#god. at least give warlocks the option to ask THEIR patron instead of raphael
rosykims · 1 year
cannot stand that my 160 year old fiend pact warlock cannot read the infernal on astarion's back. kill me now
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unreadpoppy · 5 months
down by the river - Chapter 11
Raphael x Warlock!Tav
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chapter 10
A/N: Heeeey, it's been a long time. University has been a mess, so i was very tired but I found some strenght to update this. Chapter is on the shorter side because I wanted to save the raphael interaction for it's own chapter instead of being crammed into this. Hope y'all like it.
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The party did not get a moment of reprieve when they arrived in Rivington. Instead, they found themselves investigating a murder. 
After speaking with the corpse of Father Lorcan and Brilgor, they went to the murder scene, where they found the murder weapon and a strange key. Tav decided that was enough evidence and so, led the group to Detective Valeria, who found herself in Sharess Caress. 
Upon entering the brothel, Tav spoke with the owner, Mamzell Amira. She told of what the establishment had to offer, but none of the options presented seemed interesting, until she said “But we are blessed to have a devil in residence at the moment - a temporary guest, but he asked that I send any potential clients his way. Everyone who’s visited looks quite changed by the experience.” 
“Oh, really?” Tav asked, crossing her arms, a brow raised. Of course, there were other devils besides her patron, but she had a distinct feeling that somehow, Raphael would be involved. “And how is he like?” 
“Exceedingly handsome, with a voice that could make the foulest blasphemy seem the sweetest hymn.” 
“Quite the poet you are.” Tav murmured before asking “Did this devil give you a name?” 
“Indeed he did - Raphael.” Mamzell replied. “You can find him upstairs, in the Devil’s Den.” 
“Thank you.” She turned around, making a motion to leave, before remembering something. “Actually, you mentioned he would be here temporarily, yes? Did he specify how long he would stick around?” 
“Hum…now that you’ve mentioned it, he did say he was waiting for one specific client, and would leave upon their arrival. Tav, I believe, he said was their name.” 
“Ah, wonderful.” She gave Mamzel a tight smile. “Thank you again. I’ll take my leave.” 
The group then headed upstairs, finding Detective Valeria, informing her of the crimes. She dismissed them at first, and then told them to go the lower city and find a Flaming Fist that was handling the case. Once they were done, Tav quickly made her way towards the exit. 
“What are you doing?” Astarion asked, once they were outside. 
He rolled his eyes. “I mean, that woman told you that Raphael was waiting for you. Aren’t you going to pay him a visit?”
“No.” She shurgged. “At least, not right now.”
“Why? He’s your patron, aren’t you supposed to answer him?” Astarion was flabbergasted towards the warlock’s dismissive attitude. 
She just smirked and told him “For all the trouble he has caused, Raphael won’t die if he waits a bit longer. Besides, she said he would stay there until I spoke with him.” Tav turned around, clapping her hands together. “Now, let us go. We have a murder to solve.” 
It would take them quite a while to come back to Sharess Caress. In fact, after Orin was killed, Tav had all but forgotten about Raphael. During that time, the party took to resolving some of their personal troubles: Finding Shadowheart’s parents and ending Cazador’s undead life for good. Most recently, they helped Dame Aylin fight against the wizard Loroakkan, and upon doing so, discovered the Annals of Karsus. 
Upon turning a few pages, Gale looked up, perplexed. “This is no mere journal. It contains the original plans Karsus had for the crown. His designs for godhood.” He went on to explain how the crown and the Netherstones used to be attached, which got separated during the sundering. “If we can collect the crown’s setting and the stones, and with the correct invocation of certain spells and gestures detailed here….I could reforge it.” He finished excitedly. 
Tav crossed her arms, frowning. “So, this crown could give you the power of a god?” 
“Potentially.” He closed the book. “Just think of it. Divine powers, finally on the hands of a mortal. We’d be free of doctrine and dogma, confined only by the limits of our imaginations.” 
“This is all very nice but…I don’t believe this is a good idea, Gale.” Tav took a deep breath. “I mean, Karsus died and his empire, the weave, hells, even Mystra fell with him.” 
“Do you think I haven’t considered that? I have no intention of repeating his folly.” 
“But you can’t guarantee that, can you? Besides, you’d be challenging the gods themselves.” 
His brows furrowed in a mix of anger and frustration, though Tav couldn’t tell who it was directed at. “Perhaps the gods deserve to be challenged. Perhaps you and I deserve to live and die as more than their pawns.” The wizard looked down. 
Tav sighed and took a step forward, putting a hand on his shoulder. “I understand what you mean, Gale. But the crown possesses a power that shouldnt belong to us mortals, maybe not even anyone. We have too much on the line to risk it all like that.”
She tried not to make her words sound hard but she noticed the wince Gale made.  “I know I am asking too much of you.” He sighed, looking up at her. “The risk with taking a leap of faith is that you don’t always stick the landing.” Gale took a step back. “Perhaps I got carried away with the idea of the Crown. That it could give back what Mystra took. Cure me, even.” 
Tav’s gaze softened. “We’ll think of something else, I promise. I’m sure there’s an answer out there, somewhere - it just isn’t the crown.” 
He gave her a small, tired smile. “Alright. I’ll try my utmost to share in your optimism. A little hope won’t hurt, after all.” 
Of course, the topic of the crown was brought up again, just a few days later, when Gale spoke with Mystra. 
His old teacher, the legendary wizard Elminster, had found them, telling Gale to go to the Stormshore Tabernacle, as Mystra had opened a portal to speak with him. 
And speak to her the wizard did. He explained how Mystra wanted the crown, how he had part of the Karsite weave with him and once again, said that he could use the crown to become a god himself. 
Before an argument could break out between the two, as Tav once again turned down Gale’s ideas, she made her way to the Elfsong tavern, finding a familiar face amongst the crowd. 
“Korrilla.” She approached the dwarf. “Taking a break from the usual spying job?” As they were both warlocks to Raphael, Tav was well aware of what sorts of missions Korrilla would be sent to. No wonder that, once or twice in their adventure, she swore she saw the dwarf somewhere in the distance. 
Korrilla downed the rest of her drink before addressing her. “Tav. Just the person I wanted to see.”
She raised a brow. “Really?” 
“No.” There was a slight tone of hostility there. “But I have to keep up appearances.” The two of them always had an uneasy relationship, as Tav always had a feeling that Korrilla was jealous. 
“What are you doing here?” Tav crossed her arms. 
“Raphael’s patience is getting thin.” 
“Did you miss his invitation? He’s waiting for you in Sharess Caress.” 
Tav frowned for a moment and then she remembered. She had fully forgotten about Raphael, due to the events of the past weeks. 
She sighed, putting a hand on her forehead. “Fucking hells.” She looked to Korrilla. “Do you know what he wants with me?” 
“He wants to help you save the world. What else?” She couldn't tell if there was more that the dwarf wasn’t saying. “I’d go there right now if I were you. Devils are patient but even Raphael has limits.” 
Fuck. For Korrila to be saying that, then it would be best for her to hurry up, but none of her companions were there. By the time she’d find someone and bring them back to Sharess, Raphael could leave. 
Reaching into the pocket of her pants and held out a soul coin. “You can have this if you find my companions and tell them where I’m headed.” 
“I don’t take orders from you…but I would be foolish to deny it.” She took the coin, just as Tav nodded her head and ran outside. 
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