#god i too want to be able to pull the shirt off sang hyuk - sorry/ cyrus - and be made angry by how fit he is underneath
hedevimaiyya · 2 years
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Violet Made of Thorns by Gina Chen
Violet is a prophet and a liar, influencing the royal court with her cleverly phrased—and not always true—divinations. Honesty is for suckers, like the oh-so-not charming Prince Cyrus, who plans to strip Violet of her official role once he’s crowned at the end of the summer—unless Violet does something about it. But when the king asks her to falsely prophesy Cyrus’s love story for an upcoming ball, Violet awakens a dreaded curse, one that will end in either damnation or salvation for the kingdom—all depending on the prince’s choice of future bride. Violet faces her own choice: Seize an opportunity to gain control of her own destiny, no matter the cost, or give in to the ill-fated attraction that’s growing between her and Cyrus. Violet’s wits may protect her in the cutthroat court, but they can’t change her fate. And as the boundary between hatred and love grows ever thinner with the prince, Violet must untangle a wicked web of deceit in order to save herself and the kingdom—or doom them all.
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iammultifandomaf · 3 years
Once a Leader, Always a Leader
Fanfiction: Swee Home Netflix
Chapter 5 - I AM BACK
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Luckily, they haven't encountered any monsters inside and quickly gathered everything they could fit into their van. As they walked out, they overheard a monstrous voice screaming, however it wasn't the one that belonged to Eun-Hyuk.
"We should get out of here," Ji-Su said and hastily opened the back door of the van, putting in everything she and Eun-Yu found in the gas station shop.
"We still need to put the gas in," Eun-Yu said nervously, as the monstrous noises closed in. Ji-Su tried to pick up the canister but a stabbing pain in her stomach stopped her. "God, you have to pick it up, I can't." Eun-Yu didn't talk back and did as instructed, her previous confidence withering away with the terrifying sound nearing onto them.
As soon as she was done, Ji-Su climbed back into the van behind the steering wheel and Eun-Yu sat down next to her.
Before Ji-Su was able to start the engine, however, a creature that comprised only out of legs and thousands of eyes landed in front of them.
"Fuck, start the fucking car!" Eun-Yu screamed at Ji-Su who did exactly as she said and was about to step on the gas paddle, however something fell directly onto that monster in front of them which created a wave of wind gushing to all directions.
Both Ji-Su and Eun-Yu tried to make out what was happening in front of them and suddenly both of them realized...
"He made it," Ji-Su whispered in astonishment. They watched the familiar-looking monster dig his claws into the monster underneath him, eliminating it. Eun-Hyuk, then, straightened his back and looked straight into the van.
"What the hell is he wearing?" Hye-In finally couraged up to look, too. Eun-Hyuk had only some piece of dirty cloth wrapped around his lower body, not really offering him any proper coverage. Eun-Yu opened the door and angrily made her way to Eun-Hyuk.
"Have you lost your fucking mind?!" she started yelling at him as he watched her with that smile again.
"Don't you give me that face of yours, I hate it. I told you that if-" Eun-Yu couldn't finish her sentence because her brother leaned down, putting his hand under her armpits and raised her to his eye-level.
"I am sorry, Eun-Yu," he said softly and pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her.
"Let me the fuck go, I am angry at you!" she said, now in a less agitated voice, letting Eun-Hyuk hug her. Her eyes again produced a waterfall of tears which she wanted to hide.
"What happened there?" Ji-Su asked after she got out of the van. Eun-Hyuk still held his sister in his arms as he came closer to Ji-Su and only set Eun-Yu down when he was right in front of Ji-Su. Eun-Yu immediately crossed her arms on her chest and looked away.
"I'll tell you everything," he said and grabbed the knot of the cloth around him, changing back to his human looks, "but first, I'd appreciate some clothes."
Ji-Su automatically went to the back of the van and looked through the bags for some pants and a simple t-shirt. Meanwhile, Eun-Yu watched her brother with a pretended angry gaze.
"You're again filthy," Eun-Yu commented on all the dried blood and goo that Eun-Hyuk was covered in.
"Yeah, I know. Sorry," Eun-Hyuk said with an innocent smile.
"Don't always apologize to me, just don't...don't be so reckless," Eun-Yu whispered the last sentence.
"Is that Eun-Hyuk?" Hye-In peeked out of the van, relieved by what she saw.
"Hey," Eun-Hyuk raised his hand and waved at her, "I am back."
"Thank god. We need somebody that can fight those things," Hye-In said and sat back into the van in relief. Ji-Su finally found something that would probably fit Eun-Hyuk even if he turned into a monster again.
"Here you go, they are a bit bigger so you don't have to change all the time. Maybe go try the gas station bathroom... to clean up a bit?" Ji-Su suggested. Eun-Hyuk took the boundle of clothes from her and bowed a bit as thanks and went inside the gas station to find the bathroom. Surprisingly, it was not in such a bad state as he imagined it to be. He found a mirror covered in dust and dirt and looked at himself.
I need more like a shower, he thought as he watched his body being covered in mud mixed with all the nasty things that came out of the monsters. There were so many that he did not really believe he would survive this time. But it was as if his monster persona kicked in suddenly and he knew what to do to save himself. He just had to devour them all.
Don't be afraid of it, just embrace it. You are the answer to the chaos, you have to know that, right? A voice in his head reminded him. The voice that became his own. I guess I do not really have another choice, hm? If I want to keep them save... I should accept it.
Eun-Hyuk tried to wash the most of the filth off of him with the cloth he before wrapped around himself and then pulled on the sweatpants and a very large T-shirt that Ji-Su gave him. As he walked out, he saw the girls standing by the van, watching the surroundings for any potential danger.
"How do I look?" Eun-Hyuk asked to enlighten the mood.
"Ridiculous?" Eun-Yu answered him and rolled her eyes. He repaid her with a smile.
"What now?" Ji-Su asked, looking at Eun-Hyuk for an answer.
"Don't you need to clean your wound?" Eun-Hyuk said instead and approached her, lifting her T-shirt without asking.
"Hey!" she cried out and slapped him over his hand which stayed put. Eun-Hyuk raised his gaze to meet her eyes and said: "It's a bit infected again, isn't it? Sorry that I made you drive... that probably didn't help as well."
"It's not your fault," she said quietly and looked away.
"Come here, sit," he instructed and showed her to the back of the van," Hye-In, could you get me some disinfectant and something to patch her up?"
The woman put her dog aside and started searching for what Eun-Hyuk asked for, meanwhile Ji-Su lied down and let Eun-Hyuk take off her now dirty bandages.
"So...," she said through her teeth as Eun-Hyuk cleaned her wound, "what now?"
"Well, I have this... haunch... Or I don't really know... maybe I imagined it-"
"Just tell us, god," Eun-Yu jumped in.
"When I was preoccupied with fighting the monsters... I though I heard Pyeon Sang-Wook. He sounded really angry. He was definitely talking to somebody to 'get the fuck out of his body'."
"Somebody is in his body?" Ji-Su asked and sat up as Eun-Hyuk finished patching her up.
"You hear voices now?" Eun-Yu rose her eyebrows at him.
"I really can't say for sure. Maybe I was just confused. But if what I've heard was real, then it seems as if Pyeon Sang-Wook's body is used by someone else? A monster perhaps?" Eun-Hyuk said.
"And how do we find out if that's true?" Hye-In asked.
"We could... try to go somewhere following that haunch?" Eun-Hyuk said with an uncertain voice. He never really relied on instinct before and always tried to be pragmatic but this new part of himself made him want to trust his gut on this.
"What? What does that even mean?" Eun-Yu asked and watched her brother suspiciously.
"Honestly, I don't like this strategy as well... but we don't really have anything else to follow right now. And the last few weeks have been literally life-changing for me."
As nobody had any other better plan to suggest, they all sat back into the van and let Eun-Hyuk drive off to somewhere he felt good about. Eun-Yu was sitting next to him with her arms crossed on her chest, watching him carefully. She felt a bit bad about always calling him a fake brother before, even though it was somewhat true. But now, he was the only family left and she couldn't imagine what would she do if he left her now. Eun-Hyuk left college so he could take care of her and that made her furious. How was it so simple for him to be so selfless?
They drove for about an hour or two. Meanwhile, the children and the adults, as well, got hungry, so they ate some dried fruit and jerky to satisfy their stomaches.
Eun-Hyuk stopped the car in front of a tall apartment building that looked abandoned, however Eun-Hyuk knew that somebody was certainly in there. He undid his seatbelt and looked at the women and children in the van.
"He is definitely in there," he stated.
"How do you know?" Hye-In asked nervously.
"I think we passed the point where Eun-Hyuk or anyone else would have a rational explanation for these things," Ji-Su said and took her knife out, "let's go then."
"You should stay here...," Eun-Hyuk said.
"Why? What's in there?" Eun-Yu asked on alert, getting rilled up again because Eun-Hyuk wanted to go on his own.
"Well, what do you think. Monsters."
"Don't you think that it's better to take us with you when you are the only one capable of protecting us? What if we stay in the car and get murdered by a crazy monster while you are hanging out inside, huh?" Eun-Yu said quickly, proud of her argument because it made Eun-Hyuk look back at the children and think about it.
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"You might be right," he sighed.
"Of course I am."
"God, kids, listen up. You need to stay with us at all times, alright? And if I say something, you'll do it," Eun-Hyuk turned to the children who just quietly nodded.
"Alright, let's go," Eun-Yu said with a smile and opened the van door.
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mangsluts · 6 years
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A Lee Dawon fic
Rating: M
Contains: cursing, graphic sex, oral sex
Description: When you get evicted out of your apartment, your last hope is a friend of a friend who is kind enough to let you stay with him. The only problem is, he’s the lead singer in a heavy metal band, and you’re not sure how you feel about him.
Requested by: @a-new-hope-sang-hyuk
Sorry it took so long! Hope you all enjoy! -admin mangbebe
Look at the situation you’ve gotten yourself into.
Too much pride to ask your parents for money when you were getting behind on rent, and as soon as you got the eviction notice, your parents didn’t have the kind of money to spare for how much rent money you had accumulated. They were able to start paying your original landlord back for your debt, but were too mad to allow you to stay in their house.
You had called every family member you knew, but your parents had told them not to take you in, so you were left to try and find a place with your friends.
Of course most of your friends were in similar positions as you, just barely scraping by in their own places, or still living with their parents. The word “no” was told to you about a million times.
But you finally found a stroke of luck when you called your friend Hwiyoung
“Are you sure I can’t stay with you Hwiyoung?” You whined desperately, knowing you were basically on your last hope.
“I’ve already got two roommates, we don’t have any room left, I’m sorry Y/N..” he said apologetically, and you were getting ready to accept the fact it was time to live in your car.
“Actually!” His voice suddenly came back to you and you perked up.
“My friend Dawon’s roommate recently moved out, so he has an empty room. You’d still have to pay rent, but at least you’re sharing it. Want me to ask him?” He asked
Of course you agreed, feeling so lucky to have finally found someone.
But what you didn’t know about this Dawon, is that he was the lead singer in a heavy metal Band called “Be my Fantasy”.
So here you were, just trying to get some rest before work, but being kept wide awake by death metal screams coming from the room across from yours. This happened every morning. Every day. Every night. If he wasn’t recording something with his crew, he was practicing his singing techniques, and god was it annoying. Obviously you were grateful for him, since he was letting you stay in his apartment, but god sometimes you wished he would just shut up for a good thirty minutes. Glancing at the clock, those red letters taunting you, read 8:05 AM. You had work at 9, and you knew Dawon knew, because you began posting your schedule on the fridge so he would at least be quiet for some portions of the day. But clearly today he didn’t get the memo.
You shoved your pillow over your ears, attempting to block out the sounds of Dawon literally screeching in the next room. His band had some good songs, but when he practiced it was literal torture to the human ear. He had the vocal range of Mariah Carey, hitting the most ridiculous falsettos. You weren’t sure why he needed to test out his falsettos at 8 in the morning. Hearing him go even higher, you realized you weren’t getting anymore sleep, and just decided to get up already.
Annoyed, you shuffled into the kitchen, body wrapped in a blanket. You snatched your schedule off the fridge, not even caring that your magnet tumbled to the ground, then dragged yourself to Dawons room, throwing his door open.
He was sitting at his desk, computer open in front of him, head thrown back as his pitch jumped up an octave.
“Hey.” You called out, but he just kept singing.
“Hey!” You yelled louder, seeing his crescent moon shaped eyes open, then slowly settle on you.
“Oh hey.” He said, curly black hair falling in front of his eyes.
“Do you know what time it is?” You asked through gritted teeth
His expression didn’t change, and you could see eyeliner smudged on his lower lash line from the show he had last night, but it was different than his usual. You could see tiny glimmers of glitter in the smudged product. Wait a minute.
“Are you wearing my eyeliner??” You sputtered out angrily, and he choked back a laugh.
“Oh my god, you are.” You pushed your way through his mess of a room and into his bathroom where you saw your eyeliner laying on his bathroom counter in front of the mirror.
Storming back into his room, you remember what you were originally mad for and threw your schedule at him.
“I have to be at work in 45 minutes, and I have gotten absolutely no sleep because of your screaming all morning. Is it possible that you could, I don’t know, maybe follow the plans we made together?” Your voice was icy cold, striking him with sarcasm.
“Couldn’t your oh so important vocal warmups wait until after I leave for work? Is that so hard?” Your voice was strained with stress and irritation, but that fact his face didn’t even crack with a hint of emotion had your blood boiling.
Finally, his face changed, but it wasn’t what you wanted to see. The corner of his lip pulled into a smirk and he flipped your schedule to a different page, then handed it back to you.
“Maybe if you were on the right week you could be mad at me. But this is last weeks schedule.” He held up the correct schedule matter of factly in your face, pointing a painted fingernail at today’s date.
“You don’t even work today.” He finished coldly, tossing the bundle of papers back at you and hopping out of his chair, walking past you through his door. You swore you heard him mutter something on his breathe. Probably something along the lines of “asshole”, and he was right.
You did feel like an asshole. He actually did know your schedule and you just yelled at him for no reason, in his own apartment. You weren’t trying to get kicked out, so you thought maybe you should try to make things up to him, or at least apologize. Before you could say anything, you heard the front door slam, and realized he had left.
Standing in his room, which was covered in band posters and memorabilia, you thought to yourself... you never really did listen to what he wrote. Well, you could never really understand it, it was kind of... Screamy. The screaming usually drowned out the lyrics to you, plus you never really tried to listen. But as you glared across the room, you could see some lyrics written on a document on his computer, which was probably what he had been singing this morning. You glanced around a couple times, making sure he was gone, then cautiously meandered over to the computer, stepping over all the random stuff he had on the floor.
You knew you were invading his privacy, but you were just dying to know what he was always singing about. You sat down at his desk, sinking deep into the soft pleather chair. You ran your hands over the worn fabric, feeling it tearing and leaking out cotton in areas. He obviously sat at this chair a lot. Going back to what you were originally doing, you leaned closer to the desk and looked at his computer. He had exited out of the tab he was on when you walked in, but it was still at the bottom of the screen for you to pull back up. In one click, a document of his notes was displayed onto the screen for you to read.
Looking back at the door one last time, you felt your pace quickening. Obviously you shouldn’t be invading his privacy like this, but it was just one song, and you were curious. The song he was singing was titled “Closer”, and you scrolled down to read the lyrics. One hand was on the mouse, finger on the scroller, while the other hand fiddled with the cracked fabric of the chair. The lyrics to this song were a lot softer than you imagined they’d be, since he was... screaming them. It was about a girl. A girl he wanted to be with, but felt like they weren’t close enough. He wanted to be closer to her and prove himself enough to finally be with her. You smiled a little bit. Dawon was a beautiful guy, you were unsure who this girl was, but you didn’t know why he didn’t just ask her out. He could get anyone he wanted.
“What are you doing?” Dawons voice suddenly pierced your train of thought, and your head whipped around to see him standing in his doorway, his small frame looking large and intimidating. His soft face was pulled into an irritated scowl.
“D-Dawon I... I thought you left... I just wanted..” You stood up abruptly from his chair and tried to push your way through his room and exit, but he didn’t move from the door. He looked down at you, brown eyes sharp and burning into you. You gulped, averting your eyes to look at the ground. He had only socks on. “I just wanted to know what you were singing. I’m sorry.” You finally tumbled out, probably sounding like a toddler learning how to speak. Hesitantly, You looked back up at him, your eyes shining apologetically. Looking at your pleading face, he sighed and shook his head.
“Whatever. It’s fine. Just don’t go through my stuff next time.” He pushed past you and walked to his computer, exiting out of the tab again so the beautiful words were ripped away from your sight.
“The song sounded really good... Who’s it about?” You finally asked, not wanting to leave while he was still mad at you.
“A girl.” He replied back flatly, eyes fixated on the computer again. He was wearing a ripped band t-shirt with the sleeves cut off, so the arm holes went further down his body than most. The way he was leaning over his desk, the loose fabric was far off his body, exposing his bare side to you. He was small, but muscular, and you could see the muscles by his ribs, and a hint of abs.
“Well yeah, I assumed.. but who?” You sat on his bed cautiously, watching for his reaction. He watched you back, then looked away again, allowing you to stay on the bed.
“Is that important? She doesn’t like me anyway.” He mumbled, his hand sliding under his computers monitor to shut it off.
“Have you tried asking her? I mean you’re...” You began, but when he turned around to meet your gaze again, you felt your breathe hitch in your throat. His stare was hard to be under, his almond eyes literally could melt you.
“You’re...” You gestured to his beautiful face, then down to his body. “You.” You laughed out, knowing it sounded dumb. You finally earned a laugh from him again. He sat down on his bed next to you, looking unsure.
“I don’t know. I just don’t think she likes me like that.” He said, visibly upset, but tried to play it off like he wasn’t with a shrug of his shoulders. Playfully, you wrapped your arm around him and tugged him towards you, feeling him tense up. “That’s crazy! Who wouldn’t like you? I mean you’re cool... fun.. caring..” You were trying to comfort him, but as the words came out, the truer you realized they were. He was cool. Really cool. His band was getting moderately popular, and he was definitely the coolest member, with his grungy fashion and stylish hair and pretty face. He was really fun too, he always took you out whenever he did, and let you tag along with his friends. He was even really caring. Hell, he lets you stay in his apartment for a really low rent cost, and even remembered your schedule so he didn’t bother you on a day you had to work. Suddenly you felt really bad about every bad thing you had thought about him before when you were mad. Apologetically, you smiled at him. “You’re awesome. She should see that. So you should just confess to her.” You finally said, and be exhaled loudly, looking to you. “Okay fine.” The dark haired man began, sucking in a large breathe then stopping, his nervous eyes focused on yours.
“I like you. A lot. Ever since you moved in.” He sputtered out, voice slightly wavering. You blinked slowly, not sure if you were processing what he said right. Instinctively, you looked around the room as if there was anyone else he could be talking to.
Stunned, you pointed to yourself.
“Me? You like.... me?” Surprise was evident in your voice, and on your face, as your eyes were wide and your jaw was stuck open. The way he was staring at you with those chocolate eyes and brows furrowed with nervousness. Of course you liked Dawon, you thought he was extremely cool, like rockstar way too cool for you, so you never actually thought about liking him. Finally your brain caught up to the shock, and blood rushed to your cheeks, turning your skin a bright pink.
“I... I never thought-“ Before you could finish your sentence, Dawon’s lips were engulfing yours, softly but firmly. He had plump bright pink lips that had a natural gloss which you were always jealous of. Feeling that natural gloss sliding against your own lips was like heaven, two velvety ribbons slipping over your lips, causing your body to melt into his. He caught you, one arm on your back, while the other one went up to caress your face. His hand held your cheek gently, rubbing a thumb over your heated cheeks. His hands were a lot smaller than you thought, and way softer. He seemed so rough and course on the outside, but his soft lips and delicate hands reminded you that he was a lot softer than anyone could have imagined. Asking your permission, his tongue swiped over your lips, which you immediately obliged, turning the innocent kiss into something more. All at once, you decided you wanted to ravish him. Your tongue collided with his, swirling around in his mouth, taking his luscious bottom lip into your mouth and biting and pulling it gently. He moaned softly at your sudden dominance, then took control again, pushing you down onto his bed. Sitting on his knees, he grabbed the back of his band t-shirt, and pulled it over his head, sliding past his hair and causing the curly mess to become even messier, casting a shadow over his eyes. Your focus soon shifted from his eyes to his chest in front of you, which was toned and illuminated by the morning rays of sunshine peeking through his curtains. Your eyes travelled a little lower to see his bulge forming in his skinny jeans. Biting your bottom lip, you lunged to his jeans, unbuttoning and unzipping them. His dainty white hands stopped you, holding your hand gently.
“Are you sure you want this? I don’t want you to feel pressured or anything..” he said, arousal evident in his voice, but his politeness was stronger.
His chivalry only turned you on more.
“Yes. I want it. I want you.” You said, pulling his pants and boxers off at once, watching his member spring to life right in front of your face. On the contrary to his small hands and frame, his dick was standing tall at attention in front of you, and the sight of it had your mouth watering. Pulling yourself up to your knees, you closed your eyes and leaned forward, planting a single gentle kiss on the very tip of his dick, feeling it twitch at the wetness. Immediately, his hand went to grab a fistful of your hair, pulling you towards him. Slowly, your mouth closed around his head, tongue swirling around the small hole, and all around the head teasingly. You then slid forward, tight lips rubbing all the way down his shaft while your tongue slide along the bottom of it.
“Y/N..” he groaned out as you pulled your head back again, spending extra time sucking on the tip, which you could tell was driving him crazy. Quickly, your head began bobbing up and down on his dick, taking his full length in and out of your mouth, allowing his tip to graze the back of your throat. Every time his dick hit the back of your wet throat, he moaned out again, his body already beginning to sweat as he held back a climax that was steady approaching. Suddenly, he yanked the back of your hair, and pulled you off of his dick. You looked at him, saliva dripping off your chin, as he roughly kissed you again, pulling your oversized shirt over your head, and your leggings and panties off of your body. You laid there, feeling exposed on your roommates bed, instinctively covering your chest.
“Don’t do that.” He growled, moving your arms away, exposing your perky breasts. His mouth came down and closed over your nipple, his warm tongue causing you to arch your back in pleasure as it swirled and licked your nipple. Taking the hardened nub between his teeth, he shoved two fingers into your mouth. Knowing what to do, you sucked on the digits eagerly, your eyes closing from the pleasure being surged from your chest. His fingers exited your mouth, and slid down your body, teasingly passing over your other nipple, all the way down to your pussy, which was now soaking with anticipation. As he bit down harder on your breast, he slid the two wet fingers into your ready pussy, and curling them into a hook position inside of you. The feeling had you moaning like crazy already, and he began pumping his fingers in and out of you steadily, while using his thumb to rub little circles over your clit. His mouth planted sweet kisses all over your chest, sucking lightly and leaving little pink and purple love bites around your breasts. “Do you want it now?” He whispered against your neck, his hot breathe giving you the chills.
“Yes Dawon.” You said, your hands grabbing at his bare back. With your invitation, he retreated his fingers from you, earning a small gasp from your lips, then positioned himself over your body. His dark curly hair hung over his small eyes as they looked into yours. You expected them to be lustful, but he looked at you sincerely, as he held his dick with one hand, guiding it to your entrance. He found it quickly, and the head hovered at your entrance, slightly poking in, which basically had your pussy throbbing in excitement. With a slow push, he began entering you. You gasped again, feeling his thickness stretch you out. You hadn’t had sex in a while, at least not since you moved in with him, so the feeling felt very new and foreign again. You saw him squeeze his eyes shut and bite down on his lip at your tightness, but nonetheless he pushed all the way into you. It felt amazing to be filled up by him, and when he pulled out his long length, then thrusted it back into you, it felt even better. You had seen him dance before, so you knew he knew how to work his body, but the way his whole body rolled with his thrust to achieve his full length in and out of you every stroke had you stunned, literally. His strokes became faster and harder, as he held onto the bed frame with one hand for support, with every thrust a ‘Bang bang bang’ was heard as the board slammed against the wall every time, but you didn’t care. You could barely hear anything over the stars in your head from pleasure. Moaning, your nails dug into the muscles of his back, and dragged down slowly, leaving thin pink lines. “Fuck!” He exclaimed at the scratching, the nerves sending more pleasure through him, making him thrust into you even harder. Your breasts bounced wildly as his hips continuously slammed into you, and finally, you felt your climax bubbling in the pit of your stomach.
“Dawon...” You mumbled, but he couldn’t hear you. His curly hair was now flattened and plastered to his forehead, his pink lips parted on ecstasy. Just the sight of his erotic expression was enough to send you over your edge. The edges of your eyes went fuzzy, and you through your head back, digging your nails deeper into his sturdy back muscles.
“Dawon!” You cried out again, wrapping your legs around him, your walls clenching around his member as your reached your tipping point. After your release, you relaxed into him, loosening your grip on his back. Hearing you moan and reach your orgasm, his movements became crazier and faster. With a last thrust, he pulled out and released himself onto your stomach, which you weren’t mad about, because it was totally worth it, but he seemed embarrassed. “Sorry, I’ll clean that up for you.” He said, out of breathe, his muscular but lean chest heaving.
“No it’s okay,” You said, pushing your sweaty hair behind your ear, and sitting up. You took your hand in his again with a smile and a wink
“Let’s go take a shower.”
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