#turbo-tsun plays
turbo-tsundere · 1 month
Go, and Maker be your shield.
And that's the last one. Admitelly Kokichi run was much shorter than Gonta one, since I already knew what to do, so not that much has happened - but I still managed to get a few neat clips!
Also that glittery pink effect in one clip was my doing, yes... but the sunrays were not. The game just decided to suddenly become Visual Novel for a second, and frame Gonta all fancy and charming-like.
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(Is this meant to be Kokichi's POV? lmao. I see, I see.)
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Magical Girl Ore. But Butchlander.
what the fuck.
but also... yes.
with billy as saki. homelander as sakuyo. and becca as mohiro.
because only homelander could pull off that insane sakuyo style love DECLARATION~<3 a la~ 'I LOVE BILLY! IN A SEXUAL WAY!!', determinedly say he will 'make billy his' in a near threatening manner that still causes billy''s little tsun tsun heart to go doki doki, and then literally destroy everything if it means protecting billy.
thinkin' college au because why not, idol stuff can definitely stick around but maybe done a bit different with billy and homelander having their own groups, but of course the idea of 'john' actually using a secret identity and being billy's best friend who's secretly in love with him while also being his greatest enemy/rival as homelander always tickles me places~<3
and for transformations, man oh man, possibilities~<3 they could definitely go from young cute men to these massively huge big buff women, or young cute girls into their more typical, but also massively huge and buff (cause i need it), male forms (like magical girl ore, genderbent definitely gay man becca anyone~<3?). the dynamics leave a little less to play with if they remain mostly the sameish/same sex, but big buff burly men/women into tiny cute (but way too fucking powerful) girls/boys is also an option though just not as fun in my humble opinion, lol
cuts out some options (and is hilarious but just doesn't have the same impact for that confession lmao) for sure and strays a little further from the dynamics that could wrap it back towards the boys (if desired~<3<3<3 i do so desire~ tho, i guess they can still be done by like why would they be mad/hatin' on another cute magical girl when they're originally men?? bitch, they'd be crushin', lmao unless they are turbo gay for each other in male form and super catty and then where's the room for that love confession!?)
things like rival (but bestie) idols/groups or rival heros/magical 'girls'/hero-villain aspects where (transformed) billy sees (transformed) homelander as a rival/enemy whose after becca/beck (probably cause he saves her/him a lot, and better than billy could if we wrap back into the sakuyo dynamic) when in reality, homelander's after billy-boo, sexually, and becca/beck is just a sibling/always in the wrong place at the wrong time
alternatively, the magical girl aspect (especially the turning into cute girls one) could work with them hating each other normally but being besties in girl form who secretly love each other<3
but secretly being friends without billy realizing and john being head over heals and silent and weird about it cause billy is crushin' on someone else is just too cute and perfect.
plus that love confession, 1000000% homelander
billy fits into the saki role with a becca mohiro too perfectly too tho, but either or could actually fit the 'retired old magical girl' parent thing.
so yes, motherfuck yes.
and also,
whut the fuck.
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turbo-tsundere · 1 month
This game just keeps on gaming huh
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turbo-tsundere · 1 month
Kokichi's kokiching, part 1 out of 2.
I'm not even gonna post this one into DDDA's main tags, since it's a very silly, very indulgent thing, that only people who've played V3 might appreciate; not everything here is outright funny, AND I coudn't help myself with cheesy editing, like adding sprites here and there (the voice acting just begged for this imo), so there's that, too. :P
But honestly though, Ouma was such a joy to have around XD. I wasn't counting on accuracy when it comes to reflecting his character, even with the few personality-tweaking options that the game provides, but to my surprise... many times it wasn't so bad! And definitely was very fun - he was such a fierce, dramatic, snarky little menace... as he should be. <3
He also had a strange vendetta against carts, dunno why tbh, definitely did not learn it from Gonta. He'd ignore boxes and crates for the most part, destroyed barrels only when I desperately needed one (granted, 8 out 10 times I used them to perform barrel glitch, so fair, I guess, but he did made me stuck inside a Dusk Moon Tower's chest room with no liftstones to teleport myself out of it, leaving reloading my save as the only option...it's like he KNEW)... but carts? None shall remain.
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turbo-tsundere · 1 month
Thank you Dark Souls Dragon's Dogma.
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turbo-tsundere · 1 month
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Looney Tunes
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turbo-tsundere · 1 month
Tough moral choices...
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turbo-tsundere · 1 month
Kokichi kokiching part 2 out of 2, where the violence against carts continues, and the mystery behind his name displaying either as "K okichi" or "Ouma" is finally revealed. All the while the game trolls us about it.
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turbo-tsundere · 1 month
Small heads-up!
If you don't wanna be spammed with my Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen gameplays, please filter the "#the isekaied entomologist" or "#turbo-tsun plays ddda" tags. DD2 coming out last month andimmenselystubbornartblock inspired me to finally parse through my recordings of the first game, and I ended up making a few compilations - 7 in total - ranging anywhere from 15 seconds to 3-ish minutes; I'll be posting them from queue 2-3 times a day, starting tomorrow.
But should you choose to watch them still, then thank you <3; and please enjoy Gonta and Kokichi shenaningans :D
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Some of the videos will be from my first gameplay, with Gonta as the Arisen, and Kokichi as the pawn (the game lets you create both your player character and npc companion), and some will be from New Game +, where I switched their roles, and played as Arisen!Kokichi instead.
Hopefully, you'll get at least a sensible chuckle out of these <3 Because, truly, this game was a gift that kept on giving.
But, yes. See you tomorrow. Peace.
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