#goldencity: intro
madhixnadar · 2 years
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{ SIMONE ASHLEY | 27 | CIS WOMAN ﹜ welcome to san francisco, MADHI NADAR! just to make sure, you go by SHE/HER, right? okay, great. i just have a few questions for you before i can let you go.. how long have you been here for? FIFTEEN YEARS. where are you currently living? PACIFIC HEIGHTS. what’s your current occupation? ASSISTANT WEDDING PLANNER at GOLDEN HOUR WEDDINGS but what’s your dream occupation? OWNER OF MY OWN WEDDING PLANNING BUSINESS. wow! interesting. is there a secret that we can keep between you and i? I DONT BELIEVE IN TRUE LOVE. lastly, this is a bit of a random question but … what’s your favorite song? ANTI-HERO by MINORITY 905 (ORIGINALLY BY TAYLOR SWIFT) & that’s all they wrote, friend! we can’t wait to see you around the golden city!
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Mentions of food (not eating disorders and no pictures)
tl;dr: madhi is a sassy but kind workaholic who wants to make friends but doesn't know how and is afraid of any sort of true relationship because if something were to go wrong, she is worried she can't handle it.
General Info
Name:  Madhi Nadar
Nickname: Mads, M—Madhi likes nicknames but her mother does not, so she didn’t really have many growing up.
Gender: Woman, She/her
Race: Asian (South Asian)
Ethnicity: Indian (Tamil)
Age: January 17, 1995 (27)
Place of Birth: Trenton, NJ
Parents: Janhvi & Nikhil Nadar (div. 2007, neither remarried)
Siblings: None
Cousins: Would be willing to plot!
Height: 5’6” (66 inches; 1.68 meters)
Weight: 145 lbs (65.8 kg)
Hair: Long black hair, coarse and curly (3a)
Skin: Dark brown with a Neutral undertone
Distinguishing marks: None
Eyes: Deep, Dark Brown  
Clothing: Madhi is a fan of pant suits for work and will work to fit a blazar with almost anything. She’s never been the most dress-oriented woman; though seems ironic in an industry that is, in part, all about THE dress. She does appreciate lighter colors and she thinks that yellow is a great color on her—so long as it’s deeper and not so…fluorescent. When Madhi is not at work, she gravitates toward leggings and a comfortable top—she’s big on the texture of the items she’s wearing, and she likes the soft, breathable, movable fabrics.  
Temperament: Madhi is a determined, loyal, and persnickety individual. A combination of her family upbringing and own experiences combine heavily to cause her to want things a very particular way—mostly at work. She has been labeled a control freak at times, but that attention to detail and drive to get things perfect is what causes her to be the most requested wedding planner in her Boutique, apart from the owner and manager of course.
Madhi’s relentless focus at work has caused a bit of isolation from those around her. In part, this was a choice—relationships had caused her more pain than promise and they were uncontrollable. In addition, although Madhi would never go to therapy—if she did, she might share that emotions regarding losing or disappointing people in her life are “too much” for her to handle and she doesn’t know how to work through them to get to the other side.
Madhi is generous and kind but is also snarky and sarcastic. She has walls, and while they may not be as high as others, they are thick and it can take a while to get to her for who she really is.
Moral/ethical beliefs: Madhi is determined—she will work as hard as she can to provide her clients with the dream day they have always wanted. She will sacrifice herself to make that goal come to life. But Madhi will not sacrifice others to make it happen. As much as she stays away from most relationships, she does care about people deeply. She wouldn’t want the people in her life—whether it be clients or more personal relations—to be hurt in the pursuit of obtaining the goal. Well, to a degree. It’s debatable if Madhi understands her work ethic is perhaps hurting others, but she wouldn’t do so knowingly.
Madhi finds fulfilment in being surprising and exceeding expectations, but she won’t cheat to make it happen. She finds it lazy—Madhi has always loved problem solving and finding innovative solutions to obstacles in her way.
Religious beliefs: Mahdi did not grow up religious.  She does find herself spiritual in the sense that it’s worth doing good things for others because that is the energy the universe deserves, but not a specific higher power or religious instructor.
Political stance: Madhi has never been involved in politics, so there isn’t much here; but that can always change if necessary.
Hobbies: Madhi seems very stereotypical for a wedding planner. Always looks put together, always on time, carries a planner, has sixteen organizational methods and they all work seamlessly together. Answers for everything, dresses very feminine (even with the pant suit), had a lot of pink and whites and pastels in her wardrobe. But under the surface, Madhi is as dynamic as anyone.
Madhi adores video games, specifically multiplayer online battle arena (MOBAs) and real-time strategy (RTS) games. Remember how she enjoys problem solving?  Madhi finds these strategic games to be a great use of her skills—especially because typical games that require more dexterity are much harder for her to complete. Currently, she is playing a lot of Team Fight Tactics, though she has played Halo Wars in the past and found it just as fun.
Her other hobby is axe throwing; again, a little unorthodox—but there is nothing more empowering to Madhi than throwing an axe at a wooden target and making it stick. Oh, and she bakes.
Habits: Madhi always makes her coffee—she isn’t a coffee snob, and frankly she doesn’t even have the machines to make fancy coffee. Just her $14 Mr. Coffee machine and a regular paper filter from Trader Joe’s will do her just fine. But it’s the act of hitting the button, smelling the scent, and holding it up to her nose as her first action in the morning that really gives her peace.
She does have a habit of cracking her knuckles, back, neck or even shoulders—especially when she is stressed. She finds the sound takes the edge off a little bit.
Every Sunday night, Madhi takes about an hour to decorate her planner for the week. She is a big Passion Planner fan, and she enjoys the time she dedicates to making it look aesthetically pleasing. It sets herself up for the week in a great way.
Quirks/eccentricities: Madhi also does NOT like leftovers. At all. It’s a texture thing for her. She doesn’t like to waste food, so she works really hard to make meals that are a perfect size for one person.
She has a very specific way of walking around stores, and while she doesn’t walk around all stores the same way, each store has its own path she must follow.
The ONLY kind of basic utensils that Madhi uses are small spoon, small fork and regualr butter knives. She will use sharper knives if needed, but those are her basics. Please do not give her a big spoon, she will probably go and find a small spoon to wash instead.
Colors: The colors sage green, olive green, gray, pastels (but not easter), Golden Yellow
Food: Murgh Makhani (her Mother’s and Grandmother’s only), Naan, Cream of Chicken Soup & Rice, Snickerdoodles, Shrimp, Sushi…ok the list goes on and on.
Cocktail: Margarita Mix & Crown Apple
Non-Alcoholic Drink: Coffee, Orange Soda
Smells: Gardenia, Apple, Chocolate Chip Cookies and…gasoline at a gas station.
  Colors: Bright Red, Orange and Yellow
  Food: Yellow Bananas, Milk with Cereal, some (not all) mashed potatoes—really any super soft, mushy food.
Cocktail: Anything with Tequila. Once—and never again.
Non-Alcoholic Drink: Milk, Pepsi, Regular Mountain Dew
Smells: Any overly floral scent, Parmesan cheese.
Fears: Madhi is afraid of bugs openly. But inwardly, Madhi deeply fears rejection.
Strengths: Problem Solving, Customer Service, Seeing a project to it’s end, Adapting to her environment, measurements and visualizing a space, writing.
Weaknesses: Building meaningful relationships, understanding her own limits, letting go of control, mental calculations, self-awareness in some situations, creating work-life boundaries, anything to do with physical exercise.
Short term goals: Madhi would like a promotion to manager—or even associate wedding planner. She thinks she’s done a good job.
A secret goal she has is that she’d like some friends. Though she isn’t 100% sure where to start.
Long term goals: She wants to open her own Wedding Boutique and offer both traditional American wedding planning but also assist with other culture’s weddings, when appropriate, including her own Indian/Tamil heritage.
Hopes and desires: Madhi’s greatest desire is not one she’d admit to—but she wants to be loved. She feels like her whole life she’s had to earn it, and the wear and tear from constantly trying to prove herself is tearing her apart.
She will tell you that her desire is to plan the weddings of important and influential people through her own business and name.
Occupation: Madhi is an assistant wedding planner; she has her own clients but she still needs to work with a Associate Wedding Planner to sign off on choices and decisions she’s made.
Skills: Problem solving, Logical Thinking, Organization, People Skills, damage control, strategizing, axe throwing
Her biggest secret is that she doesn’t believe in love but she’s a wedding planner—so she fakes it all day long. It’s really more that she doesn’t believe love lasts—her parents were divorced at a young age and neither got remarried, believing they were better off on their own as well. Through her teen years, she saw a string of flings her friends went through and how they never seemed to last. Along with her belief that she will always have to prove her worth to those around her, how can love last if it’s always at the brink of being taken away?
Always has: her Passion Planner, a Pentel RSVP ball point pen in Black and her purse.
Events and History
Recent notable events
Madhi has recently had her 4th year work anniversary at Golden Hour Weddings
She found herself on Hinge?
She recently moved out of her mother’s house…like 6 months ago.
Bad events in the past
Her parents were divorce when she was 10—and it was nasty.
Her mother moved her to San Francisco when she was 12 and all the legal disputes were finally over
She doesn’t see her dad anymore, but they do talk on the phone.
Her mother had wanted her daughter’s life to be so much more than her own, so she pushed Madhi obsessively to achieve greatness—but it caused Madhi to feel like her current self was never enough for her mother.
Good events in the past
Madhi had a wonderful imagination growing up and could often spend hours creating kingdoms or stories or fantasies that allowed her to escape her mother’s expectations for her.
It’s the reason she loves wedding planning, even if she doesn’t believe in love herself, she does love the idea of creating these fantasies that people can escape into a live a different moment in time.
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hurricanehcarts · 2 years
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{  diego boneta | thirty-one | cis man ﹜  welcome to san francisco, oliver santiago! just to make sure, you go by he/him, right? okay, great. i just have a few questions for you before i can let you go..  how long have you been here for? his entire life. where are you currently living? presidio. what’s your current occupation? mechanic at hayes auto repair but what’s your dream occupation? engineer. wow! interesting. is there a secret that we can keep between you and i? [secret redacted due to potentially triggering material, it can be found under the readmore]. lastly, this is a bit of a random question but … what’s your favorite song? simple man by shinedown & that’s all they wrote, friend! we can’t wait to see you around the golden city!
The following contains potentially triggering material: car accident tw, death tw, ptsd tw
The Basics:
Full name: Oliver Joseph Santiago
Nickname(s): Oli
Hometown: San Francisco, CA
Age: 31
Gender & pronouns: cis male & he/him
Sexual orientation: heterosexual
Occupation: mechanic
Faceclaim: Diego Boneta
Height: 5’10”
Hair color: brown
Eye color: dark brown
Build: slim, fit
Tattoos: n/a
Piercings: n/a
Scars: a 3” scar through his right eyebrow, slightly extending to his eyelid. Various scars on his hands. A large scar on his left calf from an internal fixation surgery to fix a broken bone.
General style: relaxed, country-inspired (ish), lots of flannel and denim. 
Positive traits: kind, understanding, protective, generous, humorous
Negative traits: skittish, withdrawn, pessimistic, moody, disorganized
There was absolutely nothing remarkable about Oliver Santiago’s life. He was born and raised in San Francisco, California to two middle class citizens. His father was a store manager at a local grocery store and his mother a librarian, both of them the children of immigrants. It was for this fact that they did the best they could to give their son the best life possible. And he had it.
Growing up, he was passionate about cars, lacrosse, and music - particularly country and alternative music. He himself learned how to play guitar and dabbled in it a little here and there. He always knew he wanted to do something along the lines of engineering - tinkering with things, taking them apart, putting them back together, figuring out how they worked. It was his number one passion. Above all else, however, he loved to spend time with his circle of friends - particularly his best friend Lorenzo. The group spent a large amount of time together and were thick as thieves, often staying at each other’s houses. 
That’s where they were coming from that Saturday night. It was late October, just after Oliver’s 17th birthday. They were a clean cut group of kids for the most part - they didn’t smoke, didn’t do drugs, didn’t drink. Maybe that’s why it was so hard to understand why it happened. 
Oliver was sitting pretty in the passenger seat of Lorenzo’s 1998 silver Toyota Celica. The thing was a rust bucket, but he was working on fixing it up the best he could. Still, behind the wheel Lorenzo acted like he was a god. The music was blaring, the boys were making jokes and generally being obnoxious, like most boys are at that age. Lorenzo started to get cocky, began to show off how great of a driver he was. But he took that corner way too fast. The car spun and by then it was way too late. They hit an embankment, rolled the car a few times. Oliver’s ears were ringing, the seatbelt felt tight around his chest, the airbag was in his face. For what felt like hours, he went in and out of consciousness, constantly trying to get Lorenzo to answer him, to tell him he was okay. 
About two days later, Oliver woke up in the hospital. Stitches in his face, a metal pin in his leg, bruises everywhere. He felt as though he had looked death straight in the eye. The first question he asked when he woke up was ‘where’s Enzo’? He already knew the answer, though. His best friend died on impact.
Oliver’s painfully average life was never the same since that night. He struggles with making new friends - not because he’s mean, antisocial, or generally likes people. Why would he want another close friend just to lose them?
What’s worse are the nightmares that come from his PTSD, something he was diagnosed with at the age of 24, seven years after the crash. There are times where they’re debilitating, and Oliver is incredibly embarrassed about the entire thing, as he truly feels he should be ‘over it’ already.
These days, he’s working as a mechanic trying to put back together the broken shards of his hopes and dreams in any way he can. Slowly every day, he feels more and more like himself - until one day comes along and breaks him once again, and he starts the cycle all over. 
Possible Connections:
Childhood Best Friends - the other three people in Oliver and Lorenzo’s friend group growing up. The only people that he trusts to talk about what happened, but he remains incredibly jealous of the fact that they never experienced the horror of that night. (will also be submitted as a wanted connection)
Could have been, should have been- Oliver’s always wanted a nice girl to settle down with, but he always gets cold feet. This is someone he had feelings for and tremendous respect for, but he just can’t forgive himself long enough to make a relationship work.
& more to come soon!!
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quinniefms · 2 years
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  TESSA THOMPSON | THIRTY-SIX | CISFEMALE.   welcome to san francisco, QUINN KELLEY! just to make sure, you go by SHE/HER, right? okay, great. i just have a few questions for you before i can let you go..  how long have you been here for? SIX YEARS. where are you currently living? SOUTH BEACH. what’s your current occupation? SOUS CHEF at/of ABACÁ but what’s your dream occupation? HEAD CHEF AT HER OWN PLACE. wow! interesting. is there a secret that we can keep between you and i? HER SON’S FATHER IS BACK IN HER LIFE, BUT SHE WANTS HIM OUT OF IT. lastly, this is a bit of a random question but … what’s your favorite song? MESS IS MINE by VANCE JOY & that’s all they wrote, friend! we can’t wait to see you around the golden city! WRITTEN BY MEL.
  ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀“i want to apologize to all the women i have called beautiful / before / i’ve called them intelligent or brave / i am sorry i made it sound as though / something as simple as what you’re born with / is all you have to be proud of / when you have broken mountains with your wit / from now on i will say things like / you are resilient, or you are extraordinary / not because i don’t think you’re beautiful / but because i need you to know / you are more than that.” — Rupi Kaur.
TRIGGER WARNING: mention of divorce, infidelity, pregnancy, child abandonment
Quinn Kelley was born in Dublin, Ireland to a family that just barely scraped by. Even if she never knew luxury, Quinn didn’t mind. The child was often lost in her own fantasy world — running through the fields behind the expanse of the family farm that the Kelley’s just barely got to keep. Her father sold the produce that they could bare to some of the markets in town, while her mother was a receptionist at a chain hotel in the city. Alongside her two older sisters ( wc !!! ), Quinn had no shortage of people to care for her and look after her, make her feel loved. That is, until her mother’s infedelity. When she was caught sleeping with her boss, it seemed like everything had gone up in flames — with her father filing for divorce not even a week later. Things moved faster than young Quinn could even blink, her sisters both grieving the loss of their parents marriage in their own way and it felt like slowly but surely, they were slipping away. The family would soon find themselves breaking to pieces — her father winning full custody of his three daughters. Soon after it was settled, her mother would move to the United States. Quinn was nine when she had to wave goodbye to the only life that she had ever known, clearly noticing that her mother relished in the freedom she now had. It was a pain that she never truly relieved herself of. Chicago. Now an ocean separated her and the life she wished she could have kept. When everyone was happy.
Quinn settled into their new life a lot slower than her two sisters, who both seemed to thrive in their new routine and the existences that they were keeping. At least, it appeared that way. The three that had once been thick as thieves had grown too far apart for her to ask. Each of them seemed to have their own skill where they bested each other — the eldest of the Kelley’s being a gifted academic, the middle child being a gifted musician. It took a while for Quinn to find her passion, but when she stepped into the kitchen to make herself dinner, a routine that would become very common after that singular night, she realized that she loved making… food. She would begin making herself elaborate meals with what she could find long into high school, soon beginning to cook for both herself and her sisters. It was this talent that would begin to bring her sisters back together, Quinn being the chef when her father had to work late. It was then she knew she wanted to make a career out of cooking, something she could clearly tell made people happy. While her acceptance letter to an esteemed culinary program in Italy came as a shock to her, it didn't to the rest of her family. She was off to her new home, to start a new life.
It was in culinary school where she would meet the man who she thought was the love of her life ( wc !!! ) who just so happened to be competing with her throughout their tutelage together. Internships, best in class, you name it. Much to his chagrin, Quinn usually won. Perhaps the first red flag should have been that their relationship was built on competition, but it seemed that both of them were oblivious. The two would get married shortly after Quinn turned twenty-six, staring at a positive pregnancy test four years into their marriage. Now thirty, both of them were both driven, each having separate careers after relocating to New York City. While Quinn tried to keep everything afloat, it proved to be too much of a burden for her to carry. When Nathaniel Isaac Parker was born, Quinn took one look at him and knew that she would never let anything hurt this sweet little boy. His first few months were quite quiet, that is, until Quinn answered a very distressing call that still chills her to the bone. Her husband had been cheating on her with a waitress from his restaurant, with the promise that he would be leaving Quinn for her. Within days, Quinn had packed up their lives and relocated to San Francisco, after winning full custody of Nathaniel. Life soon took a turn for the better once she accepted a sous chef position at ABACÁ, she began to make new friends, she got to watch Nathaniel grow up and then best of all -- her ex husband stopped calling.
That is, until her ex made a reappearance in her life -- begging for a chance to be a father. Begrudgingly Quinn has said yes, hoping to give their son the life that she never got. Her mother had been seemingly happy to leave her and her two sisters behind, but at least Nate's father was willing to try. Even if the thought of seeing him kills something inside of her, she still does it for her son.
Very quick to lose herself in her work - dozens of dishes before she even acknowledges the world or the people around her.
Living close to the beach has given her a sense of peace, some of her favorite memories are of her and Nate venturing there.
Nate is now six years old and a huge bundle of questions and joy. He charms everyone that he meets.
Very rarely ever found outside of the comfort of her home or the restaurant, has barely even thought about dating again ( even though I'd like to see someone catch her eye ).
Trust issues out the wazoo.
Her father has recently fallen into failing health and after he relocated to San Francisco a couple years ago, all three sisters actively pitch in to take care of him. He currently lives in an assisted living community about an equal distance between all three sisters homes.
Will occasionally let people call her Quinnie, but prefers just Quinn.
A kind-hearted person. A bit reserved, tries her hardest to be protective of her peace and usually refrains from letting people walk all over her. However, she tends to think of others before herself, no matter how hard she tries not to.
Everything to Everyone (Intro) - Renee Rapp.
Call Me - Blondie
Misunderstood - BANKS
We Begged 2 Explode - Jeff Rosenstock
Static - Steve Lacy
Cellophane - FKA Twigs
Bullet With Butterfly Wings - The Smashing Pumpkins
Sullen Girl - Fiona Apple
Us - Regina Spektor
Cigarettes and Coffee - Otis Redding
Bad Religion - Frank Ocean
Linger - The Cranberries
Her two older sisters ( will be on the pain once I get my shit together ) !!!
Her ex-husband/father of Nate ( will be on the pain once I get my shit together ) !!!
Mom friends
Friends she cooks for
FWB's/Hookups ( former or current )
Love interest
Exes from San Fran - they could have dated for a long time or not for very long at all!
Any! I'm flexible and ready to right lots of super awesome stuff with you all.
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gldnhvny · 2 years
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{ renee rapp | 25 | cis woman ﹜ welcome to san francisco, lorelei rosenkrantz! just to make sure, you go by she/her, right? okay, great. i just have a few questions for you before i can let you go.. how long have you been here for? 25 years. where are you currently living? the castro. what’s your current occupation? librarian at sf public library but what’s your dream occupation? broadway actress wow! interesting. is there a secret that we can keep between you and i? she’s so afraid of failure they don’t take risks.. lastly, this is a bit of a random question but … what’s your favorite song? you’re on your own kid by taylor swift & that’s all they wrote, friend! we can’t wait to see you around the golden city!
                                           pinterest | | wanted connections
FULL NAME: Lorelei Violet Rosenkrantz
NICKNAME(S): Lo, Lore, Lei. 
AGE: 25
DATE OF BIRTH:  February 15, 1997
PLACE OF BIRTH: San Francisco, California
CURRENT LOCATION: The Castro District, San Francisco, California
ETHNICITY: Caucasain
GENDER:  Cis Woman
PRONOUNS: she/her
RELIGION: agnostic
OCCUPATION:  Librarian 
FACECLAIM:  Renee Rapp
FAMILY:  Eric Rosenkrantz (father)
 PETS: an orange tabby cat named papaya
  HEIGHT:  5'8
·WEIGHT: 125 lbs
SIGNATURE SCENT: Daisy Marc Jacobs Eau So Intense
TATTOOS:  a delicate flower on her ribcage
PIERCINGS: her ears are pierced twice on each side
P H O B I A S  A N D D I S E A S E S .
· MENTAL DISEASES:  generalized anxiety
       P  E R S O N A L IT Y
 SUN SIGN: Aquarius
FAVORITE FOODS: sushi, ramen, salt and vinegar chips. 
FAVORITE COLOR: emerald green, pink
· MUSIC TASTE:  showtunes, pop, pop-punk  
·  HOBBIES: reading, karaoke. 
Lorelei Violet Rosenkrantz is the quintessential perfect daughter, or, at least, she is trying to be.  From the very beginning, when she could walk and talk and eventually began to read people’s emotions, she became a people pleaser.  After her mother left for good, stopped visiting all together, Lorelei really kicked it into overdrive.  She watched her father, her caring, loving father, raise two kids by himself and she knew she had to do everything to make him proud (and perhaps, make the mother who left her,  love her, too.) 
It started with gifted classes and turned into an all girls private school, turned into too many extra curricular activites to pad a resume she probably shouldn’t have been as concerned as she was about.  The school paper, student goverment, and drama club to name a few, the latter becoming a refuge she didn’t know she needed. Theater in general became something that would take her out of her head, took her out of the place where she needed to be perfect and put her in a place where she could just be. 
But that’s all it was, an outlet. Even after finding out she was quite suited to acting, and according to her teacher, she had a powerhouse voice, a job as an actress wasn’t realistic, not when it came to her plan. She needed stability.  Choosing to major in History, and then, Library Science was smart, it was stable and it would give her a good, steady life. It might not have been her passion. But it made her content. 
Moving to New York was probably the biggest risk Lorelei has ever taken to date, but nothing felt as good as the campus of Columbia to her.  The city was her campus, and being so close to live Broadway shows was an extra perk. If she couldn’t do it she could consume it, and that was enough, that had to be enough.
In New York, and in college, Lorelei blossomed, she allowed herself to break out of a very rough shell, and make friends, her roommate becoming the closest person to her until MUSE B came along. They dated on and off throughout college, but eventually, MUSE B couldn’t deal with Lorelei’s very set five year plan, needing something looser, a little more adventure, a little more risks.  Risks Lorelei just wasn’t willing to take with her life.
A bachelor’s degree in History and a master’s in Library science later, and partly because of a break up, and mostly because she missed home, Lorelei moved back to the West Coast, finding a little apartment in the castro district that got good light, adopting a kitten and naming it Papaya, and finding a quiet, steady job in the san francisco public library, she setteled into her life. Her steady, easy, if not a little bit basic, life. 
She made up for the quietness of her new life with Friday night sushi and karaoke, belting out showtunes and celine dion numbers after too many craft cocktails, singing became an outlet once again, in whatever way she could get it. 
Lorelei is introverted, studious, and a little grumpy by nature, but also fiercely loyal to the people she loves. 
She spends too much time in the coffee shop across the street from the library she works at, consuming more oat milk lattes than one person should consume. She likes them light and sweet. 
She loves a good romance or fantasy novel, but can give you recs on almost any genre if you ask.
She loves the color pink, which she thinks people are surprised to know about her.
hates cooking simply because she hates the clean up, but bakes a decent nutella banana bread.
her neighbors are probably tired of hearing her sing through the walls. 
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beautifulxdreamers · 2 years
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{  OLIVER STARK | 33 | CISGENDER MAN ﹜  welcome to san  francisco, WYATT KEATING! just to make sure, you go by HE/HIM, right?  okay, great. i just have a few questions for you before i can let you  go..  how long have you been here for? SIX YEARS. where are you  currently living? NOE VALLEY. what’s your current occupation? MIDFIELDER at/of LA GALAXY but what’s your dream  occupation? MIDFIELDER FOR REAL MADRID. wow! interesting. is  there a secret that we can keep between you and i? HE RECENTLY FOUND OUT THAT HE HAS A CHILD AND HE’S FOUND HIMSELF TEMPTED TO IGNORE THIS NEW REVELATION MORE FREQUENTLY THAN HE’D LIKE TO ADMIT. lastly, this is a bit of a random question but …  what’s your favorite song? BAD HABITS by ED SHEERAN & that’s all  they wrote, friend! we can’t wait to see you around the golden city!  
ABOUT: ( triggers include: pregnancy
Wyatt had always known that he was meant for great things. He’d heard it so many times that the refrain felt as if it was imprinted on his soul. As a child, playing for his local club’s youth team, the word prodigy had been thrown around. It was what was to be expected of a Keating child -- his parents would have nothing less.
So, it should have come as no surprise when, at 18, he was scouted and signed to play for Arsenal fc. They’d always had a reputation for scouting young talent and Wyatt was no exception.
Unfortunately,  Wyatt quickly gained two reputations -- one, on the pitch for being difficult to work with and one off the pitch for being a playboy. He was often carded and benched for making too many rough tackles or for fighting with other players. Even more frequently, he was photographed partying or with some new lover. Finally, Wyatt and the club decided to part ways. The decision was not exactly mutual.
At 27, Wyatt and his sister moved to the States. His manager insisted that what he needed was a career reset. Wyatt knew, though, that this was the end of his career. The MLS, while an up and coming league, had acquired a reputation for being  the place where players came to have one last run. Wyatt was convinced that he still had more to offer but no one would take a real chance on him.
Flash forward six years and Wyatt is more bench warmer than player. He’s determined to prove that there’s more to him than the reputation he’s gained. Naturally, of course, life would throw him a curveball right when he feels prepared to get his life together.
tw start recently, wyatt has discovered that he has a child. he’s not fully sure of the details or the circumstances surrounding the incident. He’s also not sure if he’s ready to step up and be a father to this child. After all, his life is messy enough as is.
potential connections:
friends, particularly a best friend who tries to keep him grounded
exes, fwbs, you know, the whole shebang
mother of his child
any and everything
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ofmatter · 2 years
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{  MICHIEL HUISMAN | 40 | CIS MAN ﹜  welcome to san francisco, RHETT HAGEN! just to make sure, you go by HE/HIS, right? okay, great. i just have a few questions for you before i can let you go..  how long have you been here for? 35 YEARS. where are you currently living? PACIFIC HEIGHTS. what’s your current occupation? DJ at CAT CLUB but what’s your dream occupation? AUDIO ENGINEER FOR HOLLYWOOD FILMS. wow! interesting. is there a secret that we can keep between you and i? HE GOT DRUNKENLY MARRIED IN VEGAS IN HIS 20’S AND NEVER GOT IT ANNULLED. lastly, this is a bit of a random question but … what’s your favorite song? PSYCHO by METR & that’s all they wrote, friend! we can’t wait to see you around the golden city!
--- quick stats. ---
birth name: rhett hagen. nickname(s): none. age / d.o.b.: 40. may 8, 1982. gender, pronouns & sexuality: cis man, he/his, demiromantic heterosexual. hometown: amstelveen, noord holland, the netherlands. occupation: dj at cat club. education: bachelor’s degree in audio engineering. relationship status: married ... but single. children: none. positive traits: agreeable, confident, fun-loving, observant, passionate. negative traits: aloof, devious, extravagant, faithless, selfish. character comparisons: ferris bueller (ferris bueller's day off), richard castle (castle), donna meagle (parks and recreation), shawn spencer (psych), samanatha jones (sex and the city), lucifer morningstar (lucifer), frank abagnale (catch me if you can), jesper fahey (shadow and bone), rusty ryan (ocean's 11), neal caffrey (white collar)
--- quick tl;dr. ---
i. born in amstelveen, noord holland, the netherlands. his mom split and left him with just his father when he was about three, and it was a very stressful situation. most stories revolve around kids growing up with their single mom and a deadbeat dad that disappeared, rhett’s is the opposite. when his mother booked it, his father took up multiple jobs to keep them afloat. one such job took them to san francisco when rhett was five ---a big move, but his father was looking forward to leaving behind bitter memories. they packed up what was was worth taking and split to the west coast.
ii. it would be a lie to tell you that rhett was an exceptional child. his grades were always passing, but somewhere in the b to a minus range, possibly higher if he actually gave a damn. it took a long time for him to discover what he wanted to do ---his childhood was spent floundering through hobbies where none of them really stuck. sports were a joke, and the one time he tried surfing he got yanked half a mile away from shore in a riptide. (he finds the whole ordeal hilarious, honestly, but his father made him promise not to do it again, so he promised). the only thing that really ever stuck with him was his carefree attitude, and his ability to make a joke out if anything. aloof. when he graduated high school he was appointed class clown, and it followed him everywhere.
iii. somewhere around 17 he discovered his love for the technical side of music. he took an elective of music theory as a joke and completely fell in love with it. his father was ecstatic that something seemed to stick, and when college rolled around he took care of the first two years of a general liberal arts degree at a community college before transferring all of his credits to a university for audio engineering. his father had set aside enough money for him to pay out of pocket for the two year’s associates, but after that rhett took out student loans. (he’s mostly paid them off now, thanks).
iv. and he took after his father with the work ethic. college was met with working at least two jobs, three during the summers. money was sorted evenly to a saving’s account, bills, and immediate necessities. his father let him live in their house in outer sunset for the duration of college until rhett got his own place after. at first it was a dingy little studio but he graduated into his current home in pacific heights after some time. primarily he works as a dj for the cat club (and has for many, many years) but has taken many freelance jobs on the side engineering (mixing, mastering) for up-and-coming musicians. he’s even worked on the sound for some small-time indie films, which earned him the ability to have a nicer place. he’s always been frugal with his money, a smart spender.
v. ever the joker, he never quite grew up. somewhere in the middle of it all he forced himself to keep in touch with his inner child. while it might appear that he shirks adult responsibilities, the reality is that rhett keeps that side to himself, and very private. the largest case is taking care of his father ---he visits their outer sunset home (his father refuses to move, despite rhett offering multiple times) at least four times a week, if not every day. his father still insists on working ---you can catch him gardening at a local cemetery (he likes to make sure that the flowers for the deceased are nice and pretty) and offering a kind word to the mourning, or a nice chat to a jogger, if you know his schedule. rhett himself has that kind streak in him, but mischief takes over. he learned how to appreciate life from his father, and refuses to let any negativity sway him.
-- fun facts. --
i. is very much a cat person. he has a pet cat presently, alastair, that rules his house. to that end, he doesn’t like dogs, even so far as having a slight fear of larger dogs (though he’ll laugh it off as anything but that).
ii. has no memory of his mother, but really doesn’t think fondly of her at all. there’s no good reason to abandon your husband and child, and rhett thinks every lifetime movie that praises a mother as a lone hero is a joke. to that end - he’s fiercely protective of his father, who he understands and always saw as sacrificing part of himself to ensure his child had a good upbringing.
iii. god, he loves music. it’s why he dj’s, primarily. he likes a little of everything, and keeps an open mind. his set lists are primarily drum and bass, edm of many varieties, and synthwave but he like to mix some of everything in there. he hates country music. and while he can appreciate some of the modern pop stars, he also hates taylor swift. don’t ever try to convince him otherwise of anything else.
iv. he might appear as a slacker (he kind of is) or aloof (he really is) and uncaring (depends) ... but he’s actually very observant and quite intelligent ... especially when it comes to music. he loves the technical, mathematical and theoretical side of it. he loves to make his own synth sounds in his spare time, and he loves a good rave to get lost in the feeling of music. he thinks in music, hears in music, sees in music.
v. has never has a serious relationship, largely in part to seeing how broken his father was upon his mother leaving them. he knows his father had other girlfriends, but he kept them quiet and never paraded them around the house, and now as an elderly man his father is happily alone. rhett is afraid to open himself up to someone, to ultimately be left alone ... so he never gives anyone the chance.
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PSD by Lupus Australis, Graphic made by Cat
{ BRYANA HOLLY | TWENTY-EIGHT | CIS WOMAN﹜  welcome to san francisco, CLARISSA OLSEN! just to make sure, you go by SHE/HERS, right? okay, great. i just have a few questions for you before i can let you go..  how long have you been here for? TWO YEARS. where are you currently living? SOMA. what’s your current occupation? SURGICAL RESIDENT of THE UCSF GENERAL SURGERY RESIDENCY PROGRAM. what’s your dream occupation? PEDIATRIC SURGEON. wow! interesting. is there a secret that we can keep between you and i? HER DAUGHTER ISN’T ACTUALLY HER BIOLOGICAL CHILD. lastly, this is a bit of a random question but … what’s your favorite song? EVERYTHING MATTERS by AURORA & that’s all they wrote, friend! we can’t wait to see you around the golden city!
Trigger Warnings (I warn in front of the bio too I just like having these upfront. If you notice any potential ones I may have forgotten, even if they're not on the trigger list, please let me know and I will add them asap!):
General: Possibly drug addiction tw in her stats, depending on your opinion of caffeine.
Biography: Child Abandonment, Drug Addiction (npc's, not Clarissa's), Accidental Pregnancy (not Clarissa's and only very mentioned briefly in passing)
Full Name: Clarissa Rose Olsen Preferred Name: Clarissa Olsen Age: 28 Birthday: February 14th Height: 5’7” Gender & Pronouns: Woman (She/Hers) Sexuality: Bisexual Occupation: Surgery Resident in the UCSF General Surgery Residency Program Relationship Status: Engaged to Logan Elswood
Place of Birth: Honolulu, Hawai’i Hometown: Waimanalo, Hawai’i Languages Spoken: English, some 'Ōlelo Hawai’i  Country of Citizenship: United States Ethnicity: Kānaka Maoli, Japanese, Russian and Slovenian
Conditions: N/A Allergies: N/A Addictions: Caffeine (gotta have that coffee to function. How else do you get through med school and residencies?)
MBTI: ENFJ Enneagram: 1w2 (The Reformer with The Helper Wing) Alignment: Neutral Good Zodiac: Aquarius Percy Jackson Parent: Persephone Pokémon Type: Ice
Ices are regal, polite, glamorous, and impossibly hard to know. Many of them seem ageless, in a bit of a pinched, tense-seeming way. With them, every pause, smile, and gesture is appropriate, yet strained. They know a lot about proper etiquette, and always have the right answer for how to gracefully solve a social problem. They have many friends, and host wonderful parties, yet you never feel at ease in their presence. Ices are as perfectionistic as Grounds, without the impatience and frustrating goal-mindedness. They are graceful and slow, meticulous and proud. Even something as simple as selecting an outfit can be elevated by an Ice into an art. Every step is considered and measured, every accessory perfectly placed. They don’t like being rushed or criticized; they don’t need your criticism, they’ll find the flaws on their own.
Pokémon Type: Dragon
Dragon Types seem to operate on their own plane of existence, with its own system of morals and values. Stubborn yet perpetually happy, Dragons refuse to grapple with your criticisms of them. Dragons live their lives without any care about whether other people notice. They tend to be reclusive and self-contained. Because they are so resolute about doing things their own way, and feel no need to explain it, they don’t make good long-term partners for most people. However, if you can give them the space they need to forge their own quiet, maybe sometimes even a bit odd, lives, you can learn a great deal of wisdom from them.
Winx: Nature
Father: Rei Olsen Mother: Clarissa doesn’t actually know this info. She left right after Clarissa was born and her father has never talked about her, and she’s never wanted to know. Children: Isabelle “Belle” Elswood (4 years old)
TWs: Child Abandonment, Drug Addiction (specifically cocaine, regarding her fiance), Accidental Pregnancy (not Clarissa's and mentioned briefly in passing)
You can skip both the addiction and pregnancy tw by not reading the 6th paragraph if you'd like. The paragraph starts with "The answer came in less than a year..." so just stop reading and go straight to "And despite the fact..."
For as long as Clarissa could remember, it's always been her and her father. Her mother left, not long after she was born, leaving simply a note that expressed she couldn’t do this. The whole being a wife thing, a mother, it was too much for her. But, despite everything - she’d never really felt a gap missing or anything. She had her father, who loved her very much, grandparents who she spent lots of time with, and she lived in probably the most beautiful place in the world.  Her father was a linguistic anthropologist with John Hopkins, working alongside the anthropology unit at University of Hawaii—Mānoa. A position he’d always held with great pride, but he’d always say the greatest joy was being her father.  And he was a great father. Clarissa didn’t even notice the absence of a mother until she started interacting with children her own age. And in all honesty, she's never really felt that void people expect her to feel whenever she mentions it was just her and her dad growing up. He was always there for her, every step of the way. Which only made the decision to attend college on the mainland even harder for her. Sure, she’d gotten into Cornell - something her father was excitedly telling everyone who’d stop long enough to listen to him. His Clarissa had gotten into an ivy league school, on a scholarship, but despite how ecstatic the man was - that didn’t make leaving any easier. It was in New York City she’d met Logan Elswood, it’d been a casual bump in. It’d been her second year of medical school when they’d bumped into each other and the girl he’d been walking with started laughing and trying to apologize for her dad between giggles. At first she thought it was a weird couple thing. He looked about Clarissa’s age, there was no way he was the father of a college freshman. But then he apologized for his sister and offered to buy Clarissa a coffee to make up for the error and from there, it felt like everything was falling into place. After that day, they’d talk constantly - he’d call her while she studied, she’d sit at his kitchen counter and work on anatomy as he tried to keep all nine of the siblings he’d dropped out of high school to raise out of trouble and try to ignore how uncomfortable the spacious upper east side apartment felt.
He’d grown up in an entirely different world than her. While Clarissa never really noticed her father struggling - the Elswood family were something else entirely. Too rich, uncomfortably so, the type of family where one of them would casually mention loaning their best friend the money for MIT because he couldn’t get a loan from the school at the dinner table and people didn’t act like it was the most outrageous thing they’d ever heard. Sometimes she wondered if this was what she actually wanted - sure she liked Logan, and his siblings accepted her with open arms and genuine enthusiasm. But, did she actually want to stay with him for the rest of her life, knowing that his world was so much different than hers? The answer came in less than a year of dating him in the form of a bundle left on the doorstep one July morning, with a note that echoed the one her mother had left. And despite Logan’s absolute, and genuine confusion, he took the situation at face value and accepted the fact he now had a daughter. Maybe storks didn’t exist, but exes that he’d broken up with long before they’d met and consensual hookup under the influence of cocaine he’d never thought much about certainly did. And maybe most people would have left after being hit in the face that not only was their boyfriend suddenly had an infant on top of the fact he’d never mentioned his cocaine addiction before, but she really liked Logan. And despite the fact all of her friends were telling her to leave before the situation got wilder - she stayed. She’d argue that decision was one of the best ones in her life. It was hard, balancing med school and a daughter she hadn’t been planning on having anytime soon, but it felt worth it every single time she came in the front door and Isabelle’s face lit up. Maybe welcoming your first child in less than a year of dating someone wasn’t the most ideal situation, but the longer Clarissa spent with the two, the more she realized that she wanted this. A life with Logan, being Belle’s mom. When she was given chance to legally adopt the girl finally she signed the papers without hesitation. Clarissa was here for the long haul, even if it meant smiling through her future-father-in-law’s obnoxiously large parties and Logan’s siblings constant shenanigans. It was worth it.
And when Logan suggested moving to San Francisco after she finished up her medical program at Columbia (it was “close enough to Emmett to keep him out of trouble,” and yet “far enough away from LA they wouldn’t have to babysit him unless something went drastically wrong” - a proposition she could understand the appeal of). She applied to residency at UCSF and got into the program, found a nice four bedroom apartment and settled into her life in San Francisco.  As far as anyone needs to be concerned, Clarissa Olsen moved into the neighborhood with her fiance, their daughter, and the two youngest Elswood children who Edward sent to live with them the second he found out they were leaving New York. (Much to Logan's relief, if we're going to be honest). And if the neighbors make comments about how Belle got her nose and how the girl looks just like her, well... Clarissa’s never going to say anything to the contrary. 
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stridfms · 2 years
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LESLEY-ANN BRANDT | THIRTY-EIGHT | CISFEMALE .  welcome to san francisco, ASTRID SHIVA! just to make sure, you go by SHE/HER, right? okay, great. i just have a few questions for you before i can let you go..  how long have you been here for? NINETEEN YEARS. where are you currently living? MISSION DISTRICT. what’s your current occupation? MANAGER at/of OASIS but what’s your dream occupation? BELIEVES THAT HER TIME FOR HER DREAM HAS PASSED. wow! interesting. is there a secret that we can keep between you and i? SHE PLACES MUCH OF HER SELF-WORTH ON THE WAY SHE LOOKS AND BELIEVES SHE WILL NEVER FIND LOVE/IS NOT WORTH LOVING. lastly, this is a bit of a random question but … what’s your favorite song? DEATH OF ME by PVRIS & that’s all they wrote, friend! we can’t wait to see you around the golden city! WRITTEN BY MEL.
  ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀"Being a sex symbol is a heavy load to carry, especially when one is tired, hurt and bewildered." — CLARA BOW.
TRIGGER WARNING: mention of death, alcoholism, terminal illness, lung disease, grief, child abandonment, homelessness
With a name like Astrid, one doesn’t exactly have the most simple of stories. Born in Paris, France to a pair of models -- it was clear that she had a face that could get her anything that she wanted. And she did. From a very early age, all she had to do was bat her eyelashes and the world would fall at her feet. It was an easy life to live, with no signs of slowing down. She traveled the world, lived the high-life and didn’t ever want it to change. However, her world would come to a screeching halt when her mother's lungs began to fail. Her father somehow managed to keep the exact reason why from her, trying to take away some amount of his daughters pain all the while ignoring his own. Taking care of her mother became the most important thing for her and her father and they spent the better part of two years by her side. Her father put every penny they had into her treatment with little success. When she passed, Astrid was only fourteen years old.
At sixteen, she began rebelling -  her version of spiraling into a deep depression that no one could seem to get her out of. Perhaps what made things even worse was that her father was spiraling down his own rabbit hole, a shell of his former self and searching for his wife in the bottom of every glass of whiskey, each looking to the other for help and finding no solace. How could they help each other when they were drowning in their own experiences of grief? Because of this, Astrid was sent to live with her uncle in Chicago, where after six months of no change - she was sent out into the world all on her own. She has not heard from a single family member since.
Thus began her several years on the streets -- where she never found a permeant place to lay her head. Sometimes she couch-surfed, other times she put all she could afford into a room at a shitty motel. What never changed where the nightmares and the yars of asking herself the same question: why? Why was she living like this and would there ever be a way out? That is until she arrived in San Fransisco when she was nineteen years old and something tugged at her to stay. Part of her inability to stay in one place had come from years of nourishing a restless heart, one that firmly believed that they'd never find the kind of home that she did in the arms of her mother. If only she could have seen her then, abandoned and alone. She wouldn't have let it happen. Even if the rest of her family had.
Astrid has always skated by on her face. Many have underestimated just how smart she truly is, but she found a pleasure in knowing that she would be able to have anyone wrapped around her finger with a simple flutter of her eyelashes. It was in San Fransisco that she fell into stripping, garnering quite the amount of attention and bouncing between several different clubs over the course of her career. For the longest time her job gave her a sense of power that she had been lacking all her life, knowing that people were paying just to watch and for an attempt at her attention. But she would remain unattainable, the one that everyone wanted but no one could ever have. However, shortly before she turned thirty she couldn't help but ask herself: is this all what I was really meant to do? Because deep down, more than anything she wants the domestic life she tried to hide from for so long -- wanting to love someone with her entire heart and soul. However, after the experiences she's had in her life -- she wonders if she truly deserves it.
She performed her last dance in a club shortly before she turned thirty-one, getting a job at Oasis ( during this time she would also move into her current place in the Mission District ) before working her way up to manager. As a proudly queer woman, she tries her hardest every day to make sure the club runs as smoothly as possible and give the people of San Francisco a safe space to enjoy themselves. The club is her family, perhaps the first that she's truly known since her mother's loss.
Some might think she would get enough of parties when she's at the club — nope. She finds herself going out whenever she can.
Only nice to people who are nice to her. Mess with her, and lets see which side you get.
She certainly adapts her voice to who she's talking to. When it comes to getting something she wants, especially from men whos validation she's fed off of since she was young, she uses seduction to get their attention.
French was spoken very frequently in her home as a child and she is fluent.
She has the most experience dating women, but likes all genders.
If you ask her about her career before her current one, she will willingly answer. She doesn't try to hide it from anyone.
Did dance competitively growing up and thought about perusing it as a career before her mother's diagnosis. She stopped while her mother was receiving treatment, but never returned to it.
The life of the party, protective of the ones she loves until the very end. Can and will kick your ass if you cross her or the ones she cares about.
Proud mama to a pitbull named Gunner and a bulldog named King. They are her entire heart and soul.
Haunted - Beyoncé
The Valley - Miguel
Gangsta - Kehlani
West Coast - Lana Del Rey
Waiting Game - BANKS
Cold Sweat - Tinashe
The 30th - Billie Eilish
Skin - Rhianna
She Said - Fletcher
Sexxx Dreams - Lady Gaga
Unravel Me - Sabrina Claudio
Party Monster - The Weeknd
Exes - ones who have tried to get Astrid to settle down and failed, former casual relationships
Friends with Benifits
That one person who she can't get out of her head and it annoys the living s h i t out of her because she believes she's allergic to romantic feelings/"doesn't deserve to feel them"
Friends, pals
Evil twin to her eviler twin
Regulars at the club
People she gets thrown out of the club
Former customers - from her days dancing in various San Fransisco strip clubs ( left the clubs between 5-6 years ago )
Any! I'm flexible and ready to right lots of super awesome stuff with you all.
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unpapillcn · 2 years
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                      ❝  𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑣𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡 . ❞
𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐑𝐀  .  .  .
name ( s )  :  melodi  ilayda  ceyhan  ,  a . k . a .  melodi   .   d . o . b .  february  03  ,  1999   .   in  :  istambul  ,  turkey   .   she  holds  citizenship  in  turkey  had  a  student  visa  in  france  and  now  a  work  visa  in  the  states   .    she  speaks  :  turkish  ,  french  and  english  ,  but  is  still  perfecting  her  english  via  american  media  ,  but  her  french  and  american  accents  are  pretty  good   .   religious  beliefs  :  raised  in  the  muslim  faith   .   educational  achievements  :  attended  two  years  of  pastry  school  in  paris ,  france  under  the  guise   of  engineering  school  which  her  parents  gave  her  tuition  for  ,  but  was  obviously  used  for  other  means   .   current  occupation  :  answering  service  operator   .   eye  colour  :  blue-green   .   hair  colour  :  dark  brown  and  very  curly   .   height  :  5′7″   .   distinguishing  characteristic  :  her  hair  ,  she  prides  herself  on  it   .
beverage  of  choice  :  turkish  coffee  ,  and  warm  milk  especially  when  it’s  cold  out   .   reading choice   :   magazines  for  the  pictures  ,  cook  books  and  romance  novels  that  give  unrealistic  expectations   .   exercise  preference  :  used  to  swim  but  never  competitively  ,  she  couldn’t  keep up  with  lara  ,  but  has  looked  into  joining  a  gym   .   watching  :  currently  going  through  the  disney  library  to  work  on  her  english   .   podcasts  :  has  a  few  turkish  radio  shows  she  used  to  listen  to   .   designers  :  dilara  findikoglu  ,  partly  because  she  told  people  she  was  related  to  dilara  for  a  free  dinner  /  service   .   accessory  :  perfectly  painted  nails  ,  always  unchipped  that’s  very  important   .  prized  possession  :  maybe  not  prized  ,  but  she  has  quite  the  collection  of  silk  hair  ties  and  the  gold  bracelets  she  has   .   random  :  melodi  hasn’t  exactly  moved  in  —  well  ,  she  has  but  she  hasn’t  unpacked  anything  and  bought  a  fish  as  an  excuse  to   get  in  contact  with  lara.
inspo  ;    𝑘𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑏𝑖𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑝  :  𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑙  ;  ℎ𝑎𝑤𝑘𝑒𝑦𝑒  ,   𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘨𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘭𝘺 :  𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘬𝘧𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘢𝘯𝘺'𝘴  ,  𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘭  :  𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘪𝘥 ,  𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘳  :  𝘤𝘭𝘶𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴  ,  𝘫𝘶𝘭𝘪𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘫𝘶𝘭𝘪𝘢  ,  𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘦 𝘱𝘪𝘭𝘣𝘺  ;  𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘦 𝘱𝘪𝘭𝘣𝘺
𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄  .  .  .
⧽    1999 melodi was born. she grew up in istanbul, turkey as one of three daughters to the ceyhan family. her childhood was often sprinkled with the dramatics as melodi treated every inconvenience as a life altering and earth shattering incident . . . such as when she had been pushed to start violin lessons, you know like cihat aşkın, or told spending too much time at the local bakery to stare at the shop owners son wasn’t good social etiquette. for the record, it wasn’t just the boy that caused her to spend hours there, it was also the pastries she liked and tried to mimic at home.
⧽    so, when melodi was told the direction of her future was going to be in the field of engineering, it hadn’t gone over well, but engineering would provide a stable career, or so she had been told.
⧽    and tuition was provided and paid for so long as melodi followed what they wanted her to do and how lucky it was she got into this “ amazing engineering program ” all the way in paris, france. a dream really, and it was, for her parents. the truth was a little different. in 2018, when melodi was nineteen, she left for school in paris, leaving behind turkey and all the comforts she had known, but she couldn’t stay, not if she was going to pull this off.
⧽    pastry school in paris living off the money her parents gave her, everything was going to plan . . . until she met him. him whose name she’d come to curse. he used her, ran through all the money her parents gave her for the tuition within a years time, and then he vanished. melodi had only managed two years of pasty school and couldn’t ask for more money, couldn’t come clean to her parents, so she did the next best thing . . .
⧽    she ran to her sisters. 2022, san francisco, the golden state where up until now melodi had been earning a degree as an engineer in paris as far as everyone was concerned. and her plan is simple, get the money back before anyone finds out . . . it just requires a few more white lies and rekindling distanced relationships with her sisters. and so the story goes, she came to the bay area for engineering of course, not the answering service operator job she secured that keeps her secrets safe, for now. besides, she’s been told her french and american accents are pretty convincing.
⧽    heard her on the phone? melodi has a hidden talent of sorts, she can do an american accent and french accent very well and has been told she has a lovely or was that expressive voice, either way, they recognize her voice
⧽    saved the day. this character needed something baked and two and a half years of pastry school finally came in handy, just ignore the apartment that has no furniture and has nothing unpacked, she’s working on it.
⧽    the boy. the one from france who spent all the money she had left for tuition before he vanished, disappeared like a ghost.
⧽    more to come, i swear! in addition to the friends, enemies, frenimies, unrequited crush, neighbours, stuck in the elevator, etc. 
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gcldengorl · 2 years
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* psd credit 
{ ELODIE YUNG | 40 | CIS WOMAN﹜  welcome to san francisco, YVONNE DESCHAMPS! just to make sure, you go by SHE/HER, right? okay, great. i just have a few questions for you before i can let you go. how long have you been here for? 1 MONTH. where are you currently living? PACIFIC HEIGHTS. what’s your current occupation? SOCIALITE/EVENT PLANNER of  DESCHAMPS EVENTS but what’s your dream occupation? RETIRED & A PHILANTHROPIST. wow! interesting. is there a secret that we can keep  between you and i? ANONYMOUSLY LEAKED HER EX-HUSBAND’S PONZI SCHEME  SCANDAL TO TMZ IN ORDER TO DIVORCE HIM PUBLICLY FIRST AND TERMINATE THEIR REALITY TV SHOW. lastly, this is a bit of a random question but …what’s your favorite song? MISS YOU by OLIVER TREE & ROBIN SCHULZ & that’s all they wrote, friend! we can’t wait to see you around the  golden city!
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The Deschamps were France’s top luxury cheese producers in the world with Jean Luc being their eldest HEIR to take over the business. He married Samara Sok, a reputable TALENT MANAGER from Hollywood and had their only daughter Yvonne on a sunny, spring day in Paris. 
Growing up her parents had a 50/50 approach when raising her. Given their careers, they knew that they weren’t going to fully be able to commit to parenting and so they agreed to evenly split it amongst themselves and their nannies. As such, some days they were able to be with her for longer, other days it would be a nanny that’s in place. Overall, Yvonne thought it was perfectly normal, but as she got older, she realized the WEIGHT and IMPORTANCE of upholding the Deschamps name.
An heiress in her own right, she lived a life of privilege, but didn’t quite conform to it. She was known to be the REBELLIOUS private school kid, excelling in her studies and extracurricular activities, but tended to get into fights with the other students. The prim and proper lifestyle wasn’t for her and she would get easily irritated by the stuck up Parisian kids. To combat this issue and avoid any attention from the tabloids, her parents decided to MOVE her to Los Angeles, California and start anew there. 
It somewhat worked. Truthfully, a part of Yvonne wanted to live a normal lifestyle and away from the glitz and glamour. However, she soon came to terms that it was inevitable given her status and family’s legacy. Every hobby and interest she had that was outside the box, her parents supported her in. Whether it be martial arts, horseback riding, giving back to the community, etc. She pulled herself in different directions as a means to figure out what her OWN niche would be. 
She found her calling in EVENT PLANNING after attending a Hollywood party with her mother. There were many things she wanted to change about the whole event itself that she wasn’t afraid to provide feedback to the organizers. From there, it was evident that she had taste and knowledge of public events, and with that being said, she decided to PURSUE a career in that. 
After finishing up her schooling, she started DESCHAMPS EVENTS. As a socialite in Hollywood and in the high Parisian lifestyle, Yvonne naturally grew her own following whether it be word of mouth, the tabloids, or social media. She was PROUDLY showcasing her ability to organize events whether it be big or small. 
The next milestone in her career was her MARRIAGE. Her husband who was a real estate developer and investor, who’s family interests are in real estate, shipping, oil and tankers. They were the ‘it’ couple in the LA high society lifestyle, to the point where Netflix decided to include them in a REALITY TV SHOW about the rich and famous.This boosted their reputation both as a couple and as their own individual selves. It took a lot of getting used to, especially with the lack of privacy, as well as Yvonne wanting to sway her own narrative a certain way. However, surprisingly it worked in her favour as she didn’t really have to put in too much effort. The viewers enjoyed her screen time and she preferred pushing for representation, inclusiveness and activism rather than the petty drama that everyone on the show seemed to garner for views. That DIDN’T mean she was not in the drama and whenever she was, she maintained poise and class as she preferred not to get nasty on screen. 
And it was what she did with her ex-husband, after finding out about him and his family’s ponzi SCHEME with cryptocurrency exchange. There were small tell signs at first, especially when he subtly gave advice on how to run Deschamps Events or was pushing for it to get involved in certain affairs that she wasn’t up for. Then it was the type of investments he was making, some of them didn’t even make sense, especially with a charitable organization. He knew how important philanthropy was for her and using that to his ADVANTAGE, he attempted to involve Yvonne by becoming a shareholder.
The Deschamps heiress REFUSED, as they had an understanding at the start of their marriage that they wouldn’t get involved in their respective business and career. In fact, she was relieved that she was smart enough to sign a prenup at the time even, because after all this her GUT feeling was telling her that something was NOT right. 
And so she HIRED a private investigator that her family recommended and soon found out about the scandal her ex-husband was involved in. This was DETRIMENTAL not only to her career and reputation, but to the Deschamps and Sok name as well. She worked her ass off to build a name for herself only for it to get ruined by a MAN? At that point Yvonne had to act fast.
After involving her parents and lawyers of her plan, they hired a whistleblower on an extensive NDA and who was unaware of Yvonne’s involvement to LEAK to TMZ of her husband and his family’s ponzi scheme. Yvonne might as well become an actress at this point because she upheld a clueless and betrayed demeanour after it was publicized on the world renown tabloid. It was an EASY way to not only file for divorce, but exit the Netflix series on her own. She had a REASON and playing the VICTIM essentially worked in her favour. 
In terms of next steps, she did serve her ex-husband the papers to finalize their divorce. However, she’s having difficulties given his pushback in wanting to still make it work. In truth, she FELL OUT LOVE during their marriage, especially when they were so career driven and she honestly felt used throughout their time on and off screen.
Here’s to new beginnings, Yvonne decided to stray away from the spotlight and move to San Francisco to LAY LOW. 
She decided to FOCUS more on Deschamps Events after having a few weddings lined up by some clients. It was definitely a newer environment to get used to, but she was determined on making this healing journey work in her favour. 
That feeling she initially had when she started out her business is slowly coming back to her and so, to somewhat ‘start over’ and garner a different set of clients was a CHALLENGE that she looked FORWARD to completing.  
TRIGGERS: *weapons mention tw
Yvonne has been ranked in Forbes list of The World’s 100 Most Powerful Women and has done plenty of TED talks around the world. Although her reputation stems from being a reality tv star and socialite, she’s been deemed as one of the most influential women of her time and is seen as a role model for many women.
She occasionally makes anonymous donations to causes that deal with mental health, schooling for low income families, scholarships for minorities and women, and organizations that aid new immigrants and refugees. She doesn’t want their purpose to be taken away from her own spotlight. 
With that being said, she does host a charitable event around Christmas time, but this may be the first year where things might be a little different. 
She has made cameos and guest starred in some tv shows and movies. She prefers that than becoming a full blown actress. 
Yvonne has a niche collection of weaponry from knives, and kitanas.
Her physical hobbies include karate (black belt), fencing, muay thai, and arnis. The more tamed physical hobbies would be archery, yoga, ballet and horseback riding. 
With her marriage failing, she hadn’t had time to fully process it and she knew it would eventually hit her, especially since her event planning business does deal with weddings. It’s one of the driving factors as to why she moved to SF. 
She will take her secret to the grave and refuse for her ex-husband and the public to know of what she had done. She wants to always have the upper hand. 
A foodie at heart, she’s excited to explore San Francisco and its culture. 
Currently, the divorce is not finalized as both of their lawyers are still hashing out the agreement. She is also being vouched for her own reality tv show, especially since she’s conforming to a different lifestyle away from Hollywood. However, she turned that down immediately, but that doesn’t mean they’re persistent. 
Overall, she is simply trying to start over, especially at this stage in her life and close out a chapter that she once knew.
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beautifulxdreamers · 2 years
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{  K. DEVERY JACOBS | 28 | CISGENDER WOMAN ﹜  welcome to san francisco, GENEVIEVE ZACHARIE! just to make sure, you go by SHE/HER, right? okay, great. i just have a few questions for you before i can let you go..  how long have you been here for? TWO YEARS. where are you currently living? DOWNTOWN. what’s your current occupation? BOOKSTORE CLERK at/of THE HIDEAWAY but what’s your dream occupation? COMIC BOOK ILLUSTRATOR. wow! interesting. is there a secret that we can keep between you and i? GENEVIEVE HAS BEEN BUILDING A PORTFOLIO FOR YEARS BUT HAS YET TO SHARE IT WITH ANYONE AS SHE FEARS THAT REJECTION WILL MEAN THE END OF HER DREAMS . lastly, this is a bit of a random question but … what’s your favorite song? BOSS by THE CARTERS & that’s all they wrote, friend! we can’t wait to see you around the golden city! 
what can be said about gen’s childhood except that it was as happy as could be expected. as with any family, there were moments of tension, but the zacharie family was a closeknit one. the only child born to Elizabeth and Henry Zacharie, Genevieve was rather spoiled as a child.
her favorite memories revolve around bedtime stories. henry zacharie, a well known voice actor, breathed life into stories, his voices and characters having played a major role in gen’s early artistic journey. 
she could always be found with a pencil and notebook on hand, doodling, capturing the characters that lived in her mind.
two years ago, gen moved to san francisco. the dream was to marry romeo jenkins and pursue a career as an illustrator. though she’s been curating her portfolio for as long as she can remember, she’s yet to actually act on her dream. the fear of failing and losing out on her dream too much of a barrier. so, in the mean while, she’s working at the hideaway, a local bookstore cafe, and feeling completely stuck and rudderless in life.
potential connections:
employer/fellow employees
exes (m/f/nb)
fwbs/flings (m/f/nb)
any and everything
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hurricanehcarts · 2 years
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{  zoey deutch | twenty-eight | cis woman ﹜  welcome to san francisco, keziah abrams! just to make sure, you go by she/her, right? okay, great. i just have a few questions for you before i can let you go..  how long have you been here for? five years. where are you currently living? pacific heights. what’s your current occupation? bartender at oasis but what’s your dream occupation? young adult author. wow! interesting. is there a secret that we can keep between you and i? [redacted due to potentially triggering material, see under readmore]. lastly, this is a bit of a random question but … what’s your favorite song? stick season by noah kahan & that’s all they wrote, friend! we can’t wait to see you around the golden city!
The following contains potentially triggering material: sex work tw
The Basics:
Full name: Keziah Elaine Abrams
Nickname(s): Zia
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
Age: 28
Gender & pronouns: cis female & she/her
Sexual orientation: pansexual
Occupation: bartender
Secret: she was a stripper and cam girl for a few years to make ends meet but now has an unusually squeaky clean persona she doesn’t want to ruin
Faceclaim: Zoey Deutch
Height: 5’4”
Hair color: auburn
Eye color: hazel
Build: slim, fit
Tattoos: crescent moon on the back of her neck, a mermaid pinup on her left upper thigh.
Piercings: septum, ears, naval
Scars: appendectomy scar
General style: grunge, alternative
Positive traits: playful, outgoing, observant, loyal, daring
Negative traits: impulsive, sarcastic, untrusting, neurotic, impatient
Keziah was born to a rather conservative family in Brooklyn, New York. Growing up, the rules were strict - curfew was to be followed, the girls would be dressed ‘appropriately’, children were to be seen and not heard, and each member of the family must attend weekly religious meetings. It wasn’t religion that dictated all of this, though, it was simply that Keziah’s father demanded that his family be seen in a certain light.
She abided by each and every rule without second thought for most of her childhood. This blind obedience lasted until she was perhaps fourteen years old. As puberty settled into her body, she began to desire a chance to escape, a chance to rebel. She didn’t act on it, though, despite the shift in her personality and thoughts. Instead, she poured herself into her studies and sports. She was brilliant enough of a student and athlete that she was granted a full ride scholarship - which she took.
University was an interesting experience for her. Being an English major (with the hopes of being an author or a teacher), she saw so many examples of young women ‘rebelling’ after finding themselves - both real life and literary. That thought burned in her mind for nearly three years, when at the age of 21, she finally had enough. She had turned to a life of heavy partying, promiscuity, and well, just generally doing whatever she wanted. She was free, and she resented the life she was raised in. It was a random, rainy night when she made the decision to drop out and never look back.
The first few months were rough - she bounced from couch to couch looking for a place to land seeing as she never wanted to return home again. She turned to working as a stripper and a cam girl to make ends meet, and surprisingly, she genuinely enjoyed it. What started as a desperate measure turned into a career for her and it took off. Soon enough she was making more than enough money to pack up and travel, putting her show on as she was on the road. No matter where she moved, however, nothing felt like home. At least not until San Francisco.
She had lived in the city for a few months before realizing she had grown tired of sex work. It wasn’t that she was ashamed, discouraged, she was just bored. With that in mind, she sought out something new that she thought she could learn rather easily, and landed on bartending. As she thought, she was somewhat of a natural at the job (thanks to those college parties, perhaps). However, she discovered something dark about ‘normal’ people. Whenever asked about her previous employment, Keziah’s answer seemed to shock and disgust people. She was met with shame and judgment instead of support, or even apathy. After experiencing this for a few times, she decided to shove that part of her deep, deep down.
It’s been about five years since she made the change and the decision and she’s done whatever she can to erase her past out of fear - but the internet is forever. In that time, she’s sort of transformed herself into an all-american girl. She loves beer, classic rock, classic cars, dogs, and every opportunity to sleep in that she can take. While the current Keziah is her true self, history is bound to repeat itself if she has to keep the other half buried deep much longer. 
Possible Connections:
Best friend - someone for her to be thick as thieves with, they may or may not know about her secret. No matter if they do or don’t, there’s absolutely no way Keziah could emotionally survive without this person. 
Ex significant other - due to her upbringing, Keziah’s not the most trustworthy person, which could make relationships with her a bit difficult. Perhaps this ended poorly. Or perhaps they’re still friends.
A regular - every good bartender has a regular. Some people may have a work mom, Keziah’s got a work bestie - they just sit on the other side of the bar. 
& more to come soon!!
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                                      𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐍
             𝑻𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒐 𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎 𝒃𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒈𝒏𝒊𝒛𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒆𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒑𝒆                                                                 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒐 𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒃𝒚 𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕.
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{  AMBER MIDTHUNDER | 25 | WOMAN  }  welcome to san francisco, MARNIE HANSEN! just to make sure, you go by SHE/HER, right? okay, great. i just have a few questions for you before i can let you go..  how long have you been here for? 3 MONTHS. where are you currently living? BERNAL HEIGHTS. what’s your current occupation? CREW at AMC THEATERS but what’s your dream occupation? POET. wow! interesting. is there a secret that we can keep between you and i? SHE FEELS LIKE A FAILURE AND SAN FRANCISCO IS GOING TO HOPEFULLY BE HER SAVING GRACE. lastly, this is a bit of a random question but … what’s your favorite song? WOMAN by DOJA CAT & that’s all they wrote, friend! we can’t wait to see you around the golden city!
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𝕭𝖆𝖘𝖎𝖈𝖘 ;
𝘕𝘈𝘔𝘌: Marion “Marnie” Annalies Hansen 𝘈𝘎𝘌 & 𝘋𝘈𝘛𝘌 𝘖𝘍 𝘉𝘐𝘙𝘛𝘏: 25 & march 6th 𝘎𝘌𝘕𝘋𝘌𝘙 & 𝘗𝘙𝘖𝘕𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘚: cis woman, she/her 𝘚𝘌𝘟𝘜𝘈𝘓𝘐𝘛𝘠: lesbian 𝘖𝘊𝘊𝘜𝘗𝘈𝘛𝘐𝘖𝘕: crew at AMC theaters/poet 𝘌𝘛𝘏𝘕𝘐𝘊𝘐𝘛𝘠: hunkpapa lakota, hudeshabina nakoda, sissiton-wahpehton dakota, thai-chinese, and white 𝘍𝘈𝘊𝘌𝘊𝘓𝘈𝘐𝘔: Amber Midthunder
𝕬𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊 ;
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥: 𝘏𝘌𝘐𝘎𝘏𝘛: 5'6" 𝘉𝘖𝘋𝘠 𝘛𝘠𝘗𝘌: muscular from farming, although that is fading 𝘏𝘈𝘐𝘙: long, dark brunette 𝘌𝘠𝘌𝘚: brown 𝘚𝘊𝘈𝘙𝘚: plenty from working 𝘛𝘈𝘛𝘛𝘖𝘖𝘚: none 𝘗𝘐𝘌𝘙𝘊𝘐𝘕𝘎𝘚: ears
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬: Marnie has a mole next to her eye that people tend to notice about her. Another notable feature is her smile, which she utilizes frequently. Despite how dramatic and dark she may feel on the inside, the woman smiles constantly. Partly due to upbringing, partly due to general friendliness.
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Marnie is very simple. She enjoys a quiet wardrobe. Despite how much she’d love to dress more towards the style she really likes, which could be considered borderline goth and borderline dark academia, she just doesn’t have the guts. Not yet, anyway. That, and, well, it seems like a lot of work.
𝕻𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖞 ;
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Very midwestern, reserved but friendly, not too flashy. She’s very simple, albeit incredibly dramatic in her own ways.
𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬: + hard working, resourceful, open-minded = dramatic, tough, impulsive - closed off, nervous, doubtful
𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬: likes: a good book, edgar allan poe, poetry, a surprise ending dislikes: cops/etc, cigarettes/smell, uncouth people hobbies: writing/journaling, volunteering with animals
𝐄𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐚: habits: crossing her arms, smiling whenever uncomfortable ambitions: publishing a book of her poems fears: never feeling like a “success”
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𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ; (which may be edited into a full bio later)
Marnie comes from a farming family in Nebraska.
Her parents are loving, but strict, especially her father, who always kept a tight household.
She’s spent her whole life wanting something different and feeling gulty for it.
It’s not that she doesn’t love her home and her family and their lifestyle, she does, it’s what she’s used to and it’s cozy and warm and full of love, but she just doesn’t want to continue with the farm. 
Part of the reason she feels guilty is because if she doesn’t take the farm, it’s left up to her little brother to continue it, and if he doesn’t, the family farm could be shut down or bought out by corporate farming. The other reason is just that she feels like she’s letting her parents down. She knows they’re proud of her, but they’re hurting, too.
Her older brother already left the family long ago. He was “troubled”, could never keep up with the farming lifestyle and gave his parents hell. He ran away the day he turned 18. Marnie worries that she’s hurting her parents in this way, too, reminding them of the pain of seeing another child leave.
A piece of her also feels guilty leaving because she’s no longer able to help her family economically now. Even worse, she’s the one who needs help. After a horrible natural disaster in 2019, that included a major flood and tornadoes, the second one in her lifetime to wreck her family’s livelihood, they’re still not fully recovered.
She still has nightmares about the tornadoes from her childhood, and reliving the situation in 2019 was very traumatic. Wind scares the crap out of her now.
She is tragically dramatic, lol. Like, Edgar Allan Poe dramatic, who is, in fact, her favorite author and someone whose writing inspires her greatly.
She loves writing, and wants to publish her poetry very badly.
Honestly, coming to SanFran was kind of on a whim. She’d been saving up money for awhile, so she was somewhat prepared (honestly it is nowhere near enough money), but the timing was random and she didn’t really say her goodbyes. 
She felt like she had too much baggage there and desperately needed change.
She feels like a failure because she’s letting people down. 
She never did anything that would make anyone especially proud, she’s branching off randomly, and she’s worried she’ll never get published (and worse, doesn’t even sell anything if she does).
She’s kind of heartbroken right now. She was deeply in love with someone for years. When they finally dated, she cheated on Marnie. Marnie put up with it for awhile, which just harmed her more and more. When she finally had enough, the other left her high and dry.
Marnie loves watching movies. You can find her at the theaters even when she’s off work. She’ll movie hop, sneak in and out of different movies, and get excited at new previews. Thrillers are her favorite. She thinks there’s something poetic about movies in general, and thrillers really speak to the heart of most people. Finding fear in any given situation is just human.
She’s obsessed with a darker aesthetic, though you can’t tell just by looking at her. Her brain’s imagery is if Edgar Allan Poe was an aesthetic. She likes to think she sees the world through this lens.
0 notes
ofmatter · 2 years
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{  RYAN GOSLING | 42 | CIS MAN ﹜  welcome to san francisco, SAWYER JACKSON! just to make sure, you go by HE/HIS, right? okay, great. i just have a few questions for you before i can let you go..  how long have you been here for? 42 YEARS. where are you currently living? OUTER SUNSET. what’s your current occupation? MORTICIAN @ BEYLOR & SONS FUNERAL HOME but what’s your dream occupation? MORTICIAN. wow! interesting. is there a secret that we can keep between you and i? HE STEALS BIBLES FROM EVERY HOTEL HE’S STAYED AT. NOT BECAUSE HE’S RELIGIOUS, BUT BECAUSE HE CAN. lastly, this is a bit of a random question but … what’s your favorite song? LOST IN BIG CITY by MAETHELVIN & that’s all they wrote, friend! we can’t wait to see you around the golden city!
— quick stats. —
birth name: sawyer jackson. nickname(s): none. age / d.o.b.: 42, april 20, 1980. gender, pronouns & sexuality: cis man, he/his & demi-heteromantic heterosexual. hometown: san francisco, california. occupation: mortician at beylor & sons funeral home. education: bachelor’s in mortuary science. relationship status: single. children: none. positive traits: caring, earnest, gentle, observant, passionate. negative traits: aloof, erratic, impulsive, judgmental, socially awkward. character comparisons: ricky fitts (american beauty), rufus humphrey (gossip girl), cameron james (10 things i hate about you), peeta mellark (the hunger games), glenn rhee (the walking dead), monty green (the 100), chris washington (get out), pam beesly (the office), samwise gamgee (the lord of the rings), terry jeffords (brooklyn nine-nine).
— quick bio. —
i. into the world he came with barely a cry to spare the doctor’s or his waiting parents. it was the mark of the rest of his life, the way it would be with sawyer in the house. a good baby, ideal for any first time parent, where he hardly needed anyone around. while his parents marveled at how well-behaved a child he was they considered expanding their family, but not immediately. he was the kind of child you could trust to leave alone in a room for more than five minutes, where he’d occupy himself with any toys he had and quietly live out their stories in his own mind.
ii. he didn’t speak for a long time. too long, enough to be concerned. visits to doctors confirmed there was nothing “wrong” with him at all —he was just quiet, didn’t want to speak. the jacksons kept an eye on him, regular visits to ensure he was developing properly, but still he barely spoke. the concern eclipsed when their second was born, parents once again becoming new, attention rightly splitting to a baby that required the nurturing from mom and dad. sawyer wasn’t quite pushed to the side, but he was ideal —perfect to have around where he didn’t demand anything at all.
iii. their third came. then their last. the house filled up with burgeoning personalities, each of his siblings filling a role as if a casting call sheet had been handed to them at their conception. where one required more attention in their own way, where another was over-looked and another shined, sawyer saw them all. quiet words, a gentle hand from an older brother whose heart was too full of his own brand of love for each of his siblings. it was hard to keep up with them sometimes, but he was patient.
iv. there was potential for him to do much more with himself, but sawyer chased the desire to see beauty in everything. instead of attending a business college he moved into the mortuary sciences. his true affections lay with giving the family’s of the grieving a proper experience to offer their last thoughts and loved to their departed loved ones —ensuring that each decedent was cared-for, that they always appeared as realistic and at rest as possible, that it would be a beautiful and peaceful experience to attend and pay respects in.
v. never once did he cause trouble. his own outbursts were personal —impulses in the form of tattoos, in the decision to foster elderly animals, in buying his oceanside home in outer sinset. he’s just simply existed in san francisco, a quiet observer, gentle and patient.
– fun facts. –
i. he can be quite impulsive, despite how gentle and quiet he typically is. the biggest evidence of that is the tattoos covering his body … including the few on his face and neck. some are meaningless, some have meaning, but he never tells one way or the other.
ii. his home in outer sunset is very detailed and open concept with a lot of ocean-facing windows. even his furniture is more minimalist-inspired … however his home is filled with various plants and flowers.
iii. fosters elderly animals & gives them a home to live out the rest of their lives in happy peace. he currently has a 10-year-old samoyed named blizzard. it will break his heart when blizzard passes, just like it breaks his heart when every other animal he fosters passes.
iv. really loves horror movies. psychological, gore, slasher … they’re his fave. when dvd’s were a thing he went nuts, and now that everything is digital he has a big wall of horror dvd’s more as collector’s items than anything else.
v. always has a dumdum lollipop (usually in his mouth) unless he’s smoking a cigarette. his favorite flavors are butterscotch and root beer (in that order), and he doesn’t dislike any of them.
vii. has been michael meyers every year for halloween since he was about 10. will be michael meyers for halloween even when he’s an old man.
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lcluna · 2 years
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“What's behind the smoke and glass? Painted faces, everybody wears a mask”  |  template credit: rareddeer
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unpapillcn · 2 years
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                          ❝  𝑎 𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑢𝑛𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑢𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠 . ❞
𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐑𝐀  .  .  .
name ( s )  :  matilda  anne  tallis  ,  a . k . a .  matilda   .   d . o . b .  october  24  ,  1996   .   in  :  san  francisco  ,  california   .   she  holds  citizenship  in  the  united  states   .    she  speaks  :  english  ,  but  watches  films  in  other  languages  ,  namely  italian  and  spanish  ,  yet  she  still  does  not  understand  either  well  even  though  her  uncle  spoke  both   .   religious  beliefs  :  born  to  agnostic  parents  and  raised  by  an  atheist  uncle  after  age  eleven   .   educational  achievements  :  dropped  out  of  university  within  a  year  of  enrollment  as  a  student  of  the  undecided   .   current  occupation  :  seamstress  /  tailor   .   eye  colour  :  dark  brown   .   hair  colour  :  naturally   dark   blonde  ,  but  she  changes  it  often  and has  gone  through  dark  brown  ,  copper  and  icy  blonde   .   height  :  5′6″   .   distinguishing  characteristic  :  dainty  cupids  bow  shaped  lips   .
beverage  of  choice  :  coffee  ,  orange  juice  is  a  strong  second   .   reading choice   :   most  classic  literary  novels   .   exercise  preference  :  honestly  ,  none  but  walking  is  nice   .   watching  :  the  great  british  bakeoff  or  scooby  doo  ,  she’s  not  ashamed   .   podcasts  :  true  crime  podcasts  ,  but  never  at  night   .   designers  :  herself  ,  she  can’t  afford  most  of  the  designer  things  anyway  ,  but  dior  is  the  dream   .   accessory  :  a  wise  woman  once   said  a  smile  ,  but  matilda  will  take  a  hair  ribbon  to  tie  her  hair  back   .  prized  possession  :  the  home  her  parents  left  to  her  after  they  passed  away  and  a  tin  can  of  italian  amaretti  cookies  (  though  that’s  more  of  a  favourite  than  prized  possession  )   .   random  :  various  useless  inventions  can  be  found  around  the  house   .  she  has  a  dog  named  jack  she  recently  found  and  has attempted  candle  making  —  it  backfired.
inspo  ;    𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘣𝘢𝘶𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘦  :  𝘢 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘶𝘯𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘶𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴  ,  𝘷𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘵𝘪𝘮 𝘣𝘶𝘳𝘵𝘰𝘯 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴  ,  𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘳𝘢 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘩𝘭𝘣𝘢𝘶𝘮 : 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘶𝘵𝘤𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘮𝘴  , 𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘭𝘦𝘺 𝘤𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘵  :  𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘢𝘯 𝘦 ,  𝘢𝘮𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘦𝘨 𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘩   :  𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘯  , 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴 𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘺  :  𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘥𝘢  ,  𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘱𝘦  : 𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘱𝘦
𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄  .  .  .
𝘵𝘸  :  𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩 , 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘦
⧽    1996 matilda was born. she grew up in san francisco, california as the oldest child to the tallis family. it was the very same estate in russian hill she resides in today — of sorts, and up until age eleven it was a very happy childhood. her parents were adventurers, or so was the way they explained their occupation to a young matilda at the time; the truth was a bit more complicated than that.
⧽    in ‘07 aged eleven, matilda and her younger brother were orphaned, due to a tragic accident, a fire, and placed in the care of her uncle / godfather, a watch repairer in massachusetts. he was a peculiar man who had settled in the states only recently from england, but one who always allowed the children to invent so the house was a bit of a mess with useless inventions that took twice as long as doing it by hand, like dropping bread into the toaster.
⧽    between that and the at-home sewing lessons matilda gave herself after her uncle went on about the inaccuracy of a period film the family watched one evening, she thought most of her future was set, or at least there was the outline of one. it was a far cry from the adventurers her parents had become, but maybe that was a good thing.
⧽     now, the house in california had been left to matilda and her brother, which they were supposed to obtain when she became legal age, but at eighteen she found that not to be the case, things were tied up. it wasn’t until about a month ago that she was able to claim the estate but it has been years since anyone has lived in that house.
⧽    so she took it upon herself to fix when she moved to san francisco, back in june 2022 but it has not been an easy task with the house still yet to be fixed. and how she'll manage to pay for it? well, the closest answer matilda came to was making business cards and working out of one of the many rooms of the homes as a seamstress and tailor, something she did back in massachusetts as an apprentice, and so she did.
⧽    old friends. she lived in san francisco from 1996 until 2007 when she was just eleven. they could have gone to school together, been friends of the family, don’t remember each other etc since she didn’t keep in contact with anyone likely
⧽    handy? the home her parents left to her located in russian hill is in a bit of a state, in a word, a mess. she’s been attempting to fix up every single room, maybe rent a few out in the future but it’s a wip currently and will gladly take help. she also has a bit of a miss havisham quality about her and likes to keep things for memory but also redecorate. she changes her mind far too often too. just after matilda had fixed up the living room she hated it, so back to square one.
⧽    the problem. the estranged family member who has come out of nowhere because that home? that fortune? he believes he is entitled to that and maybe has a few secrets to share
⧽    she put some youtube videos online about her sewing projects namely one about turning an old couch into an outfit, but those aren’t that well viewed
⧽    sewing. she’ll make an entirely new outfit if needed or just hem the pants that are too long. she’s tried to get her business off the ground but as of now is working via word of mouth and always looking for her next walking mannequin.  
⧽    a little over a decade since matilda’s parents accident and she still isn’t completely sure f the police report told all, in fact, she knows it didn’t. now she has started to look into it again and needs a little help.
⧽    the model from nyc. a few years before sf, matilda went to new york, the two girls became fast friends and she helped matilda to stay in the model house for free while she was trying to get into fashion school
⧽    more ideas coming i swear!
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