#god. the second they started bickering. literally i recognized it as flirting. very first meeting. because thats what we fuckin do
universalsatan · 1 year
i’m only 3/4s of the way thru the first season of x-files and im already losing my mind. is this how unbearable slowburn is from the outside??? jesus christ i am so sorry to everyone around me irl LMAO. and the fact that i can See myself in mulder in so many ways (yes fine, another adhd idiot on which to project), but most significantly, that he Realizes. he Realizes he’s falling for scully halfway thru the FIRST season, but also that his lil crush is already COMPLETELY obvious to the rest of the office, apparently????? i have never been so thoroughly called out by a show,
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delta-roseblr · 5 years
Hi! i know you have a ton of requests and are writing so many things rn but I had a little request for a delix one shot. I was just wondering if you could write a oneshot surronding jealous dean because we havent really seen that yet. idrc about the exact plot (i trust you) literally anything from some girl in class flirts with felix and touches him or a waistress gives him her number. literally anything i just picture felix being kinda oblivious to his attractiveness
Hi, Anon!
Thanks for your patience! I hope you enjoy this fic and that it was worth the wait.
Just so everyone knows, this is from Dean’s POV and it takes place after Dean and Felix get back together
Dean pulled into the driveway of Felix’s big house and put the car into park. Just being parked there made him nervous because Felix’s dad still didn’t seem to like him now that he knew he and Felix were dating. Dean had no illusions, Leonard not liking him was completely his own fault. Because of that Dean was trying extra hard to be respectful and keep his distance until Leonard was better adjusted to everything. Until then he was just really glad that Felix and his dad were from Vermont because if they had actually been from Tennessee the chance Leonard owned a gun would be much higher.
As he sat listening to the car idle like a smooth pur he wondered where Felix was. Since they had gotten back together and came out to both their families, dating in general had been more challenging. Leonard had a lot of rules and restrictions, and while Dean wasn’t openly banned from the Jackson household his presence certainly didn’t seem to bring Felix’s dad any joy. To avoid some of the awkwardness, he and Felix had just been going out a lot. It wasn’t perfect, but they got to see each other so Dean was trying to focus on the positive. Normally when they had plans Felix was waiting for him at the front door when he pulled up, so the fact that he had to wait at all had him worried.
He told himself it was nothing. It wasn’t like Felix would just blow him off. On a rational level he knew that, but he still felt anxious about everything. That wasn’t how Dean normally was in a relationship, but the break-up had been rough. Even though he and Felix were passed that now and thankfully back together (and in some ways better than ever) some of the emotions from that time seemed to linger leaving Dean feeling like something vaguely bad was looming overhead.
Dean stretched his patience long past its breaking point before giving in and scooping his phone out of his cupholder. He had only just managed to unlock his screen when a text from Felix came in, the alert lighting up the screen.
Felix: My dad is being fucking stupid. You have to come in.
Oh, Dean thought as his stomach sank. Considering the few times Dean had been over after the big reveal as Felix liked to call it Leonard barely looked at Dean, that couldn’t be a good sign. He didn’t want to, but it wasn’t like he could say no. If your boyfriend’s dad wants you to come in before you go out for a date you really don’t have a choice.
Dean took a deep breath to steely his nerves a little. It didn’t work all that well, and for a moment he thought he understood why his dad drank so much. Something to dull the senses a little could have come in handy at that moment to at the very least stop him from vomiting in the driveway. Dean was sure that would have gone over really well.
Shoving down his reluctance, Dean killed the engine and pulled the keys from the ignition before climbing out of the car. He took a minute to push his keys in his back pocket and straighten his t-shirt before starting for the door. It felt more like he was marching toward a battlefront, but there was nothing he could do about that.
He hesitated when he reached the door. There was a time he could pretty much just walk into Felix’s house without knocking because he was just a friend stopping by to hang out. That wasn’t the case now. Dean sort of got it, but it was still a disappointing change. He also really didn’t want to face Leonard, but there was apparently no avoiding that. On top of that, he was pretty sure he could make out the sound of two people bickering on the other side of the door which couldn’t be a good sign.
He wrapped his knuckles against the front door gently a few times as he tried to ignore how his stomach was turning itself in knots. The bickering turned into all-out shouting on the other side of the door, and while Dean still couldn’t make out the actual words, he was sure it was about him. He was starting to wonder if it was too late to run back to his car and hide when the front door came flying open.
There was a split second where Dean actually had hope that it was Felix. He was there to pick Felix up after all so it was reasonable, and even if he had to deal with Felix’s angry dad, seeing his bright eyes and easy smile would have eased Dean’s stress unmeasurably. He didn’t get that lucky.
Mr. Jackson opened the door and made no attempt to hide his distaste as he glared at Dean standing there. He didn’t pull a gun on him (thank gods for that) but Leonard made no attempt to hide just how unhappy he was to see Dean standing there.
Felix always made jokes about how little he and his dad had in common. Personality wise Dean didn’t know Leonard enough to say, but appearance wise, he could actually see the family resemblance. It wasn’t like how Dean was with his own dad where the two looked so similar it was eerie, but it was still there. Still, meeting Felix’s mom had explained a lot because while Leonard was very much a generic looking middle-aged businessman, Shelia was genuinely pretty in a plain sort of way. How that resulted in Felix, who was almost exotic in his appearance, Dean wasn’t sure, but it had.
“Ah, hi Mr. Jackson,” Dean greeted clumsily. Both of his previous girlfriends had marveled at Dean’s ability to charm their parents, and Dean remembered how easy that had felt. He didn’t know where that talent had gone, but it had definitely left him. He still tried even though he was pretty sure there was no use. “How are you?” he asked forcing his best courteous smile.
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, Dean didn’t want to assume the worse about Leonard. His sudden dislike of Dean’s very existence could simply be lingering awkwardness over Aunt Naomi breaking up with him. Dean’s dad hadn’t exactly made friends with Leonard either during their first and only meeting. Sure, Leonard had sort of started it, but John really had taken it to a whole different level. The level of clear distain he showed Dean simply couldn’t have been just because Dean and Felix were dating.
“Dean,” Leonard crossed his arms over his chest in what Dean was positive was supposed to be an intimidating gesture. It might have worked if the man wasn’t several inches shorter than Dean.
“Um,” Dean managed. While he didn’t find Leonard physically intimidating, the complete lack of greeting or invitation inside did throw him off more than a little. The open contempt directed at him should have been something he was used to at this point because since Leonard had found out about them that had been a constant, but he just wasn’t. Maybe it was just that he really didn’t want to, but he really had no one to blame but himself for that. He was the one who had kissed Felix in front of everyone after all. There was nothing he could do about that at that point. All he could do was smile and try to deal even if it was unpleasant.
“What are the plans for the evening?” Leonard asked flatly.
“Oh, ah,” Dean stammered. It felt a little like he was being asked what crimes he planned to commit. How was he supposed to answer that? Dean was honestly so flustered he couldn’t remember why he was there. He knew he was supposed to pick Felix up, and they were going on a date but beyond that….it really was fuzzy. “A movie, I guess,” he just barely managed to mutter out sounding confused and uncertain.
It was the wrong thing to say, that was immediately clear. Leonard’s expression hardened noticeably, and Dean was pretty sure the man was about to unhinge his jaws and swallow him whole. “You guess?” he questioned in a way that sounded more like an accusation.
Dean needed to say something. He recognized that immediately, but he couldn’t remember what words were. “Um….” He hummed nervously.
“Oh my fucking god!” Felix’s voice came from somewhere behind his father. Even pissed, Felix sounded like an angel. “Just fucking stop!” Felix shouted as he appeared at Leonard’s back. “We are going to a movie which I’ve already fucking told you,” Felix practically growled at his dad as he pushed past the man on his way out the door. He did it with that whole angsty teen vibe that Dean had never been able to muster, but Felix could pull off like an expert.
Felix looked good too, even in the low lights of the porch. He was dressed in jeans and a basic t-shirt so it wasn’t like he had gotten dolled up, but Dean could smell fresh soap and cologne, and his hair looked touchably soft. Dean desperately wanted to touch him, but he doubted that would go over well with Leonard.
“Now, I’m going,” Felix declared almost dismissively as he stormed onto the porch like a man on a mission. Felix seemed so determined Dean half expected him to storm right past him on the way to Dean’s car.
Felix didn’t, but Dean was pretty sure that had more to do with Leonard talking than anything else. “Straight home after,” Leonard declared. Dean’s stomach dropped at the statement. It wasn’t so much the words because while Dean would have loved to have Felix for the night, he knew that wasn’t going to happen, it was the man’s tone. Leonard made it sound like an order, and Dean knew Felix would not take that sort of thing well from anyone, but especially not Leonard. It got Felix to stop which was something, but Dean didn’t envy Leonard for the look of clear distain Felix turned to give him. “No stops along the way,” he added just as firmly.
“Yeah,” Felix dismissed, and Dean would have sworn he could actually hear Felix roll his eyes as he spoke, “Whatever.”
Leonard clearly had no idea how to handle Felix’s attitude which wasn’t new but was really painful to watch. Felix wasn’t going to give, and Leonard seemed to have decided that he needed to dig in his heels and be the strict parent. That was Dean’s fault because Leonard had never seemed to care before the kiss. If Dean could go back and change things, he would, just so he could have a chance that Felix’s dad might like him. It would have made their lives a lot easier at the very least.
“Yes, sir,” Dean offered unsolicited. Felix was probably going to kick his ass for it later, but Dean was so nervous he couldn’t stop himself. “No stops,” he added seriously with a little nod of assurance.
The look Leonard gave him made it more than clear just how little he thought of Dean and his reassurances. Dean probably shouldn’t have been surprised considering that Leonard had made it pretty clear that he thought Dean was a corrupting influence on Felix, but it was still more than a little disheartening. Leonard didn’t even bother saying a word to Dean before turning his attention back to Felix and stating, “And your curfew is at eleven.”
“My curfew is twelve,” Felix shot back immediately and with clear outrage. Dean watched Felix pull his arms over his chest in a clear show of defiance. “And I’m calling mom about this bullshit,” Felix stated matter-of-factly, “This isn’t how you be supportive.”
Oh, Felix was really going for it, Dean realized which just made him feel more awkward about standing there. Dean and his dad could have their fights, but it was usually about more important shit like the bills, so he just had no idea how to handle watching a more typical parent/teenager argument. In all fairness, Leonard didn’t look like he knew how to handle it either, but that might have been because Felix had shot his ex-wife’s words back in his face.
Dean didn’t know Felix’s mom all that well even though they had met. That meeting had been brief and more focused on Dean trying to prove he wasn’t the bad influence Leonard was insistent he was. Shelia had been nice, and Dean had felt like he had won her over, but that might have just been a sign that she was a little more accepting of the situation in general.
Felix didn’t talk about his mom a lot, so Dean had completely forgotten she was a counselor until he actually met her. Dean had never been to therapy, but Shelia talked like he imagined a therapist would a lot of the time. He was sure some of it was just the general awkwardness of dealing with her ex-husband, but she so often seemed to choose her words so carefully that everything felt like it had a subtext or hidden meaning.
From what Felix had told him there had been a lot of talking after Dean had left that day. Even from the bit he had been there for, it had been clear that supportive was the keyword. Since that day anytime Felix thought his dad was being ridiculously strict (which sometimes he was and sometimes he wasn’t) Felix would pull the word out like a weapon.
Leonard stammered a little as he clearly tried to find his footing in the conversation. He was unaware that he had already lost the fight which really showed how little he actually knew Felix. If he knew his son at all, he would have been able to see that Felix wasn’t going to bend on this.
Dean couldn’t bear the thought of watching Leonard unknowingly dig himself a deeper hole. “I’ll make sure to have him home by twelve,” Dean offered matter-of-factly. It was earlier then he wanted to bring Felix home, but it seemed at least reasonable, and it was definitely better than eleven.
Felix shot him a look, and Dean could practically hear him call him a kiss ass in his mind. Instead of doing so out loud, Felix grabbed him by the arm. “Come on,” he ordered as he started to tug Dean toward the car, “Let’s go.”
Dean let Felix pull him along. He did turn and waved weakly at Felix’s dad. “Bye, Mr. Jackson,” he offered.
“Yeah,” Felix shouted back. He didn’t stop on his way to the car, and he didn’t look back as he spoke, “Bye, dad.” Dean was pretty sure that Felix couldn’t have sounded less enthused if he tried.
It was a relief to get back behind the wheel of his car. It was even better to look over and see Felix sitting in the passenger seat smiling back at him. “Hey,” Dean greeted happily. It was so good to see Felix. With Leonard freaking out about them dating, they really hadn’t gotten to see each other all that much.
The soft smile Felix had been wearing turned into a genuine grin that had Dean’s heart skipping a beat. “Hey yourself,” he returned. Felix started to lean in over the center console with a lustful glint in his eye.
Dean recognized what Felix was doing and completely panicked. He leaned away so far he hit his back on the car door. “Your dad is definitely watching,” he pointed out. He sounded frightened, and he didn’t even care because he was a little. One peek out of the corner of his eye and he saw that he was right. Leonard was still standing in the doorway glaring in the direction of the car.
Felix looked toward the door for a half a second before turning back to Dean with a smirk. “He’ll get over it,” Felix declared before pushing forward and pressing his lips against Dean’s.
Dean was weak. Even if he was afraid of Felix’s dad a little, he couldn’t find the strength to resist kissing Felix back. As long as it had been since they had been able to share anything more than a kiss, things could have easily gotten heated. The fact that Dean knew they had an audience was probably the only thing that stopped that.
Felix pulled away after a few seconds, and Dean actually sighed. He hadn’t completely realized how tense he was until he felt himself relax from Felix’s touch. Felix could tell too, if the cocky expression on his face was any indication. Dean was thankful for the dark because it probably hid how he blushed. It was stupid considering Felix had seen him naked, and they had sex plenty of times, but Felix could still make him blush like an idiot.
He pushed his fingers through his hair before he retrieved his keys and jammed them into the ignition. The car turned over immediately with a gentle purr, and Dean turned back to look at Felix. “Alright, to the movies then?”
Felix settled back in his own seat, and there was still a glint of something sexy and dangerous in his eye. Dean could make it out even in the dark, and he knew it meant nothing but trouble. It gave Dean butterflies and turned him in knots in all the best ways. “We could always skip the movies and go back to your place,” Felix suggested.
It was quite the suggestion, and Felix clearly meant it. Dean so badly wanted to say yes or just start driving and not stop until he was at his house (streetlights and traffic signs be damned). Since he and Felix hadn’t been able to really see each other alone since they had gotten back together…well, except for one serious exception, but that had just sort of happened and had definitely been against the rules… But whatever the case, physical intimacy of any kind had largely been off the table. Their relationship was so much more than just the physical stuff, but that didn’t mean Dean didn’t miss it. God, he really wanted to just take Felix back to his bed.
Dean was painfully aware of Leonard still standing in the doorway watching them. Considering just how much Leonard didn’t seem to trust them, Dean really wouldn’t put it past him to follow them to the theater just to make sure that was where they were actually going. He was already pretty sure Leonard would never really like him, but he still had a little hope that they could get to the point where he didn’t completely hate him. He was pretty sure he would officially kill any chance of that if Leonard caught him taking Felix back to his house when it had been explicitly stated that wasn’t allowed.
“Please don’t tempt me,” he pleaded with a sigh before pushing the car into reverse and backing out of Felix’s driveway.
Luckily Felix didn’t push Dean’s resolve on that because Dean wasn’t sure just how strongly he could protest. It was impressive how quickly they managed to fall into comfortable conversation as Dean drove through town with one hand on the steering wheel and the other on Felix’s thigh.
The ride was a bit longer than necessary because Dean made an executive decision and took them to a theater that was further away from town. He wanted to be able to be close to Felix without having to worry about someone from school seeing them. At least with Felix in the passenger seat, it didn’t feel like a particularly long ride.
For once he might have actually driven slower than the posted speed limit because he was really in no rush to get there and have to share Felix’s presence with anyone else. Once they reached the theater, they both seemed reluctant to get out of the car but managed after dragging their feet a little and sharing a few quick kisses.
It wasn’t until they were actually inside staring up at the movie showtimes that Dean realized he had no idea what they were actually planning to see. He remembered them talking about seeing a movie, but he couldn’t remember if they even talked about what movie they wanted to see. He had heard that he was actually going to get to see Felix without having to sneak into his house (which Dean was never doing again because that had ended so badly) and must not have paid attention to anything after that.
“What are we seeing again?” he questioned as he turned to Felix.
“We never decided,” Felix informed. “I had to get off the phone because of my dad,” he reminded with annoyance.
“Right,” Dean nodded.
Now that he heard that he had a memory of a late-night phone conversation that was interrupted by a less than civil back and forth between Felix and his dad before the call was forced to end. Considering they had been talking close to twice as long as they were supposed to be Dean really couldn’t blame Leonard, but it was clear that Felix had a very different feeling on the matter. Dean realized Felix’s dad finding out about them was completely his fault, but Felix really was making it difficult for the man to just adjust to it and maybe ease up on them. It wasn’t really a surprise considering the fact that Felix didn’t think much of his dad to begin with, but it really wasn’t helping their situation anyway.
He let out a sigh because he knew this wasn’t going to go over well, but he had to at least try. “So maybe we should try to be at least a little…” Dean had to stop and find the least offensive word he could think of before continuing, and he wasn’t sure he was completely successful, “Patient with your dad.”
“He’s being fucking ridiculous so why would I want to do that?” Felix questioned sounding just as dismissive of the idea as Dean had been anticipating.
“Because if we are, maybe he will be more likely to say yes to things like the camping trip,” Dean offered hopefully.
He had been trying to get Will to agree to go camping again since they were thirteen, and he had finally managed. It was going to be like their last hurra before they were both off to college, and the trip had the potential to be way better then Dean could have ever imagined. Will had actually been the one that suggested inviting Felix along, and it wasn’t just a way for him to get away with inviting Nico either (although Nico was coming as well). If they could get Leonard to say yes it was going to be a week of camping with Felix, Will, and Nico.
“Oh, he already said no to that, twice actually,” Felix informed casually, and Dean’s heart actually dropped from the disappointment. It must have read on his face because Felix gave his shoulder a playful little shove. “Don’t worry, I’m going to make it happen,” he assured. There was a certainty in the way Felix spoke that made Dean believe him. Felix looked back up at the list of movies and showtimes. “I say we see the new Jurassic Park movie,” he stated.
Dean looked up and saw the movie had a showtime in the next twenty minutes. Dean didn’t have a particular reason to be surprised but he was. Maybe it just didn’t seem like the first choice he would have expected from Felix. “Um, why?” he questioned.
“There is the most time to the next showing,” Felix pointed out, “We might even get the theater to ourselves for a little bit.” Felix turned to face Dean with a smirk as he added, “Plus, I already watched a screener so I will be able to answer any of my dad’s questions when I get home, so I don’t actually have to pay attention to it.”
Dean couldn’t help but smile, and he definitely approved of Felix’s thought process. “So we aren’t going to be watching the movie?” he questioned playfully although he was pretty sure he already knew the answer.
“We are going to be sitting together in a dark space,” Felix pointed out with a corked eyebrow, “I can think of better ways to spend that time.”
“Alright,” Dean nodded. He was smiling like an idiot, and his face felt like it was on fire he was blushing so hard. What made it worse was Felix was clearly proud of the mess he had turned Dean into. Dean just wanted to kiss the cocky smirk off his gorgeous face.
Dean pushed a strand of hair behind his ear and cleared his throat as he tried to regain some of his composure. He could feel himself blushing and just had to try to ignore it as he spoke. “I’ll go buy the tickets if you hit up the concession stand,” he suggested because the sooner they got into the theater the more time they would have all to themselves.
“Sure,” Felix agreed before turning to start toward the concession stand before calling back, “But I’m getting extra butter.”
“Fair enough,” Dean called after him with a smile.
Dean wasn’t a health nut by any stretch of the imagination. If he could live off only one food for the rest of his life, he was pretty sure it would have been apple pie. Still, for the most part, he tended to eat relatively healthy day to day. He also ran pretty regularly and not just when he had to for soccer. Felix was a completely different animal. He was built like a tri-athlete but he ate like a fat kid. If something could be dosed in gravy, cheese sauce, or extra butter he was all about it. His hot ass never worked out unless it was for soccer practice which would have made Dean jealous if he didn’t just feel immensely lucky that Felix was his boyfriend.
They had definitely had more than a few playful arguments about their different food preferences over the last year. Before they had started dating those arguments ended with some playful shoving and maybe someone being told to fuck off. After they started dating, those arguments usually ended with someone being pinned to the bed and threats of dripping delicious (unhealthy) sauces on certain body parts. Those threats never came to fruition, not that Dean was opposed. Still, the memory made Dean smile.
His mind was still mostly on Felix as he went through the motions of buying their tickets. He was probably rude to the girl at the counter because she tried to strike up a friendly conversation a few times in the process, and Dean didn’t give her much. His brain so lost in thoughts of Felix, he was lucky he was able to make words.
Tickets in hand, Dean walked over to the concession stand. He spotted Felix almost immediately looking perfect as always as he stood off to one side of the counter. It took him a minute before he was able to peal his eyes off Felix to notice the girl that was behind the counter. She and Felix appeared to be chatting which would have been fine if she wasn’t leaning on the counter in a way that appeared almost suggestive. In the few seconds that it took for Dean to close the distance he didn’t see anything that made him dislike the situation any less. The girl was smiling with a glint in her eye as she looked at Felix. She was also clearly doing that thing that girls did where they laughed as an excuse to touch his arm lightly. All the while it looked like Felix was politely humoring the girl.
As much as he didn’t like it, he couldn’t blame the girl. Felix was fucking gorgeous, Dean knew that. Hell, anyone with eyes and two brain cells to rub together could see that. There was absolutely no reason to be jealous because it wasn’t like Felix was flirting back. That would just be stupid, or at least that was what the rational part of his brain tried to tell him.
Dean wasn’t even the jealous type. He never had been but seeing someone flirt with Felix definitely made him irrationally jealous. Maybe it was just some hangover effects from their little break that Dean hadn’t been aware of until he was faced with it. It wasn’t like their break had been about either of them wanting to be with other people, so if that was the cause, he was just being needlessly stupid.
Or maybe it wasn’t anything so deep, and it was just the fact that the girl currently flirting with his boyfriend was cute. She was petite with chocolate brown curly hair, fair skin, and bouncy energy that Dean could see from a mile away. She looked like she could be really fun to be around, and she and Felix could look really cute together.
Stop, he told himself, thinking like that was just torture for no reason, and it was stupid.
He walked up to where Felix was standing as the center of counter girl’s attention (and boy did she have a lot of attention). “Hey?” he greeted/questioned with a pointed look at Felix in hopes that he would know what Dean was asking.
“Hey,” Felix replied as he immediately looked in Dean’s direction and gave him a little-lopsided smile that washed away any insecurities Dean might have had. “She is making more popcorn,” he explained with a casual point in the direction of the flirty girl behind the counter.
There was something about the way Felix spoke- his tone, the expression on his face, his posture, and his general demeanor. Dean started to suspect that Felix didn’t know that the girl was flirting with him (blatantly). Felix couldn’t really be that oblivious, could he? He was too fucking attractive to not be aware of someone flirting with him.
“Oh?” Dean questioned with a look in hopes of communicating more then he could in words in front of Flirty Girl.
He wasn’t sure if Felix picked up on his hidden message because Flirty Girl immediately jumped in. “Yeah, I’m so sorry about that again,” She declared. Dean’s stomach immediately turned because while he could tell she was being flirty from afar it was worse up close. Her attention was focused solely on Felix like he was the only thing that existed as she smiled and leaned across the counter slightly. “It should be done in just another minute,” she promised brightly.
“No problem,” Felix dismissed with a casual shrug, “We have time until our movie starts.”
Dean was struggling to hold back a smile because it was now completely clear that Felix was oblivious to what was going on. He probably shouldn’t have been completely surprised because Dean had been unknowingly flirting with him for months before they had started dating, and Felix had worked himself in knots thinking Dean wasn’t into him. But the girl was being so over-the-top obvious about it. It was crazy that he was so blind to it. Dean honestly didn’t know what to say.
One of the big machines behind the counter made a noise, and the girl managed to pry her eyes off Felix to look around before turning back and smiling brightly at Felix. “I’ll going check how the popcorn is coming,” she offered with clear reluctance before walking away.
As soon as Dean was sure flirty girl was out of earshot Dean gave Felix a look as he commented, “She’s friendly.”
“I guess,” Felix shrugged with a slightly confused look. It was funny because without straight up pointing it out Dean was making it pretty clear, and Felix still didn’t get it. Felix was also really cute when he was confused so there was that.
The look didn’t last long before Felix seemed to remember something. He reached into his back pocket and produced a box of candy and tossed it at Dean which Dean easily caught. “I got you a box of sour patch kids because we had to wait,” he explained.
“You know me so well,” Dean declared as he popped open the box and pulled out a few sugar-coated sour gummy bears. Sour Patch Kids were his absolute favorite candy, but Felix absolutely hated them. Dean had learned that not long after he met Felix, and it had led to a playful argument that easily lasted over an hour and ended with them throwing Sour Patch Kids at each other.
Yeah, Dean really should have realized he was into Felix a lot sooner than he had.
The cutest little, almost bashful, smile spread across Felix’s face as he replied, “I better.”
God, Dean just wanted to kiss him. He was just so cute. They were pretty far from town so the chances that they would be seen by someone who knew them seemed small, and he wondered if he should just risk it.
Before he could make up his mind the flirty theater employee was back with a bucket of popcorn in hand. “Here you go,” she declared as she set the popcorn in front of Felix. “Hope you and your girlfriends enjoy the movie,” she offered. Dean guessed he was included in that statement, but the girl still seemed fully focused on Felix with her bright eyes and friendly smile.
Felix immediately looked toward him briefly before smirking back at the girl. “No girlfriends, just us,” he explained as Dean watched him gesture between the two of them.
“Oh,” The girl declared sounding surprised and absolutely elated. Felix had just made her day if the excited twinkle in her eyes was any indication. “Well then maybe I’ll see you after your movie,” she offered, and she had officially past her tone being simply flirty to being openly suggestive, “I’ll probably be getting off my shift around then.”
Jesus, Dean thought completely shocked by her boldness, why didn’t she just offer to blow him while she was at it.
If he wasn’t so annoyed with the girl for trying to hit on his boyfriend, he would have felt bad for her because Felix still didn’t get it. “Okay,” Felix replied with confusion. He picked the bucket of popcorn off the counter and held it up as he offered her a quick thanks. Since the girl had made no effort to acknowledge Dean’s existence, he didn’t feel bad following Felix without saying a word to her.
Even with the popcorn related delay, the theater was still completely empty when they walked in. Without even talking about it they both headed to the very back of the room and took a seat that was tucked in a corner. It was the closest thing they could get to private, and Dean was sure once the lights were turned down, they could go relatively unnoticed if no one sat too close to them. It wasn’t the same as curling up together on Dean’s couch watching bad TV, but it wasn’t so bad considering their current limitations.
Once they were settled in their seats, Dean turned so he could admire Felix. Some part of his brain was thinking about the flirty girl. As much as he kept telling himself it didn’t matter, he couldn’t stop himself from bringing it up. “So…The girl at the concession stand…”
“What about her?” Felix questioned. If he had any suspicion that the girl had been flirting with him, he didn’t let it show.
“She was hitting on you,” Dean stated getting to the heart of the matter. He still had a hard time believing Felix didn’t notice at all. It wasn’t like Dean would have been upset if Felix had because it wasn’t like he flirted back.
Felix just shrugged as he started picking at the bucket of popcorn resting in his lap. “She was just looking for a tip,” he dismissed with a level of certainty that he just shouldn’t have had.
Dean found himself just staring at Felix picking at the popcorn completely dumbfounded. He knew Felix had a tendency to underestimate himself. When they had first met, Felix had told him he was a decent soccer player when in reality he was a complete badass. Felix had offered to fix Dean’s computer once saying he knew a thing or two about them when it was more like he was a freaking prodigy with anything electronic. Felix was the modest type, but he couldn’t seriously be so oblivious. He had access to mirrors, and it wasn’t like Dean was shy about pointing out how fucking hot Felix was. He didn’t think pointing out Felix was probably the most stunning person Dean had ever seen was going to get Felix to see what had just happened with the concession stand girl with any sort of clarity.  
He was probably grinning like an idiot too because it was just so fucking ridiculous that Felix couldn’t see it. Dean ultimately pointed to the one thing he thought Felix would really hear. “Hadn’t you already paid?” he questioned.
“Oh yeah,” Felix admitted. He stopped picking at the popcorn and looked up at Dean. His eyes looked more green in the low light of the theater. Dean didn’t think the expression that started to bloom across Felix’s face was one of understanding but maybe something close to it. “I guess,” he stated sounding sort of uncertain.
“Yeah, so she was flirting with you,” Dean declared triumphantly as he settled back in his plush seat a little more. “She wasn’t even being subtle about it,” he added. The seat really was well padded, so it had no right to be so uncomfortable all of a sudden. Thinking back, Dean really had to marvel at the girl’s boldness because she had openly eyed Felix like a starving animal eying a piece of juicy steak.
“If you say so,” Felix shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal. He wasn’t wrong, it really wasn’t, so Dean was just going to let it go. If Felix didn’t care about it there was no reason he should, or at least that was what he was telling himself before he caught Felix watching him with a glint in his eyes. It was a critical look like Felix was searching for something hidden in Dean’s features. Before the intensity of it literally made Dean squirm out of his seat and explode, Felix finally spoke. “Does that bother you?” he questioned too seriously for a guy with a giant bucket of popcorn sitting on his lap.
Shit, Dean hissed inwardly as he took a sudden interest in his shoes. “I don’t know,” he answered. He tried to shrug like the whole thing was no big deal, but he could feel how wrong and awkward it was. It was just so fucking stupid, and Dean hated it. “Maybe a little,” he admitted under his breath. The theater was still very empty and having spoken quietly wasn’t enough to stop his voice from carrying. It might have just been in his head, but he would have sworn he could hear his words reverberating off the walls.
It wasn’t until Dean heard Felix shift in his own seat that he was able to force himself to look up. Felix was sitting back up, the bucket of popcorn was gone from his lap, and he was smirking at Dean like the devil with a shiny new deal to offer. If Felix was a devil, Dean would understand why people sold their souls. “If I told you she wasn’t my type, would that make you feel better?” he asked with a playful edge in his voice.
God, Dean could feel himself blushing, and whenever Felix complimented him, he got this weird (but definitely not bad) feeling low in his stomach, so he knew it was only going to get worse. The theater was poorly lit, but not so much so that Dean could have any illusions that Felix wouldn’t be able to see. He only barely managed another awkward shrug and hated that he wasn’t even a little smoother.
Why had Felix gotten back together with him?
“What about this?” Felix questioned, and before Dean could ask what he met Felix pushed the theater chair’s arm up and out of the way and pushed forward. His lips caught Dean’s, and any anxiety or self-consciousness he was carrying washed away. Dean had barely gotten past the initial surprise when Felix pulled away. When his eyes fluttered open, he found Felix smiling at him still, but the wickedness was gone from it, leaving only something sincere and warm. “Does that make you feel better?”
“Maybe a little,” Dean admitted, underplaying by a mile. He couldn’t really fight the smile that spread across his own face, and he didn’t really try. “It might help if you did it again,” he suggested, not trying to hide how hopeful he was that Felix would take him up on that.
“Oh, is that so?” Felix exclaimed, “I guess we should test that theory.”
Their lips met again, and this time the kiss was anything but short. Their lips moved against each other with familiarity and growing heat. They had really only been back together a couple of weeks, and since they had reconciled most of their time together had been little more than stolen moments. A movie theater, even an empty movie theater, was far from private, but it felt like more privacy then they had had in a long time.
Dean no longer could ignore how much he had been missing the feeling of Felix’s hard body pressed against his, the smell of Felix’s shampoo intermixed with his undefinable musky man scent, the feel of his lips, and the tingle of Felix’s fingers running through his hair. All of it hit him like a tidal wave that Dean didn’t even try to resist being swept away by.
It was like zero to sixty, and in no time, they were genuinely making out without Dean really realizing how they got there. They were both half in their own seat and half in each other’s. Felix had a leg wrapped over one of Dean’s. Felix had the fingers of one hand tangled in Dean’s hair occasionally tugging just rough enough to send arousal coursing through Dean’s veins like electric shocks while his other hand was gripping at Dean’s t-shirt. Dean wasn’t acting much better with his hands wrapped around Felix’s waist, so they rested on the small of his back. The only thing that was stopping him from grabbing Felix’s ass was their stupid seats.
The little sound that escaped Dean wasn’t a moan, but it was close enough to be shameful considering the setting, and Dean didn’t care. They were both definitely acting like the horny teenage boys they were, and neither of them seemed like they were close to putting the brakes on things.
Dean would like to think he wouldn’t let things get too out of hand, but luckily that belief was never tested. They were probably too wrapped up in each other to have heard the sound of the theater door open, but there was no way to miss the sounds of laughter and chattering as people walked in.
They broke apart and moved back to their seats before anyone came into view. It wasn’t like the group of five or six teenagers that entered the theater paid them any attention, but if they had Dean could imagine what they would have seen. Both he and Felix were disheveled and breathing heavy. It probably looked like he and Felix had been either making out or fighting.
“Worst fucking timing ever,” Dean heard Felix grumble under his breath. When he looked in Felix’s direction, he could see him glaring fire at the new arrivals.
Dean understood the feeling, but he thought he had a better solution to the problem then trying to glare strangers to death. “Um, is skipping the movie and going back to my place still an option?” he asked. It was against Felix’s dad’s rules, but Leonard already thought he was a bad influence so what was the point following them in the first place?
Felix was on his feet so fast, it was genuinely impressive. On his feet, Felix held out a hand for Dean to take as he declared, “Let’s go.”
As always, I hope you enjoyed!
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