nebularious · 5 days
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I made the main guilt strains into trolls because I have no control of my life (tetarti was supposed to be tetari oops)
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passiverhythm · 3 months
>I swear, these cullin9s are s}o{ ann}o{ying. Shame they won't take }o{ut any }o{f the teals d}o{wn the street. At least I d}o{n't need t}o{ talk t}o{ }o{ne more useless s}o{}o{n-t}o{-6e technicians }o{n the ship I'll 6e helmin9.<
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zoethehead · 2 years
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here's the cast of yet another homestuck idea, this time it's called "syndibent"
for a brief info on each of them, it'll be below:
-Charka Dalond: Rustblood mafiaman with a crush on a certain jadeblood doctor
-Virian Xitoet: College student and potential blogger
-Maneta Kalwur: Scientist and somewhat musically talented
-Ferlda Meetid: pyromancer who's also a scientist ,though her technology is somewhat peridot-esque
-Marzum Adoras: beginner Video game composer
-Maruno Tegito: The Jadeblood doctor, hence the blood of other trolls on his coat, fell for a certain mafiaman
-Azatal Nenqur: Thief in training, somewhat familiar with mystical artifacts, he's more uncharted than a corpseblock raider though
-Barava Pelohn: Video game designer, very much a geek
-Azarsa Jopope: Brutal force of the law, known best for sometimes dislocating shoulders of other trolls that she pursues
-Vrixie Marmod: Relies on fortune, future, and past to make her predictions for her clients, possibly has connections to a certain clairvoyant horned bipedal woolbeast
-Sorema Houtek: More or less a chill person, unless if you hurt her friends, that's when you have to faced a skilled fighter in the art of strifing
-Holeer Daturi: Someone who isn't really fit for royalty, according to himself, calls himself a; "Emperor of nothing"
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kabutoden · 3 months
Loved your take on cirava :3 think we could see one of the wonderful tired teal that is tyzias?
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Gold Rule Tyzias. Tyzias is a member of the student branch of the Sufferer’s Scions, a diverse club of young trolls invested in caste equality. The Gold Rule colonies have always followed the sufferer’s teachings, circulated between helmsman by The Psiioniic—but Sufferers Scions believe more needs to be done. Their current most important issue is statistically disproving the myth of 'highblood rage' and instead showing anger effects all castes equally. They’re also setting up legal protections for limebloods as the caste enters the system, and always working on desegregation. The Scions on the main planet recently broadened jadeblood rights.
Tyzias specifically focuses on attorneys treating clients equally, and modifying certain laws. They work very hard to participate in activism on top of the normal intense workload Tealbloods have, so they're perpetually pretty tired. Their thermos is for keeping hydrated throughout the day, and they also carry leaflets for recruiting new club members and explaining legal changes. Scion members wear highlights of red to represent their cause.
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legallypunkin · 6 months
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Here’s my rendition of the Homestuck kids as trolls. I used preexisting canon (or postcanon) trollsona sprites as a jumping off point, though for some I couldn’t.
(Here’s the trolls as kids!!)
Design explanations will be under the cut.
Jake English: I chose to make Jake burgundy due to the Hiveswap description. I personally am not too much of a fan of these descriptions, as they really only apply to the main twelve trolls, if even that, but I was otherwise lost on Jake. His socks are indigo to reference the Alternian idea of wearing the blood color of someone you share a quadrant with, especially as a lowblood, to signify that you shouldn't be messed with. His horns are taken from Calliope's trollsona, as Jake is the closest relative to Lord English, and there's probably some symbolism there. As for the name "Jaking Enlish", I simply scrambled his original name a bit to make it fit the 6x6 naming conventions.
Dave Strider: I chose to make Dave gold due to his early shown proficiencies with tech. The horns are taken from his canon trollsona, and them having two starting points before merging into a single horn at the tip is similar to that of a few background Hiveswap trolls. His name is a reference to Davesprite, being a crow.
Roxy Lalonde: She is very connected to cats, even down to her human symbol, so who am I to get rid of that connection? Her horns are meant to look both like cat ears as well as hearts, and her hair was reshaped a bit for a spikier appearance. Her dress is her party dress, and, as seen in Jake's trollsona, Roxy too wears the blood color of someone she is in quadrants with. Her name isn't too much of a change.
Jade Harley: I made Jade jade because I thought it was funny, that is literally it. Her original trollsona was pretty good, and I replaced her god tier fit with a sort of horrid amalgamation of some other fits. Now that we've seen Fiamet with a tail, I figured I could give Jade one as well as ears, and I figure her working in the brooding caverns gives her a much lower likelihood of early culling. She also does breed the frogs, so that's got to be worth something. Her shoes are red because red seems to be one color which numerous trolls of all castes accessorize with, and her name is a combination of - you guessed it - the words "Jade" and "pup", with her last name remaining the same.
John Egbert: John gets to be a tealblood almost entirely due to his father. He's an unassuming guy from the suburbs who does menial officework. This also seems to be the fate of many tealbloods, so boom. Teal John. His horns are similar to those of Xefros, as, again, unassuming protagonist guy. I did give him sharper teeth, though, as burgundy bloods are the only caste with dull teeth, and I also fixed up his hair a bit. His name comes from a combination of "John" and "June" because I am a fan of both, and again, his last name remains the same.
Dirk Strider: The ties between Dirk and Equius are unavoidable, of course Dirk is going to be indigo. His horn is taken from his trollsona. His name is just "Dirk" but fancier and longer.
Rose Lalonde: Violet because of the horrorterrors. Took her original trollsona and gave it piercings because she's simply too goth not to. I also changed up her original dress a bit, made it more vibrant and closer to violet. Her name follows Roxy's pattern, but now with a closed consonant to end it off.
Jane Crocker: If you didn't think I was going to make her fuschia, you don't understand the depths of my autism. Her entire family line is fuschia, what other color COULD I make her?? Her trollsona is so baked into her appearance here, alongside her crockertier form. Still, Jane is butch in my heart of hearts, so she got to wear a suit instead of a dress (taken from Dave's sprites) and her pair of shorts and slippers(?). Her name is taken from her friend's nickname for her, "Janey".
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byrdstrolls · 4 months
Mysteries Are Like Onions Part One
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Somewhere, deep in the western plains, dotted with sparse farms and gas stations, cottonwood and tumbleweed, a young boy steps off a train. He is dressed like a respectable six sweep old in his sunday best, though it was friday. He wears a brown overall dress with a short light red button up. A pair of dark red fingerless gloves and bows in his hair signify his blood color. On his back is one of those tall camping backpacks, nearly the size of the entire kid, yet it had to be lightweight enough, because he navigated the dusty old station with balance and ease, though perhaps a bit of slowness. Clasped in his hands is a yellow lined notepad, the kind where the papers tear off, that he has a pen leaned into at the ready. In his mouth is a tiny gold sunflower necklace he gnaws on absentmindedly, thinking. Anyone who knew him would know it rarely left that place in his mouth. 
Strangely, he is alone. 
Down the way, an older tealblood woman in a long dress and cardigan paces up and down the station's platform. Anxiety radiates off of her even from ten or so feet away, but the child, with a glance around, quickly deduces she is the only other troll at the station. He walks over, red shoes clacking on the grain of the old wood, and, as gently as he can, attempts to interrupt her nervous march. 
“‘xcuse me miss,” He says. “You have a moment?”
“Hmm?” She answers, blinking. “Oh-” She says, glancing at the teenager as if seeing him for the first time. 
“Sure” She says, her gaze softening. 
“You wouldn’t happen to have a map of this area, wouldya? I’m tryin’ to make my way to the umm. Express train station but I might’ve gone the wrong way.” 
The woman pats her pockets, finding them empty. 
“Well- not with me” She says, apologetically. “But it’s not far to my hive. Do you have somebody waitin’ on you?” She continues, hoping the answer is yes. It’s dangerous to travel alone, especially with a caste that low and especially for a troll that young. 
“No m’am” He says, and her heart sinks ever so slightly. “Lead the way.” 
And so the two of them began to walk back towards the direction of the town. 
“I’m Laryan” She offers. 
“Nice to meet ya Miss Laryan” Says the teenager, as polite as ever. 
“What’s your name?” She asks. “What’re you doin’ out here?”
“Barely” He answers, electing to only respond to one of the questions. “I’m Barely Shyeck.” 
“That's… an interesting name” She responds. 
“I’m a detective” He says, as if this somehow justifies something.
“Is that so?” She replies. 
“All detectives” he says, “Have silly names” 
“Can’t say I’ve met enough detectives to know.” 
“Sher-lock. Pie-rot. The silly name” He says. “Came free with my notepad.” 
She snorts, unable to help from laughing at this assertion, and judging by the grin around his necklace on Barely’s face, he had intended it that way. 
“This is me,” She says, pointing to a cozy little one story hive, and unlocking the door. 
“Nice place” Barely says, looking around. 
“Oh- don’t pay attention to anything, it’s so dirty” She sighs, shuffling through piles of papers on a crowded dining room table. Eventually, she pulls out a rail map, sweeping out a place on the table and unfolding it out. Barely inches closer, looking over her shoulder. 
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“You and I are right here” She says, circling the town of Baskertop. “Over by the Fleetrail, (but that’s not a passenger train) and the Eastbound. You can take the Eastbound train” she says, hand going further down the map, “Up to Shercattle, and take that up to Creekturn, and the Express to the city is right there” 
He nods along, his brow furrowing, tracing the journey she’s laid out for him several times with a finger. 
“Could I have this?” he asks. “I’ll work to pay you back.” 
“How so?” She asks. 
“I’m a detective” He again asserts, clearly having a lot of pride in referring to himself as such. “Give me a mystery and I’ll solve it- and I’ll not ask for a fee if you let me stay the day and have the map.” 
She had already become endeared to the strange little young man to the point she might have offered him those things freely. But the little rust seems to take himself so seriously it was hard not to play along. 
“Alright,” She says. “I misplaced my wallet this evening- If you can find it, you’ve got yourself a deal.” 
Barely pauses for a second. “Miss Laryan,” he says. “I’d gladly do that for you, but you’re sellin’ me a lil short” he huffs. “I really can handle a mystery more mysterious than that.” 
“If I can think of another one,” She says. “I’ll let you know. Would you like a cup of tea?”
“Yes miss, thank you” He says, giving one last look at his map before setting down his notepad. 
“Why were you at the train station, Miss Laryan? Were you waitin’ on someone?” 
She laughs, in the floaty, self deprecatory way some trolls do, putting a kettle on the stove. 
“Not exactly. I was tryin’ to build up the nerve to make a visit to Shercattle myself. But it doesn’t matter- misplaced my wallet. I couldn’t find my train ticket, I’m sure it was in it.” 
“Why were you goin’ there?” He asks. 
“To visit a friend of a friend- if he could be called that, and ask him a favor.” Laryan sighs, tapping her finger on the counter. 
“My moirail” She says. “Is a cowboy out on the plains. A bunch of his cattle, and the other cowpokes too, have been going missin’. All of them are at their wits ends about the whole thing.” 
“Really?” Barely says, perking up, scribbling down on his notepad. Drawn to these kinds of puzzles like a moth to a flame. It’s like trying to fish salt out of water, to separate a detective from their nosiness. 
“All of them” She frowns, exhaling. “Are out there blaming the other cowpokes, or a thief. Think someone takin’ more than their share.”
“Makes sense,” Barely nods. “But what’s that got to do with Shercattle?” 
“Well,” Laryan shrugs. “I figured if somebody was stealing the moobeasts, they’d probably have to be selling em, or the meat, somewhere, right? And the cowboys know most people in Baskertop. It’s a small town. They’d know if somebody was buyin’ em here. Shercattle, though, it’s a little further out- mostly dairy farms. They’d have just as much of a reason to buy cattle as we do.” 
“So you were gonna go there, and ask your friend of a friend if he’s seen anything?” The rustblood extrapolates, thinking, that perhaps, Miss Laryan was a whole lot smarter than she trusted herself to be. The kettle on the stove goes off, it’s screech like a final ding to the end of his sentence. 
She takes the thing off the stove, going to pour the tea.
“Yes,” She confirms. “This friend- well, you didn't hear this from me-" She qualifies, before beginning something like gossiping. "He's a, well- I don’t want to say a fling- of my moirail- Vekeso- Well, maybe he would be if they stopped pussyfootin’ about. I knew him through Vek. He’s a dairy farmer. I probably forgot my wallet someplace, because, well, I was so nervous, I think there’s been some kind of fallin’ out between the two of them these past months. I don’t know if he’s still fond of me, knowin’ how tied up I am with Vekeso. Sugar?” She asks. 
“Yes please!” Says the teenager, swinging his feet under the table. “Honey, if you have it. Are you sure you don’t want me to solve all that mystery instead?” He offers. 
“Trolls can turn nasty about these kinds of things when there’s money involved” She sighs, setting down his teacup. “I’d rather you stay out of it, for my peace of mind.” She continues, sitting down with him. “Don’t you wanna ask me questions about my wallet?” 
The young man picks up the tea, blowing on it, a tiny huffy little frown on his face, as if he still considered this beneath him. 
“Where’d you last have it?” He concedes, starting with the basics. 
“Well,” She says, pausing to sip her tea. “I usually keep it in my coat pocket. I wear this coat everywhere, you see. I’ve never lost it before.” 
“Is there anyplace you hang up your coat? Did you buy anything this evening or last morning?”
“There’s a rack at work and at my hive” She says, touching her cheek with her finger as she thinks. “I don’t think I bought anythin’- but, oh!” She squeaks suddenly, paling. 
“What is it Miss?” Barely inquires, a look of concern flashing across his face, he turns the necklace in his teeth. 
“I shan’t say.” She frowns, her shoulders sinking. 
The young rust stares for a moment, and then reaches across and takes the woman's hand, giving it a gentle pat. 
“My loyalty is to my client, Miss. That’s you. I won’t tell anybody.” 
She frowns, glancing to the side, but the boy really does seem so earnest. 
“Don’t tell a soul” She says, biting her lip. “But… I’m a clerk at Baskertop’s Municipal office. My eyes aren’t as fast as they used to be. Sometimes- I’ll get a little behind.” Laryan sighs. “On the paperwork. And- it’s not supposed to leave the archives. But, some days, I’ll take something and fold it up and stash it away- so I can work on it before opening next evening, and not fall behind.” She groans. “I can see it now. I was probably foldin’ up something frantically, puttin’ it in the wallet, rushing around to close up on time- and I probably left it right there on my desk” She says, with a guilty, sad little smile. 
He nods. “See?” He says. “Too easy.” 
“I work again later tonight, I can check when I clock in then.” She muses. “Thanks anyways, Mr. Detective.” She says fondly. “Want me to show you to the guest room?” 
“No thank you, Miss Laryan.” he says. “I might wanna go around town for a spell.” Barely says, standing up to rinse his empty mug. 
“I told you,” She frowns. “Don’t go pokin’ around that moobeast thief nonsense.” 
“I won’t” he says, with a smile. “I promise” He says, heading out the door to go start pokin’ around that moobeast thief nonsense. 
He starts, as any reasonable troll would, a ranches, moseying about for cowpokes down the road. It’s not long before he finds one. Barely’s eyes light up, and he walks over to a tall beanpole of a jade sitting up on a wood fence. 
“‘xcuse me sir,” Barely says. “You wouldn’t happen to know a Vekeso, wouldya?”
“Who’s askin’?” The man mutters, lifting the brim of his hat. 
“I’m Barely Shyeck” He says, offering his hand. “Detective”
“Detectin’ what?” The stranger huffs, staring down at the hand but not taking it. “Am I in trouble?” 
“Oh, no, I’m just tryin’ to find some missing moobeasts, mister…?” 
The jade stares down at the still offered hand for a moment, before finally conceding to take and shake it. He releases it, leaning back. 
“Mister Vekeso to you.” He says. 
Barely grins, glad to have found him so quickly. 
“Mister Vekeso” He says, “Could you show me the fields where the cattle are?” 
“You fine with horses, kid?” Vekeso says. “Dunno what you’ll find that the rest of us haven’t.” 
“I’ve been riding horses since I was four, mister.” Barely says, climbing over the fence to where Vekeso kept his stallion. Suddenly, the Jadeblood pauses. 
“The other cowpokes didn’t send you, did they?” He asks.
“Miss Laryan did, in a way.” He answers. 
“Of course” Vekeso sighs, plopping down on the horse, and offering a kid a hand up. But he does seem to relax upon hearing that his moirail was the source of Barely’s investigation. “She’s always meddlin’ in cowpoke business,” He mutters, but in the fond kind of way in which a troll teases someone they’re close to. 
“She means well, Mister.” He replies, leaning into him as the horse begins to trot in earnest. 
The plains were beautiful this time of night, a great rolling ribbon of greens, pinks and blues that stretched out into a star filled sky. The plants were tall and thriving in the moonlight. It’s quiet, and a little serene, but the detective's eyes are not on the view, but on the ground. 
“You graze your herd here often?” Say’s the boy. 
“What’s it to you?” says the jade, as forthcoming on information as ever. 
“It just doesn’t look very grazed, is all” He answers, gesturing at the lush vegetation. 
Vekeso is quiet for a long moment before he decides to answer this question. 
“We used to go further north.” He says. “But since the Fleetrail went in half a sweep ago, all the construction, there just isn’t enough land anymore. I’d have been outta a job if the Mayor hadn’t rented us the Redgrass Ranch he’s been sittin’ on.” 
“I see,” Barely says. “The cows sure must be happy about it.” 
Vekeso snorts. “Yeah, I bet” He says, a tiny half smile appearing on the jade’s face for a moment, before being swallowed, and disappearing into a look of barely withheld bitterness. Barely waits for him to say more, but he doesn’t. 
“Do you like the new lands?” The child prompts, finally. 
“That’s neither here nor there.” Vekeso murmurs under his breath. 
“Any information, really” Says Barely. “Might help with the case.” 
“This’s got nothin’ to do with the cattle” He says, still prickly. 
“Motives” Barely retorts. “For trolls bein’ upset, might have a lot to do with the cattle.” 
“I thought I wasn’t in trouble.” Vekeso replies. 
“You’re not.” The teenager reassures. 
“Well, I’m the only one who’s upset,” Vekeso complains. “And I didn’t steal any damn cattle about it. I’m too grown for that. The mayor was nice and all to rent us these grounds.” He huffs. “But he’s still fleet, so there’s all sorts of stupid regulations on it. How long you can stay, who you sell cattle too, who you gotta answer to. The other cowpokes don’t care, because we’re making more money than we ever have, sellin’ out to factories who want that free range sticker ta put on their packages” Vekeso says, pulling the horses reins, bringing the two of them to a halt, in a little area on the edge of the woods that overlooked the herd. 
“Me I’m not fond of anybody lookin’ over my shoulder.” He exhales, sliding off the horse, and crossing his arms. 
“And there’s the disappearances” Barely adds. 
“Yeah, and there's those.” The cowboy sighs. “Not fond’a those either. But I wouldn’t be stealin’ my own damn moobeasts.” He adds. 
Barely hops off after him, stumbling a little as he lands on the ground. “I understand, Mister Vekeso, really. I don’t think it's you. But that helps, anyway.” He attempts to reassure him, again. The child smooths out his dress, and begins to take a closer look around the property. Turning in circles once or twice with his notepad, biting into that necklace. 
“Mister Vekeso” He says, suddenly. “Do these woods go down the whole property?”
“Pretty much” He answers. “They follow along the river.” 
A contemplative expression rests on the rustbloods face, and he turns and begins walking into the trees. 
“Hello?” Vekeso says, watching with mild confusion, gesturing at the herd. “The cattle are over here, “detective”?” he says, gesturing at the field.
“Don’t airquote me, “cowboy”” Barely bites back. “What kinda animals do you usually get out here, Mister?” 
“Nothin’ bigger than a fox or deer, kid. I mean, nothin’ that’s gonna wanna eat a moobeast.” He says. “What’re you on about?” 
“How far north does the Fleetrail go?” Barely asks, bustling around the forest floor as if looking for something. 
“What?” Says Vekeso with a sigh, before finally following Barely into the woods, not wanting to lose sight of him. 
“You said the new segment was built earlier this sweep” The detective clarifies, wandering around glances under bushes. “Does it go back far?” 
“It’s a train,” Vekeso says, struggling to keep up with the child. “Of course it goes back far.” 
“They probably developed,” Barely says, climbing around some rocks. “A lot more land than just your old ranges, didn’t they?” He continues, his voice muffled by distance. 
“Probably” Vek says, frowning. 
“Well, what kinds of animals live further up north?” Barely says, continuing his strange search. “Their habitats woulda been destroyed. I reckon they’d be upset, and starving, and wandering around further out than they’d ever been havin’ nowhere to go.” 
“I see where you’re goin’ with this” Vekeso says, finally catching up. “But what’d be big enough to take a whole cow?” 
“In my travels” Barely says. “I’ve seen howlbeasts, nearly as big as elk, up north.” 
The cowboy stares, dumbfounded. “They’d be a long way from home” He answers. 
“Couldn’t hurt to look, could it?” Says the rust. 
Vekeso walks over to him. “What’re we lookin’ for?” 
“Tracks, scat, big hole or cave in the earth that might be a lay or den.” The child says. Vekeso stares for a moment, before exhaling, rolling up his sleeves and going to help the detective with his search. 
The two of them cover a lot of ground, in about an hour. With every step he takes further into the property Vekeso starts to feel a little bit more anxious about the whole thing. He wasn’t sure if he wanted the kid to be right. It’d make him feel mighty silly, if he and the other rangers had all been pointin’ fingers everywhere about a problem caused by some displaced wild animals. Just when he opens his mouth to tell the kid maybe they better give up and head back, Barely calls from across the way. 
“I found one, Mister!” He exclaims. 
“A what…?” Says Vekeso, heading over trepidatiously. 
“An old den!” The kid says, peeking out of a large hole in between to big pieces of rocks, holding a tuft of hair triumphantly. 
Vekeso walks over, and takes the coarse chunk of fur from his hands. 
“I’ll be damned.” He huffs. 
“It was wolves.” Barely asserts. 
“Well” Vekeso frowns. “I guess I’ll be removin’ yer air quotes, Detective Barely.” He says. 
The child beams. “Thank you Mister Vekeso.” He says. “Couldya take me back to town?” 
It was hard to ride the satisfaction of having solved the case for long. Vekeso didn’t even seem too happy about it, and all the lengthy way back to town, Barely was haunted by the feeling it had been too easy. As easy as a misplaced wallet, wrapped up in a single day. Maybe he shouldn’t wish a harder life on himself, but he longed to stretch his legs and mind further than this. He couldn’t help but think there was a shadow of an even bigger mystery enclosed around this place. He couldn’t see its form, couldn’t determine its nature just yet. Too many loose questions and pathways, ends that hadn’t quite been tied. 
Vekeso ran off, presumably to talk to the other cowpokes, to talk strategy. That’s something Barely didn’t like, either. He had given him an answer, but not a solution. The land taken by the Fleetrail wasn’t coming back anytime soon. They might just have to kill the wolves, which was it’s own headache, for both moral and logistical reasons. 
At least, Barely resolved, he could head down to the municipal office, and hopefully share with Miss Laryan the joy of finding her misplaced wallet. 
But it was not so. As Barely approached the office, a tiny frown curved around his necklace as he began to notice the place was swarming with officers. He glanced between them, attempting to determine the intricacies of their rank, before walking over to the youngest, who was putting crime scene tape over the doors. 
“‘xcuse me sir” He says, “What happened here?” 
“There was a robbery.” The man sighs. “Someone broke in last day.”
“I don’t mean to be trouble officer, but what’d they take?” 
“Government papers. A couple old county estate exchange receipts. Stop nosing around.” The officer says, more sternly. 
“I can’t help it, Sir,” Barely answers. “I’m a detective.” 
The man pauses for a moment, and then flat out laughs at him. 
“Go play somewhere else” He says. 
“Can I look inside?” Barely pleads. 
“Of course not” The officer huffs. 
“Can you describe it to me?” He asks. 
“Will that make you leave?” The man says. “It’s a fucking mess, kid. They tore the damn place apart, real desperate for that crusty old paperwork. Piss off.”
Barely’s brows furrow, and he finally takes the hint, walking away. He tries to view the scene from different angles, as best as he could from a distance. He wanders back and forth, before, with a slight frown, pulling out his notepad to write down that none of the doors or windows seem damaged. Besides, he assumes, the sorry state of the office and archives, it was difficult to tell someone had broken in at all. The robber must have been let in, or had a key. He contemplates this for a long moment. Before spotting Miss Laryan down the way, and speedwalking down the road ask fast as his little legs could carry him. 
“Miss Laryan” he says, “could I pull you aside for a moment?”
“Barely, I have work” She chides, as the child drags her off into a nearby alleyway. “What’s going on down there?” 
“I need you to stay calm, and answer some questions for me” Barely says, with as much assertiveness as he can muster. 
“Who else works at the municipal office? Who has a key?” 
“Why-” She frowns, “the security? I’m the only clerk, you see. It’s why I gotta work so hard” 
Barely’s heart sinks. 
“What was the paper,” he says. “That you snuck into your wallet last night?” 
“Oh, it was so late” She frowns, struggling to remember. “It was… messiahs- I think… maybe some old land sale?” 
“Are you sure you left your wallet on the desk?” He says. 
“I mean- not really” She backtracks. “But it wouldn’t hurt to check, right?” She says, flustered by the child's seriousness. “Why do you ask?” 
“You can’t go to work,” Barely says. 
“What? Why?” Laryan says, biting her nails. 
“There’s been a robbery” The rust frowns. “And if the fleet sheriffs got any kind of head on their shoulders, you’re a prime suspect.” 
Miss Laryan pales. “But- I didn’t! I was- I take paperwork home all the time! There just- weren’t enough hours in the night- what’re they saying? What should I say?” The woman panics, starting to hyperventilate. 
“M’am,- m’am it’s okay, just breathe-” Barely tries to assure her to little avail. 
“I can’t go to jail!” The teal squeaks, and then, suddenly, falls to the ground, as if stressed to the point of honest to g-d fainting.
Barely’s eyes widen, and he stares around helplessly. “Miss,” he pleads, on deaf ears, staring at her collapsed form, frozen. A little time passes, as he struggles to figure out what to do. 
Eventually, a shopkeeper walks by, turning and peaking into the alleyway with concern. Barely makes a half effort to step in front and block the view of the unconscious woman, but he’s too small and too slow for it to do any real good.  
“Ah,” The stranger says, not even seeming to notice this attempt “She having one of those again?” 
“‘Xcuse me?” Barely says, shyly. 
“Don’t worry about it son,” the man says, rolling up his sleeves. “You didn’t do nothin’ wrong. Laryan gets this spells every time she gets nervous. Must be havin’ a hell of a night.” He sighs. “Help me carry her back to the mart, and get a cold towel, she’ll be up in no time” he says, grabbing her by the shoulders. 
“Of course” Barely says, shaken up but glad to be of help, the rust hurries to grab Miss Laryan’s legs, following the man in front of him’s lead into a convenience store, it’s neon sign spelling out the word DUNNERMART. They brought her over to a bench, and set her down. The young man catches his breath, shaking out his arms. 
“What’s your name, kid?” The shopkeep asks. 
“I’m Barely, Mister.” He answers. 
“I’m Dunner” The man grins. “You want a milkshake?” 
Barely pauses, as if, caught up in the excitement of it all, he hadn’t realized he didn’t have much to drink or eat today. 
“I don’t have any money” He says. 
“First one’s on the hive” Dunner says, turning around to make one in the machine. 
“Thank you, Mister” Barely says, gnawing furiously on his necklace, leaning on the balls of his feet. He wasn’t used to such graciousness, especially from a highblood. The man hands him the drink. Barely pauses, wondering if it would be safe to question him. 
“What’s going on down the road?” The detective says, baiting him by feigning ignorance. 
“Someone broke into the government office,” Dunner shrugs. 
“Any idea who?” 
“Beats me- I wasn’t here all yesterday. Didn’t see anybody suspicious. I hear the cowpokes are fightin’ over somethin’ or other.” He shrugs.
The kid glanced downwards. None of this information was new to him. 
“You know anything about a land sale in town?” He asks. 
“Nope,” He answers. “What’s it to you?” 
“Nothin’” Barely says, sipping his milkshake. “Just curious.” 
“Stay safe, kid,” Dunner says. “Shouldn’t be messin’ around about things so serious at your age. Be careful” he continues. “Where you put your trust.” 
Does he imagine it, or do the shopkeeps eye’s flicker over to the unconscious Laryan for a moment?
“Of course, I’ll be careful Mister Dunner” Barely says, a guarded expression crossing him. 
The shopkeep heads to the back of the shop, presumably to go work on something or other, and he’s replaced by a bored looking cashier. Barely continues to sip his drink at a snail's pace frowning. He’s nearly an inch from finishing it before Miss Laryan’s eye’s flicker open. The rust’s gaze goes to the cashier glued to her phone, and then back to his friend. 
“Stay calm, Miss,” he whispers. And she freezes. “I think you’re innocent- those officials shouldn’ta been workin’ you to the bone in the firs’ place.” 
“What should I do?” She mutters back in hushed tones. “I can’t return the papers, I still can’t find em” She chokes. 
“I think you and I should go up to Shercattle, and visit your friend of a friend.” Barely says. 
“Barely,” She pleads. “I told you to not go pokin’ around about the cattle.” 
“Not about that” He retorts. “I just think it might be smart for you to skip town a couple a nights” He says. 
The woman pales. “Okay” She squeaks. 
“Someone else,” He says. “Was lookin’ real hard for those papers, and I don’t think they found em. You don’t tear apart an office like that if the papers are right on the desk peakin outta a wallet.” The rust continues, thinking out loud. 
“You think so?” Miss Laryan whispers. 
“Yes, Miss, I do.” Barely whispers, determined. “I wanna know who wanted em that bad and why.” He asserts, offering a hand to the woman. 
“So how about on that long train ride, you tell me-” He says, pulling the woman to her feet, picking up his notepad. “In as much detail as you can- every single thing that happened from when you closed last morning til you met me at the station this evening” He says, his sunflower necklace making slow circles in his mouth as he and Miss Laryan walked outside, as the detective concedes that just maybe, just maybe, 
This wallet thing might be a mystery of the scale he was interested in after all. 
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grafitti-translator · 9 months
2ooooo i've lurked a bi7 and 2en7 a few a2k2 around bu7 i gue22 I 2hould make a proper grumblr accoun7
Im al7ernian, gold, he/him , be7ween 0 and 70 2weep2, no7 dead ye7
A2k2 are alway2 more 7hen welcome!
I dunno how grumblr really work2 2o im ju27 gonna 7ag pre77y much everyone I follow on grumble under 7he read more
Upda7e! @terrifaecapathy <> <- go follow my moirail if you don7 already
@gyratingass @quadrant-query @bullettimetablature @terrifaecapathy @askingalternians @eyencogneyeto-polls @trollsgettingreallymadatfood @crypticawoo @rgbrotten @mutant-advice @banefulabodement @idiots-of-alternia @culledcuriosities @burninggills @alternian-mutant-madness @cheshire-oddities @highbloodhateblog @quadrantpunk @trickclown-alternia @vitriolicperceptive @invertedromance2 @cacophonous-anomaly @wriggler-naming-suggestions @troll-medicull-advice @hydropurgerthoughts @alternian-life-advice @hemoanon-advice @quadrant-horror-stories @theparadoxspace @alternian-cringe-collector @aimlessgambler @alterniatifu @aita-alternia @tealblood-throwaway @beforus-for-real-justice @approximateknowledge
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periodicparadox · 8 months
A Shift In The Winds
Characters: Kevlar Antoni, Pallac Adiuns, Royalbloods [Brief mention] Alone in his apartment, the shuffling of various papers pricking through the silence as the Tealblood sat alone at his desk. Tonight's been a busy night for him: Several court cases, having to handle something for his darling moirail and having to handle a case for a certain Purpleblood as well. Even at his own apartment his work followed him, being a constant reminder of his stressed life. Kevlar sighed loudly and placed his work down, resting his elbows on his desk while burying his face into his hands. The faint noises of the outside world came creeping in through his door. Buggy horns, chattering trolls and some odd noises from the Teal's various complex neighbors. Then came another noise, one that caused Kevlar's ears to perk up. He lifted his head up and looked towards his front door, his eyes focused intensely on it. A faint hum, a low murmur. Was that... A voice? No, that couldn't be. An odd sensation rushed through him, Kevlar slowly rising from his seat with the assistance of his cane. He didn't realize he was moving until he looked down at the handle of his front door. Gold and shiny, kept perfectly clean. He grabbed it and pushed it downwards, stepping outside while looking up at the sky. Small blinking lights danced in the distance, that faint humming noise seeming to grow stronger as he stared, eyes wide with a sudden rush of fear. The winds blew gently, sending a chill up Kevlar's spine as he turned and slammed his front door closed, wobbling slightly as he stumbled over to his couch. He dropped down and pulled out his palmhusk, his fingers fumbling slightly in panic as he pulled up his chat with his moirail. -> fuliginousInsurgence [FI] has began chatting honorablePrestige [HP] <- [FI]: Pallac? Are yⵀu busy? [HP]: >[ Yes yes! I'm right here, Kevlar. What's the matter? You seem upset! ] [FI]: I suppⵀse I am, yes. Have yⵀu seen the sky lately? There's... [FI]: There's sⵀmething vvrⵀng vvith it, Pallac. And I fear fⵀr vvhat it cⵀuld mean. The Indigoblood raised an eyebrow at the messages and turned his head towards his respiteblock window, squinting his eyes slightly. He didn't quite understand what these lights were, or why they seemed to freak his moirail out so much. [HP]: >[ I see them too, Kevlar. ] [HP]: >[ I don't quite understand what's so odd about them. Could they possibly be satellites? ] [FI]: I dⵀn't think they are, Pallac. But I dⵀn't knⵀvv if anyⵀne else but yⵀu vvⵀuld believe me if I tⵀld them they cⵀuld pⵀssibly be a sign. A sign ⵀf sⵀmething avvful tⵀ cⵀme. [HP]: >[ I propose telling this to Jestlo! He seems like the kind of fella who might understand your fear and concern. He's quite mysterious himself! ] Kevlar sighed and leaned back. He knew Pallac was right, and he WAS already handling a case with the Purpleblood at the moment. He just needed to figure out how to bring it up to the male Royalblood. [FI]: As alvvays, yⵀu suggest the ideas I vvⵀuldn't have thⵀught ⵀf. Thank yⵀu, Pallac. I'll see vvhat I can dⵀ next time I see him. Please. Stay safe, fⵀr me? [HP]: >[ Of course! ]
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ptipi · 8 months
[Gacha] Tealblood
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Gold tier gacha + extra outfit for @trickstermoon584
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shrimp-sprites · 2 years
Last night, I came up with a fanspecies that is descended from trolls.
Long ago, before the Condesce's rule, a colony planning fuck up caused a full fledged civilization to be built on a planet with an unstable orbit.
The planet was violently ejected from its star system soon after the colony's completion.
The trolls stranded there struggled to survive for sweeps. Violet blooded colony heads didn't even want to lead in the chaos. The planet was dark save for whatever bioluminescent life existed there. No lusii had been brought on planet save for a Matriorb... which would hatch, but never ever became a lusus to a young troll.
Sweeps later, the dying colony enters a multiple star system of eight. Two pairs of two pairs of binary stars. Terrible place for nocturnal beings with pale grey skin.
Yet, to avoid another long voyage as a rogue planet, the remaining psychics on the colony banded together to keep their orbit stable. Not too close to any star, yet close enough for the eight suns to provide much needed heat.
The eight suns provided a near-eternal day and tons of ultraviolet radiation. Thus, the following generations of trolls gained more pigment in their skin.
In their desperate attempts to survive, the colony let olivebloods and tealbloods tend to the Matriorb and Mother Grub that came from it.
The difference between telekinesis, terrakinesis, psionics, and other abilities that could help keep the planet's orbit stable became irrelevant.
Millions of sweeps pass. Future Empresses of Alternia ignore the planet. It appears, from the outside, to constantly be on the verge of ejection from its system. No competent ruler would set up a colony there!
The Castor colony trolls have darker skin, horns, and eyes. Their average level of psychic ability is beyond the best troll psychics. They have only six blood colors, and the distinction between them matters less.
Rust, Honey, Lime, Jade, Blue, and Tyrian.
Rust and bronze merged to a singular color (Rust), as did bronze and gold (Honey), olive, jade, and teal (Jade), teal, cobalt, and indigo (Blue), and purple, violet, and fuschia (Tyrian).
The Castors rule their planet democratically. A tyrannical Empress who's too cull happy on the lowbloods could spell disaster!
The "keep the orbit in check" thing becomes a psychic background process to the Castors. Not all of them have psychics. That's mostly the Rusts, Honeys, and Limes (with few outliers). The rest use their sturdiness and strength to help keep the planet running from the inside.
All Castor horns curve inwards.
I haven't drawn or sprited any of these yet, but questions or ideas are very much accepted through the ask box. :3
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raitrolling · 9 months
Catch Him and Make Him Say
[Easy reading version on Toyhouse]
Sharle watched the slices of wagyu beef sizzle on the small grill at the centre of the table like a hawk, the tongs in his hand poised to snatch up the meat the moment it was cooked to his liking. 
Across from him sat his teammate Tira, who had invited him out to lunch to catch up a couple nights after the Twelfth Perigee Ball. While they had attended together, it didn’t take long for the much more social tealblood to mingle with other VIP guests he’d struck up a conversation with, and the blueblood to end up finding his other close friend after getting involved in a small predicament. It was this predicament Tira had seen photos of on both Twitter and Instagram that had piqued his curiosity, but he knew that he wouldn’t be able to get Sharle to talk about it in-depth without some sort of leverage.
And what better way to catch a bird of prey than with an offer of fresh food?
While Sharle was laser-focused on his lunch, Tira ordered a couple more sides on his phone, knowing that they could be here a while. This early on into the off-season meant that they could both be more relaxed with their diets, until the new sweep rolled around and it was back to the pre-season grind. Might as well make these last two weeks of freedom worth it.
When he heard the clattering of the tongs as the falcon troll scooped up his wagyu slices and dropped them onto his plate (a sign that he was now capable of multitasking between eating and chatting), Tira cleared his throat. 
“So, you and Velour, huh.” the tealblood said with a smirk, picking up his own pair of tongs to drop a few slices of pork onto the now-empty grill. 
Sharle looked up, a puzzled expression on his face.
“What about him?”
“I’m just saying, it’s not often you get men literally hanging off you. Like, I know your fans wanna climb you like a tree until they figure out you’re not even six foot-“
“Hey, I’m taller than you,” Sharle interjected with a mouth full of wagyu and rice, then held up his chopsticks to signal that he needs a minute to swallow his food before he can continue. “And he was hanging off me cuz he wasn’t feeling well. It was, er, something about bad seafood.” 
“That’s not what the girlies on Twitter are saying,” Tira snickered, picking up his phone again to scroll through his screenshots and read out a couple. “‘Shalour is real I never lost hope!!’, ‘the way Velour is holding onto Sharle so tenderly I’m gonna be sick’ - that’s a positive in stan slang, by the way, oh wait this one’s great - ‘need me a man who carries my drunk ass home from Denny’s at 7am like Sharle carrying Velour’.” 
The last one at least made the falcon troll snort.
“Er, who is going to Denny’s that close to the morning? That sounds like they should be going to bed.”
“It’s a figure of speech, Sharlie, no one goes to Denny’s.”
“Huh, alright.” Sharle shrugged, already starting to mentally check out of this conversation. “Your, er, meat needs flipping, by the way.” 
Tira looked down and gasped as he caught a glimpse of his pork slices now featuring a very charcoal black underside. 
“My piggies! Wait- Hey, you’re using the food as a distraction from our very important discussion!” The tealblood pouted, managing to effortlessly flip the slices over while giving Sharle a mock grumpy look. 
“Is it important? Since, er, it’s not like anything happened. I just did what anyone would do, yeah?” Sharle shrugged again, popping another piece of wagyu into his mouth.
“In front of potential paparazzi and nosy fans?” Tira asked, pointing the tongs at the other troll.
“Yeah. Wouldn’t you?”
That response earned another pout from the dragonfly troll. 
“Oi, leave me outta this! Of course I would, but I’ve got the better reputation, y’know? I’m the fun class clown with a heart of gold, and you’re the rough and angry bad boy. When you do stuff like that, of course people are gonna turn heads and start spreading rumours.” 
The blueblood scoffed.
“Yeah, I don’t get that either. I’d just say there’s nothing happening between us, just like there wasn’t when people tried to say we were secretly pale, or, er, whatever that was.” Sharle shook his head. 
“Oof, how cold, you’re breaking all the Shalour girlies’ hearts yet again.” Tira clutched his chest to emphasise his point. “Guess I’m gonna have to hype up team Shamie even more to warm them up to the real ship!”
Sharle’s expression could not be any more blank.
“Er, team who?”
“Team Shamie, duh. Do I need to spell it out for you? You can figure out where in that portmanteau the ‘mie’ comes from, yeah?” Tira repeated with a smirk on his face.
While he didn’t know what the word ‘portmanteau’ meant, Sharle was capable of figuring out what the ‘Sha’ and the ‘Mie’ signified. He shook his head with a snort, picking up some pickled ginger with his chopsticks to mix in with the remainder of his rice.
“Alright, c’mon man, that isn’t a thing. None of the, er, social media people know about that.”
“About what?” 
Tira would have given him a smug look, but he was interrupted by the waitress bringing him the side dishes he ordered, a tray with three bowls resting comfortably on her arm. The first bowl set down on the table contained lotus root chips, the second bowl contained a serving of karaage with a small salad, and the third contained a single egg. Tira took the third bowl to crack the egg into his rice and pork slices and mixed it all together, while Sharle murmured an awkward ‘arigato’ to the waitress. She didn’t respond, though it was unclear if she didn’t hear him or was so confused as to why he felt the need to speak to her in East Alternian that she didn’t know what to say.
Sharle then reached over to pinch one of the pieces of karaage, but Tira swatted at his hand with his egg-covered chopsticks. The blueblood made a face in response.
“Ah, ah, ah! No chicken until you tell me what happened with Jamie. You’re hiding something, I bet,” Tira grinned, now able to reach dangerous levels of smug.
Sharle shrugged, keeping his hand in position to snatch the karaage as soon as he’s allowed to.
“I dunno, it wasn’t anything really. Or, er, anything people would care about. We just chatted, danced a bit, and, er, he gave me his cape because he didn’t want to get tangled in it.”
“Ooh, spicy. Like a gentleman offering his jacket to a cold fair maiden!” Tira nodded sagely as he scooped up as much rice, pork, and egg that his chopsticks could hold.
In that moment his guard was down, Sharle swiped the piece of karaage he’d been eyeing off and ate it in one swift movement, looking a little proud of himself. Then he remembered something.
“Oh, yeah. He, er, called me that too after I called him to look after Velour. And, er, he kissed my hand too, for some reason.”
Technically, Sharle hadn’t forgotten that, it was more that when he thought of it, he… Didn’t know what to think. It wasn’t embarrassment he was feeling, since he didn’t mind what Jamie had done, but something similar. Something…
“Oh my god, you were into it, weren’t you? You sap!” Tira’s tone was teasing, but also very endeared by Sharle’s puzzled expression. It was clear that something had awoken in the blueblood that night.
Sharle pursed his lips in thought. “I dunno, it’d probably be the same for anyone, I think. Like, er, it’s not like anyone else has kissed it before.”
“Would you feel the same if it was me?” Tira tilted his head slightly, both intrigued and amused.
“I mean, probably?” The blueblood shrugged. “Like I said man, it was the first time.”
Tira’s eyes lit up and a mischievous smile crossed his face as an idea suddenly popped into his head. He put down his bowl and chopsticks, then gestured towards Sharle.
“Alright, alright, Sharlie. Give me your hand, not the one Jamie kissed just in case you’re doing that thing some fans do. Y’know, the ‘ooh, this celebrity touched my haaand, I’m never washing it again!’ thing?”
Sharle blinked, but offered his hand as he was told to do.
“Hey man, I showered, alright? And, er, why do people do that anywa-”
Before he could finish that sentence, Tira had taken his hand and brought it to his lips, giving it a kiss the same way that Jamie had done.
Sharle could only stare blankly back, utterly baffled.
“Er, okay.” He stared over at his teammate, who was still giving him a cheeky grin in return.
“How’d that feel? Get the same lovey-dovey feelings? Did the sparks fly?” Tira rubbed his thumb against Sharle’s hand for good measure, and was unsurprised to see a complete lack of a reaction from the blueblood. 
“It felt like you just kissed my hand.” Sharle replied, his tone plain and seemingly unbothered.
Tira smirked in response, and let go of Sharle’s hand so they could both return to finishing off their meals.
“Sure did buddy, glad those keen eyes of yours work more than just for watching the grill. But, the point is, you prefer when Jamie kisses you, don’t you? A quick peck from your lil’ ol’ teammate just doesn’t do it?” 
Sharle paused. He supposed that the two times someone has kissed his hand now had given him completely different feelings. With Tira, it just felt like he was messing around or trying to prank him. But with Jamie…
“... Er, I don’t know, but it was different.” He sounded somewhat unsure, like he was venturing into unknown territory.
Tira grinned, knowing he’s got Sharle right where he wants him. “How so?”
The blueblood paused again, chopsticks resting against his lips while he seriously thought it over. 
“Jamie was, er… Softer.” For some reason, the tips of Sharle’s ears blushed blue when he thought of it.
“Aw, are you saying I’m not tender enough for you?” Tira teased, raising an eyebrow at his teammate’s reaction.
“No, er- I don’t think so? I guess Jamie just uses the, er…” Sharle gestured vaguely with the hand holding his cutlery, trying to think of the word. “... The lip moisturiser, yeah?”
The dragonfly troll snorted.
“C’mon, Sharlie, don’t tell me you don’t know what Chapstick is.”
“Hey! Yeah, that’s the word!” Sharle replied, snapping his fingers in recognition. “But, er, yeah, it’s probably that.”
Tira stared silently at his teammate for a moment, and then cracked up into a fit of laughter that would’ve made him slap the table if he hadn’t already picked up his bowl and cutlery again. 
“Mate! C’mon, really?” He managed to get out in between cackles. “Okay, okay, alright, sure, sure, whatever you say buddy.” 
Sharle looked incredulous.
“Yeah, what’s so funny about that? That’s probably what it is, yeah?” But even he was starting to sound somewhat unsure. Was there really nothing more to it? 
He didn’t think it would be anything different, and probably something Jamie does with other people he’s friends with. But if it wasn’t… He’s not sure how he felt about it.
But he did know he didn’t hate it. In fact, he didn’t mind it in the slightest. Maybe he did like it, after all.
Tira eventually sobered up, having had his fill of lunch and entertainment. He set down his now-empty bowl and placed the chopsticks on top of it, then wiped his mouth with the napkin and tucked that under the chopsticks. Sharle was still picking away at the lotus root chips, and appeared to be thinking over something as he had that intense look in his gaze as he tends to do when he’s concentrating. 
The dragonfly troll tilted his head in curiosity, wondering what he was thinking about, then cleared his throat to ask:
“By the way, did you get him a Twelfth Perigees’ present?”
Sharle looked up at his teammate, then froze as the realisation hit him. 
“Oh. Oh my god that’s less than a week away isn’t it.”
That had been the last thing on his mind.
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nebularious · 5 months
I remember there being a post where it gave every one of the extended zodiac signs an individual blood colour and I cannot find it????
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You already know about fuscia being mantis shrimp, blue/indigo being beetle, and gold being bees. Going from the bottom of the hemospectrum up, the rest of them are as follows:
Rustbloods are flies Bronzebloods are ants Limebloods are trilobites [candy red bloods are horseshoe crabs] Olivebloods are crickets/grasshoppers Jadebloods are mosquitoes Tealbloods are mantises Cerulean/Bluebloods are arachnids Purplebloods are cockroaches
And last but not least, the most heartbreaking in the context of dsmpstuck, violets are lobsters. Specifically because I wanted eridan to have to have a shitty little moustache and be unable to get rid of it.
THAT'S SO COOL. OMG. rustbloods being flies ohhh my god. short lifespans + association with death I LOVE THAT!!!! and limeblood trilobites ahgshagh YEAHAHAHHA!!!! love lobster violetbloods. lobster eret!!!!! oh thats so cool i love it so so so much
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colorguessr · 1 year
[+ ggood evening. -]
[+ thhe gimmick of this blog is that you send in a description of yourself- age, occupation, hhorn shape, quads, whatever yyou decide is relevant- and anons guuess your blood color via poll. -]
[+ ffor example: -]
my Name is Frstnm Lastnm. i have tall, wavy Horns, and i work as a MakeUp Artist. i have a Rustblood Moirail and an Indigoblood Kismesis. guess my Caste!
[+ insppired by @aita-alternia . yyou all need to stop having fun, yyoure tempting me. -]
[+ rrun by one mod. contact mme directly through @tealblood-throwaway if you'd like. -]
[+ have fuuuuuun! -]
OOC: hi everypony check out my epic BLOG. my ACTUAL non-rp main is @courtofthevampireking . glhf
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kabutoden · 4 months
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Sangis Ryitsu
A clever tealblood who facilities the trade of different blood colors between trolls in the art department to secretly. This gives rulebreaking trolls access to new paint colors. They’re a little suspicious looking, but pretending to be rule-abiding has gotten her far in life. Laguto shares a quadrant with them, but nobody knows which one.
Sign of fair deals. Rogue of Blood. Centipede Morph.
8 sweeps: 17 years.
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qsmp-slime · 2 years
Oooo I never seen homestuck! Do you wanna tell me about the trolls? /gen /nf :D
fuckin GLADLY!!!!!!!
so. the trolls are the alien species IN homestuck. theyre grey-skinned, have black hair, yellow sclera/black eyes, generally have fangs, etc. they also have horns of varying shapes/sizes that are red, orange, and yellow. (one of the characters, karkat, has kind of a running gag of people poking fun at him because his horns slightly resemble candy corn)
troll society is seperated into a caste system - your placement is determined by your blood colour, each of which is tied to an actual, real life zodiac sign! from lowest to highest, it goes:
rust (aries) -> bronze (taurus) -> gold (gemini) -> lime* (cancer) -> olive (leo) -> jade (virgo) -> teal (libra) -> cerulean (scorpio) -> indigo (sagittarius) -> purple (capricorn) -> violet (aquarius) -> fuschia (pisces) *limebloods are, at the point of the original comic, extinct. they were hunted to extinction, specifically, and any cancer troll after has the potential instead to have a mutation causing their blood to be "candy red", aka bright red. candy-redblooded trolls are ALSO generally killed very soon on, although unlike limebloods being hunted for presumed insanely strong abilities, candy-reds (iirc) are culled because, essentially, in the eyes of the monarchy, they should not exist and have no PURPOSE to existing. this is a general rule with any and all mutations in troll society; if its not beneficial to the condesce (the ruler), theres no reason it needs to exist.
there was originally only 12 signs, for each of the 12 ACTUAL zodiac signs, but with the release of the games hiveswap and friendsim, they made up a bunch more. official tally is now 288 possible signs. your sign is determined by your blood caste, lunar sway, and aspect.
lunar sway and aspect are two mechanics of sburb, while blood caste is what i just explained. for trollsonas, you decide the blood caste by going off your ACTUAL zodiac sign -- we're a libra, so our trollsona is a tealblood. (specifically, if anyone's curious, he's a librist - derse dreamer and life player, which. i can explain in a different ask because this is alreayd long as fuck and this is just bare basics of the trolls.)
oh, also, violet and fuschia bloods are actually seadwelling trolls, they can breathe underwater, live underwater, and have gills/fins/etc. fuschia trolls are generally only female (although i dont remember if this is a genetic thing or if male fuschias are culled), and only fuschias can be the future ruler; there can also only exist two fuschias on the planet at a time, the current ruler and the heiress. when the heiress comes of age, she is expected to challenge the current ruler for the throne.
the only other caste that is gender-exclusive is the jadebloods, being born ONLY afab - BUT!!!! trans jades do exist! there's a canon one, too; his name is lanque bombyx, and around the time he was originally revealed for friendsim, whatpumpkin (the company behind it) confirmed that he is, like other jades, afab SO!!!! yeah :D
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