#goddddd these episodes are fucking brutal
chronicowboy · 1 year
i !! fucking !!! despise !!!! arthur and merlin's reunion in the darkest hour part two because like you can quite literally see all the things arthur is trying not to say !! he physically opens his mouth and stops himself at least twice !!!! do you understand? arthur watched his best, most trusted friend take a fatal spirit for him and then reluctantly released him to the charge of lancelot believing he'd never see him again, both because merlin would die and arthur would sacrifice himself, and then merlin came back ! whole and unharmed and alive !! and there's so much he could say, but all of it is too big and too scary so he just says good to see you merlin and pats him on the shoulder and - do you understand???
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polyhexian · 2 years
Armada/micron legends really is good btw. Don't watch the English version. Watch it in Japanese. Trust me. I cannot possibly describe how much worse the English version is. They don't go a single episode without getting at least one characters name wrong. It's so bad there's actually like two characters I still am not entirely certain the names of they are so frequently called different names. Sometimes they even use names from characters that aren't even in this show???? Optimus calls hot shot hot rod once and I had to pause the show I couldn't stop laughing. The plot is incomprehensible. The mixing is bad. Love yourself
But also it's WILD how the show constantly pivots from "nothing interesting is happening" to "the starscream show, about starscream." And they went ham with this starscream. He's an admitted war child who was born a Decepticon and never given a choice of sides or a choice not to fight at all. He never betrays megaton until he's been basically tormented past the point of madness. I've never seen a show more explicitly make it clear Megatron is abusive. I think cyberverse has the most brutal starscream beatdown but Armada?? Good lord Jesus Christmas. It's mostly off screen but like. He's dragged into another room while another character bangs on the door and begs him to stop and leave him alone it's fucking horrific. It's so genuinely upsetting. He actually honest to God switches sides and joins the Autobots for awhile. He is so goddamn sad. He??? Is the only one who treats the minicons like fully legitimate people??? What the actual fuck??? He even acts like he can fully understand them basically all the time hello??? He is so close with the minicons that when he leaves the Autobots they fucking GO WITH HIM!!! the shot of one of them hugging his leg in the doorway like... Silently staring back like leave him alone.... Oh my goddddd. Oh my goddd. He has a fucking emotional breakdown in the rain and his Japanese voice actor goes so unbelievably hard. His performance is out of this world. He's wailing into the fucking night with hacking sobs. Is he actually crying??? Maybe. And then he fucking DIES
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boltsandashes · 5 years
TWD 10x05 first impressions
bullets and overall reactions under the break:
Kelly BABE. God, I can’t even imagine how frightening that must be. Trying to adjust to that kind of new normal (and not even a ‘new normal’ because it’s going in and out at this point) while you’re in a constant fight for survival.
Why would they have the doctor out searching for Negan? Protect your doctors, guys!!
Ughhhhh that cough from Zeke. I’ve been worrying all season about him being maybe being sick....
Omg he’s just a fanboy. He’s a Negan fanboy I’m dying.
Daryl let you out of the cell, #1 theory. (Aaron is #2 but it’s shakier.)
DAMN, the Rick and Carl mentions. Love Negan’s reactions to that assumption about Carl.
Aaron baaabe why you out alone?
Ugh that is so shitty. Contaminating the water supply? :/
Rating Walkers on hotness omg XD
“I don’t wanna be recognized.” Immediately in front of new people: “DAMN, classic Negan!” This idiot.
OMG Daryl is the actual cutest thing what the hell. That Merle story? The fact that he’s sharing a Merle story? And I just love how expressive he is with Connie, ok, I know it’s partly because he’s signing and gesturing to make things clearer for her but it is fucking adorable. He’s the most alive we’ve ever seen when he’s with her tbh I’m full on board shipping them.
oh my goddddd Zeke. oh my god this breaks my damn heart.
Ohh Negan... I don’t know if you wanna insult the obsessive fanboy. They tend to get vicious.
What I don’t love about this whole subtle Whisperer strategy thing is that it means Lydia was dead wrong about Alpha in the town meeting, that she actually doesn’t understand the people she grew up with, while the people like the Highwayman woman were right. Why have her insist it wasn’t Alpha behind the small herds if she’s just gonna be wrong?
AARon are you actually being the soft sweetheart I know you are?? (be careful babe)
Magna.... I get it girl but c’mon. You’ve been with them for like a year now.
ho ly shit this psycho fanboy. I honestly really love this story; it’s showing Negan exactly the kind of behavior he inspired with his leadership. It’s not what he WANTED to inspire but he did anyway. He preached no-nonsense brutality and domination and, just a step or so removed, this is what people took from it and I love that the show went there and explored that, and also showed clearly how that’s not what Negan actually wanted, that’s never what he wanted, but now he has to live with the consequences anyway. It’s complex shit and I love it.
zeeeeeke... god you know what I was preparing myself for a story like this and I’m still not prepared.
Magna and Yumiko... that was rough, wow. I feel like Yumiko’s probably more upset about the lie than the killing? Hopefully. We’ll see how that goes.
You know I didn’t realize at first that Gamma was Thora Birch. Cute little Hocus Pocus munchkin Thora Birch.
I am audibly awwing at every Daryl & Connie moment. Daryl lying for her family is a big deal; Daryl’s very blunt and honest by nature. And then Connie saying they’re family, I just..... all the hearts for that.
I’m intriiiigued by Negan going to the Whisperers. Is he planning to make a deal with them? I’d have hoped the lesson he’d have gotten from Obsessive Fanboy would be that the way he used to operate wasn’t the right path, but maybe he took it as “why bother trying/caring about people,” which would suck. For now though I’m gonna assume that he’s going to the Whisperers to try and do the right thing –– either by getting inside information to relay back to our people or by taking out Alpha, himself. Anything else would be a serious character backslide and kind of a disappointment imo.
Ok so I just really adored this episode, it’s one of my favorites in the season so far (I really loved, I think, 10x03 as well). I’m heartbroken about Zeke, I so wanted him and Carol to patch things up and have a happily ever after. Maybe that’s naive but that’s what I wanted for them. But at the same time it makes sense that this would happen at some point. Now that things are settled down a bit, time is passing, people are still gonna get sick like they do in our world.
The Magna and Yumiko stuff was rough, but that reveal explains so much about why they’ve never seemed on a level playing field in their relationship. Magna had this huge secret the entire time –– for thirteen years, damn –– that was keeping her from being completely open with Yumiko, and it turns out she might’ve been right not to because Yumiko’s reaction to the truth... really sucked. We’ll see where they go from here I guess.
I’m kind of laughing internally at the Alpha plan for Gamma because, what it sounded like to me, and I don’t know if I’m right on this, is that she wants Gamma to flirt with Aaron and that would just be such a fail I wanna see it in action.
And yeah, I think I rambled enough about the Daryl/Connie stuff and the general Negan story in the bullets. Awesome episode honestly, what’d you all think?
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