#going INTO THE DAMN TAG is craaazy.
soukeyed · 8 months
ohhh my god you don't like sonadow? should we tell everyone? should we throw a party? should we invite r/SonicTheHedgehog
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katsidhe · 3 years
Rules: answer the questions and tag nine people you want to get to know better/catch up with!
I was tagged by the wonderful @why-this-kolaveri-machi!
Tagging people: if you’re reading this and this interests you, please consider yourself tagged.  
Three Relationships: I’m gonna shake it up with some non-SPN content! wow look at me go, consuming other media. Craaazy. madness. (my SPN answer, of course, is Sam and Everyone He’s Ever Been Onscreen With, with top billing to Sam’n’Dean and Sam’n’Lucifer, natch). 
1) Fenris and Hawke, Dragon Age 2
They’re just so Good for each other, I’m gonna cry: the support, the love, the found family. And also Fenris and Anders, because they’re so Bad for each other. I just have a lot of Fenris-related emotions, and a lot of emotion for how nuanced the intersecting narratives of abuse and power are in DA2, and how the tragedy of the game feels both obscenely avoidable, and completely inevitable. And Fenris is by your side <3
2) Dirk and Dave, Homestuck
Apparently I have a thing for brothers with really complicated history, what surprising news this must be to everyone reading my blog. The lines of blame and responsibility and love and autonomy in Dirk and Dave’s relationship are really fascinating and thorny: what does it mean to know that, in another universe, you were an abusive guardian? what does it mean to meet your dead older brother again, when he’s your age, and find common ground? everything about them is so complex, and I love it. 
3) Frodo and Sam, LOTR
Theeee queer-platonic BroTP/OTP of all time. My ten-year-old heart couldn’t handle them, and I still can’t handle them now. The unashamed, unwavering love that need not be romantic! I blubber at Mount Doom and the Grey Havens like a tiny, tiny child.
Last Song 
Wait For Me, Hadestown, Anais Mitchell. (the original album, NOT the cast recording, I will DIE on this hill.) 
Last Movie
Blade Runner, for the first time. Spent the movie being like, wow, this protag’s just straight up the villain, they aren’t even trying to make him sympathetic, huh. Extremely atmospheric, just like I vaguely remember from 2049. And just like in 2049 I found myself wondering why this movie wasn’t from the perspective of all the generally more interesting female characters. 
Currently Watching
Getting slowly through Hannibal, I’m in the middle of s2. I thought it would be the kind of show I’d be super into, but something about Mads Mikkelson’s... idk, stagnant over-composure? doesn’t really do it for me, I think. I’m gonna finish. At some point. 
Currently Reading
“currently” is quite the misnomer with me: generally speaking, if I like a book, I am damn well consuming it in one sitting if I gotta stay up all night. Most recent books, then: I read the Six of Crows duology, which I thoroughly enjoyed: what every YA fantasy series needs is more murderteens. I gave up on the other Grishaverse books, though: they’re just not nearly as interesting. I also somewhat recently read The Tyrant Baru Cormorant, in the series I affectionately think of as the “lesbian accountant does treasons” books. Baru is a Cas-coded Sam girl, which I very much appreciate in a protagonist. 
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