#god i wanna finish this fic so bad purely so i can talk abt spoilers lmao
cryptocism · 1 year
wait so in your early posts about too many thads au you mention that it's unclear whether nine has powers and doesn't use them, or straight up doesn't have you decided which it is yet? (or would that be a spoiler lol)
also yooo the written version is crazy good so far I followed you for yj stuff but didn't know much about the whole impulse/inertia thing so I tended to mostly skip over the too many thads thing even though I was like "oh that's funny lol/cool art" because I just thought it was very confusing but then I saw the written version and decided to try it and by the end of ch2 (most recent at time of sending the ask) I actually understood it and actually was able to pick up on a lot of the undertones so kudos for that! it's really well done + does a great job of bringing in the details from your tumblr posts either as explicitly stated info or as implications :D
(ps. have you heard of the "magnificent bastard" antagonist trope? I feel like it suits three (or at least what he wants you to think about him) very well LOL especially in the comic where he asks six where seven is)
ah thanks so much!!! truly i think the most challenging part of this project has been trying to figure out how to communicate the central idea in the least confusing way possible. (then of course i go ahead and have an idea that complicates the whole mess even further lmao)
in regards to the question about Nine's powers or lack thereof.... ough i dont think theres a way for me to answer it without spoilers unfortunately!! but im so glad you're enjoying it so far!
edit: also i think Magnificent Bastard absolutely describes the way Three wants to be perceived (if not necessarily who he actually is)
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