#god this took too long to wrire
duncanxtrent · 3 years
F is for Fever
(Another prompt done by the always amazing @trash-that-loves-total-drama cause My brain is short circuiting and honestly they have helped a ton with me writing ok let’s go)
(Also for context Trent and Duncan both are students of Hopes Peak in a non despair universe cause I REALLY WANTED TO WRITE THIS BUT I HAVENT HAD OPPORTUNITIES TO!!!)
“Where’s Duncan been?” I ask
“I don’t know… He’s been hanging out in his room all day…” Jake mumbles.
“That’s… Mildly concerning…” I say
“Aren’t you his roommate? You should know!” Huey shouts.
“I don’t know, he’s usually asleep when I wake up, and today was the same. He might have just slept in.” Jake shrugs.
“Well if that idiot misses another class unexcused I guarantee the school will be sent into another killing game panic…” Sonic groans.
“Do you think you could check on him, Trent?” Monika asks
“Could you excuse me from class? Then if so sure!” I respond.
“I can get you pulled out of class! Though I will be dropping off any homework by your dorm.” Athena adds.
“Yeah that’s what I expected…” I say rolling my eyes.
I quietly get up from class and walk down to the boys dorm house. I quietly knock on Duncan’s door.
“Hey dude you doing ok?” I ask
“It’s your boyfriend!” I call out.
Still silent.
“If you open the door, I’ll cuddle you for the next hour.”
I hear some mild groaning from inside. And then some shuffling as the door unlocks. Duncan opens up and I nearly gag.
He has snot and various other liquids dripping from every pore on his face. He has cold sweat running down his forehead and his cheeks are red. There are bags under his eyes and he looks like he just faught off an army of Monokumas.
“Dude!!! What happened?” I shout.
“Eh whaddya mean?” He groans.
“You’ve been missing from school all day! And you look like absolute garbage!” I cry out.
“Whaddya mean? I just slept in a little…” He mumbles.
“Dude… It’s 2 in the afternoon…” I explain.
Duncan looks at me shocked.
“You’re not fucking serious?”
“I am…”
“Dear fucking god…” He groans nearly face planting into the door.
“You doing ok?” I ask
“I’ve just been dealing with something ok? Tell the teacher I’ll be back Tommorow or whatever…” He groans trying to shut the door.
I stop the door from shutting and slide in. “Nope… You’re clearly sick as fuck and I am not letting you get away like that…”
“What the fuck are you gonna do?” He says letting me into his room.
“This” O say scooping him up on my way him. His face goes redder than it already is as I carry him bridal style to his couch.
I plop him down on it and take out some toast I had saved for tommoroww breakfast. I hand him some and he quietly starts munxhing on it.
I pull up the blanket around the two of us and I qrap his arm around him as we sit there quietly.
“So this is what were doing huh?” Duncan asks muffled
“Until you’re better? Yes.” I say cuddling closer to him.
“… Alright” He says snuggling next to me. “Just dont blame me if you get sick too.”
“Why would I do that to my boyfriend?” I say smooching him.
“Still cant believe You and I can say that now.” Duncan mumbles.
“What? That were boyfriends?” I ask
“Its still crazy. I never thought you would actually like me back” He says sniffling.
“Ive always liked you back, idiot.” I say comforting him.
“I know… I guess Im just… Happy”
“Good. Thats all I need to hear.
(God this is short but here it is)
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