sunfish-exotics · 8 months
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Another batch! they ended up eating the first clutch a few hours after I made the post- maybe they'll do better this round!
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my-friend-meowth · 7 months
Raitavanneahven (Heros severus) Severum
Paholaispleko (Acanthicus sp.) Lyre-tail pleco
Saumasaariahven (Paretroplus menarambo) Pinstripe damba
Kyläkutoja (Ploceus cucullatus) Village weaver
Balinkottarainen (Leucopsar rothschildi) Bali starling
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anartweirdosworld · 1 year
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I just wanted to share some of my aquatic babies. The yellow-white one is Twig the baby Golden Severum!! I’m raising them for my dad as Twigie is currently too small to live in one of his. I absolutely love this little baby, Twig is so energetic, goofy and loving, I can’t wait to see them all grown up. The spotted one is Maple the Leaf fish, and the two blurs are a couple of my Rosy Barbs😂
It was so hard to get a clear photo of Twig they’re so energetic lol
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evanesce-art · 11 months
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Fish time
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thermesiini · 1 year
knives and vash abandoned each other :(
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hirocimacruiser · 1 year
My Severum Cichlids are parents. I used to know these as Heros (Cichlasoma) severum but it is generally believed now that most of the longterm established fish are actually variants of Heros efasciatus that was incorrectly identified as severum.
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hydrohobbyist · 2 years
Got a nice trio of Green Severums recently. Think I might fall in love with these.
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melanie-ohara · 1 year
Avery Sirin
Alliance Mechanic
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See also: Dela Raisaris
The following information is classified. Spectre status required.
Avery Sirin was born in 2154 on the fledgling human colony of Terra Nova to Leilani and Grigol Sirin. The colony expanded slowly at first, and as a child Avery's education was patchy and largely delivered by her parents or neighbours, and focused mostly on important aspects of colony life. From an early age, she developed a keen interest in machinery and technology.
The draw of frontier life eventually attracted an impressive number of first-class educators, and Sirin was one of the first enrolled in Terra Nova's school system in the capital of Scott. Keen to encourage the colony (and boost their own recruitment numbers after the Relay-314 incident) the Alliance provided Avery and many of her peers with full scholarships to the newly established Falconer University in Scott City.
Avery attended the Technical Engineering college in 2172, just as Terra Nova's famous platinum rush was beginning. The sudden influx of people and credits transformed the colony over Avery's four years of study. As many of the new arrivals were non-human, this was Avery's first experience of wider galactic culture. While already committed to two years of Alliance service thanks to the scholarship program, in her third and fourth years of study Avery joined several social clubs designed to build inter-species relationships.
Her parents, however, were distrustful of the new arrivals and resented the industrialisation of their colony. They became reclusive and moved away from the city, causing a rift between them and their daughter that has resulted in a noticeably frosty relationship.
After her graduation in 2176, Sirin was assigned as a flight mechanic on the SSV Hong Kong, where she developed a romantic relationship with a pilot that lasted most of her required two years of service. It ended poorly with the realisation that her partner looked down on her as 'just an engineer'. After breaking it off with him, she applied - and was quickly accepted - to the Alliance Flight School in 2178. After the one year intensive program, she graduated in the top three of her class.
She was reassigned to the SSV Shenyang in 2179 and flew on several pirate suppression missions in the Attican Traverse, protecting Alliance colonies from slavers. Her skill and dedication were recognised with a promotion to 1st Flight Lieutenant in 2181.
In 2183, the Shenyang fought in the Battle of the Citadel against the rogue Spectre Saren and his geth army. Sirin fought with distinction, destroying several geth fighters and helping co-ordinate the defence of a hobbled turian cruiser. On the recommendation of Major Helmud Diaz, Sirin was awarded a commendation and, with the appointment of the new human Councillor in early 2184, was approved for transfer to the turian heirarchy ship Severum of the Council Demilitarization Enforcement Mission in the krogan DMZ.
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Alliance Interceptor Fighter
Designed for ship-to-ship combat and missile screening duties, the Alliance SX3 is less hardy than its turian equivalent but significantly more agile.
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M-3 Predator sidearm
All flight personnel are assigned a basic sidearm in case of emergency. Avery's pistol range scores are comparatively poor.
While not much of a combatant outside of her cockpit, Avery can use her Alliance-issue omni-tool as a defensive and offensive weapon. She can release an electrical overload to disrupt enemy kinetic barriers, or repurpose the charge as a shield boost for herself. Additionally, she can use the on-board minifacturer to produce a swarm of nanides, which can be used by an invasion program to strip enemy armour, or a restoration program to repair equipment.
Avery Sirin is a model Alliance soldier. Dedicated to her mission and loyal to her allies, she has a quiet resilience and determination that make her an asset to any operation. Off duty, she is curious and friendly, and makes a noticeable effort to get along with and understand her non-human comrades. Despite her efforts, she can come across emotionally distant and prefers not to talk about herself, which leads some - particularly turians - to think of her as aloof.
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peonierose · 1 year
Wip Wednesday
Thank you so much for the tag @txemrn 💚 I’ve got a couple of wip I’ve been working on. Though I’ve been struggling with writers block so I am not sure when these stories will be out.
Once (4/5)
Book: Open Heart & The Nanny Affair Crossover
Characters involved: Sam Dalton, Ethan Ramsey and Robin Flores
“The hell, Rob?“ I glare at him. My voice is dangerously low. But he either ignores that or doesn’t care. I’d say it’s a bit of both.
“What is wrong with you? Addi died and all you seem to care about is getting shit faced?“ He almost shouts at me. His fists clenched at his sides, anger rolling off of him in waves.
“Do I look drunk to you? No? Then kindly fuck off.“
I’m holding out my hand for him to pass me my glass.
He just scoffs.
“You know what? No. I’m not just going to leave you here. So that you can wallow in misery,“ he pauses for a second, before continuing.
I raise my eyebrows at him. Not really caring why he’s here. I love him, but right now? I want to get drunk. Not having a heart-to-heart.
Robin continues unperturbed.
“As for why I’m here. Mom called me. Since you don’t know what a phone is these days and how it works. She asked me to check in on you. You literally ghosted everyone. Our parents are worried. So are Mickey and Mason. Remember? Your kids? Whose mom died?“ He punches the bridge of his nose and breathes out a long sigh.
Pairing: Keiki Lahela x Koa Haulani (OC)
Where the hell did this guy come from? I haven’t seen him around. I have to look up, since he’s at least 6‘2 feet tall.
I swear he looks like a real version of Ken. Blond hair, bright sea green eyes, chiselled jaw.
He wears ripped jeans and a white shirt.
While I still stand there like an idiot. Mouth wide open and staring at him, like I’ve never seen a guy before, I try to mentally slap myself and to get out of my funk.
”Hi.“ He says.
His eyes look like the colorful green Severum fish. Severum fish are freshwater fish. We’ve had a whole chapter on fish close to the end of semester, so that’s why it’s so fresh in my mind.
The rich green hue reminds me of this guys eyes.
”Hey.“ I wave.
Can you say first awkward conversation?
”Did you try to escape the crowd too?“
I grin.
”That obvious?“ I play with a strand of my hair. A nervous habit of mine. I’m usually not like one of those giggly girls, but for some reason he brings that out in me.
May the Force be with you
Characters involved: Bryce Lahela, Skyler Auclair, Kehlani Mae Auclair-Lahela & Alaia Rose Auclair-Lahela
(This is set in the future after Bryce’s & Luna’s twins are born 🥰)
Kehlani pulls at my shirt and I look down.
”Daddy?“ She asks.
I nod for her to continue.
”Uncle Sky said a bad word.“
They both look at Sky.
”How do you know it’s a bad word?“ He asks with curiosity swinging in his voice.
I sigh exasperated.
”What? I want to know how they know I used a bad word. So enlighten me ladies?“
Kehlani raises her eyebrows.
”We can spell.“ Kehlani says and Alaia nods her head.
”Duh.“ Alaia adds.
Sky and I laugh because they’re so adorable and honest in how they answer questions.
”Fair enough. To answer your question, because I am an adult. I can say that,“ Sky shrugs good-naturedly.
Kehlani puts her head to the side thoughtfully.
”So when I’m as tall as you I can say that too?“
Sky grins at the girls and shrugs.
Kehlani puts her little arms up in victory.
Alaia grins at her twin sister.
I groan.
”No! No bad words.“
I am so curious about some of your wip (please don’t feel pressured 🥰)
@socalwriterbee @txemrn @tessa-liam @cariantha @noesapphic @aallotarenunelma @inlocusmads @infactnoimmasitinthemiddle @sfb123 @angelasscribbles @storyofmychoices @trappedinfanfiction @karahalloway @ofmischiefandmedicine @alj4890 @socalwriterbee @harleybeaumont @mysticalgalaxysstuff @khoicesbyk @mydemonsdrivealimo
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anabantoid · 10 months
Might get a severum pair this weekend.....
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iedolon · 1 year
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@invcta sent a letter : [ CHALLENGE ]: sender challenges the receiver to a sparring match/actual fight. / sparring match ! for aphelios hehe ( prompt; accepting!! )
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he is not a man no matter his stature and words, and as aphelios stands unyeilding before esra, his eyes are cold silver, a mercury pool laying wait disguised in an innocent glimmering platinum. to touch is a danger, seeping into skin in a poison when he points his weapons to those who dare call upon his name. novice in his appearance and as sleek as the jewels of mount targon, he is truly a beloved child of the moon, heeding her demands as a loyal dog follows its master's every beck and call. proud a warrior he is to her epithet.
and he can see that, too, in all of esra's spitting fire, his molten gold. it's almost as if they are mirrors and for every smile that he receives, aphelios can only offer a thin sigh in return. but he cannot deny his interest in such a proposition; a rejection is right on the tip of his tongue, barely uttered before the motion falters. to learn is to be shown ( alune reminds him from where she watches from beyond the spirit veil ) and it's with a hesitance that aphelios agrees. comfort is a venom that will only seep into his bones and tear his organs inside out.
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' careful, now. i won't hold back. ' ━━━ gloved hands move swiftly as he signs, attention rapt on the man before him when he straightens his posture. his expression shifts in a waxing phase of the moon across his features when a familiar weight settles in his hands: alune has gifted him with yet another weapon blessed by the goddess herself and he swipes it almost out of thin air. severum's blade is dulled for their spar but an expert hand could easily wield it to cut and break; more crude weapons have laid in his grasp to serve the same purpose. ' whenever you are ready. '
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sunfish-exotics · 7 months
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Batch number 4 for this pair of severums. The last round made it allllmost to hatch so they're definitely doing better with each attempt.
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newdmoon · 1 year
They attempted to rip my arm off last night, it's still together, but I must use severum to fix the damage I've just gone through.
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evanesce-art · 11 months
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Have I made it clear yet that I like fish
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aryasage · 2 years
u have to choose a full team of players, none of which can be from the same team as another that u choose, as ur 5 companions to survive zombie apocalypse. (no double adc or anything though. actual roster. also why tf would u want 2 adcs in a zombie apocalypse) ok go.
gonna do 2022 rosters because. well. if i had 2023 rosters you all know where my biases lie.
top: lourlo because. well. akshan. reviving is balanced YEP
jgl: spica. this is solely so i can get viper and spica to interact. nothing else. i will get them to bond over their shared trauma if it kills me. and i probably will die because spica would be useless in a zombie apocalypse. i'm sorry but mans has a total of One Braincell.
mid: showmaker because this team wasn't chaotic enough already. and teleportation kinda op ngl. 50% chance he murders everyone because he thinks they stole his blue. 50% chance he makes everyone incredibly overdesigned weapons.
adc: viper. absolutely no bias here. nope. none. but fr mans is Very Used to having to fight for his life. also surviving with. absolutely zero resources. severum babyyyyy
sup: keria because heyyyyy water manipulation sounds like a good thing to have when there isn't reliable access to—well. anything. and he also has braincells. sometimes.
i tried. i really did. but the best answer i can give is one that impact gave when asked who on eg would survive if stranded on a desert island.
"i think everyone is gamer…no one."
like i'm sorry but i have seen shakarez's lists of gamer tweets. they will get me killed the minute i get within eyesight. if i'm gonna die let me go down fighting and not because of some stupid thing one of them decides is a good idea.
ty for the ask! it was very fun to think about :)
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aphellos · 2 years
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The Lunari's secret weapon is often praised for the alien, holy equipment at his disposal thanks to his sister's power, but not many who face him in combat live to tell just what fighting style Aphelios has. Although a practised warrior with dual blades, Aphelios is less experienced with usually ranged weaponry, let alone the celestial assortment now at his disposal. Nevertheless, every weapon is handled with complete mastery, and oftentimes with uncanny speed or accuracy. This is most noticeable with the swift movements exhibited when using two weapons in tandem, or when the magical and ethereal nature of the weapons becomes more evident with their gravity-dismissing natures. His stamina also acts like a bottomless pool under the effects of the noctum poison. Aphelios is able to act beyond exhaustion until the point that his body should collapse. Although that too, would come into question if his ambush strategy was not so successful.
The only things keeping his movements natural are his prayer hand motions, breathing, and blinking.
Severum is the most unsettling in its abilities; stealing the very life essence of its foes to heal Aphelios' own wounds. Even if Aphelios were to be near-falling in battle, when the scythe pistol would fall into his awaiting hand and swipe out, it draws out the blood from the cut made, and seeps into Aphelios' body so he may carry on with the mission. In these hard-fought skirmishes, it seems more like the weapon is leading the assassin's body, moving him like a puppet.
The accuracy of Calibrum means it has only missed its mark a handful of times, and never has once its target has already been hit - when the moon guides Aphelios' aim.
Gravitum's cannon throws out powerful dark orbs that draw in everything around, which includes large land masses. Whatever touches the light-eating 'surface' of the orb is expunged.
The blue flames of Infernum indicate an intense heat it promises to billow out. Although the fire sphere will always stay at this temperature, spouted flames will eventually cool down to white, and then orange. (The blue flames are around 1600°C/2912°F)
At first, crescendum would appear like the most normal of the set of five, and correctly, Aphelios' moves most naturally with it. Until of course, the weapon is thrown out and slices through a target with its sweeping blades, and will always return to its master's grasp. Even if it was miraculously caught by someone else, it would simply dissipate from the physical realm.
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