#golden severum
anartweirdosworld · 1 year
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I just wanted to share some of my aquatic babies. The yellow-white one is Twig the baby Golden Severum!! I’m raising them for my dad as Twigie is currently too small to live in one of his. I absolutely love this little baby, Twig is so energetic, goofy and loving, I can’t wait to see them all grown up. The spotted one is Maple the Leaf fish, and the two blurs are a couple of my Rosy Barbs😂
It was so hard to get a clear photo of Twig they’re so energetic lol
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rum-is-for-drinking · 7 years
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My fishie Solaire. ♡♡ Picture doesn't do her justice. She's even more yellow in person with orange fins.
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pantheon-god-of-war · 4 years
[ stare ] your muse staring mine down or maybe [ instruct + reverse ] you choose
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He stood over them, severum in hand. Diana had fallen first to Leona’s martial prowess, but like a silent protector, he had watched and followed her, dispatching any Solari soldier that might prove harmful for their mission until finally taking down their champion. The noctum coursing through his veins burned and the fighting had left him winded but with his sister watching over him he had managed to topple the large amazon who now laid motionlessly on the ground much like her former friend. 
A sharp exhale later he gripped his weapon tighter again as he closed the last few meters. His eyes narrowed glancing down at the Solari avatar when suddenly a loud crash and breaking of rock made Aphelios snap his head around the last thing he saw was golden and his sister screamed. 
He awoke seconds later from the shock and lunged to his feet only to collide with a solid wall of muscle. Skittering back he called another weapon from the realms beyond, Calibrum was not the weapon that would serve him well here, then again against him there was no telling if any weapon would prove effective. 
Pantheon loomed over him, cold, motionless save for the fire and the cape that swayed in the Targonian winds that blew through this temple. It seemed Leona had a watchful guardian of her own, Solari be damned. Aphelios was mute and Pantheon was silent all that passed between them was air and cold stares. Both knew this fight was skewed and still they stood silently, ready to fight. It was the Warrior who marched first with slow, powerful and controlled steps, spear pointed down. Aphelios stood his ground until there was but a few inches between them.
“Take her and leave.” 
The words thundered through the empty room as Pantheon towered over the marksman a glance over his shoulder at the two downed aspects. But it was only a fleeting glance before he turned his attention towards Aphelios again his head glancing down only a couple of inches away now and display of physical dominance clearly palpable. Pantheon seemed to wish for no bloodshed, if he had, this exchange would have never happened. 
“The people will need them when the war commences. The real war, not your skewed and twisted ideologies.”
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creedmes · 6 years
Do you habe any pets?
I’ve had a lot of pets in my life, and right now I have a handful. Right now I have three cats, one dog, and three fishtanks.
The cats are, by age: Little J (my dad named him, he’s literally junior to my dad), Smokey, and Nala.
Little J is a tuxedo boy and he’s really fat. Whenever he sits his stomach pours over his back feet and he reminds us of a penguin ^_^ you know how penguin’s have their feet covered by their stomach? Yeah, that’s kind of the situation with Little J. We also have to give him pet CBD every night to help with his arthritis and it helps A LOT! He moves a lot better and can walk around faster. But we have to keep little stools placed around the furniture so he can get up with ease and so that he doesn’t land awkwardly when he’s ready to get down.
Smokey is our outside boy who is a Russian blue. He’s just a gray cat who brings us a lot of dead birds, squirrels, mice, and bunnies. It sucks and he doesn’t get the memo that we don’t want those “gifts”. He’s also a bit of an asshole because he likes to get into fights with the other neighborhood cats, acting like he’s “King Shit of Turd Hill”.
Nala is our smallest, and daintiest cat. She’s a striped cat and she has birth defects. We got her from a neighbor one night after said neighbor found her in a parking lot eating out of a McDonald’s bag. She stayed with us for one night while the neighbor tried to figure out what to do with her, and my mom just fell in love with her. Her defect is that she is a “polydactyl” which means she has a lot of extra toes on all four paws. She has about 8-9 toes up front and like … 5 extra toes on the back, including dewclaws. She literally looks like she has opposable thumbs and still complains when the food bowl is empty. “You have thumbs. Get it yourself!”
The dog is Maggie who is an Australian Sheperd and is a bit snarky in her old age. She is my mom’s shadow because she always follows my mom everywhere. When Mom is gone all day, Maggie barks and bitches about missing her nap with Mom and not getting to spend time with her.
And my mom takes care of the fishtanks, mostly. I help when it comes to cleaning it. Can never remember what to feed each fish, soo… Mom feeds them XP
In the first fish tank which is about 55 gallons, it is a “South American” group. We have five unnamed bala sharks who are about as large as my hand from fingertip to the start of my wrist, three blood-orange parrotfish whose names are Guinevere (the largest and bitchiest), King Arthur, and Lancelot, two electric blue acaras named Big Mama and Shy Guy, and two golden severums named Lemondrop and Zebra (named Zebra because he has odd blackish stripes on his body)
In the second fishtank, about 10 gallons, is what my mom calls a maturnity tank. If any of our really small fish is pregnant (they’re almost always pregnant…) she scoops them out and puts them in there. Lot of babies and young fish in there. I unfornately don’t know what species. Mostly tropical.
And in the third fish tank, about another 50-55 gallon tank is a large assortment of tropic fish. This is my mom’s “assisted living” tank because these fish have been moved back and forth a lot because they used to be in fish tanks at my high school where my mom attends to several more tanks. Because this group is old, my mom has decided to keep these guys and just buy new fish for the school so these ones don’t get tired and stressed from moving so often.
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I am so numbed out at this point I literally feel nothing. Not hot or cold. Not hungry. Not tired.
Just numb.
It's Friday now and I have no clue what I've done all week. I shut down hard after therapy Monday and I am only just starting to come too and notice things.
Nothings been done. No dishes cleaned. No litter boxes scooped. No laundry folded... I have no idea if I just stared at the wall and slept or I've been up to something. I'm pretty sure I've been wearing the same clothes since monday but I don't know what I was wearing monday. I just went to the bathroom and noticed how nasty my undies were and finally managed to change into some clean clothes. I can only assume I've been wearing the same pair all week which is so fucking gross.
I know I haven't showered in 2 weeks according to my calendar. I'm not in the headspace to deal with bein naked today. I don't think I've really eaten much this week. I feel dizzy and weak and my head is aching something awful.
I decided since I was here now I might as well get hot changing the water in the fishtank since the box didn't get checked on my Wednesday list. The heater went out and 2 of my fish died from the water temp falling too low. My Golden severum and my mexican firemouth didn't make it. My oscar is in rough shape and might not pull through... but the pleco seems fine. I feel like a huge piece of shit for not noticing the heater wasn't working. Keeping the tank heated is like bare fucking minimum after all...
I wish I didn't loose these big chucks of time like this... It makes everything twice as hard as it has to be but I don't know how to stop it from happening.
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Cichlids in the Home Aquarium
Diversity has created cichlid fish to be as sought-after as aquarium inhabitants. There are a lot varieties, as well as they're available in a variety of sizes, shapes and colors. Also there's the thrill of cichlids' behavior! In the early days of aquariums (around the year 1900) the aquarium had a small listing of New World cichlids being kept. The Chanchito ("Cichlasoma" facetum) was the first as was the fish called port cichlid (Cichlasoma portalegrense) as well as the Brazilian pearl eartheater (Geophagus brasiliensis).
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In the meantime, a growing number of cichlids from the western part of Africa as well as the Americas have made it to the tanks of avid fish enthusiasts. This comprised New World examples, like the convict cichlid and severum, firemouth and freshwater angelfish in addition to in Africa including the jewelfish, the kribensis, and Egyptian mouthbrooder. Each of them offered colors and fascinating behaviors for aquarists in the early and mid-twentieth century.
In the 1950s, and particularly in the 1960s and 1970s there was a steady infusion of cichlids with stunning colors from the huge rift lakes of Africa. The first Lake Malawi (then called Lake Nyasa) was awash with Cichlids that were like the sea reef fish. Cichlids were in a boom! In the wake of Lake Malawi came cichlid fish from Lake Tanganyika and Lake Victoria. In the present, African rift lake cichlids are the most sought-after cichlid fish -- as well as possibly fish within the hobby of aquariums.
When imports from Africa increased, the range of cichlids that were taken for export from South America and Central America during the 1980s, and the 1990s was also a significant increase. "American" cichlids were more than convicts and oscars and we are now at what is known as the "golden age" of cichlids! Many cichlids, in both New World and Old World are on the market -- including wild-caught and commercially bred ones. There are cichlids to suit any type of aquarium whether hard and soft waters, large aquariums or small ones and rockwork aquariums. Anyone can enjoy the pleasure of observing and raising Cichlid fish.
Click to know more about fish species, visit our website Creature Companion.
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pamphletstoinspire · 6 years
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An Explanation of the Gospel Reading For The Second Sunday After Easter - (Latin Calendar) - By An Early Father of The Church - Story 1
Downloadable pamphlet below:
S e r m o n on The Lamb in Early Christian Symbolism
One of the few Christian symbols dating from the first century is that of the Good Shepherd carrying on His shoulders a lamb or a sheep, with two other sheep at his side. Between the first and the fourth century eighty-eight frescoes of this type were depicted in the Roman catacombs.
The signification which may be attached to this symbol, according to Wilpert's interpretation, is as follows. The lamb or sheep on the shoulders of the Good Shepherd is a symbol of the soul of the deceased being borne by Our Lord into heaven; whereas the two sheep accompanying the Shepherd represent the saints already en-joying eternal bliss.
This interpretation is in harmony with an ancient liturgical prayer for the dead of the following tenor: "We pray God . . . to be merciful to him in judgment, having redeemed him by His death, freed him from sin, and reconciled him with the Father. May He be to him the Good Shepherd and carry him on His shoulders [to the fold] May He receive him in the following of the King, and grant him to participate in eternal joy in the Society of the saints" (Muratori, "Lit. Rom. Vet.", I, 751). In catacomb frescoes this petition is represented as already granted; the deceased is in the company of the saints.
Another cycle of catacomb paintings (not numerous) represents a lamb, or a sheep, with a milk-pail either on its back or suspended from a pastoral staff. A unique fresco of this order shows a shepherd milking a sheep, while still another shows milk-pail on an altar between two sheep. The frescoes of this type (of the sheep and milk-pail) were, until recently, generally regarded as symbols of the Eucharist, but Mgr. Wilpert dissents from the received opinion, and regards all frescoes in which allusions to milk occur as symbolic of the joys of Heaven. Both the earlier and the later interpretations depend on a well-known text of the Acts of SS. Perpetua and Felicitas.
While in prison awaiting martyrdom, St. Perpetua tells us she beheld in a vision an immense garden, and in the center thereof the tall and venerable figure of an old man in the dress of a shepherd, milking a sheep. Raising his head, he looked at me and said, 'Welcome, my daughter.' And he called me to him and he gave me of the milk. I received it with joined hands and partook of it. And all those standing around cried ' Amen'. And at the sound of the voice I awoke, tasting an in-describable sweetness in my mouth." The community of ideas between this description and the catacomb frescoes of the sheep and milk-pail is so apparent that, at first view, the current interpretations of this class of representations would seem to be obviously accurate.
Wilpert, however, calls attention to the fact that the things described in the vision of St. Perpetua took place not on earth, but in heaven, where the Eucharist is no longer received . Hence he regards the frescoes of the milk-pail class as symbolic of the joys which the soul of the deceased possess in paradise The lamb, or sheep, symbol, then, of the first class described, has, in all catacomb paintings and on sarcophagi of the fourth century, always a meaning associated with the condition of the deceased after death. But in the new era ushered in by Constantine the Great the lamb appears in the art of the basilicas with an entirely new signification. The general scheme of apsidal mosaic decoration in the basilicas that everywhere sprang into existence after the conversion of Constantine, conformed in the main to that described by St. Paulinus as existing in the Basilica of St. Felix at Nola. "The Trinity gleams in its full mystery", the saint tells us. "Christ is represented in the form of a lamb; the voice of the Father thunders from heaven; and through the dove the Holy Spirit is poured out. The Cross is en-compassed by a circle of light as by a crown.
The crown of this crown are the apostles themselves, who are represented by a choir of doves. The Divine unity of the Trinity is summarized in Christ. The Trinity has at the same time Its own emblems; God is represented by the paternal voice, and by the Spirit; the Cross and the Lamb denote the Holy Victim. The purple background and the palms indicate royalty and triumph. Upon the rock he stands Who is the Rock of the Church, from which flow the four murmuring springs, the Evangelists, living rivers of Christ" (St. Paulinus, "Ep. xxxii, ad Severum", sect. 10, P.L. LXI, 336).
The Divine Lamb was usually represented in apsidal mosaics standing on the mystic mount whence flow the four streams of Paradise symbolizing the Evangelists; twelve sheep six on either side, were further represented, coming from the cities of Jerusalem and Bethlehem (indicated by small houses at the extremities of the scenes) and proceeding towards the lamb.
The lower zone, no longer in existence, of the famous fourth-century mosaic in the church of St. Pudenziana, Rome, originally represented the lamb on the mountain and probably also the twelve sheep; the existing sixth-century apse mosaic of SS. Cosmas and Damian at Rome gives a good idea of the manner in which this subject was represented.
According to the "Liber Pontificalis", Constantine the Great presented to the Lateran baptistery, which he founded, a golden statue of a lamb pouring water which was placed between two silver statues of Christ and St. John the Baptist; the Baptist is represented holding a scroll inscribed with the words: "Ecce Agnus Dei, ecce qui tollit peccata mundi." From the fifth century the head of the lamb began to be encircled by the nimbus. Several monuments also show the lamb with its head surmounted by various forms of the Cross; one monument discovered by de Vogüé in Central Syria shows the lamb with the Cross on its back.
The next step in the development of this idea of associating the Cross with the lamb was depicted in a sixth-century mosaic of the Vatican Basilica which represented the lamb standing on a throne, at the foot of a Cross studded with gems. From the pierced side of this lamb, blood flowed into a chalice whence again it issued in five streams, thus recalling Christ's five wounds.
Finally, another sixth-century monument, now forming part of the ciborium of St. Mark's, Venice, presents a crucifixion scene with the two thieves nailed to the cross, while Christ is represented as a lamb, standing erect at the junction of the crossbeams. One of the most interesting monument showing the Divine Lamb in various characters is the sarcophagus of Junius Bassus (d. 358). In four of the spandrels between the niches of raising Lazarus, by means of a rod, from the tomb; being baptized by another lamb, with dove dominating the scene; multiplying loaves, in two baskets, by the touch of a rod; joining three other lambs.
Two other scenes show a lamb receiving the Tables of the Law on Mount Sinai and striking a rock whence issues a stream of water. Thus in this series, the lamb is a symbol, not only of Christ, but also of Moses, the Baptist, and the Three Children in the fiery furnace. The fresco the cemetery of Praetextatus, showing Susanna as a lamb between two wolves (the elders), is another example of the lamb as symbol of one of the ordinary faithful.
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snaggsville · 7 years
Monster tank update. I've added a golden severum, a rose gold severum, 2 electric blue jack dempseys, a green terror 2 silver dollars (from roman tank) and a Congo tetra (neighbor was getting rid of it). I had to return the larger orange shoulder green severum because it was terrorizing its tank mates.
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shannonscommonplace · 4 years
Works Cited
Anger, Jane. A Protection for Women. ll. 74-82.
Anonymous. The Knightly Tale of Gologras and Gawain. ll. 1183-6.
Askew, Anne. The Confession of Her Faith. ll. 498-508.
Bacon, Anne Cooke. Sermons of Bernardine Ochine of Sena, Godly, Fruitful, and Very Necessary for All True Christians, Translated out of Italian into English. ll. 1-4.
Bacon, Francis. Essays. “Of Discourse.” ll. 39-44.
Baldwin, William. Mirror for Magistrates. “The Induction.” ll. 54-6.
Cecil, Anne. Four Epitaphs. “2.” ll. 9-10.
Daniel, Samuel. Delia. “Sonnet IX.” ll. 9-14.
Davies, John. In Severum (Epigram 13). ll. 1-12.
Douglas, Gavin. The Prologue to the First Book. ll. 9-12.
Dunbar, William. The Golden Targe. ll. 182-5.
Gascoigne, George. The Posies of George Gascoigne. ll. 145-7.
Golding, Arthur. Metamorphoses. ll. 618-23.
Hakluyt, Richard. The Third and Last Volume of the Voyages, Navigations, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation. “The First Voyage Made to the Coasts of America.” ll. 1000-6.
Hoby, Margaret. The Diary of Lady Hoby. ll. 195-9.
Holinshed, Raphael. The Order of Arraignment of Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, Knight, in the Guildhall of London, the Seventeenth Day of April 1554. ll. 508-12.
Howard, Henry. A Complaint by Night of the Lover Not Beloved. ll. 10-14.
Locke, Anne. A Meditation of a Penitent Sinner. “2.” ll. 1-7.
Lodge, Thomas. Rosalind. ll. 159-62.
Loughlin, Marie H., et al., editors. The Broadview Anthology of Sixteenth-Century Poetry and Prose. Broadview Press, 2012.
Marlowe, Christopher. Hero and Leander. ll. 517-20.
More, Thomas. Utopia. ll. 3867-82.
Petrarch. Rime Sparse. “344.” ll. 12-14.
Ralegh, Walter. The Ocean to Cynthia. ll. 77-80.
Shakespeare, William. Sonnet XXX. ll. 5-11.
Sidney, Mary. The Doleful Lay of Clorinda. ll. 1-6.
Sidney, Philip. Astrophil and Stella. “Eighth Song.” ll. 1-6.
Skelton, John. The Bowge of Court. ll. 176-8.
Spenser, Edmund. Aprill. ll. 55-63.
Stuart, Mary. Sonnets to Bothwell. ll. 9-14.
Tudor, Elizabeth. The Doubt of Future Foes. ll. 5-8.
Vives, Juan Luis. “Preface.” Instruction of a Christian Woman. ll. 181-8.
Whitney, Isabella. A Careful Complaint by the Unfortunate Author. ll. 41-4.
Wyatt, Thomas. Whoso List to Hunt. ll. 5-7.
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jojangeorge · 6 years
Golden Severum Fish
The gold severum, also known as Cichlasoma severum is a very colorful representative of the family Cichlidae. Unusually interesting body shape has a similarity with the discus and attracts the attention not only experienced, but beginners and hobbyists. For its similarity with the discus got its popular name of “false debates”.
Has a peculiar behavior, the most interesting of them during the spawn, you can observe them for hours and is so spectacular that you will not notice how the time passed.
Only for the novice aquarist, this fish can become a great opportunity in training in the content of the fish in the aquarium.
Their natural habitats are freshwater reservoirs of the Amazon basin.
The body of the Golden Severum elongate and slightly flattened laterally. Anal and back fin is quite long and reaches to the base of the caudal fin.
Body color of these fish depends on the presence of dominant or recessive gene.If there is no fish parents dominant gene, this fish can be albino. Mouth terminal with thick lips.
In the aquarium during pravilnosti they can reach in size up to 12, rarely up to 15 centimeters in length. Life expectancy of representatives of this type with proper maintenance and care, the aquarium is about 15 years.
This is territorial fish, so before you settle into the aquarium make sure there’s space for her personal site.
The differences between male and female is quite obvious. The male of this species has larger dimensions than the female, so he’s always a brighter body colour. Also they can be distinguished by such characteristics as: the males of this species the dorsal and anal fin are large and elongated in the so-called “plaits”.
The content of Severum gold you will not have any particularly strong difficulties. To keep these fish it is best flock of 8 individuals. Since this is a fairly large fish then you should consider that the minimum volume of water in the aquarium should not be less than 130 litres. It also should consider the height of the aquarium, because with proper high aquarium, this fish can take the form as close to the discus.
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rahracorgii · 7 years
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Golden Severum :) #tropical #tropicalfish #cichlids #fish #aquarium #fishtank #fishart #rainbow #pattern #poscaart
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parissexyloka · 8 years
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My babies golden Severum 🤗 Goldie 🇻🇪🇩🇴💁🙌 & silver dollar in the back
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