#gonta run
turbo-tsundere · 5 months
Kokichi kokiching part 2 out of 2, where the violence against carts continues, and the mystery behind his name displaying either as "K okichi" or "Ouma" is finally revealed. All the while the game trolls us about it.
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lunarin64art · 8 months
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Why did no one tell me that Ataru is the OG tsundere? smh...
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willow3po · 1 year
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Ah okay, testing testing 123! Hello Tumblr!
Have some of my favorite ship for your travels?
Since I’m back into dr I might as well make it my first post here, yeah?
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graveyard-society · 1 year
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hi chat sorry for disappearing i'll start posting shitty doodles for now (mainly komahina ngl)
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 8 months
I got accepted into the exchange program Ive been working on applying for over a year!!! I'm so excited!!!
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foxygalactic · 2 years
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Happy birthday, Gonta! :D
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raspberryhell · 2 years
May I request Gonta in green apple?? (bottom right if that wasn't clear gdhsjfs)
Gonta!!! :D
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[ID: A digital painting of Gonta Gokuhara from Dangan Ronpa V3. He is shown from the side with a hand up looking a lady bug crawling on his knuckles. He is wearing a light green sweater with brown overalls over it. The background is a solid teal green. End ID]
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geminiamethyst · 4 months
Running. Chapter 46: Reunited
Chapter 1: click HERE
Chapter 45: click HERE
Chapter 46
Sorry this took so long! I hit a bad block and I couldn’t get ANY writing done for this story. Not to mention I’ve been hyper-fixated on a completely different fandom which probably hasn’t helped. I can’t promise too many frequent updates but I’ll try my best. All I ask is for everyone to please be patient with me.
Hope you guys enjoy the chapter.
The atmosphere finally felt relaxed since the attack on the bus and sawmill. The moment that Gonta realised that his friends were in trouble, he immediately led them to where he had set up residence. It was deeper in the forest, in a cave that he was able to find. He made it as cosy as he could. A small fire pit for cooking and heat. Large patches of moss that he has grown in the cave to make a comfortable bed and something soft to sit on. He did cave drawings on the walls, some of insects and the others were of his friends so he doesn’t feel like he’s forgetting them. It was the perfect place to be when he needs to sleep. His guests couldn’t agree any more than that. Especially when he offered them some food made out of ingredients that he had gathered safely from the forest.
“Gonta didn’t know that this was going on. Sorry.” The giant spoke quietly, head hung in shame. He carefully passed around the soup for everyone, making sure that he didn’t go too fast and accidentally spill anything.
“Don’t apologise.” Kaito shrugged off. Man this soup smelled so good! He was literally drooling from the smell and sight of it.
“That reminds me. Everyone has been trying to contact you, to warn you. How come you haven’t picked up on the call?” Maki suddenly asked. Gonta suddenly looked like a kid being scolded by his parents. He turned his face away from the four of them, shifting uncomfortably from where he sat. Maki took a deep breath. Her tone became more patient. “Gonta, you’re not in trouble. Just tell us the truth.”
Gonta looked around at everyone. He glanced wearily at Mondo and Taka. They were new. He didn’t know them and he didn’t know if he could trust them completely. However, he knows Kaito and Maki. They were his friends, his family. They were all in the same boat together. He can trust them. And he knows that they won’t be angry with him. At least he hoped so.
“Gonta…sorry…” Gonta whimpered at last. Before anyone else could ask him to clarify his apology, he started to let out a huge wail. “Gonta broke Miu’s device! Gonta not sure how! Gonta thinks it was dropped or something like that! Sorry…”
If Miu finds out about this, she’s going to kill Gonta. Priorities. Get Gonta to calm down before he draws unnecessary attention from any animals. Especially if those wolves come back for another round.
“It’s okay big guy. The most important thing right now is that you’re safe.” Kaito insisted, getting up carefully to pat Gonta on the back. Was he limping? Maki shook that off. Pins and needles, that’s probably what was causing Kaito to limp. And the two teens tried to calm the giant down, Taka lost himself in some thinking. He and Mondo had been silent for most of the time while Kaito and Maki caught their friend up with everything. Since the attention wasn’t on them, it gave Taka more time to think things over. Gonta’s only form of communication was gone, that’s why no one could get in touch with him. However, something didn’t feel right. Then it was like something clicked in his mind.
“Kaito, can I see the other device that you have?” Taka suddenly asked. It wasn’t that unusual when everyone else thought about it. Everyone else was worrying about Gonta. With all this worry that had been building it was best to let everyone know that he was okay after all.
“Yeah, sure.” Kaito eagerly agreed, digging this his rucksack. He easily found the communicator and passed it to the Limitless that asked for it. “You know something about tech, Taka?”
“Not really, but I have a feeling that I know what’s wrong.” Taka answered with a small shake of his head. Everyone else watched as he started to turn it on. They all expected it to go like the previous times. Just a simple call and everyone else would answer. However, nothing happened. On the screen, it was like looking at TV static.
“Did ours get damaged too?” Mondo asked, almost in a panic. Truth be told, they were all involved in a fight with a giant snake. With the mill blowing up, it was a little likely that it might have been bashed about.
“I don’t think so.” Taka muttered, giving the dome of the device a small tap. Maki watched for a few more seconds before she realised what Taka was doing.
“He’s right. It’s not broken.” She piped up immediately. “Something’s jamming the signal.” Jamming the signal? Just like when Keebo tried to get a satellite image of the camp! There was a shield, a programme that blocked any signal that would be leaked to the outside. It was possible that it was stopping any signal from coming in too. That’s why Gonta’s device was no longer working for him. And that’s why it wasn’t working for the other either. They were close to the camp. They were so close that the programme was strong enough to reach them.
“Excuse me, Gonta? Is there by any chance a lake nearby?” Taka asked politely. He recalled a lake being on the old satellite image of the camp before it was closed down. If they really were close then they might be lucky enough to reach the camp while it was still morning the next day.
“Yes, but Gonta only just moved to this cave, so Gonta has not been there much.” Gonta answered eagerly.
“That means that we’re close enough to be near the camp.” Kaito was quick to state the obvious. They’re so close. And Maki will have a better chance of staying safe. She will be out of Orochi’s reach forever. And they can plan a way to stop the psycho from harming anyone else and saving the other Limitless trapped in the Underground.
“Then we’ll go there in the morning. That is, if you don’t mind us staying here Gonta.” Maki added, looking up at the giant hopefully.
“Not at all.” Gonta smiled like a kid at a Christmas. “Gonta happy to have friends over. It’s been pretty lonely.”
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more-than-a-princess · 7 months
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@idyllicserendipity asked: [ CAFÉ ] from Gonta! (I was trying to find something close to that post where you mentioned them having tea together aheauhe)
Ideas for a Date - Accepting!
He'd been so eager, so polite, when he'd asked her: Gonta Gokuhara, the member of Class 79 who towered over the rest of his peers, had seemingly pushed his self-consciousness aside in approaching her, the Ultimate Princess, with an impassioned request: he wanted to learn how to be a gentleman, and who was more equipped to teach him than a princess?
And she hadn't wanted to encourage him, so when Sonia had agreed to tutor him in such gentle manners, she hadn't started with proper titles, or writing a letter, or diction: instead, she'd decided to begin with something more easily bonded over. Food, and the most casual meal of them all, barring breakfast: an afternoon tea.
It was as 'relaxed' as the Japanese wealthy families would permit during a long afternoon between lunch and dinner. The cafe she'd taken him to was a world away from the student hangouts near Hope's Peak Academy. They'd ventured into Towa City proper, to a hotel where the main restaurant had earned two Michelin stars of its own and its more casual 'cafe' was in a splendid dining room, with tall, paned windows paired with heavy drapes, starched white tablecloths and napkins, plush carpeting, and both a pianist and a harpist that alternated between sets as serves in crisp uniforms brought out an array of tea samples in wooden boxes for customers to sniff before their selection, china and glassware, and finally, three-tiered towers stacked with miniature treats designed and executed to perfection, all served with the intention of a leisurely luxurious meal.
In short, it was exactly the sort of place to teach him the beginnings of becoming a gentleman. She'd only needed to remind him to wear socks and shoes with his brown suit uniform to be permitted in, and to keep his shoulders square and back with his elbows off the table to keep proper posture. That hadn't stopped several tables of ladies and young, wealthy people on dates from gawking at them both. Even if they appeared to be a rather mismatched pair, Sonia felt the stares and whispers in their direction was rather rude, but her smile didn't show it.
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"Yes, that is it, good posture and a moderate, if not soft, tone at the table is considered good etiquette and befitting of a gentleman," She complimented him with a soft smile. "You have your napkin draped gracefully in your lap, and now the server will visit us and explain the various teas available. You will be allowed to sniff the sample vials for an idea of the tea's body and scent, or you may select coffee or hot chocolate if you prefer. It is the only choice you shall need to make with the menu," She gave a small gesture to her own leather-bound menu, with the offerings written out in elegant, cursive type. The entirety of the meal was described there, in a mix of English, French, and Japanese depending on the exact item and method of preparation. Even if deciphered, it could be confusing to someone unaccustomed to tea.
"Are you understanding this so far, Gokuhara-san?" She asked, taking a sip from her water glass. Bottled of course, kept in an ice bucket beside their table and quickly refilled by a server whenever either of their glasses reached half-empty. "If so, I may then describe the method of allowing the tea to steep and be poured, alongside the various additions you may use and how to add them, as well as appropriate conversation topics and methods of drinking beverages."
Yes, there was even a gentlemanly way to stay hydrated, of all things. But she figured he'd have far more fun here than with the duller lessons, even if she'd needed to instruct him to leave his bugs at home for the afternoon.
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turbo-tsundere · 5 months
Kokichi's kokiching, part 1 out of 2.
I'm not even gonna post this one into DDDA's main tags, since it's a very silly, very indulgent thing, that only people who've played V3 might appreciate; not everything here is outright funny, AND I coudn't help myself with cheesy editing, like adding sprites here and there (the voice acting just begged for this imo), so there's that, too. :P
But honestly though, Ouma was such a joy to have around XD. I wasn't counting on accuracy when it comes to reflecting his character, even with the few personality-tweaking options that the game provides, but to my surprise... many times it wasn't so bad! And definitely was very fun - he was such a fierce, dramatic, snarky little menace... as he should be. <3
He also had a strange vendetta against carts, dunno why tbh, definitely did not learn it from Gonta. He'd ignore boxes and crates for the most part, destroyed barrels only when I desperately needed one (granted, 8 out 10 times I used them to perform barrel glitch, so fair, I guess, but he did made me stuck inside a Dusk Moon Tower's chest room with no liftstones to teleport myself out of it, leaving reloading my save as the only option...it's like he KNEW)... but carts? None shall remain.
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rubberduckyrye · 2 months
I asked my tarot deck why I might be feeling down and what I can do about it and it told me point blank that I've been too focused on "work" (probably Gonta Week) and I should hang out with my friends
What a deck
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loveisurvival · 11 months
those mixx garden online plush orders open up this month right.... I need to check their website I forgot
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 8 months
Do you have any crossover ships with Gonta? Like characters from dr1/dr2 I mean
Not necessarily Romantically but I do have a lot of crossover interactions that I really like with Gonta!!
Gonta & Byakuya: I've long had the headcanon(?)/AU idea of Byakuya knowing Gonta since he was very young because both of their families are powerful and influential. In a universe where the v3 cast and the dr1/dr2 cast exist together, I hced that Byakuya was tasked with babysitting a pre-raised-by-wolves Gonta at least once. Ive had this idea for a fic about Gonta's disappearance from his perspective for a while, but since Im not as into dr1 I don't think I could execute Byakuya's characterization super well.
Gonta & Taka: I think these two would get along SUPER well. I feel like Gonta would be able to be fast friends with anyone who is very passionate and loud. Gonta would really admire Taka's mastery of etiquette and academics, and while I'm unsure of if Taka would have the best words to tackle Gonta's self-esteem issues directly, I think he would genuinely admire Gonta's persistence at wanting to be a gentleman and how hard he works. Not to mention, both face a lot of pressure from their families legacies. These two would be great together.
Gonta & Sakura: Sakura would LOVE to train with Gonta, and I feel like her gentle but firm encouragement would be so valuable to him. In non-despair aus with all three casts, I always imagine these two as friends.
Gonta & Mondo: Insert screenshot from UTDP of Mondo saying to Gonta "you're like a really big... puppy dog." I feel like Mondo would at first feel the need to like. Try to prove to Gonta that he's tougher than him, just because of how big Gonta is. But would quickly realize Gonta's not like that at all and is a sweetheart. And would become quickly endeared to him. (there might be really cute ship potential here. I like the idea of Mondo getting a little bit of a crush on him)
Gonta & Chihiro: Gonta would be SO HAPPY to help Chihiro with feeling like she isn't strong enough. Maybe not in the best way, because I think he would rush to try and protect her from everything which isn't Exactly what she wants, but I think after she expresses this Gonta would switch to trying to help her in other ways instead. Chihiro would be really nice to him and I think they could be friends.
Gonta & Gundham: I THINK THESE TWO WOULD BE BEST FRIENDS IF THEY EXISTED IN THE SAME UNIVERSE. MY GOD. There's a reason I have a tag for them [#bugs & beasts]. Their interests are very similar, of course, but it goes beyond that. Gundham understands very well what its like to struggle socially, and probably would be able to see a lot of himself in Gonta. I also think that while Gonta might struggle at first to keep up with the... flamboyant way Gundham speaks 1. I like the idea that at first his hamsters translate for him and 2. I think he would eventually figure it out. Gonta regularly yes-ands the more weird personas of the other characters (ex, himiko's magic) and I think his respect for the way Gundham sees himself would be a breath of fresh air for him. Both are lonely and desperate for acceptance by the group (Gonta more actively, Gundham more sadly accepting his place on the outside), if they were in the same story nothing could have stopped them.
Gonta & Sonia: Sonia would be absolutely delighted by Gonta's backstory, being raised by wolves, and I bet she would love to teach him etiquette and how to act royally. Gonta would be absolutely obsessed with her. I mean, she's a princess! I think to Gonta, a prince would be almost the pinnacle of gentlemanliness. He would want to treat her with so much respect, maybe to the point of stressing himself out hgdjskfs
Gonta & Nagito: These two... would have a weird relationship. I'm always saying how Gonta needs a hypeman badly and I think Komaeda would be that in the weirdest, most unhealthy way possible. Nagito would be obsessed with Gonta as an ultimate (as he is with any ultimates) and would discourage his self loathing by trying to reassure him by his weird view of talent and what being an ultimate means. Gonta, unfamiliar with his ideology, would probably half heartedly take the compliment while also concerned about how much Nagito puts himself down. I don't think Nagito should be left alone around him LMAO
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alazyparallelworld · 2 years
wolf|sheep gonta + ouma has my whole heart though
usually in merch ouma is paired with either gonta or kiibo, and i always really enjoy when its w/ gonta... i think it captures their dynamic SO well, this kind of thing. i love them sm 
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yawujin · 1 month
Heyyy I havent seen you write any danganronpa stuff recently so if you fell out of interest its alr I was just wondering if you could please write danganronpa v3 boys x reader at the beach HEAVY on korekiyo haven't seen much fan stuff for him and it saddens me.
anyway pls&thx have a good day :)
hey anonnn, you're right i haven't written for dangan in a bit...thing is; i have a hard time writing for things i'm not currently hyperfixating on (bad trait to have i know) there are a ton of requests for dangan hcs/x reader in my inbox rn so i'll try to get more of those done ദ്ദി(˶‾᷄ᗜ‾᷅˵ ᵕ) hope you enjoy this in the meantime!!
request | v3 boys x reader 🏖 beach edition
type | headcanon format , reader insert , light hearted , you pronouns used
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shuichi saihara ♡
easily gets sunburned so he prefers to stay under a beach umbrella most of the time
asks you for help with applying sunscreen all over his exposed skin
brought water bottles for everyone (my thoughtful kinggg <3)
lowkey would want to play volleyball w everyone else but think he'd be too awkward whilst playing
would most likely invite you to sit under an umbrella with him near the shore and listen to the sound of the waves with you
rantaro amami ♡
walks along the pier with you
buys you whatever you want at the concession stands there
"this beach is beautiful, you should see the ones i've traveled really far to see, too. they're amazing!" he exclaims
rantaro shows you a plethora of pictures he's taken of beaches all around the globe
would most likely collect a little bit of the sand from the beach just to keep a piece of it with him for memory's sake.
k1b0/kiibo ♡
he is awaaaaay from the water
he stands up on the rocks , looking out to the ocean (he would like to admire it without getting wet)
he's 100% a nerd so he gives you some fun facts about sharks , fish , etc
when you come back from swimming, he tells you how cool you looked
he totally wishes he could go and swim w you :(
korekiyo shinguji ♡
he enjoys the atmosphere , and your company ofc
you two walk on the pier talking about what to get for lunch
ngl it feels like a date when you are sitting across from kiyo, eating your food
"it's beautiful, isn't it?" he says, after a moment of quiet
"yeah! the beach is pretty nice." you reply
"i meant you, dear." he tells you
kaito momota ♡
he's the one that set up the volleyball net
trying to encourage his sidekick to play volleyball with him
after getting rejected 5 times within a minute, he asks you
"i won't go easy on ya!"
kaito got a little too cocky for someone who kept on getting foul balls
gonta gokuhara ♡
quietly observing the hermit crabs on the beach
he marvels at the slugs crawling up the rocks
he's lowkey in bug heaven rn
you tell kokichi to stfu when he tells gonta that his hair looks similar to seaweed
"does gonta's hair really resemble seaweed?" he frowns
you comb your fingers through his hair and reassure him that his hair looks just fine :)
ryoma hoshi ♡
spends most of his time away from the crowd or in a shop on the pier
"beaches really aren't my type of scene"
you walk about a mile or two with him on the endless sands of the beach
you hadn't expected him to break the long silence until he said:
"glad you're here to keep me company."
he's pulling his beanie down to shade his eyes from the sun (and to hide his cute embarrassment)
kokichi ouma ♡
"let's both run into the water in three...two...one!"
except he stayed behind and let you do it all alone, much to your embarrassment (and annoyance)
he makes it up to you by buying you an ice cream
"awww don't be so mad! after we're done we can go swim together! promise!"
surprisingly, he keeps his promise and you two have a good time
you splash each other with ocean water playfully and engage in a small game of water tag
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⋆ ˚。⋆ my ao3
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