#god she isssssss so hot
holywoter · 1 year
also planerider ryn when are you free. can i call you. please
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d20unfuckability · 1 year
Annabelle Propaganda
(again, only omitting ones that have no substance to them, like "need i elaborate" or "obviously", stuff like that)
"*air horn sounds* YALL ALREADY KNOW WHO IT ISSSSSSS. Accent? Check. Hot pirate? Check. Technically a minor npc thats character art was so hot she gathered a group of incredibly loyal fans? Check! Her thighs are canonically weapons you guys. When it comes to strap game no one can beat the mighty Captain Annabelle Cheddar!"
"Look. I know you’re a big acoc guy, and i love women. i’m not the only one who said her and i know it. she gave up the crown to be a PIRATE? that fucks so hard. also like, hear me out (this is gonna be cursed) she’s literally made of cheese so IMAGINE how good that pussy tastes. the “this is what good pussy sounds like” vine but she literally IS the cheese."
"She’s a lesbian with a Scottish accent, what more do you need?"
"Hot lesbian sailor??? Are you KIDDING me???"
"Her thighs are weapons"
"her thighs are weapons your honor"
"God I fucking love women bro it’s incredible"
"Lady pirate, enough said"
"Lesbian pirate??? hELLO?!?????"
"Pirates are always sexy"
"to quote Annabelle "Your highness, my thighs ARE weapons". The captain rests her case."
"haven’t finished Crown of Candy yet but she’s hot and looks like my wife"
"Duh. she's hot as fuck."
"pirate dyke"
"Lesbian Cheese Lady. Need i say more?"
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lovelucigoosey · 4 years
We Need to Talk
(requested by @zeto1304 )
(Not sure if I’m gonna continue this yet, until I finish I’m Not Good At All, but I hope you enjoy this!!!)
The phone felt heavy in his hand as Steven hung up.
He swallowed and leaned back a little, shifting to pocket the phone again. His heart was pounding - not fast, but hard enough to make his chest ache; he heaved out a sigh, which quickly turned into a groan, closing his eyes for a second. That had been a disaster; he should have known going to Homeworld would end like that. He should have known something bad was going to happen. And it had! He had… he had almost… he had almost shattered White. He had tried to! It had taken slamming his own head into a pillar - god, it still hurt - for him to even actually realize what he'd just done, but even then, even then, it hadn't completely erased the thoughts. It hadn't made him want to do it any less. Hell, for a split second, while he'd been sitting there, holding his head, it had almost made him want to kill her even more.
He shuddered, staring down at his feet for a moment. His shoe was missing. He needed that- no, wait, what was he thinking now? He couldn't go back to Homeworld for a stupid sandal. Then he'd have to see White again after almost shattering her and- god, no, no, they could keep the sandal. Needed something to remember him by, seeing as he wasn't ever going back there.
Keep it together, Steven, he reprimanded himself, twisting his foot slightly and lifting it from the floor for a second, only to lower it back down again. Did you think of shattering White? Yes. Yes you did. Buuuut you didn't! You didn't actually shatter her so that isssssss good. I mean- yeah Jasper, you still shattered, but that's… you can work with that! One is better than two, right? Right? Right! This is fi- No- wait, what? What?! What am I thinking? This isn't fine!
He put his head in his hands and screwed his eyes shut, trying to force his thoughts into a relatively calm state, but it was far too late now. They had already trailed, wandered, gone so far that he was running double time to catch up and still somehow missing them by several thousand miles at the same time. No, no, no, no, no… this isn't… I didn't mean to… I didn't mean to shatter Jasper…! I didn't mean to think that-! I didn't really want to shatter White- right? Yeah, she did some really, really messed up things and… and… and maybe I'm… mad…?
His head throbbed, and he gripped it harder, screwing his eyes shut and letting out another soft, breathless groan into his hands. The familiar sound of the television turning on didn't register until he suddenly heard White's voice - which was enough to make his head shoot up - and wide eyes fell onto the screen. He nearly stopped breathing, mostly on purpose, every muscle in his body spasming and going completely tense as he scrambled backwards onto his bed and pushed himself as far away from the TV as he possibly could, chest tightening with… panic.
"Time to come out, Pink…"
Steven couldn't keep himself from gasping in time. It was the only gulp of air he was going to get in a while, because he immediately went back to holding his breath the second the sound left his lips, slapping his hand over his mouth and fighting back a gag. He wanted to move, he wanted to turn the TV off, he wanted to look away - but he couldn't do anything.
Just like then.
Just like when she had held him in one hand with her nail digging into his skin as she held his shirt up to reveal his gem. Just like when her other hand had come down toward him, agonizingly slowly but far too fast at the same time. Just like when he had tried to scream, to plead with her to stop so that he could talk to her. Just like when he had looked into her eyes and realized at the last second - the very last second - that he was completely, utterly, one-hundred percent helpless. The gems were being mind-controlled, Connie was being held back by Pearl and he was trapped in White Diamond's cage-like claws as she- as she-
He had felt so weak. So useless. So completely out of control. For the first time in his life, he had finally been terrified about something that was happening to him - because for the first time in his life, it was something he genuinely couldn't stop. He couldn't talk her out of hurting him. He couldn't lay on the old 'Universe charm' and flash her a soft smile and puppy dog eyes and have her fall right for it. He couldn't befriend her so that she wouldn't hurt him or his family, and his planet, and his friends and everything he'd ever known. He wasn't 'Steven' to her. Right then he'd been nothing - nothing to her than his mother. He'd had gems look at him like he was Rose. He'd had the Diamonds look at him like he was Pink. But there was something about her.
Something in her smile.
Something in her eyes.
And for the first time, Steven had been afraid. He had been helpless. He had realized how totally out of control he was and how this gem could crush him in the palm of her hand- and he couldn't do anything about it, because he couldn't talk her out of hurting him. He couldn't get enough words in to open her eyes up, to make her realize what she was doing was wrong. He hadn't had the time. He hadn't had the chance. By the time he managed to, it was too late.
He could still remember sitting alone that night, curled up and sobbing, remembering how much it had hurt. Now, his hand twitched down to his stomach somewhat out of instinct, right when the White Diamond on the screen pinched two fingers around his gemstone and pulled it out. The television cut to static after that, and he actually did gag this time, recalling that that was pretty much how it had actually happened. After that, once the white-hot pain had subsided, everything had suddenly just kind of stopped. Everything had gone dark. It hadn't even stopped hurting, even when the darkness consumed him; no, it had kept hurting. Up to the second he woke up in Connie's arms, it still hurt. Everything had hurt. His stomach. His body. His head.
He had been terrified.
Terrified that he wasn't going to be able to fix it this time. He wasn't gonna be able to befriend this gem. She had hurt him. In a way that nobody had ever hurt him before.
It was, undeniably, the worst thing he had ever experienced… and he had just shoved it down. One snide comment - "I am a child. What's your excuse?" - was the only thing he was able to snap at her. The only thing to release barely a fraction of the anger and hurt that had welled up in his chest. He had wanted to scream and cry - and he had, he had done that a lot later on - but right then, he could only watch as his biggest enemy fell apart on him just like everyone else. And then he had to pick up the pieces and put her back together, brand new again.
And then he had to live with her for two years. He had to see her face. He had to see her smile. He had to look into her eyes. He had to deal with it when she wanted to pick him up. He had to remind himself that things were different now and she wasn't going to do that again. He had to wake up alone after every nightmare, calm himself down from a panic attack after every interaction with her, force himself to keep a straight face and a grin when he was near her instead of lashing out like he wanted to, screaming and crying like he wanted to, instead of showing an ounce of the fear he felt - for even more fear that she would turn against him again.
And she would hurt them. And she would hurt him. And then it would be his fault. Because he couldn't look her in the eyes for the sake of the galaxy after she had ripped his gem out.
With tears steadily brewing in his eyes, Steven couldn't help but wonder, now, why. Why. After everything she had put him through. After everything she had put them through. Why did he have to be the one to put up with her? Why did he have to be the one stuck with her? Why did he have to be the one to help her after she had hurt him like that? After she had managed to do the one thing none of the other gems had ever managed to do - and genuinely scare him?
Even Jasper hadn't scared him like that… and, at first? Yeah. She had scared him.
Malachite had scared him.
But Jasper didn't scare him anymore. It had been a long time since he felt that kind of fear toward her; but he still felt it toward White, despite his best efforts to ignore it. And it wasn't just when he was around her, either. Sometimes it was just the thought of her, the mention of her. Anything about her was enough to make him tense, make him want to shudder and curl up. He never wanted to feel so out of control again. He never wanted to feel so helpless again.
And maybe that was why it was easy to lose himself in the fight with Jasper. Maybe that's why it was easy to think, for just a second, that he wanted to inflict as much pain on her as he could. Because, for once, he was the one in control. He was the one dishing out the blows. He was the one, finally, unafraid, with a steady grip on his powers, one he wished he could say he'd had on his emotions, too. It had been too late when he realized what he'd done; when he realized he'd let all of that anger and pain overpower him, getting high on his powers, on the control he held. And that was what had happened back on Homeworld; realizing White couldn't hurt him. Because he was controlling her.
Just like she had controlled him that day. Just like she had controlled the gems that day.
A new scene unfolded on the screen.
"She's the one who should be afraid…"
Again, more insistently, as he stared at the screen, he wondered why. He had been - what? Fourteen? When it had happened. Fourteen when he made the decision that his own fear, his own discomfort, his own pain, mattered less than everyone else. Who cared if White scared the living crap out of him? Who cared that he still dreamed about what had happened that day? Who cared that he still wanted to cower before her when they were face to face, wanted to curl up and beg her not to hurt him. Like he had. Like he had when he had been controlling her. When he finally let a little bit of that fear slip, finally reverted back into that fourteen year old that had writhed and struggled against her hold, too scared to open his mouth and beg her to stop.
He still remembered - everything he wanted to say - every single pleading word on the tip of his tongue he couldn't spit out. Stop! Stop it! I don't like this! Let me go! Please- you're scaring me!
The scene changed again, and Steven finally decided he'd had enough when he heard those same words being screamed right back at him. A different scenario; a different victim. But still so similar that it made his chest ache. He scrambled off of the bed, hitting his knees on the floor and fumbling for the button to turn the TV off - and breathing out a sigh of relief when he did.
The relief didn't last long.
He recoiled the second he saw his reflection; the second he saw the diamond eyes staring back at him. And that… that was it. That was the second he completely unraveled. At first, he could only gasp, every part of him trembling. His hand rose toward the black screen, toward his reflection, only to pull back again. He couldn't breathe; he was trying his best now, no longer holding his breath and trying to gulp in as much air as he could, but every attempt was shaky, stifled, feeling like his entire body was simply about to shut down and collapse right there.
And then he screamed.
The screen cracked as he pushed himself back, hitting the foot of his bed, and promptly dissolved into hysterics. He felt fourteen again, crying and screaming out for his dad in the spaceship on his way to the human zoo. Sitting alone in his bed night after night after the nightmares that haunted him, sobbing and trying in vain to calm himself down. He hadn't cried like this in three years; he hadn't felt like this in three years. This helpless and hurt.
"No, no, nononono-" He covered his face, struggling to speak through his tears, but that was the only thing he could get out before he just couldn't speak anymore, only able to spit out stuttered, short attempts through his sobs as he only grew more hysterical, more frantic, more desperate.
"This isn't-" His ribs hurt, body spasming and jerking with the force of his sobs as he pressed his hands harder against his face in an attempt to just make himself shut up. "This c- I can't- I don't- I- I- why is this- HA- HAP- PENING TO ME-?!" The entire room shook this time as he screamed, not out of anger, but complete, raw pain, and terror. He continued to sob, doubling over and gripping the sides of his head now instead, fingers burrowing deep into his hair. He pulled, tugging as hard as he could - and even managing to tug several strands loose in the process. "I don't wanna be a Diamond! I don't wanna be a Diamond! I DON'T WANNA BE A DIAMOND!"
He felt like he was falling.
He tugged at his hair again, more desperately now as he cried, shaking his head and trying to rid himself of some of the tears streaking down his face. He felt like he was about to drown in them at this point; a few even went up his nose when he tried to breathe in, but it only brought on another series of choked, body-wracking sobs, loud and filled with pure, unadulterated pain. "I ju- just w- wanna b- wanna- wanna be- be me I just wanna be me I just wanna he- help-"
A few more tears fought their way to freedom, coursing down his cheeks, and he cried a little bit harder. He couldn't stop himself. It was just another thing he had lost complete control over now. "I- I just wanna help," he whimpered, "J- Just wanna help pe- people I do- don- don't w- don't wanna h- hurt th- I- I- I- can't-" He gasped, struggling for air, and covered his face again.
He couldn't say with complete certainty how long he stayed like that, sobbing and gasping. He eventually gave up on speaking through his tears, just letting himself cry in a way he hadn't in a long, long time now. He felt like he was breaking inside, something squeezing his lungs and shattering each one of his bones and internal organs into pieces and there wasn't anything he could do about it, nothing, nothing but sit there and cry and feel as helpless as he did when he was fourteen years old, when he was nothing but a child with the weight of two worlds on his shoulders.
"It hurts…" He whispered shakily as his sobs finally quieted, just a little. Subsiding slowly into sniffles, too tired, too sore for his body to keep working itself the way it had been. "It h- hurts… I'm scared-" He choked out another sob, hiccuping almost immediately after, as if his body was trying to breathe on its own now. It didn't quite work - if anything, it made him hurt even worse. "I want my dad…" He shook his head, his face pressed into his hands. "I w- want my gems…"
They had hurt him, too.
Deep down, he knew that. He knew how much they had put on him - how much they had led him to put on himself. But right then, at that moment, he just didn't want to be alone.
He was still trying to calm himself down, still struggling with himself, still trying to breathe, when he heard the stairs creak. He jumped a little, still in panic-mode, head snapping up at once as he blinked rapidly to try and see through the blur of tears in his eyes. It wasn't much, but - a familiar blob of purple was all he needed to see. That was all it took for his eyes to scrunch up again, for his mouth to twist, for his body to tremble and shudder in protest before he started crying again. This time, it wasn't outright sobbing; it was quieter, but just as messy.
Just as painful.
He heard Amethyst gasp, footsteps rushing over to him, but he couldn't force himself to calm down enough to look up at her again. He only buried his face into his hands again, hiccuping and gasping as he tried to force himself to breathe. "Steven, what- what happened?!"
"Steven?!" Pearl practically shrieked, her voice a little further away - but when she spoke again, accompanied by the sound of more footsteps, she was much closer than Steven had expected. And it was enough to make him flinch and recoil, looking up just in time to see Amethyst pulling her hand back in shock, while Pearl reached out for him without hesitation, either having not seen his reaction or simply not minding it. Regardless, he didn't even fight her, as she only managed to utter, "are you okay-?!" Before she finally seemed to register him completely.
He didn't know what it was. The tears. The pinkness. The hair. The diamond eyes. But she gasped, sucking in a breath that didn't come back out for a long, long time.
Rubbing his eyes, he opened his mouth to speak, but the only thing he could muster now was desperate, completely unintelligible stuttering. He didn't have the strength to put any words together now, much less to form an even slightly coherent sentence. They were here; they were right there in front of him, asking him what happened and if he was okay and, oh, god, he wasn't. He wasn't okay. And he wanted nothing more than to finally let go of all his doubts and fears and just let everything pour out, but he still couldn't form the words to do so.
"Steven…?" Amethyst's voice was softer, a little more panicked.
He choked out another sob and covered his face with one hand, letting the other one drop. Rather than hitting the ground, as he expected it to, it landed in another hand instead; he recognized Pearl's touch with ease, as both of her hands curled around his, and it only made him shake even harder with the sobs he couldn't muster any more than he could speak.
But he squeezed her hand, half to reassure her and half to beg her not to leave him, not to go anywhere until he could finally pull himself together enough to say something. And she squeezed back, a reassurance of her own, and Steven finally let his shoulders droop.
After that, it was a little easier to calm himself down. He rubbed the tears away as they fell, breathing in slowly and steadily - in through his nose, out through his mouth, just like Garnet had taught him - as the gems only watched. He could feel their gazes, confused and concerned, and as much as he wanted to open his mouth to speak, to explain, to talk - he didn't know what would come out when he did, and if it would be words, or if it would just be more sobbing. So he just kept his mouth shut and forced himself to breathe, until, finally, he managed to calm down just enough to get a few good, long deep breaths in, going limp with relief once he had.
"Steven," Garnet spoke softly, and he flicked his gaze up to her, still blinking past the remaining tears. Her hand raised to her visor, poofing it away with the simplest touch; three eyes stared back at him, one red, one blue, and one purple, each one filled with nothing but concern. "We're worried." And he wondered who the 'we' was in this situation - her, Amethyst and Pearl, or Ruby and Sapphire. Regardless, he managed to breathe in again, rubbing his eyes a little harder.
It took several minutes for him to spit out the words, but he'd never felt more relieved than when he finally managed to, breath hitching and stuttering every so often, but managing to speak his request clearly and loudly enough for them all to hear. Because they all needed to hear this.
"We- We need- t- to talk…"
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cosmosogler · 6 years
hi guys. not doin too hot. and by “not doin too hot” i mean “I AM TOO HOT OH GOD WHY”
don’t worry. when i realized i would not be able to fix the ac myself (at like 8:30 pm) i put in a maintenance request. so hopefully that will be fixed tomorrow or friday. again.
i feel bad putting in so many orders but like, 58 degrees is too cold and 80 degrees is too hot. please. i’m not THAT picky but it’s so much and i’m sweating all over my papers and i can’t tell if poor snoopy is uncomfortable or not. she spends a whole lotta time by where i have the fan on by an open window.
it doesn’t cool off my desk/bed area but at least my kitchen is a nice temperature.
when my alarm went off i realized that i just... did not sleep very much. i had bad dreams but i don’t remember enough about them to say why. i ended up skipping my first class to try to get SOME sleep but unfortunately i just laid there with my eyes closed feeling hot and miserable for 40 minutes. i was so pokey getting ready for school that i was actually late for my second class despite getting up with more time to get ready than usual.
i took notes on my ipad. it was nice. i like the line sensitivity. i picked up my pen from the mail room in the afternoon so now i can write more than four words per line too.
keegan and harrison and i got spaghetti lunch and then i went to my doctor’s appointment. the doctor took a look at my throat and lungs and stuff and said everything seemed fine but i could take some allergy medication that might help it clear up faster. so i did that. also my other problem with the birth control is ok if it happens once. if it happens three times in a row there’s gonna be a problem but otherwise between missing a day (even though i caught up) and all the stress and getting sick it could be anything.
the allergy medication also serves as a sleep aid and anti anxiety medication so she said if it works i could use it for the whole month or when i start sleeping normally again and if it doesn’t work to just stop usin it and don’t worry about it.
i helped ammar and rebika and luis get set up with the printer network in our building after a lot of hassle with my computer. luis and taylor were talking so loud that i couldn’t think at all and harrison was getting annoyed because i wasn’t using any of the convenient tools that computers have like search functions.
and i took my accommodation letters to both my professors and hashed out the test plan with them. my stat mech professor invited me to sit for a while and then... blocked the door with his chair. i don’t think he did it on purpose but I NOTICED. i got antsy immediately and i couldn’t seem to find a good opportunity in the conversation to leave.
i doubled my score on the prelims! now i have a 22/120 instead of, like, a 10. all i gotta do to pass is get up to ~60 though. but it was a DEFINITE improvement. i feel conflicted about it. on the one hand, i did double my score and that’s really impressive. on the other hand, the score is still total garbage and kind of embarrassing if it wasn’t already incredibly well established that i am really bad at taking tests no matter how well i know the material.
hopefully next time i won’t have the worst and longest cold ever.
i ended up spending like 2 hours hanging out with harrison and drawing on his blackboard. he said i draw really fast when i did a blue in about 30 seconds and i said “yes i’ve always drawn abnormally fast.” i did some base shape stuff with him and he showed me one of the symbols he’d been working on. 
jennica wandered in at one point to talk about the em homework and i was gonna die. “what is that?” she asked. “harrison is teaching me how to draw,” i said. i knew that she knew it was total bs because i was holding the chalk and had been drawing when she came in so i made a big deal out of saying over and over that i definitely wasn’t the one drawing. i think she understood it was a joke.
i biked home and picked up my mail and ran a quick errand (the corner store doesn’t carry the item i want any more so that’s a bummer. i’m gonna have to figure out what i want to do about that. the cashier said they might start ordering it again). i fiddled around with the ac trying to get one of the buttons to do the thing i want but it doesn’t seem interested in doing anything but blowing hot air into my apartment. i made some dinner while i did my dishes... i was out of plates. 
i should be drinking more tea but hot drinks just really don’t appeal to me right now.
then i sat down and started drawing. it took like an hour and a half to do three panels out of the seven on this one page. i had made my boards too crowded because i drew too big so i had to take pictures of my pages, load them up on my computer screen, and then erase my work and redraw each panel with everything a little bit smaller. it would have been fine except IT’S SO HOT AND IT’S SO HARD NOT TO SMUDGE MY LIGHTER LINES TO HELL.
snoopy was a little more active than usual today, at least when she was “hunting” for her cookies. i put them in slightly more out of the way places than usual and it looks like she got all of them in about ten minutes. i’m going to have to bump up the difficulty for her just a bit. though earlier i noticed that if i hide her cookies in places that require using her paws to get them out she won’t do it even if they are easily visible. 
maybe getting all those mats off her underside improved her mood. seeing just how much fur got shaved off her stomach, it was probably really hindering her movement.
a good thing todayyyyyy isssssss while i was waiting for the doctor i wrote a whole bunch of notes about nastasia. since my classmates’ em period starts 2 hours earlier this semester i got to the doctor’s office about 40 minutes before my appointment so i just settled into a chair and grabbed my phone and started typing. i’m working really hard to give these characters a common thread and i think it fits pretty well with the general theme of the story. i don’t know if i’m laying it on too thick or not though. it’s hard to write drafts for comics except for the individual scenes you’re currently setting up. i can’t go back and change the beginning because it’s done and uploaded. all i can do is adjust the current page.
so that’s a challenge!!!
it’s fun that having a group of characters with different manifestations of the same flaw creates such a disaster though. count bleck is such a dumpster fire. 
(i am also a dumpster fire and i write characters that are almost exclusively trash man level of emotional maturify)
ok anyway it’s 10:45 now so i should probably start thinking about maybe getting ready for bed sometime. i’m so tired. but i really, really don’t want to sleep. i’m so tired of nightmares.
a good thing that i like about myself maybe is, uh, i’ve been working harder at following up with people lately. i was doing it before, but now i’m trying harder to make sure i ask people how a thing went if they bring it up earlier. like suzanne’s cousins are visiting today. i dunno. suzanne seemed impressed that i remembered, last time i did it with her. but now i don’t remember what it was i had asked her about!! i’m trying to find more ways to show people i care, i guess. as i get more and more sleep deprived though i am getting less good at remembering things to bring up in my conversations.
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cumonbucky · 7 years
Tainted Love (part 4)
Summary: Soulmates are supposed to be a wonderful thing, that is until you find out who your soulmate is. You guessed it, Lance “The Fucker” Tucker.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: swearin’
A/N: Sorry it’s taken so long to post this! I’ve been trying to get caught up with school work annnddddd NAU sent me a letter the other day. Also I can’t make a masterlist for this fic??? Tumblr won’t let me link anything. Anyways, I hope ya like this part :)
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It had been a couple of days and Lance stayed away from you, not wanting to fuck things up more than he already did. But he wanted to see you; he really wanted to see you, to hear your voice which he found so calming; but he stayed back.
So here he was at a bar getting drunk off his ass, scanning the crowded room for a piece of ass to take home. No one sparked his interest right away, not until his gaze set on a busty brunette on the dance floor, shaking her ass and attracting a few guys.
Lance downed his drink, slammed it down onto the bar counter and stood up all while keeping his eyes on her. He pushed passed the guys who were already undressing her with their eyes until he was in front of her. The woman smirked, flicked her hair to one side and pressed her back to Lance’s front. Instinctively his hands go to her waist, pulling her onto him even more so that he could create greater friction.
The woman turned around and wrapped her arms around Lance’s neck, pulling him down for a messy, drunk kiss. The kiss was hot, needy, sloppy. Her hands trailed up and down his chest, stopping at the buttons to undo and that’s when Lance pulled away.
“Your place or mine?” he was breathless.
“Yours.” and her lips were back on his.
They stumble into Lance’s apartment, hands roaming everywhere, touching everything. Lance kicked the door shut while the brunette worked on unbuttoning his dress shirt. Once she was done, he shrugged it off and went back to kissing her. His fingers found the zipper to her dress and in one swift motion, the dress fell to the floor.
It wasn’t until the woman started unbuckling his pants that he stepped back. He didn’t want this - not with her. It felt wrong. So, so wrong. The whole time he pictured you, kissing you. But when reality set in, he couldn’t. Not with her.
The woman, breathless, looked over at Lance confused. “What’s wrong?”
His eyes lock with hers and he licks his lips, running his fingers through his gelled hair. “I can’t do this.”
“What?” then she smirked. “Don’t tell me you couldn’t get it up.”
“See that’s the problem.” he pouted. “It doesn’t get up for fake tits.”
The woman gasped, covering her exposed chest while she glared at Lance. “Fuck you!”
Lance smirks, watching as she picked her dress up from the floor to put it back on.
“You know, many other guys were dying to take me home.” she huffed.
Lance crossed his arms over his chest. “Yet you came home with me.”
“You asked.”
“And you could’ve denied.”
The woman rolled her eyes and zipped her dress back up. “And to think, you could’ve had all this.”
Lance snorts. “I like my women tight and from the way you were dancing tonight, it looks like you’ve had many guys in and out of-”
The brunette slaps him with force, causing his head to turn to the side. Not gonna lie, it stung. The woman left his apartment and Lance sat on his couch, holding his cheek. No doubt you felt it as well.
You walk into the gym with Hope and Maggie, sporting a red mark on your cheek.
“Oh my god what happened?” Ben questioned, motioning to your cheek.
Hope rolled her eyes and went over to assist Maggie.
“Lance must’ve gotten slapped or something.” you shrug.
“Speaking of Lance...” Ben gestured over his shoulder and your eyes followed until you locked eyes with Lance who was leaning up against the wall.
Excusing yourself from Ben, you walk over to Lance, causing him to stand up straight. “Why are you here?”
He nods his head over to Maggie. “Came to watch her practice.”
“You did that already.” you say as you cross your arms over your chest.
“Alright, you caught me.” he smiles at you, holding up both his hands. “I came to see you.”
“Bullshit.” you spat.
“No, it’s true - holy shit, your cheek.” he softly touches the red mark and you move away, frowning at him.
“Yeah, what the hell happened?”
He blushed. “I um.. Some girl I was gonna fuck slapped me cause I said some stupid shit to get her out of my apartment.”
“Well thanks for getting slapped. That shit hurt.” you mumble. Lance chuckles softly, saying sorry. “So, you didn’t fuck her?”
“Hmm.. That’s not like you.”
“And what would you know about me?” he folds his arms.
“Lance Tucker, fucks anything and everything with tits and an ass.” you respond.
Lance chuckled. “Seems about right.” he plays with the hem of his jacket. “But I couldn’t fuck her when you were all I could think about. Which brings me to my next question; will you go on a date with me?”
You fold your hands in front of you. “Lance Tucker, also not one to go on dates.”
“That was until you.” he smirked. “I haven’t been able to get you outta my head since I first met you. Maybe it’s because we’re soulmates or maybe it’s because there’s something about you that I really like, either way I can’t stop thinking about you.”
You bite your lip. “I dunno dude.”
He sighs. “I know I’ve said some dumb shit before but that’s just how I am. I’ll change if it means you’ll give me another chance.”
“You shouldn't have to change for anyone, Lance.” you sigh. “I’ll think about it.”
Lance smiles. It was better than a straight up no.
“I’ll text you or something - give me your phone.” you add.
Lance unlocks his phone and hands it over to you. You quickly type in your number and save your contact before giving him his phone back.
“I’ll see you later, I’ve got to-” you look over at Hope who was about to hand over her water bottle to Maggie. “Hope, no!”
“What? It’s just water.”
You start making your way over to them. “We both know that isn’t water.”
Lance laughs, watching you snatch away the water bottle and argue with Hope before leaving the gym, happy that he now had your phone number and you would consider going on a date with him.
A/N: Here is isssssss!! Tell me whatcha think! :)
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