gogomeaty · 6 months
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gogogogooo · 3 years
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Maki my love
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pokesweets · 7 years
Cookbook 2....
I havent been posting anymore because im struggling to find new data.
I was hoping i could soon post again with a bunch of additions but this’ll do:
001. Brownisaur (Bulbasaur) 002. Chocosaur (Ivysaur) 003. Fudgasaur (Venusaur) +mega cherry 004. Strawander (Charmander) 005. Straweleon (Charmeleon) 006. Strawizard (Charizard) +mega s.berry (+banana type) 007. Squirpie (Squirtle) 008. Tartortle (Wartortle) 009. Piestoise (Blastoise) +mega apple 010. Panzeal (Pansage) 011. Simizeal (Simisage) 012. Panspritz (Pansear) 013. Simispritz (Simisear) 014. Pancott (Panpour) 015. Simicott (Simipour) 016. Starberry (starly) 017.____ (staravia) 018._____(staraptor) 019. Rattatart (Rattata) 020. Raticake (Raticate) 021. Spearnana (Spearow) 022. Fearnana (Fearow) 023. Migum (Ekans) 024. Goman (Arbok) 025. Popsichu (Pikachu) 026. Raicicle (Raichu) 027. Shrewberry (Sandshrew) 028. Slashberry (Sandslash) 029. Angerian (NidoranF) 030. Angerina (Nidorina) 031. Angequeen (Nidoqueen) 032. Deviran (NidoranM) 033. Devino (Nidorino) 034. Deviking (Nidoking) 035. Cupfairy (Clefairy) 036. Cupfable (Clefable) 037. Vulpie (Vulpix) 038. Pietales (Ninetales) 039. Creampuff (Jigglypuff) 040. Creamtuff (Wigglytuff) 041. Sherbat (Noibat) 042. Shervern (Noivern) 043. Oddfin (Oddish) 044. Muffloom (Gloom) 045. Vilefin (Vileplume) 046. Cupras (Paras) 047. Paracake (Parasect) 048. Cottonat (Venonat) 049. Cottomoth (Venomoth) 050. Diggum (Diglett) 051. Dugdrop (Dugtrio) 052. Meowffin (Mewoth) 053. Cupcat (Persian) 054. Pieduck (Psyduck) 055. Golpie (Golduck) 056. 057. 058. 059. 060. 061. 062. 063. Chabra (Abra) 064. Chadabra (Kadabra) 065. Alakabake (Alakazam) 066. Chefchop (Machop) 067. Chefchoke (Machoke) 068. Chefchamp (Machamp) 069. Bellnut (Bellsprout) 070. Weepeanut (Weepinbell) 071. Victreenut (Victreebel) 072. Icefish (Frillish) 073. Cweamicent (Jellicent) 074. Berrydude (Geodude) 075. Berryler (Graveler) 076. Berryem (Golem) 077. 078. 079. Canesal (sneasal) 080. Weacane (weavile) 081. Strawink (shinx) 082. Strawxio (luxio) 083. Strawray (luxray) 084. Puffduo (Doduo) 085. Puffdrio (Dodrio) 086. Phangum (Phantump) 087. Gumminant (Trevenant) 088. 089. 090. 091. 092. Gascream (Gastly) 093. Hauntice (Haunter) 094. Creamgar (Gengar) 095. Emolpie (Emolga) 096. Flanzee (Drowzee) 097. Hyplfan (Hypno) 098. Lolliby (Krabby) 099. Suckler (Kingler) 100. Caratorb (Voltorb) 101. Caratrode (Electrode) 102. Exemel (Exeggcute) 103. Exeramel (Exeggutor) 104. Cupop (Cubone) 105. Lolliwak (Marowak) + mega pop 106. 107. 108. 109. Cherring (koffing) 110. Cherrzing(weezing) 111. Creamhorn (Rhyhorn) 112. Creamdon (Rhydon) 113. 114. 115. Kangascake (kangaskan)
116. 117. 118. Cookeen (Goldeen) 119. Seakie (Seaking) 120. Carobyu (staryu) 121. Carobmie (starmie) 122. Berrier (mr. Mime) 123. Lipsynx (jynx) 124. Rootic (Joltik) 125. Rootantula (Galvantula) 126. 127. 128. 129. Gumble (dwebble)
130. Gumballer (crustle) 131. Lempras (Lapras) + mega pie 132. Puditto (ditto) 133. Bananaby (Vullaby) 134. Bananabuzz (Mandibuzz) 135. 136. 137. 138. Mintanyte (Omanyte) 139. Mintastar (Omastar) 140. Lemeod (Kabuto) 141. Odmelon (Kabutops) 142. Marshlax (munchlax) 143. Smorelax (Snorlax) 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. Licorita (Chikorita) 153. Leaforice (Bayleef) 154. Liganium (Meganium) 155. 156. 157. 158. Nanadile (Totodile) 159. Crocnana (Croconaw) 160. Nanagatr (Feraligatr) 161. Mintret (Sentret) 162. Furmint (Furret) 163. Sherzel (Buizel) 164. Bertzel (Floatzel) 165. 166. 167. Spinacake (Spinarak) 168. Ariacake (Ariados) 169. 170. 171. 172. Banvy (Snivy) 173. Servana (Servine) 174. Banperior (Serperior) 175. 176. 178. 179. Chocowool (Mareep) 180. Chocofluff (Flaaffy) 181. Candaros (Ampharos) 182. Cottibebe (flabebe) 183. Cottiette (floriette) 184. Cottiges (florges) 185. 186. 187. Grapig (tepig) 188. Igrape (pignite) 189. Wineboar (emboar) 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. Gligrape (Gligar) 200. Gliscrape (Gliscor) 201. 202. Popbuffett (Wobuffett) 203. Tartafarig (Girafarig) 204. 205. 206. 207. Candix (Onix) 208. Candilix (Steelix) 209. Lickchef (Lickitung) 210. Berochef (Lickilicky) 211. Qwillapple (qwilfish) 212. 213. Pinekle (Shuckle) 214. Canesel (Sneasel) 215. Weacane (Weavile) 216. Gummiursa (Teddiursa) 217. Gummaring (Ursaring) 218. Duslug (Slugma) 219. Slugnut (Magcargo) 220. 221. 222. Candila (Corsola) 223. Gumchoo ( gubchoo) 224. Gumtic (beartic) 225. 226. 227. Parfit (litwick) 228. Parfure (lampent) 229. Parfelure (chandelure) 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. Smicing (smeargle) 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. Chocotank (Miltank) 242. 243. Rocanrola (roggenrola) 244. Candore (boldore) 245. Gigalick (gigalith) 246. Oshacone (oshawott) 247. Dewice ( dewott) 248. Samurcone (samurott) 249. Lemokie (froakie) 250. Lemodier (frogadier) 251. Leminja (greninja) 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. Mudpie (Mudkip) 259. Customp (Marshtomp) 260. Swamptart (Swampert) 261. 262. 263. Cookiegoon (zigzagoon) 264. Cookinoone(linoone) 265. Cupvee a (Eevee) 266. Cherreon (flareon) fire candy a 267. Lemeon (jolteon) bolt candy a 268. Vapeareon (vaporeon) water candy a 269. Beigeon (sylveon) leaf candy a(for some reason) 270. Cupvee b (the other eevee) 271. Plumbreon (umbreon) fire candy b 272. Grapeon (espeon) bolt candy b 273. Chocoleon (leafeon) water candy b 274. Vanilleon (glaceon) leaf candy b (cuz leaf doesnt give leafeon……wut?) 275. 276. Peepow (Taillow) 277. Swellpeep (Swellow) 278. Candipass (nosepass) 279. 280. Malts (Ralts) 281. Kirlicake (Kirlia) 282. Velvevior (Gardevior) 283. 284. 285. Marmish (Shroomish) 286. Smorloom (Breloom) 287. Peepling (Fletchling) 288. Peepinder (Fletchinder) 289. Talonpeep (Talonflame) 290. 291. 292. 293. Slownana (slowpoke) 294. Slowbagel (slowbro) 295. Donaught (slowking) 296. Gingett (golett) 297. Golingurk (golurk) 298. 299. 300. Skittart (Skitty) 301. Delcandy (Delcatty) 302. Candeye (Sableye) 303. Mawana (Mawile) 304. 305. 306. 307. Mediblue (Meditite) 308. Mediberry (Medicham) 309. Polyorange (porygon) 310. Polyblue (porygon 2) 311. Razle (plusle) 312._______(probably minun) 313. Chocobud/Rosebud (Budew) 314. Appelia (Roselia) 315. Roseolate/Chocorade (Roserade) 316. Applin (Gulpin) 317. Swalapple (Swalot) 318. Skitto (Skiddo) 319. Gogoart (Gogoat) 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. Tortoal (Torkoal) 325. 326. 327. Cookbun (spinda) 328. Trapple (trapinch) 329. Slicava (vibrava) 330. Orchidon (flygon) 331. Woocherry (Woobat) 332. Cherrbat (Swoobat) 333. 334. 335. Flangoose (Zangoose) 336. Sevipop (Seviper) 337. Cherrp- yes 2 r’s) (cherubi) 338. Cherrysun (cherrim) 339. Slugnana (shellos) 340. Bananos (gastrodon) 341. 342. 343. Chocomite (bergmite) 344. Chocolugg (avalugg) 345. 346. 347. Limeshroom (foongus) 348. Shroompie (amoongus) 349. ——– (Febass) 350. Alluretic (Milotic) 351. Candform (Castform) 352. 353. Cornet (Shuppet) 354. Pumpkinette (Banette) + mega pumpkin 355. Riolish (riolu) 356. Licario (lucario) 357. Tropinana (Tropius) 358. Velvekin (Fennekin) 359. Velvexien (Braixen) 360. Velvephox (Delphox) 361. Snocone (Snorunt) 361. Glaceream (Glalie) 362. 363. Puddeal (spheal) 364. Puddleo (sealeo) 365. Flamberein (walrein) 366. 367. 368. 369. Heartisk (luvdisk) 370. 371. Gelly (goomy) 372. Gellroo (sliggoo) 373. Gelldra (goodra) 374. Chocolite (Vanillite) 375. Chocolish (Vanillish) 376. Chocoluxe (Vanilluxe) 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386.
Thank you for the additions!
-- Mod Rafe
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malibootie · 7 years
Man Cave Art
Man Cave Art
Welcome to the wonderful world of art décor—which, I admit, throws most men for a loop. After all, aesthetics and artistic direction just don’t mesh well with a lot of people. The solution? Checking out what the typical man cave art looks like and using that as your inspiration! Your theme ultimately decides the type of art you display in the cave, but these man cave pictures help you learn what type of art you want. A poster? A canvas print? Or maybe a metal sign works best! In any case, check them all out, and see if any of the pictures match what you need!
Man Cave Art Ideas
Before resorting to man cave arts and crafts, think about some man cave wall art ideas. What sort of art suits your style?  Modern man caves look great with abstract art, while rustic caves work best with patriotic art or old-timey sepia prints. Man cave canvas art varies dramatically between artists, so if you desire matching art, find an artist you absolutely love and stick to them! Otherwise, simply match the theme and general style of your favorite art to build a cohesive collection of man cave art.
  Wall26 – Pistol and Flag – Canvas Art
These two symbols represent the core of America. Our right to wield weapons goes hand in hand with our freedom. The American Revolution might be more than a hundred years in the past, but we still remember the lessons from that time and cherish our modern freedom.
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  GoGoArt ROLL Canvas Michael Jordan
This spectacular canvas print displays the king of basketball—Michael Jordan himself—in dazzling color and design. It incorporates a ton of signs and symbols associated with the Chicago Bulls. Along with that, a closer look shows all the detail the artist put in to make this beautiful collage of color. Of course, the home version wears no watermark!
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  Natural art-Basketball Soccer Football Sports
This abstract art provides both an artistic and modern way of viewing the sports. If you enjoy all four sports, then what are you waiting for? Grab the set! The prime discount on these is huge as well. The designs remind me of the stereotypical fence that lines the edges of any public playing field. Everyone starts somewhere, right?
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  Wall26 – 4-Pack Baseball Basketball Football and Soccer
This bundle includes four separate sports canvas sprints, all for a reasonable price. Their square shape makes them easy to mix and match in the man cave. These man cave art pieces also look a little more like traditional paintings than the bundle above this.
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  3 Piece Canvas Wall Art – Baseball, Football and Basketball
Unlike the collections shown above, this three-piece canvas art shows the wonderment of each sport individually. At the same time, it honors all of them. Hanging them separate works fine, but together they form one continuous image that pays tribute to the world of professional sports.
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  Wall26 Canvas Prints Wall Art – Closeup of Grunge American Flag
Lastly, this simple canvas print shows off the beautiful stars and stripes of America. This star-spangled banner leads millions of us in the fight for freedom, even more so in modern times. It represents the valiant effort of those who came before us and the people of the future that we strive to protect.
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  Man Cave Posters
Above all, posters make or break the man cave decor. As an affordable form of decoration, they make posters in all sorts of styles, themes, and formats.  First of all, man cave poster ideas revolve around the theme. A Star Wars man cave definitely needs some movie posters or detailed posters of the movies’ settings. On the other hand, a rustic man cave benefits from the star-spangled banner on the wall. Posters take up less space than 3D forms of decor, allowing you to easily mix and match your furniture without worrying about wall placements.
In the end, artistic styles and a huge range of subject matter mean tons of posters exist that match your man cave perfectly! Simply frame and hang to spice up the room.
  THE GODFATHER Mob Bosses Soprano Scarface Goodfellas
As for movie posters for the man cave, nothing works better than your favorite ones. However, I highly recommend considering this lenticular Godfather picture, because it looks awesome and shows off an iconic and classic movie. The best movie posters for home theater show the depth of the movie behind them, and this one does so perfectly.
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  3 pc Framed Modern Gun Patent Set – 1911, M16, Bolt Gun
All gun-toting carriers learn from the get go that only responsible people well aware of their gun’s abilities may safely use them. These posters display both the power and beauty behind weapons and look great on any man cave wall!
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  2nd Amendment Vintage – Framed Behind Glass 14×17
This patriotic poster shows off our pride in the 2nd Amendment—also known as our right to bear arms. As time goes on, this right slowly whittles away, but the wise remember it and protect it. Our 2nd Amendment rights represent our freedom and our personal involvement in politics! Plus, hunters need guns for a good cause!
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  Man Cave Metal Art
To bring your man cave art a step above cool wall art for a bachelor pad, seek out metal art to put up on the wall. Man cave bedroom ideas revolve around decor, but posters and canvases weather much faster than metal art. By selecting tin signs, you ensure that any amount of heat, moisture, cold, and spilled beer do nothing to harm the aesthetics of your man cave. On top of weathering well, metal shows off vibrant colors better than any other material. Don’t ask me how the science works, since I don’t know it. Let’s just say that metal signs make magic.
That said, finding the perfect man cave art in this medium proves difficult. I usually recommend the one below—it suits all man cave themes!
  Beer Alcohol Drinking Group Therapy Funny Tin Sign
The perfect representation of metal man cave art, this sign weathers the elements (a.k.a. beer) and defines a major function of any good man cave: group therapy. Anyone who claims they keep drama out of the cave is lying, simply put. By drinking together, everyone gets their emotions out in a healthy environment…well, semi-healthy.
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  Best Man Cave Art
Although a lot of us shy away from the frills and lace of art, our man caves greatly benefit from posters, signs, and canvases on the walls. An innumerable amount of pictures and art exist to turn our normal cave into an intricate piece of work. Well-picked art brings the room together and makes it stand out from the other rooms of the house. On top of that, decorating with art serves as a good stand in while you save up for that thousand-dollar memorabilia you need in the room.
No matter what stance you take on artistic matters, you know that art plays a huge role in the appearance of any room. That said, never overlook man cave art. The best man cave art makes the room shine, improves the feel of sitting in it, and provides a ton of stuff for the eye to look at. Along with that, the best art simply feels right. Choose your man cave art based on your desires and take pride in the huge progress the art brings to your cave construction!
The post Man Cave Art appeared first on True Man Cave.
from True Man Cave https://www.truemancave.com/man-cave-art/
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clapyourhandsrec · 7 years
Man Cave Art
Man Cave Art
Welcome to the wonderful world of art décor—which, I admit, throws most men for a loop. After all, aesthetics and artistic direction just don’t mesh well with a lot of people. The solution? Checking out what the typical man cave art looks like and using that as your inspiration! Your theme ultimately decides the type of art you display in the cave, but these man cave pictures help you learn what type of art you want. A poster? A canvas print? Or maybe a metal sign works best! In any case, check them all out, and see if any of the pictures match what you need!
Man Cave Art Ideas
Before resorting to man cave arts and crafts, think about some man cave wall art ideas. What sort of art suits your style?  Modern man caves look great with abstract art, while rustic caves work best with patriotic art or old-timey sepia prints. Man cave canvas art varies dramatically between artists, so if you desire matching art, find an artist you absolutely love and stick to them! Otherwise, simply match the theme and general style of your favorite art to build a cohesive collection of man cave art.
  Wall26 – Pistol and Flag – Canvas Art
These two symbols represent the core of America. Our right to wield weapons goes hand in hand with our freedom. The American Revolution might be more than a hundred years in the past, but we still remember the lessons from that time and cherish our modern freedom.
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  GoGoArt ROLL Canvas Michael Jordan
This spectacular canvas print displays the king of basketball—Michael Jordan himself—in dazzling color and design. It incorporates a ton of signs and symbols associated with the Chicago Bulls. Along with that, a closer look shows all the detail the artist put in to make this beautiful collage of color. Of course, the home version wears no watermark!
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  Natural art-Basketball Soccer Football Sports
This abstract art provides both an artistic and modern way of viewing the sports. If you enjoy all four sports, then what are you waiting for? Grab the set! The prime discount on these is huge as well. The designs remind me of the stereotypical fence that lines the edges of any public playing field. Everyone starts somewhere, right?
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  Wall26 – 4-Pack Baseball Basketball Football and Soccer
This bundle includes four separate sports canvas sprints, all for a reasonable price. Their square shape makes them easy to mix and match in the man cave. These man cave art pieces also look a little more like traditional paintings than the bundle above this.
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  3 Piece Canvas Wall Art – Baseball, Football and Basketball
Unlike the collections shown above, this three-piece canvas art shows the wonderment of each sport individually. At the same time, it honors all of them. Hanging them separate works fine, but together they form one continuous image that pays tribute to the world of professional sports.
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  Wall26 Canvas Prints Wall Art – Closeup of Grunge American Flag
Lastly, this simple canvas print shows off the beautiful stars and stripes of America. This star-spangled banner leads millions of us in the fight for freedom, even more so in modern times. It represents the valiant effort of those who came before us and the people of the future that we strive to protect.
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  Man Cave Posters
Above all, posters make or break the man cave decor. As an affordable form of decoration, they make posters in all sorts of styles, themes, and formats.  First of all, man cave poster ideas revolve around the theme. A Star Wars man cave definitely needs some movie posters or detailed posters of the movies’ settings. On the other hand, a rustic man cave benefits from the star-spangled banner on the wall. Posters take up less space than 3D forms of decor, allowing you to easily mix and match your furniture without worrying about wall placements.
In the end, artistic styles and a huge range of subject matter mean tons of posters exist that match your man cave perfectly! Simply frame and hang to spice up the room.
  THE GODFATHER Mob Bosses Soprano Scarface Goodfellas
As for movie posters for the man cave, nothing works better than your favorite ones. However, I highly recommend considering this lenticular Godfather picture, because it looks awesome and shows off an iconic and classic movie. The best movie posters for home theater show the depth of the movie behind them, and this one does so perfectly.
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  3 pc Framed Modern Gun Patent Set – 1911, M16, Bolt Gun
All gun-toting carriers learn from the get go that only responsible people well aware of their gun’s abilities may safely use them. These posters display both the power and beauty behind weapons and look great on any man cave wall!
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  2nd Amendment Vintage – Framed Behind Glass 14×17
This patriotic poster shows off our pride in the 2nd Amendment—also known as our right to bear arms. As time goes on, this right slowly whittles away, but the wise remember it and protect it. Our 2nd Amendment rights represent our freedom and our personal involvement in politics! Plus, hunters need guns for a good cause!
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  Man Cave Metal Art
To bring your man cave art a step above cool wall art for a bachelor pad, seek out metal art to put up on the wall. Man cave bedroom ideas revolve around decor, but posters and canvases weather much faster than metal art. By selecting tin signs, you ensure that any amount of heat, moisture, cold, and spilled beer do nothing to harm the aesthetics of your man cave. On top of weathering well, metal shows off vibrant colors better than any other material. Don’t ask me how the science works, since I don’t know it. Let’s just say that metal signs make magic.
That said, finding the perfect man cave art in this medium proves difficult. I usually recommend the one below—it suits all man cave themes!
  Beer Alcohol Drinking Group Therapy Funny Tin Sign
The perfect representation of metal man cave art, this sign weathers the elements (a.k.a. beer) and defines a major function of any good man cave: group therapy. Anyone who claims they keep drama out of the cave is lying, simply put. By drinking together, everyone gets their emotions out in a healthy environment…well, semi-healthy.
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  Best Man Cave Art
Although a lot of us shy away from the frills and lace of art, our man caves greatly benefit from posters, signs, and canvases on the walls. An innumerable amount of pictures and art exist to turn our normal cave into an intricate piece of work. Well-picked art brings the room together and makes it stand out from the other rooms of the house. On top of that, decorating with art serves as a good stand in while you save up for that thousand-dollar memorabilia you need in the room.
No matter what stance you take on artistic matters, you know that art plays a huge role in the appearance of any room. That said, never overlook man cave art. The best man cave art makes the room shine, improves the feel of sitting in it, and provides a ton of stuff for the eye to look at. Along with that, the best art simply feels right. Choose your man cave art based on your desires and take pride in the huge progress the art brings to your cave construction!
The post Man Cave Art appeared first on True Man Cave.
from True Man Cave https://www.truemancave.com/man-cave-art/
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otomefantasy · 7 years
Man Cave Art
Man Cave Art
Welcome to the wonderful world of art décor—which, I admit, throws most men for a loop. After all, aesthetics and artistic direction just don’t mesh well with a lot of people. The solution? Checking out what the typical man cave art looks like and using that as your inspiration! Your theme ultimately decides the type of art you display in the cave, but these man cave pictures help you learn what type of art you want. A poster? A canvas print? Or maybe a metal sign works best! In any case, check them all out, and see if any of the pictures match what you need!
Man Cave Art Ideas
Before resorting to man cave arts and crafts, think about some man cave wall art ideas. What sort of art suits your style?  Modern man caves look great with abstract art, while rustic caves work best with patriotic art or old-timey sepia prints. Man cave canvas art varies dramatically between artists, so if you desire matching art, find an artist you absolutely love and stick to them! Otherwise, simply match the theme and general style of your favorite art to build a cohesive collection of man cave art.
  Wall26 – Pistol and Flag – Canvas Art
These two symbols represent the core of America. Our right to wield weapons goes hand in hand with our freedom. The American Revolution might be more than a hundred years in the past, but we still remember the lessons from that time and cherish our modern freedom.
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  GoGoArt ROLL Canvas Michael Jordan
This spectacular canvas print displays the king of basketball—Michael Jordan himself—in dazzling color and design. It incorporates a ton of signs and symbols associated with the Chicago Bulls. Along with that, a closer look shows all the detail the artist put in to make this beautiful collage of color. Of course, the home version wears no watermark!
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  Natural art-Basketball Soccer Football Sports
This abstract art provides both an artistic and modern way of viewing the sports. If you enjoy all four sports, then what are you waiting for? Grab the set! The prime discount on these is huge as well. The designs remind me of the stereotypical fence that lines the edges of any public playing field. Everyone starts somewhere, right?
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  Wall26 – 4-Pack Baseball Basketball Football and Soccer
This bundle includes four separate sports canvas sprints, all for a reasonable price. Their square shape makes them easy to mix and match in the man cave. These man cave art pieces also look a little more like traditional paintings than the bundle above this.
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  3 Piece Canvas Wall Art – Baseball, Football and Basketball
Unlike the collections shown above, this three-piece canvas art shows the wonderment of each sport individually. At the same time, it honors all of them. Hanging them separate works fine, but together they form one continuous image that pays tribute to the world of professional sports.
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  Wall26 Canvas Prints Wall Art – Closeup of Grunge American Flag
Lastly, this simple canvas print shows off the beautiful stars and stripes of America. This star-spangled banner leads millions of us in the fight for freedom, even more so in modern times. It represents the valiant effort of those who came before us and the people of the future that we strive to protect.
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  Man Cave Posters
Above all, posters make or break the man cave decor. As an affordable form of decoration, they make posters in all sorts of styles, themes, and formats.  First of all, man cave poster ideas revolve around the theme. A Star Wars man cave definitely needs some movie posters or detailed posters of the movies’ settings. On the other hand, a rustic man cave benefits from the star-spangled banner on the wall. Posters take up less space than 3D forms of decor, allowing you to easily mix and match your furniture without worrying about wall placements.
In the end, artistic styles and a huge range of subject matter mean tons of posters exist that match your man cave perfectly! Simply frame and hang to spice up the room.
  THE GODFATHER Mob Bosses Soprano Scarface Goodfellas
As for movie posters for the man cave, nothing works better than your favorite ones. However, I highly recommend considering this lenticular Godfather picture, because it looks awesome and shows off an iconic and classic movie. The best movie posters for home theater show the depth of the movie behind them, and this one does so perfectly.
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  3 pc Framed Modern Gun Patent Set – 1911, M16, Bolt Gun
All gun-toting carriers learn from the get go that only responsible people well aware of their gun’s abilities may safely use them. These posters display both the power and beauty behind weapons and look great on any man cave wall!
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  2nd Amendment Vintage – Framed Behind Glass 14×17
This patriotic poster shows off our pride in the 2nd Amendment—also known as our right to bear arms. As time goes on, this right slowly whittles away, but the wise remember it and protect it. Our 2nd Amendment rights represent our freedom and our personal involvement in politics! Plus, hunters need guns for a good cause!
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  Man Cave Metal Art
To bring your man cave art a step above cool wall art for a bachelor pad, seek out metal art to put up on the wall. Man cave bedroom ideas revolve around decor, but posters and canvases weather much faster than metal art. By selecting tin signs, you ensure that any amount of heat, moisture, cold, and spilled beer do nothing to harm the aesthetics of your man cave. On top of weathering well, metal shows off vibrant colors better than any other material. Don’t ask me how the science works, since I don’t know it. Let’s just say that metal signs make magic.
That said, finding the perfect man cave art in this medium proves difficult. I usually recommend the one below—it suits all man cave themes!
  Beer Alcohol Drinking Group Therapy Funny Tin Sign
The perfect representation of metal man cave art, this sign weathers the elements (a.k.a. beer) and defines a major function of any good man cave: group therapy. Anyone who claims they keep drama out of the cave is lying, simply put. By drinking together, everyone gets their emotions out in a healthy environment…well, semi-healthy.
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  Best Man Cave Art
Although a lot of us shy away from the frills and lace of art, our man caves greatly benefit from posters, signs, and canvases on the walls. An innumerable amount of pictures and art exist to turn our normal cave into an intricate piece of work. Well-picked art brings the room together and makes it stand out from the other rooms of the house. On top of that, decorating with art serves as a good stand in while you save up for that thousand-dollar memorabilia you need in the room.
No matter what stance you take on artistic matters, you know that art plays a huge role in the appearance of any room. That said, never overlook man cave art. The best man cave art makes the room shine, improves the feel of sitting in it, and provides a ton of stuff for the eye to look at. Along with that, the best art simply feels right. Choose your man cave art based on your desires and take pride in the huge progress the art brings to your cave construction!
The post Man Cave Art appeared first on True Man Cave.
from True Man Cave https://www.truemancave.com/man-cave-art/
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thewishlister · 7 years
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GoGoArt ROLL Canvas print wall art home picture photo big poster abstract modern (no framed no stretched not oil painting) Michael Jordan nba sport Chicago bulls dunk A-0029-1.5 (24 x 36 (inches)) http://ift.tt/2rXbf1j
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gogomeaty · 1 year
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My two loves teehee 😗🫶
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gogogogooo · 6 years
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Elves and Dragons
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pokesweets · 7 years
2th cookbook list
Searched on several places and this is what i got so far:
001. Brownisaur (Bulbasaur) 002. Chocosaur (Ivysaur) 003. Fudgasaur (Venusaur) +mega cherry 004. Strawander (Charmander) 005. Straweleon (Charmeleon) 006. Strawizard (Charizard) +mega s.berry 007. Squirpie (Squirtle) 008. Tartortle (Wartortle) 009. Piestoise (Blastoise) +mega apple
010. Panzeal (Pansage) 011. Simizeal (Simisage) 012. Panspritz (Pansear) 013. Simispritz (Simisear) 014. Pancott (Panpour) 015. Simicott (Simipour) 016. Starberry (starly) 017.____ (staravia) 018._____(staraptor) 019. Rattatart (Rattata) 020. Raticake (Raticate) 021. Spearnana (Spearow) 022. Fearnana (Fearow) 023. Migum (Ekans) 024. Goman (Arbok) 025. Popsichu (Pikachu) 026. Riacicle (Raichu) 027. Shrewberry (Sandshrew) 028. Slashberry (Sandslash) 029. Angerian (NidoranF) 030. Angerina (Nidorina) 031. Angequeen (Nidoqueen) 032. Deviran (NidoranM) 033. Devino (Nidorino) 034. Deviking (Nidoking) 035. Cupfairy (Clefairy) 036. Cupfable (Clefable) 037. Vulpie (Vulpix) 038. Pietales (Ninetales) 039. Creampuff (Jigglypuff) 040. Creamtuff (Wigglytuff) 041. Sherbat (Noibat) 042. Shervern (Noivern) 043. Oddfin (Oddish) 044. Muffloom (Gloom) 045. Vilefin (Vileplume) 046. Cupras (Paras) 047. Paracake (Parasect) 048. Cottonat (Venonat) 049. Cottomoth (Venomoth) 050. Diggum (Diglett) 051. Dugdrop (Dugtrio) 052. Meowffin (Mewoth) 053. Cupcat (Persian) 054. Pieduck (Psyduck) 055. Golpie (Golduck) 056. 057. 058. 059. 060. 061. 062. 063. Chabra (Abra) 064. Chadabra (Kadabra) 065. Alakabake (Alakazam) 066. Chefchop (Machop) 067. Chefchoke (Machoke) 068. Chefchamp (Machamp) 069. Bellnut (Bellsprout) 070. Weepeanut (Weepinbell) 071. Victreenut (Victreebel) 072. Icefish (Frillish) 073. Cweamicent (Jellicent) 074. Berrydude (Geodude) 075. Berryler (Graveler) 076. Berryem (Golem) 077. 078. 079. Canesal (sneasal) 080. Weacane (weavile) 081. Strawink (shinx) 082. Strawxio (luxio) 083. Strawray (luxray) 084. Puffduo (Doduo) 085. Puffdrio (Dodrio) 086. Phangum (Phantump) 087. Gumminant (Trevenant) 088. 089. 090. 091. 092. Gascream (Gastly) 093. Hauntice (Haunter) 094. Creamgar (Gengar) 095. Emolpie (Emolga) 096. Flanzee (Drowzee) 097. Hyplfan (Hypno) 098. Lolliby (Krabby) 099. Suckler (Kingler) 100. Caratorb (Voltorb) 101. Caratrode (Electrode) 102. Exemel (Exeggcute) 103. Exeramel (Exeggutor) 104. Cupop (Cubone) 105. Lolliwak (Marowak) 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. Creamhorn (Rhyhorn) 112. Creamdon (Rhydon) 113. 114. 115. Kangascake (kangaskan)
116. 117. 118. Cookeen (Goldeen) 119. Seakie (Seaking) 120. Carobyu (staryu) 121. Carobmie (starmie) 122. Berrier (mr. Mime) 123. Lipsynx (jynx) 124. Rootic (Joltik) 125. Rootantula (Galvantula) 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. Lempras (Lapras) 132. Puditto (ditto) 133. Bananaby (Vullaby) 134. Bananabuzz (Mandibuzz) 135. 136. 137. 138. Mintanyte (Omanyte) 139. Mintastar (Omastar) 140. Lemeod (Kabuto) 141. Odmelon (Kabutops) 142. Marshlax (munchlax) 143. Smorelax (Snorlax) 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. Licorita (Chikorita) 153. Leaforice (Bayleef) 154. Liganium (Meganium) 155. 156. 157. 158. Nanadile (Totodile) 159. Crocnana (Croconaw) 160. Nanagatr (Feraligatr) 161. Mintret (Sentret) 162. Furmint (Furret) 163. Sherzel (Buizel) 164. Bertzel (Floatzel) 165. 166. 167. Spinacake (Spinarak) 168. Ariacake (Ariados) 169. 170. 171. 172. Banvy (Snivy) 173. Servana (Servine) 174. Banperior (Serperior) 175. 176. 178. 179. Chocowool (Mareep) 180. Chocofluff (Flaaffy) 181. Candaros (Ampharos) 182. Cottibebe (flabebe) 183. Cottiette (floriette) 184. Cottiges (florges) 185. 186. 187. Grapig (tepig) 188. Igrape (pignite) 189. Wineboar (emboar) 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. Gligrape (Gligar) 200. Gliscrape (Gliscor) 201. 202. Popbuffett (Wobuffett) 203. Tartafarig (Girafarig) 204. 205. 206. 207. Candix (Onix) 208. Candilix (Steelix) 209. Lickchef (Lickitung) 210. Berochef (Lickilicky) 211. 212. 213. Pineckle (Shuckle) 214. Canesel (Sneasel) 215. Weacane (Weavile) 216. Gummiursa (Teddiursa) 217. Gummaring (Ursaring) 218. Duslug (Slugma) 219. Slugnut (Magcargo) 220. 221. 222. Candila (Corsola) 223. Gumchoo ( gubchoo) 224. Gumtic (beartic) 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. Chocotank (Miltank) 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. Oshacone (oshawott) 247. Dewice ( dewott) 248. Samurcone (samurott) 249. Lemokie (froakie) 250. Lemodier (frogadier) 251. Leminja (greninja) 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. Mudpie (Mudkip) 259. Customp (Marshtomp) 260. Swamptart (Swampert) 261. 262. 263. Cookiegoon (zigzagoon) 264. Cookinoone(linoone) 265. Cupvee a (Eevee) 266. Cherreon (flareon) fire candy a 267. Lemeon (jolteon) bolt candy a 268. Vapeareon (vaporeon) water candy a 269. Beigeon (sylveon) leaf candy a(for some reason) 270. Cupvee b (the other eevee) 271. Plumbreon (umbreon) fire candy b 272. Grapeon (espeon) bolt candy b 273. Chocoleon (leafeon) water candy b 274. Vanilleon (glaceon) leaf candy b (cuz leaf doesnt give leafeon……wut?) 275. 276. Peepow (Taillow) 277. Swellpeep (Swellow) 278. Candipass (nosepass) 279. 280. Malts (Ralts) 281. Kirlicake (Kirlia) 282. Velvevior (Gardevior) 283. 284. 285. Marmish (Shroomish) 286. Smorloom (Breloom) 287. Peepling (Fletchling) 288. Peepinder (Fletchinder) 289. Talonpeep (Talonflame) 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. Donaught (slowking) 296. Gingett (golett) 297. Golingurk (golurk) 298. 299. 300. Skittart (Skitty) 301. Delcandy (Delcatty) 302. Candeye (Sableye) 303. Mawana (Mawile) 304. 305. 306. 307. Mediblue (Meditite) 308. Mediberry (Medicham) 309. Polyorange (porygon) 310. Polyblue (porygon 2) 311. Razle (plusle) 312._______(probably minun)7 313. Chocobud/Rosebud (Budew) 314. Appelia (Roselia) 315. Roseolate/Chocorade (Roserade) 316. Applin (Gulpin) 317. Swalapple (Swalot) 318. Skitto (Skiddo) 319. Gogoart (Gogoat) 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. Tortoal (Torkoal) 325. 326. 327. Cookbun (spinda) 328. 329. 330. 331. Woocherry (Woobat) 332. Cherrbat (Swoobat) 333. 334. 335. Flangoose (Zangoose) 336. Sevipop (Seviper) 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. Chocomite (bergmite) 344. Chocolugg (avalugg) 345. 346. 347. Limeshroom (foongus) 348. Shroompie (amoongus) 349. ——– (Febass) 350. Alluretic (Milotic) 351. Candform (Castform) 352. 353. Cornet (Shuppet) 354. Pumpkinette (Banette) 355. 356. 357. Tropinana (Tropius) 358. Velvekin (Fennekin) 359. Velvexien (Braixen) 360. Velvephox (Delphox) 361. Snocone (Snorunt) 361. Glaceream (Glalie) 362. 363. Puddeal (spheal) 364. Puddleo (sealeo) 365. Flamberein (walrein) 366. 367. 368. 369. Heartisk (luvdisk) 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. Chocolite (Vanillite) 375. Chocolish (Vanillish) 376. Chocoluxe (Vanilluxe) 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386.
Thanks for the additions!
-- Mod Rafe
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gogogengar · 11 years
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This was the first comic I did for my "zine". Not as funny as the previous one I posted but I still wanted to put it up.
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petitenikk · 11 years
gogoart replied to your post: Help for shiny pokemon? ...
tell her to watch tamasshi videos on youtube. thats the best i got
thank you~
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gogomeaty · 6 months
Today i though i little bit too hard about Skwisgaar so yeah,, lmao just lazy doodles no more
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gogomeaty · 1 year
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Is super late and probably no one is going to see this rn but I dont want to wait to the morning so; angsty swistok days after of rescuing Toki and Abigail. Click for better quality
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gogomeaty · 10 months
the character vs how you draw them || sometimes I think he doesn't even look like himself ydkdjsskn
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gogomeaty · 6 months
I love him so much, muak muak 😼
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