 
Also this is random but I really hope they give Ting a man in S2. She deserves it. (Or a girlfriend in which case I volunteer I love her so much)
This was a really massive post and if you read this entire thing I would like to give you a virtual hug. Have a good day!! <3 I’m gonna go back to sobbing and replaying the episode now
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gradienta · 4 years
My Engineer - EP14
My love for Thara/Frong couple is immeasurable. THE BEST MEN among all the teen angst.
Bohn/Duen’s kiss is actually cute :) FINALLY there’s some romance between them! I’m curious what these characters are like in the novel but I can’t find it anywhere :(
At first Ram came off as sturdy, intimidating and serious type but now it’s obvious that he’s a mushy gentle pile of fluff. He looks like a baby almost all the time with all these puzzled stares. 
Oh, King :D Oh, yeah. THE BEST TEEN ANGST. Ram must make sure that King doesn’t drink so much again (anyway, can he do that with his head injury and medications?)
Desperate kisses in a tent. King deserves them! Ram, too :)
By the way, I’m pleasantly surprised by the kisses in this episode - especially Bohn/Duen’s. N I C E 
OH MY GOD RAM IS SO FLUFFY IN THE MORNING I CAN’T! How can King keep it in his pants when Ram is near?
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Thoughts on My Engineer ep11
I think this is my favourite episode so far, so much goodness
also I got them Thoughts(TM) so this is gonna get long
as usual
Mek just has this ability to break my heart every time he looks at Boss in that way of his
and then make me cackle when he freaks out at Boss’s ridiculous demands
I really do love how genuinely he wants for Boss to be happy, no matter who it is with; like he’s not secretly angry or bitter or acting like Boss owns him something, he’s just hurt that his feelings arent returned which is perfectly normal but more than that he just really wants Boss to be happy
“you have the sweetest smile” ok ok doctor Thara’s got some game, huh?
and Frong is developing a doctor kink cough cough
how many times has Bohn done the kiss/onion joke that Duen just catches him on reflex now? lol
also just... what are we doing with Bohn and Duen anymore? half of their relationship is Duen freaking out about sex to the point he wont let Bohn anywhere near him most of the time and the other 50% is Bohn getting irrationally jealous and neither of these issues seems to be going anywhere
and now they’re talking about moving in together?? guys, maybe first settle your issues before deciding to spend prolonged periods of time in a confined space together
aww, poor Boss being so sad; I really like the way the scene plays out with Boss slowly walking from the light into the darkness as the camera follows him
and that’s the other thing that I have questions on - like if Boss had feelings for Mek all along, what was he doing with Fon all this time? and why was he so determined to make the relationship work if he’so disinterested in her that the second he got Mek, he’s like I’m going to break up with her? I mean dont get me wrong, that IS the right thing to do rather than cheat on her but I’m just... why did we spent all this time on Fon/Boss if this is how it was going to end? was it Boss trying to find someone else so he could move on from Mek and forcing himself into a relationship he didnt exactly want? I hope they expand on this more next eisode
on the bright side, HELL YES we called it that Boss is also into Mek and I do love me the nobody cares about me/*I* care about you trope mmm yes yes good stuff
I LOVE LOVE the way Ram speaks to him mom, it’s so gentle and warm
HOLY SHIT, are you telling me that his dad is cheating with Pin??????????? daaaaaammn
no wonder she was being so bad at comforting Ram last ep
I love the way they played that though like the way things connect from one episode to the next, I live for quality writing
doggies!!! fluffly soft doggies!!!
sick them on your asshole of a father, Ram
omg, this guy really is a piece of work huh? his son caught him having an affair with their next door neighbour and he doesnt even have the grace to look guilty or try to explain, he’s just lke dont tell anyone
him and Fighter’s dad can start a club of shitty dads
can we talk about the way Ram looks so hurt and heartbroken but he promises not to say anything because he doesnt want his mom and brother to feel the same way?? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
poor King, he’s just minding his own business when suddenly DOGS
but the dogs come with his own personal Ram so he’s gotta deal
seriously though, the fact that King wants Ram to stay even though he’s scared of the dogs; the fact that Ram sees that and offers to leave; the fact that King still wont let him even mentioning that the gods will get wet; the fact that King isnt asking any questions or pushing Ram to talk but at the same time he knows EXACTLY what Ram is feeling because he can read him so damn well; the fact that Ram finally openes up and allows himself to be vulnerable in front of King, openly crying into King’s side
these facts are HURTING ME IN THE BEST WAY
also how freaking cute is it that Ram waited for King to turn in his direction before giving him a nod so King will see it
I like how all of Ram’s friends went out looking for him
LOL, of course Ram is going to wake up to King screaming about the doggies
I also like how Ram is taking King’s fear seriously and doesnt make fun of him
Ram’s running away from home necesseties include: three huge dogs, a bag of clothes, a bug-eating plant that his boyfriend gave him that one time
King is really trying to make Ram feel comfortable and welcomed even if that means he has to sacrifice his own comfort for the sake of the doggies because he knows how important they are to Ram
LOL at that ending scene
King is scared of gods, Ram is scared of kids and now they’re stuck with three dogs and two kids and said kids just let the dogs out
it’s gonna be a long day for these boyfriends
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ddreamzee · 4 years
My Thoughts on My Engineer
i watched the final episode a bit ago and finally wrote my thoughts! this isn’t gonna be really professional or in depth, i just wrote my initial thoughts after finishing the last episode.
so this has finally ended. it feels bittersweet.  i'm sad that it's over and we won't have these characters again for a while, but since we are getting a s2 i'm still happy. this series has come so far from when i had first heard about it. tbh i didn't have many expectations for this series, but it turned out way better than i could have ever imagined. this series was great from start to finish, although it had it's ups and downs. i think one of the biggest downfalls of this series is bohn and duen's relationship. a lot of people don't really like them, maybe bc they are used to more lovey dovey couples. and although they did get on my nerves sometimes as well, i admit that it was a little refreshing to see their relationship. you really don't know what's gonna happen next with them, bohn and duen are unpredictable. but they are also hella cute together, they have a nice dynamic i think. i enjoyed their kiss scene at the camp site and i'm glad it was duen who leaned in first. although i love bohn and duen, they weren't my favorite couple, i would say ramking are my favorite and i think many people agree with me. i was unsure about how ramking's relationship would develop, it started with just curiosity but flourished into something more, for the both of them.  i'm glad we were able to see ram slowly open up to king and talk to him more over time. i also think ram is a unique character, i haven't seen many like him and he does it so well. i think perth's look helped with the character as well, to me he fit ram perfectly. and king, our beautiful plant boy, he took the time to get to know ram, he let ram stay at his house with his dogs even though he's afraid of them. king is a very supportive friend and he gives great advice, i'm happy he finally told ram about his feelings instead of pushing him away. and that kiss scene HOLY SHIT I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT!! who would have thought that ramking would have the best kiss scene (in my opinion). i hope they take their time to further develop their relationship in s2, they are both aware of their feelings and have even kissed, i just hope nothing bad happens with them. i just realized this is gonna be hella long, i still have to talk about the other couples. rip. okay now mekboss. DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED!!!  omg i feel like i have so much to say about them. i love their story line so much, i love mutual pining situations. like mek was so helplessly in love with boss but he just sat back quietly and helped boss with his relationships even though it hurt him bc he just wanted boss to be happy. i don't even want to talk about fon, just *heavy sigh*. and tbh i wasn't that surprised when boss told mek about his feelings. i could tell their was something there and also how could he not like mek when he's so fucking attractive and nice????  they are just cute, playful babies in love. i'm really scared for what will happen to them in s2, i would rather have them send mek away or something rather than replace him, i wouldn't be able to handle a new mek. also the dubbed voice thing. i have a lot of opinions on it. i understand that ryan can't speak thai and what not, that's fine. i just wish they would have chose someone better to dub his voice, bc the voice they used did not match him at all. especially when you could hear ryan laugh or sigh but then have the dubbed voice would come in sounding completely different. i feel like it ruined a lot of scenes for me, after a while i got used to it but still. that's all i'm going to say about that. okay now tharafrong. i didn't think they were gonna get very far before the season ended bc they started way later than the rest of the couples, but i hope they get their time to shine in s2. they are just so good together, frong is so in love with thara. i felt his pain when thara said they were 'brothers", that scene felt like they were taking a small step back. i was so sure that thara had feelings for frong though, it looked like he did. so either i'm a clown or thara doesn't think frong has feelings for him as well  so he's backing off a bit???  pulling a king???? thara seems like he's more open about his feelings though so idk. okay i got those couples out of the way, i wanna talk about ting ting and tang bc HELLO UM I SHIP THEM. ting ting is always complaining that she has no love when she has a whole tang literally right next to her AT ALL TIMES. like girl open ur eyes you got a mans in front of you. they are so cute together but if they were a real couple oH MY GOD.  in conclusion this series was wayyyyyyyyyyy beyond my expectations, it's definitely one of my favorites of 2020 and probably in general. all the couples are so good, different and interesting. i'm soooo fucking glad they're making s2 and that they confirmed it before the series even ended so i'm not as sad, i still have more to look forward to!!!  this series was like the underdog of the first half of 2020 bl's, it had come out around the same time as 2gether and why r u and i felt like a lot of people overlooked it bc it wasn't from a big or well-known production company, but it managed to be one of the best and most enjoyable bl's ever.
My Rating: 9/10
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Fic wrap-up
It’s been a shitty year for everyone, myself included. 2020′s really done a number on me, and my mental health is currently at the lowest it’s been in years. BUT I’m working on it, and I figure part of that is being proud of what I did do, the things I did make, despite it all. 
So this year, I somehow wrote (and posted) 10 fics, with a total of 21,507 words. The longest fic I wrote was 6K, the shortest just 827 words. I know in the grand scheme of things that isn’t much, but considering, you know, everything, I’m still happy with that. 
And I think y’all were happy with it too. Several of these fics got 1000+ hits! Considering for me usually anything over 200 hits is a success, that’s amazing.
I did learn this year that I am terrible at tagging, and at knowing what my stories are actually about. I think I probably write more hurt/comfort and found family trope than I realize. Also the usual domestic suspects like cooking/eating and sleeping together, I write those way more than I realize. If someone sees other recurring themes in these, let me know? I’d be really curious to hear what other people think these stories are really about.  
Thank you all so much for reading, and leaving kudos and comments! I still get an email almost every single day that someone left kudos, and it makes me a little bit happier every day. 
So just to share them once more, here they all are, sorted by fandom: 
Dan & Phil: 
mating calls  5 times Dan loved Phil’s subtle attempts at flirting through animal facts, and one time he didn’t. 1354 words, teen and up audiences  Tags: 5+1 fic, getting together, 2009 fic, fluff, mentions of family members, animal facts, gay animals, bad flirting through animal facts, making animal sounds, gratuitous abuse of artistic freedom when it comes to available technology, by which I mean I have no idea when phones got email just bear with me okay
House Hunters   Kath and Nigel go down to London to help Phil and Dan find a house to buy 827 words,  gen Tags: moving, POV Outsider, headaches & migraines, bugs & insects Just You, And Him  You first realize your feelings may have changed when you look at him pouring coffee, eyes bleary and curly hair flopping around chaotically as if he’s had a restless night again. Or, the one in which there is a lot of pining. 921 words, gen  Tags: POV Second Person, pining, yearning, food, getting together, oh my god they were roommates
and they were roombas  Dan knows that, as a manmade inanimate object, he should not be capable of talking or of feeling anything, let alone love. Not that it matters, because there’s no way Phil feels the same about him anyway. Dan is content to live his life cleaning floors and occasionally bumping into Phil, without ever doing anything about his feelings. That is, until one fateful day they get stuck under a table together…It’s a race for survival and love as time starts running out. Will they live happily ever after or will their love fade as quickly as their batteries? 2027 words, gen  Tags: crack, roombas, swearing, there’s a cat, I don’t....I don’t know what else to put here, the word war chat made me do it, I don’t know what this is either
Star Trek: Picard:
on this fresh morning in the broken world  Guinan has heard a lot of rumours about Picard’s latest adventures and the crew of La Sirena. She never quite believed them, knowing fully well how rumours tend to be exaggerated. Then Picard shows up to ask her to join the ship for a while, and Guinan realizes she’s never done learning after all. 3033 words, gen  Tags: guinan meets the sirena crew, canon divergent, holosquad, introspective, trauma, spoilers for picard, no I mean it there are spoilers here, do NOT read if you’re not up to speed on picard
HIStory 3: Trapped: 
Jack Tries To Become A Normal Member Of Society  After everything’s settled down and Jack has taken his time to relax and enjoy this newfound life with Zhao Zi, he decides it’s time to find a normal job. After all these years as a mercenary and working with the mafia and Interpol, how hard can it be, right? 3271 words, gen  Tags: shenanigans, comedy, some (threats of) violence, sex mentions, swearing, blood, menial labour, annoying customers, unrealistic scenarios, found family trope, quite possibly the single most self indulgent fic I’ve ever written
how two hands touch  Okay, maybe Tang Yi does sleep better when Shaofei is there. He’ll never actually admit that though.(a 5+1 fic) 2414 words, teen and up audiences  Tags: fluff, domestic fluff, food, banter about food, cooking, some angst and sadness but I promise everything will be ok, shaofei does go into the hospital again sorry about that, I figured he’s used to it, set from mid-canon to post-canon, not beta read My Engineer: 
Duen Holmes and the Case of the Missing Cupcake  While at the volunteer camp, Cupcake goes missing. Duen decides this is the perfect opportunity to try out some sleuthing.Or, the one in which Duen plays Sherlock Holmes, and finds out some very interesting things indeed. 6495 words, teen and up audiences  Tags: cupcake the lizard, camp trip, fluff, crack, so just like a regular episode really, canon compliant up to episode 12, spoilers up to episode 12
Unrooted  King has some thoughts on Ram's tattoos. 988 words, gen Tags: tattoos, introspective Unspoken  Ram has some thoughts on King and his plants. 1531 words, gen  Tags: introspection, plants
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weilongfu · 4 years
Hi!! I wanted to ask what new Thai bl would you recommend? Cause I’ve stopped watching for a while and I wanna get back into it!!
Hello Anon!
My recs will depend on when you stopped watching. So if you’ve seen any of these, just skip them! This post got kind of long, so I’m putting it under a cut.
Love By Chance (2018): Contains a great and soft openly gay character (Pete) falling in love with a guy who has never really thought much about his sexuality (Ae). Also well known for it’s second “main pairing” TinCan with snooty, trust issue rich boy (Tin) falling in love with loud not-rich person (Can). Warnings for survivor of rape (Tar) and relationship that starts because one gets raped by the other (Klengkla/Techno). But timestamps are around on the internet to avoid them if you want! You won’t miss a damn thing because those two couples get like no screen time (Thank god).
2 Moons 2 (2019): If you watched the original 2 Moons back in 2017, 2 Moons 2 is what you’ve been waiting for. It retreads the original first season in just four episodes (thank fucking god and without that song) and then finally extends to the other two pairings/books. If you’ve never heard of 2 Moons, the story first follows Yo, a boy who has been in love with a senior named Pha since they were in high school. Yo ends up going to the same university that Pha goes to. Pha is the “Moon” of the campus (basically like stepped up prom king) and Yo is in the running to be that this year as he’s been selected as Moon of the Science Faculty. The two other pairings are between their friends MingKit and ForthBeam. Warnings for stupid jealousy (like really stupid), drunk sex, unsafe driving, and people being massive assholes because they can’t take the fact that they’ve been rejected.
Until We Meet Again (2020): Honestly, UWMA is the current peak of Thai BL for me at the moment. We follow the freshman Pharm as he wonders what seems to draw him to the third year Dean. It is something deeper than just attraction! The red thread binds them together and it’s great. Deals with past lives (KornIn) and FYI THE FIRST EPISODE STARTS WITH THE SUICIDE OF THE PAST LIVES. Also side couples just... happen. But everyone loves WinTeam because they’re so cute. 
Theory of Love (2019): I really only recommend this if you’re an OffGun fan because you might have watched Puppy Honey. Show is about four film majors, Khai, Third, Bone, and Too/Two (everyone is at odds over how to spell his name). Third has been having feelings for Khai since their first year, however Khai is a massive playboy. The story first starts with Third wanting to confess and after everything gets flipped around, it continues with Khai trying to prove himself to Third.
My Engineer (2020): This drama has had a very difficult past with lots of starts and stops, but it finally came out this year! Low budget looking, but the overall story is very cute. We follow Bohn, a third year Engineering student as he tries to win over Duen, a first year Medical student, over the course of one month as he makes Duen give him a flower every day because he saved Duen from a lizard and Duen punched him. Other couples include RamKing (silent junior and really talkative and active senior), MekBoss (the PINING), and TharaFrong (I don’t like you to I like you). Warnings for really stupid lacks of communication half way through, infidelity (a character’s dad), and whatever the fuck Mild is, the prick.
YYY the Series (2020): Very short series about Nott, a mechanic, and Pun, a college student that has run away from home to stay in the same apartment building/dorm. This shit is so fucking off the wall it’s insane in a new way every episode. BUT there’s never any unnecessary drama and because it’s so short, there’s a lot of communication between the key characters. Lots of fairly healthy relationships and sort of like found family. But do NOT watch YYY hoping it will make sense. Also warning for flashes of neon/bright colors at the start of every episode. It’s supposed to serve as their content warning (mature audiences or something) but it gave me a headache and may trigger something if you are sensitive to flashing lights/colors.
WHY R U (2020): Relatively strong start, not quite so great end because filming was during the COVID quarantine. We follow two main couples. Zon finds out his sister, Zol, has been shipping him with a guy he hates, Saifah, and writing a massive fic about the two of them together. Zol says she knows Zon has feelings for Saifah and Zon swears that he doesn’t. Zol then counters that if he does and is lying, she hopes her fic becomes reality. Zon then starts noticing gay couples (all of them cameo appearances from other notable BLs), and realizing that his interactions with Saifah are taking a different turn. Second couple is FighterTutor where the two have always been at odds with each other and start to get closer after Fighter asks Tutor to tutor him in English. The show ends up being very FighterTutor heavy because of the scenes they were able to film during quarantine and SaifahZon are supposed to get a special which rounds out their story in the near future. But all the couples are cute, so what more could you ask for? Warnings for sexual assault (which is totally OOC and all of us are pissed about it), and Zol (because I don’t like her).
2gether (2020): Tine is “Mr Chic” and has had a long string of girlfriends, but none of them were quite right. He starts university and gets hit on by Green, a gay man. Tine tries to get rid of him by starting a fake relationship with the most popular guy on campus, Sarawat. The problem is that he hates Sarawat! But the longer they spend time together, the closer they seem to get. Warnings for not great treatment of most girls other than Air, Earn, and Pear. Side pairings are ManBoss and MilPhukong (but Mil sucks in the drama FYI).
Hope you enjoy these recs Anon!
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konaizumi · 3 years
Fish Upon the Sky ep 7 thoughts/reaction
i can’t take this first scene seriously with the mix stix and pi being all sentimental about them
also them using the mix stix as a coming out metaphor and pi said his brother ate them first and introduced them to pi and his brother is also gay lol
pi still has mork wrapped around his little finger
well technically he didn’t pass out
drunk pi being great at DDR and mork being terrible is great
“i just wanted to bug you” are you sure you didn’t just want his hand on your chin?
mork don’t act like you don’t love pi having his arms around you
i can’t decide who had the more awkward role, phuwin who had to brush pond’s teeth, or pond who had to have his teeth brushed by phuwin
also who just carries around a toothbrush and toothpaste? i know he’s a dental student but still
mork laughing outside the bathroom at pi was cute
we didn’t get to see mork gay panic at seeing pi’s chest and that’s just not fair
the dad trying to cheer up the mom is so cute, i love their dynamic
soon as they said wan was bring home a girlfriend i was like oh you know it’s going to be a boyfriend
duen what did you do that made the gown smell so much
meen’s got some bite and i love him for it
every episode in fact i love him more and more
he’s truly the perfect match for duen’s bullshit
would love if we could get more backstory on mork liking pi, like even if there’s not a specific reason/event that’s fine but just like when and how did it start, it seems like they never interacted before the show starts
also them being livestreamed was super creepy
also would be nice if mork was a bit more bothered by the fangirls, for pi’s sake if nothing else
i will pay gmmtv for one of the characters to hug pi and tell him that he can take all the time he needs to figure out his feelings instead of rushing him
*face palms* duen just tell him the truth he won’t judge you
duen just throwing out the dirty boxers, my boy is such a mess
can i give meen a hug? pls?
no comments from the narrator this time?
the argument over the cars was pretty funny, i like the kitty gang
at first i thought the secret texting friend thing was cute but now its a bit uncomfy knowing pi is spiling private thoughts about mork that he wouldn’t tell if he knew he was talking to mork (and mork is using this to be kinda manipulative)
god damn it duen, if you had waited like another minute before barging in he would’ve figured it out
duen is such a good brother tho
i wish mork would actually act like just being friends is fine
the family seeing the woman and child and thinking it’s wan’s girlfriend was super funny lol “and she has a plus one”
and the look on everyone’s faces when the boyfriend walked in
so the mom still doesn’t know about duen’s boyfriend so i hope we can see that confrontation as well lol
i thought they were building up to have wan as like the perfect older sibling who the younger ones resent bc of comparisons and the eldest sibling having a superiority complex, and who was one of the reasons for pi’s insecurities but instead they delivered this wholesome sibling content and it’s so much better than i thought it was going to be
duen unconsciously petting pi bc that’s what he did for meen
i still don’t totally understand the conflict between pi and the mom but i’m glad it seems to be resolved
istg all the medical students and none of them know how vaccines work, the implication is that pi is already lovesick, you don’t give a vaccine to someone who’s already sick
also morkpi is a slowburn and i wish the writers knew that instead of insisting that pi’s already in love with mork
“i’m so lost here” honestly same duen, i’m a little lost in all the metaphors
*face palms* pi, i don’t think you’re in love with mork yet but i know you’re not still in love with nan
but also, pi acknowledging that the nan he liked was part fantasy and now he has to go after the real nan: growth--not quite fully there yet but growth
next ep: looks like duenmeen is finally going somewhere, i really hope but doubt that mork as secret texting friend is revealed next week before it gets worse, otherwise doesn’t seem like anything huge happening next week,but i demand more nan content to make up for the fact that he wasn’t in this ep at all
anyways, good ep, some key development going on, just really need mork to back off a bit and give pi some time to think
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kyunsmaindish · 4 years
  s C REAMS. i’m still working some things out bc writing is like that. but like. it’s mostly political intrigue with like a mix of romance and drama bc i can do that and i will. 
  the basic premise is that the main protagonist (azisa) of the series is princess of a nation that is basically being subjugated in everywhere but name by a really aggressive, powerful empire who have also been doing this to other lands they’ve “taken in” (aka, conquering). and when they do that, they request that the young children of higher officials (like the king/queen, prime ministers, etc.) of the other lands be sent to their empire’s capitol to be provided for and educated in the name of keeping friendly relationships. but you can probably already tell that it’s really just a form of taking a political hostage mixed with trying to brainwash them by having them grow up completely disconnected from their homelands/cultures. 
  azisa’s kinda backstory aside from being a princess taken political hostage is that her mother and her were actually on a diplomatic trip to empire’s capitol as a show of good will bc azisa’s nation and the empire had a lot of tension due to previous fighting. there’s basically this plot that happens that frames azisa’s mother as an assassin that has killed one of the empire’s prominent officials which gets her mother killed and ignites a war, which results in azisa becoming a political hostage that way and also in her nation just being like. completely defeated. so : )) as you can imagine she has a lot of motivation to try and take down this empire and also figure out that plot that got her mother killed. 
  she’s not completely by herself tho bc the son of the prime minister (his name is duen from my one of my fav spanish word ‘duende’) of their nation also get sent there as a political hostage and they hang around each other a lot bc there is no one else besides each other to rely on and trust. and being from the same culture unites them in a way that is special, especially when they’re being forced to try and give it up. also no. they are not a romantic pair at all, i would never subject my readers to a love triangle. they have a strictly platonic bond.
  kian is a little more straightforward in his role but i hope that doesn’t make him any less interesting. he is actually the adopted 6th son of the emperor (6 of 7 sons) along with his older biological sister (who is also adopted by the emperor). he’s originally from a poorer province due to location and weather that didn’t get much trade or crop yield in the empire and his father was a minor official who was a very good man. like he would sell his own shit so that he could give it to the citizens and would go help them in their work and lower taxes for them. so kian grew up having that mentality of caring about others / providing for the people ingrained in him since young. 
  unfortunately, bc i would never let my characters have anything good in the beginning, his father gets sent to fight in a war on the border despite being sick and making requests to stay at home instead but the emperor thinks this reasoning is stupid so he sends him out there anyway and he dies in battle. UNFORTUNATELY AGAIN that when his mom goes to capitol with both him and his sister to received rewards on behalf of their dead father, that the emperor sees his mom and is like hey : ))) and one things leads to another and they get all get moved into the capitol with their own palace bc the emperor thinks it’s okay to go after widows bc he’s fuck. which seems great bc now his mom is getting treated well by the emperor and him and his sister are now official, adopted children of the emperor but kian really does hate the emperor.
  like .... everything. he hates him for what he did to his dad. he hates how he allows the upper class to control the government and hoard all the wealth while the people are going through some shit (economic crash from fighting/expanding territory too quickly and sickness). he hates how his adoptive dad tries to force this idea of hyper masculinity on him when he’s not about that. and on top of that, there are other princes that are either the emperor’s biological children or that he’s adopted and they all wanna fight him bc any one of them could be the next emperor (bc the emperor made them all equally likely to get the throne bc there’s no ‘the eldest son will get it’ bs) and kian is like ‘my dudes i just want to feed the people and topple the government’. 
  azisa and kian meet while they, along with the other royal children and political hostages, are being educated by the imperial tutors in the lecture hall (there’s a dedicated place just for them to study and receive their education in the capitol). kian becomes really good friends with duen and all three of them tend to hang around each other the most. uuuuh kian falls really in love with azisa after seeing how intelligent and quick-witted she is. azisa h hhh h h she thinks of them as acquaintances only in the beginning bc she doesn’t trust like that and also bc kian is really ???? hard to pin down a lot like he acts really laid-back and sometimes like a fool but her intuition always has her like ‘there is more to this but idk what’.  
  ANYWAY the main point is that they get married as a way to join forces together and overthrow the empire from within strategically (like forming alliances with political figures, gaining their own power, etc.).   sjflksajfdsa listen for good portion of the story, kian does not hide the fact that he’s in love with azisa and he’s like ‘*drops love* oh shit oh my god *drops some more love* fuck’ whenever he sees her. and she’s always like ???? they have a lot of moments where it’s like they almost get each other but then take a small step the wrong way. like kian will be like ‘hey you care about me right’ and azisa is like ‘of course’ and kian’s ‘awww--’ before being interrupted by azisa going ‘we’re married after all. a good spouse cares about the other one.’ and he’s just so :’ ))) he’s like ‘i am inconsolable’ 
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The Sword Of Destiny
The second book in the Witcher series is another collection of short stories. Where The Last Wish was, broadly, an examination of witchers and their purpose, their Path, The Sword Of Destiny begins to introduce the broad themes and characters that will become so familiar in the saga of novels. Because of that, this book is less about Geralt himself, and more about his relationship with those around him, the world, and Destiny itself.
The Bounds Of Reason
Three Jackdaws attempts to draw Geralt into a conversation about Order and Chaos, and the witcher's place in that battle. Geralt flatly rejects the idea that he stands on any clearly defined side, citing the fact that he doesn't kill dragons, who "without a doubt, represent Chaos." Yet again, he refuses to be drawn into any kind of binary conflict, whether it's a simple sorcerer vs killer (The Lesser Evil, from The Last Wish) or an abstract concept like the one presented by Three Jackdaws.
When discussing the fate of mutants - sterilization - Geralt seems to be frustrated, and a little upset. Whether this is because he resents this aspect of himself, or because he simply doesn't enjoy talking about it, is unclear. I am inclined towards frustration. He says that mutants "differed too much to endure." As he has referred to himself as a mutant many times, it's clear that he is equally talking about himself as much as golden dragons.
Interesting note - Geralt shows what could be considered an above-average knowledge of the boundaries of kingdoms and rulers, knowing where Barefield's territory ends and Caingorn's begins.
The White Wolf continues to expresses exasperation and frustration with flowery, unnecessary speech. When Dandelion protests, insisting that he isn't lying, merely embellishing, and there's a difference between the two, Geralt responds with "not much of one." 
Geralt does not go to the dragon-hunting party to hunt the dragon. He goes solely to see Yennefer. He approaches her, hoping for a reconciliation, but is denied by Yennefer's (arguably righteous) anger at him for leaving her, insisting that she will never forgive him. Later, when asked why he remains with the party despite his lack of involvement or willingness to hunt the dragon, Geralt says traveling with a party is all the same to him. At least there's company, and he has nowhere else to be - "I don't have a destination at the end of the road." That's the real explanation he gives, anyway - he also sarcastically replies that he follows as a "servile golem", upset at having been called that by Yennefer earlier.
When the bridge collapses, Geralt risks his life to save Yennefer, despite her anger at him, and the slightly petty insults she had thrown his way only minutes earlier. When it looks like the two of them may die, he asks for her forgiveness. She refuses. However, he refuses to kill the dragon when she asks, and she offers her forgiveness, he declines, saying it no longer matters to him. She seems genuinely upset by that, and he regrets his words. This sums up their relationship. They both care deeply for one another, but rarely at the same time.
Geralt joins Dorregaray in trying to prevent the rest of the assembled crews from killing the golden dragon. During this fight, he attempts to use a Sign before being incapacitated by a spell.
After Yennefer is tied up by the Reavers and Yarpen's gang, Boholt threatens to rape her. Geralt threatens to kill him - "I'll follow you to the ends of the world."
After Three Jackdaws has revealed himself to be Villentretenmerth, the golden dragon, and Geralt has freed Yennefer with the Igni sign to allow her to aid the dragon, the witcher and sorceress reconcile, only to be told by Villentretenmerth that "you two were made for each other... but nothing will come of it."
A Shard Of Ice
Purely a Geralt/Yennefer story, with little of substance in Geralt's character development, beyond further development of the tempestuous relationship between the two, full of jealousy, lust, passion, anger, and love. He refuses to concede her to Istredd, despite the fact she has been sleeping with him. She refuses to give him a straight answer. Neither will tell the other that they love each other, she because she doesn't know, and he because he thinks the word means nothing coming from an emotionless witcher, however much we all know that isn't true. The two men decide to fight each other for her. Geralt won't be bribed out of doing so. Finally, the witcher won't fight Istredd, telling him to kill himself on his own if he really wants to. The decision is Yennefer's.
Geralt took several potions before the zeugl fight that opens the story, as referred to by Yennefer retroactively.
The first mention of The Wild Hunt. Geralt claims to have been offered money to deal with them before, but insists that there is no dealing with them.
Cats don't like witchers.
Geralt defends himself when attacked by Cicada, but doesn't kill him. He just wanted to know who would win in a fight, and was no threat to anyone else, so Geralt gives him his answer.
Eternal Flame
Introduction of Dudu the doppler. When the question of Geralt killing said doppler comes up, he refuses. Dopplers, he says, are an "intelligent race", and therefore different from the monsters he kills. The witcher consistently protects Dudu from the... Fervor of the Eternal Fire followers and priests, who would undoubtedly kill him if discovered. However, when Chappelle implies that finding and killing the doppler may be the only way Geralt and his friends leave Novigrad alive, he begrudgingly admits that he would be prepared to go through with it - despite the fact that, as revealed by Dudu later when he briefly takes over the witcher's thoughts while assuming his form, "the thought of killing [him] in cold blood fills [him] with disgust." As we've seen before - Geralt will go to great lengths to protect those that he cares for.
A Little Sacrifice
When Geralt and Dandelion find themselves short on money, the witcher takes on a job that involves no fighting or protection of anyone, simply acting as a translator to try and clear up a spat between a human and a mermaid couple. 
Later on, he takes a more conventional job involving a mysteriously bloodied ship out beyond a certain part of the coast, during which he does his best to protect Dandelion and himself from the masses of creatures coming from what Dandelion calls the sunken city of Ys (most likely Vodyanoi, although they are not named in the story). Surprised, he uses Signs during the fight, having been unable to prepare and take potions, and escapes rather than wins. Agloval, the head of the village and the human part of the aforementioned couple, asks him to stay, to continue protecting his village's fishing vessels and pearl divers from the creatures, but Geralt refuses, stating that he considers "waging war against other races idiocy."
Geralt's fling with Essi Daven is interesting. Danelion believes that, having been warped by Yennefer and unable to understand a normal woman, Geralt simply tries to take advantage of her morbid interest in him, but Essi is too intelligent to fall for it. Geralt, for his part, seems genuinely taken by the bard, but his attentions are diverted during his fight on the beach, when his thoughts turn to Yennefer. He feels that the sorceress must feel the way he does towards Essi now, guilty with the knowledge that he is unable to give her what she wants - just like Yennefer. Geralt cannot find it within himself to love Essi, even for a night, because "Essi is not Yennefer."
Having said that, the line "and then, by the Gods, they did it, she and he," seems to imply that they do later have sex, as a way of resolving the tension between them.
The witcher tries to play up the emotionless killer angle with Essi, when talking about the job, but she rightly sees through it, pointing out that "if you were the heartless professional you pretend to be, you would have tried to push up the price. But you didn't say a word about your fee." This comes after Agloval talks about the women and children being affected by the deaths of their husbands and fathers at the hands of the monsters. Essi is right. Geralt does, on occasion, act with compassion to protect those less able to protect themselves (The Lesser Evil from The Last Wish).
Nonetheless, the witcher's code is explored in more detail in this story. When it is suggested that Agloval's jilted mermaid may be responsible, Essi tries to talk Geralt out of killing her. The witcher responds that he wouldn't kill her anyway, regardless of any justification or lack thereof, "because the code forbids him." As seen in The Bounds Of Reason and Eternal Flame in this book, a witcher won't kill a member of an intelligent race. It's simply not their job. He will, however, investigate the case as per his employer's instructions.
The Sword Of Destiny
This is a simple story, albeit an important one, concerning the first time Geralt and Ciri meet, after she flees an arranged marriage to Brokilon, the forest of the dryads. Geralt has history with the dryads, and knows their ways, as they know him. He had been sent on a 'diplomatic mission' by the ruler of a neighboring human region, and finds a scene of massacre - humans cut down by dryad arrows as they entered the forest.
Geralt knows one of the survivors, a man called Frexinet, and convinces the dryads to save his life. More because he knows their leader, Lady Eithne, than any persuasion skills of Geralt's. Frexinet used to be a baron, and Geralt lifted a curse from him that had turned him into a bird. Later on, he quizzes him about any recurances. Ever the professional.
Interesting note - while Braenn guides Geralt to the dyrad's captial, Duen Canell, he quizzes the young dryad about her past. He realizes that she has no dryad blood in her, and instead was a human child, taken to Brokilon to be turned into a dryad. This, of course, is essentially the life of a witcher. This doesn't escape Geralt. 
Geralt and Braenn save the young Ciri's life, at which point the princess is rude, stubborn, and arrogant. Geralt gives as good as he gets - their relationship doesn't get off to a friendly start. But Geralt, being the good-hearted mutant that he is, knows that he needs to get Ciri back to her home - not least because she's the reason Frexinet was nearly killed. So he uses a little reverse-psychology to convince the girl to accompany him. The two spar - Geralt threatens her when she complains, she tells him a little about her, he at least tries to tell her a little about the real world. How she came so close to death. The witcher even begins to joke with her.
Some geopolitics with Lady Eithne, as Geralt's employer is appealing to her to concede parts of Brokilon to him - parts of Brokilon that were deforested and made useless to the dryads a hundreds years ago. Much like the elves that we learned about in The Edge Of The World from The Last Wish, the dryads are too proud to admit that the world has changed beyond them. Geralt again preaches that "only those who assimilate with humans will survive," but his words fall on deaf ears.
Of course, it now emerges that Ciri is the daughter of Duny and Pavetta - the couple that appeared in the story A Question Of Price from The Last Wish. There, Geralt invoked the Law of Surprise after saving Duny's life. Pavetta's child was to become a Witcher. However, not only did the child turn out to be a female, she is also a Child of the Elder Blood, as realized by Lady Eithne. Because of the Law of Surprise, she is forever tied to Geralt by destiny, however much the witcher tries to deny that. That is why Lady Eithne allows her to leave with him, rather than turning the young girl into a dryad.
Geralt leaves Ciri behind. Throughout this story, he is referred to as the first edge on the sword of destiny - he believes the second edge to be death, and does not want to expose Ciri to that.
Something More
The coda to The Sword Of Destiny opens with Geralt finding a crashed cart on a bridge in Temeria, with a single merchant hiding underneath it. The ravine underneath the bridge is filled with bones, the remains of those who attempted to cross this bridge before. The area has been infested by monsters since the war arrived in this area of the world, and it is those monsters that have accounted for the bones underneath the bridge, and will account for the merchant once darkness falls.
Yurga, the merchant, implores Geralt to help him. The witcher invokes the Law of Surprise yet again, and prepares for the oncoming fight, readying his silver blade and drinking a potion. The attack comes - an army of small monsters (perhaps Nekkers, although they are not named in the book), and Geralt is able to fight them off, sustaining serious wounds in the process.
While unconscious, Geralt dreams. No prizes for guessing who he dreams of. In the dream, he and Yennefer come together again, acknowledging that they have hurt each other, and will continue to do so - because their love will continue, and that's just the way the two of them are.
Upon waking, Geralt finds himself in Sodden, still wounded, but being cared for. He dreams again, this time remembering his visit to Cintra, six years after the events of A Question Of Price from The Last Wish, hoping to retrieve that which was promised to him - Duny and Pavetta's son. Queen Calanthe refuses to hand the child over, saying that it matters not which child Geralt takes. They will all be stuffed with herbs, mutagens, and magic to become a witcher. Geralt refuses, saying that witchers specifically seek out children of destiny, those born through the Law of Surprise, because those children will not require the intense training of the Trials. Nonetheless, Geralt refuses to take a child, renouncing destiny because he does not believe in it. Or so he insists - we know, from the events of The Sword Of Destiny, that he does.
Interesting note - Geralt reveals that he is not a Child of Destiny, instead a common foundling, the unwanted bastard of a woman he doesn't remember. But he knows who she is. A sorceress. That alone makes Geralt an oddity - sorceresses, as Yennefer well knows, are barren. It also raises an interesting point about Geralt's... Fondness for sorcerers. They say women date their fathers, and clearly our hero is looking for his mother.
When Geralt wakes, he is being healed by a sorceress. A sorceress whose name he knows, because Vesemir told him. Destiny? Or chance? Either way, Geralt's mother disappears come morning.
Soon, Geralt arrives with Yurga in Upper Sodden, specifically Riverdell. Here, he learns about the second Battle of Sodden, and the deaths of the Fourteen sorcerers and sorceresses that died to beat back the Nilfgaardian advance. Geralt attempts to climb to the stone that commemorates them, having known several of the Fourteen - including Triss Merigold. Weak, Geralt collapses and dreams again. This time he meets the force that dogs his footsteps, the second edge of destiny's sword - Death. Geralt insists that he is no longer afraid of death. The woman counters that he looks afraid, and challenges him to speak the fourteenth name - Yennefer. She believes he is afraid to hear that name, afraid that Yennefer is dead. He asks her to take him now, but she refuses, and Geralt wakes up. Yurga tells him the fourteenth name, and it is not Yennefer's.
Soon, Geralt and Yurga arrive at the banks of the Yaruga river, where Geralt slips into yet another dream. In this one, Dandelion is attempting to cross with a horde of others, all fleeing from the Nilfgaarian army. Dandelion is afraid, asking Geralt not to leave him. The witcher, of course, insists that he would never leave the bard. Dandelion then tells Geralt of Nilfgaard's new warfare, of scorched earth, of death and total destruction - including Cintra, Geralt's destination. Believing Ciri to be dead, Geralt muses that destiny is not enough, and 'something more' is needed. Without Ciri, he will never know what that 'something more' is.
Finally, Geralt and Yurga reach the merchant's home. Yurga insists in respecting Geralt's request on the bridge - to give Geralt that which he finds at home, but does not expect. What he finds is Ciri. Ciri, alive after fleeing the sack of Cintra, taken in by this merchant's family. She is what Yurga did not expect. She is what was promised to Geralt. Ciri, yet again, is comes to Geralt through the Law of Surprise. Through Destiny.
"It's like they said! Geralt! It's like they said! Am I your destiny? Say it! Am I Your destiny?"
"You're more than that, Ciri. Much more."
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lady-lover-lisy · 7 years
Part II: Thee Most Terrifying Night Of My Life...Reuploaded
From there, it took R another 5 mins to return, and no sooner had concerned boy left than a tall blonde with a redish orange braw that nicely matched her nails I might add, came over and plopped herself down in R’s spot. This–was my breaking point, because I actually began to shake, and apologized to the young lady (who I very soon found out was named H), saying, “My friend will be back soon. He has—that he–he has…I’’m sorry I’m not good at this, and I’m panicking.” She proceeded to tell me that she wanted to talk with me, not my friend, and that this talk was free of charge, so no worries. I apologized again and offered my hand, introducing myself, which was stupid cause I almost gave her my full name, and I remembered someone once upon a time saying to never give too much info of yourself up. During this little realization, she had introduced herself as H, and we were still holding hands, or more accurately I was practically clinging to her’s with a death grip, which as soon as I realized, I let go, apologized again, confessed that I didn’t know the correct etiquettes and asked her what I should do, than I proceeded to be a weirdo and answered my own question by going, “Oh!…Should I buy you a drink?” She said something about that I could, but that she already had 5 free drinks on the house that she could get whenever and I went from slightly excited stressed back to, OMG WHAT THE FUCK AMI DUEN HERE!?? It was probably amazing to watch the switch happen on my face, cause she laughed, I apologized, Again, and than oh god finally! R returned! I thought she would turn her attention onto R, which I was A-OK with, and was planning on making a mad dash around them for the restroom when she offered to give me a–a private dance….To be honest, after that moment, I kind of had to go into auto pilot. She took my hand, cause I think I said ok, but than I didn’t go with her because R stopped us to give me the money, and I used that as an excuse to take my hand back. So I took the money, walked behind H, she lead me to some man who I handed over the forty dollars to, and it wasn’t until we were behind the giant black curtain, my hand somehow back in her’s, that I registered was kind of dance I had agreed to. It was a 4 dancer, with the last 2 being topless. I was on the verge of tears when H let me pick were I wanted to be, so I then led us into a booth like area, in the far back, near a curtain exit, where no one could really see us or me them. Very thankful for that corner, and with that done, I not knowing what to do, sat down, smoothed my dress out, placed my hands in my lap, and crossed my ankles. I was in guard mode still, leave me be. H elegantly sat next to me, somehow making it look graceful, even though the shoes she was wearing gave her an extra foot of heigh. Seriously, it was a long ways down to sit, plus it was dark, and god only knew what she could trip over. Back on point, I was panicking, on full guard mode, and H was being very nice and patient with me and my random shivers of terror. At first she simply sat next to me, doing small talk, and than she got down to business, the shoes came off (not mine her’s), she placed my hands to the sides of my body, moved my legs apart a bit, and proceeded to dance–-around me. But she kept prompting me to talk so I told her a little about myself and somehow we ended up on books, and this is a summery of what I can remember of how it went down: I told her that I had read At Her Feet, which was a bdsm lesbian romance book, but that I was only reading it for fun, I wasn’t into that, and that I really loved romance books, especially lesbian once, cause I was a lesbian, and this was my friends way of celebrating me being an out and proud lesbian, and no I didn’t go too Pride this year and oh she knew about Sarah Waters! Something to do with my sister and that time with a tree, onward of how I loved the book Fingersmith, no I hadn’t read all of Sarah Water’s books, I really should though, but I also watched Fingersmith the movie and really loved it–and oh look! Her breast were suddenly no longer in their bra. At the presence of her breasts, I shut down again and looked everywhere else other than her chest because I was a lady and WA! Her breast almost grazed my face and I literally tried to pull a disappearing act into the seat, but of course it didn’t work and I had to blink rapidly in order not to cry. From there she mentioned my dress and phone matching and I thanked her, before she dropped suddenly down to her knees, startling me, and grabbed a small mouth full of the hem of my dress, nibbling on it, raising it up my legs, which in turn made me panic more and I tried to close my legs WHILE she was still between them, before I got a whiff of her perfume and politely, with a butt load of anguish asked what the name of it was, and what exactly the smell was. Because it really did smell wonderful and it was soothing my nerves, but I was also trying to halt her process with–biting my dress and raising it up. She graciously offered up the information, letting me know it was sandalwood and marshmallows; an odd combination but it worked well, especially on her. After that she rose to her natural full heigh, grabbed a bar that apparently was behind and above my head, swung herself up onto my booth chair and proceeded to–to do a thing with her pelvis in my face. It was so left field that I’m sure I received whiplash with how quickly I threw my head back and into the cushion, trying to avoid her pelvic bone. But before I could really react in any more of a negative manner, the dance finally came to a close, which I apologized for, than I thanked her, asked how I could leave, and made a quick retreat to R, who happened to be near the ATM machine, which coincidentally happened to be very close to the exit. The urge to flee was strong and almost unbearable at this point, but I refused to give in, yet. Once safely near the ATM, I made sure to put the exit door in my sights to the left, the ATM to my right, and the wall to my back. Only realizing once I was safe, that R had a young pixie lady with him, and I had left H behind, without helping her get those stupid shoes back on or even waiting for her. I was so rude to her that I actually almost went back just to give her another apology, but this one more heart felt, and a 20. Wisely though, I had handed over my money to R so he could keep track of it for me, but than he left to go have his dance, and I slunk back into the main room, avoiding eye contact, and all the men around. To Be Continued In Part 3!
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