shambledsurgeon · 3 years
"Nothing but the truth? You have to tell me what's your best childhood memory with Roci and I"
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Well damn. There were as many shitty memories buried away as decent memories. If not more. Those good ones though, he held close. He protected quite fiercely. It wasn’t often he shared his thoughts and memories. Nor did he like showing any other side of himself too often. To pull out those memories was to show his clinginess to the past and to show the child in him that still endured. 
However the truth was asked of him. And it was just them. The other seemed genuinely interested anyway. What he’d do with the information after Law shared, he didn’t know. 
Elbow moved to rest on a hitched knee, while his palm moved to hold his chin while he thought back and sifted through his childhood. A thoughtful hum escapes his lips, eyes seeming to light on something far off beyond them. A different place and time altogether. One that still felt quite real, as if it had occurred just the day before. 
“The carnival. You and Cora-san brought me to that shitty little carnival as a kid. Cora begged you to join us and you finally relented. You both held my hands and we walked through the place. Staring at the lights. The food and the games.” He chuckled fondly. 
“You complained about the junk food. Cora bought me a giant bag of cotton candy. It got all over my face. But I got you both to share it. Later, I cried over this silly stuffed animal. Had to win one of those games that they obviously rig for failure. Cora wasted a ton of money. And then threatened to kill the vendor. I think it was you who managed to get it for me after Cora walked me away so we could both calm down.  Cora walked home with it on his head, I was riding on his shoulders the whole way back, falling asleep, you held onto my hand so I didn’t fall off. You both put me to bed after dunking me in a bath. And I went to bed with that shitty stuffed animal. Was probably one of the best days I can remember we all shared.”  He recalled it very fondly. The plush had been a polar bear. Something about it had immediately drawn him in. He still had it tucked away somewhere safely. That day, it was like having a family again. Being almost normal. It was a day that he refused to forget about. 
“Do you remember that day? Step-ya?” 
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calmcorvus · 3 years
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@godlivesonthemoon​ sent:
🍞 he's curious??
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Send ‘🍞’ to throw a loaf of bread at my muse.
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“Get that shit away from me!!” Immediately his hand slapped the loaf of bread out of the air and to the ground, where Corazón wasted little time kicking it away. He didn’t care if it was a waste of food; Christ, the taste of mold and bile was already lingering at the back of his tongue, and he wasn’t sure if it was real or imagined. Either way, he felt sick. At both the bread and his fiancé’s idea of a joke. Accusatory glare landed on the Birkan, fists gripped by his side in his temper. For a man who could be so silent, he certainly could yell quite loudly.
“What the hell is wrong with you, Enel!?”
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regensia · 3 years
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@godlivesonthemoon​ ⇀
For once, Rocinante managed to sleep in. Well, Enel might have helped on that part, since he discreetly added a bit of chamomile to his late night tea. He doesn't like to get dressed, but there's a special occasion this morning. He leaves the house before his fiancé would be awake, leaving an elegant white suit on the chair in front of the bed. There's a note left on the folded trousers, inside, Enel wrote these words:
My love, today we shall celebrate your birthday. As a man who has never believed in God, I'm aware of the miracle you are. I'm too selfish to ever share the goods of your existence anymore. Put that suit on, don't try to groom your hair. A year ago, I said yes, I wanted to marry you. Today, you're marrying me. I'm waiting on the beach beside the cabin, meet me there, everything is ready for us.
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HE swore he never had such a restful sleep like this, at least not in a long while. Rocinante had become accustomed to stealing his sleep through inopportune daytime naps around the Family, reducing the amount of time he had to interact with them, and affording him the awareness at night for any espionage work. Frankly, he had no idea that such a simple herb as chamomile would have knocked him out peacefully like this, even without his silencing powers! When at last did eyes open, he noted the bed was empty and the sun was already up, both oddities but not things to worry about he supposed, though the tiny cabin was quiet save for the creak of the poor overworked bed when he sat up. Glimpsing the white suit upon the chair – the very same chair he sat upon when caring for an injured Birkan – confusion overcame him. It wasn’t a Marine outfit...
ONLY after getting ready for the day and bathing did he approach the suit, finding it sized appropriately. It was obvious his fiancé meant for him to wear it, though he knew he’d get his answer as soon as he found Enel. The usual began to go into the pockets – lighter, carton of cigarettes – before he felt something else, discovering the note left inside. The thought brought a chuckle as he unfolded it to read it, recalling how he had once done something similar for the other, though the laugh was short-lived as he read the handwritten words.
WAS Enel... serious? They were going to go through with it? They were actually going to go ahead and get married . . . !? Here he had felt it was a dream to achieve such a thing, but this note promised to make it a reality!
ROCINANTE felt a sudden rush of nerves and adrenaline, running a hand through messy locks regardless of the note, panicking a bit as he looked around in search of something, anything. Was he missing anything? Did he need to bring something? Was his tie alright?? But no – it seemed Enel had apparently everything prepared... all that was left to do was to not dirty the suit on his way to the beach. 
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HOW could he stay relaxed at such a time and walk to the beach like nothing special was happening? Screw his birthday – it was a wedding! Each step he took brought the man closer to the beach and to the verge of tears of joy, knowing that this wouldn’t be some sick and elaborate prank, not after everything they had endured together. And at last did he glimpse the other waiting as it said he would out on the pristine sand, the familiar sound of waves lapping mingled with the sunlight sparkling off of blue water. But as beautiful as the scene was, it hardly compared to the only man he had ever fallen for, standing there all dressed up formally, the man he would soon get to call his husband. As he approached, he didn’t even care about the bump on his head from the doorway when leaving, having managed to not trip a single time on the way, mind only for Enel as hands reached out to him, taking up the other’s in a shaky but tight grip.
“ Is... is this really happening? ” Rocinante asked, disbelief evident in his tone as if this were all just a dream, smile beginning to hurt his cheeks. But so far this proved to be reality, those tears that threatened to fall earlier at last spilling as he could only laugh. “ Enel...! I can’t believe this! ” He would get to call the other his husband !
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tsvestidiabolus · 4 years
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Miho is an absolute wonderful mun in whatever muse she plays, but especially for Enel.  Her prose and way with words is just simply wonderful, and it’s a blessing to get to know her.  I would die for her.  Thank you.
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Penguin x Enel
Leave a ship in my ask and I’ll reply only with an emoji
😍 😍 😍
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zahraalgernon · 4 years
Munday Extraordinaire ( accepting ! )
@godlivesonthemoon​ said:
⚖ - Opinions on the fandom your muse blong to?
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  Honestly? I really enjoy the OP fandom.       Like it has it’s bad spots or squinty moments, but for the most part I feel like it’s heavily drama free. Especially in comparison to my previous RPC. Like? I feel like this fandom is a lot more accepting and friendly. It’s just nice and calm. Even with the occasional ship drama or whatever, but it’s just so much nicer that other fandoms.
  Also just? How accepting? Everyone has been to just my straight up bonkers OCs?        When I first made Loki public I FULLY expected it to die within the week and me just shrink back into my multi and King. But the reaction was insanely positive. Same thing with Reiki and even to an extent Silva. Reiki, especially, given how outward of a character is. The fact that people even like any of my Void Century OCs is incredibly kind to me. The majority of them are over powered or have some feature that just doesn’t make sense or otherwise I would see as probably not being liked. The acceptance within the fandom is beyond bounds, and I am so incredibly grateful that I am able to do what I love without pushback.
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dirtyandbeauty · 4 years
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He’s watching, amused. “Damn it’s all justa stupid number. I didn’t even haveta set anyone off for this one!”
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somftchilds · 4 years
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      she’s gonna happily drink that birkan sake-       and also wait for the inevitable drunken birkan she just gave anyagi sake too.
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medicus-mortem · 4 years
@godlivesonthemoon liked [+] for a starter.
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   Running into an ex-god didn’t really factor into his plans for the day and neither did this unexpectedly peaceful turn of events. An initial moment of Law being on guard and skeptical soon turned to the two men existing in this awkward sense of camaraderie. Law isn’t sure if that is what this is called. It feels a little more than just tolerating each other though. Especially, since he currently has a coffee in hand and they are sitting across from each other.
   The Hearts Captain eyes his companion. He is silent, observing and trying to figure something out. An idea is forming, one he doesn’t think will fly with Enel but he sees no harm in asking.
   “This is probably a really stupid question but ... how good are you at bein’ subtle?”
   He does have a reason for being on this island, one that involves some form of infiltration. If Enel wants to stick around he figures he could use him. Having a powerhouse like the sky island native in his back pocket could be helpful. Law was originally planning to do this job on his own, but that doesn’t mean he can’t change the plan around a new element.
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citrus-himmel · 4 years
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   ✉ @godlivesonthemoon said:    5 for the kiss!
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[ Spots to Kiss ]
5. a kiss on the temple.
To say she was shocked was an understatement. The last thing Nami expected to happen while in the presence of Enel was for him to lean down and give her a kiss on the temple. She blinked once, then a couple more times before slowly looking up to the self-proclaimed God, her confusion clearly, and unknowingly, written across her features. It wasn't... unpleasant, though she wasn't going to say that out loud. Stroking the ego of her enemies—could she even still consider them enemies at this point?— wasn't on her list of things to do. So, instead, she quickly schooled her features and allowed a small smirk to quirk the corner of her lips. ❝ Never would have thought you as someone soft, Enel. It kind of suits you. I appreciate not being electrocuted in the process, anyway... Would you like me to repay the favor? ❞ Nami asked. As suggestive as her words may have been, there was nothing of the sort in her tone beyond a hint of forced smugness.
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shambledsurgeon · 4 years
"Laaawwww~" Enel purrs, toddling and bumping the walls, still holding that bottle of alcohol that goat child gave him. He only had one sip and yet, he's in the most drunk state of his entire life. Finally spotting his son, he rolls his arms around his waist and pulls him into a tight and clumsy hug. "Hey... you know what, hic?" He mumbles, before he tousles Law's hair. "I'm... so... sooo proud of you. You're... the best son I could ever wish for."
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The way his voice is drawled out, the way the larger man is moving ....that odd scent coming off his breath....yeah Enel is apparently drunk. Here was a scene Law had not been witness to. At least not to this extent. 
As always, just like everything else about the man, he was absolutely over dramatic about his personal state. He was also...incredibly touchy. How...weird.  
His eyes narrowed. “Step-ya. You’re drunk. The hell have you been into that caused such a reaction?” Of course his words are likely not heard or completely ignored. Proof being those arms wrapping around him with that voice singing praises into his ear. Brows suddenly arched in surprise at the very sudden, very personal position they were suddenly in. Generally neither were fans of this kind of show of affection and now here they were. 
Law had stiffened, unsure what he should do or how the hell he should be feeling. That hidden part of him wanted to melt and give in to it. The other  part of him wanted him to believe this was all an effect of alcohol and nothing more. But those words still managed to effect him. He was starved for feeling that kind of love. Warm, absolute and true. 
“I didn’t...think you’d ever wished for a kid of your own.”  Let alone one like Law. But he still yearned for someone fighting past his own damn beliefs and loving him as their own anyway. 
“I hope you’ll keep that mind frame once you’ve sobered up.” He finally loosened into Enel’s grasp. “You should probably be rehydrating yourself. Eating something and sleeping this off. I’ve no idea what your body is like with whatever the hell it is you insisted on indulging in. I’d rather not risk you poisoning your liver and other organs.” 
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regensia · 3 years
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@godlivesonthemoon​ ⇀
"Your lips are so soft" (for Roci ❤️)
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⇀ Kisses! Kisses! Kisses!
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that was the power of exfoliation, having learned the trick to decent-looking lipstick. the very same lipstick that enel now wore as well. he could’ve thanked his fiancé for the compliment but instead took a moment to pull from his cigarette, turning his head to blow the smoke away, gaze steadily trained on the birkan all the meanwhile, wordless. leaning back in, he stole another kiss without request or prompt, and maybe one more. and another.
well, they had time, so he’d steal a few more...
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tsvestidiabolus · 4 years
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“Oh?  Is there some truth to my words after all?” He smiles ever-so-politely. “Trying that hard isn’t a good look for you.”
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Today is a special day, and Enel intends to spoil his lover. He has been preparing his little gifts for days, and he hopes that Penguin would find it enjoyable. While he enters the man's room, he leaves on the bed two items: one is a golden pole he made specifically for his future combats, matching the one he's already having, but this one is crafted with golden animals like polar bears and penguins, the jolly roger of the Hearts carved in the middle. The other item is a set of indoor plants, coming from North Blue with vivid yellow and orange colors, and utterly resistant. Enel clipped a note on it; they require salty water to live and they are excellent to soothe nightmares. He hopes that Penguin would never have any other after what happened between them. On the note, Enel is offering a date on the deck of the Tang, later tonight. Of course, he signs with a rather kinky comment about another gift waiting in the deepness of his pants...
The gifts were more than thoughtful, each making Penguin practically swoon. The staff going beside his usual one, though he couldn't help the smile on his face upon seeing the pretty plant. Leave it to Enel to manage to find something beautiful and full of meaning. Though the note brought a small flush to his cheeks, a bashful little smile on his face as he pulled the brim of his hat down. “Damn bastard..”
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stultusatropa · 4 years
It never occurred to him to look in the sky, of all places.  Oh, he was aware of the existence of islands in the sky - being on Whitebeard’s ship part-time, it was impossible not to hear some of their tales of the places they’ve visited before - but never once did he consider that the sky would be the perfect hideaway for an endangered species.  For one like him.
They even shared some similarities with the Skypieans.  Well, one in particular - their wings.  Although the Ekibyou’s wings were useless, it was still a thing that he felt bound him to Skypiea.
Sighing, he took a sip from his coffee cup, the straw soaking through the bandages.  The milk turned spoiled as soon as it entered his mouth.  He grimaced.  It was never pleasant, no matter how many times it happened to him.  He sat on the outside of a café in Skypiea, hands carefully looking through a dial encyclopaedia.  How interesting, that society in the sky had an entirely different system of engineering.  He’d have to test out some of the dials at a later date.
What interested him the most, though (and by him, he meant a feeling in the back of his mind), was the existence of a so-called ‘God’ in this land, all the way in Upper Yard, as they called it.  He wasn’t exactly worried about the existence of this fellow - he’d met many a man calling themselves Gods in his lifetime - but he was concerned about what exactly the man had done to garnered such a reputation in this island.
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For when the civilians spoke of God, they spoke with fear.
Osiris didn’t like that.  Nacea could tell, from the way his head pounded and his teeth bared behind his mask, that the God was angry.  And a fight between two Gods was the last thing he wanted, especially here.
But yet there was a possibility that some of his kind were in Upper Yard. . . 
Again, he sighed.  What a difficult vacation this turned out to be.
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viciousbite · 4 years
godlivesonthemoon said: For Ragna: does he have one favorite tentacle among all of his noodles? // Bombard my muse with questions! @godlivesonthemoon
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��They are all the same to me, or I can’t tell the difference between them if one of them bothers me less then the rest.” Ragna sighed, wondering if he should mark them one day and see if there was one which was less annoying then the ones who poked him randomly. “They are all equally good ... and bad.” He shrugged while giving one of his tentacles a pat. Really hard to tell, maybe he might have one tentacle who is naughtier than the others, but they all looked the same to him.
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