Going undercover and leaving a life behind, leaving the real you behind was a dangerous game and had it's fair share of risks. Looking over your shoulder all the time and not being able to relax no matter what the mission was could be problematic and if an officer was rumbled as a cop, they were found dead or not at all. So why was Luca taking the job? Because he wanted to step up in Swat, become a team leader and do that he had to go through certain roles to be able to do it. It wasn't fair because it was dangerous but the lucky thing was......Luca didn't have family that would really miss him if anything were to happen.
The team had tried to talk him out of it and in an aim to convince him to forget about going undercover, but after a bad break up, he had resigned himself to the fact that being a cop was all he had. So for the last three months he had been benched from duty and had infiltrated a notorious crime operation, a family and was working his way up their inner ranks.
It would undoubtedly be an experience. Good or bad, that was still to be decided.
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davidkarofskyindie · 2 years
godofstrife (Carlos/Dimitrios)
@godofstrife​ continued from (x)
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Originally posted by nylloth
The police officer was not in the plans that Dimitrios had made. He was supposed to finish and move on, yet now he was in trouble, he was in damn serious trouble. The deep black, bug like eyes snapped up to face the officer, his head tilted slightly. Inside of him, the monster screamed to kill this man, to just take his life and continue his ways. But Dimitrios was coming back to his own senses slowly and the guilt was beginning to set in. He dropped the flesh and pushed himself up from the ground, lifting his hands above his shoulders. He seemed rather dirty, as if he had been running around the woods for quite some time. He let out a quiet sigh as he got onto his feet, his eyes returning to their deep, innocent brown colour. “I know this looks bad but it is not what it looks like.” He spoke, his voice held a heavy accent, it was clear he was not from the area. He was thinking of places he could run to, he could escape to, away from the somewhat stable life he had built up in this village. “Please sir..” he added, he seemed far too kind, far too human to have been the creature killing all those things. And Dimitrios knew he seemed human to most and perhaps he could convince the officer that it was an accident - and then probably kill the police officer, the monster chimed in, to make sure no one found out. “I found them like this.” he gestured to the body, which seemed to hold the exact same injuries as all other victims did. He hoped he could use his boyish and innocent charm to win over this officer.
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Carlos’s mind was going a mile a minute just trying to get a handle on what was going on, seeing someone hovering over what looked like a corpse in a dark woods was not exactly normal on any level and had him very worried for what was to come. He could barely make out anything on this man’s face, but he also couldn’t see a weapon on him which was a tiny relief “You wouldn’t believe the amount of times I’ve heard it’s not what it looks like” he said firmly, not taking his eyes off the other man and just slowly moving a little closer, stepping over a few loose twigs and finally getting close enough he could actually see the injuries on the corpse “Right, Ok... well then how about you step away from the bodies then and answer some questions. If you just found them, we can get this sorted out quickly without a problem... just move away from the bodies, OK?” he said, lowering his weapon a little as a show of good faith, never taking his eyes off the other man.
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sterevakumalec · 2 years
Frustration - Scott/Theo
Scott parked his bike in front of Theo’s place and took his helmet off, glaring at the building even as he knew he came in peace. Mostly. He got off his bike and moved to knock on the door, but quickly checked and realized it was unlocked. He went inside and placed his helmet to the side before shutting and locking the door. He pressed his hand to his side, knowing the bruising was already fading, but still harboring more than a little ill will for it. “You should really learn to keep this door locked,” he called into the space, unsure as of yet where Theo exactly was. “I could’ve been someone way less friendly and your ass could be way more kicked next time.” He followed Theo’s scent and then leaned on the wall, staring at him with his arms crossed, still favoring his right side. “Anyways, I’m here because Liam is locked down at my place considering the full moon and all. He really beat the shit out of me way harder than usual today and it was more than evident that it was because you when he thought he was being quiet about, and I quote, ‘stupid fucking chimeras.’ I’m not here to get involved in your friendships, but I do consider you part of my pack and I just wanted to make sure you were ok too. I care about you.” Shit. That sounded way closer to the truth than he wanted it to be. “I mean, I don’t want any discord in my pack.” And that sounded too fucking cold. “I know you don’t have a lot of friends, so I felt it was more important for me to be here than with any of them.” Better. “Unless you don’t want me to be. I don’t have any plans, so I thought maybe we could chill together tonight.”
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bloodhoundsyndicate · 2 years
Sister Slave
Michael had always been born lucky, inheriting more money than he could possibly spend no matter how much he tried. When he had first met Kassandra, she had been struggling with a mountain of student debt, barely able to make ends meet even with an advanced degree. It had been easy for him to seduce the girl with his money and lifestyle, slowly drawing her in training and breaking her slowly until the once proud woman was his perfect little fuck toy. It didn’t take long for Michael to learn she had a sister as well, ripe for the plucking. He had financed her education as well through Kassandra, allowing her to play a successful and powerful business woman, when in reality he had been the one funding her lavish lifestyle. Now that the sister had graduated as well, he figured it was time to add her as well. He had suggested Kassandra bring her to him as a graduation gift, but she wouldn’t know the true reason she was here until he decided to tell her.
When the day had finally come for the sister to visit, Michael dispatched Kassandra to bring her home, sending his personal driver and a limo to pick her up. When they finally arrived, he laid the charm on thick as he introduced himself. “It’s so good to finally meet you. Kass has told me so much about you. I’m so glad we can celebrate this joyous time with you.”
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charmed-redemption · 2 years
TO: Peace Be Steal
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hcwthewestwaswcn · 2 years
Follow this amazing person!!!!
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davidkarofskyindie · 2 years
godofstrife (Holden/Connor)
@godofstrife​ continued from (x)
muse: Connor o Maoilriain (29 years of)age rather than 23)
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Connor rolled his eyes at the other’s words, he tended to make such comments to him and Connor was not always certain how to interpret them. Let’s say that it wasn’t the first time he had been rather excited whilst spotting the other. Connor wasn’t openly homosexual, hell he even had a girlfriend (who he truly didn’t like much if he’d be perfectly honest) and pretended he was straight. The second comment made him glance down, did he want this? Did he want to potentially ruin this friendship he had? Fuck it, Connor decided, Holden was inciting it so it must be a mutual feeling. The gym was mostly empty, luckily for them, and the old people on the treadmills didn’t matter all too much to Connor. He was a professional in disappointing elderly (notably his father) and wouldn’t care if they found out he was gay. “I am straight, remember.” they had had this conversation many times before and the other did make Connor’s knees weak each time. He knew almost for certain that Holden had suspicions concerning his sexuality not being as straight as he often pointed out. “A top sounds inviting though.” he added the comment quietly, before helping the bar back onto the rack.
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When the bar was put back on the rack, Holden slowly sat and turned so he was fully facing Connor. He’d heard the man say ‘I’m straight’ more times than he dared to count, mostly cos Holden was a notorious flirt who loved just playfully teasing his friend. Of course Holden didn’t believe it, he’d been around Connor enough to see the glances and little weird reactions to guess the man was probably closeted and Holden had no problem trying to help him out of that closet. He spread his legs as much as he could just looking up to Connor “Oh I remember, I’ve seen the girlfriend.... and I reckon I got you harder doing a few lifts than you’ve been in a while” he said, eyes pointedly going down to Connor’s crotch and then back up “I’d hope it sounds inviting, I am a very good top after all... enough that one time with me will have you removing the word straight from that vocabulary of yours” he grinned a little, reaching down to adjust his shorts just a little. He moved them just enough so that his cock slipped out the leg hole in a way that could only be seen by him and Connor “Just saying, offers there... think of it as the most fun cardio you’ll ever do” 
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