mikogme · 3 years
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       rub rub,  rub rub.
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lifesliced-a · 3 years
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ren introducing inuyasha
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yasashihanyou · 3 years
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“...Hey can I ask you something? Why do you swear so much?”
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magickedhat · 3 years
@gomiokamu​    /    ♥ 
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‘ ah---you lost something?   in the mirror house? ’   god, they were already tired.   ‘ that’s fine!    i’ll help you find it.   what did you lose? ’
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shinidogawa · 3 years
everytime @gomiokamu​ sends me a starter it makes me lose my goddamn mind
because it always involves inuyasha struggling one way or another and shinichi is just like:
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aodamo · 3 years
gimme 7 of ken 🥺
[ @gomiokamu ]
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1. Just so that headcanon is on here: Kenny has what some would consider superhuman balance, but honestly he has worked extremely hard to level up his balance and coordination, so now falls don’t cause nearly as much damage as they could.
2. Ken has a cliché trash diet; mcdonalds, taco bell, any fast food. subway is eating healthy lmao
3. Ken has a little 6yr old sister named Olivia who is his whole world like wow he would do anything for her. They have a very good relationship and sometimes he brings her to the skatepark to play.
4. If he’s at a party, Ken’s definitely drinking and being a wild child. It’s pretty easy to get him to play drinking games, or do flips/stunts. He likes being the life of the party, but luckily he’s usually able to tell when he needs to stop drinking and chill out. He’s chaotic but not totally unreasonable.
5. Kenny’s very guilty of avoiding awkwardness and using humor or his carefree attitude to mask it.
6. He definitely tries to keep every skateboard he’s had, and most of them end up on his bedroom walls as small shelves.
7. He’ll probably never own a bed frame lmao
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thxlassophile · 3 years
“*whispering* Dad. Dad, it’s ME. Listen, I know I fucked up - it is way, WAY past my curfew. Super past. Like so far past there’s no way to save this one with mom. I am SCREWED if she catches me coming inside. She’s gonna ground my ass until I’m 85. Or worse, she’s just gonna do that awful thing where she sighs all sad and says she’s DISAPPOINTED in me. Fuck, I’d rather be dead. I AM dead when she sees me. Unless... you help me? Please? I PROMISE I won’t do it again, it’s just this once. And I SWEAR I have a good excuse - I was, uhh ... helping my cousins? Yeah, Hisui was in TROUBLE and you wouldn’t want me to just  ignore a family member in danger would you? But don’t like, call Uncle Miroku to fact check that. He uhh ... doesn’t know about it. It’s a SECRET. Cousins secret.
Please please please. I love you, I’m sorry, you’re my favorite, I’ll buy you ramen for a week  PLEASE!” click.
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chxmpionofjustice · 3 years
                    when your future daughter is picking fights with half demons
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                    “i’m sorry about this... and people say I’m the immature one...”
                    but also
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                    “did you hit my daughter?!”
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mikogme · 3 years
        kagome sits 10 feet away from inuyasha,  her eyes focused on his ears.   just how good was his hearing,  anyway?      dogs could hear pretty good,  right ? 
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     “  ...   you stink   ...  ”       the tiniest whisper she could muster.
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universestreasures · 3 years
@gomiokamu​ Gets A Waddling Duck As Promised!!
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“Quack Quack...?” That’s bird speak for ‘Will you please help me find my pendent...?’. It’s something she says along with trying to convey her plea with her own physicality, pointing to the half-demon’s necklace and doing the motion of her putting on one after showing him a panicked expressing. She hopes he can sort of get it. Man, if only there was someone around here who could speak her language. That would make this so much easier.
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yasashihanyou · 3 years
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you act, you move. you laugh and you conduct light with your bare hands and you are so, so sweet. honey comes from smoke, and so do you. your jaw clicks in and out of place when you smile, and you are a prop for other people's lives. you don't blame them. you don't think you know how.
TAGGED BY: @senpujin​
TAGGING: @archeracrosstime​ // @chxmpionofjustice​ // @kururugi-shine​ // @kychma​ // @gomiokamu​ // @mikogme​ // @thecursedpriestess​ // @btchfits​ // @hiraiktsu​
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ka-go-me · 3 years
gomiokamu asked: "ya ain't really goin' home again, are ya???" huffing & puffing, as usual!
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                                                                                                      『 @gomiokamu​ 』
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「巫女」::She looked around toward the hanyou. He was frequently doing this to her, she had to wonder if it was going to happen every time she went back to the modern era. But rather then race toward the well and sit him eight times-she pursed her lips a little and turned toward him.::
                                ��                                                                               “I was, yea. My education is important you know. I already sucked at math, and being here all the time is making it worse-and I’m falling behind in my other classes...And I spend most of my time here already. I usually only go back for 3 days at a shot....So I usually choose here and you over it anyway. 
                                                                                                                 “SO unless you can think of one REALLY good ironclad reason to make me stay--”
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                 ::She canted her head now and smiled at him, awaiting his response to that!::
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allurante · 3 years
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     ‘ i can assure you, i’ve no idea what an oni is. ‘ so therefore she can’t possibly be one... right? / @gomiokamu​ sc. 
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absolutionlacuna · 3 years
what’s your character arc?
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disillusionment arc
it's hard to imagine yourself when you were young. maybe you were meant to be a hero; maybe you could have been, in another world, but this world only made you sad. there seemed to be too many problems to fix and too much cruelty and too many hard lines that you did not know how to soften. the world turns and it is bloody and hard and you sit on your bed, thinking about the blood and the hardness and all you failed to do. i know it feels like you could sleep until the end of time, but i hope you don't. i hope you lift yourself out of bed one day, not to save the world, but to peel an orange and to walk in a forest; to find all the softness you could not create.
tagged by: yoinked it!
tagging: @kyudome​ // @chxmpionofjustice​ // @kururugi-shine​ // @archeracrosstime​ // @kychma​ // @thecursedpriestess​ // @mikogme​ // @gomiokamu​
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hiraiktsu · 3 years
the half demon was trailing after the demon slayer like some lost little puppy — arms tucked into long sleeves & curiously getting the better of him. “sango. ain’t no reason for ya to go alone. ‘tween us — we can have that pesky demon outta there in no time!”
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all this togetherness still reigns as a foreign emotion for sango. to be traveling with these people, who se calls friends for so long. yet not fully adjusting to their group antics, internally. from the lost and growth they have. hearing inuyasha’s voice chime ( not that she is very surprised, he’s always hanging around trees ) will always be amusing.
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“ sango. ain’t no reason for ya to go alone. ” ━ it’s true, and the evidence is in her quiet movements. sneaking off into a battle, not knowing if it could be her last. she stopped arguing many travels ago. but still: why not go alone ?                                                                   ❝ alright, let’s do this. ❞ together.
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shinidogawa · 3 years
¥ ( it had to be done )
Muse Rating Meme | Accepted!
Looks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 (shinichi thinks he looks so adorable with his ears)
Personality: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 (he doesn't know him well enough to judge)
Attraction: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Would they date them: yes | no
Favorite thing about them: His ears and voice
Least favorite thing about them: please learn how to use a vending machine this is the second time he's so concerned for you, inu.
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