#gonna watch the movie and stampede with my buddies later too!!!
vongulli · 1 year
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AH the past month was super rough art wise so sorry for no drawings!! but ah... I did get into trigun!!!!!!!!! im normal about it!!!!!!! 
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diazevan · 4 years
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No. 14. Is Something Burning? “Fire”
When a night out goes drastically wrong, Pepper realizes that she and Michelle lead a similar life.
AO3 Link
Pepper adored Peter.
She had since the day she met him.
She constantly thanked him, silently, and sometimes, to his face, for being a part of their lives.
Even when he was gone, for those five years, his impact, lived on.
They wouldn’t have Morgan, if Peter hadn’t taught Tony, at the right moment, that he could step out of Howard’s shadow and be a good dad.
Having Peter back, made everything fall together, perfectly, for the first time.
Hand-in-hand, with Peter, came Michelle.
Peter’s everything, his partner in crime, and somebody for him, to effortlessly tease Tony with.
Pepper loved her too, and the influence she had on Peter, she seemed to be helping him overcome hurdles that no one else could.
A double date sounded far fetch, at first, but Michelle proposed it, and Pepper finalized it.
They made quite a team.
An old theater was showing a highlight of Charlie Chaplin’s movies.
All four of them liked old movies, which made for the perfect night out, where superheroing duties took a backbench.
Pepper skipped through the foyer, leaving Tony at the desk, to check in their coats “Hey.” She laid her hands on Peter and Michelle’s shoulders, “If I were you two, I would have asked to sit far far away from us.”
Michelle snorted a laugh, “Why?”
Peter frowned, tilting his head, to his shoulder, “Is this about the Charlie Chaplin look-alike competition?”
Michelle grinned, ear-to-ear, “The what now?”
Pepper waved her hand dismissively, “My husband claims that he won a Charlie Chaplin lookalike competition.”
Tony appeared beside her, “I didn’t claim anything,” He chipped in, “It’s true.”
“Oh, my God,” Peter inclined his head, pressing his hands together, gesturing them towards Tony, “You literally wouldn’t shut up about it last night, it’s why I volunteered to carry Morgan to bed.”
Tony’s jaw dropped, he made an act of raising his hand, to his chest, “I’m offended, kid.”
Peter narrowed his eyes, “Also, I looked it up last night, and there were zero results.”
“Nobody knew it was me,” Tony raised his shoulder in half-shrug, “I used a pseudonym.”
Pepper pulled on his arm, “Oh, look, we can sit down now.”
They all started walking into the theater, in an orderly fashion.
Tony leaned forward, “I’m gonna find the photos later.”
Peter turned, keeping his arm linked with Michelle’s, “So, Friday—"
“Friday has nothing,” Tony sang, “Like, I said, nobody knew it was me.”
Pepper shook her head, with a laugh, “We get it.”
“Should we get—” Michelle and Peter spoke in unison, “—Popcorn?”
They acted normal because it happened all the time.
They were the definition of cute, Pepper was sure.
Tony leaned in, whispering in her ear, “How adorable.”
She gently nudged his foot, with hers, “Leave them alone.”
Tony clapped his hands together, “I’ll pick us up some popcorn, you lot can go and find our seats.” He shuffled away, quick on his feet.
Pepper took a seat, on their aisle, leaving the space between her and Peter free, for Tony. She buried her hand in her pocket, to check if May had messaged her with any questions about Morgan.
All she'd been sent was a selfie of the pair watching Finding Nemo.
She sent back a couple of heart emojis.
Peter and Michelle’s gentle chuckles caught Pepper’s attention. The duo were holding hands, muttering among themselves, desperately trying to conceal their laughter; Peter was red in the face, and whatever they were discussing, had brought tears to Michelle’s eyes.
Pepper smiled, they were truly infectious, and she couldn’t get enough of them.
Michelle had become a vital part of their everyday lives, rather fast, but Pepper would have it no other way.
She saw the way they looked at one another, the longing stares, and the soft smiles.
They’d fallen hard.
Something, Pepper once did, twice a day, with Tony.
It took them a while, to make it work, but it did.
Pepper saw herself, in Michelle, which was good, on some days, but heart-breaking on others.
Peter and Tony’s lives weren’t exactly normal or easy. 
Pepper kept Michelle as close as possible because she understood the hardship of being hopelessly in love, with someone who laid down their lives, for the greater good, every other month.
They were on the same page.
Tony tiptoed over, holding two buckets of popcorn, “Here we go.”
Peter and Michelle sang, through a laugh, “Thank you.”
When the movies started playing, the audience went silent, but Pepper still caught the pair sharing little anecdotes, trying not to burst into hysterics.
An hour in, Michelle sat up, looking around.
Tony spoke, in a hushed tone, “What’s up?”
She turned, “I’m trying to work out where the toilets are.”
Tony pointed, “By the entrance, on your left.”
“Thanks, Stark,” She kissed Peter’s cheek and hopped up, “I’ll be back.”
Tony leaned over, whispering something in Peter’s ear, the kid’s cheeks turned a new shade of red.
He jokingly slapped Tony’s arm away, “Shut up.”
Pepper rolled her eyes, “Stop messing with him.”
Tony held out his hands, with a shrug, “May said I can.”
Pepper looked past him, to Peter, “Don’t worry, honey. He’s got no leg to stand on.” She chuckled, “I’ve got plenty of embarrassing date night stories.”
Tony sighed, head in his hands, “Pep…”
She winked, “I’ll tell you later.”
Peter laughed quietly, hanging his head.
A few minutes passed, and Pepper allowed herself to be drawn back into the movie.
She didn’t notice something was up until Tony’s tone switched.
“Kiddo, you okay?”
She spun her head, fast.
Peter was sat up straight, his eyes wide, and his leg mindlessly bouncing.
She raised her voice, “Sweetheart?”
Before Peter could answer, the piercing sound of a fire alarm filled the room, and the movie was stopped.
The lights came on, and an usher shouted, “Everybody make your way to the fire exits, as fast as you possibly can. Thank you.”
Everybody shot to their feet.
Tony tapped his watch, “Friday, report?”
“A fire has started, in the attic, and is spreading quickly.”
The usher yelled again, this time, more panicked, “Quickly, please.”
“MJ—” Peter shot up, looking around, “Can you see her?”
“The toilets are right next to the exit, buddy,” Tony reassured him, “She’s probably already outside.”
“I’m not sure—"
Somebody screamed, “Get out now!”
“That escalated—" Tony reached back, grabbing Pepper’s hand while gripping tight onto Peter’s shoulder, he pushed, making sure Peter didn’t freeze.
Pepper knew, for a fact, that Tony made contrasting promises.
It was an issue, with him.
He made one, to Peter, that basically meant that if it ever came down to it, Tony would have to save May, Ned, or Michelle, before Peter.
The other was one he made to Michelle, promising that he’d pull Peter, out of a fight he couldn’t win, even if Michelle’s life was on the line.
Tony could never win.
Peter kept shouting, over the chaos, “MJ!”
A crowd swarmed, at the exit.
Somehow, they were pushed to the front of it.
Peter held up his arms, screaming, at the top of his lungs, “Stop!” He waved his hands, signaling nearby people, “Stop moving!”
The urgency, in his voice, seemed to resonate with everyone.
A support beam, from the ceiling above them, collapsed, crashing to the floor.
Tony pulled on Peter’s shoulder, “Holy shit.”
The crowd moved again, leaping over it, as smoke started to envelop them.
A lady, in her forties, tripped, landing among the stampede.
“Hey,” Peter helped her onto her feet, “You okay?”
“Yes, thank you.” She rushed, into the bustle, that was moving outside.
Pepper lost sight of everything while moving from the building to the street. 
The sounds of sirens were already echoing, in the distance.
She shouted, squeezing Tony’s hand, “Tony, you got Peter?”
“Yeah,” Tony breathed, “I’ve got him.”
The crowd began to separate, giving Pepper room to see.
Peter was leaning up, to look across the herd, “MJ?!” He yelled, “MJ?”
Peter turned, eyes filled with tears, “She’s not here.”
Tony’s face fell, “Pete-“
Peter rested a hand on his chest, “I know she’s not..." 
“I gotta—” He pulled his hand free, and before any more words were spoken, he sprinted back, into the burning building.
Tony shrieked, “Peter!” He spun to meet Pepper’s gaze, “What do—”
There was a deafening creak from inside.
Pepper’s lower lip trembled, “Oh, God—"
Tony snapped his head back, a momentary look of relief, on his face, “Jones—”
Michelle charged, out from the side alley, “Hey, I’m—”
“MJ!” Pepper wrapped an arm around her, “We were so—” It dawned on her, she shot a look to Tony, “If you’re here, then Peter—”
Tony titled his head to his shoulder, a silent apology, as he let go of her hand and charged inside.
Michelle yelped, “Oh—”
Pepper held her tight, muttering under her breath, “Come on, come on—”
Another spine-chilling thud, came from inside, as the building fell apart.
“I—” Michelle cried, “He—”
Pepper whispered, “It’s okay…”
A figure emerged through the entrance.
It was Tony.
His face was covered, in patches of soot, and his hair, full of ash.
Dangled over his shoulder, was Peter.
Pepper’s stomach leaped into her throat, as she tightened her hand around Michelle’s hand.
She breathed a sigh of relief, when Tony smiled, with a nod.
Michelle pulled free, rushing over, “Peter!”
Tony lowered Peter onto his knees, rubbing circles against the teen’s back, “There you go.”
Peter coughed, “I need to find—MJ is—”
Michelle knelt, pressing a hand, to his cheek, “Right here, loser.”
He wheezed a laugh, “MJ—"
She leaned up, kissing his curls, “You’re an idiot.”
No, he’s your idiot.
He smiled, “You’d do it for me.”
“Yeah,” She tugged him into a hug, nestling her head, on his shoulder.
Tony moved over, locking an arm around Pepper, “Hey.”
She pulled him close, “Hey.”
Pepper knew it wasn’t normal, to be so accepting of these situations, but after fighting aliens, it was a walk in the park.
Michelle helped Peter to his feet.
Peter rubbed a hand, over his cheek, “That was fun.”
Michelle barked a laugh, pressing her head against his bicep, “Same time next week?”
Tony inhaled a cackle, “I’m thinking takeaway?”
Pepper nodded, “Sounds like a plan.”
Tony motioned aside, “We should get going.” He took out his phone, “Everybody is probably freaking out already.”
Pepper looked up.
Peter was whispering in Michelle’s ear again, and they were giggling to themselves like nothing had changed.
Say what you want about young love, Pepper knew that Peter and Michelle were the real deal.
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(queuing this for later for privacy reasons but)
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Ohmyword it was so good. Like. Heck man. Wow. Get ready, long post ahead.
I bought my tickets mooooonths in advance (you may remember my mentioning it in passing some time ago). It was my Christmas present to me. XD I drove four hours to another state to see it, and I ended up doing so by myself because my traveling buddy wasn’t able to come. Very proud of my adulting there, btw, first big independent adventure. XD
Taking the advice of some of my lovely mutuals who have seen the show before, and telling myself I could splurge, I got an aisle orchestra seat, and wow. Best decision ever.
So, with no further adieu and in no order whatsoever, here are some details (with terribly mixed tenses), if nothing else but for my own remembering of this fantastic night:
The opening. I started crying immediately. Rafiki and the Jackals: flipping yeah. The parade of animals for “The Circle of Life.” Pride Rock. The Elephant came down my aisle and I started crying, I’ve never seen anything like it.
Rafiki though. Mukelisiwe Goba was just alkjdghlsjgs gorgeous. I had chills and tears and laughter thanks to her. Bless.
“The Circle of Life” was legitimate sensory overload, I wish I could just watch that opening sequence on repeat for hours. The costumes, the music, the puppets. skdjfajldkfjshhhjlahskdjldfskjlhdhhhhhhnnnn. Best number, duh.
I was so flipping excited to see Gerald Ramsey as Mufasa, I can’t even. He’s one of the few players from the tour cast to have content on youtube for me to find and just... He was so good. (I am very quickly gonna be repeating adjectives don’t mind me) His interactions with Simba, his presence on the stage, “They Live In You”, the balance between his noble kingly portrayal of the pride leader and his playful antagonizing with Zazu - everything that makes Mufasa who he is. Splendid. Bravo sir, bravo. (He also walked right past my seat. :D )
Aaron Nelson was on for adult Simba that night. He portrayed such a playful character with Timon and Pumba and then transitioned into such a raw, emotional performance of “Endless Night” bravo sir, bravo. You really believed the hope and courage Simba finds at the end of the number.
Zazu (Greg Jackson) broke the fourth wall so many times, it’s a wonder the theater was still standing at the end of the night. These occasions included, but not limited to: literally ‘losing’ the Zazu puppet during “I Just Can’t Wait to be King” and shouting frantically to the audience about it, enduring Mufasa’s jokes and staring out into the audience like he was in an episode of The Office, the now-famous singing of “Let It Go” in place of “It’s a Small World” in Scar’s Lair, and I think he yelled at us for laughing at his misfortunes at one point too.
slight con: I didn’t know the tour removed (sometime in 2010 I guess) the “The Morning Report”/Pouncing Lesson, which I understand cuz it doesn’t forward the story by a lot, but I just love the Pouncing Lesson bit for Mufasa and Simba so much.
After “Hakuna Matata” during Intermission, I was texting friends about knowing Jordan Samuels, aka our Specs from Newsies Live, was in the ensemble and hoping I could spot him, and then Act Two started with “One By One” and I turned to see the dancer standing at the back of the theater in my aisle and 90% certainty it was him, which made me laugh and made my night. Saw him again a few more times throughout the show, but had to remind myself to focus on the big picture lol.
During “Be Prepared” while the hyenas are coming from the back of the theater and running to the stage, the last one in our line stopped to chat with the guy sitting directly behind me. “Hey dude, how’s it going? Enjoying the show?” The guy in the audience was laughing too hard to respond much (he was a nervous-laugher, I’m pretty sure that’s just how he expressed emotion cuz he laughed a lot through the show but whatever) and it was so great. XD He then took off at a run to catch up to everyone on stage.
Speaking of: the hyena march was distinctly less third reich like, and although I really appreciate/respect that element in the movie, I was personally happy it was removed from the production.
The Wildebeast stampede. I just. That staging/blocking and the puppets and costumes to show that. Ohmyword, sooooooooooooooo good. I’m still geeking out about it. Visually one of the high points, purely for the ingenuity of it all. There were essentially three parts of the set: a backdrop, a smaller midstage backdrop, and two pieces on either side representing the closest canyon walls. Cutout silhouettes of wildebeast are on display at the beginning of the scene. When Scar leaves and the Stampede starts, twin rolling wheels of wooden puppet wildebeast appear in the middle backdrop. Then the costumed dancers bearing wildebeast heads on their arms appear to swarm around Simba and Mufasa. I was so distracted by them, I didn’t even notice Mufasa and Scar on the canyon wall until they started speaking.
How have I not mentioned Joziyah Jean-Felix?? All the attitude and naivety and bravado and sincerity you could want in our young hero. Also very enthusiastic with the reigns on the bird puppets during “I Just Can’t Wait To Be King.” Danielle Jalade was so precious and ferocious as young Nala too. My heart belongs to Kajuana Shuford’s performance, but truly Danielle was a gem.
When Mufasa dies, and the song “Rafiki Mourns” comes, Rafiki enters first and Sarabi and the lionesses join her. It was so beautiful and sad and moving. AND. I DIDN’T KNOW THIS. At the end of the song, the lionesses reach up to their lion mask headdresses and pull silver streamers from the eyes, which they let fall to the ground and over Mufasa, and it was the most beautiful, spell-binding instant of the show.
Sarabi’s streamers remained to show her mourning until Scar angers her and she rips them from her eyes to lash out against him.
HAVE I MENTIONED NIA HOLLOWAY YET? HECK. She was....breathtaking. “Shadowlands” has been a favorite of mine for a long time, and she really does it justice. Her interactions with Aaron were so organic too, I loved them.
Timon (Nick Cordelione) and Pumbaa (Ben Lipitz) were appropriately hysterical and on point. They really got the youngest audience members going, and it was great to hear the kids shrieking with giggles, and the older kids giving surprised bursts of laughter when Pumbaa made a crack about winning Angry Birds by chasing the buzzards away from Simba.
Mark Campbell was a good Scar. He wasn’t my favorite part of the show, I think maybe he was having an off night. Still, his monologues and dry wit were great, and the overt Offense(TM) he took at Simba playing with his tail cracked me up a little too much. XD “Be Prepared” was a jam as always XD
Sarabi (the lovely Kimber Sprawl) I think has even fewer spoken lines in the show than she does in the movie, and yet she seemed like more of a character. The time they allow her to mourn for her husband and son is beautiful and appreciated, and the way she blends in with the other lionesses for many parts of the show before making a subtle move to stand out is just a really good touch imho. There’s almost enough time to suggest, if not establish, a close camaraderie between her and Rafiki and I love that.
Rafiki’s tree (does it have a specific name?) is such a gorgeous piece for the set.
what else am I forgetting, it was such a night
I can’t say enough or describe in enough detail the sets, costumes, and puppets. slkdjfnlakjdksldkgnlgf !!!!
The “grass people” while Timon, Pumbaa, and Simba are discussing the stars, help Timon lie down ‘in the grass’ and when the ensemble help him stand back up again, he turned to say thank you and the dancer who had been holding him up for the scene gave him a big thumbs up. XD They also helped operate the Timon puppet for the scene so that Nick could add more expression and movement.
The ending man, the ending. The reprise of “The Circle of Life.” The energy, the spectacle. aksjdddddddddddddddddkjkjgsdgesdkjs.
At the end, we gave everyone a standing ovation immediately.
I whooped loudly when the cast gestured down at the orchestra pit. Not many other people did, but that’s on their own heads. XD
The night I went was the last show before they packed up and moved on to the next city, a conscious choice on my part based on stage stories of how free the actors usually are with their performance on last nights, and how all the bugs in the venue are usually worked out by then. All good and accurate things I think, but the con is there was no stage dooring, for which I was very sad.
I bought a shirt and a bag, and I’m going to turn the bag into a throw pillow for my bed. ^_^
I’m just....so....happy...I got to go and see this amazing show performed live. It was a pretty good audience too, which can make or break a night, so what a blessing there.
I feel like I’m already forgetting so much, but there you go, this post has run on long enough.
I saw The Lion King, guys. *fangirls out of the room*
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