#god i wanna rp warrior cats again
chumbyy · 4 months
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findyourrp · 9 months
Hi hi hi! My name is Danny and I'm a 19 year old semi-lit to literate writer looking for roleplay partners for the following fandoms (full fandom names included for convenience)
Lego Monkie Kid
Characters: I main MK but I can also play Tang and Sandy if needed.
Plot/prompts: hurt/comfort would be my go-to for this fandom especially with me as Mk and my partner as Wukong. It WILL be angst filled 100%
Romance: Spicynoodles, Shadowpeach, and Freenoodles are my favorites. I won't do any other ships. Romance is not necessary though.
NSFW??: No. Very unlikely. I can be persuaded on this but most likely no.
Characters: I would really only be playing my Oc but I guess I could TRY the canon characters
Plot/prompts: Honestly it'll mostly be fluff because I literally only want my oc to be friends with the canon characters. Almost any canon character will do. A little bit of angst may be included though.
Romance: Not likely. I guess it could happen but idk with who and I don't really care.
NSFW??: No. Not ever with this one. You cannot convince me.
Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Characters: I main Donnie but I can also play the other turtles and Casey Jr.
Plot/prompts: Very very heavy angst and hurt/comfort. I also wanna do my monster AU that I will tell you about later.
Romance: No Not even a little. Unless it's Caprisun...
NSFW??: Ew no. Don't even think about it.
Warrior Cats
Characters: All ocs. No canon characters. None.
Plot/prompts: We'll make this shit up as we go. Fuck it, we ball. Most likely angst and gore though.
Romance: Idk maybe if I'm feline like it.
Infinity Train
Characters: I actually wanna do a crossover rp with any one of the characters from the above mentioned fandoms.
Plot/prompts: Drop a character from a random fandom onto the train and let chaos unravel.
Romance: Idk it depends
NSFW??: Most likely not but again it depends.
Characters: Our ocs obviously. I have standalone ocs or ocs from various fandoms.
Plot/prompts: We'll discuss that later depending on what ocs we pick.
Romance: Depends
NSFW??: Debatable.
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wootzietoozee · 1 year
hey so are we ever going to talk about what happened at the end of stream 12 again or did everyone collectively forget about it 😭 i have my own ideas personally but i wanna know your opinion on it
ah yes. stream 12. aka the stream that ended in you mourning the potential death of b-po and gaslighting me into thinking fandrew was dead for roughly two weeks straight. fun times
but poking fun at rainb aside, i think this stream was pretty neat!! i have a lot of thoughts about the whole stream in general, so i'm gonna talk about em all, because why the hell not
first i wanna point out that this is the first (as so far, the Only) stream that's a solo stream. with just one person streaming. not a fandroid and melody stream, no special guests replacing fandroid, just melody playing warrior cats rp in the vents alone. it's a very interesting change of pace, compared to the other ones.
speaking of melody being in the vents, there's the whole "fandroid leaving the panic room" thing. melody said that he left to look for frogbot iirc, but we're not given very many details beyond that. personally i believe that melody and fandroid had some sort of argument a few days before the stream that ended in fandroid storming off (rolling off?), and melody just retreated to the vents to calm down.
(also, i think it'd be a crime if i didn't mention b-po talking about 404's sexy sexy legs. that man is a bisexual, yes sir, and his boyfriend is a british error message.)
and then we have the ending with bpo's speech to melody. oh boy.
with the sound of b-po's voice and some of the things mentioned in chat ("i...am fighting him.") i always thought that 404 and bpo had some big fight/confrontation that led to bpo retreating and barricading himself somewhere. stream 13 probably deconfirms that, but there's still the chance that bpo and 404 could have that fight.
also, bpo telling melody to stay safe even though he hates her...god. my heart 😭
anyway, that's alex's thoughts on stream 12 in the 2023 fandroid canon. peace
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spikeinthepunch · 2 years
Bay Of Gods (unused RP/campaign concept)
i totally forgot i wanted to share this. after i shut down my last RP server, i also knew i wasnt going to go through with this cat-centric RP too. it was one i actually had in mind before ARP and was not warriors, but just cats in general. it was heavily inspired by Paradise Rising, but i didn't get too into the development aside from basic concepts.
Below, i have pasted all the information i wrote about it (with header titles to seperate) and i quite liked what i had here! Since i am not doing cat related RP i dont wanna leave this completely hidden- plot and characters will likely never be touched on again. Things like magic system are things i basically took from Cryptolalia, and the rest is all quite specific to the RP set up.
The Pitch (general RP info and function)
Bay of Gods is a RP server that takes heavy D&D influences and nostalgia for fantasy xenofiction. Inspirations from other ARPGs on DeviantART are also apparent, with optional points to make art or write in order to develop your character! In BoG, there will be one opening and you will have one character. Once closed, the RP will go until it concludes or if too little players are left to carry the story.
Washed up on the shores of an unknown island, a group of cats are awoken from their slumber on the beach by a calling. Whether they stepped off the nearby shipwreck or stumbled out of a shipping crate carried by the sea- they all face the same fate, stranded and unfamiliar with what the island before them holds.
Not unlike what D&D campaigns offer, you will be given “sessions” to play through with all the other players- it will include scenarios similar to D&D where players will need to roll dice numbers for attacks, along with facing key story points where players will likely have to make big decisions or witness them. Dice and health are a very simple system, with stats that may affect the outcome in planned sessions, but is often optional for most interactions. Players will face consequences to their actions, and while no one will die without a proper warning, players interested must be aware that there may be permanent changes to their character if they go through with their actions… The world of BoG has a lot to offer to them, and it's often worth the risk.
The RP will provide two ways to engage: the first way being through sessions, where players are expected to RP a minimum of five posts in order to be considered active in the overall server. These sessions will likely occur every few months and may span 2-5 weeks depending on the content. The second way is through casual location channels, describing various points around the setting, where players can RP outside of the events in a liquid time setting in order to build relationships and simply explore at their own pace.
All in all, this RP aims to create a narrative with a small group of players, hoping to bring those who play together through events and world building. Players will have a minimum activity requirement to reach unless they want their character killed off, and the RP will only open again if the numbers fall too low.
The plot outline (with spoilers)
BOG is a D&D inspired cat RP where the players have been thrown onto an isolated, tropical island. It is unknown how they got here- implied through shipwreck and other accidents. The world is on Earth, based during the late 1700s, but these details are only vague to the player and only here to imply that technology would not exist to help them.
Every cat awoke on the island due to a “calling”. Something woke them from their slumber on the beach and it is one of two things- the call of the great below, the deep dark blue… or the call of the skies high above, beyond the horizon. From that moment every cat is assigned a magical fate, one they will come to learn through the RP. This in a sense, is the “passive” story- the one tied to your OC. But will affect the “active” story as well if you indulge in it further.
The cats start to explore and learn who these “calls” were from, and are greeted by two godly figures- Above and Below. WHile the cats are not strictly separated into groups, these gods will technically separate characters for events and magical instances.
The gods hand to them information about the island and how they are trapped. They tell them that it was their fate, and that they are to find a special power within themselves that no other mortal on earth has learned. It was only a matter of time, and the gods are a bit bored. The players will ease into the RP with this introduction, given time to hang out and get to know others casually before being led on their first proper session. It is likely the RP will give various hints to the players’ “magic” before jumping fully into an event, meeting each god in a smaller event, before being presented with the full first plot event.
Short plot summary: Players start to learn about Above and Below, two gods who have been stuck to this island to guard. Their powers exist on the island in a physical form and they cannot leave. What the players dont know is that their magic is also tied to it- their Haloes and powers are from the source and with it, the gods intended to leave in order to escape the confines of the vessel- by passing on their guardianship to the mortals… During these times the cats are learning about ancient lore on the island, hinting at a potential past group of cats who never made it far enough, leaving info about Haloes and the gods.
But the reality is, these two gods had been forced to guard the vessel of power in order to stop others from taking it away- especially Between, a god who wished to acquire the powers themself.
(spoilery part ahead- not it is greatly unfinished with plot holes)
NOT EVERYTHING BUT: Above and Below had fought off Between in order to keep the vessel on earth safe. But in the conflict, they all attempted to use the power of the vessel to banish each other away for ever- resulting in the vessel tangling up Above and Below to Earth, to guard it forever, while Between was cast into their own realm (The In Between) as punishment.
Above and Below became accustomed to guarding the vessel, knowing it was their duty. But the pair knew they couldn’t do this forever, they couldn’t guard it alone as the years went by and Between could be closer to returning. Above eagerly comes the idea of pulling together the players, to stumble across their island, and learn about their own powers- all mortals have haloes, but few will learn of them unless they are close to the vessel. But Above and Below bicker on both sides on what is right or wrong to do, and as this conflict builds, players start to hear mutters of the true intentions- which sound all but malicious out of context.
Players will be presented with the out of context story, driven to explore for the “vessel” themselves, where they accidentally fall into… The In Between- a realm that has seemingly opened beneath their feet. It looks like a mirror to their own world, with a strange haze about it. It is IN the vessel itself, a small pocket guarded by the powers within to stop them from leaving, but not allowing them to contain any of its powers.
The cats find a third god who reveals to them that Above and Below had been banished to Earth in the first place, to learn a lesson, but had also forced Between into a realm of his own. They are disappointed in their antics and Above’s wish to make the mortals guard the vessel so they can abandon them on the island. The god asks the mortals to help them leave the mortal plane in order to deal with the two… offered the option to deny or help him.
(If) accepted, Players will find Between attacking Above and Below. Players can choose who to defend on attack, trying to learn which story is true. Between dowes slowly unfurl themselves to being evil, as the vessel quakes and reacts to them trying to take its power. ABove and Below eventually properly express the situation- that Between had been locked up, not them, because they had planned to use the vessel with greed. They simply needed help from the mortals to keep it at bay, they didn’t want to abandon them.
This would end the story but leave an opening to a potential sequel.
God descriptions
Small mew-like white cat creature
God of death & light
Large, serpent creature of dark blue colors, tiny eyes, big teeth
God of life & darkness
(never described Between)
aaand thats it. i had some information regarding the magic, which was basically a 'lite' version of what i have in Cryptolalia.... so i wont describe that here, since i plan to reuse most of those ideas.
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Getting to know me(me) (again-ish??)
One; Name/alias --
Real name is Nunya Biz, but I go by Infi or Ilma, depending on where folk know me from.
Two; Birthday --
Sep. 1st! I have no idea why the date feels satisfying, but it does.
Three; Zodiac Sign --
Virgo (Aug 23rd to Sep 22nd)
Four; Height --
I have no idea for sure, but apparently around 5 foot 4.
Five; Hobbies --
I have a lot. Besides RP and MMOs, I write fanfiction and original fiction, draw traditional and digital art, sew, collect porcelain dolls and various figures, and I write music as a side pursuit.
Then there's the cooking and baking... Don't get me started on reading. And crochet. And misc. miniature crafting. Or the other video games...
Six; Favorite Colors --
I'd have to say my favorite color of all time is pink. Hot pink, soft pink, pastel pink, neon pink, magenta to salmon... I love pink.
I also love reds and oranges and purples. Blues also come in closely; yellow is a color I'm very much "meh" on. Green... Overall, I'd say I hate it in general terms fjfjshhsjdjfh
Forest green, neon green, or pastel green. Any other greens are greens I Dislike:tm:
Seven; Favorite Books --
I haven't read it in a while, but I remember that I loved "The Cat Who..." series. It was just a fun time. I should read them again...
Warriors was another that I was head over heels for, a while back. Never finished the series, though -- I got to the end of the third arc, read a couple of the extra books, then fell out of reading them.
"The Secret Piano" is also a good book, but it's... Not so much a fiction book than a translated autobiography by Zhu Xiao-Mei. It was a bit of a difficult read (for me, at least), but it's definitely a good book to read if you're interested in what happened during the cultural revolution in China.
Eight; Last Song Listened To --
LittleJayneyCakes' cover of Regardless, Cannon Busters' ending theme.
Nine; Last Film Watched --
Oh god I don't remember. We're gonna count the last film that I chose to watch, since that's easier to remember. Think it was called "Olden Time"? It was an animated short film about an uhhhhh... think of Lumiere and Cogsworth from BatB? YEAH. Except with a TV and a windup cat doll. Old 50s-ish era TV set gets tossed out, meets a little windup cat doll. Things go from there.
It's a cute little bit of animation! Also sad at bits. I don't remember how it went, really, it's been around a year, at LEAST since I've seen it, but it was good. Do recommend.
Ten; Inspiration for Muse --
I've got so many, you'd have to ask for specifics, but a short list:
Eloise, Narua, Nim, Berriath, Tabitha, Carmen, and Fraeswys were based off of original/previous characters I've had in the past.
The rest are original to FFXIV-verse, and the starting point for them always has been "let's take a hook and build off that" (i.e, Yellow Dove: Maelstrom. Sechen: Xaela. Ryoko: Astrologan and Geisha.)
Eleven; Dream Job --
I don't remember if I've said it on my blog before, but my DREAM dream job would be as a paramedic.
My second dream job and the one I'm actually shooting for is to be a piano teacher. It's just... I love it so much, and the thought of passing on that knowledge and helping other people work to play it is just something that makes me happy. It won't be easy, but I'd think it rewarding.
Twelve; Meaning Behind URL --
Uh. Um. Hm. Yeah. I think it's obvious. Self explanatory.
My username tends to be Infiniteleft, and I play FFXIV now, so.... Yeah. Actually, you can also find my BNS blog simply by changing ffxiv for BNS. There's screenshots of Taiwoo (original Tabi), Carmen, AND Nim up there, I think. Alongside a couple of shitposts.
As for "Infiniteleft".... I have NO IDEA why I went with this, but. From what I've been told I told people, I really liked the infinity symbol when I was younger, and I'm left-handed, so I mushed them together because I needed a username. After a previous set of aliases which I won't disclose for the sake of my own peace of mind, this one stuck.
Tagged by: @benes-diction had an open tag so I went ham. Hi Jonesy.
Tagging: Gonna leave this one open, too, actually, with respect towards some people just wanting privacy for the first set of questions. If you wanna do it tho. Please. Go wild.
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missmonkeymode · 5 years
My story with google + since its ending soon
So, first things first. How did I get on google plus in the first place? Honestly I'm not fully sure, I think it was a mix of youtube being glued onto google plus, my brother using it, and maybe being lonely I don't fully know. I remember the first thing I did, it was basically add a bunch of pokemon stuff to my feed and follow my brother. Nothing much really happened then, but the more important part is what happened a little bit later, like a couple of months after I made the account. I found a group of people who roleplayed warrior cats. I know, warrior cats. I was intrigued by the thought of roleplaying, since it was like a joint story (in my eyes at least). I immediately joined and made my first oc ever. Her name was Ivy, she's a young cat who hated everything and everyone and was weirdly strong. I made her design in a dolldevine thing. Funny thing though, I didn't even read one book about warrior cats before I joined the group.
That was technically the first time I had internet friends. I remember thinking that everyone was like, cool older teenagers but I found out recently that the closest friend I had was literally 2 years older than me  so who would've thought. Eventually, the community got more and more inactive, and we just stopped. We stopped roleplaying with each other, and I think I was the only one who stuck with google plus from that group weirdly. This lasted until like, mid 2015 I wanna say? I dont't fully remember, but it doesn't fully matter, just by 2015 we split up.
So mid 2015 to early 2016 I literally remember nothing from them except liking minecraft youtubers (VAGUELY THO). All I do remember is getting kicked from this one group for breaking the rules once, but screw them right? I was messing around on youtube, and I found Jacksepticeyes playthrough of undertale in February of 2016. I fell in love with undertale. To be honest, I think that was one of the most intense hyper fixation I've ever had oopsie. I started following anything related to Undertale, including rp blogs since I knew what they were. Then I found someone who roleplayed Ink Sans.
Now about 7th grade me: I wasn't at the best place if I'm honest. I didn't have any friends, mostly what I did was read since I didn't have a phone at the time, I was extremely antisocial, and all I remember is like, the only time I had fun at school was watching the theatre kids dick around in theatre class even though I was too timid to actually say hi.
7th grade me was a different person than now me, even though I still have some traits from older me. But hey we ain't here to hear kit talk about how she thinks her life changed and junk we here about g+ baybee
So when I found this Ink Sans roleplayer, I checked out their blog since I was really into undertale aus and Ink Sans was new to me. I immediately followed after I saw their content. I was in awe, this person was a great rper, was everything 7th grade me wished to be (funny, confident, friendly, all that good jazz), and they liked undertale. I started commenting on their post, and we became friends. I remember becoming friends with them, and befriending their friends. I still know who they are to this day, and I still follow them even if we're not really friends anymore. Eventually the Ink Sans rper made a group where their friends hung out, and you can imagine how shocked and excited I was. Who'd like plain old Kit, all she does is read. But nevertheless, I dedicated the good chunk of 2016 in that group.
Overtime, I learned everyones name and stopped referring to them as their character. Ink Sans's mun's name was Uki, a Gaster Sans became Izzy, a Flowey became a Cy, etc etc. Everyone was older than me, I was the youngest in the group. I remember good things about that place, but one thing I don't remember is how horny e veryone was besides me. Lowkey I think because of skeleporn that they posted that I use to get fluseterd when thinking of sans f. So people were chilling on the server, then Uki got into homestuck. SHe got the others into homestuck, and I believe I was the last one to get into it (mostly because of my brother lol). So we all were posting about homestuck, and as a joke, Uki invited as many Eridan rpers to the server (since she had a crush on eridan lol) and eventually a dude named Myth joined. I'm a mutual to him on tumblr now so thats poppin. Myth is a good friend but he wasn't the quietest person. Eventually because of how rowdy it got, Uki's mom found out about the server and banned her from social media.
Everyone was devastated after that, especially her boyfriend Cy, and that launched the group into a weird limbo where we'd talk to each other and still be friends outside of the group, but not actually be active in the group. Officially it died in summer of 2016, but if I had to say when it died, I would say late winter after Uki left it died. 2016 came and went, and now its 2017 with a good chunk of friends still being into homestuck, so we decided to start roleplaying together as homestuck ocs. That's when things get weird and take a turn towards the sour.
So Izzy, the person who was gaster, started dating this papyrus roleplayer, who we called pap. Myth Introduced us to some more people and then yeah. OH WAIT I FORGOT TO MENTION LOGAN AND LGBT! So this group was the first time I figured out that the lgbt community existed, and Logan was a Pansexual gal who had a lot of drama irl but overall was pretty chill. BACK TO THE STORY!
So everyone had an oc, and everyone was at various places in their roleplaying life. Some people they were great at it, some people didn't start rping until the group started, some people were rusty at it but has some expirence (that twas me).  Because of this group I opened up MSPaint and actually figured out how it worked and start using it. It was fun but some people were..... unsavory to be kind. What I'm going to say in the spoilers contains tw of being sexually gross and suicide.
Around spring Izzy and Pap's relationship started getting shakey, and Izzy wanted to break up with Pap. At the time I had no idea what happened, but apparently Pap threatened Izzy with suicide if she did break up with him.  Izzy told Logan about it, and Logan told everyone to unfollow him. I didn't since I didn't know what was happening, but Pap was shunned from the group and I have no idea what they're doing today. It was a good thing to, his character were gross. Again, I didn't realize it at the time but like, his homestuck characters were fucking WILD. If I remember correctly (and i do) one of his characters tried to hump other characters and yeah that was bad. I made my character punch him and was bout to rip off his troll dick so yeah I did register that that was bad, but I didn't realize the gravity of it. Also another one of his characters kidnapped another character and had them as a sex slave maybe? yeah so good riddance to him.
Tl;DR Pap was gross and bad, so he's gone.
So like, late 2017, the rp group went inactive and some people I still know and talk to. A guy called Muff that joined later is still a good friend of mine. But that split up, and each person just stopped using google+ all together. All that really stayed was Myth, Izzy, and Muff. Logan had something happened with an ex and now deleted her account. I don't know what happened to her, all that she's safe. Cy just slowly moved to a new site, and we didn't stay in contact. 2018 rolled in, and I decided to be more out there and like, try to actually do things irl so that's where I changed from middle school Kit to Kit right now. I still used google+, I found some more friends whom are way better than some of the people who I interreacted with in 2017. Nothing eventful happened that year, but it was an amazing year nevertheless. Now early summer 2018 happened and i found jojo's bizarre adventure, and to my surprise some of my newer friends liked jojo! So we bonded over that, somehow passed them while reading/watching it, and life is going good. Then the announcement thhat google+ is ending happened.
Everyone, and when I say everyone I mean everyone, freaked out. A little bit about google+ culture is that you can literally become friends with everyone no matter follower count or post, it was a great place to make friends. Everyone was in a tizy about how they were going to keep their friends since nobody wanted to lose them. Another thing about google+ culture is how terrible the site is. To anyone here who's familiar with tumblr, imagine the tumblr staff but they dont fix bugs and don't care much about the site, and that's honestly the google+ staff. So everyone jokes about how the site is bad, there was a meme that was created to poke fun at the bugs (it was gold stars), and everyone said "when will this god forsaken site ended". Literally at first nobody knew if the announcement was real or not thats how much people joked about the end of google plus.
According to an article, the original end date was going to be in August. This was announced early this year, so people had time to plug other social media and things like that. But, that wasn't the fate of google+. Somehow someone leaked information about some users, so the google+ team decided to end it earlier. Tomorrow google plus won't be google plus, it'll be google business. Luckily I got peoples twitter and tumblr and all that jazz but.... damn. Who would've thought that google plus would end. None of us certainly did.
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kuroandtheguys · 6 years
QUOTES (as in things i’ve said, not necessarily original things but things ive said.) FROM MUN HIKARY,HER DAD AND CLASSMATES AS RP STARTERS:
"get your fuck boy out of my house"
"Listen here you fuck nugget"
"don't touch me you bafoon"
"leave the soul alone"
"i got some shoes from my drug dealer, i dont know what he laced them with but i've been tripping all day...."
"Sure thing Chew-Brocka"
"the beatings will continue until morale improves."
"looking to protect yourself or deal some damage?"
"The egg-salts?"
"much cheese cake"
"baby,princess, dear,dearest. Do me a favorite and get your head out of my ass"
"Whats up gays!"
"Its 1 get the fuck up you lil shit"
"its a porch...not a deck....."
"when one plays the earth game twister one finds out more about the other's than they wanted"
"pain is your reward for being near me."
"oh it's the nasty crime boi"
"follow the yellow-dick road"
"these jokes arent the only thing that suck"
"stupid controls! I said walk to the side not jump off the cliff"
"Zarkon unhand my space father"
"sadness is merely a part of life."
"they're gonna play Mario cart"
"that's how friendship dies"
"Space Dad jokes are out of this world"
"space dad part of a balanced breakfast"
" i wonder whats over here, oh its plot"
"not all wood resists magic damage"
"destroy us all!"
"i could pee in a bucket and tell him it's beer."
"i would fuck lance because who wouldn't"
"Fite me!"
"fuck Shiro because, just look at him. Who wouldn’t?"
"I am tumblr senpai"
"Why is he grinding?!"
"They bonded by beating the shit out of eachother."
"ah ah put those grabby hands away." (wow without context that sounds really dirty)
"if I have social anxiety and YOU have social anxiety then who's going to order the food?"
"now if they made space dad shaped mac and cheese i wouldnt mind so much"
"it could be 1 of 2 things metal leg or morning wood"
"i like chicks not dicks"
"why cant you just say vagina?"
"Ok so if you ever need a break from your mech with a watersport kink let me know."
"I love you" "dude thats gay..." "we are litterly having sex"
"watch your mouth you little shit"
"yes daddy dearest"
"Let me hug you space child"
"i must adopt this lost space child"
"soft and warm space dad"
"omg your so extra"
"hgn those claws he could just rip me apart"
"we can go inside"
"i wouldn't want to expose you"
"he's see more of your girlfriend than you have"
"we had a bonding moment i punched you in the face!"
"I ate my school"
"this limp noodle"
"You wanna ride my huge dragon"
"and i don't know....somethin' bout friendship..."
"Tid be a pitty if i killed him off"
"you've been shanked" "..with a ruler..."
"did you just giggle your boobs at me?"
"It was an earth shattering shit"
"I am the pumpkin gardian"
"Hold my beer and watch this mother fucker
"Careful nuts make you swell, just ask your sister"
"My dad the crack dealer"
"balls deep in an au"
"Don't fuck on my expensive leather couch you cunts"
"He's a perceptive hoe"
"blubbering balls of teenage awkwardness"
"What can I say except~ FUCK OFF"
"I am the alpha dad"
"thats a kick in the danger clam"
"your gonna get your weiner stuck in the baby gate"
"I'm taking you back to the pound"
"I'm so sorry the princess had his feelings hurt"
“Hey demons, it’s ya boi, Satan. Give me the homie back”
"my name is stan, im satan"
"I Came Here For A Good Time And All I Got Was Porn"
"it went from warm to freezing because snow miser is shitting on us"
"Near death can be fixed with ducktap"
"I don't remember what I did with my pants"
"It smells" "You smell" "Your face smells" "You almost got punched I'm the face"
"Bueno bear"
“Gently bullied him into submission”
*Holds up fishing pole and bubbles* hookers and blow.
"To hard, to thick. I'd get hair stuck in my teeth" "...don't ever say that in public."
"Even lesbians like babies"
"My dad is like a fun vampire"
You are a steampunk blood warrior with a plan"
"You are a steampunk blood warrior with a flan"
"You've been hit by you've been struck by a smooth lesbian"
"You just made the inquisitior gay" "Yes" 5 minutes later "So what else us on the table" "The inquisitior"
"Did...did you just call the Cat a butt plug?"
"not like that you kinky fuck"
"kinky princess Matthew holt and his fluffy sidekick Mr whiskers."
"I'm gay and I'm ready to party"
"You founded a country on cocaine and prostitution?"
"You know what looks delicious" "What" "Your tight ass" "Your a hoe, like ben" "_ lemme smash"
"Human Sacrifice is always an option if you aren't a weak little bitch."
"Last time you had an imaginary friend I'm pretty sure it was a demon"
" I don't want to be propositioned by you in private!"
"Don't vore the dogs"
"Surely not everyone was kung-fu fighting" "They were" "..we're they fast as lightning?" "No they were slow, Tai Chi mother fucker"
"There’s a train of thought but it’s been de railed and Billy the kid robbed it."
"Shes just where burgers go to die"
"Im a priest to our lady of sin and this is my seeing eye dragon"
"Hello nightmares my old freind"
"they took some scaly lizard dick"
"I would go to Satan jazz club"
"Gandalf the off white"
"Stop kicking my puppy"
"You sleep darted that man in the dick"
"i didn't hit puberty...i just kinda shook it's hand"
"Tall, dark, warm and edgy. The perfect dad"
"Cerberus thinks he's a lap dog"
"thank god for incredible upper body strength"
"No ship wars. I multi ship like an adult" "Am I an adult I poly ship?" "Yes"
" my flaccid dagger"
"He's running around like a squirrel on crack"
"Could you please acidenly flex somewhere else your distracting me"
"It is the first day of Christmas fucker"
"Don't make me beat ypu with egg nog"
"Why did it suddenly become British?"
"Slav tellaported from another dimension to punch you in the arm"
"Floating kingdom of dabalon"
"I like my nightshade pomegranate flavored"
"dont dab on my boobs"
"The first vampire ran into the sun"
"I need a pocket sendak"
"Four score and 7 years ago our founding pirates"
"Been fueling up on....."
"Life is a highway?"
"the lyrics are coke and whiskey dumb ass"
"all i want for Christmas is the dreamiest daddy."
"patience yields fucking"
"Gray haired man on a house coming through" "I tottally thought you said gay haired man"
"Oh... mood"
"You wrap presents like a blind t rex"
"i take a look at me enormous-"
"white privilege."
"I swear to all of the gods I'm going to climb you like a fucking vine"
"The pellar, he uh.... loves his goat"
"whispers goat fuckerrrr"
"sleeping with slytherins" "dont you mean sirens?" "same fucking thing"
"No one told you life was gonna be this-" "Gay?"
"I am truly the hobo on top of the polar express" "No your the homo ontop of the polar express" "Can't she be a homo hobo?"
"Kinkshame me harder"
“Kinkshame me harder spicy papa”
"Male griffin returns and is like what the fuck did you do to my wife"
"Drug cloud please disperse"
"Just cause I'm gay dosent mean the cake needs to be"
"Just cause I'm gay dosent mean the cake needs to be"
"Right in the paw patroler"
"Stuffed em up Mr patato head's butt"
"feed me"
"i swear if you start singing-"
"must be blood"
"here she gose again"
"must be fresh"
"i dont wanna hear this"
"Get on the fucking dragon or I will leave you in this tower"
"Vivia le roi" "LONG LIVE THE REVALUATION" "No.... long live the king"
"I'm a senior my vote counts more"
"I am gentle snek"
"The boner wizzard is a girl" "That's a dragon" "Girl dragon"
"my father the actual 5 year old" "thats right 5 times a whole bunch"
"why..... is your icon a crotch buldge?"
"Layers" "Like an oinion" "Yes and their all gonna make you cry"
"You blushing" "I'm pasty and I burn in the sun anytime I go out." "So your burned..?" "Yes fucker"
 "You should be careful dancing around with those daggers when I'm throwing fire" "It won't hurt me. It's friendly fire"
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You have Warrior cats ocs?
I made whole clans. I invented my own setting with my new clans. The only thing tying them to the original universe was that StarClan was called StarClan and that they’re cats who live in elaborate hierarchies and fight each other and have heterosexual relationship drama constantly.
So I had six Clans, and two Tribes. Each tribe was three of the clans - so the clans within each Tribe kept to their own territories, patrolled their borders, didn’t intermingle too much, but it wasn’t a deathly scandal if a cat mated with a cat from another clan, as long as you shared a tribe. Inter-tribal rivalries were…….Murder. Death. Hate. ThunderClan-ShadowClan first series throwdowns and hate.
The two tribes were SummerTribe and WinterTribe. The three Winter clans were IceClan, RainClan, and MountainClan. The three Summer clans were FireClan, MarshClan, and…..fuck what was the last one? Fuck. Uh. WhateverClan. 
SO. I populated all of these clans with names, and then I had my main cast. And the context here is important. These clans were long established, founded by cats who bore those names - Firewhatever, Rainwhatever, Whateverwhatever. And like, once that happens, no one names their kids with that prefix. Like there’s no ThunderClan cats named Thunderwhatever. That’s like Mary Sue style. (I generally don’t like the term “Mary Sue” but I’m gonna apply it to my own characters as I see fit.)
You can probably guess where I’m going with this: my main cast was six cats. Icewhatever, Firewhatever, Mountainwhatever, Marshwhatever, Rainwhatever, Whateverwhatever.
There was no reason for this. If there was some kinda prophecy bullshit that these idiots were supposed to fulfill, I don’t remember having one. Like there was no reason they were named like this and I didn’t justify it and I just kept rolling with it because fuckit those names were cool.
Icepaw was my main character. She was a light blue cat. Cats aren’t that color. We just fucking roll with it. The story started off with her receiving her warrior name, Iceheart. Did the leader hate her? Maybe. Like who does that to a cat. “Yeah your name is Iceheart. I don’t like you and I want you to be friendless because everyone will hear your name and think you’re a dick. Iceheart. Heart of ice. Icy heart. Yeah that’s a good name. Well done, me.”
I mean Iceheart was kind of a dick but I don’t know whether that was correlation or causation. Could be either.
So her two bffs were Rain… Rainpelt? Rainpelt, and IT WAS STONECLAN NOT MOUNTAINCLAN FUCK okay her best friends were Rainpelt and Stonelord. Iceheart and Stonelord had a fling, and then they broke up because of heterosexual nonsense: Iceheart fell for gasp a cat from the other tribe! HOW DARE SHE. SHUN. His name was Fire-eye and he was a fucking dipshit but he was sweet and funny and fucking. Ice and Stone over here like
Like thematically you know that Ice and Stone is not going to be a warm and fluffy, good, relationship. It just isn’t and I was way more into the thematics of Fire and Ice. So Iceheart dumped Stonelord and there was Drama and Fire-eye’s best friends, Marsh….Marshpelt? Then Rainpelt wouldn’t have been that. Uh. I’ll look up the details in the folders on my external hard drive from two laptops ago later, but I wanna run this from memory now. MARSHFUR we’ll call him Marshfur. And Leafwhatever, I’m not gonna try to remember her name. Marshfur and Leafwhatev weren’t very fleshed out characters. They existed so that Fire-eye would have friends. They were in a relationship. It was drama-free, because Fire-eye, Iceheart, and Stonelord used up literally all of the drama that was in the universe. No one else can have drama. These three have a monopoly on heterosexual nonsense.
Side note: like “Iceheart” is a bad name but also naming your kid “Marshkit” is like….why. Just call him Mudkit why don’t you. At least it isn’t Bogkit or Mirekit or Swampkit. WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY SWAMPCLAN TERRITORY if I ever did anything with Warriors ever again I’d have a SwampClan, led by Onionstar. WAIT NO, led by Allstar. Fuck you.
Anyway I never got to a plot resolution. Sometimes I waffled on Fire-eye and Iceheart having kids because drama. Eventually I gave Stonelord a gf named Honeysomething. They were cute. Stonelord got to be less of a dick as time went on, and Iceheart inversely became more of a dick. Stonelord’s just trying to get on with life with his sweet girlfriend and Iceheart just keeps popping out of nowhere screaming “AND ANOTHER THING” at him and honestly I hope Rainpelt found better friends.
Anyway all of the six became clan leaders so they were all Icestar, Firestar (heh), Marshstar, Stonestar, Rainstar, and Leafstar.
Skip ahead several generations. Setting: some AIM RPs I did with my bff @scattereddreamer. She had some of her own original clans too maybe? Whatever. Anyway we had our two Kits of Prophecy. Hers was Icekit, mine was Aurapaw. What the fuck do cats know about auras anyway? I mean they’re all kind of hippie stoner cats with the “go to sleep around a rock/a pond and commune with our dead ancestors” thing but honestly. I don’t fucking know. Aurapaw. Her siblings all had normal names. I think there was Smokepaw and Wolfpaw and someone else. They weren’t important to this. 
So anyway, Icekit and Aurapaw were learning that they were prophecized by chatting with their ancestors - my six ‘stars whose life drama you have read, and then SD’s four. She also had an Icestar. So there were two Icestars and an Icekit because fuck you.
Anyway there wasn’t much actual “learn about your destiny” going on because it was mostly “Icestar and Stonestar continue their heterosexual nonsense, part 73.4, the redux, right back at you with this shit.” Like you assholes are dead Icestar your mate is right there hi Firestar right fucking there and you’re going at it with your ex because neither of you knows how to let go and you both live for drama to the detriment of literally everyone ever around you. 
When she was feeling super petty which was all the time, Icestar would call him “Stoneheart” like bruh your name is Iceheart don’t go around trying to tell Stonelord “ha your heart is stone” by making up a new name for him, your given name was literally Iceheart. You trashcan. You absolute fool.
I think, in terms of real-world chronology, those RPs happened before I gave Stonelord his mate so back then he was just a forever alone douchecanoe still hung up on his ex after all these years, including all nine of their deaths and then however long eternity has been so far. God, eternity sucks. 
And those were my Warrior Cats OCs.
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musesfromnippon · 7 years
   { So I’m still awake and thinking... “You know, until I get those about pages set up, why not write short bits that sum up the muse?” So that’s what I’m doing.     Expect some of these to be a bit ridiculous, cause I haven’t slept yet. }
Amenominakanushi: The Dad of all Dads. He’s gonna drop some wisdom on you and also be really vague sometimes. I bet he knows too much about everything.
Inari-okami: Gender doesn’t exist, especially for them. Feel free to refer by she/her, he/him, or they/them. Foxes are friends and also the thieves of your missing socks. Might adopt you like Ammy does, but less “parent” type and more “party uncle/aunt with a glass of sake in one hand.”
Nuregami: Pure bean who is here to make sure things are going okay...with the water, of course! She’s a little awkward around people. Family, save her.
Kabegami: Will climb everything tall that you own, including you, if you’re tall. Hope you like cats; she’s got a lot of kitty friends. Will steal any seafood you have...or just give it to her. Make a new friend.
Sakuya: Guardian of the trees and wishing she could do a bit more with her life. Still, she knows all the secrets of Kamiki. All. Of. Them. Become her gossip buddy, it’ll be worth your time. But be careful of what you want to know about....
Kushi: Came home to raise her sons and brew sake...and her adopted son left to figure out his past while her other child is probably learning things he shouldn’t from his father. Brew so good it can get the gods wasted, so beware....
Camellia & Camille: The traveling sisters who visit Guardian Saplings around Nippon! Camellia being the elder sister and Camille being the younger and who is also super up to date on that kami stuff. Big sis is waaaay behind, yo.
Princess Fuse: Princess of the canines and the boss of Kusa Village. Totally. Also OkamiDen isn’t canon, so there’s no acting going on here. Only a woman trying to keep her warrior-dogs in line and encourage them to keep protecting their home!!!
Kaguya: Just your average space princess from the moon, no big deal. Also one of few remaining Lunarians after some massive bullshit that somebody pulled and our bets are either on Orochi or Yami...... So yeah, now she’s the ruler of the shambles of her home and kinda needs to get on fixing that. Sometime soon, hopefully.
Queen Himiko: She may be dead in Okami canon, but now is the time to say, “fUCK SHE MAY BE DEAD....but that’s what we have past RPs and AU threads for.” Anyways, she’s a badass who rules the throne while her husband plays with demon fangs, so know who’s the powerful one around Sei’an City... Cause it’s her.
Kamo & Abe: Some Tao Troopers who serve under Waka. Just remember that Abe is the ditz and Kamo is the cool, collected dude you can trust with anything. Abe would probably sell all of your secrets for a dinner at Sei’an’s finest. Abe is a DORK.
Queen Oto: Remember kids, “Otohime” is “Princess Oto”, so technically she’s “Queen Oto” now, a’right?? ANYWHO. You know Himiko and how badass she is/was? Well, here comes Queen Oto, ready to LAY DOWN THE LAW OF BADASSERY. Cause she changed into a huge fucking dragon while preggo to help the sun kami and her bouncing friend fight off a God Complex Ninetails. She’s also a widowed, single mother and that kid is gonna be just as incredible as she is. Damn.
Tobi: Speaking of the Ninetails, that big bro had a cool dude working for him...and that guy, was a demonic slip of paper. Who liked to race! And helped you to the top with those races!! LONG LIVE TOBI!!! So yeah, he’s stickin’ around here and ready to hand out some flowers.
Samickle: Yo, you won’t believe this, but.... This guy is the Oina chief now. Crazy, right?! Yeah... He’s also sorta engaged. Just some fanficy shit, dON’T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT, GOSH.
Tuskle: They made her as a one-off priestess in-game.... And then I came along and went, “Mine now.” So now we’re gonna get a badass shaman in this group, helping people heal, giving advice, and lowkey being a mom to everyone. Someone’s gotta!
Ayame: The OkamiDen one-off to play really hardcore on your emotions, while also tying into a story nobody knows about... Again though, I’m taking her. She’s mine now. Imma make her cute as hell and ya’ll gonna have to love her now!!! (Don’t worry, you will naturally. Ayame is too cute and pure. Gotta love them pure peeps~)
Kuni: He was the son of Susano and Kushi...until he revealed he actually wasn’t, he’s just adopted. We can either talk about this crazy kiddo and his attempts to figure out who he really is...or just get our butts into the future, where he’s a damn good swordsman and a handsome boi.
Nanami: The Dragonians continue to be badass and elegant...and Nanami’s here to hammer that point home. Hope you like water and water hair, cause that’s what you’re getting here, bucko. She’s real cute, though. Prepare to be charmed.
Kagu: OkamiDen may have flopped in story, but DAMN if all their girls ain’t #goals! Our little actress-miko Kagu, back at it again with her incredible powers, eventual (possible) heir to the Sei’an throne, and also getting a little sweeter with the acceptance of who she is. Confidence out the wazoo and it looks GOOD for her!!
Kurow: ...Blease protect my boy..... He did not deserve what canon gave him...... So now he’s gonna be coddled here and protected... Probably for a week or two. Then we toss him to the angst hounds. Also should mention all of the kid partners (including this rad dude) have “adult AUs” so... That’s a thing.
Sugawara: Hey, if Capcom could maybe like....stop hurting my babes from the Moon Tribe, that’d be rad, okay? That’s gonna be my job, dudes. SO. Denying canon a bit? Maybe. Mostly just wanna set this guy free... Maybe get him a date. He’s too attractive to be single I mEAN WHAT--
Dark Chibiterasu: Remember that bit? At the end? Well, screw that, too, cause I’m gonna make my own dark Chibi. He’s sorta his own entity now, though. How you interact with him, shapes how he’s gonna be, so.... Play with him wisely! Else you’re gonna be at fault if he grows up to be a very bad pupper.
(Oh hey, it’s the OC section. We made it this far!!)
Koamashi of Nippon: So in a summary, Koamashi are like...land guardians? They collect the history of their homeland and stuff and this could go on forever. This one is a happy being and also ready to kick your ass. But she probably won’t, cause being friendly is the way to go! (Also that whole “cursed land” thing didn’t go well for her, so she’s still trying to recover from that.
Koamashi of Kamui: A cold guy (ahahahaa, get it??), but could be tight-knit...if he had friends. He just sorta...watches over the Oina and Poncles. That’s his main dealio. He’s a sad man, give him a hug...once you know him better, anyways. Doesn’t like touches from strangers, m’dude.
Koamashi of the Takamagahara: You’ll likely never meet this guy unless, like... You die or something. Or are a deity of some kind? He’s a cool dude, though. Very friendly, patient, and kind. Probably gives warm hugs. Will kick your ass if need be, though. Died once; not fun. Also, the Koamashi are technically genderless, but they do lean towards a preference of appearance, so.... And they really don’t mind, either way.
Handmaiden Reiko: Dad the sake brewer, mom the painter, and big brother the warrior...and their parents are dead, of course. Reiko somehow managed to get a job as a handmaiden to a tanuki princess, but... Geez, is it straining or WHAT?! Makes using a bow look so, so easy.... Patient af, though; she’s still working to keep getting money to ensure a good life back at home. Also has an Oina bf named Hayato.
Demon Cat Sukei: Fight first, questions later. Won’t let you pet him and will bite if you try. Maybe claw, too, if he can manage it. Can speak English/Japanese and will hand over demonic wares and give advice on demons/imps to talk to who might be of help, if got need of them. Alright, if an asshole.
Genetic Pup Aoi: Remember the “Science is Bad” trope? Well, it’s sorta true here; get the hair and blood of a kami with some science shit and BAM!! Here’s four godly puppies, have fun explaining that shit to the higher ups. Aoi is the blu boi and he’s got them water powers. Eldest of the four sibs and thus, the leader.
Genetic Pup Hinote: Second in command to Aoi, but sorta like Starscream in that he keeps trying for first place. Dark pupper and the only one to have black fur; he controls fire and- yes- is a bit of a hothead. He’s a good big bro to Kusa, though.
Genetic Pup Kusa: The green boy, associated with wind, and the fastest of ‘em all because of it. Could probably speed over water, honestly. He just likes to run and play with Hinote, cause they’re the other duo to Aoi and Sakura.
Genetic Pup Sakura: Cliche name for the pink pup with the earth powers... Also the sole girl, but she knows that just makes her better then! ...Right? Is the runt of the group, but also sorta the powerhouse, considering how important nature is, and all. Is the “underling” to the duo between her and Aoi, though she secretly prefers Hinote to give her attention.
Lunarian Aristocrat Kiyoshi: One of the Moon Tribe runaways during the fall. Kinda sorta doesn’t care what happened back home, cause Sei’an City is a lot cooler, anyhow... Mostly cause 300+ years of being there and it’s still a neat place to him. Is a little shit in the way only a very flashy man can be. It’s all a part of that Lunarian charm, eh~?
Tanuki Princess Yua: Got big tiddies cause mythology states that tanuki have ridiculously huge and useful ballsacks. The more you know!! Yua, however, is the second child who is a girl, and thus won’t get the throne. So via la rebellion and exploring the world of Nippon and Kamui time!! She’s the princess Reiko has to watch over, bless the woman’s heart... Yua likes playing tricks, flirting a bit, but has some wild ADHD that just....won’t settle. Can at least relax a little in Wep’keer/Kamui, so Reiko can see her man and not have to fuss over the princess during that bit of their trip.
Oina Woman Miame: CALLBACK TIME. So remember Samickle? Being engaged? Here’s his fiancée. YUP. Casual woman who he kinda had to help when she got herself trapped and hurt... Sorta stuck around with nowhere else to go, wormed her way into the pack....and then some cheesy bit like “warming up Sami’s heart” or something. Definitely does know how to keep him from stressing out too much, though, so... Go her!!
Demon Priest Takahiro: He got a name for this appearance. At long last, he hAS A NAME!!! He’s mostly here to pay for his crimes years ago, when he forced Amaterasu to swallow up this stone of darkness kinda thing? It makes her go into a baddie mode, basically. Yeah, he did it. That’s his fault. Also, that hasn’t been fixed, so..... Someone needs to get on that and drag Takahiro with them!!
Young Fox Akemi: “Young” by kitsune standards, thank you. She’s still in her early 200s! Anywho... Fox from a small kitsune village. Has been going around to learn stuff about the world as she gains her tails. Made a friend in another wandering kitsune with similar goals, so they joined up; he’s been traveling longer, though. Associated with the autumn season.
Teenage Fox Yoshirou: Akemi’s friend and a black fox of 3-tails, so... About 300 years already under his belt. Wanted to be alone and in peace, but Akemi was younger than him, so... He relented. Acts like her big brother now, basically. Since they’ve wandered from their homes and families, expect him to be the one to look over suitors in place of her actual family.
Lunarian Scholar Kazuki: If you’ve been around me for about a year, you know this guy already. If not, he’s basically the ex-love interest to Shiori over at Goddessof-Poems. He kinda died during the whole wipeout of the Moon Tribe? Yeah... He used to do a lot of important writing for the Moon Tribe and gave Shiori her signature, golden collar. (Still wears it to this day.) He’s a dead guy now, but Izanami likes setting him free sometimes to amuse herself. So whether in the past or present, Kazuki is around somehow...somewhere.....
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baddestdangerboy · 5 years
Tumblr media
can be used for RP  &&  non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen
1. FIRST NAME  : Liz
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF  :  i dont have..one...probably?
5. A FOOD YOU HATE  : liver and onions
6. GUILTY PLEASURE  : stupid crosscanon aus, dreaming of writing a self insert series by my 30th
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN  : pants
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS  : i’d love to be in a serious relationship with sir crocodile from one piece thnx
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE,  WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE  : oh god i’d love to have been less dumb once upon a time and more even tempered can i change myself? can that count? but i wish i had punched a certain person in the junk
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON  :  incredibly, damndably, if i think we’re friends you’re stuck with me being annoying sry
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN  :  batman and robin forever, the terminator, the lion king, the aristocats, the 1990s tmnt movie
12. FAVORITE BOOK  :  the redwall series will forever be my fave (taggerung and martin the warrior specifically in the Top), lots of comics and mango theres too many guys...
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS   (  IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG  ,  YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL  )  :  haha thats like numbering my fave children in order........me x fictional men
15. PIE OR CAKE  : Cake!!! i really dont like pie
16. FAVORITE SCENT  :  flowers and springtime and this nice little ‘hawaiin’ spray for the bathroom. so a nicely sprayed toilet
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH  :  currently? idk i’m a shallow girl if its a good looking man there’s a good chance
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO  : spain and the dr and puerto rico for sure
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT  :  inrto 2 sitting on my butt
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY  : oh i’m incredibly jumpy 
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID  : iphone
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES  : yeah sometimes when i feel like it...i’m not very good though. rn i’m playing ff7 and sims 4 (for the first time in my life!!!)
23. DREAM JOB  : owning a garden center, or being writer
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS  : get a place, help my mom repair her place
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE  : idk there are plenty that get on my last nerves i dont wanna start nothin
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER  : i will never leave i will never leave i will never leave....you cant escape
tagged by  :  nooobody nooobody nobody
tagging  : you
0 notes
tumblunni · 6 years
seriously ive like Always wanted to do tabletop games as a hobby, but i was never socially confident enough and also Warhammer In Particular Requires Money
But i just Took A Risk And Dived Into The Store and then the cashier was really helpful AND also it turns out the series has changed a lot since i was a kid! Now there's multiple scenarios including a fantasy one, instead of just the grungey edgelord sci fi! Sure its grungey edgelord fantasy too but fantasy is better cos fantasy can have GHOSTS!!! man i wanna learn more about the rules cos yo can you mix and match stuff? Could i have ghosts AND zombies AND vampires??? Do i really have to restrict my monster wuv...?
Oh and also NO BIGOTRY ANYMORE which is always a plus! There was only one female faction in the space thing back then, and they were creepy bondage sexy ladies who stab themselves and use their orgasm power to fuel their magic or something. Like it just said "magic fueled by suffering" but uhh..when theyre all skimpily dressed and doing O-faces it uhh..DOESNT SEEM LIKE THIS IS PUNISHMENT TO THEM. I cant believe people reccommeded that to me as a 12 year old just cos it was the only "girl one".like i mean i know the definition of the gane is gonna be violent and Dark but like you should still categorize some stuff as maybe Even Darker And Perhaps Not Sell To Smol Childe. Having green blood on your axe is a bit tamer than goddamn fifty shades in space! So yeah glad that's not the only option now and i can have a wonderfully ghoulish lady ghost who's like a bedsheet spoop but a wedding veil and then there's a skeleton underneath it. Mmmyeah thats quality monster! TRULY WHAT ALL WOMEN ASPIRE TO BE
Oh and yeah the ghosts just look SO GOOD! they have a great design aesthetic of floaty smokeyness but also skeletal zombieness. And the smoke colours are very Aesthetic to make up for the fact you cant actually have translucent plastic. And they all have super dynamic poses swinging all.sorts of cool.weapons on chains and sticks just so they had an excuse to spice up an otherwise ordinary figure. And then MAN when there's the ones that are dynamically posed AND also have a really unusual design?? God my heart just explodes. I looooove these spoops~
And man i hope i can work up the courage to go back and ask the cashier more questions next time! I wanna know the specifics of the rules and how creative im allowed to get with them. How different can i paint them? How am i allowed to mod my figures? Can you mix and match figures from each faction? Do you just have to rp as the plain army description for each faction or can you make up your own division of the ghost dudes who are Not Tormented and Not Ruled With An Iron Fist and instead have a Nice Boss Who Takes Them Out For Milkshakes? Also can i put little top hats on them?
And maaaaan seriously i already have so many ideas for alternate plotlines for these guys!! Its SUCH A WASTE! the short summary mentions that you become a ghost if you're "not good enough for [warhammer equivelant of heaven] and evil enough for [warhammer equivelant of hell]". But then ALL OF THEM ARE JUST EVIL ANYWAY. "Not evil enough" but still every single unit description is "he was an executioner/hunter/serial killer/world's worst criminal ever/he has so style he has no grace t t this stabman stabs u in th face." Like seriously where are my actual morally gray dudes who did bad stuff for good reasons or good stuff for sinful reasons or straddled the line between redemption and temptation or like MAN THERE ARE SO MANY DIFFERENT DEFINITIONS OF PURGATORY PERSON! Like why not bring up all the completely good people who might get unfairly sentenced here if this world's angel faction has as many corrupt priests as the real world? Ghosts of unwed mothers, unbaptised children, lgbt and other minorities the church is bigoted against, people falsely accused of crimes by corrupt pastors, peope whose mental illness is blamed as 'demon possession', teenage brides who didnt accept their 'holy' arranged mariage to a man twice their age, poor people who just didnt donate enough to the church caddy, etc. Or even just plain normal people? Like if you don't believe that humans are inherantly good you might damn Ol George Farmerson for "not doing anything with his life". Norse mythology had a "bad place" like that, everyone went to Helheim even if they werent evil, just for not "dying a warrior's death". And a lot of the worst child abusing christians twist the scripture to claim that all children are born sinful and have to work off this goddamn debt they gained through no fault of their own.
So yeah i was thinking of having a Nighthaunt faction division where i replace all their weapons with stuff like gardening tools and etc. Farmer of doom! Librarian of death! Single mother of pain! Kindly grandpa neighbour of ultimate power! Just all the lost souls of people who weren't super evil dudes. Maybe even theme it like theyre all from the same village? Maybe the entire place was damned for the sins of one man. Just generally criticize the hell out of the way all these dumbass gods organize their damn afterlife.
And then i could have a warden/general character who's Actually Nice and Actually Tries To Help These Ghosts Work Off Their Sentence. Kindly support worker type person. Treats it like voluntary work and extracurricular classes for people recovering from illness. Does all this paperwork and arranges little art classes and weekly walks around the park for all the grandmas. "Let's do the five-point recovery star to help plan our goals for the future!" Support ghost is here to help u accept ur new damned existance, and help progress up the employment ladder of hell~!
And then i was also thinking SHAMELESS CHARON CROSSOVER! i mean itd be so cool to have a ghost dude who's been damned for being a corrupt tax collector or something. And if he was all hunched over and grumply with some claw hands. And if he was this physically weak type due to his crimes not really being of the fighty sort. And if he was a grandpa. And small. I AM ABSOLUTELY JUSTIFIED IN SAYING CHARON WOULD FIT PERFECTLY INTO THIS WORLD!! Also it woukd actually be cool if i could mix and match units and i just had one single holy creature in this army of doom. Like a lil pixie type thing like rotom! An innocent barely-sentient angel glowybab, who's inexplicably latched onto this motley crew of spoops and seems to see a spark of goodness in them. Like the whole "youre a punished ghost cos you suck but you did One Good Thing so here's a small chance to escape your fate" myth thats common to a lot of cultures. And the dude usually ruins his one chance by being greedy again, blablabla. That would really fit Charon! So like i dunno maybe this rotom-equivelant lil celestial fairy could be the soul of a baby or a cat or something that he saved when he was alive? Like i dunno his final heist went catatrophically wrong and he accidentally knocked over a lantern and set the place on fire. And he could have been able to escape if he'd just been as selfish as usual, but he heard a kid crying from inside the burning building and he ran back inside to try and save them. And uhh.. He still failed. They both died. And now he's stuck on afterlife death row but this lil angel still comes to visit and cheers him on. And a bunch of other redeemable and/or falsely accused non evil ghosts all ended up becoming his buddies too and now they're all fighting together to find a better future~! (Charon: I'VE NEVER HAD SO MANY FRIENDS! :'D ...what is their resale value)
SO YEAH IN SUMMARY I LOVV GHOST AND ADDING GHOST MAKES ALL UR GAMES MUCH MORE BETTER now plz let me be nice to ghost, srsly it sucks that their whole deal is "theyre all being tortured constantly and not even their boss gives a shit about them". I dont wanna play as a ghost torturer!! I BOUGHT THIS GHOSTE BECOS I LOVV THIS GHOSTE
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