#「sora.」“everyones hope for happiness; blue sky.”
yasashihanyou · 5 months
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these'll be shorter b/c i'm still trying to get my footing w/ writing sora again kdfjalfdsd 💛
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limitlessgojo · 3 years
Blood Bound: Red Strings of Fate (Ch 13)
Warnings: Action, Coarse Language, Fighting, Descriptions of Blood
Previous Chapter: Goldenrod
Next Chapter: The More You Know
Next SFW Chapter: Big White Lies
Tags: Soulmates AU, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Fem!Reader
Taglist: @lessie-oxj @rizzo-nero @whoreuc @fkngkumiko @isl3t @gojoussunglasses @onepotatostand-blog @s-t-f-u-b-i-t-c-h @sunaswife @lordguameow @track5enthusiast
Notes: If you want to be tagged for every update, specify if you're okay with nsfw posts or not, and please mention it in the comments below ty ❤
Chapter 13: Home Sweet Home
That weekend you went back home. It was so refreshing to see everyone. You yelped out with joy as you ran over to your cousin “Hiroki niichaaaan~” You jumped into his arms.
He hugged you tight. “How have you been doin lil sis?”
“Very good! I missed you all so much, especially you Hiroki nii." You pouted up at him.
You caught up with your family, had meals with them, and trained with Hiroki. They were most curious about your soulmate, as you have expected.
“What’s he like? Aren’t people from the big 3 clans so stuck up all the time? Even Satoru is full of himself at times, ey?”, Hiroki asked you with a mouthful of food.
“He isn’t too bad to be honest. He’s a gentleman and sweet with me. Decent man. Just, seems a bit like the private type? I mean… Doesn’t talk much about his family even though we are soulmates. Oh I’ve already talked to him about you guys.” You added.
Hiroki tilted his head, “Ehhh… mysterious huh.”
“Give him time. The Kamo Clan aren’t the most open minded people. They’ll feel you out before allowing you in.” Your dad said.
“Even though I’m his soulmate?!” You exclaimed.
Silence. “We don’t know what they’re thinking so we can’t say for sure.”
“Heh, you’ve gotten better lil sis,” Hiroki dropped low and thrusted out his spear. You jumped and immediately shifted your stance to land a kick on him. He easily parried and slipped out of your range.
Your family specializes in dealing with reverse cursed techniques aside from the occasional esper. Hiroki was only a semi-grade 1, because he trained his ass off for years.
Now that he’s built, he uses cursed tools to help him fight. A strong 185cm man can definitely handle close combat well. And in terms of healing abilities, he was number 1 in the clan.
It was only the women in your family that were able to inherit psychokinesis for some reason. But usually it only applies to a specific thing. Like how your mom can control plants. And your other aunt does with small metallic items like coins and darts.
Mother approached you after your sparring session. "Does he make you happy my dear?" Your mother asked you. Hiroki drank quietly from his water bottle.
You thought about it. The past few months were not easy but really colorful with Noritoshi. Minus the nagging feeling of him covering up his family affairs from you.
But… "He does. I feel so safe with him ma. Like I do with all of you. He is family to me now. I think I really like him and I trust him with my life." You whispered out.
"Then next time, bring him here. We will gladly welcome him with open arms." Hiroki smiled at you and leaned into your side.
You went to visit your dead older sister’s grave just before you went back to Kyoto Jujutsu High School.
It was just you and Hiroki. You both cleaned the grave, trimmed the weeds, changed the flowers, burned fresh incense, and said your prayers for Sora. It was such a clear day with barely any clouds. The sky was so blue.
Just like her namesake.
Hiroki left you to give you some privacy, saying that he’ll pick you up in 2 hours.
You took a deep breath. “Sora neechan. It’s been a while. Sorry I couldn’t come to see you as often, because I’m currently a student at Jujutsu High.”
“I met this guy. He … So he is my soulmate. The first time I met him, I thought he was pretty. As I got to know him more, I felt as if there was a reason as to why the heavens chose him for me you know? He is really cool, but so warm and sweet with me. I think I’m a little bit in love with him.” You admitted.
“I’m really scared to lose him. After I lost you, I just… it was hard… I try my best to be cheerful and helpful really. But it gets tiring at times. I’m glad I was able to make a lot of friends who understand the life of a Jujutsu sorcerer at least. I tried to open up to Noritoshi a bit more. But it’s hard because he seems so closed off at times.”
You had mixed feelings, because you promised Noritoshi you would trust him more. That means working on anything that bothers you regarding your relationship with him. But can he accept it if you tell him that you want to know more about his family? He already clearly stated he needs more time.
“Am I being too greedy and hasty Sora? I want to support his clan affairs, even if it's just a tiny bit as his soulmate. He seems so troubled with it all the time. Like he wants to carry the burden all alone. I want to help, but he doesn’t really let me. I don’t know. I wish you were still here with me.”
“Last time I asked him about his parents, he snapped at me. Of course he apologized. … Maybe it’s all just in my head. But I do want to meet his family. Eventually. Though at this rate I have no idea when. Everytime I ask about them he just shuts up.”
“Falling in love is way too hard….”
The wind blew as if to agree with you. The leaves rusted in a circular dance just around the grave. You smiled.
You bid farewell to your family after the weekend. Hiroki hugged you tight and whispered, “I hope it gets better for you and Kamo kun soon enough.”
You looked up at him, “Yeah, thanks bro.”
You texted Noritoshi and let him know that you were on your way back. He said he was free for the evening and that you could come over to his room.
You knocked on his door with anticipation. You opened the door, “I'm back, Toshi!” He pulled you into a tight hug and closed the door behind you. “I missed you. Come in. How was your family? Sorry I couldn’t go with you again.”
“It’s fine! They’re all okay and excited to meet you next time.” You looked up at him. He looked a bit regretful, “Next time I’ll make sure to properly clear my schedule with my father so I can go meet them okay?”
“Ah, okay.” You both walked over to his table and knelt down on the floor.
“I’ve been wanting to tell you this for a while,” you started. Noritoshi looked on intently. “I’ve already told you about my family right? Mom and dad and my other male cousins. Ah, what I didn’t tell you before was… I used to have an older sister. I - uhm. Well she died after being attacked by a curse. I … I hope to bring you to her grave one day.”
Noritoshi’s heart dropped. He pulled you in close. “I’m so sorry to hear that. I’m sure she is proud of you. Of course I’ll go with you to see her next time.” He was now highly regretting choosing to do some useless tasks for some of his clan’s elders instead of spending the weekend with you.
You gripped his clothes tighter. “Thank you, that really really means a lot to me.” You started tearing up, but you blinked your tears away.
"Oh! My family and I have gifts for you. I'm not so sure if you'll like it. It's a Coral and gold bracelet. Everyone in my family has one. It's almost like tradition for us, and we believe it to have a layer of protection. I also brought Jade here for you." You presented the bracelet alongside the Dragon carved Jade Pendant hanging on a thick white gold chain.
Noritoshi's eyes widened. The jewelry was stunning and looked expensive. He may have been favoured as the heir to the Kamo clan, but even he didn't own so much expensive jewelry.
He sputtered out “I appreciate it but I can’t take something so expensive and precious-”
“Noritoshiiii,” you whined out loud, making him stop talking. “You don’t want to accept such a precious gift that I picked out for you?” you whined with the largest puppy eyes.
“No, I- I am grateful. Thank you, I’ll accept it.” Noritoshi conceded.
Got him. You grinned madly as he shook his head. “You’re a dangerous one,” he muttered under his breath. “What was that?” you asked him absentmindedly as you worked on unclasping the bracelet to put it around his wrist. “Nothing, nothing at all dearest.”
You narrowed your eyes at him before grabbing his wrist and putting it on for him. It was a perfect fit. You thanked yourself for loving to hold his hand so much that you knew his general hand measurements.
His hands down to his wrists were so pretty. You didn't realize that you were playing with and smiling down at his fingers until he opened up his hand and linked his fingers with yours.
Slowly, carefully. Falling in love with you was the easiest thing Noritoshi had experienced. Now that he had embraced his emotions and tried to open up to you, it was a bit better now.
'Is this what love is? I don't know since it's my first time experiencing it.' Noritoshi wondered to himself.
It was in the smallest of things with you. He loved the way you would call out his name with loving eyes. The way you would always greet him first before the other senpai. The way you give him coffee and kisses on late and cold nights of studying.
The way your hair smells. Your perfume. The way your eyelids flutter shut when he kisses you. The tightening of his chest and shortness of his breath made apparent whenever he was with you.
The way you don't ask for too much from him. Just that he shows his love to you either by his actions or words. The comfort he simply feels when he is beside you.
He really just needed some time, and seeing you around more often really made up for it.
He ticked the inside of your palm which made you shiver and yelp. He laughed out loud at this and pulled you into his lap, hugging you tightly.
Staying quiet, you buried your head in his chest. You could feel his heartbeat, and it was faster than you expected. But soon it went back down to a steady rate.
"Your heartbeat is so steady, but mine is always wild around you. Noritoshi I feel kinda embarrassed to be honest." You admitted, fingers curling into his kimono.
He smiled and his heartbeat quickened to match yours. You looked up at him in confusion. "Did you just…" He just leaned down to rub his nose against yours. "I am a blood manipulator. I can manipulate my pulse rate darling." You huffed out a laugh, feeling warm and fuzzy.
"I love you." You said suddenly. He stared in shock at your words. You realized that you said it without intending to. But you didn’t take it back.
"Kamo Noritoshi I'm madly in love with you." It wasn't a sudden realisation of being in love. You slowly fell for him again and again each day.
Noritoshi’s brain short circuited.
Suddenly he was kissing you. Tongue slipping into your mouth and playing with yours and rubbing along the roof of your mouth.
You tried to fight his tongue for dominance, but you ended up surrendering, your back bent back with your face turned up towards him.
You clasped your hands around his neck as he pressed deep kisses against the top of your chest. Your face was flushed as you fell limp against him, gasping out heavy breaths. "I'm not going anywhere angel." Noritoshi whispered against your neck, hands tightening possessively against your waist.
‘Please wait a little longer for me. Until I can confirm that these feelings for you are indeed true love.’ His thoughts went unsaid.
The one thing Noritoshi promised to himself is that he would never lie about his feelings for you. To him, the worst he could do was to confess his love without actually being in love with you.
Blood Bound: Table of Contents
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phoenix-downer · 3 years
Spring Birthday
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After Sora’s return, Naminé’s friends celebrate her birthday with her. While her early days were lonely, her life is very different now, and she treasures each new memory with the people dear to her heart.
~1650 words. Post-Kingdom Hearts III and Melody of Memory. Gen, Friendship, Fluff. Naminé POV. Written for @naminezine​, and the banner art is by the lovely @somniumars​.
“Naminé, when is your birthday?” Kairi asked over breakfast one day, scones with jam and clotted cream, served with a hot cup of tea for both of them. They liked to visit this cafe together at least once a month. It had outdoor seating, and the weather was finally warm enough again for them to sit outside with light jackets. 
Naminé stopped buttering her scone for a moment and frowned. It was a simple enough question, and yet she found herself unsure of what to say. 
“Well, I suppose it was the day Sora released his heart to save you,” she said at last. “But as glad as I am to be alive, it feels strange to celebrate that day, considering what happened.” 
“I understand,” Kairi said softly. “Are there any other days you can think of?”
Naminé paused once more and thought as Kairi sipped some more of her tea. The only other day she could really think of was… 
“The day of my rebirth. It was spring on Radiant Garden. The sun was shining, the flowers were blooming, and the weather was perfect.” She sighed happily at the memory. “I’ll never forget what it felt like to walk outside for the first time in a body of my own.”
“Then why don’t we make that your birthday? I know we technically missed it last year, when we were all searching for Sora, but it’s coming up here soon.” 
“Sure, that sounds nice.” Naminé put one more cube of sugar in her tea to get it to just the right sweetness, then added a little more cream and stirred. “I’ve never really thought about having a birthday of my own before.”
“Well, you deserve to have one,” Kairi said with a determined glint in her eye. “You’re your own person. Always have been, always will be.”
The two girls chatted some more as they finished their breakfast, and the subject soon slipped away from Naminé’s mind. It wasn’t until she and Xion were gathering shells together on Destiny Islands a few days later when the topic of birthdays came up again.
“See,” Xion said as she picked up a thalassa shell, “I like these ones the most, with the pink centers and yellow edges.” 
“I like them too. Yellow’s one of my favorite colors.”
Yellow was the color of the sun. A hopeful color for a girl that had begun her life in a cage, longing to see the outdoors for herself. For that reason alone it was precious to her. 
“You like blue too, right?” Xion said. She placed another thalassa shell in Naminé’s palm, this one with a blue center and yellow edges.
Naminé nodded. “Yes. Blue is the color of the sky… of the waves… all the things I longed to see when I was imprisoned in Castle Oblivion.” 
“It suits you, and so does yellow,” Xion said with a smile. “Born from the waves, and reborn during the spring.” 
“Xion, when is your birthday?” Naminé suddenly asked. She realized she hadn’t really gotten to celebrate it with her before. 
“Oh, my birthday? I figured it should be during the fall. I don’t know why, but I’ve always been drawn to falling leaves, the seasons changing, that kind of thing.” She smiled ruefully. “I suppose because I felt like my time was limited, just like those leaves. Kairi actually asked me about it recently, I think because she wants to—”  
Her eyes went wide, then she coughed and craned her neck. “Look, I see some more shells over there!”
Naminé found Xion’s startled reaction rather curious, but she didn’t press her friend. It was just nice to spend time together sharing a hobby they both enjoyed. For a girl who had started life with no friends of her own, Naminé was lucky to have so many now. 
The next time she met with her friends, it was for a picnic on Rapunzel’s world, in a clearing in the woods near a small pool. The weather was perfect, sunny with a breeze blowing dandelions and flower petals through the air, and she and Sora and Rapunzel were all cloud gazing after a delicious lunch of sandwiches and cookies and lemonade. 
“See that one right there?” Rapunzel said, pointing up at the sky. “It looks like Maximus.” 
“It sure does!” Sora put his hand behind his neck and grinned. “The sky’s full of all sorts of interesting clouds today.” 
“I wish I had my sketchbook with me,” Naminé said with a sigh. “I’d love to draw all of them.” 
“Take a picture with your Gummiphone then,” Sora suggested. “You can always draw it later based off of that.” 
“I’d like to, but I’ve run out of room in my sketchbook. I could really use some new pencils, too.”
Sora and Rapunzel exchanged glances, and Sora grinned.
“Naminé, you should come to the castle,” Rapunzel said. “I’d love to show you some of my art supplies. Have you ever tried painting before?”
Naminé shook her head. “No, I haven’t, but I’d love to. Thank you for the invitation.”
“What are we waiting for? Let’s go now!” Sora sat up and sprang to his feet. 
The three of them spent the rest of the afternoon trying out Rapunzel’s art supplies. Well, more like Rapunzel showed Naminé her things and let her try them out while Sora kept typing away at his Gummiphone. Naminé giggled at how he still typed with one finger, like a bird pecking at grains of rice. 
“There we go,” he said all of a sudden, then put his phone in his pocket. “What’d I miss?”
Naminé and Rapunzel both giggled and showed him what they’d made: a painting to hang on the walls of Naminé’s room in Twilight Town. It was of the beautiful woods where they’d had the picnic with dandelions flower petals floating through the air. As soon as she got home, she put it up and gave it a satisfied nod.
The days flew by until at last it was the anniversary of her rebirth. There was a knock on the door late in the afternoon, and when she went to get it, she was surprised to see Riku and Roxas waiting there for her.
“Hey Naminé,” Roxas greeted with a grin. His eyes were playful, like he had a big secret he couldn’t wait to share.
“Come with us, there’s something we’d like to show you,” Riku added, and she ducked back inside to grab a few things before following them through the woods and to the Old Mansion. 
“Why are we here?” she asked. 
“You’ll see,” was all Roxas and Riku said, and she followed them inside. She was shocked by how nice the entrance looked, like someone had been in here and cleaned things up—
She gasped as she entered the foyer. A huge banner hanging from the stairs read Happy Birthday Naminé, and all her friends were gathered around a large table in the center of the room. The evening light shone through the window behind them, pink and purple and blue, another gorgeous twilight on this world she called home now. 
“Happy Birthday Naminé!” her friends all cheered, and she couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face. So this was what they had been plotting and planning all this time. Roxas grinned and grabbed a camera to take a few shots, and Sora and Riku had some of those confetti poppers that they popped with loud crackling noises.  
The seashell decorations were yellow and the star candles were blue on the cake Xion held. Axel lit the candles, and they cast flickering lights and shadows over everyone’s faces.
Kairi leaned close and murmured, “Make a wish, but keep it secret.”
“A secret?” Naminé asked, tilting her head.
“It won’t come true if you tell us,” Ven explained, and Terra nodded. 
As Naminé looked at the faces of her friends, what she should wish for became clear. She knew, deep in her heart, what she wanted more than anything.
With that, she blew out the candles, and everyone cheered loudly. Aqua swept the cake out of Xion’s hands so she could cut it properly, and then everyone sat around the table. The cake was delicious, vanilla and lemon, and after everyone was done eating, it was time for Naminé to open her presents. 
“Here!” Sora said, his eyes shining as he handed her the first one. “It’s from all of us.”
Naminé’s hands shook as she removed the wrapping paper. She wasn’t used to getting gifts, and it took her some time to free the box. But once she did, she couldn’t have stopped the smile on her face even if she’d wanted to.
“They’re like the paints Rapunzel has! And in all the colors I like too.” She hugged the box to her chest. “Oh, thank you so much everyone, I can’t wait to use these.” 
When she was finished unwrapping the rest of her presents, more art supplies and nice jewelry and cute clothes, she thanked her friends for making this such a wonderful birthday night. But there was one last thing that would make it truly perfect.
“If you wouldn’t mind,” Naminé said, “let’s make a painting together. So we have something to help us remember tonight.”
Naminé loved drawing on her own, but drawing with her friends was truly wonderful. Everyone brought their own unique spark to the table. And when the painting was finished, it was one huge flowing mosaic of color and life and creativity. Sure, it wasn’t a masterpiece, but it was something truly unique that only they could have made. And that was why it was a work of art. Not because it was perfect or technically skilled, but because it had their hearts poured into it.
Naminé couldn’t have asked for a better way to commemorate her birthday.  
A/N: Thank you so much to the mods for making this project possible and for being so caring and supportive! And thank you to the other contributors, this zine was such a joy and I enjoyed talking to you all. A big thank you too to Somnium for drawing the banner! I really enjoyed working with you!
And thank you for reading!
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bansept · 3 years
Ichihime Week | Day 6: Scars
Alright, this is just a little idea that I got and, since it holds an important place in my heart, wanted to write it.
It is short, and I'm not expecting everyone to like or agree with me on this one, because it's the way I see Orihime and one of her character development.
I didn't want to put it for Ihweek but honestly? Scars are scars because you get hurt to obtain them. Some heal, some are still triggering. It fits the theme, but I must put a Trigger Warning for reminding what Orihime went through.
She laid on the small white towel, carefully laid out underneath her, and stared up at the sky.
A few clouds, maybe some birds here and there, chasing after the other. A tree, a few meters away, shaking with the wind, its leaves rustling with a comforting sound.
A fine day. The promise of a bright and calm future, as long as the sky remained blue, as long as the birds kept singing.
As long as Ichigo's head remained near hers, his eyes closed as he slept peacefully.
Orihime smiled softly, stopping her hand from tracing the contours of his face, knowing he would be awakened.
Yet, she sighed.
She was a broken person, but as the years went by, she learned to hide it under the mask of her smile. Narrowed eyes, corners of her mouth turned upwards, changing the subject to one of her dreams, the fantasy of her world enough to make the other people drop the subject.
She was broken from the start : never understanding what did she ever do wrong, what lead the people she could only call her parents to hate her existence. What forced her to fly away from them with her barely legally adult brother. She was broken because, even with her brother showering her with love, care and patience, she would always ask herself those questions.
She was broken after the start, when the only silver lighting in her life was brutally shut down. Her one and only hope for the future, the reason to smile and keep going was cruelly taken away from her young arms. After Sora's death... She created this mask of happiness, of goofiness. That way, no one could be worried about her. No one would ask questions, and the pain would never inflate.
She was broken. She had to say goodbye after finally knowing the past didn't define her. She had to run away to keep the others safe. To keep Tatuski, Chad, Uryu and so many more alive and well.
To keep Ichigo safe.
She was shattered, over, and over, and over again. the beatings, the degradations. The two faces of her most active abusers contorted in vicious ecstasy as their fists and feet flew to her body. Their remarks bruising her resolve.
She was destroyed when Ichigo's chest was obliterated.
He stirred next to her, his thumb brushing over her hand laid out next to him.
Orihime kept gazing at the sky, wondering how.
How, in such few words, such few manners, with such simplicity he fixed her. How that beaming hole of pain in her weak heart healed itself over a few average actions.
Because as much as she was in love with Ichigo, as amazing and out of this word as it was for him to love her back, those average things, like holding hands, or talking about how the day went... It was oddly enough to appease the hurt, the silent glacial flame of brokenness.
She knew, in her heart and her mind, that he had scars too. In such a cruel world, how could he not? Battle scars from blades, fangs and claws she healed with infinite care, and others she couldn't perceive yet. His mother's death, his inability to protect everyone he cared about, each moment he had to fight his inner hollow. Perhaps even much more.
The clouds stared back at her, small and enormous funny shapes playing in the bright blue sky, almost encouraging her to stop thinking of the past, and concentrate on the future. The future that delicately held her hand.
Orihime didn't wish to forget. Sending all those memories in the back of her head to think about later was not the best thing to do, not when she wanted to grow out of them. But at the same time, all those people she had met, from Tatsuki, her dearest friend Tatsuki to the mysterious and regretted Head Captain Yamamoto... Those people and more, they wore their scars openly, with pride, because they had learned to live with the memories of more precarious times.
She gently picked his hand up and brought it to her chest, right under her breasts, and closed her eyes, a little tear falling graciously on her cheek.
She was scarred. Used to be broken. Somehow, with incredible care and love, this young man next to her, watching over her, would heal her scars.
He would heal his too, with a lot of time.
But it was fine.
Day 6...
I wrote this based on the cover of 'Fix You' BTS did, a few months back. At first, it was just a little thing, not much behind it. But as the days got by, I didn't have the heart to finish it. Until the IH Week arrived with the "scars" prompt, and well well well, see what I got in my drafts right now!
It's sad and depicts how I think Orihime is like on the inside. Poor baby has been through so much... And before she can totally be happy, the hurt from the past must heal. And that stuff takes time. The same goes for Ichigo, and I honestly believe the best character for him to heal those injuries with is Orihime.
I hope it still was nice enough to read, and maybe reflect on. See you on the last day tomorrow!
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
Headcanons about the foundation squad reacting to being infected with an Scp that makes others see their memories?
Memories That Should Have Stayed Hidden
[Including: Quill, Sora, Icarus, Grace and Tjme. Respectively, @lynxlycan, @hereggssuitcasefish, @celestialissues, @nursegracecreates/@thegracelessfaceless]
[Warnings: It's,,,, a little angsty?]
[AN: Told from the view point of an intro level researcher/the Reader]
Don't you just hate when things go wrong?
Dr. Quill
You've only ever heard whispers of a young site director, a prodigy. She rose through the ranks faster than almost everyone in the history of the Foundation, and the way her thoughts swirl around in your head is like a tornado, raging faster, destroying cities in its wake. She's asleep now, that's what the on site doctors are saying. No one knew [DATA EXPUNGED] effects were that bad, that strong, that dangerous. You stood beside her when it first began to swirl, and watched as it pulled her into its vortex. When she was spit back out, she was asleep. And now, you hear her thoughts, or rather, the echoes of things that happened. Flashes dance in your skull as you wait for her to wake up. She's scared, deep down inside, she's so, so scared. But it didn't start out that way. When she was younger, she was happy, unaware of shadow organizations and the societies that really made the world go round. It's hard to be good for your age, she's reacting almost violently to that thought. 16 and she was far above others. Site director of 18, the one who's always running. You can see in your mind's eye how she was brought to the position, and how some part of her is still worried she won't live up to something as prestigious. It's a glorified storage unit, really, but the benefits she's been given are scary. They're intimidating. She's only 23. You can hear her laughing, feel tears run down your own cheeks, and the chill of her realizing she's more vulnerable than she's ever been. You can see that she's a charismatic, bright young woman when she's not held to expectations she never asked for. You can see she love her work for the Pony Express. She's passionate, and talented, but she doubts herself. Her eyes are yours as she shows you how she looked into the mirror and scrutinized herself. You sigh and close her out from your own head, and hope she wakes up soon. You want to tell her just how important she is to you, and what whatever expectations were set before her have well been exceeded.
Dr. Sora
Static. You've been hearing static for the past hour or so. When [DATA EXPUNGED] was brought out for regular testing and Dr. Sora came into contact with it, you had no idea it would pull them in so drastically. They're not conscious right now, and the site doctors aren't sure when they'll wake up. You're begging Sora to stop sending static at you. You know it's them sending it, who else could it be? The images that crackle around your head like electricity sending fires roaring to the sky crawl down your back all over your body. You're practically begging them to stop, to let those thoughts go, or to let you in. With the last realization comes a part of Dr. Sora you've never seen before. You're seeing their memories from the eye level of a child, and goodness are they on edge. They're never at ease, and you can feel and see this as they grow older and older. You see them fall in love. You see them hiding their love, but due to its strength, the radiance and the happiness they felt towards each other, it's light slipped through the cracks. You can hear the mocking, the jeers, and feel every ounce of pain Sora protected Avasha from. You watch them fall apart, not because they wanted to, but because of the society they lived in. Your breathing times in with Sora's overwhelming static as they get angrier and angrier, and like a burst of energy, all that rage and pure hatred for beings that barely deserve to be called human, it explodes. Chaos envelops their form, lightning, blue smoke, and it levels a section of the forest. You feel the high fading, but their anger continues to crackle. It's not the first time they level forests, and it won't be the last time. Sora has grown to love more than what's good for them. They care oh so deeply. When you reopen your eyes, Dr. Sora is looking back at you. A lifetime of memories have just exploded in your skull. Dr. Sora apologizes, and you ask what for.
Agent Icarus
Working with an agent like Icarus has always been something special, and they've always been good to you. So, when she reached out to touch [DATA EXPUNGED] while under it's influence, you panicked. And now, they're asleep. Icarus looks peaceful for someone who has what sounds like a literal battle inside of her head. You can hear and see things that are beyond your comprehension as you rest near their side, hands folded on your lap in the chair as they continue to project their thoughts to you. They're memories of a place Icarus doesn't seem to know at all. Her wings are folded around her body like a protective blanket, shielding them from the world. They didn't belong to her originally, she wasn't made with them. This isn't the first time that Icarus has messed with a skip that proved to change their life. 2200, being the one that gifted them these gorgeous wings. But, the memories associated with becoming an angel aren't easy. And you don't think Icarus consciously knows that - in fact, you're certain her subconscious is letting you in because someone other than Icarus needs to know. You can't actually perceive heaven, and you're not sure that's because you aren't dead or because it's too divine. There's a war, and Lucifer is by Icarus' side. The clashing of blades, ichor falling from the heavens to the earth like drops of rain blessing the soil in gold, feathers pulled and called angel kisses on the faces of humans they flutter down to. Divine voices are laden with pain. You can feel Icarus' heart stop when the Ophanim stare down at her with their many eyes, fires burning brighter than the sun, singeing their wings, burning them. You hear the screams of Lucifer, his light dimming as he watches her. You can see a light that rivals the north star falling to the earth, watch as it binds to a blade soaked in that same ichor. And you watch as Icarus first lays her hands on it. A sigh escapes your lips. You ask her to give you a break. She gifts you the songs of the seraphim.
Dr. Tjme
You were shadowing her, learning how to deal with a particularly difficult SCP when they touched her. It was a quick forearm grab, and Tjme was asleep. You held your breath as you pushed it off of her, before allowing security to do what they had to do. You're standing on the dock leading to the ocean right now. They tried moving Tjme to the med bay, but her tail manifested and kept slamming into the people trying to help her. They put her back in the water and she calmed down. A memory eater, that's what you learned what that thing was. After you touched it, you gained a portion of it's powers, and now, you can hear and see her memories. The moon is high in the sky in a deep southern Chinese fishing village. A merwoman rises from the sea, exhaustion in her eyes as she holds a wriggling baby. She must not have used her legs for a while as she stumbles. She looks panicked, scared. Her legs are covered in open wounds. She leaves her baby in one of the stalls, prays to a goddess you don't know the name of, before slinking back to the water. She stays until the first morning light comes. You watch the baby get passed to police before eventually landing in the hands of Americans. You can feel the joy she has discovering her tail at 13. And shortly after, how she heads to the sea for the first time since her birth. The ocean, it doesn't love her, not at first. The ancient mer see a child raised on land and turn away. A home she's never known refuses to welcome her. You feel her pain. You feel her anger. You can see the summers she suppressed her nature in response, and how it took almost dying for the ocean to accept her. When you reopen your eyes, you see the eyes of mer out in the distance. You scooch a little closer to Tjme from where you sit on the dock, and they dip below the waves. You hear kulnings in the distance, the chirps of belugas. They view you as a threat, but you smile regardless, listening as their songs grow to warnings and threats. You reach out to touch her. There are now shark fins circling the dock. You do not move any closer.
Nurse Grace
Grace shouldn't have been under the influence of [DATA EXPUNGED] to begin with. She's only ever been on location a handful of times in her relatively new career in the foundation, and it's lucky number five that hurt her. She's resting now. Her husband Sal is asleep at her side, and you're allowed to stay due to the anomalous tie you have with her at the moment. You can hear her laughter, and you assume it's from when she first met Sal. She seems happy, in your mind's eye. The things she shows you are peaceful, sweet, a love story. It's classic. You can feel her heart race faster and faster as Sal leans in to kiss her. You can see the way that Sal looks at her with such deep love and admiration. If you've ever needed proof of soulmates, you strongly believe their love is the only proof you'd ever need to know it exists. And then, it shifts. You see the darker parts, the things that hurt, the things you know she's afraid of happening to Sal. The love she has for this man could rival the being that filled the seas and painted the stars. You see mentions of a cult, and then that whole arc come to fruition. You feel her anguish when Sal was executed, and her relief at him returning. You feel her rage shake the earth when the Foundation takes him into custody. You see Sal squeeze her hand when she negotiates she never leaves his side. You can hear him whisper how much he loves her. You don't like how the Foundation has tried to hard to keep them apart, and you're certain your anger and frustration is leaking into her memories. You can see every key moment in her life and how it's contributed to the woman she is today. Strong, confident, a protector of her husband. Someone who deserves the world and more. You feel like you should have protected her better, let you be the one lost in a dream. But, when you reopen your eyes, you can see her smile, almost as if she's telling you her protection spans to you as well.
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Rokunami Week 2021 Day 3: Shaved Ice / Watermelon
Hello everyone! @rokunamiweek
Today’s fanfic is delicious! I researched Japanese shaved ice for this one. I hope its alright.
On an ungodly hot day like this, Namine didn't feel like eating much. She questioned how Axel, Sora, and Riku could pack corn dogs, fried noodles, and chicken.
It made Namine have even less of an appetite than she already had. She just sat at the table and meagerly ate the slices of watermelon in front of her. It was healthy and easy on the stomach.
Just then, Roxas placed his hand on her shoulder.
"You ok, Namine?" He gave his usual protective and concerned boyfriend look.
Namine managed to smile before eating another chunk of watermelon. "Yes, it's just really hot today."
Roxas was eating his curry rice a bit slow too. He pushed his plate to the side and smiled at Namine.
"Want to get ice cream, Nami?"
Namine knew she shouldn't just eat ice cream all day, but it sounded so much more appetizing than greasy sizzle food. Besides, she nearly ate over half a watermelon out of laziness. She took Roxas' hand, and the two of them walked through the market together.
It was still sweltering out, and Namine was starting to feel dizzy again.
“Almost there Namine!” Roxas said.
Namine let out a soft groan, and Roxas turned to her in alert. Roxas promptly wrapped his arm around her so she wouldn't fall, and the two of them walked carefully. Before Namine knew it, she was finally inside the cool ice cream shop where she heard the sounds of excited children and ice being shaved.
Namine lifted her head up and finally smiled, feeling a bit more of an appetite in a room like a winter paradise in the harsh summer weather. Roxas smiled at her and took her hand, eager for sea salt ice cream.
Namine sighed in relief when it was finally their turn after watching all the families and children make their orders. The friendly cashier asked them what they were hungry for.
Namine knew Roxas was thinking of ice cream, but she saw the shaved ice with fruit and cream and had the biggest urge to eat something akin to snow after being in the sweltering heat all day.
Pink watermelon shaved ice sprinkled with chocolate chips, and Roxas got a usual sea salt ice cream.
When they sat down, Namine eagerly dug her spoon into the pretty pink ice. She made multiple pleased noises tasting sweet cream and watermelon while tasting a bit of chocolate. The ice itself was the exact texture of snow she would stick her hands into during winter. The shaved ice and the restaurant they ate at were both cold, but Namine didn't mind since she found relief.
Roxas was happy as well, but his teeth chattered slightly as he took small bites from his favorite ice cream bar. He was a bit envious of Namine's sweet treat.
Namine finished her frozen treat while Roxas was struggling to eat the rest of his popsicle. The blonde-haired girl eagerly got up to get more shaved ice, and Roxas was stunned. Namine admitted it was embarrassing as she finally found her appetite again after only eating fruit all day.
"Wait, Namine, I would like some shaved ice too!" Roxas said as he ran to his girlfriend's side.
"Really?" Namine said. Smiling at her boyfriend.
Roxas held up his half-finished popsicle. "It's easier to eat than this."
Namine took Roxas' unfinished popsicle and started to eat the rest. Roxas was initially stunned, but then he smiled down at his girlfriend and patted the top of her blonde hair. Namine giggled, and Roxas was relieved that Namine seemed to be much better now.
They sat down again after ordering some shaved ice with sea salt syrup. The shaved ice glittered with mint green syrup, and Roxas was eager to eat.
Roxas ate a big spoonful and gave a refreshed sigh. Swirling the soft shaved ice on his tongue and breathing out cold air.
"This is awesome!" He rejoiced.
Namine giggled at her boyfriend. "It is!" She ate another spoonful of the salty ice.
Roxas and Namine walked out of the ice cream shop feeling refreshed. The warm summer weather now helped with the brain freeze. And they needed to leave before eating their entire weight in shaved ice.
Namine took a moment to stretch her arms to the sky. "I feel better now." Then she took a moment to rub her tiny belly. "But I think I need to eat some proper lunch." She said in slight embarrassment.
Roxas shrugged and smiled at her. "I understand Namine, I could use some watermelon after eating junk food all day."
Namine's blue eyes lit up, and she took her boyfriend's hand, eager to get back to Axel, Sora, and Roxas. "Let's go!" She cried.
Now Namine had the energy to take Roxas around the beach.
Author’s Note: Summer mood! Sometimes summer days get so hot that all I feel like is eating fruit.
That was fun to write. Thanks for reading!
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After the Game, Fret somewhat didn't like when someone other than canon had red hair and wore purple. Canon compliant. Oneshot. Neo spoilers. KH DDD is canon to TWEWY in this fic. Though you shouldn’t at all have to really know KH to understand this fic.
For the most part… Fret got on pretty well after Kanon’s death.
It was tough, it really was, but he soldiered on by becoming the more authentic version of himself she had wanted him to be… hoping that that would be enough. And that if her soul did somehow exist somewhere, she might see that and be able to find some happiness there.
And Fret had the Twisters, of course—and Neku’s old friends Shiki, Eri, and Rhyme (who was also Beat’s sister, of course), who had really integrated themselves into the group. There was also sometimes the aloof Joshua—who helped Fret keep his head where it belonged.
That, and all the school work he had to do now, as thoughts about college and careers were coming up, and he needed to try and focus on that, lest he be forgotten.
So, for the most part, while Fret still of course mourned Kanon, he had moved on and was in pretty good spirits, considering.
…The only thing that really got him down, oddly… was seeing redheads like she had been also wearing purple. And at first, meeting the legendary Neku right after Fret had lost the girl of his dreams had somewhat been a thorn in Fret’s side, because he’d just looked at Neku’s hair and the color he so clearly favored and thought “Kanon.”
But, thankfully, those feelings hadn’t lasted. They’d had Shibuya to save, after all. And Neku more than proved why he was great to have on a team and why he was the greatest friend, and why Fret should try and let his ghosts go.
But then, Fret had met Shiki’s best friend “Eri”… who was totally cool, by the way, and a co-creator of Gatto Nero with Shiki, and Fret couldn’t even begin to tell you how much he admired her. Especially since she was so pretty and on point… but not conceded at all, and down to earth.
As fate would have it, however, she’d been wearing purple the moment Fret had met her at Shiki’s birthday party. So, they hadn’t started out well, even though it had of course gotten better, and Fret had almost come undone (as ridiculous as it was for him to still be so hung-up on Kanon, he knew).
Thankfully, Shiki had right away seen his shaking form by the punch table and had come and given him a hug, as she’d whispered sweet nothings into his ear. She had guessed accurately what Fret’s problem was, and held him—not even seeming to feel like he was ruining her party at all—while she rubbed his back soothingly. “It’s okay not to get over a loved one quickly, you know? I was certainly that way about Neku. And you have it so much harder than I did. No one will judge you for your emotions, Fret. And if you need to talk, we’re all here for you. I’ll even go get Mr. Mew for you to hold, as he always cheers me right up.” Shiki had said that last part while winking at him, and Fret had had to laugh then.
He may have been afraid of Mr. Mew when Tsugumi had been controlling him and attacking them with the doll, but now that Fret had seen Shiki with her own one more often than not, Fret was thinking he was a sweet little guy again, and could definitely understand why Shiki would think he was good therapy.
“…And I may mention to Eri that it might be a good idea for her not to wear violet anymore.”
“What? You don’t have to do that? I got used to Neku, so I can with her, too!” Fret had wanted to tell her instantly, but Shiki had already been off to get Mr. Mew for him to cuddle.
And despite everything, Fret had watched Shiki walk across the dance hall with a smile on his face. It felt good to be appreciated. It did.
And after that, Eri did stop wearing that color, and everyone seemed to prefer it that way. Fret did, for his own reason, of course… Eri did, because she didn’t even like it that much, apparently, and Neku appreciated it, who jokingly thanked Eri for getting off his turf.
So, everything was more than good for Fret when it came to those colors for a while… but then some girl named Kairi came to Shibuya: a girl with darker red hair than Kanon, it was true, but wouldn’t you know that she was also wearing amethyst?
At first, Fret had been ready to write this stranger off—just another tourist in Shibuya, that he just happened to notice walking past him—but then she accidentally ran into Beat… and it seemed to startle the girl. And good Lord, then she summoned a magic key-shaped sword to her hands, without even seeming to think about it. And she wasn’t even in the UG! (Though when Fret saw this, his first concern was that they had landed back there.)
And the moment Neku and Beat (who were with Fret to go to Molco, to get him some Tin Pins, because that was becoming a thing again) saw the redhead summon the weapon, they had both exclaimed simultaneously, “You’re a Keyblade wielder!” “Yous a Key wielder!”
Fret had had no idea what they were talking about at that point. So, Neku had hastily explained that Shibuya had actually been destroyed before—a time that he, Shiki, Beat, and Rhyme had only recently gotten their memories back of—and when it had, Joshua had taken their dream fragments (the only thing that had been left of them) to another world, to try and bring them back. And there, they’d taken bodily form once again and met a “Keyblade wielder” named “Sora”, and another one named “Riku,”
Beat had then gone to explain that they’d both helped them out, and that they were probably even bigger deals than him and Neku, and Fret couldn’t believe it. Hell! He could hardly even fathom it. What would that even look like? But he didn’t have much time to try and guess, because Neku began talking to the stranger almost instantly.
“Are you Sora’s girlfriend?” Neku had asked her then, bold as you please, as he’d pulled the redhead back out of the way of pedestrians going to and fro from all the different shopping areas. “He told me that he was great friends with a redhead, who liked art like Shiki does… I think he was insinuating then that I liked Shiki back then, and I wanted to kill him for all the hints he dropped her, while maybe not realizing that he had feelings for you yet, but I think it was still there… If you are that girl he mentioned, I mean.”
And then the poor girl had had a single tear slide down her eye—and Fret almost wanted to kick himself for only being able to think “you’re not Kanon, you’re not Kanon, you’re not Kanon, you’re not Kanon. Why are you dressed like her?”, while he looked at her—and she explained to Beat, who was giving her a big old bear hug, but Neku too, that: “Yeah, I’m Sora’s girlfriend, Kairi… I’m looking for him, because he recently disappeared after he sacrificed himself to bring me back to life. I was thinking he might be here, or that there might be Heartless here that I needed to fight, but I don’t know.”
Neku had appeared to give much thought to all of that (crossing his arms over his chest and closing his eyes, Fret saw), before he finally met Kairi’s eyes with kind ones of his own. “Why don’t you come with me to meet Shiki? She’s another friend of Sora’s. And Keyblade wielders’ hearts can sometimes lead them to keys, right? Maybe there’s something there, if Sora used to tease me about us.”
And Kairi had gone with Neku and Beat to do that (while Fret had followed, aimlessly, feeling really curious, for sure, but also kind of despairing the whole way: he wasn’t going to lie). And then Kairi had found with Shiki’s help, the thing she needed that would help her lead to Sora, apparently.
It was a hockey puck, that Shiki said Neku had gotten her to help them remember old times together… And as soon as Kairi had come near it, her Keyblade had reacted—seeming almost to float over to the puck of its own free will, tugging Kairi along—and then an insanely crazy light show happened (where all of a sudden, the entire world around them had seemed to be nothing but darkness, with just a few pieces of light to speak of: coming from Kairi and the Keyhole that appeared in the sky, that she did acrobatics towards, in order to aim a laser from her Keyblade at it). Then, it was all over and the Buya returned to normal, but the girl was gone.
And Neku and Beat explained that that seemed to sometimes happen with Keyblade wielders—they’d both seen it with Sora and Riku—as they would sometimes get taken away to where they were meant to go next, before they really got to say goodbye. But they both assumed she was fine and gotten what she needed, and definitely seemed to be hoping it, too.
But Neku, Beat, and Shiki had definitely bonded with Kairi that day… and about a year later, she was back in Shibuya to visit them with Sora and Riku… and well, maybe a whole lot of other people. There was yet another girl with red hair, wearing amethyst…
And while Fret was kind of glad to see them—and was thrilled that Kairi had gotten her happy ending and she could just come her for funsies to see everyone now—he couldn’t help sitting in a park bench in Dogenzaka, sighing, as he watched the whole thing unfold.
“Hehehe. You’re in quite the mood. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were turning into Neku…” Someone else had come to sit by Fret… and one quick look let him know that it was none other than the Composer of Shibuya himself… and that he had better get it together, before the guy threw him into another Game to improve himself, like he originally had with Neku.
“Oh, uhh… Hi there, Joshua. It’s good to see you,” Fret said, putting a hand under his chin and regarding the other boy—god—with mixed feelings. “Did you see that ice is really in this season? And diamonds almost match your light blue shirts, right? I feel like if you started wearing some diamond necklaces, you’d be even more stylish than you already ar-”
But Joshua halted Fret’s attempt to somewhat butter him up, with a hand held high and a small smile on his face. “There’s no need for all of that, I assure you,” Joshua promised, violet eyes locking onto Fret’s and that, too, making the youth think of Kanon some. “If you want her back, why don’t you just ask me?” Joshua asked rather smug now.
And it was too much. All too much. Fret wanted to believe that Joshua could actually bring her back for him… but what if this was a trap? And what if Joshua meant it now… but Fret somehow made him changed his mind, when he begged him to do so and thanked him for it. What if he didn’t do everything to code?
Tripping over his words now, as he ran a hand through his hair, Fret asked, “I mean… I would love it. If you want to, and don’t think it’ll hurt Kanon to be back, I’m all for it. But can you really do that? Wouldn’t you maybe get in trouble?”
At that Joshua “hmmed”, and Fret panicked—feeling like he’d ruined his chances for real here—and he was about to kiss the Composer’s feet to try and be on his good side again…
But it seemed like Fret had started fretting over nothing, as Joshua giggled and flipped his hair once. “I’ve brought Players who didn’t win back after a corrupt Game before, so it wouldn’t be the first time. Kanon’s Soul did seem quite promising to me for a few reasons there, so I’d be interested to see how she would shape Shibuya…
“And as of now… I would not get in trouble, dear Fret. But thank you for your concern. Heh. I am the senior of a lot of angels on the Higher Plane. And right now, the ones above me are actually very much interested me and my methods, for halting Shibuya’s purification twice, but having it turn out better both times for it. So, I imagine they’d let this one slide.”
Fret was near tears at that point; of course he was… And okay, maybe he was actually crying now. It was just that this was all he had ever dreamed of after they’d gotten out of the Game, of course… Because despite what he told himself… Fret did still love Kanon. And wouldn’t it be great, to actually get back one of the friends that Fret had lost?
But now Fret had to wonder, as he scratched his neck awkwardly, “All those gingers I saw in purple… was that a hint from you to me that I could get Kanon back?” Had Fret been looking a gift horse in the mouth all this time?
Joshua was laughing once more, as he urged Fret to get up and go make nice with the Keyblade wielders, who—if Fret was hearing it right—were telling all of Fret’s friends about urban legends they had heard of in a place called Twilight Town… and then Nagi chirped back about the ones they’d seen in the Game, and Rindo and Beat jumped in to help her out with that.
Huh… Perhaps Fret really was missing something over there. And was Joshua, too?
“Usually, I wouldn’t give an answer… I would say it’s above your pay grade, or that the world is whatever you want it to be… But, no. I was not prompting you to make this choice about Tachibana Kanon. Though things seemed to work out rather nicely for you, wouldn’t you say? So you’d find the strength to ask me about her?”
“I- I do,” Fret admitted, looking down at the pavement—and then all the buildings around him—and thinking that for a concrete jungle… Shibuya was actually a masterpiece, and might have actually been heaven, as far as he was concerned. “So, when will Kanon-"
But when Fret looked towards Joshua once more, the Composer was already gone.
And Fret… he didn’t see Kanon for a while after that. And he imagined it probably felt like what Rindo had gone through (and somewhat Fret himself; all the Twisters, really), when Josh had first brought Shokie to the RG.
About four months later, Fret was beginning to dread that Joshua had forgotten his promise, or that it was impossible to bring Kanon back, after all…
And he was at 104, checking out all the new selections there, when he heard a voice behind him, “So, Fret… do you mind telling me how you really feel? And no sugarcoating it! I was proud to see how you grew, after all. And you can’t disappoint a lady by covering it up some, if you went to all this trouble to bring her back, y’know?”
Fret dropped the black hat that he’d been about to purchase (that was maybe so light black, it was actually closer to purple), as he turned around to face that voice and ran towards her to embrace her.
Author’s Note: So, the other redhead who goes with Sora and the crew to Shibuya in this story is supposed to be Ariel—in a “The Worlds Are Starting to be Reconnected” idea—and it’s mainly because she wore purple seashells (though a shirt here, of course). Not even gonna lie. But if you don’t like that, you can imagine it’s an OC… that Sora and Kairi had a daughter… or just completely ignore that part. It’s up to you.
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yasashihanyou · 5 months
Tumblr media
Love as a Threshold.
Your love does not ask for much. Your love does not take. Your love is free, and unquestioned, and here for wherever needs it. When you fall in love, it is as gentle as a breath in the night. It is quiet, and it is effortless. It is tender. If your love was a house, it would readily welcome all who come through. If your love was a hearth, it would warm the hands of whoever stopped by, whether for a day, a month, a year, or forever. When you fall for someone, it is without strings, without conditions, without need. You love for the sake of loving, for the sake of caring for those who need it. You love with a giver’s heart and a giver’s hands and are made so much stronger for it. Being loved by you is to always feel at home. Your love may not always be well-received by those unprepared to linger, but it is unforgettable all the same.
tagged by: @arrachnes
tagging: @tvstarkuma / @yosukeh / @pureheartbrawn / @thuganomxcs / @fatestold ( + @inufangs ) / @holified / @kamigakushi / && anyone else that wants to!
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porcelain-yume · 3 years
Mischievous 英訳
NEVERLAND (Lyrics: Ryota, Music: Kazuki)
English & Japanese Lyrics
Just how long has it been?
Since I started suppressing my emotions and killing who I am
‘’I don’t wanna grow up’’
My heart was grieving
Back then
Somewhere along the way I’d forgotten
What it means to live for today
The person who I was before allowed me to realize that
It’s not up to anyone else to decide
Or tell you how to live your life
So keep your head up high and stay true to yourself
Live life your way
Every now and then look up at the sky
And I hope that your pain will be set free
In the clear blue sky above
Let’s make a promise for tomorrow, you and I
When you’re feeling lonely, afraid of being alone
On the nights when your tears just won’t dry
Everything’s gonna be alright, you’re not alone
See, the place you belong is right here
So every now and then look up at the sky
And I hope that your pain will be set free
In the clear blue sky above
Let’s make a promise for tomorrow, you and I
Finally at last
I think I found that ‘happiness’ I’d always been searching for
My four-leaf clover, it was you all along
So forever bloom in all your glory
‘cause I wish you nothing but the best
Itsukaradarou? Jibun wo koroshite
Kanjou wo osaeru you ni natta no wa
‘Otona ni nanka naritakunai’ tte
心嘆いていた あの頃
Kokoro nageiteita anokoro
Itsunomanika wasureteitanda
Kyou wo koushite ikiteiru imi wo
Kako no jibun ga ima no boku ni kidzukasetekureta
Kono saki no ikikata nante dareka ga kimeru koto janai
Mune wo hatte kimi wa kimirashiku suki na you ni ikiteyare
Saa, tama ni wa sora miagete kokoro yamu koto nakare
Aoku hareta sora ni asu wo yakusoku shiyou (ze)
Sabishikute kodoku ni obie, namida nagashita yoru mo
Daijoubu sa, kimi wa hitori janai
Ibasho nara hora, koko ni aru kara
Saa, tama ni wa sora miagete kokoro yamu koto nakare
Aoku hareta sora ni asu wo yakusoku shiyou (ze)
Zutto, zutto sagashitetanda ‘shiawase’ to wa nanika wo yatto mitsuketa
Yotsuba no clover wa kimi dattanda
Tsuyoku sakihokore
Kimi ni sachiare
In the lyric booklet it says 僕に(ni)気付かせてくれた but in the song he sings 僕へと(e to)気付かせてくれた.
I think it's worth pointing out this song is super fun and positive performed live. After the chorus when he sings 'yakusoku wo shiyouze' Ryota always raises his arm and does a peace sign in the air and shouts YAYYYY!! and everyone follows. At the end of the song during the final line 'Kimi ni sachiare' he points at the audience, all the fans point at the band members and the room just overflows with smiles and happiness. It was definitely the right choice to end NEVERLAND with such an amazing song. I don't think we could have asked for a better way to close the show <3
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moonlit-manifesto · 4 years
[8/31/20 - ALIVE Twitter] Ohara Sora’s Birthday
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Tohiro-sensei (@tohiro1) hitting us with the more mature side of Sora in this drawing (o_o);; Happy Birthday, Sora~~
☆Today is Ohara Sora’s (CV. Toyonaga Toshiyuki) Birthday☆
Morihito: “Sora!”
Soushi: “Happy...”
Everyone: “Birthday------!!!”
Sora: “Wooo---!! Thank you-----!!!!!
Ren: “How old are you turning?”
Sora: “Hm, let me see... Five years old!!”
Everyone: “Good for you---!!!”
Sora: “Wait, that’s not supposed to be your response!!!”
Nozomu: “Ahaha! Sorry, sorry. Don’t feel bad.”
Sora: “Too late.”
Soushi: “That must mean you’re six years old then.”
Sora: “Yep, that’s right, a first grader in elementary scho...wait, hold on!!”
Morihito: “Either way, you’re growing up and getting big...”
Ren: “Are you his mom or something...?”
Sora: “Mommy Moriiii! Everyone’s picking on me!”
Morihito: “There, there.”
Nozomu: “So we’re actually right, then! He’s a six year old.”
Soushi: “Must be.”
Sora: “Stop it~ Before you know it, I’ll be singing SolidS-esque songs like ‘heavy go, ready go, I’m a boar*!’ Well, I’m trying to write a bunch of different material, at least!”
Everyone: “’I’m a boar’...? (That’s uh...)”
*boar = uribo in Japanese. He’s making a rhyme off of SolidS’ songs where they say “here we go/ready go/etc.” a lot.
Morihito: “But that’s true. Sora’s music is continuously developing, and it includes all of the life experiences we’ve had so far. That’s why we have various different music and lyric styles, and it keeps things interesting.”
Ren: “Yeah. This time it’s one thing! Like, funny! The next, serious! And the next, heart-pounding!”
Soushi: “But doesn’t the current Sora give off these inexperienced, ‘I only pretend to be an adult’ kind of vibes?”
Sora: “Oh? Ohhhh? You act all high and mighty, but aren’t you inexperienced, too?!”
Soushi: “Of course. Because I’ve only been an adult for three years now. That goes for you, too, Sora.”
Morihito: “And me, too.”
Ren: “That means Nozomu and I have been adults for two years.”
Nozomu: “Yup!”
Nozomu: “So I guess we’ll keep doing this whole ‘YOUTH!’ thing for uhhhhh, ten, no, however many more years?”
Sora: “That’s right... You only live once! I’ll always be inexperienced until I’m dead and buried! We’ll keep being clumsy and stupid and we’ll fail and keep trying while laughing and jumping out into the blue sky!! That’s what SOARA is!”
Soushi: “Seriously, who knew SOARA was so amazing.”
Morihito: “I just hope our bodies don’t break down in the process (lol).”
Sora: “Even though I’m not a high school student anymore, that feeling of being on break in August still gets me excited! It’s a feeling that gets etched into your soul! Let’s jump out and go all out like that!”
Nozomu: “Yaaaaaaa!!”
Ren: “Hahaha, yeah!”
Morihito: “So, why don’t these passionate souls of SOARA celebrate your birthday now, Sora~?”
Everyone: “Cheers!!!”
*clink clink*
Everyone: “Aggh - we spilled some hahaha.”
Sora: “Thanks for the birthday well wishes-----!!!”
Happy Birthday, Sora!
Sora: “I want to try my hand at Growth’s fantastical style of music, too.”
Nozomu: “I get you, Young Sora. Something more put-together, right?”
Sora: “Yeah, exactly. Anythings goes in SOARA. The sky can get cloudy or rainy or clear, can’t it? And can’t light transform into a rainbow? What I’m saying is... I’ll do whatever sells well!”
Soushi: “That took a scummy turn there, Young Sora.”
Morihito: “But didn’t the Proani OP #2 song that we did give off an energetic, rock fest kind of feeling?”
Sora: “That was a turning point! What’s our main guiding principle~? It’s that we make sure we keep nailing what we’re good at!”
Nozomu: “I’ll keep going until I can jump super high~”
Morihito: “Same~”
Ren: “Guys... Why did I become the older sister all of a sudden...?”
[Poor Ren, probably the only one who drinks responsibly lmao. Don’t ask why they called him “Young Sora” in the bonus tweets, I think they’re drunk xD]
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beanie-on-a-string · 4 years
to those people and places I can never go to
So I wanted to get back into the swing of writing and all, and ended up writing this thing about Kairi and Lea immediately after the events of Kingdom Hearts 3. I absolutely loved their friendship and wished they had shown more of it in the game. So, here’s this thing no one asked for...
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The past few days on Destiny Islands had been perfect. Sounds of laughter and chatter resounded from the beach. After everyone gathered for the celebration, they figured it wouldn’t hurt to stay on the islands for a little bit. It was just the right amount of hot so that it wouldn’t be stifling, and the ocean was just the right temperature to wade in at any time of the day.
Kairi let the waves lap at her feet as she watched Lea – sorry, Axel - all but drag Isa into the water, the latter halfheartedly protesting as the former flicked water droplets at Isa and teased him, telling him not to ‘die in my arms a second time’. Roxas and Xion were not too far off, giggling as they floated on their backs, each one trying to outlast the other. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around, already knowing who it was.
“Riku,” she said, smiling softly at one of her oldest friends.
He smiled a similar smile in return, hiking up his pants a little as he stepped beside her, letting the ocean run over his feet like she was. The sunset framed his head like a halo, coloring his silver hair shades of pink and orange.
“Beautiful day, huh?” she said, moving a little closer to Riku and nudging his arm. Barely swaying at the contact, he hummed in agreement. There was a sentence left hanging in the air between them that was left unsaid.
it would be better if Sora were here
Kairi leaned a little against the taller boy, who wrapped his arm around her shoulder.  They stayed that way for a while, watching Mickey and Minnie exchanging soft smiles as they talked on the dock, watching Namine drawing them from inconspicuous glances over her sketchbook, watching Axel complaining about his now drenched hair as Isa held back laughter, watching Xion wade over to Roxas to show him a pretty seashell she had found.
A loud quack of irritation startled them both. They turned around to see Donald being held back by Goofy as he squawked about how Ventus ruined his sand statue yet again. The accused stood by the crime scene, flying disc in hand, cheeks pink as Aqua and Terra stifled giggles behind him.
“Oh,” Riku said after a moment, posture a little straighter as if he remembered something. “Ventus and I were playing around with Axel’s discs earlier. Want to join? It’s fun.”
“That’s sweet, Riku, but perhaps tomorrow.” She gave a small apologetic smile.
“Alright, then,” he said, then added, “Everything okay?”
She nodded. “Yeah.”
A little more silence, filled with more questions and answers left unsaid. “Well, I’m going to go back to them, alright?” He raised his eyebrows in an ‘is this okay?’ motion. Kairi nodded, lips quirking up in another smile. He squeezed her shoulder lightly, and then he was gone.
Most everyone had headed back by now, having either gone back to their respective houses or whoever’s house they were staying at for the time being. Kairi stayed behind, the wet sand between her toes feeling more like hardening cement. She didn’t move from her spot by the waves for a while, letting the ocean pull the sand from under her feet over and over. She stepped away when the sun was barely peeking out over the ocean, the sky slowly deepening from its dark orange to something of a dark lavender. She didn’t know where her feet took her from there, exactly, but she wound up at the large, crooked paopu tree she spent so much of her time looking out at their small world on. She stared at it for a moment, then reached out and pushed herself onto the tree, swinging her legs over the thick trunk and sitting down. She watched the sunset for a while, right hand sitting expectantly on the rough surface, like it wanted a hand to hold. His hand to hold.
His name hadn’t left her mind since the Keyblade Graveyard. It was always on her tongue; to the point where she would catch herself almost saying his name instead of what she really intended to say. Often times after that, she’d forget what it was, anyway, and would dismiss herself with a little ‘nothing’ or ‘I forgot’.
She gave a sad, halfhearted smile to the empty space next to her. She thought she had seen him here, with her, a few days ago. She felt the weight of his hand on hers. Maybe he was there. She’d like to believe he was. She’d like to believe he’d appear again. Maybe it was all some sick dream, and he’d show up behind her like nothing ever happened. She squeezed her eyes shut in a desperate attempt to wake up, if she could.
She opened them. Same lavender sky, same waves, same salty air, same lack of a certain someone. Her chest hurt where Xehanort had run her through only a few days earlier. She bowed her head and shut her eyes again, a futile effort to hold back the tears falling down her face and making dark spots on her dress.
“Sora,” she choked out between her sobs. She hid her face in her hands, although there was no one to see her cry.
It could have been a minute, or it could have been an hour, but however long it was, she jumped and a quiet shocked noise escaped her mouth when she heard a twig snap from behind her. She hastily wiped her tears (trying to make it seem like she was rubbing her nose) and turned around.
“Axel.” She looked up at the fiery-haired figure standing behind her. “You’re still here.”
“Oh no, I’d left a while ago,” he said, his ever-present nonchalant air apparent in his speech. “I just came back out since I never saw you head in. I think Riku may have noticed too, but I don’t know if he said anything.” He took a few steps towards the tree, but stopped as a weak ray of sunset shone on her face.
“Oh… kid, were you crying?” He rested both hands on the trunk and leaned forward, concern written plainly on his face.
“It’s nothing. Just… something in my eyes.” Kairi knew he wouldn’t believe that for a second.
“I wonder where I’ve heard that before,” Axel replied simply, but no menace in his voice. Kairi mentally cringed. I knew he wouldn’t buy it. She furrowed her brows and looked down.
“Can I…” Axel gestured to the empty space beside her.
no not there
“Sure,” she replied, scooting over a bit so he could sit down. Her heart gave a barely felt twinge as he shifted on the bark.
Neither of them said anything as the sun sunk below the horizon. Eventually, she felt a light tap on her shoulder, and was met with a blue ice cream bar and the strong smell of sea salt and vanilla filling her nose.
“That’d better not have been in your pocket this time,” she said, a small smile tugging at her lips as she took the ice cream. Her eyes were still damp, yes, but she was already feeling better with Axel around.
“Picky,” he teased as he produced an ice cream for himself. “Everyone forgets that I wrap them after I make ‘em. And besides, I was holding them in my hand. Not my pocket.”
Kairi bit off the corner of her bar. Axel followed suit, and opened his mouth to speak.
“Ah.” Kairi lifted a finger, eyebrows raised. Axel squinted in a mock glare, then swallowed the ice cream, rolling his eyes at her a little. She giggled, thinking back to how she’d always have to remind Sora not to speak with his mouth full.
“You know, for a while, I used to not like these,” Axel said, gesturing to the ice cream with his free hand. “When I was a Nobody, anyway. I would eat them all the time – you know, with Isa – when I was younger. But when I was a Nobody, I don’t think I ate any more of this until Roxas came along. I don’t know why, but he wanted ice cream. So I went out to get some, and, remembering how much I used to eat it, I chose the sea-salt. When I tasted it for the first time – well, not really the first time, but you get my idea – it tasted awful. I didn’t know why I used to be so fond of it.” He cringed, as if he were reliving the memory. “I got used to it, though, eventually. I think I ended up getting the recipe myself, somehow.”
Kairi hummed in response, looking at Axel, red hair looking aflame under the fading rays of the sun.
“I didn’t tell you before, but… I like your outfit,” Kairi said, lightly touching the sleeve of Axel’s shirt.
He looked down at it as if he hadn’t realized he was even wearing it, then chuckled in a decidedly Axel-esque way, nudging her lightly. “Thanks, kid. You don’t look so bad yourself, you know.”
“Yeah, I know,” Kairi replied, nudging him back. The sky was in that odd transition phase between purple and blue, and right now, it was the color of Sora’s eyes. Kairi smiled at the sky, but it was pained and just brought yet another round of tears to her eyes. She ducked her head quickly, hoping Axel didn’t see. Obviously, he did.
“I know you miss him,” Axel said quietly, tentatively placing a hand on her back. Kairi nodded, too choked up to say anything back. “I’m not happy about it either,” he continued. “Didn’t expect it to happen, you know? Kid had a knack for surviving.”
Kairi nodded again, although she didn’t quite know what she was nodding at. She spoke, voice so quiet she could have been talking to herself. “Sora and I shared a paopu fruit here.” Axel raised his eyebrows in question. “Legends say that when two people share one, their destinies become intertwined. They’ll remain a part of each others’ lives, no matter what.” She swiped at her eyes. “When you miss someone, they’re everywhere. They’re in everything you see. It’s unbearable.”
“Yeah,” Axel said. Kairi looked up at him a little, wiping a tear from her chin. He looked vulnerable, just like he did that day when they were training in their little corner of time. “It was the same with Roxas and Xion. It felt like a part of me was missing. A large part. We had spent so much time together, and then… they weren’t. They just weren’t there anymore. While we were training, there were times when I looked at you… and Xion was all I could see.” Kairi could see Axel’s cheeks glistening, although it didn’t seem like he had realized it himself. “It hurt. It hurt so bad.”
“Axel,” Kairi said softly, placing a hand on his arm. He jolted, like he had forgotten she was there. His grip on his half-eaten ice cream stick - which had gotten so tight the wood seemed like it was going to choke – loosened, and he touched his cheek, staring at the tears that came away with his hand.
“Guess we both need those markings under our eyes, huh?” He joked, the delivery halfhearted. Kairi laughed, the sound coming out wet and a little pained. He inched a bit closer to her, his hand moving from the middle of her back to wrapping around her in a one-armed hug.
“You must be cold,” he said simply after a quiet sniff.
“I’m not anymore,” she said, curling up on the branch and leaning into his arm. They stayed that way as the sky turned from its odd blue to indigo, from indigo to navy, from navy to a star-littered sea of black.
By now, Kairi felt herself drifting off. She didn’t know if Axel had already done that – he was lying back on where the tree bent, his shape curving with the trunk. Kairi was still curled up by him, head resting on his legs. The moonlight was illuminating his face and hair in strange ways, making him look almost alien, but not unpleasant.
Her eyes fluttered. She was going to fall asleep soon enough. “Axel?” She murmured, voice impossibly quiet. No reply. “Axel?” She tried again. “Lea?”
After a moment, a barely audible reply of “Kairi?” came drifting back.
Kairi smiled sadly at the sound, then curled into herself further, finally closing her eyes. “Thank you.”
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x0401x · 4 years
LisAni Interview with AIKI from Bless4
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“They can take flight exactly because they know anguish and conflicts.” Interview with AIKI from Bless4, who had his solo debut with the ending theme of the TV anime Hoshiai no Sora, “Kago no Naka no Bokura wa”!
AIKI is still active as a member in the sibling unit of four people, Bless4. Following AKINO, his older sister, AIKI has also started working solo. His solo debut happened on October 30, with “Kago no Naka no Bokura wa”, the ending theme song that plays in the TV anime “Hoshiai no Sora”. AIKI had been singing solo numbers as part of Bless4’s activities until then as well, but this was his first time releasing something as his own work. We touched upon what’s in his heart to find out his state of mind.
Raw || Index || My Ko-fi ( ╹◡╹)っ’・*
——Congratulations on your solo debut. How do you feel?
This is my first time releasing a solo CD, but while working in Bless4, I have accumulated experience with singing solo in live concerts until the present moment, and I will keep singing from now on too, so though I am doing a solo debut, nothing in my stance until this point has changed at all. In fact, we include “Kago no Naka no Bokura wa” even in Bless4’s concerts, and I sing it solo. Only, I indeed have this feeling that the opportunities to operate solo have increased for me.
——What I felt to be different when I listened to “Kago no Naka no Bokura wa” was the song has a form of expression unlike the ones that you had been singing solo until now. “Kago no Naka no Bokura wa” is a very uplifting and pop-like song, isn’t it?
Even I myself get a refreshing feeling when singing it. The songs I have sung until now were either danceable ones or ballads where I did duets with AKINO, all of them quite serene pieces. A refreshing rock number like this one was my first, so when I heard the composition for the first time, the feeling that “I can challenge myself with a new style” sprouted in me, which made me happy. However, I also had a hard time when we inserted the singing, wondering about how I could bring out an uplifting voice that had to be different from usual (laughs).
——So as to match the music piece and the TV anime “Hoshiai no Sora”?
That’s right. The setting of “Hoshiai no Sora” is a middle school soft tennis club, and its contents are very youth-oriented. I was conscious of my voice quality allowing people to feel a “sense of youth” fitting of that series.
——“Kago no Naka no Bokura wa” projects the conflicts and strong will of the protagonists’ hearts, as they want to flee their current situations and fly away even farther.
Exactly. The boys from the soft tennis club, where the story is set, grow up little by little through not only their club activities but also the daily lives they lead as students, which include their school, families and friendships, while shouldering all sorts of conflicts. The lyrics of “Kago no Naka no Bokura wa” overlap with their emotions in many ways, so I think people will be even more aware of the thoughts I have put into the lyrics if they try to remember their feelings from their middle school and high school days while listening to it.
——AIKI-san, were you also relating it to your own younger days while singing it?
In my case, I debuted with Bless4 when I was eleven, and since then, I have had a daily life centered on musical activities. Regarding school life, I have never had any experience with club activities. For that part, I listened to my friends talk about their own experiences and sang expanding my imagination. Even so, I also faced a lot of indecision back then in my own way as my mind was developing, and I also experienced moments where I could not understand myself, so just as I freed myself from this and grew up little by little, I felt many aspects of it overlapping with myself.
——Just like the lyrics project feelings of worry and conflict even though the melody is refreshing and makes your chest tickle, this is not a song that only seeks light and a future. That’s probably why we feel a deepness from it.
I interpret “Kago no Naka no Bokura wa” as precisely a song that shows hope at the end of all the suffering and strifes. Rather, I feel through “Hoshiai no Sora” and “Kago no Naka no Bokura wa” that student life is something wonderful, including the distress of it. ——AIKI-san, you also had an experience with leaving your siblings’ side for a while and coming in contact with all sorts of people when living by yourself overseas, right? I engaged in volunteer activities for a two-year period from when I was twenty-four to twenty-six years old, and went to live in Los Angeles. Back then, it turned into an opportunity to have really good encounters and incentive, and to absorb all kinds of values, through not just the contacts I had from the volunteer activities in a daily live of room sharing with people from many countries who were about as old as me, but also through having lived together with many people who have identities of their own in their normal lives. People of many cultures live in the city of Los Angeles itself, and the people I shared a room with changed one after another, with the longest stay being of half a year. So my exchange of thoughts and values with so many people might have been a bit different from the usual student life, but thinking back upon it again, I can say it was an experience that connects to the same kind of mental growth. That was quite literally a page in the book of my youth. ——Same goes for the people who appear in “Hoshiai no Sora”, as each of the individuals who show up in the story, not just the children that it centers around, evolve while bearing all sorts of conflicts and hopes in their hearts. While listening to “Kago no Naka no Bokura wa”, I felt that the emotions described in it were things that surely everyone has experienced. I think that is what it is. I believe “Kago no Naka no Bokura wa” is a song that gives a push on the back of the people who listen to it. In particular, the part of the lyrics at the very beginning that goes, “Ever since that time when I found a blue sky where I wanted to fly, my heart has been drawn to the future” was something that I strongly felt to be the same as my own life. People will find an objective, a so-called place they want to fly to, and it is for its sake that they start running, but as they advance, feelings such as anxiety, discord and worry obviously get bigger, yet we can also grow as humans by running on while carrying them along. The boys from “Hoshiai no Sora” are exactly like that. “Kago no Naka no Bokura wa” also became a song that gives their feelings a push on the back, so while singing it, and while touching upon the series, I feel like my feelings are also being allowed to evolve. ——So, AIKI-san, you mean that you understood the boys’ feelings of unease and complication, and sang in an uplifting way with the emotion that lies beyond the surpassing of these feelings. Right. Even if we try to summarize it with the word “youth”, if grave things happen even within relationships from club activities, which are precisely the setting of the story, then many conflicts will be born inside their hearts until they get ahold of their objectives. The funny thing is that, when you talk about clubs after having become an adult, everyone’s faces shine brightly even while saying stuff like, “We went through such harsh and tough times back then, huh”. They also say things such as, “The guy I got into a fistfight with at that time is now my best friend”, looking like they are having a lot of fun. When I watch them, I find that the things I used to deem as awful in the past will one day turn into a part of my glittering youth. ——Indeed! Same goes for when I sing “Kago no Naka no Bokura wa” - the contents of the lyrics are like being in the very brim of youth and bearing terrible things in your heart, but whenever I sang it, I would do so by transforming into a version of myself who could talk about these experiences with bright emotions. That is why I managed to sing it with shiny feelings despite sensing a bit of pain from it, I think.
——I sense that these feelings of yours are also projected into the coupling song “Sanagi”, which you wrote the lyrics of.
Right. I finally got to sing “Kago no Naka no Bokura wa”, so I wanted to make a song that could connect it to the anime “Hoshiai no Sora”, which is why I wrote the lyrics of “Sanagi”. What first came to me was the image of newborn animals. For example, baby dolphins start swimming as soon as they are born, and fawns stand up immediately after being born too. Animals are demanded independence from the instant they come into this world, but humans are incapable of living without relying 100% on their parents from the moment they are born until a certain time. We are really weak existences at first, but people gradually become strong while receiving protection from their parents. I felt that the memories, recollections and places that people go through when growing up are something like a “chrysalis” (sanagi). That people develop from children into adults while surrounded by these experiences. Don’t butterflies come out of the chrysalises that they themselves put up, and take flight leaving the empty shells behind? For us, these chrysalises might be things like shirts and shoes that we have grown out of and cannot put on anymore, or games that we were crazy about and used to play. At that time, these kinds of things were a comfort zone for us, but as we grow up, we become adults and take flight while leaving them behind. The thoughts that I felt to be relatable with this were put into the lyrics of “Sanagi”.
——I see. “Kago no Naka no Bokura wa” is a pattern form of a youth currently in progress. And “Sanagi” is a memory from looking back at your young days, right?
Right. Both “Kago no Naka no Bokura wa” and “Sanagi” depict conflicts and hardships, but the point of view in “Kago no Naka no Bokura wa” is in the present. “Sanagi” is the gaze of someone who has grown out of it, and is now accepting it while recalling the nostalgia. Regarding “Sanagi”, I put into it my wish for it to link up as strongly as possible with the memories of the people listening, and inlay several keywords that many people surely have experienced.
——An MV was already made for “Kago no Naka no Bokura wa”, and the setting is a school, right?
Filming at a school was extremely fun. Aside from the two main boys, everyone is a student at that school. Even the members of the tennis club are children who belong to it in real life. I have only had experience with tennis one time in school, so it was fun getting to do a rally while being taught by those boys. Also, I later got many tips from my friends who are experienced with tennis, including how to use the racket (laughs).
——After having come in contact with many emotional patterns in “Hoshiai no Sora”, I had the feeling that I could properly assimilate those emotions by listening to “Kago no Naka no Bokura wa” in the ending.
I can tell that people’s feelings arouse as the thoughts portrayed in the story and song connect with them. However, this makes me worry if people will get too excited over it and not sleep (laughs). Rather, I would be happy if they could fall into a comfortable sleep and wake up fine and refreshed in the morning.
——Bless4 is currently on a tour throughout the whole country. Are you going to sing both songs live?
I will sing “Kago no Naka no Bokura wa” live. When it comes to my solo songs, I always have to move a lot because they are mostly danceable pieces, but “Kago no Naka no Bokura wa” has an uplifting melody, so I will be singing it with a completely different look from usual. Since it has this kind of freshness to it, as always, I have received reactions that made me extremely happy even before the day of release, with everyone saying “I liked it so much”.
——The national tour will only have Kawasaki’s Club Citta Park left to go by the time the single is released, on November 15.
I will definitely sing “Kago no Naka no Bokura wa” in this concert, so by all means, come listen to it. Moreover, on that day, other than the performance accompanying the band live, we are also planning to open it to the traditional Oikinawan folk dances, Eisa and RyuuBu (Ryuukyuu Buyou). Of course, we will begin with the songs of AKINO from Bless4, and you should be able to enjoy many anime songs as well. And also Onii-chan’s exquisite talks (laughs). Please look forward to it, including his babbling that never stops, and come have some fun!
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smartzelda · 4 years
Remind Trailer Analysis Part 2 (Warning Remind Spoilers!)
And....We're back. I had to make this part cause of the 10 photo limit
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This is very exciting and I know everyone is super happy about this, including me, BUT...I'm still afraid. I'm afraid it'll be like when she got a keyblade cause what I don't want is for her to be playable and powerful just to appease fans. What I want is a start to her development arc so we can start to learn her anxieties and fears and have her actually be a character. I want to see her interact with the other weilders like she did with Lea and make friends. I want her character to be more than Deus ex machina that revolves around Sora. I want to see how she trains and gets better as a weilder. I don't wanna see her suddenly being super powerful, getting a little screentime, and some added Sokai scenes just to appease the general and Sokai fans. She has potential and I wanna see it being used!
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I'm really excited about this as a lot of people are. I can't wait to see it's purpose and just to get to explore it because just based off kh3, it's a super cool looking area
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I'm really excited to know what this is. Maybe it's after Sora left the labyrinth like with the Demyx and Riku shot? My guess with the glowing lights is they're connecting their hearts, but I really wanna know who they're fighting and what for
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*Riku voice* "Are you sure about that?"
Okay, okay😂 jokes aside. My guess is that they're finding an entrance to the realm of darkness for whatever reason (cause Aqua says that it'll be fine cause she's not alone this time). Maybe it's to look for Sora, or to find some clues, or something. I feel like it definitely has something to do with the story and I'm excited
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This thing is a whole double parallel with more Soriku fusion Yozora
We've got the parallel between this and the Face my fears intro where Sora stands in the final world, except it's the night sky (haha Yozora joke), and the Kingdom Hearts 1 opening cause it has Sora and Yozora saying the exact dialogue in unison
"I've been having these weird thoughts lately. Like...is any of this for real? Or not?"
And literally Yozora's like a Soriku fusion character. I'm not kidding. In kh3 and the secret ending, we know he's the protagonist of his universe (Sora), he looks like Riku (clothes and hairstyle), his hair is a darker color and not silver (Sora), he fails to save the Kairi character in his universe (Sora), he's got one blue eye (Riku cause he's represented by cool colors) and one red eye (Sora who's represented by warm colors), Sora has similar clothes to him in the toy story world, literally the whole parallel at the end of this remind trailer
I'm so excited to learn more about Yozora and his connection to Sora (maybe Sora and Riku?)
And that's it. This trailer was jam packed with a lotta yes as well as some fears and hopes. I'll leave you off with this picture
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"Sora is about to discover truths he never imagined"
Maybe...he'll get to feel how Riku felt in the keyblade graveyard and his feelings...or we'll learn of the memories he forgot that are stuck in the darkness of his heart or...just...ignore me and my Soriku brain over here. I'm just...really excited for this
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phoenix-downer · 5 years
Thanks for Waiting Chapter 2/2
For Rikunami Day 2019. Chapter 1 was posted for the actual day, and chapter 2 is getting posted today. Hope you enjoy!
Chapter Length: ~2700 words
Summary: Riku and Naminé are an unlikely duo working towards a common goal: helping Sora. But as they spend more and more time together, they start to question if they’re doing the right thing. It’s easier to focus on that than on what might be happening between them. After all, a Nobody doesn’t have feelings of her own, and a human wouldn’t fall for a Nobody… right?
Characters: Naminé, Riku, Riku Replica, Kairi, Sora
Relationships: Riku/Naminé
Additional Info: Romance, Friendship, Angst, Mutual Pining, (Mostly) Canon Compliant, Missing Scene(s), Kairi and Naminé friendship, Sora and Riku friendship, Riku and Riku Replica friendship, KH3 Spoilers, Canonical Character Death
Soft eyes and an enigmatic smile. More shadow than light, looking as if she might fade away at any moment, hard at work as she sketched how she saw the world. Riku knew his priority was supposed to be saving Aqua, but ever since he’d run into the other Riku in the Realm of Darkness, his thoughts kept wandering to Naminé. 
He rolled over and sighed. Radiant Garden was looking better and better the more of it was rebuilt, but even though he and Mickey were staying at a cozy inn with comfortable beds, tonight was proving to be another sleepless night. 
“You’re thinking about her again, aren’t you?”
Hovering beside him was the other Riku. They’d started having more and more chats like this, and Riku couldn’t say he really minded. It was nice getting perspective from someone who understood him so well and yet wasn’t him.
“I guess I am,” he said. “What Ienzo told us about the Replica project’s been on my mind.”
If there was a way to bring Naminé back, he wanted to. The time they’d spent together hadn’t exactly been surrounded by happy memories, and yet thinking about her brought a smile to his face.
“I understand,” the other Riku said. “My feelings for her might be fake—”
Riku raised an eyebrow. “They seem real enough to me.”
“I guess you’re right. But yours are real, too. And that means you can help her.”
“I’ll try,” Riku said at last, “but I can’t make any promises. Saving Aqua comes first.”
He had a duty to fulfill. He and Mickey had to get Aqua out of the Realm of Darkness as soon as possible.
“But then?”
“I’ll do whatever I can to save her. I promise.”
The other Riku looked content to hear this. He looked up at the ceiling and sighed. “And that’s all I can ask from you. For you and me both.”
Riku thought about the other Riku’s words as he tossed and turned. Would it be possible to bring Naminé back? If so… then yes, he did want to bring her back. 
His thoughts wandered back to those months they’d spent together working to save Sora. If only he’d known what he had before he lost it. But that was how life worked, wasn’t it? Didn’t know what you had till it was gone. He’d been so fixated on helping Sora, and so had she, that neither of them realized what could’ve been till it couldn’t be anymore.
Naminé’s days were spent in slumber, and it was only at night, while Kairi dreamed, that they could speak. As far as Naminé knew, Kairi didn’t remember their little chats – not much of them, anyway – but they were nice all the same.
The two of them met in a vision of the white room back at the Old Mansion, Naminé’s drawings hung all over the walls as they sat at opposite ends of the table. She listened intently as Kairi talked about all the things she’d been learning lately, the magic spells and defense moves and special attacks. Imagined she was doing those things beside Kairi instead of watching from within a dream.
Kairi paused, her brow furrowed. “What’s wrong? I get the feeling something’s troubling you.”
“Oh… it’s just that…”
She hesitated. Should she really tell Kairi what was on her heart? Would that make anything better, or would it just make Kairi sad?
“You can tell me,” Kairi said gently. “I’m your friend.”
Naminé spent a few more agonizing seconds deciding what to do, then finally spoke again. “Hearing you talk, I wish I could experience all those things with you. It’s selfish, I know, but—”
Kairi shook her head. “It’s not selfish at all. It’s human. Of course you want to experience these things for yourself. When I lost my body and was inside Sora’s heart, I enjoyed seeing all the things he did. But it wasn’t the same as getting to see them for myself.” 
“I understand.”
Kairi smiled sadly. “Anything else on your mind?”
“Well… there is someone I want to see again…”
“You will. I promise.” 
How Kairi knew who it was, Naminé wasn’t sure. But the knowing twinkle in her eyes lifted her spirits a little. She might be unable to live her own life, but at least she still had Kairi.
“Well, enough about what I’ve been up to. Anything on your mind?” Sora asked as Riku chatted with him via Gummiphone. His friend was chilling in the Gummi Ship while Donald and Goofy were shopping for supplies and Mickey was grabbing breakfast. 
“Well, actually… yeah,” Riku replied. 
Sora’s eyebrows furrowed. “What is it? You worried about rescuing Aqua? I know you’ll be able to pull it off. You rescued me, after all.”
“Right. I just… there’s something else I…” Riku sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He was going to regret saying this, he just knew he would. All those years spent teasing Sora were about to come back and bite him in the ass. 
“You miss somebody, don’t you?” Sora said sagely. 
“How’d you know?”
“Gimme some credit here. I am your best friend. I have a pretty good read on how you’re feeling.” 
“And who do you think it is I’m missing, oh wise one?” Riku teased. If Sora was gonna give him a hard time, he’d dish it right back. 
“Hmmm, let’s see. Can’t be Kairi, ‘cause you just saw her. Can’t be me, ‘cause we’re talking right now. Selphie drives you up the wall, and Tidus and Wakka haven’t really talked to either of us much lately. So we’re all out.”
“What, are you a super sleuth now?”
“It must be someone you can’t talk to right now. Boy do I know how that feels,” Sora said with a sigh. “I’m gonna guess… Naminé?”
Riku didn’t say anything, and a smirk spread across Sora’s face. “I knew it! You do miss her, don’t you?” 
“I didn’t realize I would until she was gone.” 
“Riku, you’ve always been kinda dense when it comes to your own heart,” Sora said with a shake of his head, but the words were affectionate. “This doesn’t surprise me at all. I can see why you like her.”
Riku bristled. “I’m dense when it comes to my own heart? Sheesh, talk about the pot calling the kettle black.”
“Maybe, but I’ve gotten pretty good at picking up on what other people are feeling. You wanna see her again, don’t you?”
“I guess. But I don’t see how that’s possible.”
There were a lot of big ifs to her getting a body of her own. And even if they did save her, would she even want to talk to him?
“C’mon, Riku, have some faith! I swore to Roxas I’d get him back somehow. I’m sure Kairi feels the same way about Naminé. And you said it yourself. Ienzo and the others wanna find a way to give them bodies. With all these people working together, I’m sure we’ll find a way to save them.”
“You’re right. I should have some faith. Comes with following my heart, doesn’t it?”
Sora grinned. “Yup! That’s the spirit.”
As they wrapped up their conversation and Sora said goodbye, Riku couldn’t help but sigh. He sure wanted to hope, but hope was dangerous. Hope easily led to disappointment. 
But what was the alternative? Living without any hope? That was even worse. So maybe he’d give this whole faith thing a try. He would see Naminé again, and when he did, maybe he’d finally tell her how he felt.
Ever since her birth, Naminé had teetered on the edge of existence. Was this new form really so different? This star full of empty hopes and wishes and regrets, barely hanging onto life in the Final World with nothing but blue sky and white clouds surrounding her for miles on end? 
What was it that kept her here? Why hadn’t she passed on to whatever lay beyond this realm? Was it because Kairi still stubbornly clung to life and kept her here? Or was it her own regrets? 
She did have a lot of regrets. But after lingering inside Kairi’s heart for a while, she’d finally identified her biggest regret of all. And now, all alone in this lonely place with nothing but her regrets left, it ate away at her. 
No one really missed her. Roxas was the one they missed. They’d all be fine without her. And the person she missed the most, the person she wanted to see the most, didn’t seem to care at all. 
Then Sora came along, tethered to the Realm of Light and retaining his form while Naminé did not. Of course. Someone cared enough about him to do that. Just another reminder that Naminé was alone.
But as he talked to her, he reassured her that everyone did miss her. He missed her, Kairi missed her, Donald and Goofy missed her, Roxas missed her… and most puzzling of all, someone else special wouldn’t let her down.
His words stuck with her after he’d left, remained in her heart after he found their friends again and returned to the Realm of Light and Naminé to Kairi’s heart.
Could he possibly mean…
But hoping was dangerous. And yet, she couldn’t help but hope. Hoping was a part of having a heart, after all.
Riku watched, dumbfounded, as the other Riku gave up his chance at life for Naminé’s sake. Gave up his chance to be with her for Riku’s sake. With a few final words, he faded into a swirl of light and darkness, leaving nothing behind but the Replica body for Naminé as the wind whistled through this dry, empty place. 
If that wasn’t love, Riku didn’t know what was. He would honor the other Riku’s sacrifice and bring back Naminé, whatever it might take. He wanted to see her again. He wanted to tell her what the other Riku had sacrificed for her. And… he wanted to tell her how he felt. She deserved to hear it, after he’d been so clueless about his own heart. 
But first, they had a war to win. 
The cruel irony of Kairi’s existence was that she could keep other people from dying and yet couldn’t save herself. Naminé screamed as she felt Xehanort’s blade strike Kairi’s back, wrenching her out of her safe home and sending her hurtling towards death. Kairi’s heart was likewise torn from her body right before it turned to crystal and exploded. 
The two girls were flying through the Final World towards whatever lay beyond, and Naminé latched onto Kairi’s hand. At least if they were going to die, they’d do it together. 
“Naminé,” Kairi said, her face twisted in sorrow, “I’m so sorry, I couldn’t keep you safe—”
“It’s not your fault,” Naminé replied, trying to reassure her. 
“It’s too late for me, but not for you. I know the others can take it from here. I’m sorry I won’t be able to welcome you home myself. I really did want to be there for you. But at least this way I’ll be able to keep my promise to you.”
“No, Kairi, what are you saying—”
With the last of her strength, with the last of her light, Kairi anchored Naminé to the Final World. Her see-through hand was starting to slip out of Naminé’s grasp, but Naminé wasn’t about to let go so easily.
“Kairi no, please, you have to save yourself—”
“No! You deserve to live! You deserve to be your own person. Just because my time is over doesn’t mean yours has to be!” She smiled sadly as Naminé’s hand slipped out of her grasp. “Promise me you’ll live. Be there for Sora and Riku because I can’t anymore.”
“I promise,” Naminé choked out, her lower lip quivering. Kairi’s smile got bigger, and then she was wrenched away. 
Naminé couldn’t really cry without a body, even though she wished she could. She couldn’t do much to help Kairi right now, either. All their friends were back where they belonged. All except her and Kairi. It would be easy to give into despair and just fade away.
But she’d made a promise to Kairi, and she intended to keep it. And when Sora found her again, she knew exactly what to do. 
The battle was over. The long night had ended. It was morning, and Riku hovered somewhere between relief, exhaustion, and grief. Sora and Kairi were both gone, and while Riku had faith Sora would find her again and bring her home, he still missed them both. The memory of Kairi’s body floating helplessly as Xehanort struck her and Sora’s scream of agony that followed soon afterwards would haunt him for a long, long time. He’d failed them both when he’d wanted nothing more than to protect them both. And nothing except for seeing their smiles again, hearing their laughter again, would mend the wound of their loss.
But he couldn’t rest yet. Couldn’t grieve yet. He had one last task to complete. Mickey had come with him for it, and they trudged wordlessly through the maze that had been a battlefield before. 
There. Up ahead. An empty body wrapped in a black coat. He gently lifted it into his arms and cradled it as Mickey brushed dust off the coat. This was going to be Naminé’s new body, after all, and it deserved the utmost care. 
Naminé’s eyes blinked open. Standing before her were Zexion, DiZ, and Vexen. Smiles spread across their faces as she sat up and tested her new limbs. This wasn’t exactly the welcome committee she’d been expecting, but she was grateful they were trying to make up for their past treatment of her all the same. 
“It worked!” Vexen exclaimed, his green eyes shining. 
“Welcome back to the Realm of Light, Naminé,” Zexion said as she slipped off the gurney and stood.
“Come, there is something you must see,” DiZ told her in his deep booming voice. She followed along, exiting the bowels of the castle on her own two feet. She could walk. She could really walk on her own again. 
Xaldin and Lexaeus were at the entrance of the castle to greet her, and she shielded her eyes from the bright light of the sun. How good its warm rays felt shining down on her again, and how lovely the breeze felt blowing through her hair. 
And it was blowing because the Gummi Ship was landing. Flower petals flew through the air as it made its careful descent to the ground. And after it had landed, her face lit up as the person she had wanted to see more than anything came out to greet her, like a knight coming to sweep her off her feet. 
He offered his hand, and she smiled and took it. She’d imagined their reunion over and over again, but nothing compared to the actual thing. His hand was warm and his grip was strong, and his voice was the most wonderful sound in the world. And best of all, his eyes weren’t hidden or the wrong color; no, they were their beautiful natural green.
“Welcome home, Naminé.”
“It’s good to be back, Riku.”
“Come on in. They’re all waiting to see you.”
As she entered the Gummi Ship and saw the smiling faces of their friends as they all greeted her, giving her hugs and exchanging tearful happy words, it really sank in. She wasn’t alone. She hadn’t been for a very long time. And now Riku was here with her. He’d come for her, just like Sora had said he would.
“Ready to head to Sora and Kairi’s welcome home party?” Riku asked as she took one of the seats next to him. 
“Yes,” Naminé said as she smoothed her skirt. “Thank you for coming to get me. Your timing was perfect.” 
Riku shot her a grin, and she smiled back. 
“Anytime. Thanks for waiting for me, Naminé.”
A/N: I figured Sora knew about Riku’s feelings for Naminé somehow, otherwise he wouldn’t have promised Naminé someone special wouldn’t let her down, so I went into writing this part with that in mind. The rest was what I imagined could’ve happened behind the scenes during KH3. 
I hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading! 
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solcordc · 4 years
@zephyrises​ surprise thing
       ‘Fairy tales aren’t real’ his nurse maid had once told him, her eyes tired as he perched on one knee. He’d been wide eyed and hopeful then, clutching a book of fairy tales close to his chest. They were the kind of books you saw every child clutching close to their heart, or that had them staring up to the sky and making wishes under their breath. He’d been no exception--well at least at first. This woman who was in his understanding his mother--she had seen far too many dreams shattered and broken; knew alone what awaited the young prince bouncing in her lap. Even in those days she’d known the darkness he would endure. Perhaps she’d feared that fairy tales would give him a false hope; that if his own life was shown to be so different he would break and fall into despair. 
         But she crushed his hope of fancy; destroyed the innocence of magic and turned a hopeful child into one who felt that you could not believe in miracles. Sora was of the mind that your own happy ending had to be made with your own two hands; there was no use in wishing on stars when they wouldn’t listen anyway. In many ways he felt he’d become bitter even then. Wide blue eyes looking out on a world that seemed far too large and far too dark. Yet there had been times where he’d seen fairy tales come true; where those stories of love conquering all shadow became reality. So even jaded as he was, with heavy anger at how unfair his situation was, he began to believe. It was so small at first--a dim flame that sputtered weakly against the despair echoing in him. Something (or someone) inside him clung to that little light and nurtured it til not even his own despair could blow it out. 
           There were times he knew someone was there, resting against his heart and mind and offering comfort. Even completely by himself he never felt alone. Sure he said it was cause he had this ‘connection’ with his friends, but he always knew there was someone else there. Being told other hearts had found a home in him--well he’d sort of known--but he felt confused by the secret one. The heart that had rested with him all along and kept up his hope when he himself could not. He had vague memories of talking to someone as a child in a dream; a dark world where he spoke to a blurry figure on a white circle--but they’d only been dreams. At least, he’d always assumed. Still--as his eyes rested at long last on the sleeping form of Ventus he couldn’t help the warmth in his chest. He finally had a face to put to that heart he’d lived with for so long; his hope. 
            Sora wasn’t as happy as everyone thought; he was hardly happy at all--but in this moment he really was. “It’s time to wake up Ventus--” only, how is he meant to go about this? As much as he’d like to think he could simply use a keyblade to unlock his heart again, he doubts that would work. If it didn’t work then--why would it work now? No...to wake up the sleeping blonde he knows that other methods are required. He isn’t the best at things like this, however. The complexities of a heart are lost on him; it’s not that’s he’s stupid, simply inexperienced he supposes. “Just like sleeping beauty...” he mumbles, eyes still trained on the other boys face. In that moment he gets an idea--one that causes color to rise to his cheeks. 
               He doesn’t believe in fairy tales--but fairy tales have believed in him and right now Aurora’s story is the only one even close to his own predicament. “Alright sleepyhead...” he mumbles, settling his hands on the arms of the chair on either side, gripping them as he steels himself. “Your friends are waiting.” Carefully he raises one hand, touching it to one of the blondes cheeks and tilting his face up. It feels a little weird to be doing this with someone he doesn’t know--but then he does know him doesn’t he? “Please...I wanna thank you properly.” And he leans in, chapped lips brushing lightly against the others. It’s light--a barest touch of lips--as he wills the others heart to return. As his eyes open again, form still leaning a little over the other slightly, he feels slight despair. Did it not work? He’s so foolish! Of course fairy tails aren’t real--but then they are. 
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               Green eyes blink open, dazed and confused as they look up at his face. The smile that breaks over his face is real and genuine; warmer than even the sun at that exact moment. “Good morning--Ventus.”
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meirin88 · 4 years
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Important Note: This is a fic I've written on my old account @/sukinamonodesu. I'm reuploading my old works here under the tag #my fic.
This is part 3 of this fic since tumblr won't let me post it all together. Links to Part 1 and Part 2.
Originally uploaded on 5.20.18.
Part 3
Wakatsuki: Don’t you think it would be better to let someone else do it? Composing Soara’s songs?
Sora: Yeah. I think so too. >nods<
>door closes quietly<
Soshi: >looking towards the doorway< Huh?…
Sora: What is it, Sou?
Soshi: Nothing. I thought I just saw someone by the door. Guess I’m mistaken.
Wakatsuki: I see… So back to the topic, do you have anyone in mind?
Sora: Ah! Don’t get me wrong! It might be better, but…
Sora: >scratches the side of his cheek with a finger smiling< You see, I have this one fan of mine that really, rea—lly likes the songs I write.
Sora: And even though they act so mature all the time… but when they get to hear my new songs, they exhibit a child-like happiness, that it kind of —- warms my heart.
Sora: So, I was thinking that — even if everyone came to dislike my songs… *swallows hard* just as long as that one fan of mine continues to smile happily every time,
Sora: — then I wouldn’t mind composing songs one after another just for their sake… They’re my number one fan after all. *embarrassed laughter*
>Flashback ends<
Soshi: Ain’t it quite a confession?
Nozomu: >nodding vehemently< It is! It is!
Ren: >nods gently< Really quite a confession.
Sora: *mortified* Ugh…
Soshi: And he even acknowledged his number one fan himself.
Ren: He did, didn’t he?
Nozomu: He did! He did!
(Sora hugs Mori’s head tighter to his chest, blushing furiously.)
Sora: *embarrassed* WAAH!! Stop it!! What are you three trying to do ganging up on me!?
Soshi: It’s fine, isn’t it? *smirks*
Nozomu: *nods* It’s fine! It’s fine!
Ren: Yes, it’s totally fine! *smiles*
Sora: *frantic* Why are you even joining them, Ren!?…
Morihito: *muffled* Ugh… Sora… Can’t breathe…
Sora: Uwaah!! >quickly releases Mori’s head< Sorry!
(Mori leans his head on Sora’s chest as he holds on to the back of Sora’s shirt.)
Sora: Uh… Mori?…
Morihito: I’m glad… *relieved laughter*
Morihito: Thank you, Sora…
Sora: >petting Mori’s head with a smile< There… There… Everything’s fine now…
Sora: I promise I won’t hand over my role as Soara’s composer to anyone for as long as I live!
Morihito: *soft laughter* Then I won’t hand over my being the ‘Number One Fan’ to anyone too —
Morihito: — for as long as I live…
Soshi: O—kay~ I guess we need to leave the two lovers alone now.
Sora/Morihito: *embarrassed* W - we’re not lovers!
Soshi: Oh~ They’re already in sync now. *amused laughter*
Sora/Morihito: *blushing heavily* ….
Soshi: Come on, Ren. Nozomu.
Nozomu: Coming!! *grins*
Ren: >nodding towards the two< Then Sora-senpai, Morihito-senpai, have a pleasant night.
Sora/Morihito: *mortified* !!!!
Soshi: *amused laughter* That’s a good one, Ren!
Ren: *confused* Eh? Is it?
Nozomu: *grins* It is! It is! Nice one, Ren!
(The three went back to their own room leaving the two alone.)
>Awkward silence<
Morihito: Uh… Sora…
Sora: *startled* Y - yes!
Morihito: Your hair’s still wet, you know.
Morihito: It has been dripping water on my shoulder for a while now. *bitter laugh*
Sora: Uwaah!! Sorry!! >hurriedly let go of Mori’s head<
Morihito: >patting the space on the sofa beside him< Sit. I’ll dry it for you.
Sora: I - I can do it by myself!
Morihito: It’s the least I could do. *remorseful smile*
Sora: Uh… Okay… >sitting beside Mori<
Morihito: >drying Sora’s hair< Sorry for shouting at you earlier. I didn’t mean to.
Sora: *nervous* O - oh.
Morihito: It never crossed my mind that I, no, Soara would have had to perform another’s song. And to hear that you so easily agreed with it —
Morihito: I was at a lost..
Sora: You freaked out, huh?
Morihito: No, I did not.
Sora: You totally did! *grins at Mori*
Morihito: No. I…. *sigh* Yeah… I guess I freaked out.
Morihito: I mean — having another person as Soara’s composer — doesn’t that mean I won’t get to hear new songs made by Sora anymore… I mean, Sora’s songs are all I ever want and…
Sora: *flustered* O–kay~ S - stop right there!
Sora: Anymore and I’ll die of embarassment! I’ll really die!
Morihito: Eh? What’s wrong?
Sora: >shakes head vigorously< Nothing! Nothing!
Sora: ….
Sora: >leans his head on Mori’s chest< Neh, Mori…
Morihito: Yes?
Sora: I want you to promise me one thing.
Morihito: What is it?
Sora: >looks up at Mori< It’s a promise, okay!? A promise! So, you have to absolutely keep it!
Morihito: I – I understand. *chuckle*
Sora: Then —
Sora: Promise me that when you have something you want to say, just say it! Don’t keep things to yourself!
Sora: Do you know how scared I was earlier!? Angry Mori is super scary, you know!
Sora: Like rea—lly scary! I really thought my soul would fly out of my body, you know!
Morihito: Ahaha… Okay. Okay. I got it. I promise! *laughs*
Sora: Then, I’ll hold on to your promise, okay! *grins*
Morihito: Okay. *smiles*
Sora: Then, let’s pinky swear!
Morihito: Eh? Isn’t that a little — childish?
Sora: *pouts* I’m a child anyway! Hmph!
Morihito: T - that’s not what I meant…
Sora: *grins* I know. I know. It’s my payback for earlier.
Sora/Morihito: *laughs*
 Next morning. Soara’s Lesson Room
Sora: *yawns*
Soshi: Oh~ Looks like someone wasn’t able to sleep last night~
Sora: >rubs eye< Yeah… *yawns* Before we realise it, it was already morning…
Morihito: ….
Soshi: ….
Ren: ….
Nozomu: ….
Soshi: Wow! I didn’t think you have it in you, Mori.
Soshi: You sure do move fast, huh?
Morihito: *flustered* No. That’s…
Nozomu: Oh~ So Mori-senpai can move that fast, huh?
Morihito: That’s why I said…
Ren: I see… So looks can really be deceiving, huh…?
Sora: *confused* Eh… What? What? What are you guys talking about?
Soshi/Nozomu: *burst out laughing*
Ren: As expected of Sora-senpai.
Sora: What? What?
Soshi: Ahaha. Nothing. Guess we’re all wrong.
Soshi: Our ‘little’ Sora is still just a child, after all. >patting Sora’s head<
Sora: *pouts* I’m not a child! Stop treating me like one!
Sora: Sou is the one who acts like an old man anyway!
Soshi: What did you just say?
Morihito: Now. Now…
Soara: *laughs*
Morihito: >looking up at the blue sky< I hope this moment lasts forever….
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