#goemon ishikawa xi
pixelateddork · 9 months
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loopspoop · 4 months
Goemon’s backstory next?
Yesss ヽ(´▽`)/ he was the one who actually sparked the whole backstory thing so I’m excited to get to write about him!
TW: abuse, suicidal ideation, self harm, self destructive behavior
Goemon’s family lived in a pretty rural part of Japan tbh? And they all lived together in a pretty sizable house all things considered. The Ishikawa family had strayed from the practices of Goemon Ishikawa the first in regard to thievery but they still held their ancestors in pretty high regard for legacy sake and such, y’know? Goemon is the first grandchild of Goemon Ishikawa XI and the house consisted of him, his parents and aunts and uncles and grandparents.
Goemon was raised pretty traditionally? But his family was a LOT more modern that Goemon is portrayed in show canon. They had a TV and other modern commodities and, while they valued traditions in their family like martial arts, they were a pretty chill family. Goemon was raised a lot different than he would end up being raised by Momochi (we’ll touch on that later). He’s taught kindness and compassion for all living things and the importance of friends and family. His grandparents had a high regard for nature and history and Goemon took to it immediately. He was always outside and, like Jigen, came home pretty often with grass stains on his clothes and some scraped knees from playing. His mom taught him a LOT about art, he really takes to that too. Ask him about his paintings and pottery, he would love to show you!
He’s about 5 when his father gets into a fight with an older man who came to their front door. Goemon doesn’t understand what the fight is about and, frankly, it scares him a bit since his family is pretty mellow and they don’t raise their voices. A few weeks later he comes back from playing and everyone is gone. He waits for hours. Hours turn into a day or two. He’s a self sufficient kid, at least enough for a 5 year old to survive a night but he’s distraught. Where is his family? Where have they gone? The man from a few days ago shows up at the door again. He tells Goemon he’s there to collect him. His family left him and wanted the man to train him in martial arts. His name is Momochi but Goemon must call him master or master Momochi and nothing else. He has no family anymore, just a master.
Goemon adapted to the rule changes pretty easy, because he’s Goemon. He understands rules. The routine changes weren’t as fun, but he was told to suck it up or get punished. Momochi quickly learned that Goemon was pretty tolerant to pain and harsher punishments he had like standing barefoot in snow, so he got creative in punishments. He would hit harder than he needed to or expose Goemon to loud sounds. If physical punishment wasn’t enough then he would turn to psychological punishments like degrading Goemon’s work or lying about why his family left him. A happy child turns into a machine for a sadistic master hellbent on reviving a legacy that should’ve been left to history.
When Goemon hit puberty, Momochi is pissed. The last heir of Ishikawa Goemon is female? Momochi, the bastard that he is, is also a huge sexist fuck on top of being an asshole. Goemon went along with male pronouns because he wasn’t supposed to question his master. To be fair, he didn’t mind them anyway. What he did mind was the painful chest binding Momochi enforced on top of training. Goemon was often left bruised and out of breath after daily training. Momochi didn’t care. He blamed Goemon’s weak body and spirit for this. He was beyond angry when Goemon ended up fainting during training due to lack of food, sleep, and constant binding. Goemon learns to live with the pain.
As he ages, he doesn’t realize Momochi trying to hit on him at times. He isn’t good with social cues anyway, but especially due to being cut off from people besides Momochi for so long. He grows uncomfortable when the man tries to see him nude, though. When he doesn’t get what he wants, he turns to women from the village nearby who also try to hit on Goemon. He has some internalized sexism from Momochi, and ruins any potential good the interactions could pose for him. When village men show up to consult with Momochi for matters Goemon isn’t allowed to listen in on, he realizes pretty early that he grows fond of their presences and good looks. He doesn’t say anything to Momochi. He knows homosexual thoughts would get him punished more than he already for how he was born.
He’s in his 20s when Momochi asks him to murder a man named Lupin. It was important to his master and a key part of his training, so he agrees and goes on a mad hunt for this strange man and his gunman friend. Lupin is a formidable foe, and he and Jigen are both good looking, both factors throw off his game. Momochi isn’t impressed when Goemon comes back empty handed. He’s punished severely and then sent back to kill the thief, if he doesn’t he won’t get to come back and will have to die to restore his honor.
Lupin notices something’s up with Goemon and tries to form a truce. Eventually, Goemon at least entertains Lupin on why he thinks they should. Lupin ends up giving him information that sends his world spinning and upside down. Momochi had murdered his family so he could get to him. He wanted to train Goemon as an assassin to have a bodyguard of such high lineage and natural skill. Goemon is beyond angry. Lupin and Jigen come with him to face Momochi.
The man makes several excuses, lying straight to Goemon’s face. It makes him more angry, he ends up killing the man right in front of Jigen and Lupin. The men don’t seem to phased by it, they offer Goemon a steady job, joining their gang of thieves would revive the legacy of his ancestor, so he decides to just join. He has nothing better to do and Lupin and Jigen seemed nice enough?
They find out pretty early on that his habits are unhealthy. The samurai has a LOT more baggage than they expected. Not eating as punishment, not dressing for the weather, letting wounds stay untreated. Hell, he even tried to kill himself more times than they could count. What draws the line in the sand for them is the unsafe binding. Lupin and Jigen find him doubled over, struggling to breathe after a heist and really lay into him for his unsafe habits. He was surprised they even knew what binding was, but they all have a long talk and it sets him somewhat straight about his habits.
He practices better self care, and while he isn’t perfect at some things, they help him along the way. He even ends up learning how to give top surgery and he does it for himself and Lupin and Jigen as a thanks for their help. He unlearns a lot of his internalized sexism and a LOT of the internalized homophobia. He gets a lot more comfortable with himself and his identity. He’s allowed to be whoever he wants without Momochi controlling him and they all still think he’s cool despite that! He gets to have a family again and try new things. He’s allowed to make mistakes without punishment. He’s learning to be happy with his family, despite his past.
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yeonchi · 1 month
Warriors Orochi: The Recollective Redux Part 5.3: Samurai Warriors Story B
Nobunaga’s had his fun now. With an army, he managed to work together with Shingen and Kenshin to defeat Orochi. But now, let’s see how one man can unite three clans together to respond to a new threat…
Initial characters: Huang Zhong, Guan Ping, Xu Huang, Sakon Shima, Yoshihiro Shimazu, Musashi Miyamoto, Kanbei Kuroda, Muneshige Tachibana, Toyohisa Shimazu
Chapter 9: Battle of Luosang Village 楼桑村の戦い
Coalition Army and Yellow Turbans vs. Dong Zhuo Army Allied characters: Sakon Shima Third-party characters: Zhang Jiao, ??? Enemy characters: Dong Zhuo, Goemon Ishikawa
Unlocked character: Zhang Jiao
Sakon Shima walks in a village. He decides to visit Shingen Takeda, but he sees an explosion up ahead. Dong Zhuo is attacking the Yellow Turbans led by Zhang Jiao. As Zhang Jiao cowers in fear, Sakon jumps in to save the day…
Following the defeat of Orochi, numerous skirmishes continued to break out across the land. Lu Bu, Masamune Date and Cao Cao all mobilised their armies in an attempt to seize power. On top of all this, Dong Zhuo suddenly made a play for power. Sakon Shima had to face Dong Zhuo’s army and rescue Zhang Jiao…
The Zhang Jiao Army 張角軍 is known as the Yellow Turbans 黄巾党 in this version.
Defeat Goemon and Dong Zhuo’s troops to rescue the Yellow Turban officers. Additional troops will arrive to assist them.
A mysterious man will arrive to assist Zhang Jiao. If Sakon reaches the man, he will only introduce himself as a friend. Defeat Dong Zhuo to win the battle.
In the aftermath, Zhang Jiao will thank Sakon for his “miracle from the heavens”. Sakon asks Zhang Jiao if he knows the mysterious man, but Zhang Jiao does not.
Sakon will comment that they are heavily outnumbered compared to the other armies in the land. Officers such as Musashi Miyamoto, Toyohisa Shimazu, Yoshihiro Shimazu, Xu Huang, Kanbei Kuroda, Huang Zhong, Guan Ping and Muneshige Tachibana will join him.
Chapter 10: Battle of Ji Province 冀州の戦い (uses DW5 Yellow Turban map)
Coalition Army vs. Da Ji Army Allied characters: Xu Huang, Musashi Miyamoto, Muneshige Tachibana, Zhang Jiao Enemy characters: Da Ji, Himiko, Kojirō Sasaki, Hisahide Matsunaga
Unlocked characters: Yukimura Sanada, Shingen Takeda, Kojirō Sasaki
Dong Zhuo and his army were left with no choice but to retreat. As Sakon went to visit Shingen, he wondered if the mysterious man from the last battle was driving him towards something.
Sakon comments that they need the assistance of Shingen, Kenshin and Nobunaga to defeat Orochi. He decides to start by talking with Shingen. In the meantime, Xu Huang and Musashi are attacked while they are training. They find Da Ji, along with a mysterious girl…
After defeating Kojirō Sasaki at the eastern altar, enemy ambush troops will appear at the central altar or in the southeastern area depending on where you go. Hisahide Matsunaga will appear in the opposite area as reinforcements.
When Himiko arrives in the south, Muneshige Tachibana will appear in place of Gao Sheng to stop her, but she will escape to the west as enemy reinforcements arrive to assist her (instead of later on in the original). As Himiko arrives in the west, however, Zhang Jiao will appear in place of He Yi to stop her. Defeat Da Ji and Himiko to win the battle.
In the aftermath, Kojirō will join Musashi and Xu Huang. Meanwhile, Sakon meets with Shingen, who agrees to lend assistance to him.
Chapter 11: Rescue at Hasedō 長谷堂救出戦
Coalition Army and Naoe Army vs. Sun Wukong Army Allied characters: Sakon Shima, Yukimura Sanada, Kojirō Sasaki Third-party characters: Kanetsugu Naoe, ??? → Fu Xi Enemy characters: Sun Wukong, Diamondback, Kotarō Fūma
Unlocked characters: Kenshin Uesugi, Kanetsugu Naoe, Kagekatsu Uesugi, Aya, Fu Xi
Sakon tells Shingen that he is also asking for help from Kenshin. Yukimura Sanada will report that Kanetsugu Naoe is under attack from forces unknown. Shingen suggests to Sakon that this is a wonderful opportunity. Sakon heads out with Yukimura.
Kojirō Sasaki will appear in place of Zhang Jiao in this battle.
When Sakon reaches Kanetsugu in the flaming forest, the mysterious man from Luosang Village will arrive to reveal that the fire is an illusion. He reveals the position of the sorcerers causing it. Defeat them to extinguish the fire. The man will introduce himself as Fu Xi. He also states that Sun Wukong is also from the mystic realm like himself, working for a half-man, half-demon, Kiyomori Taira, to recruit troops for his army. Their plan is to revive Orochi.
Break through the northern gate out of the forest and defeat Sun Wukong to win the battle.
In the aftermath, Kanetsugu takes Sakon to Kenshin. He agrees to join Sakon along with the others. Fu Xi also complements Sakon for uniting the Takeda and Uesugi, saying that he is the one who can stop Orochi’s resurrection. He also joins Sakon as atonement for “testing” him.
Chapter 12: Battle of Changban 長坂の戦い
Coalition Army vs. Date-Da Ji Army Allied characters: Shingen Takeda, Kanetsugu Naoe Enemy characters: Masamune Date, Da Ji, Motonari Mōri, Keiji Maeda, Kojūrō Katakura, Takakage Kobayakawa
Sakon suggests having Masamune join his army along with Nobunaga. However, Kanetsugu believes that Masamune is still loyal to Orochi. Sakon decides to have Shingen set off for Changban in order to convince Masamune to join them.
Motonari Mōri will appear in place of Sima Yi in this battle and therefore, will not be unlocked when the battle is cleared in this version. Takakage Kobayakawa will appear in place of Dōkyū Yamagami in the ambush unit alongside Kojūrō Katakura.
In the aftermath, Shingen talks to Masamune, but he declines the offer, saying that no one has been able to keep the peace since Orochi’s death. Shingen gives the bad news to Sakon, who then remembers that there is someone that they can ask. Kanetsugu reports that Lu Bu and Kiyomori have joined forces and are laying waste to the men of Wu. Huang Zhong, Yoshihiro and Kanbei offer to assist them.
Chapter 13: Battle of Liang Province 涼州の戦い
Coalition Army and Lu Meng Army vs. Lu Bu Army Allied characters: Kanbei Kuroda, Yoshihiro Shimazu, Huang Zhong Third-party characters: Lu Meng, Gan Ning Enemy characters: Lu Bu, Sun Wukong, Diaochan, Chen Gong, Lu Lingqi
Unlocked characters: Lu Meng, Gan Ning
Lu Bu and Kiyomori had joined forces to attack Liang Province, which was being defended by the warriors of Wu. Kanbei set off to Liang Province along with two veteran warriors to save the Wu Army, for if they were rescued, their assistance could be procured.
Kanbei Kuroda appears in place of Sima Yi for this battle. Han Dang will be replaced by another Wu generic officer when reinforcements arrive.
Lu Lingqi and Hou Cheng will appear with Chen Gong’s reinforcements when they arrive.
In the aftermath, Lu Meng and Gan Ning will join Sakon’s army on behalf of Wu.
Chapter 14: Battle of Hulao Gate 虎牢関の戦い
Coalition Army and Toyotomi Army vs. Taira Army Allied characters: Katsuyori Takeda, Sakon Shima, Guan Ping, Toyohisa Shimazu Third-party characters: Hideyoshi Toyotomi, Nene, Masanori Fukushima, Kiyomasa Katō, Hanbei Takenaka, Mitsunari Ishida Enemy characters: Kiyomori Taira, Diamondback, Sun Wukong, Hisahide Matsunaga
Unlocked characters: Hideyoshi Toyotomi, Nene, Mitsunari Ishida, Hanbei Takenaka, Kiyomasa Katō, Masanori Fukushima
Sakon moved to the next phase of his plan. He set off with Guan Ping and Toyohisa Shimazu to gain the cooperation of Hideyoshi Toyotomi. They spot Kiyomori and Dong Zhuo up ahead at Hulao Gate.
As I stated previously, Nobunaga Oda originally appeared in both the Wei and Samurai Warriors stories for Part B, which is illogical and it robs Mitsunari Ishida of any relevance; in addition, it also robs Hideyoshi Toyotomi of prominence as he was only seen in the original games as an underling of Nobunaga. As such, Nobunaga and Nō only appear in the Wei story, leaving Hideyoshi and Mitsunari for the Samurai Warriors story.
Zhang Ren does not appear in this battle. Toyohisa Shimazu and Yoshihisa Shimazu will swap places in this battle, meaning the former will be defending the main camp alongside Guan Ping while the latter advances with Sakon.
The Hōjō officers among the enemy are replaced by Mōri officers and Hisahide Matsunaga will appear in place of Dong Zhuo.
When the Toyotomi Army arrives, Mitsunari Ishida, Masanori Fukushima and Kiyomasa Katō will appear alongside Hideyoshi Toyotomi, Nene and Hanbei Takenaka.
In the aftermath, Hideyoshi joins Sakon’s army. Sakon asks him to assist Mitsunari and Kenshin at Baidi Castle.
Chapter 15: Battle of Baidi Castle 白帝城の戦い
Coalition Army vs. Taira Army Allied characters: Kenshin Uesugi, Kagekatsu Uesugi, Aya, Mitsunari Ishida, Masanori Fukushima, Kiyomasa Katō, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, Nene, Hanbei Takenaka, Hideie Ukita, Muneshige Tachibana, Lu Meng, Gan Ning Enemy characters: Kiyomori Taira, Sun Wukong, Dong Zhuo, Kotarō Fūma
The alliance to prevent the resurrection of Orochi was finally complete. In response, Kiyomori quietly concentrated his forces at Baidi Castle. Believing that Kiyomori was now attempting to revive Orochi, Sakon immediately ordered Hideyoshi and Kenshin to attack Baidi Castle…
Kenshin, Kagekatsu and Aya will advance to Baidi Castle from the east, Mitsunari, Masanori and Kiyomasa will advance from the south and Hideyoshi, Nene and Hanbei will advance from the west. Muneshige Tachibana, Lu Meng and Gan Ning will appear as the ambush troops engaging Dong Zhuo’s officers in the central path to the northwest.
Defeat Kiyomori to win the battle, but he will say that it is too late…
In the aftermath, Sakon is depressed over his failure to prevent Orochi’s resurrection, but Fu Xi convinces Sakon to put his final plan in place to defeat Orochi. Shingen accepts Sakon’s offer to join him again on the battlefield.
Chapter 16: Battle of Sekigahara 関ヶ原の戦い
Coalition Army vs. Orochi Army Allied characters: Shingen Takeda, Sakon Shima, Fu Xi Enemy characters: Orochi X, Da Ji, Masamune Date, Kojūrō Katakura, Hisahide Matsunaga, Motonari Mōri, Takakage Kobayakawa
Unlocked characters: Kiyomori Taira
Some variations have been made for the Chapter 16 battles against Orochi X. In each faction’s version, they will fight four of Orochi’s main generals. In this version of the battle, those generals will be Da Ji, Masamune Date, Hisahide Matsunaga and Motonari Mōri.
Orochi had been resurrected and was surrounded by Da Ji and Masamune. The final battle lay ahead at Sekigahara…
Hisahide Matsunaga will appear in place of Keiji Maeda with his sneak attack unit in the northwest. At the same time, Motonari Mōri and Takakage Kobayakawa will also appear with their sneak attack unit in the centre. Due to the fog around Sekigahara, both sneak attack units will reveal themselves as they approach the main camp.
Defeat Da Ji and the officers outside the enemy camp, then enter the camp and defeat Orochi X to win the battle.
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ctrl-lupin · 3 years
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They don't seem very happy about all this
(some trivia under the cut because I am incapable of shutting the fuck up)
While I'm here! If anyone's wondering, this is the most probable option for the Ishikawa kamon (ie family crest), it's the kanji for "Go" (meaning 5 and also the first syllable of Goemon's name). Unlike the kamon he's wearing at his wedding in The Fuma Conspiracy (which looks a lot like the Tokugawa kamon, Tokugawa being one of the shoguns), this one actually appears twice in the series, the first being in Red Jacket episode 24 "The Phantom Thief Rat Boy Appears!", on... Goemon XI's suppository holder.
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That being said, the actual real life historical Ishikawa family has a completely different kamon. Which is also the kamon of its parent clan, the Seiwa Genji family, and its grandparent clan, the Minamoto family, Minamoto being the name given to the children of the Emperor who weren't eligible to the throne.
Do you see where I'm going with this?
Yup. Goemon Ishikawa descends from the friggin' Emperor of Japan.
(Wikipedia says that Goemon Ishikawa (the historical/mythical figure) may have been an alias, and according to some sources his real name was Kuronashin Sanada, but the Sanada family also comes for the Seiwa Genji family, so it checks out)
I maaaaaaayyyy have done a deep dive into Wikipedia and the history of the Ishikawa clan and Japanese heraldry after watching The Fuma Conspiracy.
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allcheatscodes · 7 years
warriors orochi 3 xbox 360
warriors orochi 3 xbox 360
Warriors Orochi 3 cheats & more for Xbox 360 (X360)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Warriors Orochi 3 cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox 360 (X360). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Xbox 360 cheats we have available for Warriors Orochi 3.
Check PlayStation 3 cheats for this game
Developer: Koei Corp
Publisher: Tecmo
ESRB Rating: Teen
Release Date: March 27, 2012
Currently we have no tips for Warriors Orochi 3 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Warriors Orochi 3 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Rare Item Unlockables
Art of Explosives : Chapter 2: Battle of Luoyang, Dong Zhuo, 1000 K.O.s
Art of Medicine : Chapter 2: Battle of Sekigahara, Mori Ranmaru, 1000 K.O.s
Art of War : Chapter 3: Battle of Shizugatake, Zhen Ji, Lu Bu or Inahime, 1500 K.O.s
Balancing Kimono : Chapter 2: Battle of Anegawa, Huang Zhong or Guo Huai, 2000 K.O.s
Bear Saddle : Chapter 3: Battle of Yamazaki, Zhang He, 1000 K.O.s
Datto Kyahan : Chapter 3: Battle of Yohei Seki, Na Zha or Diao Chan, 1000 K.O.s
Elephant Saddle : Chapter 3: Battle of Hu Lao Gate, Achilles, 1500 K.O.s
Heavenly Robe : Chapter 1: Battle of Shou Chun, Zhang Liao, 1000 K.O.s
Ironclad Tekko : Chapter 1: Battle of Nagashino, Zhou Tai, 1000 K.O.s
Kattan magatama : Chapter 1: Battle of Dong Kou, Sun Wukong, 1500 K.O.s
Kongo Tekko : Chapter 2: Battle of Kyushu, Sun Shang Xiang, 1500 K.O.s
Matsukaze Saddle : Chapter 3: Battle of Honnoji, Ayane, 1500 K.O.s
Musou Armor : Chapter 1: Battle of Odawara Castle, Wang Yuanji, 1500 K.O.s
Musou Kote : Chapter 2: Battle of Xuchang, Sanzo Hoshi, 1000 K.O.s
Red Hare Saddle : Chapter 3: Battle of Fancheng, Xu Huang, Wang Yi or Jeanne d’Arc, 1500 K.O.s
Seven Star Band : Chapter 3: Battle of Nagasaka, Xiao Qiao, Ryu Hayabusa or Bao Sanniang, 1000 K.O.s
Shadow Armor : Chapter 1: Battle of Ueda Castle, Nobunaga Oda, 1500 K.O.s
String of beads : Chapter 1: Battle of Yi Ling, Da Ji or Keiji Maeda, 2000 K.O.s
Tough Armor : Chapter 3: Battle of Tong Gate, Mori Motonari, 1000 K.O.s
Vampire Kote : Chapter 2: Battle of Mount Ding Jun, Nohime, 1500 K.O.s
Yasha Mask : Chapter 2: Battle of Nan Zhong, Xiahou Ba, 1500 K.O.s
Yata Mirror : hapter 2: Battle of Hasedo, Kunoichi, 2000 K.O.s
Gaiden Stage Unlockables
Battle of Guang Zhong : Increase bond between Sima Yi and Masamune Date
Battle of Jian Ge : Increase bond between Mori Monotari and Jia Xu
Battle of Jie Ting : Increase bond between Xing Cai and Maeda Keiji
Battle of Komaki Nagakute : Increase bond between Zhuge Liang, Huang Zhong and Hattori Hanzo
Battle of Liang Zhou : Increase bond between Liu-Chan and Guan Suo
Battle of Mikatagahara : Increase bond between Lian Shi, Lu Meng and Masanori Fukushima
Battle of Nan Zhong : Increase bond between Zhu Rong, Meng Huo and Zhang He
Battle of Tao shui : Increase bond between Lian Shi, Ishikawa Goemon and Hashiba Hideyoshi
Battle of Xing Shi : Increase bond between Tachibana Ginchiyo, Xiao Qiao, Sun Shang Xiang
Tedorigawa Kikousen : Increase bond between Zuo Ci, Benkei and Xu Huang
Wu Unlockables
Da Qiao : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Nagasaka”
Ding Feng : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Odawara Castle”
Gan Ning : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Mikatagahara”
Huang Gai : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Dong Kou”
Lian Shi : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Nagashino Post-modification”
Ling Tong : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Tao shui”
Lu Meng : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Zhang gu tang Post-modification”
Lu Xun : Clear Chapter 4, “Battle of Hefei”
Sun Ce : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Nagasaka”
Sun Jian : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Honnoji”
Sun Quan : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Mount Ding Jun”
Sun Shang Xiang : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Odawara Castle”
Taishi Ci : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Ueda Castle”
Xiao Qiao : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Odawara Castle”
Zhou Tai : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Nagashino”
Zhou Yu : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Nagasaka”
Wei Unlockables
Cai Wenji : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Anegawa”
Cao Cao : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Fancheng”
Cao Pi : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Hu Lao Gate”
Cao Ren : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Mount Ding Jun”
Dian Wei : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Nagasaka Post-modification”
Guo Jia : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Fancheng Post-modification”
Jia Xu : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Dong Kou”
Pang De : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Yi Ling”
Wang Yi : Clear Chapter 4, “Battle of Nagashino”
Xiahou Dun : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Fancheng”
Xiahou Yuan : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Nan-Jun”
Xu Chu : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Tong Gate”
Xu Huang : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Dong Kou”
Zhang He : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Xuchang”
Zhang Liao : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Ueda Castle”
Zhen Ji : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Hu Lao Gate”
Shu Unlockables
Bao Sanniang : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Kyushu”
Guan Ping : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Jie Ting”
Guan Suo : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Ushizuyama”
Guan Yu : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Mount Ding Jun”
Huang Zhong : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Yi Ling Post-modification”
Jiang Wei : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Xuchang Post-modification”
Liu Bei : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Chengdu”
Liu-Chan : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Hasedo”
Ma Chao : Starting Character
Ma Dai : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Yi Ling”
Pang Tong : Clear Chapter 4, “Battle of Komaki Nagakute”
Wei Yan : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Nan Zhong”
Xing Cai : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Xuchang”
Yue Ying : Clear Chapter 2, “Tedorigawa Kikousen”
Zhang Fei : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Yohei Seki”
Zhao Yun : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Yohei Seki”
Zhuge Liang : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Chengdu”
Samurai 1-3 Character Unlockables
Akechi Mitsuhide : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Honnoji Post-modification”
Date Masamune : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Luoyang”
Hattori Hanzo : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Yohei Seki”
Kunoichi : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Yi Ling”
Maeda Keiji : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Luoyang”
Mori Ranmaru : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Nagashino”
Nohime : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Honnoji”
Oda Nobunaga : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Honnoji”
Oichi : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Xuchang”
Okuni : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Luo Cheng”
Saika Magoichi : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Mount Ding Jun Post-modification”
Sanada Yukimura : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Nagashino”
Takeda Shingen : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Osaka Castle”
Toyotomi Hideyoshi : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Nagashino”
Uesugi Kenshin : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Osaka Castle”
Asai Nagamasa : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Hasedo”
Chosokabe Motochika : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Liang Zhou”
Fuma Kotaro : Clear Chapter 3, “Shou chun Koryaku-sen”
Honda Tadakatsu : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Yohei Seki”
Ieyasu Tokugawa : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Chengdu”
Imagawa Yoshimoto : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Liang Zhou”
Inahime : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Yi Ling”
Ishida Mitsunari : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Tong Gate”
Maeda Toshiie : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Anegawa”
Naoe Kanetsugu : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Anegawa”
Nene : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Xuchang”
Sakon Shima : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Ueda Castle”
Tachibana Ginchiyo : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Dong Kou”
Yoshihiro Shimazu : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Odawara Castle”
Aya-Gozen : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Shizugatake”
Hojo Ujiyasu : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Nagasaka”
Hosokawa Gracia : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Guang Zhong”
Ishikawa Goemon : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Kyushu”
Kaihime : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Odawara Castle”
Kato Kiyomasa : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Hasedo”
Kuroda Kanbei : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Dong Kou”
Masanori Fukushima : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Shou Chun”
Miyamoto Musashi : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Odawara Castle Post-modification”
Mori Motonari : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Sekigahara”
Sasaki Kojiro : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Nan Zhong”
Shibata Katsuie : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Xuchang”
Tachibana Muneshige : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Xing Shi”
Takenaka Hanbei : Starting Character
Character Unlockables
Achilles : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Sekigahara”
Ayane : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Hasedo”
Benkei : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Anegawa”
Dodomeki : Complete story mode with any ending
Gyuki : Complete story mode with any ending
Himiko : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Sekigahara”
Jeanne d’Arc : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Mount Ding Jun”
Kaguya : Clear Prologue
Ne Zha : Complete story mode with TRUE ending
Nemea : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Kyushu”
Orochi X : Complete story mode with TRUE ending
Ryu Hayabusa : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Anegawa”
Sanzo Hoshi : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Tao Shui”
Shuten-doji : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Xuchang”
Susanoo : Complete story mode with TRUE ending
Da Ji : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Sekigahara”
Diao Chan : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Tong Gate Post-modification”
Dong Zhuo : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Chengdu”
Fu Xi : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Honnoji”
Lu Bu : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Osaka Castle” Play as Diao Chan and meet him before he loses the battle.
Meng Huo : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Nan Zhong”
Minamoto no Yoshitsune : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Shou Chun”
Nu Wa : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Fancheng”
Orochi : Complete story mode with TRUE ending
Sun Wukong : Complete story mode with TRUE ending
Taigong Wang : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Shou Chun”
Taira no Kiyomori : Complete story mode with TRUE ending
Yuan Shao : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Jian Ge”
Zhang Jiao : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Guang Zhong”
Zhu Rong : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Nan Zhong”
Zuo Ci : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Anegawa”
Jin Unlockables
Deng Ai : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Dong Kou”
Guo Huai : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Nagashino”
Sima Shi : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Tong Gate”
Sima Yi : Clear Chapter 3, “Battle of Hu Lao Gate”
Sima Zhao : Starting Character
Wang Yuanji : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Ueda Castle”
Xiahou Ba : Clear Chapter 2, “Battle of Mount Ding Jun”
Zhong Hui : Clear Chapter 4, “Battle of Luoyang”
Zhuge Dan : Clear Chapter 1, “Battle of Ueda Castle”
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Warriors Orochi 3 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Warriors Orochi 3 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Trophy List
A Hidden Smile (Bronze) – Cleared Chapter 2 in Story Mode
A Kaleidoscope of Time (Silver) – Unlock all wallpaper
A Warrior of Wealth (Silver) – Gathered over 500,000 gems
Banner of Victory (Bronze) – Defeated the Hydra
Blinding Light (Bronze) – Use a True Triple Attack
Blinding Speed (Bronze) – Clear a scenario in under 5 minutes
Challenger (Bronze) – Successfully complete a mission
Changing the Past (Bronze) – Cleared all 10 post-transformation scenarios
Dance of the Blade (Bronze) – Successfully perform a combo of 1000 or more
Experienced Controller (Bronze) – Use all mountable weapons
Firm Bonds (Bronze) – Raise the bonds of one pair of officers to its maximum
First Design (Bronze) – Clear a battlefield created using Musou Battlefields for the first time
First Forge (Bronze) – Upgrade a weapon
First Purchase (Bronze) – Purchase a weapon
Gallery of Heroes (Silver) – Unlock all officers for play
Grand Purchase (Bronze) – Purchase a weapon that costs over 10,000 gems
In a Broken World (Silver) – Cleared Story Mode with NORMAL ending
Joining Hands (Bronze) – Clear a scenario using either online play or the 2-player mode
Land of Peace (Silver) – Cleared Story Mode with GOOD ending
Master of Battle (Silver) – Cleared any stage without taking any damage
Master of Time (Silver) – Clear all scenarios
Mission Master (Silver) – Completed more than 10 missions in one battle
Musou Collector (Silver) – Obtain weapons level 4 for all officers
Musou Dilettante (Silver) – Obtain every equippable item
Musou Fighter (Bronze) – Achieve 1000 K.O.s
Musou Millionaire (Gold) – Gathered over 900,000 gems
Musou Warrior (Silver) – Achieved 3000 K.O.s
Noble Warrior (Silver) – Gathered over 100 crystals
Otherworld Extravagance (Silver) – Held over 100 banquets
Overwhelming Victory (Bronze) – Obtain over 10,000 EXP in a single battle
Peak of Performance (Gold) – Cleared all scenarios on Chaos difficulty
Perfect Partner (Bronze) – Raise compatibility of a weapon to maximum
Reaching Beyond (Bronze) – Purchase a weapon using crystals
Shopping Expert (Silver) – Purchased over 100 weapons
Slave of Sound (Silver) – Listen to all the music
The Dandy Captain (Silver) – Unlock all costumes
The Fated Place (Silver) – Cleared Story Mode with TRUE ending
The Flame of Hope (Bronze) – Cleared Chapter 1 in Story Mode
The Mead of Life (Bronze) – Hold a banquet
Traversing Time (Bronze) – Returned to the past through Kaguya’s power for the first time
True Musou (Platinum) – Obtain all trophies
Unwavering Hope (Bronze) – Cleared Chapter 3 in Story Mode
Veteran Warrior (Silver) – Join battle over 100 times with any one officer
Achievement List
A Hidden Smile (10) – Cleared Chapter 2 in Story Mode.
A Kaleidoscope of Time (30) – Unlock all wallpaper.
A Warrior of Wealth (30) – Gathered over 500,000 gems.
Banner of Victory (10) – Defeated the Hydra.
Blinding Light (10) – Use a True Triple Attack.
Blinding Speed (10) – Clear a scenario in under 5 minutes.
Challenger (10) – Successfully complete a mission.
Changing the Past (10) – Cleared all 10 post-transformation scenarios.
Dance of the Blade (10) – Successfully perform a combo of 1000 or more.
Experienced Controller (10) – Use all mountable weapons.
Firm Bonds (10) – Raise the bonds of one pair of officers to its maximum.
First Design (10) – Clear a battlefield created using Musou Battlefields for the first time.
First Forge (10) – Upgrade a weapon.
First Purchase (10) – Purchase a weapon.
Gallery of Heroes (30) – Unlock all officers for play.
Grand Purchase (10) – Purchase a weapon that costs over 10,000 gems.
In a Broken World (30) – Cleared Story Mode with NORMAL ending.
Joining Hands (10) – Clear a scenario using either online play or the 2-player mode.
Land of Peace (30) – Cleared Story Mode with GOOD ending.
Master of Battle (30) – Cleared any stage without taking any damage.
Master of Time (30) – Clear all scenarios.
Mission Master (30) – Completed more than 10 missions in one battle.
Musou Collector (30) – Obtain weapons level 4 for all officers.
Musou Dilettante (30) – Obtain every equippable item.
Musou Fighter (10) – Achieve 1000 K.O.s.
Musou Millionaire (70) – Gathered over 900,000 gems.
Musou Warrior (30) – Achieved 3000 K.O.s.
Noble Warrior (30) – Gathered over 100 crystals.
Otherworld Extravagance (30) – Held over 100 banquets.
Overwhelming Victory (10) – Obtain over 10,000 EXP in a single battle.
Peak of Performance (70) – Cleared all scenarios on Chaos difficulty.
Perfect Partner (10) – Raise compatibility of a weapon to maximum.
Reaching Beyond (10) – Purchase a weapon using crystals.
Shopping Expert (30) – Purchased over 100 weapons.
Slave of Sound (30) – Listen to all the music.
The Dandy Captain (30) – Unlock all costumes.
The Fated Place (30) – Cleared Story Mode with TRUE ending.
The Flame of Hope (10) – Cleared Chapter 1 in Story Mode.
The Mead of Life (10) – Hold a banquet.
Traversing Time (10) – Returned to the past through Kaguya’s power for the first time.
True Musou (100) – Obtain all achievements.
Unwavering Hope (10) – Cleared Chapter 3 in Story Mode.
Veteran Warrior (30) – Join battle over 100 times with any one officer.
0 notes
pixelateddork · 1 year
Made a post about this on Twitter but I'm making one here cuz I am thinking about it again.
So, in PT6 Episodes 5 and 6 were about Lupin and Goemon being sent into a simulation of the past, were they filled the rolls of their respective ancestors. Lupin towards the ends brings up the point that it was possible that not everything they saw was fake. And the end of the episode ends like this:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
So... that implies that Lupin The First(in this timeline) knew actually Goemon's grandfather...
Anyways please know have now added this concept to my version of The First, and I HC that Goemon XI and Lupin knew each other even before he became the Golden Mask and that The Eleventh was definitely the one who taught Arsène Jiujitsu.
20 notes · View notes