#goldi puss in boots
cococookiedraws · 2 years
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vividaway · 2 years
no, on god, the star eyes are actually the most adorable, most precious, cute, sweetest, most softest thing i’ve ever seen in all of animation history.
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calypsolemon · 2 years
so sorry for not talking much at all about goldi and the bears (I love them also I just didn't have too many observations people hadn't already made!) but this is one I haven't seen anyone mention so hopefully I'm pointing out something interesting?
The story that Goldi opens to in the book of fairy tales isn't just a random traditional fairytale. It's a wholly unique block of text to the movie. It's the tail end of a story in which a "proper family" is described having a snowball fight. I believe this text gives us a lot of insight into Goldi's character motivation.
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The text is a bit hard to read so here is a transcript (its a bit long so the rest of this post is under a readmore, there is more analysis here too)
Year round, the old park was the most popular place for this proper family to walk on through and take in the beautiful sights on their return home. It was also quite understandably the most proper place for a young girl to make the perfect snow angel, build a quick snowman, or throw a few snowballs from behind the dense leaves of frosted maple trees. The father was no stranger to snowball fights. He relished every opportunity, in fact, to remind his family of his many past victories. Every snowball that he made was shaped with great care and purpose. However, all his best efforts would be for not. For the little girl, tired of battles lost, was determined to claim her first victory on this winter afternoon. It was the naive youth against the experienced adult. The mother laughed as the little girl struck her father square in the bum with her fastest snowball yet. A flurry of powdered attacks followed, overwhelming the veteran snowball soldier. Laying still on the very snow he once dominated, the father now knew his reign was over. It was an exciting moment. The little girl began to celebrate. Hoisted up onto her father's ice covered shoulders, the little girl looked at her mother and shared a smile. At that moment, they knew everything was just right… … and they lived happily ever after.
Knowing this little detail adds a lot of depth to our understanding, here. She wasn't just projecting onto a random fairytale family she read about in a story, wishing to be some little girl whose life she saw as perfect due to having "normal" biological parents. She was being told by this story from a young and impressionable age that families look a certain way, and as a result, she came away with the understanding that a family could be wrong too. And considering her catchphrase and arguably, some of her behavior could be attributed to her trying to emulate this story, it seems like she has always been trying to make her life fit into this mold that was never quite working out.
And that's where I think the animosity between Baby and Goldi comes in.
It's easy to see, watching the film, where Baby might have gotten his dislike of Goldi from. From the moment she first appeared she stole his bed and his food, and in reaction his parents adopted her and treated her like she did no wrong. Papa also seems keen on joining in insulting Baby often in this movie, while there's rarely a bad word said towards Goldi. That apparent favoritism is a perfect recipe for sibling rivalry. But lets be real, Goldi's attitude towards Baby is incredibly demeaning, even for a sibling rivalry. Not to say that Baby doesn't dish out his own deep-cutting insults, and it seems like the family overall has a kind of playful-ribbing type of relationship. But Goldi most consistently tells Baby that he is only useful, only cared for, when his primary skill - his sense of smell - is being used in her service. Like he's less so her brother than he is her underling.
But this book gives us a more solid reason as to why Goldi is so cruel to Baby, and that is that the "proper family".... does not have a brother. It is not only the bears being bears, but Baby's mere presence which disrupts the idealized image of a single-child family that Goldi has been desperately trying to fit her life to. So she becomes bitter towards him, pushing him down at every chance, attempts to micromanage him the most out of everyone.
That's why its so important that she specifically saves Baby instead of making her wish in the end. Its not only her abandoning the idea of a proper family, its her finally giving Baby a space in her heart which she denied him for a long time.
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Lost in the woods
After fleeing from the wolf, you find yourself lost in the woods. The bear family is out for a walk, what will happen when you cross their path and a certain blonde takes an interest in you?
Goldilocks x fem reader
Reader is a version of little red riding hood.
Not proof read
Please do not steal my work or re-post it without my permission
You sprinted through the forest, your heart was racing. You didn't know how long you had been running for, but your legs were starting to ache and you could barely breathe, so you sat by a tree, gasping for air. You raised a shaky hand to the deep gash on your chest, lightly running your fingers over the claw marks. You had been sent to bring some food to your grandmother, who lived in the woods. When you got there you immediately realised something was off as the door was left open, but you went in anyway thinking it had just been blown open by the wind. Oh how foolish you had been, if only you had trusted your instincts.
"Grandmother? It's me, Y/n. I brought you some food." You slowly walked in, looking around for the elderly woman. "I'm in the bedroom dear, come in." Her voice sounded different but you brushed it off, assuming the illness had given her a sore throat. You strode into the bedroom, the basket of goodies being held tightly in your hand, and there she was, your grandmother, sat up in bed wearing her usual night gown. As you got closer you realised how odd she looked. "My, what big eyes you have grandma." You looked at the two unusually large eyes concealed behind her glasses. "All the better to see you with my dear." Your gaze travelled to the two furry ears on her head. "Oh grandma, what big ears you have." You exclaimed, your free hand havering over the small knife concealed in your pocket. Once again she replied. "All the better to hear you with dear." You then caught a glimpse of two rather large canines, and a set of razor sharp teeth to match. You gasped. "What big teeth you have grandma!" Her once kind smile was replaced with a menacing grin as she licked her lips. "All the better to EAT you with!" You dropped the basket as the wolf launched himself at you, teeth bared and ready to kill and with one swift movement he swiped at your chest, knocking you down. Quickly pulling out your knife, you lodged the weapon into his shoulder, inching away from him while he was distracted, you got up and bolted out of the house, running as far away as you could.
An angry howl from close by pulled you out of your thoughts. Dragging yourself off the floor you forced your body to keep moving, gradually picking up the pace. By now you were sprinting through the forest, ignoring the brambles and nettles scratching and stinging your legs. Looking over your shoulder to find out if the wolf was getting closer, you let out a startled cry as you went crashing to the ground. "Oi! Watch it!" A voice came from beneath you, and you looked to see a very angry blonde. Goldilocks. The two of you had met on a few occasions before, and it was an understatement to say that you liked the girl. You had a pretty big crush on her, but too much of a coward to tell her how you felt, so instead you'd stand and watch in awe as her and her family walked through town, the villagers clearing a path for them, nobody daring to utter a word as they were afraid of what the criminals would do. Your cheeks flushed pink in embarrassment as you scrambled to get off of her. "Sorry Goldie, I didn't see you there." The girl gave a huff as she dusted herself off and stood up, briefly glancing at you with a disgusted look. "That's goldilocks to you, and you should be looking where you're going idiot." Even with the bitterness you couldn't help but enjoy hearing her gorgeous voice, her strong accent made your knees weak. Or maybe it was the blood loss, who knows.
Mama bear smiled sympathetically and helped you to your feet. "Sorry sweetheart Goldie is in a bit of a mood today, I have no idea what's gotten into her." Baby smirked, "It's because she hasn't seen her girlfriend in town today mum." Goldie's cheeks went a light pink as she hit baby with her staff. "She's not my girlfriend nitwit!" You chuckled lightly, wincing slightly at the pain it caused. "My mistake, did you miss your afternoon nap? No wonder you're so grouchy." The young bear teased, earing another hit from Goldie's staff, which resulted in the two siblings fighting each other. "Baby leave your sister alone." Papa bear ordered, which earned a childish whine from his son as Goldilocks smirked triumphantly.
"I think Red deserves an apology Goldie, after all you weren't looking where you were going either, and you were rude to her when you can clearly see she's already been through a bit of trouble." Hey striking blue eyes widened as she looked at you, finally recognising who had gone crashing into her. "Shit I'm sorry Red I didn't realise it was you, I didn't hurt you did I?" You shook your head and smiled lightly at the nickname the crime family had given you, tugging at your cloak in a feeble attempt to cover the very obvious wound that had caused the majority of your shirt to be soaked with blood.
Unfortunately for you the blonde was watching you like a hawk, her eyes taking in your dishevelled appearance. "What happened?" She questioned, her voice laced with concern. You just shrugged, making her walk closer to you, her eyes never leaving yours. She asked the same question once again, but with a slightly more demanding voice, "Who. Did. This. To. You?"
"The wolf tried to get me, but I'm ok." Her eyes looked you up and down, her gaze stopping on the crimson blood seeping through your clothes. "You don't look ok, you're bleeding out." She was right, your vision had started to become blurred and you felt light headed as your body started to sway before gravity took over and you dropped to the floor. The last thing you felt before you completely lost consciousness were two hands grabbing you, preventing you from hitting the ground for a second time.
Muffled voices woke you from your involuntary slumber, you groaned in pain and opened your eyes, letting them adjust to the light. You stared at the ceiling, you were in some sort of cottage or cabin. Panicking slightly you tried to sit up but a hand on your shoulder stopped you, gently pushing you back down. "Relax, you're safe." You immediately recognised it as Goldie's voice. Turning your head to look at her, you saw her watching you with an emotionless expression, and Mama bear was stood behind her with a relieved look on her face. "You gave us quite a fright there dear, you've been out for a few hours. I thought you'd be hungry when you woke up so i bought you some honey on toast." Once again you tried to sit up so you'd be able to eat, and after a short protest from Goldie about how it could cause you more pain she begrudgingly helped you up, putting pillows behind your back to support you. Just then a clatter sounded from somewhere else in the house and Mama bear sighed. "I better go check to see what that was." And with that she left to go investigate the commotion that had likely been caused by her son.
Goldie handed you the small plate of food and stayed silent, not looking at you while you ate the delicious food Mama bear had made. Once you ha finished she took the plate and set it aside. "Are you mad at me?" You asked nervously with a frown as you noticed Goldie was purposefully avoiding talking to you. "Yes I'm mad at you! I was worried sick about you with you passing out like that, I couldn't tell if you were breathing!" She was glaring at you but you could see how upset she was, only you were confused as to why. "Why do you care if I'm hurt?" Pacing back and forth Goldilocks couldn't help but blurt out her confession. "Because I love you idiot!" Her eyes started to water, as she added with a whisper, "I thought you was dead, and I knew I wouldn't forgive myself if you were." The orphan girl was never good with expressing her emotions so you were surprised when a tear rolled down her cheek. Ignoring the pain you leaned closer to her, using your thumb to wipe away the tear. "Don't blame yourself Goldie, if it was anyone's fault it was my own, I should have never strayed from the path, if I hadn't stopped to pick flowers or noticed it was the wolf sooner none of this would have happened." Her face softened and she hugged you softly. "I'm just glad you managed to escape, I'll make sure that wanker pays for hurting you, mark my words." You leaned into her touch, feeling safer than ever in her embrace. "Goldie?" "Mhm?" "I love you too." She let go of you, a look of disbelief on her face. "You do?" You nodded, and with a grin she pulled you in for a kiss. It was better than you could have ever imagined, her lips were sweet like honey and her hands were soft, one resting on your waist, the other lightly holding the back of your neck. Neither of you wanted to separate as if the other was going to disappear if either of you let go. Eventually you did pull away for air, blush covering both of your cheeks. You winced, once again aware of the agonising slashes on your upper body. Goldie squeezes your hand slightly in an attempt to comfort you.
"Let's get you cleaned up darling."
Idk if I like this but here you go, feel free to request something for me to write.
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shairmaneubaos · 2 years
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secret-citrus · 2 years
Remember the incorrect quotes generator? Well here's some more of those! (pt. 1 here)
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its-cripptid · 2 years
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goldi sketchdump bc shes my fav✨
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wizaria · 2 years
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I didn’t know it was possible to make a better film than Shrek 2. 
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ravangie · 2 years
I interrupt my Tulia and Miguella fanart marathon to bring you Goldi
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She's my bestie <3
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More Shrek fanart here
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thedramaticduke · 2 years
Disney: Yeah, sorryy, we don't know how to make villains without queercoding them and people didn't like the twist-villains, so we stopped making them alltogether :( I hope you like 3593 intergenerational family-traumas!
Dreamworks, while creating not one, not two, but three amazing villains: Pathetic
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the-stabby-tabby · 2 years
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Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (2022) — "WANTED"
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eatingsomegreeneggos · 7 months
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Disney Femslash Week - Adventure
I love them so much. I feel like they would make each other worse and honestly good for them <3
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marutchi · 2 years
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occult-octoling · 2 years
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dead or alive will be just right
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itneedsmoregays · 2 years
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I only just noticed this upon closer inspection, but it’s such a cool detail.
Not only does the map change to bring Goldilocks and the bears to their house to try to convince her not to waste her wish and gently remind her that she already has a perfect family, but the text in Goldi’s storybook actually tells her this through the first letters of each line:
“You already have it”
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nilusanimationworld · 2 years
Dreamworks & their collection of orphans with traumatized & f**ked up sad backstories
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Po (well used to...since his bio father is alive now)
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Tai Lung
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