drawbauchery · 1 year
I drew more kitties
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If it's okay could I request how the dr3 boys would react to their s/o being accidentally shrunk during one of Miu's experiments or something? I thought it would be a good opportunity for lots of fluff and protectiveness hehE
this was actually very fun to write, thank you for requesting anon!! also, i apologize if some of these scenarios sound repetitive, i wrote the ones i had instant ideas for first, and then sort of left myself stuck trying to think of something for the others that didn’t sound exactly like everything else i’d already written...
also, just for fun, i decided to write a little scenario for Miu, too! i hadn’t planned on it at first, but her involvement in this particular request made me want to write for her and i couldn’t help myself,,,, this is my first time writing an imagine-type thing for her so i can only hope i did her justice aha~
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warnings: a little bit of swearing
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚:*✧・゚:
Shuichi Saihara
— you’re so small!! what if you get lost?! what if someone steps on you?! what if you fall off something and die?! what if-
— you’ll have to calm him down before he gives himself an aneurysm lol
— somehow he’s more worried than you are. Miu says she’ll be able to get you back to normal in no time, so why shouldn’t you trust her? Shuichi could give you about a thousand reasons but that’s beside the point
— if it were up to him he would hold you and not let go unless he absolutely has to in order to make sure you don’t get hurt or stuck somewhere but obviously that’s unrealistic
— to an extent, it’s cute how worried he is about you, but it does get annoying from time to time
— i mean, you’re shrunk, not stupid. you know to stay away from edges of tables and other things you could fall from, not to wander off, etc.
— but as frustrating as Shuichi can be you really can’t get upset with him because dammit he’s so cute when he gets protective and you love him so so much
Rantaro Amami
— honestly he’s not super concerned at first
— he trusts you to be careful and not get yourself killed, and he trusts Miu to get you back to normal somehow, so why should he be worried?
— though he’ll still be pretty chill for the most part, he will start to be more protective of you when he starts to fully process the sheer number of tragic deaths you could succumb to in your current shrunken state
— this protectiveness takes the form of him offering you way more assistance than you need
— it’s nice that you want to help out, rantaro, but your s/o doesn’t need you to help them find something to sit on, c’mon now
— he kind of enjoys the way you literally fit right into the palm of his hands
— additionally, there’s now a very small, feral urge in the back of his mind to brush and style your hair like his sisters always used to do with their dolls
— he’ll probably never mention it, but don’t be too surprised if he all of a sudden takes a strong liking to playing with your hair once you’re back to normal
Kokichi Ouma
— did you expect him to treat this situation with the proper concern and caution it deserves? because if so i have bad news for you-
— he thinks it’s so funny how small you are
— like, so funny Miu has to physically intervene to get him to stop cracking up at your tiny form
— obviously you don’t think it’s as funny as he does
— right away he’s thinking of ways he could use your size to his advantage to mess with somebody
— at one point he decides it would be really funny to pretend he’s going to step on you which essentially translates to pretending he’s going to murder you but once you chew him out and explain to him how mean that was he actually feels really bad for upsetting you
— while he’s nowhere near as small as you are now, Kokichi is a rather petite guy, so the size difference between the two of you isn’t quite as drastic as it is between you and the taller guys
— since he’s a little less likely to accidentally smush you, he’s able to sorta cuddle you as if you were a small stuffed animal
— and btw being gently held and all snuggled up in his arms like that??? HEAVEN. LITERAL HEAVEN
Gonta Gokuhara
— if i had to choose someone who’s the least likely to accidentally get you killed while you’re shrunk, it would be Gonta
— i mean, he handles bugs that are much smaller and delicate than you are now, and if he can take such good care of them, obviously he’ll be able to take care of you no problem!
— you draw the line at him putting you in the little bug box he carries with him, though. you’re a human being, not a beetle!
— he likes to have you sit on his shoulders! they’re so broad that there’s plenty of room for you, too
— his hair is long enough for you to hang onto it to keep your balance if you need to!
— being so tiny also really puts into perspective just how gentle Gonta is
— yes, you’ve seen firsthand how he’s able to handle delicate little insects, and he’s always gentle with you, too, but being in the position of an insect in the palm of his hand, so to speak, is so much different
— you’ve never had anyone touch you with so much care, solicitude, and just pure love before and it’s honestly the most incredible feeling in the world
— another very concerned boy
— (s/o) is tiny???? how??? WHY??? HUH??
— at he’s pretty concerned about his knowledge of how humans work and fears he knows much less than he thought
— nobody ever told him they could shrink!!! he didn’t know humans could do that!! that’s because they can’t, kiibo, but i appreciate the concern
— once you explain what happened to him - how you were helping Miu out when her current experiment decided to malfunction and go apeshit, making you the size of a doll in the process - he’s a little less confused but also a lot more angry
— he makes sure to give Miu a thorough lecture on lab safety! he can’t have his s/o getting hurt just by being in the same room as her!!
— don’t worry, he’ll simmer down once you assure him that you’re okay!
— similar to Gonta, Kiibo is very careful with you! he knows you’re much more fragile than he is under normal circumstances, but now that you’re so little he’s even more worried about how susceptible to injury you are
— when he holds you or touches you, he does so with the utmost precision and care, as if you’re made of glass and would shatter if he laid his hands on you incorrectly
— he won’t tell you this, but he’s really looking forward to the day Miu is able to get you back to normal just so he won’t need to be so anxious about your safety anymore
— it’s hard work worrying about the person you love!!
Kaito Momota
— another one who’s probably not as phased by the situation as he should be
— but when Miu told him that she’d accidentally shrunk his s/o, he didn’t think that meant "i shrunk your s/o and don’t have a way fix it at this point in time"
— so when he realizes that now he has to help make sure you don’t, idk, die, he’s a little annoyed. not with you, though!
— i mean, technically he doesn’t *have* to help you out, but it would be a real dick move if he didn’t lol
— he lets you sit up on his shoulder, or in the pocket of his jacket!
— at first he doesn’t totally process that you’re a little more fragile than usual, so he may accidentally manhandle you from time to time
— just be sure to tell him if he’s holding you strangely, or if you’re starting to get uncomfy
— his priority is making sure you’re taken care of and he's not about to let himself of all people get in the way of that!!
Korekiyo Shinguuji
— he’s very worried about you, but he’ll try to hide it
— the last thing he wants to do is make your situation more stressful than it needs to be by fussing over you to no end
— it’s not that he doesn’t think you can take care of yourself anymore! he just doesn’t think the world is safe enough for you anymore!
— if you catch on to his anxiety and decide to question him about it, he’ll most likely go off on a tangent about how ‘humans are at the top of the food chain’ and ‘there’s a reason most predators are large and most prey is small’ and ‘in nature small creatures are naturally put in constant danger" or something
— while you may not necessarily appreciate him comparing you to a small prey animal, you know his heart is in the right place
— he just wants to protect you!!
— Kiyo has pretty large, slender hands, and you fit in his palm rather comfortably
— under normal circumstances, he’s incredibly gentle with you, and his delicacy of his touches increases tenfold now that you’re so tiny
— in a strange way, it almost feels like he handles you the same way he would handle some sort of fragile, ancient artifact that could be destroyed with just the smallest slip of the hand
— frankly, it’s a bit of an unusual sensation, albeit in a good way!! it’s nice to be touched so gently, y’know?
Ryoma Hoshi
— he’s glad to have a chance to be the tall one in the relationship... lol i’m jk... or am i?
— unlike the other guys, Ryoma doesn’t really dote on you and assume you need his help for everything, mostly because he knows firsthand what it’s like to be so much smaller than someone
— he doesn’t really like being treated like he’s helpless, or needs constant aid from taller people, so he’s mindful of the way he responds to the situation as not to end up behaving exactly like those who frustrate him to no end
— of course if you need him for anything, whether it’s helping you go from one place to another, or just wanting some love from your boyfriend, he’s always right there for you!
— however, sometimes he needs to go get someone taller than him to help you out with something, which he really Does Not Enjoy™️, so before you ask him to help you get something from up high (by your current standards, ofc) be sure to ask yourself if it really can’t wait until you’re back to normal lol
— like with Kokichi, the size difference between you and Ryoma isn’t all that drastic compared to some of the others, so he also manages to cuddle you without much issue. it’s a little awkward at first, but at least there’s no fear he might accidentally lay on top of you and squish you to death
— perks of having a boyfriend who’s 3’5", y’know?
Miu Iruma
— you’ve always enjoyed helping Miu out in her lab, and it isn’t uncommon for her to request your assistance with something, but up until now nothing has ever really... gone wrong in there, at least not majorly
— somehow, whatever shrinking device she’d been working on decided to have an absolute freak attack and target you, not the watermelon she was about to test it on, and now you’re about ten times smaller than you should be
— at least it works... right?
— she’s very apologetic and honestly feels so incredibly guilty that she could have possibly let something like this happen to you
— you’re honestly not very upset at first. she can fix it and you’ll be back to normal in no time, right? ...right?
— now is not the best time for Miu to be telling you about how she hasn’t yet developed a way to reverse the shrinking properties of her latest invention, but unfortunately she doesn’t really have another choice
— in the meantime, she takes it upon herself to whip up a few things to make your new life as a tiny person easier until she can dedicate her time to finding out how to get you back to normal
— you’re a little surprised at the sheer amount of robotic tools and gadgets provided to you that she just had laying around, as well as how quickly she’s able to throw together little devices to help you get around quicker, or reach things up high
— if there was any doubt that she was truly upset that her experimentation could have gone so wrong, it all vanishes the second she places her lips on your head (you may be small but that’s not going to stop her from kissing you!!) and says she’s never going to let herself put you in harms way ever again
— she loves you more than anything in the world, and would spend the rest of her life trying to undo the damage she caused if she had to! that’s how much you mean to her <3
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My Ships!
Hey guys! So currently it's late at night and I wanna write something to help me sleep. So here I am on my phone quickly writing out all my ships down so you guys can see what a loser I am lol.
Now feel free to discuss your opinions, but dont start any ship wars or bash anyone's ships, alright? Cool! So here we go! Each ship will have a short explanation as to why I ship it. And they are in order from favorite to least, though my least favorite is still one I like.
Ishimondo-This is my biggest comfort ship. I love enemies to lovers so much and these two idiots are just...such a beautiful tragedy.
Saimota-Can someone say bromance? Like please they were flirting so hard it hurts. They are dating your honor.
Saimatsu-Please the way she was able to motivate him? Even after death she helped him improve. They had such chemistry from the very beginning.
SakurAoi-Yeah yeah Sakura has a bf whatever. But they technically werent dating yet cause they were waiting til Kenshiro got well. So...LES GO LESBIANS! Hina was about to commit murder suicide for her boo. Literally lovers.
HaruKaito-So even besides the fact Maki straight up confesses, I disagree with people saying they dont have chemistry. They're adorable and Kaito opens her up to people. This ship is adorable af.
Tokomaru-Similair to Kaito and Maki! Komaru helped Toko be a better person! Like I hated Toko at first, but after UDG, shes a top tier favorite. This ship is too cute.
Soudam-Again I love enemies to lovers. Idgaf if they never show romantic interest in each other shut up. They're beautiful bastards, both of them.
Fuyupeko-...do...do I really need to explain? Just play the second chapter again lol.
Hinanami-Im not a big fan of Hajime. In fact hes my least fave protag. But I think the way they interact and the way he is around Chiaki is too fucking cute.
Sondam-They had the more obvious chemistry in the game, and I love Sonia with Gundham. They fit each perfectly, having similar interests. Plus how sad she was when he died? 😭
Kiiruma-Ok so they're a perfect fit right? Kiibo was one of the only ones to even care when Miu died, and Miu seemed to care about Kiibo. Yeah because she could upgrade him, but I feel theres more there!
Naihiro-Now this is a rare pair. I think the two of them are very cute and soft boys, so they relate to each other. Theyd be a very sweet couple.
Akanidai-Nekomaru literally died to protect Akane, and took two bazookas to the chest for her. They were inseparable. Case closed. They cute.
Daiyakure-Another rarepair. It's hard to ship Hiro with people cause you'll get hit with the "hes 21 and they're underage" argument. But with Daiya Oowada, you can say hey, fuck you! Theres literally no interactions between them. It's almost a crack ship. But I love it more than I should.
Naekure-Another Hiro ship, but this one can be justified by saying they start dating after they escape the game and they know they're both adults. I think Makoto would be a decent balance to Hiro's...everything.
Togakure-Same logic as with Makoto as to when they get together. Byakuya would be able to deal with his idiot enough to calm him down slightly. Plus it would be a funny contrast.
Ishikure-Ok now this is a bit harder to explain. I see it more as they were dating before the mind wipe, and in survivor aus theyd date again. I just think Hiro being the only one to care about him after ch 2 is sweet and that the two would be cute.
Hagekureon-Same reasoning as with Taka;Hiro and Leon were dating before the game and/or they date in survivor aus. I think the two idiots together would be an interesting combo, like with Ishimondo.
Naegami-Finally, back to well known ships!😅 So Byakuya clearly cares for Makoto even if he tries to hide it. He'd be a good partner to Makoto, if not a bit tsundereish.
Kuzusouda-Fuyuhiko was like the only one to try to curb Kazuichi's simping, and they have a nice friendship in the anime(from what I've seen and heard, havent seen all of it😅)so I think Fuyu would be able to help Kaz accept himself.
Asakure-Once again, getting together after game. My friend put it as "the two idiots getting together. Its cute." And hes not wrong lol Despite Hina being slightly smarter and the fact she bullied Hiro a bit in game, I can see them working off each other nicely.
Goshi-Firstly I just love the striking difference in their heights. It's funny as hell to me lmao. But secondly I think Gonta's sincereness and kindness could eventually break through to Ryoma and help him realize he isnt unlovable, and he is worth something.
Twobuki-I just think Ibuki's constant praise and lowkey flirting with Twogami is adorable, especially given his...size. Usually people would make a character like that completely unlovable, so the fact she was seen doting on him so much is adorable.
BandAid-Now I normally dont ship killers and victims. It just doesnt feel right to me. But given Mikan was more or less brainwashed into doing it, i kinda give this ship a pass. Plus i think Ibuki could help her be more confident in herself and stop letting others use her.
Soapies-I dont really like either of these characters, thus why its last on the list, but I think Mahiru is the only one who could "tame" Hiyoko, for lack of a better word. She could help her stop being a bully and actually open up to others. Plus they both care a lot about each other. It's cute. Its sweet.
So that's my list! It might grow, and if it does I'll reblog this post to add onto it! Feel free to give your opinions on it, but remember: no ship wars!
Alright imma go pass out now! Good night guys! Lol
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i got a headcanon for ya: giant ouma forces his classmates to play tag with him fully aware that itll be basically impossible for himself to be tagged due to the size difference between them. i feel like he would be the type to let the other player finally catch up to him so he can be tagged to only slide away last second lol
Pffft wth he'd totes do this. Since normal kichi is already a pain and giant kichi is just an extra bigger pain prolly no one wants to go near him so he's gotta physically stop his classmates to get them playing with him. Idk but I think he wouldn't be extra pushy at first (cuz he's aware that he comes off as a villain. And being seen as a villain when you're just a whimpy kid shorter than the rest of your class is mildly amusing and sounds completely wrong, but being seen as a villain when you look like a giant monster who could wreck a city sounds a tad too plausible for his liking, so unlike human/ tiny Kokichi I think giant Kokichi would be a tad meeker, just a wittle bit not too much tho don't get your hopes up), maybe just batting his eyelashes and making puppy eyes at first, and one time out of five his classmates get sympathetic and play a bit with him, but eventually they start to indulge him less and less and he gets annoyed so he pushes it further and starts whining LOUD and stomping his foot around and kicking the dirt and being an obnoxious gigantic brat, and his classmates play with him a lil more to get him to shut up but eventually stop succumbing and he gets more annoyed and pushes his forcing further. The cycle goes on and on escalating to him slamming his hand down to stop them from leaving, threatening… until he just downright kidnaps them to a remote location and forces them to play with him or else he'll leave them lost. Fckin bastard someone slap him
(as a side note ,,, you can take all this stuff about his forcing gradually getting worse and throw it out the window if we're talking only about Momota, cuz Ouma'll just come and grab him in a fist poke and prod until he gets angry enough to chase him and voilà, he's got one (1) idiot playing tag with him for free :stonks: )
And Kokichi prolly relishes the idea of being so powerful and guaranteed to win and watches his weaker classmates struggle to catch up to him (and your hc of letting them catch up then step away last minutes? Absolutely ❤️❤️❤️ ) and he's laughing tauntingly down at his tiny classmates,,, until he gets tagged.
Cuz let's be honest, his classmates are ultimates, yeah maybe some like Shuichi or Himiko or Tsumugi stand no chance, but ultimate adventurer Rantaro?? Who's already played tag with his twelve sisters? Yeah it was obvious he'd be the first to tag kokichi. I think Gonta and Kirumi would be be able to keep up fairly well, Gonta for his life in the wild and his insane speed, and Kirumi because Kokichi requested that she play with him and she's gonna get that request done. Honorable mention for Tsumugi and Kiyo tho, cuz I feel like every now and then they'd be able to sneak up on him with how easily they blend in. aaa as for Maki and Ryoma, I feel like Kokichi would just leave Maki out of his games, or maybe include her in the group but kinda just let her stay away and watch without participating. And Ryoma, nothing could get him playing a stupid game like that, and Kokichi's last attempt to get him playing would be to snatch his hat off, and Ryoma gets uncool and snaps at him and goes into a scarily accurate analysis of him like 'you really want to play so badly huh, your parents neglected as a kid or something? and now we're forced to play with you to make up for it, even tho none of us wants to do this and you're just forcing us to play with you to lie to yourself and imagine that we want to be around you when in truth no one wants to come anywhere near you because of your bratty attitude—' and Kokichi immediately gives his hat back and retreats his hand like he got burned or something, he completely leaves him alone after that (tho I think Ryoma could play along like maybe once if he's in an exceptionally good mood)
Hnggg still even if he expected an easy win at tag -or any game he drags his classmates into- he's even more excited when he looses, and it just makes him love his classmates even more because they truely aren't boring.
But well, getting kidnapped in the middle of the day while you're just minding your business is pretty damn problematic, and the class is afraid of how far Kokichi can go for his entertainment (spoiler alert: not much further. He knows his limits and on the rare occasions he actually kidnaps them he chooses his time carefully then leaves them alone for weeks. He pushes them near limits but doesn't go beyond them) so to avoid that kind of problem in the future his classmates plan weekly games with him. He cools down on his entertainment obsession after that and their games becomes waaay more enjoyable for everyone and all is nice (expect for kaito who still gets played with cuz he just makes it too easy and Kichi ain't stopping any time soon. press f in the chat 😔😔) and as a bonus they get to get back at him playing hide and seek, but turns out that lil cunt beats them at it too omg.
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nebulastarss · 4 years
So, in that post with the art of Rantaro and Kaito, I talked about an au in the tags but didn't go into much detail. This post is just, all about the detail. Keep in mind, had it been just me planning out this AU, it wouldn't be nearly as angsty. I worked on it with @miswritten-chronology
It started off with me just... Talking about the different fusions and their appearances, and how fusing works, so let's start like that here too!
In this AU, the fusing is kind of similar to Steven Universe. A fusion can be unstable, corrupted, or stable. A large difference is, these aren't Gems, they're still humans. In this AU, fusing is a normal thing that everyone can do. Also, you can fuse with a corrupted person without getting corrupted yourself.
Shuichi fuses with all but 2 of his classmates: Tsumugi and Maki. The reason is, when you fuse, you share memories. He accidentally fused with so many people, but he's so likeable that none of the fusions fall apart or get corrupted.
Two of them are already corrupted actually. Miu and Korekiyo. They both have small dots all over their bodies, and not a soul realizes this about Kiyo until he accidentally fuses with Shuichi and they see the (smaller amount of) skin dot things. Miu also fuses with Shuichi, and Kaede at one point, so I'mma talk about their appearances for a second.
The Shuichi and Miu fusion is really pretty, wearing a balance between Shuichi's very covering clothes and Miu's explosion to make a crop top and shorts (not booty shorts). Their hair is around mid-back and I haven't decided on a color yet. They do have Miu's eye color though.
The Kiyo fusion has really nice hair and a lot of accessories. That's all that I wrote down about it. The hair is a more saturated blue than either of their individual hair. That's all I can really say about it.
The Kaede fusion was also accidental but Kaede just shrugged and let it happen and Shuichi always panics too much to really do anything when accidentally fusing. Their wearing a medium purple striped skirt with the long sleeved white button up shirt they both wear. The hair is shoulder length and a desaturated blond.
Kaede still kills someone in chapter 1, so their fusion is Kaito's way of trying to cheer him up. It has Kaito length hair, but down with a galaxy-like gradient. They have a white shirt with red lines, a long blue jacket with a galaxy under side. The pants are a dark purple with Shuichi's shoes. They're also tall as all hell, being around 7-8 feet tall.
The next one I talked about before we got into the story element is Kiibo's fuse. Kiibs wanted to prove that he can do it too, and chose Shuichi because everyone trusts Shuichi. It was mainly a robot Shuichi but with some Kiibo attributes, like eyes and antenna. When he heard the inner voice, Shuichi startled so fiercely that he broke the fusion.
Their talents are also fused, depending on who's more... There's no other way to say it. I'm not gonna tho. Let's take the Miu and Shuichi fusion. The fusion takes after Miu more, along with her talent, making them a puzzle designer. You can figure out why without me having to type it again.
Of course then we got derailed by talking about a fuse that would never happen. Kokichi doesn't like memory sharing, and fights fusions like there's no tomorrow, making them very unstable and fall apart near instantly. The only person he fuses with is Shuichi, accidentally. They just sorta... sit on the ground, blue screening as they process all of the information. The whole class is gathered around, asking if their ok but they keep staring off into space. Because of the memory sharing, Kokichi doesn't do anything too stupid, and Shuichi is the only one who understands him. I'll talk about their appearance in a second.
We had been talking about a fusion between Himiko and Kokichi (Talent: Illusionist) because... Short. Kokichi is 5'1, Himiko 4'11, fused they would actually shrink, being around Ryoma's height. If Ryoma joined the fusion, they would be even smaller, around 2 feet. The size of a baby. Ryoma and Himiko do fuse at one point tho, being around 4'3. They have a witch hat with cat ears, a red shirt with a black and blue striped jacket, leggings with shorts over them, and Ryoma's shoes.
Back to Kokichi, his fusion with Shuichi is very feminine. They have Kokichi's hair length, but straight like Shuichi's so it looks longer. Long as hell eyelashes too, from Shuichi. They have a long sleeved grey shirt and a skirt on (neither mind it, but it's kinda confusing). The skirt is about knee length and very poofy. Also I'm pretty sure I saw that Kokichi has a belt so I'm using that. And chubby cheeks but shhhh.
Now, to the story!
The first one to kill is still "Kaede", but Rantaro had accidentally fused with Kirumi, shared memories, and he trusted her. He asked if she could check it out, and she died. That gives both of them enormous guilt but Rantaro has a small, sickening relief that it wasn't him that he ignores. Chapter one, Kirumi, Kaede, and Monokid die.
Chapter 2, we didn't talk this one out much, but Ryoma accidentally killed Angie. Everyone still thinks well of Angie when she dies, because she never got a chance to form the student council. Chapter two, Angie, Ryoma, and Monosuke die.
Next, our trio. The murderer is still Kiyo, and he kills in the same way. Chapter three, Tenko, Himiko, Korekiyo, and Monophanie die.
In the next chapter, Miu wouldn't go after Kokichi as he's close to Shuichi. She goes after and kills Gonta. Chapter four, Gonta, Miu, and Monotaro die.
Chapter 5 is the heaviest chapter because she went fuking HAM on the angst. We both agreed that Kokichi wouldn't do his mastermind plan so we had to figure out a whole new chapter 5 to pave the way for chapter 6. We decided that Rantaro and Kaito are a Chaos Duo and would absolutely blow shit up. Kaito hadn't fused since chapter 3 due to his illness, and Rantaro barely fuses, keep that in mind. They've been working together since a bit before the 4th trial, making things with the help of Monodam, who really doesn't give a shit anymore.
They get into the other Exisals, and blow up the inner wall of the dome, and a bit of the outer. There's defense mechanisms, obviously, but they're in the Exisals so they're fine. They stop outside one of the buildings with a satellite. They figure out that everything is being broadcasted and hijack Kiibo's inner voice to tell him
Basically, they give Kiibs a heart attack because they just heard a bunch of explosions and gun shots and now suddenly his missing friends are talking to him through his head. He relays the information, but at some point they start coughing.
At that point, Monokuma had locked them in and filled the building with poison. The two fuse, a small smile on their face as they cut off Kiibo's voice, lose oxygen, and die. The other explosives they had rigged start going off around the school dome as Kiibo, now free and traumatized, starts upgrading himself.
The first Danganronpa chapter to end without a trial. Feels kinda weird am I right?
The 6th trial goes as expected. They already know that it's being broadcast to the outside so Tsumugi can't shock them with that, and the outside can't take over Kiibo, as he's been permanently disconnected. Kiibs doesn't have to self-destruct as the dome is already in pieces with the combined effort of Kaito, Rantaro, and him, so he just blows up the school and lands. Tsumugi dies, but Maki, Shuichi, Kokichi, and Kiibo survive.
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takonei · 4 years
Beta AU - Main story: Chapter 1, deadly life
Note of the author: The scrum debate was a pain in the ass to write. There, I said it.
Also don’t worry, things are gonna get more interesting soon. I’m gonna bitch-slap your feelings like Hina bitch-slapped Byakuya in chapter 4 of THH. Consider this a threat and a promise.
Chapter 1: Pledge your allegiance to me - Deadly life
To say Shuichi was shocked was an understatement. He took a few steps back, hands on his mouth. He had never been exposed to a dead body before, and even though a part of him expected to see someone dying soon, he was not mentally prepared.
Rantaro noticed him, asking what was wrong, even though he, deep down, knew what was the problem.
The others joined him and saw their friend’s dead body, and the music on the monitors stopped.
The body discovery announcement went off.
“Ding dong, dong ding!”
“A body has been discovered!”
“Everyone, please gather at the warehouse!”
About a minute later, everyone was there. Monokuma showed up, happy that someone was murdered on time and said that everything was fine because the culprit just had to raise their hand and take the first blood perk.
But nobody did.
Monokuma was satisfied anyway, and announced the beginning of the investigation. He also told them the Monokuma files were available on their monopads.
Monokuma file #1
The victim is Gonta Gokuhara, the ultimate zoologist.
The body was discovered in the warehouse.
The estimated time of death is unknown.
The victim was stabbed several times in both the chest and the stomach, resulting in an internal bleeding.
The victim died almost immediately from his injuries.
No other injuries were noted on the victim’s body.
Obtained truth bullet! Monokuma file #1
The others started investigating.
Rantaro examined his body, by taking Gonta’s shirt off, to which Miu was about to do a dirty comment but Kaito told her not to.
He concluded the Monokuma file was saying the truth, since the injuries looked fresh, and it was definitely not a mannequin nor a fake body.
After taking a good look at the stab wounds, he also concluded that, out of the 8 stab wounds, 2 looked like they were really deep and the other 6 looked like quick stabs.
Obtained truth bullet! Rantaro’s examination
Unfortunately for them, the murder weapon was nowhere to be seen.
After looking around the warehouse, they didn’t notice anything that could look like a weapon, nor any other hints.
Shuichi, feeling already sick of this, decided to leave the warehouse. He took a quick glance at Rantaro who was still investigating the body carefully, somehow keeping a cool head. But that was to be expected from a war medic.
Outside, he noticed Kokichi and Himiko arguing. Himiko seemed to encourage him with the investigation, saying that if they work together they will surpass this. Kokichi seemed to be panicking, and wanted Himiko to leave him alone because “he only brings bad luck to the others, and doesn’t want the blackened to suffer more than they already will”.
Shuichi preferred not to interfere and decided to look for what could be a murder weapon.
He went to the kitchen, since one of the obvious choices would be a knife. One knife was missing, according to Kirumi, who had just came in and knew exactly how many knives were there.
Obtained truth bullet! Missing knife
A few seconds later, they found Maki who was heading back to the warehouse, but Shuichi interrupted her to ask if anything was wrong.
She responded that it was probably nothing, but one of her Japanese scissors went missing this morning, but thought it was probably lost in all the fabric in her lab.
Obtained truth bullet! Missing scissors
Kirumi asked if she could perhaps take a look around.
Maki was a bit uncomfortable showing her lab like that, but she decided to let it slide because of the investigation.
Her lab was a mess to say the least, but according to her, things were normal. Kirumi asked her if she wanted it to be cleaned, but Maki was fine with the mess.
The three went back to the warehouse, to see if they had anything new to say.
Rantaro said he didn’t find much more on the body, just that the murder weapon was about the size of a knife, or as Maki suggested, Japanese scissors.
Obtained truth bullet! Stab wounds
Angie was examining Gonta’s shirt, who was, apart from the stab holes, ripped around the shoulder.
Obtained truth bullet! Ripped shirt
Maki seemed surprise by this fact, because she remembered Gonta coming to her the previous day, asking if she could repair his shirt because it had the hole in it, but it looked like it was ripped again.
Obtained truth bullet! Maki’s account
They decided to do a recap what everyone was doing before the body discovery announcement.
According to Angie; the people in the library right before the announcement were Ryoma, Kirumi, Maki, Kaede, Kaito, Miu and herself.
Obtained truth bullet! Angie’s account
According to Himiko; Kokichi, Tsumugi, Korekiyo and herself were in the game room.
Obtained truth bullet! Himiko’s account
Tsumugi noticed a box that looked slightly opened and out of place in the shelves. After reaching out to it she discovered a blood-stained sheet.
Obtained truth bullet! Stained sheet
Just as the two were about to inform the others about the sheet, they noticed Tenko stepping on what looked like a piece of duct tape, just peeking from under one of the shelves. She realized almost instantly and took it off. The three looked at what it exactly was, for it to turn out to have blood on the sticky surface. It looked like it had been used.
Obtained truth bullet! Bloody duct tape
Not long after that, the same jingle ringed once again through the other’s ears. Monokuma was asking them to go to the shrine of judgement for the trial.
They all went there, not knowing whether they were going to come out of this alive or not.
The elevator ride felt so long, and the door opened to reveal the giant trial court with the 16 podiums. They all placed themselves to different spots.
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No one really dared to say anything as Monokuma explained the rules.
Everyone seemed to show their nervousness differently, Kokichi was trying to make himself smaller, Maki was tugging on her own hair and Angie was unable to stay in place. To his surprise however, some others looked confident, or at least not affected by their situation at all. That was the case of Kirumi, Rantaro, Tsumugi, Korekiyo, Ryoma and Keebo.
They didn’t really know where to start, so the obvious was to talk about the murder weapon. Unfortunately, it was nowhere to be found.
Rantaro had concluded earlier that either the missing knife or the scissors could have been weapons.
Tsumugi made a point saying that Monokuma didn’t give a specific timing for the investigation, so it was most likely they collected all the evidence that could lead to a fair class trial.
In conclusion, the murder weapon not being on the Monokuma file, there was a high chance it was one of the two, and not something else.
Monokuma started arguing that he could stop the investigation whenever he wanted, and didn’t have to be scolded by some stupid teenagers.
They ignored the comment and continued debating on the time the weapons went missing.
According to Maki, her scissors went missing by the morning, but they were in her lab the night before. So someone went between 10PM and 9AM to get them.
Kirumi said that the knife was not missing at lunch this day, but was when they checked during the investigation, so it was between 1 PM and 9 PM, which was a very large period of time.
Ryoma noted that since the time frames were way too large to be investigated, so they should focus on something else.
Shuichi decided to speak about the time of death.
According to Rantaro, the death occurred about an hour before the body discovery announcement at most, but couldn’t say exactly when.
Unfortunately a lot of them went back and forth the warehouse, if not all of them. Besides, the warehouse was huge, and Gonta was in the back when Shuichi found him. So there was a possibility someone went to there without realizing there was a dead body in the room.
Which meant anyone who went there could have been a suspect.
Miu was already visibly annoyed that they couldn’t identify anything, to which Rantaro suggested they calm down and think about something else, such as how Gonta was killed.
Since no bloodstains were visible on the floor away from him, it was most likely he was killed on the spot, and with the Monokuma file suggesting he didn’t have any other injuries, he and the killer didn’t fight.
Himiko argued that they saw Gonta fighting Tenko the day before, and that he had enough physical force to knock any of them if he wanted. He would most likely fight back.
Shuichi responded there were no external injuries, and that Rantaro confirmed there were no trace of physical fight that weren’t from the day before.
That situation became a mystery, and no one was really sure what to think.
Everyone turned to Korekiyo, who had a finger on his chin.
“... He got into this situation by himself.”
The words of the therapist felt heavy on the others’ minds. Kaito decided to speak up, asking if he suggested a suicide.
However a lot of evidence showed that it wasn’t the case. The murder weapon was nowhere to be seen, and he died on the spot. Besides, the evidence was scattered around, such as the bloody duct tape and the stained sheet found in different places.
Korekiyo was suggesting an assisted murder, and that Gonta agreed to die.
Kokichi thought he was manipulated into doing so, because even though Gonta was strong, he was pretty naive, so the mastermind behind the murder knew about this.
Tenko argued, saying that Gonta, even though he was pretty naive, would never agree to die for no reason.
Keebo reminded her of the motive, the time limit. So it was possible he had agreed in advance if they didn’t find a way to get through the door, nor stop the killing game.
Kaede was puzzled. Even if someone agreed to do this murder, why didn’t they take the first blood perk?
Kokichi wanted to say something, but was very hesitant in doing so. Himiko noticed it and encouraged him to say it, because she knows he isn’t stupid.
He suggested that perhaps Gonta never agreed to anything at all and all of this was a scene orchestrated by Monokuma to begin the killing game and blame one of them for it. After all the timing was perfect for him.
Monokuma chimed in, angry at the accusations, and denied this fact.
Tenko exclaimed that maybe it was the Monokubs, from the strange way they disposed of the evidence.
Some of the monokubs started arguing as well, saying that there was no way they could have touched anyone since they had no power. They couldn’t even resurrect the one and only Monokuma, how would they do anything?
Tsumugi practically jumped at the quote.
“Monokuma can’t resurrect himself? Are you saying someone else other than you did so?”
The others went silent.
“The door in the library wasn’t for you then, it was…”
“There is a mastermind behind this killing game, and they’re one of us.”
It was Kirumi, declaring this in a monotone voice.
They all looked at the maid. Monokuma was visibly pissed.
They all had relied on each other not knowing one of them was an accomplice to this game. Which meant that when Angie and Shuichi told everyone about the door, they informed the mastermind as well.
Monokuma broke the silence, saying that they should go back to the investigation this instant.
Now they were sure that Gonta had asked someone to kill him, which was the reason he didn’t fight back.
Tsumugi suggested the piece of duct tape was used so that Gonta wouldn’t scream in pain and alert the others, and the stained sheet was a cover for the killer not to spill blood on them.
Rantaro also concluded that there was a possibility the rapid stab wounds were to kill him faster, not to let him suffer.
Shuichi and the others seemed to agree on that, as hard as it was to accept the truth.
The question of the murder weapon was brought up once again. The opinions were split up, some thinking the killer used the knife, others the scissors.
But as everyone started debating on which was the more logical between the two, Shuichi sighed. “It looks like we’re split in two…”
“... Split!? Did you just say split!?”
The group turned to Monokuma once again, who presented the “morphenomal trail grounds” as he puts it.
The podiums started levitating to form two teams facing each other, divided by their opinions.
Which one was the murder weapon?
On the left, Keebo, Ryoma, Korekiyo, Maki, Angie, Kokichi, Himiko and Kaito The murder weapon was the pair of scissors!
On the right, Shuichi, Rantaro, Tsumugi, Kaede, Tenko, Miu and Kirumi. The murder weapon was the knife!
Scrum debate, start!
Korekiyo: The killer probably bet we wouldn’t realize the scissors went missing.
Shuichi: Monokuma didn’t interrupt the investigation until we found enough evidence. He would have continued until we realized they were missing.
Himiko: The wounds on Gonta’s body match the scissors!
Tsumugi: They also match the knife. We can’t rule out that possibility.
Kokichi: Scissors can be used for killing...
Rantaro: If the killer wanted to kill Gonta quickly they would have to use something sharper than scissors.
Ryoma: We know the killer prepared their plan in advance, the knife could have been taken by someone in a rush.
Kirumi: If the killer did plan on killing in advance, they could have taken both to confuse us.
Maki: If my lab was entered at night it was most likely to get a weapon without me realizing.
Kaede: Perhaps the killer didn’t think you would use your lab today?
Angie: The killer prepared their plan early, they would obviously use the weapon they took in advance!
Tenko: In advance can also mean this afternoon!
Kaito: We were all in the basement for something, we would have noticed someone leaving to take a knife!
Miu: Everyone was busy trying to open the door, they had plenty of time to take the knife without being noticed!
Keebo: Are you saying the scissors had another use?
Shuichi: Japanese scissors aren’t for killing, there could have been another use for them!
After that the podiums slowly got back to normal.
“Another use” wasn’t something they anticipated, but that was the only option. Kaede asked Maki what the scissors looked like.
Kirumi and Rantaro didn’t miss the dirty comment Miu made under her breath about the two girls.
Maki explained that she uses those scissors to make small cuts. She didn’t use those very often, but she had to this morning, hence why she realized they went missing.
Tenko asked what kind of thing they would even try to do with this.
Shuichi thought about it, and remembered Gonta’s ripped shirt. According to Maki, Gonta asked her to repair it. But when they checked the body, the shirt was ripped again.
Kaito was confused as to why the killer would cut it again - what would they benefit from this?
Tsumugi glanced at everyone in the trial, but Shuichi paid no attention to it.
But that question was important. Why would they even risk stealing scissors, just to cut Gonta’s shirt?
Miu was septic of Maki, since it was her lab, she could easily blame someone else for stealing the scissors.
Korekiyo quickly turned this option off, because it would be too dangerous for Maki to even talk about the scissors.
Himiko suggested they perhaps missed a detail on the scene, that there was more to this.
That’s what Shuichi had been thinking, but he didn’t seem to find the answer.
Kirumi asked the others to describe how they found the shirt.
Angie explained that other than the original rip, there were no damages to the shirt.
Maki seemed to have a flash, and asked to see the shirt. She observed it and traced carefully the cut on the shoulder with her finger.
“The thread I used to repair it is missing. There’s no doubt that the person stole it.”
Shuichi blinked. To steal a thread?
Tenko was confused as well. “Why not just use the knife to cut it? It would have been easier than to steal the scissors from Maki’s lab.”
Maki explained that a knife wasn’t made for this. A tailor could probably do it with a knife without damaging it much, but someone not experimented would prefer to use scissors instead, if they really wanted the thread intact that much.
Keebo being a robot, didn’t know what that could even be used for.
Shuichi didn’t know much, aside from sewing back clothes he didn’t know what else that could have been used for.
Korekiyo felt like they were missing something.
Ryoma shrugged it off saying that most of the times he saw threads it was on someone’s skin, but that theory was probably false.
Angie thought they were searching too far, and that it was probably to repair their own clothes.
Tenko argued saying they didn’t fight, so what would they even have to repair?
Tsumugi seemed to have been thinking for a while before finally speaking up. “What if it was something else entirely?”
Tenko looked at her. From Shuichi’s point of view, she seemed worried. “What do you mean?”
Tsumugi stared back for a few seconds before turning to Monokuma. “Don’t you find this strange that Monokuma asked for the trial to start without us finding neither the knife, nor the scissors?”
Shuichi looked down.
Korekiyo seemed to understand her reasoning. “Are you saying the killer actually has their weapon on themselves?”
She nodded. “The killer and Gonta were accomplices, yes? So Gonta ripped his shirt on purpose to get Maki to repair it. That way the killer had a thread available and didn’t have to steal it from Maki’s lab, because she would have noticed it too easily. The killer then modified their own clothes to create a pocket and carry the tools, so no one would find them.”
That explanation seemed far fetched, but Shuichi needed one last thing to confirm the theory.
The culprit would need to use a needle to sew an improvised pocket.
Maki said that the threads were attached to a sewing machine, and she would have noticed if they were cut off. However she had plenty of needles and pins in the drawers. So the culprit could have stolen one without her realizing.
Keebo still seemed septic of Tsumugi’s explanations. “Do you have any idea about who the culprit could be?”
Of course it had to be with clothes thick enough to create the pocket without needing fabric, so some of them were out of the question, like Miu and Keebo.
Shuichi looked down.
She faintly smiled, but quickly dropped it. She turned to Shuichi. “You’ve been leading the debate… I think you know the answer, right?”
Shuichi looked down. The evidence was in front of his eyes from the beginning. He could have just said so, but… Was it worth it?
He paused.
“I heard some things clinging around your waist. Like metal tools.”
Tenko looked at him with sad eyes, and then smiled.
After a long silence, Kaede spoke up. “That’s… That’s a joke right?”
Tenko looked at her with watery eyes.
“I’m sorry… Everyone.”
Shuichi felt guilty for accusing her. “I think… I should recap what happened-”
“No.” Tenko interrupted him. “You shouldn't have to do more. I’ll...” She took a deep breath. “I’ll do it.”
“When the time limit was announced… I couldn’t just sit there. And I wasn’t the only one thinking that. I talked to Gonta in private about it, and we established the plan together.”
“We had to decide who would be the victim and who would be the murderer. So we decided to set a match the same afternoon.”
She chuckled. “Yes, when you all came, it was pretty much to watch a death match.”
“Gonta pretended to have his shirt ripped so Maki would repair it. He was in her lab for a good amount of time, so he got to know where the scissors and needles were. That night I stole them from Maki’s lab after Gonta explained to me where they were.”
“Whether I would kill him with a knife or with the scissors was actually not decided in the plan. I told him I would use a knife because it was more efficient. But I didn’t know if I had the time to take it. Thankfully I did.”
“When the time came, we knew everyone was panicking, and that no one really paid attention about who got out of the room or who came in.”
“So we both went to the warehouse at different intervals, and I… I killed him with the knife. I decided to spread the evidence as an excuse to frame the kubs and see what they would say in the trial.”
“I didn’t want to take the first blood perk. My objective… Was to get as much information as we could during the trial.”
She smiled. “And it turned out to be a huge success!”
“I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. Perhaps I- we took the selfish route by putting you all through a trial, but I thought it was better than you all continuing this game without any hints on the situation.”
The silence felt heavy. When they all entered the room they thought it was a merciless killer, but Tenko’s intentions were more than that.
Monokuma started laughing. The trial came to an end, and it was time to vote. Himiko yelled that he was not going to kill her. Kaede joined in as a desperate attempt. Kirumi was unsure but said she would not let some robotic bear dictate what she wanted to do or not.
Kokichi panicked and tried to reach out to Himiko but backed out before touching her shoulder. He tried to tell her that Monokuma still had the exisals by his side, but she wasn’t listening.
Tenko yelled to get the attention of the others. Reassuring them that it was okay, this was what she deserved.
Monokuma laughed, and announced the voting time open.
Shuichi reluctantly voted, like the others.
Tenko was glad to see all the votes for her. She smiled with tears rolling down her face.
“I’m glad I was able to meet you all, even if it was just for a couple of days.”
“But hey, if everyone was cooperating to get through the door, I’m sure you’ll be able to stop this game!”
“I know you can. Anyone could have taken the first blood perk but you didn’t. I’m sure you can do this.”
“Now you have more info to continue, and even if someone among us is a traitor, I’m sure you’ll all be able to corner them.”
“I’m counting on you.”
A majority of the others seemed in denial, they refused to believe that Tenko had killed Gonta, that she was slowly approaching her death with a smile on her face.
But it was a death she accepted the second she made the deal with Gonta.
It was a death she was walking to with honor, not trying to run away.
“Hey Monokuma.”
“Let’s get this over with.”
Himiko yelled and ran towards Tenko.
Monokuma laughed as he used a toy hammer to press the bright red button in front of him.
Tenko has been found guilty.
Time for the punishment!
Before Himiko could reach her, Tenko’s neck was grabbed by a metal claw, and dragged her away to the elevator.
The elevator closed and instead of going up, it went straight underground. She was holding onto the walls to keep balance, but stumbled onto the floor when the elevator brutally stopped.
She slowly got up when all the walls of the elevator fell down. She couldn’t see anything that was further than a few meters away because of the darkness, but she could clearly see that the floor was covered by thousands of mannequins.
She took only a few steps away from the elevator when what looked like hundreds of pair of pink glowing eyes lightened up to stare at her, but she couldn’t see the rest of their bodies.
The closest pair of eyes slowly approached to reveal a mannequin made to look like Gonta, with several holes in its body, filled with a blood colored paint.
The other mannequins revealed themselves, each looking like the rest of the group, also with “blood” filled holes in them.
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Enemy of the harmonious world Ultimate judoka Tenko Chabashira’s execution: Executed
The first mannequins started jumping on her, and all she could do was to fight them. They were not hard to throw away, but there were way too many for her to handle.
The Maki-shaped ones were throwing needles, the Rantaro-shaped ones were throwing scalpels, some of them were physically fighting her with punches or were just trying to grab her.
As the hundreds of mannequins attacked in different ways, with different weapons, Tenko was starting to get exhausted, and even more injured, with countless cuts on her body.
She had stopped counting how many of them she had thrown away when she collapsed on the floor.
The mannequins stopped attacking. Tenko raised her head to see that they were moving out of someone’s way.
A Gonta shaped mannequin, towering above her, looking at her with soulless pink eyes.
A lever-rope appeared next to him, and the puppet pulled it.
Countless blades appeared one by one from the floor, stabbing all the other mannequins… And the final one, impaling her in the chest.
Tenko Chabashira, the ultimate judoka, was dead.
This felt unreal. Shuichi watched with fearful eyes the scene that just unrolled in front of his eyes.
They had lost two friends today and learned that one of them was orchestrating the whole thing.
No one dared to say anything.
Monokuma rubbed it in their faces, saying that despair was the most wonderful feeling in this world. He told them to rest because the killing game would continue very soon.
The ride in the elevator was silent. Shuichi looked at the spot Tenko was when they went to the trial room, now empty. He didn’t know her well, but that was not a reason not to feel bad for sending her to her death. A painful one, that is.
Some looked almost indifferent, but perhaps it was not to show their weakness.
A majority of the group decided to go straight to bed, but Shuichi decided to walk for a while, to get some fresh air.
After some time he laid on the ground, staring at the sky beyond the giant iron cage. He almost felt like sleeping here but knew this was a bad idea. He was lost in thoughts until a familiar voice talked to him.
“Can’t sleep?”
Shuichi turned around. It was Kaito. Both sat down next to each other.
“I just wanted some fresh air.”
“I get you.”
They went silent for a while, but it was fine. Perhaps just the other’s presence was enough.
“The game’s already started, huh?”
Kaito didn’t even expect an answer. That was more of a statement than a question.
“Tenko… Has faith in us. She told us we were strong but…” the smaller boy’s voice trailed off.
“You can’t help but think this isn’t over?” the taller one finished the sentence.
“Yeah. I don’t think Monokuma is gonna give us a time limit again, but I know things aren’t gonna get better.”
Kaito couldn’t even argue with him. He got up and offered his hand to Shuichi. “I know this whole situation sucks, but perhaps we should stick together for now, yeah?”
Shuichi looked at him, surprised by this change of attitude and took the other’s hand to get up. “Alright. Thanks a lot Kaito.”
They both returned to their dorms. They saw Kokichi and Himiko sitting further away in the courtyard. Unlike the other times Shuichi saw them, it looked like Kokichi was trying to reassure Himiko, who was feeling down, even though he tried to keep a distance between them.
Tomorrow would be another day.
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ultimafangirl · 7 years
Meeting Ambrosia (One shot) (for now)
Summary: When the kids of the latest killing game in up in Selphia they decide to make the best of things. Then Gonta makes a new friend.
Also on my fanfiction.net and AO3 accounts. Will link eventually.
Some chapter 4 spoilers are hinted at. Warning you now. 
(Actual story under cut.)
It had been a few weeks since the sixteen of them showed up in Selphia. Though none of them knew just how they had managed to end up there, although Angie did have a theory, they had all decided to make the best of it. And part of doing so was their decision to stick together. To try to get to know each other and become friends again without Monokuma and the threat of horrible death hanging over their heads.
Though that idea did have some setbacks. There was no place in the town quite large enough to fit the entire group after all. They had to be separated for a while, in various vacant houses, until a house was built that could hold all of them just on the outside of the town.
It was a decently sized place. Even if there were only three rooms. The first room functioned as a sitting room/dining room/kitchen. While the other two rooms served their roles as bedrooms: one for the guys and one for the girls.
The time together, even if they had all agreed to this, was awkward at first. However, in time, they did adjust. Not only were they reforming the friendships they had made before. But they were also recovering nicely. The phantom pains that plagued the majority of them had mostly faded into nothingness. And the night terrors, while still a problem from time to time, had faded as well with each others support.
One day, with the chores done and everyone off doing their own things, Gonta decided to go for a walk in Yokmir Forest. Which wasn't unusual for him of course, even after everything he never really lost his love for insects and nature. He had little to worry about. The insect monsters had never bothered him once and the other monsters could do little harm to him as well. So into the forest he went.
He smiled at the ants and the beetles when he noticed something odd. While there were plenty of butterflies to be found in the forest; today their numbers seemed even greater than usual. So Gonta decided to take a look into that. Following the butterfly swarms carefully he was eventually led to what appeared to be a giant pupa.
Gonta was fascinated of course. This pupa was about the size of a human, larger than the giant ants or beetles that regularly roamed Yokmir Forest. And, of course, far larger than the butterflies that flew around it. Unfortunately he was unprepared to take a closer look at it, he had only intended on taking a walk after all, so he decided he would have to come back later.
"Later" ended up taking longer than Gonta had planed though. There was some excitement in Selphia. First that a princess who had lost her memory appeared. The princess, named Frey, had spoken to everyone in and out of town that day. Gonta made sure to thank her for taking the time to speak to him of course. Then the next day a prince named Arthur arrived as well. Though Gonta didn't really understand everything that was going on in the castle he was happy to have a chance to make new friends.
Then the weather turned south. They were advised to not wander too far from the town for a while and Gonta was forced to put his plans off further. But finally the weather was sunny again and Gonta could once again head out to the forest. This time he was prepared.
Sort of. He was not prepared for the fact that the chrysalis to have hatched while he was gone. And he was definitely not prepared for the sight in front of him. To his surprise the insect that floated around was far more humanoid than he had ever expected. It seemed to have the appearance of a young girl, albeit one with green hair, dark purple wings and antenna. Some sort of grotesque flower-looking things seemed to function as a skirt and their thorny vines traveled down her legs.
She didn't seem to notice him at first, instead choosing to take in her surroundings. But when she did she flew at him with a speed that would have caught Ryoma off guard. But Gonta stood his ground and she stopped right in front of him. She seemed almost curious as she circled him, as if trying to figure out what he was doing there. It took a moment for the shock to wear off but Gonta quickly remembered his manners and straightened up to introduce himself.
"My name is Gonta Gokuhara and-" She backed away at his words. Gonta was worried that he may have scared her off. But she came back, looking at him curiously again, when she suddenly started making a buzzing sort of noise. Gonta nodded in understanding and smiled "Oh! It's very nice to meet you Ambrosia!"
Ambrosia flew around him again before smiling at his words and flying off.
Gonta continued to visit Ambrosia in the days after that. While she never really would allow herself to come too close, she had yet to attempt to attack him. But she would travel outside of the deepest part of the forest to greet him sometimes.
And today was one of those days. Gonta just arrived in the forest when Ambrosia approached. Gonta was smiling as he greeted his friend. "Good morning Ambrosia!" Ambrosia flew around him like she usually did before following him at her usual distance. "Gonta told all his friends about you!"
This, however, made Ambrosia stop in her tracks. She tilted her head at him curiously and Gonta found himself trying to backpedal. "Gonta told his friends that he met a friendly monster! But..." Gonta trailed off, looking sheepish. "Ventuswill did seem upset for some-"
At Ventuswill's name Ambrosia suddenly changed. She grabbed her head and the buzzing sounds became more erratic. Gonta ran toward her, hoping to calm her down. But his attempts did nothing and instead she lashed out and attacked.
Gonta took the full force of the attack and was knocked back toward the cliff's edge. Ambrosia seemed to turn red with anger and she flew at him again. Not wanting to hurt a friend, Gonta quickly dodged her. Only for his foot to slip.
For a moment Gonta seemed to hang in the air. His mind raced back to the last time he had felt this way, with his feet off the ground. Then he fell. Ambrosia flew toward him, this time with worry on her face, but he fell faster than she could fly.
When Gonta came to his head was hurting. His vision was blurred but he couldn't tell if it was from the fall or simply from the fact that his glasses had fallen from his face. He couldn't deny he was stuck though. He could hardly see to get out of where he was after all. And unfortunately, he had yet to fully master the teleportation spell that the others were able to use so easily. Though, admittedly, using it in his current condition was probably not the smartest idea.
"You're ok!" A girl's voice, one that Gonta couldn't recognize, called out. Gonta turned in her  direction but with everything blurry he couldn't make much out. A pair of hands quick grabbed his wrist and started to pull. "Come on! Everyone's worried about you!" The strange girl continued to pull and Gonta followed behind her. There were times where he could have sworn he sensed a monster nearby but the two of them were ignored. Gonta had questions of course but for some reason he couldn't seem to make himself ask them. Then after who knows how much wandering-
"What happened!? Are you hurt!?"
"We've been worried sick! Why didn't you teleport!"
"What happened to your glasses?" Gonta was quickly surrounded by his friends. They had been searching for him and they were checking to make sure he was ok. In the noise and minor bit of celebrating though, the strange girl had disappeared.
Between making sure that he recovered completely and having to get new glasses Gonta wasn't allowed to do much for a while. But finally after replacing his glasses, and promising the others that he wouldn't scare them like that again, Gonta went back to Yokmir Forest. But this time he was surprised to see that he wasn't the only one there. Forte and Frey were had just destroyed a monster portal when they saw him approach.
"Good morning Gokuhara."
"Good morning Gonta! Are you feeling better?" The two of them greeted him and Gonta was quick to return their politeness.
"Good morning! Yes, Gonta is feeling much better today! Thank you for asking!"
"That's good to hear." Forte spoke up with a smile before her expression turned serious again. "The forest can be dangerous if you're not prepared."
"That's why we're here." Frey spoke up this time. "Venti- I mean, Lady Ventuswill asked us to take care of a monster that's been causing trouble. This way we won't have to worry about something like that happening again." Gonta nodded at her words and they soon split off as a group of orcs had appeared. While Frey and Forte fought, Gonta headed on to visit Ambrosia. He was hoping to apologize for upsetting her last time he visited.
In no time at all he arrived at the same place he had met Ambrosia. She quickly flew down to greet him, but this time her expression was different. Gonta couldn't quite place it but he quickly bowed. Before he could get a chance to apologize though a voice spoke up behind  him.
"Gonta! Get away!" Frey and Forte came rushing past him. Frey swung her sword at Ambrosia. The attacked missed and Ambrosia flew out of her reach. It took barely a second for Gonta to get in-between her and the other two.
"What are you doing!?" Forte and Frey both took a step back. They weren't used to seeing Gonta angry. This was a shock to the both of them. Forte recovered quickly and stepped forward.
"Gokuhara, this monster has attacked someone. We need to send it back to the Forest of Beginnings."
"No! It wasn't-"
"Gonta! I'm sorry!" Frey bowed her head to him. "But if we don't send it back it could hurt someone else! Venti asked us to do this so we can keep everyone-" An erratic buzzing sound quickly silenced Frey. The three of them looked up at Ambrosia. She was shaking and holding her head again. Then suddenly she appeared to flash red and flew straight at Frey.
"Look out!" Gonta was frozen at the sight in front of him. Forte had moved to protect Frey, and her sword had gone through Ambrosia. Shaking, Gonta fell to his knees at the sight. His skin itched and he could feel a pain he wished he could forget pierce through him. But he couldn't make himself look away. Forte pulled her sword out of Ambrosia who started to shake for a moment. Then her wings stopped and she fell to the ground.
There was a flash of light that blinded all three of them for a moment. And when it cleared Ambrosia was gone. And in her place was a young girl with green hair.
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