pacexlikexaxghost · 2 months
They were in no hurry to head out to the desert, to investigate the place Lion told them about. Especially not after the way everything went down with Bismuth.
Pearl is hesitant to do it now, at the start of July. Mere days away from-
The corrupting light flashes in her mind, and she has to close her eyes and carefully control her breathing, four seconds in, hold, four seconds out. She puts a hand on Garnet's arm to be a guide as they walk through the sand, since she's walking blind with her eyes closed.
Garnet knows this time of year is difficult. It's not exactly enjoyable for her either; they've talked about it before. But they can't just stop everything every year for this. They manage, and Pearl can manage now. But stars, she wishes they weren't doing this in July.
❝We're here,❞ Garnet says just as they stop, so Pearl doesn't run into her.
Pearl doesn't open her eyes yet, as she hears Steven and Amethyst start to rummage around.
❝Are you okay?❞ Garnet asks quietly, and Pearl nods.
❝I only need a second,❞ she responds. ❝You know how this time of year is.❞
❝Mm.❞ And then Garnet walks away from her too.
❝Hey, who's Nora?❞ Steven shouts, and Pearl opens her eyes.
❝That was the other name Rose and your father had in mind for you,❞ she says, searching around for Steven in the crumbled building, but her eyes catch instead on the large pink structure on the other side of the only intact wall.
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❝Her ship-❞ She gasps, before her hands clasp over her mouth.
All this time. All this time. Pearl had assumed that the other three Diamonds took Pink's ship with them! That if she still had it, Rose would have SAID SOMETHING!
Rose knew how trapped Pearl has felt on Earth at times. And she still had her ship. She just let Pearl suffer for no reason. It's not as if Pearl wanted to go home, just out there. To visit, to feel like she had the choice to live on Earth, rather than being stranded.
She takes several steps backward. No one has noticed her distress yet, too busy picking through the piles of stuff Rose has left here. She can't let them see. It's not as if she can explain. Not really.
They don't know that it's Rose's ship.
Lock it down. Stop breathing. Control it. DON'T FEEL IT.
She grabs her own wrist to forcibly yank her hand away from her mouth, and heads over to Garnet.
❝Garnet,❞ she says low, and urgently.
❝You can't handle this today?❞ Garnet says, before Pearl even finds the specific excuse to leave now.
❝I'm sorry. I thought I'd be able to but-❞ She points at the ship without looking at it. Pink Diamond's ship. ❝I can't.❞
Garnet takes off her visor, looking intently in the direction Pearl is pointing. ❝... Is... that Pink Diamonds ship? Did Rose steal it?❞
She looks back at Pearl, who is working very diligently to not completely break down right here. To keep the feelings under lock and key.
Garnet knows that Pink Diamond is a very bad topic for Pearl. That she's easily and deeply upset by any mention of her. She doesn't know the half of it, but that has, at least, made it easier to avoid the topic over the years. And it's an out, now.
❝... Go. It mostly seems like junk here anyway. Aside from... that. We can handle it.❞
Pearl doesn't need to hear it twice before taking off. Garnet will explain for her to Amethyst and Steven.
She barely away from them when the tears start, and even in a full sprint, she's sobbing by the time she reaches the warp pad.
She warps out, going up to the temple hand, because hopefully she won't be disturbed up there.
She could just claimed to have stolen it, as Garnet immediately assumed, if she was worried about the others asking questions. She didn't have to hide the ship from ANYONE.
She especially didn't have to hide it from Pearl.
She hid it from Pearl. Why would she-
Get it together Pearl. They're not going to be out there forever. You CAN'T BE LIKE THIS WHEN THEY GET BACK!
She fumbles her brand new phone out of her gem, and it takes several attempts for her to open the contacts and call him with how badly her hands are shaking.
She doesn't really have much coherent to say when the call is answered, choking out something about Lion and the desert in between sobs, clinging to her phone like a lifeline.
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ethereallyloved · 6 months
"Are you sure that's edible? "
Luna asked, squinting at the strange dish in front of her. She could have sworn that it was moving around a minute ago!
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crystal-lasill · 4 months
(Continued from here.)
Crystal looked at the being in front of her as he spoke. She looked around herself again before shrugging a bit. She hadn't seen much around her yet, so she didn't realize the size of the civilization she was in.
"It's surely a unique place that has its own charm and personality. In my opinion, that makes a place grand."
She then smiled at him again.
"Maybe we should start with the name of this place."
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masterissac · 1 year
~*~ @goldenbeastkeeper ~*~
Issac is getting really tired of Aria disappearing on him like this. She’s not often actually in her staff form, because that’s really conspicuous. But she’s so easily distracted that as a bird she’s fluttering off wherever she wants all the time, irregardless of if Issac has any clue where she went.
He’d question how his dad ever put up with it, but he knows his dad was a very patient man. And maybe Aria listened better to him, since she wasn’t a handmedown then.
Issac sighs; he has to find her. She was his dad’s, and the only connection to his dad’s past that he has. He can’t just let that go.
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Finally tracking her down, he stops walking, with a terrified expression flickering across his face. She’s perched on a man’s hand, happily chirping away.
Ok, ok, he can do this. Approaching a stranger isn’t going to kill him. I’m sorry to bother you sir, but that’s my bird; she escaped the house and I’ve been chasing her all day. 
That’s all he has to say. He can do it.
That’s not what actually comes out of his mouth as he approaches.
。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚“Excuse me, Sorry-so sorry to bother you, I just- uhm…” he takes a shaky breath, and much quieter says, “that’s my bird...”
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frozenfischer · 1 year
[goldenbeastkeeper] "It’s okay, I’ll help you. Just don’t try to move."
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"You're not with them, are you?" Alex replied through gritted teeth, gripping her shoulder over the wound to try and staunch the bleeding. She hadn't exactly been expecting to be accosted on her way home, but someone had apparently heard about or witnessed her abilities and had pointedly trailed her once she got off from work, attacking her about a mile out from town. Thankfully, her assailant only had a knife and not a gun. He'd gotten in a surprise attack before a second stranger had stepped in, scaring off her attacker. This left Alex eyeing the stranger, unsure of his intentions, or why he was there in the first place. This wasn't exactly a road many traveled on foot, after all. Well, other than herself that is.
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witchnordemon · 1 year
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// ^ Valor digging thru his bag to find a cool bug to show the Collector
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running2redemption · 4 days
Starter for @goldenbeastkeeper
Philip sat on the hill, the highest point in to the graveyard, his book propped open atop a gravestone. This was his favourite place to read while waiting for Caleb to finish working at Mr. Bartlett’s.
He knew that the other folk thought him queer for lingering here, but it was quiet and he could concentrate. Provided there weren’t any burials going on, anyway.
And there weren’t today. The graveyard was peaceful and at rest.
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frostbitfun · 7 months
@goldenbeastkeeper MEMED // "Would you just BE STILL?"
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❅— be still? the frost dusted boy laughed at the very notion. he'd never let himself get caught; not by the yeti, not by the egg sentries, maybe by the mini-teeth but those were a special circumstance. " now where's the fun in that? " he laughs, leaping up to the sky and letting the wind catch him. the breeze ruffling his hair affectionately as he floated just beyond reach. a cocky grin upon his lips as he smiled down at the guard. " there, i'm still. " he taunts, ready to race off again at a moments notice.
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covenheads-vernworth · 8 months
(The follow is for goldenbeastkeeper!)
Okay, I've followed from @russianblue22
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lovedbymonsters · 1 year
Starter for @goldenbeastkeeper
Dell wasn't exactly a mindless kid. Sure, he was curious, maybe to a fault, but not necessarily mindless. More like, when he was outside, he wanted to experience all of its wonders. But didn't always land him in the greatest of spots.
So, even though he was told not to, he couldn't help but venture off into a different part of the woods. It was unexplored! What could possibly be lying there? What would he find? While walking, he stopped to look at some moss at the bottom of a tree, "Wow.. It's so old!" He gasped.
Oblivious he was to the creature lurking behind him, prowling closer and closer by the second.
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pacexlikexaxghost · 3 months
The summer heat has been with them for some time now, the coastline baking in humidity.
It's the early morning when Garnet walks into Rose's room, where she and Pearl are. Pearl is laying back across Rose's lap, laughing as she tells some story that Pearl isn't even listening to, and the room plays it out around them.
❝I've found one,❞ Garnet says, and Pearl sits bolt upright, her fingers raking through the clouds as she shifts off of Rose's lap, looking expectantly at Garnet.
❝Found one what?❞ Rose asks, and Pearl shoots her a look. There's only one thing that Garnet could be referring to, talking about it like that.
❝A portal to Valor and Flicker's home.❞ She pauses, and looks towards Pearl. ❝Sort of.❞
Pearl stands up slowly. ❝What do you mean sort of?❞
❝Their family isn't there. The one I've found will last about a day and a half, and it goes to their world, but they are also out of time. I see that there could be trouble if they went in unprepared, so we would have to warn them.❞ She frowns. ❝They would be happier going back to that world; no worry over witch hunters and life around them that they're more familiar with.❞
Pearl isn't expecting the painful jolt in her chest at those words. She wants the two of them to get home; she does, and if they would be happier there, even without their family-
❝Oh, well, I'm glad we were able to help them!❞ Rose chirps, jumping to her feet and putting an arm around Pearl's shoulders. ❝It'll be a shame to see them go; they've been such a delight to have around.❞
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❝They're both so young! Especially Flicker! They shouldn't be on their own!❞ Pearl blurts out, and Garnet chuckles.
❝I also saw that reaction. Go pack; you'll get a stable portal eventually.❞
Pearl squeaks, and shoots an anxious look towards Rose, who's started giggling.
❝Go! Go!❞
Pearl doesn't need told thrice, darting to the passage to her room.
❝She's acting like a Mom to Flicker, right? Or am I crazy?❞ Rose says the moment she's out of the room.
❝Not crazy. Go tell them; I'll wait at the Warp Pad.❞
❝How long will she be gone?❞ Rose nods towards the passage to Pearl's room. ❝Not too long, I hope? You know how she gets when left to her own devices.❞
❝Not too long. She'll be fine.❞
Rose nods, and takes off out of the Temple and towards the burrow on the other side of the cliff.
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❝Guess what!❞ She says excitedly to the pair. ❝We have a portal!! Garnet found one!❞
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ethereallyloved · 6 months
[goldenbeastkeeper] ♣?
Send me ♣ for my muse’s reaction to finding yours passed out in the woods
Nettle raised an eyebrow at that, simply kneeling down to check if the other was still breathing or not. If not then she was already planning on how to grow mushrooms onto their body!
In fact! She was already measuring their body to plan exactly just that!
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erisdiamas · 7 months
[goldenbeastkeeper] 21 for starter call 2.0?
The pseudo witch was out feeding her griffin before hearing the urgent screams for help- immediately springing into action to find the source.. using her own beast to try and track down whoever needs her the most! (Hiii!)
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ofluckandmagic · 7 months
get to know me meme!
1. favorite colors: Purples, oranges, yellows, pretty much any pride flag colors, though too
2. favorite flavors: sweet, savory, salty
3. favorite genres: heist/action, comedy, fantasy
4. favorite music: anything! Genuinely I will listen to anything!
5. favorite movies: Lord of the Rings Trilogy, HTYD Trilogy, The Holiday, The Land Before Time, Jurassic Park, (Any musical adaptation)
Not technically a genre but I adore animated films of all kinds!
6. favorite series:
Tv: Percy Jackson, The Owl House, The Umbrella Academy, Leverage (2008 and Redemption), YYH, FMA:B, ATLA (OG), Dungeon Meshi
Games: Legend of Zelda, God of War, the Jedi Duology, Ark Survival Ascended/Evolved, Pokemon, Palworld, TLOU, Death Stranding, pretty much any story based game, Minecraft, Stray
Assorted others: Any movie/show my dnd group suggests or throws on because they’re opinion usually broadens my tastes
7. last song: Epic III (Hadestown)
8. last series: Dungeon Meshi
9. last movie: Nimona
10. currently reading: The God of War 2018 novel
11. currently watching: Hermitcraft S10
12. currently working on: homework, participation skills
tagged by: stole it from @temerariious
tagging: @ofthetardis @torntruth @goldenbeastkeeper @savior-of-humanity @ladyseidr @florietiae @written1nthest4rs (no pressure tho!)
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witchnordemon · 1 year
[goldenbeastkeeper] "I bet my palisman can fly faster."
To that, Collie dropped the packet of star-shaped crackers he had been idly snacking on into his lap with a barely-stifled snort. No way. Was he being challenged?
And while poor, sweet Laika was inactive - sound asleep, snug as a bug in a rug in his backpack, unable to defend herself... oh, this could not stand.
With a (very fake) mock gasp, they turned to face Valor more directly.
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❝ How daaare you? ❞ They cried, putting on a one-witch show of false outrage, ❝ I'll have you know Laika's traveled the world with me, and then some. She's so super sonic fast. ❞
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pacexlikexaxghost · 3 months
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Pearl is sitting on top of Greg's van, his phone in her hand, staring blankly at the screen. She came here right after Steven had eaten breakfast, and asked to borrow his phone.
That was several minutes ago, and she hasn't managed to actually dial yet. What does she even say?
She doesn't need him, exactly. She's... fine.
Mostly. She's not panicking. She didn't at all. Focusing on Steven being safe and unharmed kept her on track. But she cried for hours once Steven was asleep.
Garnet was with her for part of that. This was hard for the both of them.
She should tell Valor, though. Both because he is worried about how she's doing in general, and also because... he and Bismuth had plans.
She takes several deep breaths, and hits dial on Valor's number.
❝We know why she was in that bubble now,❞ is Pearl's greeting the moment Valor answers, and despite her best attempts to sound calm and normal, the exhaustion practically drips from her words. She can't just will away the tears from the night.
She spoke very little to Steven while he was eating, and she knows he was worried as is.
He's worrying about her, when he was attacked yesterday...
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