crossdressingdeath · 2 months
Y'know, people call Goldanna a bitch but if some random guy claiming to be the half-brother I thought died along with my mother during childbirth and who as far as I knew or had any reason to assume grew up in a castle being waited on hand and foot as a noble if not a prince showed up at my house where I was scraping a living as a washerwoman for me and my children and expected me to be happy to see him just because his dad fucked my mom (and in the process caused her death) I'd start throwing things at his head, so I think all in all she's being extraordinarily reasonable. I can understand Alistair being upset that she wasn't happy to see him but she doesn't know him and (supposedly) sharing genes doesn't mean she owes him love or even attention.
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uchidachi · 2 months
It’s that time of the month when i get fiercely protective of minor unsympathetic fictional characters, and this time I’m crying about Goldanna (Alistair’s supposed half-sister from Origins)
First off, she has every right to be angry. She’s been alone since a young age, she works for scraps to raise five children, and Alistair comes in out of nowhere to reopen old trauma about her mother’s death. She doesn’t know he’s had a rough life too, for all she knows he’s been raised in a palace or some other place befitting a king’s son (he doesn’t contradict her when she assumes he did, or that he is very rich). He offers her 15 sovereigns, which was chump change even for my warden, and I started out broke af in wizard prison.
Secondly, there’s no reason to doubt Goldanna’s truthfulness when she talks about her mother’s death. She worked in the castle, was taken advantage of by the king, and died giving birth to Maric’s son. Goldanna was told the baby died as well, (and this was likely true, she only thinks otherwise when Alistair shows up and claims to be that child) so she is left all alone!
(Slight aside: the argument that it is too coincidental that Alistair and Goldanna’s brother were the same age doesn’t do anything to contradict her story, she doesn’t claim they are, nor ask for Alistair’s age or birth month. In fact, it makes the rest of Alistair’s story more cohesive when you think the babies were not born around the same time: Eamon brings home a baby with a sob story for Isolde about how he’s the King’s bastard and his mother just died in childbirth, and Isolde looks at six-month-old Alistair and knows for damn certain that #1 this is not a newborn and #2 Eamon is lying to her. She just had the part he was lying about wrong.)
Additionally, the very old Andrastian amulet that Alistair was told was his mother’s, do we think it belonged to Fiona? Or was this a family heirloom taken from Goldanna’s mother’s corpse, and given to baby Alistair to “confirm” the story about his parentage?
From Goldanna’s perspective: The King just died. Soon after, the nobles call for a landsmeet to determine the new ruler and who should come by her house but his bastard half-brother! He asks how much she knows about the circumstances of his birth, and offers her 15 gold to shut her up. Along with the one coin she got as a child, she has been paid 16 sovereigns total to be an unwilling participant in a royal coverup & her entire life was ruined.
So yeah. She’s allowed to be a lil bitchy.
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ooachilliaoo · 3 months
He was nervous. Really, really nervous. The stumbling over his words, shifting his feet, twiddling his fingers kind of nervous. More nervous than she had ever seen him. And given that, in the space of the last few weeks, he’d confessed to his true parentage, given her a rose to tell her she was the one bright spark in all the darkness, asked Wynne for advice on how to woo a woman in her hearing, and kissed her… that was saying something.  
Was it wrong that she found it so adorable?  
But that didn’t make it any less so.  
She could well understand why he was nervous. It wasn’t hard to see that family was incredibly important to him. She supposed that they were similar in that regard, despite coming at the issue from virtually opposite ends of the spectrum.
She’d had her family her entire life. Mother, father, brother. Then a sister-in-law and a nephew… And they were all gone now. She missed them terribly, every single day.
But he’d had… nothing. No mother to speak of; an absent father. Of course, she would do all that she could to help him reclaim even this tiny part: a sister he’d never known.
All she hoped was that the real Goldanna lived up to the one he’d imagined in the Fade. She’d hate for him to come out of this feeling disappointed…
It was just the two of them. She’d figured that would be best.
Though he probably wouldn’t have minded Leliana or Wynne joining them, she hadn’t wanted to overwhelm Goldanna. The woman was just about to find out that she had a half-brother she never knew she had. Elissa assumed it was a revelation that would go down better if said half-brother didn’t turn up on her doorstep trailing a number of his friends.   
Now that she saw just how nervous he was, she was even more glad. At least with only her present he could hopefully relax a little more than he might have been able to with the others. It hadn’t helped that when they had first come across the… well, not to be impolite, but ‘hovel’ really did seem like the most appropriate word. When they had first come across the hovel that his sister lived in, he’d almost turned tail and run.
“We can go in whenever you want,” she said gently as they stood outside. “Whenever you’re ready.”
Read the Rest on AO3
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ghostwise · 2 years
please i would LOVE to hear more of your thoughts on alistair and goldanna!!!! 👀♥️
HONESTLY honestly Jay I feel so strongly for him and his need for connection and family. He seeks it out anywhere and everywhere--in the Wardens, in Duncan, in his companions during the Blight--but ultimately, life always pulls the people he cares about in different directions. For the Wardens, death is cruel and often sudden.
But Goldanna is (as far as he is aware) family by blood.
(It doesn't matter that we the audience know otherwise. In fact, it wouldn't matter even if it was true.)
What matters is that it becomes true in Alistair's choosing to seek her out, and track her down, and speak to her. To support her financially, or to promise his support later.
Alistair values family because he feels he's never had it.
(Alistair also carries a lot of guilt because, to put it bluntly, he believes and has always believed that he is the product of rape. That in a kinder world, he never would've existed. -> Goldanna's words "your father forced himself on my mother and took her away from me!" of course she's pissed, she is reacting out of a very deep loss!)
There's a certain generational trauma that both Goldanna and Alistair are carrying around, being that they both lost their mother, and live poorer lives without her. (Again, it doesn't matter that we the audience know otherwise.)
In my mind, he briefly breaks away from the fighting at Denerim to make sure Goldanna and her children get out safe. He protects them and guides them out of the city, and later checks in on them. And they grow to trust one another.
I think they could both benefit from having family that they are close to. Some of those wounds would begin to heal.
And I know Alistair would just love to have nieces and nephews visit him at Vigil's Keep. <3
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if you have some alistair x warden fics to recommend i will worship the ground you walk on.
especially if: 
- the warden is amell
- alistair is in his insecure mode
- amell/surana don’t know how to act around ali at first, because he was training to be a templar
- the topic of ali’s miserable childhood comes up
- aftermath of meeting goldanna is expanded more than in game (yes, i want to comfort alistair, i won’t hide that)
- if the fic itself is hella long and covers the entirety of the game (i’d literally die of happiness)
- also i don’t really care about the warden’s gender
they can be short or long, i usually prefer shorter stories but as of late i’ve been craving something more ‘book like’ in lenght.
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dragonagebanter · 2 years
Morrigan: So you met this sibling of yours? Alistair: Half-sister, but yes. Morrigan: And you made a promise to help her? Alistair: Err... yes? Morrigan: Why would you do such a thing? This woman is a parasite who will appreciate nothing you do for her, you know this! Alistair: It's moments like this when I truly appreciate the difference between you and me. Morrigan: (Scoffs) 'Tis moments like this when I truly wonder at the difference between you and a toadstool.
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wilchur · 2 months
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local Warden devastated that his boyfriend is not actually elf-blooded
(he doesn't know!!!! 🫢)
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deimcs · 2 months
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CAILAN THEIRIN'S FUNERAL / dragon age: origins, return to ostagar
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wildmelon · 1 year
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sim dump 6— occult girlies
info and download below the cut
some sims i promised i'd put up for dl + a couple bonus babes! sorry it took so much longer than i promised 🥲
do not change their skin color or body type dramatically. do not claim as your own. tag me if you use them, i’d love to see!
one outfit each
some skin details may not show up if you don’t have occult packs
these pics were taken with lithium cas reshade, this cas lighting (4), and edited in photoshop
cc included except this hair by @thekunstwollen (for pearl)
(i did my best to check all cc tou but pls let me know if i made any mistakes)
download: google drive | patreon
(pearl is only available on drive, her file is too big <;3)
let me know if there are any problems!
tips: if it’s too much cc for you, leave out the sliders. don’t worry if you load up the household and it says something is missing in game, it’s probably a mod i deleted on purpose. if drive tells you the file is too big to scan for viruses, it does not mean the file is unsafe.
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ghost-bard · 2 months
Love being an arcane warrior in dao i love swinging a giant maul around and being in armour but also casting walking nightmare and horror on my enemies i think swords are cooler but the affect of a maul is funnier than big sword in my opinion. I have like 3 affects (at the minimum) going on at all times and then i do an aoe chug some lyrium just in case and bludgen some guy to death. What.
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vigilskeep · 1 year
the weird thing is that alistair saying “her name is goldanna and i think she remarried but still lives just outside the alienage” DOES sound like he thinks she’s got elven blood too
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athenasdragon · 2 months
I do love the consistent importance placed on siblings in Dragon Age
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kirkwallmorningnews · 2 years
if i had a nickel for every time a warrior companion sought out his sister that he never met in a bid for a family connection he has lacked and wanted his entire life, only to be rebuffed and blamed by said sister for the death of their mother and shamed for living in perceived luxury while she has had to scrape to survive, i would have two nickels.
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lelianaslefthand · 11 months
thinking about how everyone in alistair’s childhood failed him
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
Six Sentence tagged by @magicallulu7, had to hang on to it til I had more of OWaP typed up since I can't share the exchange fic, and now give you a Snapshot Taken Moments Before Disaster. xD (I made it seven to sneak that Trinne line in, sorry not sorry)
"How long are you expecting this visit with your sister to take?" Harvey asked as the three of them started across the market square. "I mean... probably not very?" Alistair kicked at a weed between the cobbles but missed. "I know we don't really have time for a long heart-to-heart reunion right now, but I'd like to meet her. Let her know I exist, y'know? Then maybe we'll be able to actually catch up later. Without the Blight and healing Arl Eamon hanging over our heads." "Makes sense to me," Trinne chipped in.
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dragonagebanter · 2 years
Morrigan: So you met this sibling of yours? Alistair: Half-sister, but yes. Morrigan: And she turned out to be an insufferable hag? Alistair: You'd have liked her. You two have a lot in common. Morrigan: And you let her berate you? Without punishment? Alistair: It's moments like this when I truly appreciate the difference between you and me. Morrigan: (Scoffs) 'Tis moments like this when I truly wonder at the difference between you and a toadstool.
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