#gonta's got some butterflies on him coat......... . . .. .
drawbauchery · 1 year
I drew more kitties
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Writing something for myself
I will do something like this whenever I won't have much requests have some ideas and free time. If you like scenario I wrote for myself and want some other character to have something like that written don't be shy to ask cuz rn I am writing for my faves (Kiyotaka Gundam Ryoma Gonta Kirumi Keebo and Ibuki)!
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Valentine day confession scenarios! (and few dates)
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
(this is according to Japanese tradition where you make your own chocolate on valentines day and give it to someone you love)
You were preparing your chocolate just for him. You wanted to ask for help at first but then it won't be a gift 100% from you.
You were sure about it and wanted to finally say how you feel about him. It was perfect moment.
Your chocolate wasn't the smallest but not the biggest either. You had to make it few times since you were never satisfied with the result. It has to be perfect.
The next day you were extra careful not to drop or destroy the box where your gift was.
For now you hid it in your locker cuz you didn't wanted anyone to see it but you had to be careful for it not to melt.
You went towards the man you fell for and had a small chat before class began.
The whole time you were scared that your chocolate will melt. Maybe you should have give it to him earlier?
Once the lesson ended you walked fast towards your locker to grab this damn chocolate. You went to Kiyotaka and finally gave it to him as you confessed your feelings.
Turns out that he feels the same way.
There was no word to describe how happy you were.
Gundham Tanaka
You wanted to do it for long time... Finally you made up your mind and were ready to confess.
Since it was Valentines day you decided to make card for him.
You went to class early so no one will notice you placing card. You went to the bathroom for the time being.
Once you were sure someone was in class you went in and waited for your pray.
You didn't wanted to give card yourself but you made triple sure to sign it.
Once he saw the card he red it as blush appeared on his face. He turned towards you. As you smiled and nodded.
After you two got to be alone (since he didn't wanted anyone to interrupt your conversation) you talked about the card.
He admitted his feelings towards you.
Ibuki Mioda
(here you are basically friends with everyone. And you can sing. Sorry if you don't like characters I chose to help you in this scenario you can allways think about someone else I guess.)
You had an idea to make valentines day party but keep it a secret for Ibuki you were lucky enough that she didn't found out it was being held.
You thought that you should write a song for her. Or a poem... Problem is that you had no idea how to do any of these things...
Luckily you had few people you could ask for help. You asked Korekiyo for help writing lyrics and Kaede helped you with music. But they all didn't do the whole work they just were suggesting something when you were out of ideas or some changes.
You also bought small present for Ibuki wich was the prettiest bouquet of flowers you could find. You weren't sure if she whould like them but sometimes you gotta risk it.
You asked her to meet you at place where your party slowly began (you can pick where it was) as few couples from Hopes peek arrived.
You dragged her and she was so happy and excited once she saw it.
She was having so much fun with you around of course. But with time you had to leave her for a second and look for Kaede who was supposed to help you.
Once you found her you climbed place so everyone can see you holding a microphone. Kaede had keebord with her and so as everyone was quiet song began.
Ibuki loves it. The rhyme was not bad but she focused on words that were coming out from you.
Once you ended you said how you felt about Ibuki and that this song was for her.
When you climbed down your lovely soon-to-be girlfriend came closer to you as you gave her flowers she jumped onto you crushing you with a hug and repeating "I love you".
You had no idea what you could do for valentines to show your feelings towards keebo...
You thought to take him on a date but not saying that it was a date. Since there was a amusement park around you picked that place.
He was excited to go but once he asked if someone is coming too you freaked out internally. You said that you thought of going alone with him he didn't argue. He was nervous tho. Becouse he whould be alone with you! Deep down he (and you) wanted someone from your class to be there too so it won't be akward.
You two had so much fun tho! Despite the fact that you were a bit nervous.
Keebo at the end asked if it was a date. You asked then him if he wanted it to be date. As he noded (and blushed slightly) you said "it was a date then!" and you added fast "alsoihavefallenforyou" keebo looked at you "what did you say could you repeat?" you said same thing slower.
He started blushing more and said that he felt the same way.
Gonta Gokuhara
You were ready to finally tell him the truth. Wich were your not-so-obvious feelings towards him.
Since Valentines day was getting closer you thought it was a great opportunity. But what to do!?
You started thinking about this more and more. Where to take him? What to get him?
Your final decision was to go for a walk and give him some chocolate! Simple but you were sure he whould appreciate gesture!
You were nervous but you knew that the worst outcome was him not sharing feelings but you whould stay friends for sure!
Just as you were about to ask him to have a nice walk together he asked if you wanted to go on a date with him. This was a bit unexpected but you were happy to do so.
You were now getting ready taking your gift and making sure you looked great even though he said that you should pick less formal clothes since you might get a little dirty.
You met him near school gates as he was leading the way you gave him chocolate and he shared some with you while you were walking. He also felt bad that he didn't had anything for you
He wanted to show you his favorite place. It took you a while and it was getting dark but with Gonta on your side you couldn't possibly be scared you trusted him.
You were there it was just beautiful. There were fireflies around and beautiful flowers and various of bugs such as ladybugs and few butterflies aswell. But it all together looked like a magical place there was less trees there than there was in other parts in woods and you could see sky more clear.
You couldn't help but just hug Gonta as you were looking at it amazed by beauty of nature. As you told him how you feel.
"Gonta feels the same way about Y/N that's why Gonta wanted to show Y/N this place" he smiled as he hugged you back.
Kirumi Tojo
You spent a lot of time with Kirumi and yet you are not sure what can you do to show her how you feel.
You were currently in your room thinking about how perfect it has to be and how perfect Kirumi is.
You thought about going to the restaurant but you have no idea wich one to chose and if she will have free time...
You had mixed feelings about this... But you went towards Kirumi and asked if she was free. After she said yes you two discussed where you two should go. Her suggestion was a regular walk.
Once you saw her and you two were ready to go you gave her flowers and she blushed as she accepted your gift.
You had really good time just chatting enjoying slightly chilly weather.
As you two walked you noticed that Kirumi was slightly shivering so you gave her your coat and moved back to the dorms.
Ok it's now or never as Kirumi and you entered dormitory you said that you had a crush on her. She accepted your feelings as she kissed you and left to her room.
Ryoma Hoshi
Even if Ryoma was keep pushing you away on the start you managed to get close to him... but with time you relized that you might have fallen for him.
You had no idea when you could tell him how you feel but since valentines were getting closer each day you wanted to do it. But now you think best time it whould be Valentines day.
You left card in his dorm room (asking Kirumi to do it while she was cleanning) to meet you near school gates at 4 pm on valentines day.
You had a small gift for him wich was typical chocolate box.
Once you were waiting for him you started to think...
What if he won't come? What if he won't see card? What if? what if?
Your train of thought stopped as you heard his voice calling your name.
You turned around and he was there. You quickly gave him the box.
"So you were the one who wrote that card" he said as you replied "and I am the one who had fallen for you" it left him speachless... He looked at you and thought you were joking... But you sure weren't.
He blushed and hid himself behind his beanie as he told you he felt the same.
Then you had a small talk near school gates and later he walked with you to dormitory. It was great.
I know its very late for valentine post but I couldn't write it earlier... Sorry! Also please send in requests xd.
Also yay we hit 58 followers!! 🎊✨🎉🎈
~Mod Chiaki
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daydreamdanganronpa · 6 years
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you’re absolutely right and gonta deserves to be one of the wonders of the world (he makes an appearance in oumas one here~)
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another really long one! under the cut we go
On one of your trips to the arcade, the contents of a certain machine caught your eye, making you gasp in enticement. Pressed up against the glass, your eyes glittered seeing the collection of cute plushies packed into it. 
“Amami-chan, wait, I have to win like, every one of those.” You said seriously, pulling out your wallet. Rantaro chuckled-- while he knew how rigged these machines were he couldn’t bring himself to say no, knowing your weakness for cute things. It’d also be fun for him to see you try.
You rolled the coin in the slot enthusiastically and began to operate it. However, this enthusiasm slowly dwindled after every failed attempt, and as you got down to your last few coins, your patience was wearing thin. Rantaro, who was looking on in amusement, stepped forward.
“Wait,” He said, moving you over gently. “Let me.”
“Oh?” You challenged. “You seem confident. I’ve never seen you play one of these before.”
“Hey, I’ve plenty experience.” He said playfully. “This was how I budgeted buying gifts for all my sisters.” Truthfully he was exaggerating as he bragged-- he had only frequented arcades with one of his sisters and been successful at a claw machine once or twice.
“Okay,” You hummed, taking his words with a grain of salt. Your eyes followed the path of the crane he was now controlling.
“Now,” He said, bluffing. “Witness me.”
So you did. And watched as his crane lowered, grabbed a plush toy shaped like a fox ...And landed straight into the chute.
You gasped, not expecting for the machine to actually play in your favour. “Oh!? You did it!”
Trying to internalise his excitement, he held it up coolly with a smile and handed it to you.
“Sorry __-chan.” He laughed. “I couldn’t get you all of them, but this ones all yours.”
You shook your head, smiling. “Don’t worry about that!” You held it close and wrapped your arm around his.
“It’s perfect.”
You were walking past a patisserie on the street when the display caught your eye. With a gasp you ran over to the shop window, pulling him with you. “Kiibo, look! These are so, so cute!” You pointed at the sweets in question. 
He tilted his head, processing what you were showing him.
“What are they?”
“They’re donuts! But they’re shaped like animals, see?” You said without giving him a chance to reply, rushing into the shop. He quickly followed suit, with an indignant cry to wait for him.
Awaiting inside were much more assortments of desserts, and you immediately swooned over each of the cute pastries— some of them breads shaped like turtles, cakes with bunny toppers, butterflies iced onto cupcakes… Kiibo had to admit they were cute, even if he disliked the robot made out of fondant glaring at him in the corner.
“Hm~” He heard you say. “I’ll take three of those, a box of donuts, one of each of these… Ooh, and this too!” You excitedly placed an order to the rather overwhelmed cashier.
Kiibo placed a hand on your shoulder. “W-wait, __-chan, do we need to buy so many? I can’t even eat and there’s no way you’ll be able to finish them all by yourself.”
Without hesitation, you turned to him with a grin. “I know what I can handle.”
Kiibo gulped in response and took a step back, letting you do your thing and listen in distress to the steadily rising amount of sweets you were ordering.  You twirled out of the shop leaving with your wallet a little lighter and a very confused Kiibo holding a stack of toppling dessert boxes.
You hadn’t felt like getting up from your current position for what felt like hours. You felt content relaxing in the park with your boyfriend Korekiyo, your head leaning against his shoulder.  Amidst your sleepiness, you perked up as you saw something across from you.
“Oh! How adorable!” You exclaimed, nudging Korekiyo next to you. He jolted, eyes darting around to see what you were talking about.
His eyes fell upon a bunch of preschoolers holding hands as they all crossed the road together in matching uniforms and tulip name tags.
“Aren’t they so cute and innocent? I just wanna take them all home~”
“Hm…” He mused. “I do think our careers as Ultimates would provide a steady enough income for us and a few children. Though I cannot picture a whole nursery, the thought is amusing.”
“Although…” He was completely lost in thought now, and you knew when he was in this state it was difficult to stop him. “A house or even a fairly sizeable apartment would be nice-- I’d like some space to display my artefacts. And I wouldn’t mind the companionship of a cat or dog; some reptiles or such to observe even.”
You stared at him as he rambles on, face flushing red at his implications. He was really describing you two living the perfect domestic life with a straight face.
Korekiyo looked back at you and smiled, confusion still written on your face as you tried to process the tangent he just went on. He pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“You say the most wonderful things that make me look forward to the future. Now, let’s go home.”
With that, he promptly got up and started walking. You remained motionless on the bench, still blinking at his words. Suddenly you snapped out of it, and quickly rushed to catch up with your boyfriend.
“I-I didn’t say anything!”
He was showing you his bug collection in his Ultimate Lab, describing each of them to you when your eyes landed on a shiny ladybug.
“Oh!” You dropped to eye level to look at it closer. “This one's really cute!”
“__-chan can hold it, if __-chan wants!”
“Really!?” You gasped. He nodded, and opened the bug catcher box it was residing in. It flew out immediately, and you stared after it in awe.
“Ladybug for making wishes. Good luck if it lands on you.” Gonta smiled.
Your eyes followed it as it flew around his lab, and giggled when it landed on Gonta’s forehead. He exclaimed in surprise, crossing his eyes to try and look at it so he could make a wish.
“Bug-san, Gonta wish luck on __-chan.” He announced, transferring it from his forehead to his hand. Then he turned to you, and gently held yours as he let it walk across to your palm.
“Here.” He said softly.
You let out a soft gasp of amazement. “It’s adorable! Isn’t this the cutest thing you’ve ever seen!?” You squealed. You cupped the ladybug into your hands, and showed Gonta with a wide smile on your face. He returned the smile— he loved seeing his two favourite things together; you, and bugs.
At your question, however, Gonta looked puzzled for a moment, staring as you continued to shove it closer to his face.
He gently took hold of your hand and lowered it so he could clearly see you.
“Gonta think you the cutest thing Gonta ever see.”
When you were walking one day, excitedly chatting to each other, Kaito suddenly stopped mid-conversation. “Woah, wait— babe, slow down.” He said seriously, putting out an arm in front of you suddenly. “Look.”
You focused your attention ahead; sure enough, a trail of ducklings following their mother was crossing the road. It was highly amusing seeing someone like him become so protective over tiny ducklings, but it was endearing. Behind him, you clasped your hands and smiled.
“How cuuuuute! Let’s keep them, Kaito, I want 50!” You exclaimed, eyes sparkling as you approached them.
He grabbed your wrist from behind. “Y-You can’t! As much as I want to, too, you really can’t!”
You squirmed in his grasp, trying to break free. “Then I’m just— I’m just going to pet it!” You said. He knew that was a lie on your part, if he let you pet it you’d soon scoop it up and hide it in your coat.
“No, __-chan, they’ve got a mother!” He argued, struggling with your determination. “You’re gonna break up a family!”
When enough time had passed and he was sure you wouldn’t try to disturb them anymore, he released you.
You frowned in displeasure as you stared at their leaving forms.
“Kaito, let’s go to a pet shop later.”
RYOMA - cross referenced from an earlier ask!
“I’m not falling for that again.”
The two of you were in a cat cafe and playing with the cats when you asked to take them home. You were particularly attached to the one curled up on your lap, and didn’t want to say goodbye. It wasn’t a surprise to you that he shut down the idea, but you frowned anyway.
“Just this one, then?”
“But they’re so cute, and they’re all up for adoption! Just one more won’t be too bad, right?” You pouted.
“Don’t do this to me, __.” Ryoma sighed, but there was a sternness in his voice. “That Kaede just dropped off a box of them, too. We’ve got way more cats than we can handle. Every time we adopt ‘just one more’, it adds to our problems.”
“Our catastrophe, you mean!”
“No cat puns, either.”
“I’m just kitten around~”
At that, he gave you a piercing stare. “...We can take it home if you promise not to make another pun.”
“Yes!” You cheered, as he sighed in defeat again. You always knew how to wear him down.
On a casual stroll with your boyfriend through the park, you noticed something was rapidly running towards you. It was unmistakably animal, and its speed alarmed you. 
Shuichi squinted. “What’s that getting closer--” He began, but didn’t get to finish his sentence when the wind was knocked out of him suddenly. “W-Woah!?” Shuichi yelled, stumbling backwards. You spun around, looking at what just attacked him. You blinked, realising it was just a dog. The dog, a golden retriever, had jumped on him suddenly and tackled him to the ground, tail now wagging and licking his face.
You laughed at the sight, even snapping a photo of it on your phone as you gushed over it.
At this, the dog perked up and bounded its way over to you.
“Really?” Shuichi complained. “It’s so much nicer to you…”
“Don’t you know animals are only nice to the pure of heart?” You teased back, smiling as you patted the dog and even got it to sit and give you a handshake.
Soon enough, someone rushed over-- you assumed it to be the dog’s owner, who was bowing and apologising for the trouble.  You shook your head with a smile much to a certain detectives dismay. “No, it’s okay! He was very well behaved.”
The owner apologised again before walking away with their dog, leaving you to help up a very rattled Shuichi. When he looked back into your eyes and saw them glittering with excitement, he gulped, knowing what you were going to suggest next.
“We should adopt a dog, Shuichi! They’re so cute, and honestly, I’d want like 50 pets.” You chirped, as you looked back at the dog in the distance, tail still wagging. When you looked back to your boyfriend, he was shaking his head profusely.
“Please, no...” He let out, breath ragged. “Let’s just get a fish, or something…”
He didn’t expect this to go as poorly as it did.
Ouma was introducing you to his friend Gonta, and much to Ouma’s dismay, your eyes lit up as soon as you laid eyes on the taller boy.
“Oh my, you’re so cute!” You exclaimed, not letting Ouma finish what was going to be his half-assed introduction of Gonta. “I love your glasses— where did you get them!? Gosh, can’t I just take you home!? You’re adoooorable!”
Gonta was noticeably blushing at this, laughing as he scratched the back of his neck and answered your questions awkwardly.
Ouma was standing idly by, narrowing his eyes. His pout went unnoticed by you as you fawned over Gonta’s soft hair. Ouma grew irritated as more and more attention was placed onto Gonta and not on him.
“Okay, okay, cut it out!” He said, annoyed, and began to pull you away from him. “Let’s go have lunch already, __-san.”
You turned your head around to wave at your new friend as you were dragged away, Gonta waving back albeit his confusion. When he let go of you, he slumped into his chair, appearing to be very concentrated on his bento in an attempt to avoid eye contact with you.
“Aww. Were you jealous, Ouma-chan?” You tease, ruffling his hair.
“I-I wasn’t!” Ouma said indignantly, choking on a bite of his rice. “He’s just an idiot, is all.” He grumbled, batting your arm away.
You raised your eyebrows. He was totally jealous.
You let his comment hang in the air for a while, knowing his neediness for affection would show itself. Soon enough, he suddenly grabbed your hand and placed it on his head again, prompting you to continue.
“Okay, so I lied! Whatever. Maybe a little.”
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“the boys cheering up their s/o who's just been out of it lately? it'd be nice to have them cheer me up as i've been quite sad recently..”
I’ve been a bit out of it as well so here 
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When he finds out that you’ve been feeling bad lately he’s crushed 
He doesn’t want you to be sad......
he would ask you to tell him what’s bothering you, that is if you are comfortable with it
He’ll sit upright, tense and at attention when you explain your reasoning 
he gives the best advice he can, depending on the situation before asking if there’s anything he can do for you 
He’s more than willing to do whatever you wish 
He’s not that experienced when it comes to comforting people...so he’s a bit awkward at it 
He’ll give you back rubs, he’ll let you rest on his chest, holding you close etc
He really just tries to keep you close to him, he can really only help that way.....
Whether that be kisses, cuddles or showing his love in ‘other ways’
He’s willing to do anything 
He’ll be reluctant to leave you alone, he wants you to feel better 
He jokes about it at first 
“Aw, s/o is a little crybaby!”
And then you cry harder, he panics
nice going ouma 
But then he realizes the severity of the situation and smartens up 
He’ll hold you in his arms, cooing into your ear that he’s sorry and that he never meant to heart your feelings 
He almost starts crying himself, but he’ll never admit it 
He’ll let you use his scarf as a tissue as well
Once most of the tears have stopped flowing he’ll get you a hot drink for you to sip, as you vent about your issues and him
He never lets go of you, always curling you up in his arms 
Once you’ve finished he’ll comfort you, saying that he’s there to protect you and be there for you always 
If anyone hurts you, they have to answer to him
Nothing can ever change that 
He loves you, that’s the truth 
He looks calm, eyes soft and breathing calm
It’s short lived, he smiles and drags you along off the bed
He’s going to make you laugh and smile the hardest today, if its the last thing he’ll do 
He can pick up on your sadness pretty quickly 
he respects that you may want to be left alone, so he’ll keep his distance 
Until he can start to see the bags under your eyes and how you seem to be disconnected 
He asks you politely if you are feeling down. 
You assure him that you’re fine 
He presses harder, you yell at him that you can handle it 
But then you start crying 
He approaches you slowly, asking you to take it easy
You manage to keep it together until he touches you
Then everything is thrown out the window, your mask, your strength and you break down
Your legs give out as you cling desperately to his shirt 
Amami doesn’t mind, he gently holds you and carries you to the nearest bed or couch to rest 
As your cry yourself out he gently pats your hair, cradling your shaking form 
Once you’re feeling a bit better he’d gently ask again what’s wrong
So you spill everything, he listens intently 
Once you’ve finished he comforts your worries and helps you relax
He’ll keep talking, reminding you of good thoughts until you drift to sleep 
He knows all about sadness, depression, those type of things 
It’s an emotion that every person from every culture and race feel , no mater what 
He knows how serious despairing can effect a person 
But at the same time, it can be over within a day or 2 
It is a very complex emotion, that every person is treated differently for 
So when he finds out that you have been feeling sad recently he’s well prepared for whichever road you’ll take him down 
He sits you down, the two of you have a vent session 
He asks questions and you answer them
It isn’t like a normal therapist talk though, he’ll pat your hand and if you seem to be on the edge of tears he’ll immediately stop and coo soft assurances in your ear 
He takes it very slow, neither of  you mind
He’ll make tea to calm your nerves, the two of you sipping softly
actually i take that back i forgot about his mask whoops  
He’ll address all of your feelings with a professional attitude 
It can make you sad...he should act like your boyfriend rather than someone professional-
the second you even think that he stops mid sentence 
He takes a breath, and then-
He pulls of his mask
He moves forward in a swift motion, grabbing the back of your head and kissing you 
He leaves you shocked and when he pulls away you can admire him in all his glory 
He places your hand on his chest, you can feel the beat beneath your fingers 
“You make me like this. You and only you.”
After that he’ll rest with you the rest of the day, giving advice without the professional act 
It makes you feel good. Right 
You feel all your sadness floating away, you get to admire Korekiyo in his non-sophisticated glory 
And it’s wonderful 
He walks in to seeing you crying 
The first thing out of his mouth is an offer to kill whoever made you this way 
You sniffle, rubbing your nose and tell him things are just stressful 
He’s riled up
A lot 
He’s pacing and ranting about how you shouldn’t have to through any of this 
He just-
He just threw the table 
Oh no he’s punching the wall 
He recoils his hand, shaking it and hissing in pain 
You continue to cry, he jumps in realization and does everything he can to make you stop 
He’s begging you to smile, holding your face and wrapping you in his jacket 
He’ll remind you that nothing should bring you down! You’re his angel!
Once you’ve stopped crying he’ll be happy
He’d put on a movie for you or do whatever you’d like! As long as you’re happy!
“But I mean.....” 
“If it’s stress you’re feeling...” A smirk from him 
“I know a little stress reliever-”
You throw a pillow at him
It takes him multiple calculations to determine that you are saddened 
He decides to tell you his conclusion
When he tells you it seems to hurt you, he immediately regrets it 
“A-ah I’m sorry! It seems that you did not want my conclusion! I am very sorry!”
You tell him that it’s fine, it’s not him that’s the issue 
His eyes are (literally) glowing 
“Please tell me more!”
You sigh, and sit him down 
It starts off with you just lightly venting 
But then the tears start falling, Kiibo freaks out and you continue to cry 
He grabs you a tissue box, you thank him 
Whatever you’re feeling bad about, he’ll provide advice (that he got off of the internet) and talk to you about it as best as he can 
If you still feel bad afterwards he’ll take your mind off of things, going out somewhere to get you out of the house 
He knows he isn’t the best at this type of stuff...
He knows it better than anyone 
He’s can’t ever be the same as a normal human being 
That doesn’t stop him from trying his hardest 
You can tell when you wake to see him passed out in a pile of written notes, all saying encouraging things 
He placed them everywhere, to make you happy 
You smile, place a peck on his check and thank him softly 
whatever happens after that can happen, he’ll be there for you, learning and trying as well 
You have to tell him upfront that you aren’t feeling well 
His face immediately contorts with sadness, it pains you
He sweats and is flailing his arms and asking you what happened????
You just want to sugar-coat it, by seeing his face 
he needs to know the truth 
So you tell him everything, having to stop him from full on panicking at times 
It ends up you having to tell him that you aren’t gonna die, so he can calm down 
once he finally can think a bit better he gives you encouragment! lots of it !
You are perfect!
You are good!
You shouldn’t let others bring you down!
He’ll get some cute butterflies or ladybugs and show them to you
they’re cute!!! Like you!!!
Oh? Would you look at that cat!!!
Like you!!
He makes you smile with how adorable he’s being 
even though you’re problems aren’t solved....
But look at how cute he’s being!!!
It’s hard for you to stay sad for so long, he just makes you light up 
Later that, he makes sure to give you lots of cuddles in bed! 
Hoshi: ((dt to Levia))
when you approach him and tell him that you’re sad he’s surprised 
He can’t really believe someone as good as you can feel something like that 
It isn’t fair 
He’ll sit down and listen to you explain your problems to him 
He scratches at the brim of his hat a lot, eyes narrowing at the floor 
He knows a lot about dealing with lots of pressure, sadness, anxiety...all of it 
he doesn’t want you to go through any of it 
Whatever God is making you go through this is Sick
He’s worthless 
Focusing back on you, he notices that you seem to be crying 
He assures you that it’s alright to cry, and then the flood gates open 
All the emotions and fear and anxiety just unfold as you blubber and he holds you close (as he can rip) and reassures you that it’s alright 
He let’s you cry until your throat goes raw 
And then he explains how you don’t deserve any of this
You are so wonderful 
You are his everything 
His light 
The one who made his life worth living 
He keeps complimenting you, pretty soon you’re a red mess in his arms 
He keeps telling you how much he loves you
You feel warm, your heart
It’s warm
and cosy 
and safe 
it’s wonderful 
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The guys as Yanderes
I recommend you looking up error code 444 if you plan on reading about Kiibo...
2 OF THEM MENTION SEX BE WARNED, nothing NSFW happens though, don’t worry 
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he cared about you
he cared about you so much
you were the only bright thing in his life 
but there were people who took that away...
everyone who takes your light away from him
he doesn’t want you to have to worry
 you notice how clingy he’s becoming
not letting you out of his sight, telling you to always stay with him
he finally decides to do something about them....
you walk in to see him killing your friends 
Kaede is dead, and so is Kiibo, Amami... and there’s so much blood
it’s making your head spin and you’re dizzy with the stench 
and then he notices you
he’s got blood on his face, his hat thrown away
he drops the knife, his eyes going bright with lust 
and he gets closer..and closer...and closer 
his eyes are different, as if someone mixed black paint with his beautiful golden eyes
“Hey....s/o...no need to be afraid”
you tell him to get away, he smiles 
“It’s just me.”
:    D
what the fuck are you seeing
why is Kaito dead in front of you
and it’s not just Kaito, all of the guys are laying crammed in the locker
the locker is leaking blood and....other....substances
you see that someone’s neck is broken, spinal fluid oozing out onto the floor  
there’s the metallic stench in the air, you turn around to see Kiibo
“What...what did you do?”
he’s got dried blood all over him, he looks confused at your question
“ I won, against all the rivals. I knew that against a real person, you would always choose them over me...but now that they’re all gone, you can be mine!”
this isn’t how it’s supposed to be
isn’t he supposed to kill, isn’t it against his programming?
he’s walking towards you, he’s smiling
“You love me? Right?”
you can’t speak, you’re afraid of the friendly robot you thought you knew
you tell him that this isn’t how it works 
 he seems to think about this, finally he speaks 
“huh. It seems your right.....However, it is what it is....so, the path has been chosen.”
he hugs you, you can feel the blood from his metal body seem into your clothing 
he turns your head up to look at him 
“I love you.”
deep in his eyes, you see numbers running in the background
He forced you to watch
he forced you to watch as everyone you knew died in front of you
he’s smiling 
he’s gotten the blood of others mixing with his own 
and he smile's as he finishes the job
“Did your enjoy that s/o?”
he looks so happy why
he caresses your face, eyes heavily clouded
he tells you that he won for you
you just need him now , everyone else wasn’t good for you
they don’t let you have any fun
and then his mouth is on yours, he’s overtaking your mouth
you can’t move, you’re tied up
“Fuck You’re so hot..”
you know where this is leading..
He leaves, taking you with him
he’s going to clean up 
then you two can begin 
he can’t wait to see you like that 
he knew from the second he saw you that you two were meant for each-other 
you two had started going out, and you really weren't really into it though...
you were thinking about breaking up with him
and then one day you were knocked unconscious 
you woke up, and-
 h u h
what w h a t
what....were you..........doing?
o h h look..
Korekiyo is smiling at you
“You were just resting, princess.” Oh h h 
it all makes sense now 
the two of you drink tea, you live out fairy-tales 
and... the two of you have intercourse 
and you love him
but you see the way he gets when you try to leave your castle 
you don’t want to 
and it’s the way life is 
but why wouldn’t it be like that ?
.   . ..  . 
Gonta :
you walk in to find all his bugs dead
it’s grotesque, puss sprayed everywhere, shells crushed, butterflies dissected 
you resist the urge to throw up, and run to find Gonta 
And he’s killing more bugs 
you ask him what he’s going 
he seems shocked, and then says that they’re sick, he needed to kill them 
but why do it so brutally
then you notice he’s pulling the wings of a moth off
he finally stands up
he tells you that he does it for fun 
oh! but you still love him right ! (◡‿◡✿)
R  i g h t   ?   (ʘ‿ʘ✿)
you nod, in fear, he smiles satisfied and goes on
you want to get away.... so you decide to tell your friend
you two make up an idea to get you out
but then you return home, to get your things 
adn he’s looking at you
‘You....told someone didn’t you?”
he’s on you before you can scream
you feel something going down your throat 
too bad....
he loved you, so so so so so much
that’s why he told you in the first place 
he has to make sure you never tell anyone else... 
e v e r
He loved you more than anyone else in this world 
so when he found out that people were being mean to you
he set to work
you showed up to school the next day, and you find out that those students were killed...car accident 
your happier, they don’t bug you anymore 
but then...other girls begin to spread gossip about you...
you go home that night and cry to Hoshi
he tells you that you should stay home the next day....
he says that he’s going out to buy some groceries, and comes back a couple of hours later
you’re eating dinner that night when the new comes on... the school was on fire.
the doors were locked the windows were bolted
the entire school was in the gym for an assembly 
they all died 
the reporter goes onto interview the families of the victims as you stare
Hoshi says that they deserved it....
he knows you can't ever know 
so he keeps it a secret
you never find out 
you’re hanging out with an old friend at a cafe, the two of you are talking about various things
you look out the window, and...
is that Amami?
you blink again, and he’s gone..
probably just your imagination 
you two go shopping, and you think you see him standing behind the coat rackets
you decide to bring it up to him when you get home
he’s offended 
“You think I've been stalking you?!”
and now you’re at a loss for works 
because....you don’t think he’d lie to you
 “D-Does this mean you don’t love me?”
you tell him that’s not the case, and you have to give him lots of affection that night 
it’s a few weeks later that you find out that your friend is dead, the one who you went to the cafe with 
you’;re devastated, and Amami does feel bad
But then he’s saying things like ‘It’s fine, she never really talked to you anyway...” and “You’ll get over it.” 
you don’t like the way he’s acting,but you decide to leave it..
then you notice him watching you again, and you know someone has been on your phone, through your things 
and when you finally confront him, he’s playing it off cool
he tells you that he’d never do it, but your not convinced 
so he has no choice
 so he slowly walks towards you
you tell him to get away, he laughs 
and then he grabs you by the neck, drags you into he basement 
he tells you what a good girl you are as he puts a gag in your mouth 
your screaming is muffled, and he hits you, yelling at you to shut up
and then he kisses the injured part,
he feeds you, and gives you love 
he even lets you out onto the main floor!
if you’re a good girl
he doesn’t trust you to go out. so he just keeps you inside 
inside to where he can just have you for himself 
you notice how possessive he’s become 
he’ll cling to you constantly and cries when your away from him for a second 
you once told him to let you go, he got angry 
because he just doesn’t want to loose you
why can’t you understand that?
so you let him cling..for a while 
until it’s gotten to he point when he’s asking you to take showers together 
and you draw the line 
you tell him to just leave you alone. You can’t be for him 24/7
and he doesn’t want to
“N O.”
you ask him again, to please leave you alone, he needs to give you your space 
he doesn’t want to
you have no choice 
“If you don’t leave me, I’m going to call the police”
and he looks offended, bu then offended turns to annoyance and then rage 
“N o.”
That’s it, you don’t want to but you get up, and go to the phone 
he stops you
“You’re not calling the police.”
and now you're starting to get scared, you tell him to please, just let you leave 
he says no
You break away from his hold and slowly back away
he’s murmuring now, about how you can’t leave, how he can’t be alone 
you decide to run, attempt to make it to the door 
and he’s after you
he yanks your hair back, and then hits you
and it hurts 
your flailing to get away and screaming to get away
so he has to shut you up 
punches don’t work as effectively, so he grabs a knife 
and then he’s cutting you over and over and over 
and you realize your vocal cords are gone 
he hurts you until you can’t move 
and then he stabs your legs 
you’re screaming, but nothing is coming out 
You black out, and find yourself immobile, sitting chained to the ground, all our your injuries have been patched up
and then Ouma comes, a lost look in his eyes
“I really really didn’t want to do that s/o.... But you left me with no choice...”
He pulls you in his lap,you tense as you feel your legs hurt 
“Ahh? Well... If your legs are that hurt...”
He pulls his face closer to yours 
“I can’t fuck you yet...But soon..”
He’ll wait, until your legs scar over and you aren’t in pain
he’ll never let them heal fully, never make it so that you can walk
he likes you to be helpless as he takes you......................
and that’s the way it will stay
F o r e v e r
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