midnight-blue-blood · 4 years
🔥 + Orion 🌝
Well.... if you're certain...
Do you get tired of wallowing in your own pity? The world isn't kind to any of us, my little star. Crying about this fact never changes it.
The time for self-pity and moping is coming to an end. The time for action is beginning. Focus on your church. Walk the Earth. Do something, anything, than staring into puddles bemoaning facts you cannot change.
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misericorsalvator · 4 years
✒️ + orion !!
Rigel, Orion
Clan: Caitiff? Malkavian? (Rhithwelediad) Location: Traveller, Los Angeles Position: None Tactics: Unknown Threat: Median
 Orion Rigel, the sad priest. He bears stigmata, like those in the stories; some ‘flaw’ of his kind. They say he had another name before I got here, but your name is what you make it; I know that well. There’s a misery in him; the kind of misery that gets you killed. He spends his afterlife weeping, and not only because those bloody tears keep flowing, but most of those he meets end up trying to help him. They mean well, but you can’t help a man who won’t help himself.
 He has a giant bloody ghoul spider, as if a wee one wouldn’t have been enough.
Rhithwelediad, but doesn’t seem in control of it. Doesn’t want to admit it, either. They call him a ‘Caitiff’?
Shit, he’s seen it, he knows too damn much, God fuck damn it why did he dig his fucking hands in my mind? Fucking compasses fucking dreams fucking Rhiths fuck
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normaltremere · 4 years
🖋 + Orion!!! 💝
Dossier: Orion Rigel (name he’s chosen, name i’ll use)
Claims to be a mentally ill Caitiff and not a Malkavian. Apparently has no connection to Malknet. Not sure what to believe, honestly, but it upsets him to call him a Malk and he has no clan ties to speak of - so Caitiff it is.
Apparently, this is why sponsors in AA don’t just sponsor each other. He gave up on sobriety. Now I can’t stand to even look at him.
I wish I could be a better person and help him. But it just makes me want to get so high I forget who I am.
Danger: High. After a fashion.
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szlachtas · 4 years
Mood board + 💔 !!
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//'An emotion is just a gesture towards a gesture. Hold your heart in your hands. Is it broken?'//
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thaumatology · 4 years
❤ slaps my url in but preemptively strikes also; YOUR LORE AND WORLD BUILDING ?? Absolutely Enthralling & I’m always so so interested in the story and mechanics behind the world you’ve created, a+ would buy the book / comic / future adapted movie given the chance
// I love the way you write Orion, he has a really good balance to me of like, I can tell that he has the potential to be dangerous in the wrong situation, but hes still a really sympathetic character even when he does end up doing bad stuff. I can’t help but feel sorry for him while also being like ‘damn this guy is a bit fucked up huh’ and its a mix that works really well as a character.  Also I love your art, its fantastic.
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cemeteryfun · 4 years
🤔🤔🤔 Orion!! Take that fiend !!!
..Christ it will be awkward explaining the whole thing with Franz won’t it. I can already see the betrayal on his face.. how do I do that and not ruin everything.. I hope it will be fine. Just need to keep an extra eye so that Franz doesn’t do anything. But I can’t let him kill me.. 
It’s so much easier being carefree now.. I hope it lasts. I would like that.
..I should get him more paints. 
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mysteriisnull · 4 years
this would HAVE to be an au or far far in the future because as it stands quinton would not willingly make any physical contact with orion. god isnt orion shorter than quinton? it would be a quick bro hug though, very much abiding by that inner sense of ‘ok, this is how long a hug lasts’. i think they would be more like, ‘im going to sit almost ontop of you on this couch now.’
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radiatorchains · 4 years
6. What is something that never fails to make them feel sick?
// Jain can't be killed by poisons but he can be rendered seriously ill for some time because of it. It takes a good lethal dose to do so but it is debilitating. In terms of emotional subjects the thought of angering his Boss is enough to stress Jain to illness //
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rayitonme · 4 years
🤔🤔🤔 topic; Abby
I wonder what she’d think if she could see me.  Like.  For real.  Would she even want to?  
One of these days I’m gonna have to stop letting her win.
Why Orbeez?  They don’t taste very good.
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duskbornbaker · 4 years
@goldwebbed started following you
Oh hello there welcome in. Name’s Tommy Baker, nice to meet you
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midnight-blue-blood · 4 years
✒️ + Orion !! >:))
These aren’t necessarily written down, but are indicitive of how FIna keeps a mental dossier:
Name: Unknown
Alias: Orion
Type: 🌕
Threat to Domain: None
Uses: Potential haven should I need to flee the domain.
Current standing: May have fallen off the wagon. Needs support. 
Notes of interest: Likes otters. Once dated/married to Nero. Former ghoul.
Known weakness: Very responsive to positive interaction. Past trauma is easily exploited. Reacts poorly to being told his clan.
Future course of action: Maintain goodwill mixed with advice.
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archbishoptiercel · 4 years
☕️ bloodbonds
VILE, DESPICABLE METHODS USED BY THE COWARDLY TO CONTROL THOSE THOUGHT TO BE BELOW THEM. errr, excuse me, I did not mean to be so animated there. But my point still stands. We have already established that I dislike meddling too much with free will, and also that I dislike when others move their underlings simply as pawns on a figurative chess board, so it is only reasonable that I dislike blood bonds. I can only imagine they are “legal” within the Camarilla as entire swaths of their power structure would fall apart if lesser toadies did not lick the boots of their masters whenever prompted to do so.
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normaltremere · 4 years
The gift arrives packaged up in a neat little basket; despite claiming to learn from not much more than mistakes, it seems Orion has gone into extra efforts here. Even the ribbon tied around the basket was void of any careless blood stains, but it’s the gift inside that he’s been most delicate with; the brioche was cooked to the letter, alongside a small handwritten “thank you” - unfortunately, his handwriting isn’t as careful as the rest of the display, but it gets across his message clearly.
(Nick sweeps into the haven, and gestures to the basket from Orion.)
It’s from a - a friend of mine. Merc’s gonna eat it, okay? And you’re gonna use Auspex on him while he does it.
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lorem-text · 4 years
“stop trying to push yourself! you can’t do this on your own!” Leaky Man aggressively attempting to call The Boss to give him a piece of his mind
(Warning: Long Read)
‘Why don’t you quit?’
‘Pfff- If I quit, who would pay you?’
It had started as a joke. An idle hypothetical discussed over a bottle of bloody Baileys in the comfort of the empty office.
Then Orion actually grabbed the phone, going to dial him, and it wasn’t a joke anymore.
“Orion, give me the phone.”
His voice is cold, every word slow and enunciated, hand raised expectantly. But Orion doesn’t give in.
“I know you think you have to get through this by yourself,”, he starts, softly, soothingly as if coaxing a wild animal, phone clenched tightly against his chest, “but you have people here to help you.”
“Give. Me. The phone.”
Orion looks at his friend pleadingly, but he’s met with a glare; dark and spiteful and demanding.
“I don’t-”, Eliot takes a decisive step forward; Orion one trembling step back. “I don’t understand why-”
“If I wanted you to understand, I would tell you.” he forces the words through clenched teeth and the hand at his side tightens into a fist. “Now give me the phone.”
No, those are not Eliot’s eyes; they’re the eyes of a stranger. 
“No.” Orion persists, determined, matching Eliot’s glare with his own. He takes another step back, holding the phone so tightly now that even his undead hands grow pale. “Just tell me-”
“HE’S GOING TO GHOUL THEM.” Eliot finally snaps, and his fist flies to the desk next to him, punching hard enough to crack the wood and almost break through to the other side. Orion stares, eyes wide, mind struggling to comprehend what’s going on, but before he has no time to respond, Eliot is shouting again, furious, eyes darkening.
The sudden chuckle that accompanies the words is a mocking, pained imitation of the real thing that fades as suddenly as it started, and then he’s breathing heavily, even though he doesn’t need to.
Red clouds his vision, rolling down his cheeks and dripping on the floor as rage gives way to fear. Eliot starts trembling, knees shaking, forcing him to lean on the desk just to stay up. He looks tired, defeated; broken. And when he speaks again it’s barely more than a shuddering whisper.
“Why do you think I stayed...?”
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szlachtas · 4 years
1. Can be remarkably fun when you catch him in the mood for it. Course you really do have to catch the mood in between the other moods but it's kinda impressive how he's retained this only sort of dark sense of humour.
2. God you have to a love a vampire that doesn't sit around pretending to be something they're not. He's honest and upfront with what he can be and yeah sometimes that sucks but it would be worse if he was lying. Because that helps no one.
3. Seems like he's working on self improvement! Which is the most admirable thing you can do. He's recognized he has the power to change himself and he's using it even if it's difficult. I wish him luck on that most important journey.
Plus did you hear he has absolutely perfect teeth these days ;)
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cemeteryfun · 4 years
✍ I know orion isn’t ic posting but I HVAE TO
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