#good for him that he's sort of been able to maintain a fairly low profile (for his stature in the rock world!) since
sunburnacoustic · 1 year
Muse have some obsessive, dedicated fans. Where do you think the line is between being in the spotlight and having your privacy invaded? (Bronwyn, 17, Bungendore, ACT)
Everyone should be entitled to be at home, relaxing away from it all and not have people knocking on their door. I get it a bit, yeah, and that’s the place to draw the line. When we’re out on the road we try to meet people and generally be friendly, but I’m that glad we’re not super famous people where we’re chased when we’re going to the supermarket. I expect to be able to go there without having any hassles like that. I don’t want to be caught buying toilet paper!
—Matt Bellamy on privacy and stardom, Triple J Magazine interview, 31 October 2007
(The questions for this interview were all sent in by fans)
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whetstonefires · 5 years
I have wandered into your tumblr and I want to know absolutely everything about your ideas for Earth 3 Impetus and Motion. EVERYTHING. Possibly the least relevant part of that is the family line, as Earth 3 often has really skewed versions of the characters. Would the first Johnny Quick even have a speedster grandson when he was killed and his blood used to power his successors?
Oh, cool ask! Thank you!
😄 I’m very happy to talk about this but I’m afraid you may be disappointed, because I’m Doing It Wrong. I’ve been working off and on on a bespoke Earth-3 for the past…several years. Production has slowed but not stopped. It’s up to over 300,000 words on AO3 at this point.
The issue that set me off was that tendency to skew; I didn’t like it. I found that, most of the times DC had built into Earth-3 before rebooting again, there were two countervailing currents leading writing decisions. On the one hand to make things As Wrong As Possible compared to the main timeline, and on the other to just make them…arbitrarily different.
Lois Lane is Superwoman, evil counterpart of Wonder Woman, for some reason, woop-de-do; this fits under both categories.
This process worked neither according to the ‘timeline that diverged into a Bad Timeline at some point in the distant past but somehow contains versions of the same people in the same place’ premise of the original Star Trek ‘Mirror, Mirror’ episode, nor does it work according to any direct cosmic principle of inversion, although some of the early versions claimed to.
(See: Mirror Christopher Columbus discovered Europe and then later Evil George Washington conquered England for the American Empire, what even guys. 😩)
Also Earth-3 so transparently existed almost every time it was reinvented as a place to get villains from, and to look bad in comparison to the main timeline, without any attention to making it work internally, which I thought was a damn waste of a cool concept. ‘A damn waste of a cool concept’ drives a lot of fanwork lol.
So for my world, I had the slightly conflicting goals of working as close to that amorphous thing ‘canon’ as possible, and of making the setting stand on its own, as a superhero setting, with internal causality and more or less the usual sort of hero-versus-villain logic. So I inverted the alignments of only superheroes and supervillains, and kept as much as possible of their backstories intact.
This means my stuff doesn’t map onto any canon Earth-3, especially not the one from Forever Evil because that came out after I’d already gotten all the big things pinned down. 😅 Some people get upset about this and come yell at me about how i.e. Owlman is Thomas Wayne Junior. But since I always saw that particular concept as a huge cop-out from looking at how few alterations it takes to turn Bruce Wayne into a spectacular villain, I was like ‘nuts to that’ from the start.
If you’re cool with my relationship with canon, on we go.
So, Impetus and Motion! I don’t remember what I said on that one post where I remember blathering about it, so forgive me if I repeat myself. ^^
Lineage is the same as canon, technically. I’ll go over it; if you don’t care just skip ahead to the next subsection. 😄
Mirror Barry Allen, the Dash, got his villain name for his signature kill technique of grabbing someone, hyperaccelerating them, and then letting go at the right moment that they get dashed against something immovable and go splat. He dashes people against things.
(His eventual sidekick, Blaze, got his for liking to make things combust by accelerating their molecules. The combination makes them sound like a pair of racehorses, which they did not intend and are very annoyed by when it’s pointed out.)
The Dash is pretty scary, especially because most of the ways he abuses his speed for profit are so low-key nobody even notices (i.e. screwing with the stock market) and he doesn’t need to be a supervillain. He just likes it.
His public villain profile is relatively low for the level of danger he poses, tho, because his town is infested with really dumb superheroes who beat him embarrassingly often, when he actually turns up to fight or is successfully ambushed. And with the occasional exception the scale of his crimes is fairly small compared to i.e. Ultraman.
Keeping him imprisoned is ridiculously difficult, tho. He can’t be completely depowered (because the Speed Force is external to him and all the power dampeners that are used assume they’re trying to shut off something generated internally) and he’s really smart, so it took years of battles to keep him long enough to transfer into a proper cell even, and longer to get an unblurred look at his face.
His secret identity survived so long that Barry Allen was there to comfort Iris West after she was targeted by the Dash on several occasions, and they were married by the time he got ultimately unmasked.
She left him after that and moved back to the future, which she was still from because that’s hilarious, but he eventually tracked her down and promised to reform if she’d take him back. This obviously fell apart eventually, but not until after the twins were born.
I haven’t mapped out the mirror Thawne line. I assume the Thawnes with healing powers who inadvertently adopted Barry’s twin were much nicer in this timeline but idk if he ever became Cobalt Blue or what. I hope he lived to old age. Apparently there have been multiple Cobalts Blue? Idk idc, Flash continuity what even are you.
Everyone thought Eobard Thawne was nuts, but he actually did go back in time and stop the Dash from destroying the world with nukes in a fit of rage, his historical analysis, method of giving himself speed powers, and time machine were all successful. He may additionally suffer from some degree of psychosis, but he wasn’t wrong. (His little brother still exists in this universe because good!Eobard wasn’t the type to manipulate time to erase inconvenient family members. He also doesn’t have the title Professor because he never got tenure, so he just goes by Zoom.)
Bart is still Don and Meloni’s kid. Frankly I don’t understand those two in the normal timeline, so it’s hard to construct their mirror versions in any depth or even decide whether they should get mirrored. (Probably not tbh.) But I don’t exactly need to, because the resulting Bart is very much the same and thus doesn’t really know them. He was still born with his weird speed glitch that caused him to be raised in a simulation, and eventually time-traveled to un-glitch him.
The difference is that he’s not a nice kid. He’s a two year old who looks twelve and has received all his socialization from reasonably good AI in a world that was not real. Where nothing had consequences. Where nobody was real.
He’s very frightening, is Impetus. Impetuous, wildly powerful, selfish–oddly sweet, occasionally, in the ‘gay and innocent and heartless’ way of Peter Pan, but probably even more likely than Peter to knife someone. He’s so delighted the first time he eats actual ice cream, as opposed to a simulated version, but the ice cream stand is now on fire.
Mirror Bart isn’t so much cruel or even un-empathetic as solipsistic. He’s arrested in the state of an intellectually advanced toddler playing, what’s that game called, the one where the objective seems to be getting in car chases a lot? When was the last time they made a new one, I feel like I haven’t heard it mentioned in ages, it’s a dead franchise isn’t it I’m old. Grand Theft Auto! That’s it. He doesn’t just not understand that danger is real, the way Impulse started out. People aren’t.
Impetus is easily bored and surrounded by NPCs. It gets ugly, sometimes.
He also time-travels a lot more frequently than normal Bart, because he doesn’t really get attached so he doesn’t try to maintain a normal life of any kind, so he pops up all over the timestream.
Jason Blood hated him personally long before Bart had any idea who he was; they have a villain rivalry plagued by causality issues and closed time loops that is alternately epic and stupid as fuck.
And then there’s Thad. Thad’s had a less awful time than he did in canon, I think–President Thawne is not technically a supervillain so he’s probably about the same as in the original timeline, but even assuming Meloni and Don are still out of the picture (probably it’s Barry’s fault in this dimension?) raising a kid as a ‘defense mechanism against a supervillain’ calls for less extreme brainwashing fuckery than raising one to hunt down a superhero.
So he probably behaved a bit more like a reasonable grandparent, simply because the context incentivized him to emphasize concepts like duty and loyalty more, and hatred less. He might even have been able to go public with Thad’s existence, depending on the spin he came up with. Among other factors.
But it was still a depressing, isolated, dehumanizing way to grow up, and it went on a long time, because as per canon Thad has the opposite problem from Bart in terms of how he passes through time. Motion is a 40-year-old man with a 12 year old’s body and approximate life experience.
Thad was already So Tired when he finally got out into the world on his own, and once he encountered Impetus he learned pretty quickly to both pity and fear him.
Even when Thad tries to avoid Bart and just have a life, Bart always crashes back into his existence again, and in the meantime he feels guilty. Because even if he could completely shake off having been raised to see countering Impetus as his whole reason for existence, he’d still feel a lot of personal responsibility to try, because he has the ability to stand up to him in a way almost no one else does, and he knows Bart’s out there resulting in casualties.
Due to all the time travel involved, even having just defeated Impetus doesn’t mean he’s not still out there at an accessible point in the timestream, needing to be stopped.
Impetus results in Motion the way Inertia resists Impulse. They’re very much locked into an action-and-reaction framework that does not even a little bit help with Thad’s clone identity issues.
Except for how the amount of time Thad spends saving people from Bart has slowly created a fairly large body of people over the course of history who know them as distinct entities, and like Thad a lot better. 
Good feels good. ^^ It’s not necessarily the case that this happens, obviously, but with their alignment swap they also ultimately exchanged who’s defined by isolation. It takes Bart a long, long time to even understand that he’s lonely.
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aefedges · 3 years
If he has anything good about him when he begins the business
Twin City Highway, Naomi Bailey, right, checks her list as her two daughters Tiana, left, and Zyara, back, find the needed school items. But in a few days, and perhaps sooner, I shall have the pleasure of calling on you. For "This week," Jonathan Karl, ABC news, the white house. (They're usually labeled "Do not eat.") In the receiver dryer, they remove any water that has entered the system. It's a great cause.". “They won’t dance for coins, they don’t care how you style yourself or what that chain of office means or who your grandsire was. Their uniforms of scarlet, green and different shades of blue brought colour to the hushed arena where friends, family, guests and dignitaries gathered in a solemn show of support for Wynn's widow, Shelly, and three teenage ghete de schi sons. The grass swayed and bowed low, as if before a king, but no king appeared to her. Thompson Rivers University trades students helped with the construction of the various rooms and several practicum students from TRU's galeb spodnjice social work, human services and nursing programs are helping set up other aspects of the centre, including a grief support service. And with her windows rolled down for her petdogs, she said she was worried that the money would be stolen.. And she had prayed. Proceeds retros kabátok from this event will benefit the Mitchell Cancer Institute.. If he has anything good about him when he begins the business, it may well pendientes bulgari precio be seen that he is in a fair way to lose it.. But its bombs and missiles, no matter how "smart," often miss their intended targets. Wouldn it be expected that, in the absence of surface irradiation of heat and/or layers opaque to infrared radiation, the higher you get the higher the temperature, since those molecules found there would be the ones fast enough to get that high? temperature and kinetic energy of a particle do affect how they behave in the atmosphere, but it isn just a matter of have high KE and hence can shoot up higher the mean free distance of a molecule in air is very short, so they tend to diffuse only fairly slowly. Even Jon would never know Blind Beth, I bet. One night, about the first of September, the boy came home earlier than usual, say about nine o’clock. He was a prisoner of war during World War II, was recalled to serve in the Korean War and flew combat missions in Vietnam before retiring from the Air Force in 1972. THAT WAS NOT WORKING SO WELL. Every time they shuffled forward another place, the bells on their collars tinkled brightly. It's a phone, Wyatt Earp, not a Colt revolver. Marine Kyle Wincott. It closes the exhaust gas intake as soon as the temperature drops and the engine switches over to low RPM speeds. Since then, the Dean's have maintained a steady business selling an array of University of Georgia embroidered shorts and knit collared shirts and classic dress shoes, suits, jackets, pants and dress shirts. His condition suggests another motive for tenderness on his behalf in these particulars. “At least rip out his tongue. Just know in your hearts, that from the moment her eyes closed here, she opened them in Heaven. We've got a voice at the table" on key policy issues ranging from trade posture to defense spending.Police say the bodies of what appear to be two people killed in an accident decades ago have been recovered from a glacier in southwestern Switzerland. This pair is one of them with its slick combination of black and bronze. They’re not easy to forget. By this time, troopers were using a helicopter, Helo 3, to track Fatialofa.. Humidity at 30 to 50 percent helps reduce mites and mold. Companies like LG Electronics, Pepsi and Hero Honda, which have been sponsors for the past few years, may, however, take a second look after India poor performance at this year World Cup.. He seemed to be glad that his son was showing himself so flighty and even ridiculous. Dozens of airlines have emerged in Indonesia since it deregulated its aviation industry in the 1990s, and the market is growing rapidly. People challenging the government will bring tweets and other statements to the attention of the courts, Posner said, "and courts will pay attention to them.". According to studies conducted by the Center for Women and Families, it's estimated one in every three women are faced with some sort of violence in their lifetimes and someone male vans ginissor female is faced with some sort of sexual violence every 212 minutes.. Schoolfield’s slave, or he would shoot me, and pulled a ‘rifle’ out of his pocket and showed it to me,
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they don't look like jeans, reports Chronicle Live.He bought them after spending a day trying to find something suitable for the Year 11 pupil in Newcastle and Gateshead.He said: "When I went looking for school trousers they had every size but the older size, I literally couldn't get any."Bruce says he pleaded with the school to let his daughter attend lessons this week if he could sort out new trousers by Monday.But, he says, the school told him Ellen could either go home or be taught in the school's isolation unit.The school, he says, is refusing to compromise.
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dailynewswebsite · 4 years
After presidents meet, Big Ten football still in limbo
The Guardian
At 43, Tom Brady seemed above common somewhat than nice on his Buccaneers debut
The six-time Tremendous Bowl champion will want some time to settle into a brand new system in Tampa. However time isn’t precisely on his sideIt is unimaginable to microwave a championship within the NFL. An excessive amount of goes into it. It’s why many an low season “winner” has blown aside in spectacular vogue: The Dream Group Eagles, the tanktastic Browns, numerous editions of the Jets.Flash-frying a title-worthy group is additional troublesome this season, because the Tom Brady led Tampa Bay Buccaneers confirmed on Sunday. The reshaped Bucs have been off the tempo in opposition to the New Orleans Saints, beset by particular person errors, sloppy penalties, a turnstile at left sort out, and an absence of velocity.It takes time for gamers to gel right into a group, all of the extra so while you’re coping with a batch of latest arrivals – most notably Brady and Rob Gronkowski – who’ve had success taking part in their manner.Shifting the ball seemed arduous for Brady for a lot of Sunday. It was just like the sensation that hovered over the Patriots throughout Brady’s closing stretch in New England. The whole lot felt somewhat off-beat. Staccato. A bit sluggish. The Bucs completed the sport with penalties totaling in extra of 100 yards, a traditional signal of an out-of-sync facet.The Bucs hung within the sport, by and huge, because of their protection (a gaggle that profiles as one of many 5 finest within the league) and a few baffling play-calling from the Saints. However there should have been a lingering sense of déjà vu for Brady, who watched this comparable script play out all through his closing weeks with the Patriots.This was all the time going to be the way in which. Brady and head coach Bruce Arians are attempting to wed two contrasting kinds. Brady introduced components of the Patriots blueprint with him to Tampa, however he pressed his previous model onto Arians’ run-n-gun system.Brady is betting on the Bucs’ ceiling. He’s betting on their personnel. This isn’t about Gronkowski, who was operating on fumes in opposition to the Saints after a 12 months away from the sport and gave the impression to be held collectively by robotic components and Scotch Tape, neither is it about Leonard Fournette or LeSean McCoy, a pair of gamers whose popularity far outweighs their worth to the group. That is about Mike Evans, Chris Godwin, and OJ Howard, the younger core who Brady is banking on to assist him roll again the years. There was all the time going to be teething issues. Brady, his new receivers and the offensive line are every studying one another’s idiosyncrasies. It’s the identical with the coach, too: Arians is a coach famed for limiting his tight ends within the passing sport; Brady is a quarterback who has spent the final decade ripping opponents aside over the center of the sector by focusing on tight ends. It took till deep into the second-half for the Bucs to begin to characteristic Gronkowski and Howard on Sunday – Gronkowski completed with simply three targets; Howard with 5.There isn’t any storyline we take pleasure in greater than ‘the previous man’s nonetheless bought it’. And Brady confirmed flashes of his previous self: in command on the line of scrimmage, pretty environment friendly, keen to problem all ranges of the protection. Fearless. Worryingly for Tampa, the errors that crept into his sport throughout that closing 12 months with the Patriots – the miscommunications, the inaccuracies, the turnovers – have been nonetheless there, too.That’s who Brady is lately, an above-average starter able to a drive or two of magic however liable to overlook wildly on a quick-out that prices the group six factors.> Janoris Jenkins jumps in entrance for the pick-6! Saints > >
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: TBvsNO on FOX >
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: NFL app // Yahoo Sports activities app: https://t.co/5o8cWoN1yf pic.twitter.com/59dxseKWNC> > — NFL (@NFL) September 13, 2020It will have been unfair to count on the Bucs to gel quick, on offense at the very least. The continuing pandemic has restricted the group’s follow time and eradicated the psychological and bodily reps that preseason would have offered.Nonetheless, while you signal a 43-year-old quarterback, you’re confessing that your championship window is 19 video games – if you happen to’re fortunate. And so each facet of the Brady-Arians relationship will likely be hyper-analyzed. The early returns weren’t nice. However the constructing blocks of one thing are there, and it will likely be enjoyable watching them attempt to determine it out.Brady and the Bucs should be a slow-burn. And as Sunday confirmed, they’ve a protracted option to go. Stat of the weekCam Newton’s 75 speeding yards have been probably the most by a Patriots quarterback since 1977.Sunday supplied the primary take a look at the post-Brady period Patriots. It was completely different, but it surely was efficient. “That is very environment friendly soccer and really simple soccer,” Tony Romo stated on the published of the Newton-led offense.As anticipated, the Patriots shifted the main target of the offense from a timing, passing-based offense into one revolving across the run. Newton was environment friendly by the air (15-19, 155 yards) and a bulldozer on the bottom – 75 yards and two touchdowns. The run and passing video games labored in good sync, with 80% of the group’s passing performs that includes play-action and all however three dropbacks that includes some sort of pre-snap motion or movement.Greater than that, Newton seemed comfy and wholesome. He could not fairly have his previous breakaway velocity, however he stays as keen as ever to provoke contact and to function the group’s energy runner. Few gamers may deal with the stress of changing one half of the Brady-Belichick partnership. Newton isn’t solely dealing with it, he’s embracing it. At this price, with Newton’s damage historical past, it’s more likely to be unsustainable. But it surely’s undeniably enjoyable. MVP of the weekRussell Wilson, QB, Seahawks. Is that this the 12 months that Wilson lastly will get the MVP award he deserves? The much-discussed ‘let Russ cook dinner’ offense was out in full drive in week one. Wilson responded along with his now-standard excellence, explosive and environment friendly in equal measure.Wilson accomplished 31 of 35 passes for 322 yards, with 4 touchdowns and no interceptions, because the Seahawks went to Atlanta and began the season with a dominant 38-25 win. Video of the week> it doesn’t matter what day what 12 months what century. browns are nonetheless the browns. pic.twitter.com/Vx3gsuisUO> > — Tony X (@soIoucity) September 13, 2020That is the Browns faking a punt in their very own half with a former rugby participant nicknamed the “Scottish Hammer”. Jamie Gillan fumbled the ball, and it didn’t get a lot better for the Browns the remainder of the way in which.It was a tough day for brand new Browns head coach Kevin Stefanski. Baker Mayfield by no means seemed comfy in Stefanski’s new offense. He was hitching all through the primary half, uncertain whether or not to belief his eyes or instincts. On protection, the Browns have been rolled by a Ravens facet that, as common, had every thing clicking behind Lamar Jackson.It’s a brand new regime, however watching the Browns continues to be a laborious expertise. You understand there’s expertise on the sector. And but all you possibly can assume is soccer shouldn’t be this tough. Quote of the week“If the Washington Soccer Group identify catches on and our followers embrace it then we’d be completely satisfied to have it as our everlasting identify” – Dan Snyder in an e-mail to the Wall Avenue Journal.Dan Snyder hardly ever, if ever, has a good suggestion. In reality, the world is a brighter place when he doesn’t communicate. However, this isn’t his worst. Coke. Twitter. Apple. Why not a sports activities group? Washington. Nothing else. As Justin Timberlake infamously retorted in The Social Community, “drop the ‘The.’ It’s cleaner.”Washington, a group for all town, maybe the nation; you possibly can see the advertising now. Whether or not a group in that metropolis may obtain such unity is open for dialogue. Elsewhere across the league– The Colts wished to signal Philip Rivers within the offseason, and signal Philip Rivers in all his glory they did. The Colts have been trailing by 4 with 5 minutes remaining and the size of the sector to drive. As night time follows day, Rivers threw a back-breaking interception. Rivers’ numbers during the last 10 years within the closing six minutes of one-score video games are terrible: he has accomplished simply 53% of his passes and has thrown 9 touchdowns to 23(!) interceptions. > Lions LB Jamie Collins was ejected after making contact with an official along with his helmet. pic.twitter.com/yvSAH5lwZ7> > — FOX Sports activities: NFL (@NFLonFOX) September 13, 2020– An early entry for the silliest ejection of the season: Jamie Collins, in making an attempt to reveal to an official how he was speared, wound up thumping his helmet into the official.– Adam Gase is in the midst of what’s turning into a really dynastic run. The Jets hiring in 2019 was the worst transfer of the season; and bringing him again in 2020 was the only most franchise-wrecking transfer of 2020. Jets followers will already be looking forward to subsequent season after their group have been rolled 27-17 by the Payments.– Aaron Rodgers seems to be set to stay it to Packers administration this season. Rodgers was calm and environment friendly within the early going in opposition to the Vikings after which caught fireplace in a manner solely Patrick Mahomes and Rodgers actually can. He completed 32-44 with 364 yards and 4 touchdowns in main the Packers to a 43-34 win over the Vikings. Put the quarterback controversy items on maintain for now.– A troublesome debut and loss for the No1 general decide, Joe Burrow. All of it seemed really easy when he scampered for a gap landing early in his skilled debut. However his Cincinnati Bengals picked first within the draft for a motive, and Burrow seems to be like he has loads of studying to do as he missed a number of open receivers for what would have been touchdowns. Nonetheless, he has greater than sufficient expertise to change into a drive within the league. — Like one of the best bunkers, Gardner Minshew is tank proof. The Jaguars’ plans to place themselves for the No 1 decide in subsequent 12 months’s draft (most likely Clemson quarterback Trevor Lawrence) have been dealt a blow by their budding second-year, almost-star. Minshew completed 19-20, throwing for 173 yards and three touchdowns, with a complete bunch of that manufacturing coming off-script.
from Growth News https://growthnews.in/after-presidents-meet-big-ten-football-still-in-limbo/ via https://growthnews.in
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queen-scribbles · 6 years
The Company of Shadows
@pillarspromptsweekly #18, Infiltration. This is sort of AU, where Tavi says Fuck It to ruling Caed Nua, leaves someone else in charge, and goes to help Aloth with dismantling the Leaden Key.
“I’m coming with you.”
The words were expected, as was the determination with which they were uttered. “Tavi, no.”
“Aloth, yes.” Tavi plunked down next to him, spinning the point of her whittling knife against the table. “It’s important, an’ I don’t like the idea of you goin’ alone. And I don’t mean it like that,” she hurried on, raising a hand to cut off the protest he was about to make. “It’s not a slight against any of your skills, I just think for as ambitious a goal as dismantlin’ the entire fuckin’ Leaden Key, you should have at least one person’s worth of backup.”
Aloth smiled knowingly, tracing graffiti carved into the tabletop with one finger. “And you think it should be you?”
“Gods, yes,” she said vehemently. “We work well together, you know I’m good in a fight, if it comes to that, and I can read souls. I figure that’ll come in handy for something like this.”
Aloth bit his lip. “All of that is true,” he allowed. “But subtlety has never been one of your strengths, Tavi. And that will be a rather important skill for this... venture. As will the ability to bite your tongue.”
Tavi was quiet for a moment, staring at the divot her knife was making in the table’s surface. “For somethin’ this important t’ you, I could work on both of ‘em.”
“You know better than anyone the Leaden Key is not a forgiving opponent,” he felt obligated to point out. “Your first slip up would likely also be your last.”
“Well, good thing I’m a fast learner,” she shrugged, twisting the knife again.
“What about Caed Nua?” 
“Steward’s run the place for decades, she can handle a while longer,” Tavi countered. “And Keya can be my representative or whatever . I fuckin’ pay her enough t’ do that, and she has a better temperament for mediating conflict and shit than I do, anyway.”
Aloth sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I’m not talking you out of this, am I?”
She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “No, dear. You’re not.”
They left three days later, with a mostly thought-out plan and complete confidence everything would be fine while they were gone. Keya had accepted the ‘diplomatic representative’ role with alacrity and Tavi trusted her.
“Next stop, Defiance Bay,” she grinned, as Caed Nua faded into the distance behind them.
“I’m still not sure this is the best idea, Tavi,” Aloth sighed, adjusted the straps of his pack. “You’re rather well-known in the city, especially since the Dozens assumed leadership, and that’s detrimental to keeping a low profile.”
“It’s also the location of the only Leaden Key cell we know about,” Tavi countered. She raised an eyebrow. “Unless you know somethin’ you ain’t tellin’ me, city slicker.”
He shook his head. “No. I said no more secrets, and I meant it.”
“So we go back in through the catacombs--disguised of course--an’ if the Acolyte and her cell are still there we try to delicately question some people. If they aren’t, we see if they left anything helpful behind. Both are long shots, sure, but it’s all we fuckin’ got.”
“Better than nothing, at least,” Aloth agreed. “Anything that helps is good.”
“That’s the spirit,” Tavi grinned, reaching for his hand as they walked.
The catacombs under Woedica’s temple were empty, the former Leaden Key enclave deserted. Tavi had been expecting that, if she was honest. The unrest in the city had citizenry on edge, which would work against a group trying to go unnoticed. Also, it had been long enough since she killed Thaos that a strategic withdrawal made sense. It was easier this way, anyhow. 
She and Aloth spent the next couple hours combing the enclave for anything useful, but came up empty until Tavi found a half-rotted corpse in the Acolyte’s former chambers. Enough of the soul’s essence clung to the body that she could get a fairly decent connection, and there was just enough in the lingering consciousness to the point them where they needed to go. Much as she disliked the idea of traveling all the way to fucking Mercy Vale, Tavi couldn’t deny it made sense as a location for the Leaden Key. So after one more night’s rest at the Charred Barrel, they were on their way.
Mercy Vale was further along in its recovery from the Saint’s War than either of them expected. There were still signs, of course; the wooden skeletons of buildings not yet completed, a smaller populace than expected for a town  this size.
“Alright, who are we looking for?” Aloth asked, pulling the hood of his cloak higher in a gesture that reminded Tavi rather sharply of their first meeting, in another, far distant, village.
I hope this one has fewer belligerent drunks, she thought idly as she called up the mental image provided by the poor soul in the catacombs. “Um... don’t have a name, that would be too easy. Dwarven man, brown hair, clean shaven, eye patch.”
“Well, that’s distinctive,” Aloth said dryly. “If you don’t have the name, do you at least have an idea where to find him?”
Tavi snorted. “Where do you always find people? The tavern.”
“Oh, of course. Silly me to expect any deviation from the norm.” He reached out and grabbed her arm as she began striding down the main street. “You remember our plan?”
“‘Course I do, city slicker.” Tavi patted his hand reassuringly, then shook it off. “Let’s go. An’ stop worryin’. If this group’s run by a cipher, they can probably pick up on that.”
“Right,” Aloth nodded. They made the rest of the walk to the tavern side by side in silence. A quick scan of the room when they arrived didn’t reveal the contact they sought, so Tavi asked the bartender.
“Aye, that’s Kendel,” the woman nodded. “Back in the corner, love. But he’s real picky ‘bout his comp’ny.”
“Warnin’ noted, but I’m sure I’ll convince him,” Tavi replied with a smile. She heard the bartender snort as she walked away, and briefly worried how much attention it would draw if they could convince Kendel to talk to them. “There he is,” she told Aloth, pointing toward the table the innkeeper had indicated.
The dwarf in question looked up as they approached, his remaining eye glittering dangerously. “What d’you want?”
“To talk to you,” Tavi replied, maintaining eye contact until he grunted and looked away.
“Well, then, state your name and purpose,” he said, tone surly, almost mocking.
The elves exchanged a look and then Aloth cleared his throat. “My name belongs to the gods and my hand to their service.”
Suddenly Kendel looked very interested indeed. He pushed aside his mug, the ale sloshing slightly. “And what company do you seek?”
Tavi had to bite her tongue to keep from answering with Aloth. “I seek the company of shadows, that our work may remain secret.”
The pattern repeated with the other two passphrases; Kendel asked, Aloh answered, and Tavi bit her tongue to keep quiet and play the new recruit even as her conversation with the Acolyte rattled around in her head.
Once Kendel was satisfied, he gestured at Tavi. “So what about her? Why’d she clam up?”
“She wants to join,” Aloth explained with a shrug.
“Even with what just happened in the Dyrwood?” Kendel probed. Seeing their blank looks, he leaned forward and explained, “Some elf bitch fucked up the Grandmaster’s plans. Some say she killed him, but I ain’t sure I believe that part.”
Believe it, asshole. “Even if that’s true, surely the gods still have need of you.”
“Right you are,” Kendel said with a nod. “As far as you joinin’ goes, I”ll hafta talk to our Acolyte; see if we’re even interested in bringin’ in new blood.”
“Of course,” Aloth said smoothly, squeezing Tavi’s hand under the table before she could protest at the delay. “Should we meet you here?”
“Nah.” Kendel jerked a thumb toward the door. “Take a room at the inn across the street. We’ll be in touch.”
They took long enough to make good on that promise, Tavi was beginning to wonder if he cell had decided against recruiting now, or figured they were a threat. But finally, after two days of twiddling their thumbs and getting progressively more nervous, a messenger arrived with a short note. So short, in fact, it only contained a location and a time.
“Well, that’s promising,” Aloth murmured, toying with the scrap of parchment. “If they were suspicious, they would simply vanish like smoke on a breeze and we’d never find them.”
“So, what, we go to this meeting and they test me to see if I’m worth their time?” Tavi asked, running her fingernail up and down the length of a scratch on the table.
“Essentially,” Aloth nodded. “Mostly seeing if you have any useful skills or knowledge and how well you can keep a secret.” He looked briefly troubled.  “They won’t hold back, and I won’t be able to help you.”
“Got it.” She smiled at the lingering worry in his eyes. “I’m a big girl, city slicker. I can take care of myself, and withstand quite a lot.”
“I know. In most cases it’s just some questions anyway, so remember our story and everything will be fine.”
“Right.” Tavi cracked her knuckles. “Fine.”
It was. The Acolyte for this cell was male, tall enough Tavi briefly wondered if he was aumaua before catching a glimpse of dusky tan skin between his hooded masked and robe. He asked her some rudimentary questions, but she could feel him probing at her mind the whole time. She put up a wall of emotion to match her story--curious, seeking to best serve the gods--and prayed that it was enough.
The Acolyte didn’t seem thrown by what he found, and welcomed her as a sister and initiate of the Leaden Key. “Your first task is a simple one: attend the town meeting tomorrow, and report to me on the people’s attitudes.”
“Yes, Acolyte,” Tavi said blandly. “You want me to go alone or...?”
“Take him,” the Acolyte gestured almost dismissively at Aloth. “You two already seem to have something of a rapport, and a couple will draw less suspicion than a lone stranger.”
They both nodded and took their leave. Neither spoke as they climbed the stairs out of the basement, or made their way through the house.
“Well, that went well,” Aloth finally said as they walked down the street.
“What’s the point of havin’ us go listen to people talk?” Tavi kicked a pebble and watched it skitter.
“It’s an easy thing to give a new member,” Aloth explained. “As a test of ability and intent. I did the same thing many times when I first joined. And this sort of thing allows them to gauge if popular opinion is going the way they want it to.” 
“Alright, I guess that does make sense,” she admitted grudgingly. “Whaddya think they want public opinion to be?”
“Since I know them so much better than you?” Aloth said dryly. He smiled when Tavi rolled her eyes and bumped her shoulder against his. “Knowing the Leaden Key, almost definitely something negative regarding animancy. As to what angle they’re using, I haven’t the foggiest. I’ve no idea how much of an issue animancy could possibly be in a village this size, but I’m sure we’ll find out.”
And find out they did. Not at the town meeting, or even the Leaden Key debriefing afterward, though a local thayn was a popular topic at both. It wasn’t until a few days later, when the Acolyte directed Tavi to slip into Thayn Yngmar’s house and switch some papers, that they realized he was housing and funding an animancer.
“The woman acts his wife in public,” the Acolyte explained disdainfully, “but in fact their relationship is of a different nature. Simply find this Esmy’s workshop and replace her research notes with these. Her work will remain fruitless for a good while.”
“Is anyone gonna get hurt?” the question escaped before Tavi could stop it, but fortunately fit her crafted persona well enough to not raise eyebrows.
“No one who wasn’t going to already,” was the cryptic--and not at all reassuring--reply.
But there wasn’t anything she could do about it. To get in good enough to truly dismantle this cell, she had to complete her task. Alone. Well, almost. The Leaden Key had someone in the household who could help a little, but she was going without Aloth, which she didn’t like. She hated the secrecy of this gods-damned organization. The Acolyte had simply said Aloth was ‘needed elsewhere’ and gotten huffy when she pushed for details, so she dropped it.
Now, as she followed a blond elven servant through the house, part of her was wishing she’d pushed just a little harder. She had a bad feeling twisting in her gut that something for one of them was going to go wrong. If she was right, she wanted to at least know where to stage a rescue. Hopefully she was just being paranoid, but she hadn’t survived this long by banking on hopefully. The secrecy was driving her insane.
“Here we are,” the servant said, tone reminding her far too much of her brother, as he gestured at a door. “The thayn and his animancer are out playing the happy couple for dinner with the mayor. So you don’t have to rush, but I wouldn’t dawdle either.”
“Well, with that in mind, you have any hints where she keeps her notes so I don’t have to search the whole fuckin’ room?” Tavi asked, looking the door up and down to check for enchantments.
“No.” He shook his head. “Mistress Esmy is very secretive. You’re on your own, I’m afraid.”
“Lovely.” She sighed and pushed open the door. “Does she keep a back up copy of her notes anywhere that I’ll need to find?”
He shook his head. “Too paranoid they’ll fall into the wrong hands.”
“Ironic. Alright, then.” She watched him walk away and tried not to dwell on the question she hadn’t asked. Why couldn’t you do this? She was pretty sure the answer involved her being far more expendable if she go caught.
Fortunately, she didn’t get a chance to test that theory. The switch went off without any issue, and was creeping out the shadowed back even as the thayn and his ‘wife’ returned through the front. In keeping with her instructions, she didn’t return to the Acolyte, but instead went “home” to the rented room at the inn. She pulled the curtains closed and locked the door before pulling a messy bundle of papers from under her cloak and spreading them across the table. All but two were Esmy’s original notes. Notes Tavi had been instructed to burn. The other two were from the altered replacement notes. She’d figured replacing the majority would still have the same effect, and now she had some proof of the Leaden Key’s dealings in Mercy Vale.
Aloth smiled tiredly when she showed him upon his return several hours later (enough she was starting to worry). “Is that your plan, then? Dismantle this cell by publicizing their sabotage?”
Tavi shrugged. “Why not?”
“Oh it’s a good plan,” he clarified, clearly fighting a yawn as he discarded his cloak and sat on the bed to pull off his boots. “It’s just... lighter on fighting than I would expect from you.”
“Yeah, I know.” She wrinkled her nose in pretended displeasure. “But most of the kith we’ve met in the cell don’t seem like bad people. I don’t wanna kill ‘em unless we fuckin’ have to.”
“And you don’t have an qualms about furthering their goals?”  he probed.
“Aloth...” Tavi sighed. “You know I’m not as settled on the animancy thing as you are. But even if I was a hundred percent in support of it, the way it’s bein’ handled here--in secret, with no oversight--is bad. I may not like that it won’t be fairly represented thanks to the Leaden Key’s meddlin’, but that doesn’t mean I fully fucking support it, either.” She ran one hand through her hair and focused on straightening the pile of papers. “‘Sides, I expect when we expose the Key’s activities here, we’ll also expose Thayn Yngvar an’ his animancer, so it’s worth waitin’.”
There was no reply or commentary from behind her, so she turned to see if Aloth had gotten lost in thought or something and couldn’t help but grin. He’d fallen asleep. Just leaned over until he was sort of laying on the pillows and gone out like a candle in a gale.
Tavi shook her head and tucked her hair behind her ear as she crossed the room. What did they have you do that wore you out so bad? She tucked her hand under his knees and shifted his legs up on the bed, which earned her sleepy mumbling but not much else. “Gods, I don’t remember the last time you were out this hard,” she whispered, tugging the blanket free from her side of the bed to wrap around him before she went back to the papers. She needed to find somewhere to hide them, and hopefully any others they found. This venture, keeping company with the very shadows they sought to undermine, was going to be risky.
It took several harrowing weeks, four close calls, and at least two lost opportunities, but Tavi and Aloth did manage to scrape together a good sized collection of fairly damning evidence, amassed little by little on various endeavors. Thayn Yngmar had only been one person of interest to the Leaden Key. Mercy Vale’s archivist was a former animancer who still held favorable views toward the practice. Leaden Key agents had done much to subtly undermine the man, and Tavi had very nearly gotten herself caught collecting proof. That night had been the first one in a long time Aloth insisted on sleeping with one arm wrapped around her. Now, as they surveyed the collection of papers they’d built, Tavi could only think of one thing they were missing.
“We need somethin’ to prove who the Acolyte is,” she said as they bundled the evidence back up. “That’s the only way I can think of to be sure this cell stays wrecked once we’re done with it.”
“Tavi, you know how dangerous that is,” Aloth protested, straightening a stack of papers before folding them over and binding them with string. “We have plenty here to dismantle the cell; I don’t see why-”
“B’cause if we don’t expose him, he’ll just go to ground ‘til things are calm and start again,” Tavi shot back, raking hair out of her face impatiently. “If we’re gonna take down this cell, I wanna fuckin’ do it right.”
“I see your point,” Aloth conceded reluctantly, packing away the bundled evidence. “I just... you do realize what that will entail, yes?”
“Yeah,” Tavi nodded. “Infiltrating and searching his chamber in that basement without getting caught.”
“And we still need a lead of some kind to the next cell,” Aloth reminded her. “We haven’t found anything solid yet.”
“I know.” She sat next to him and squeezed his hand. “If there’s anything to find we’ll find it. The house is empty; we can sneak in whenever we want.”
“And if he’s there?”
“We sneak right back out an’ try some other time. There’s no evidence that he or anyone lives there. It won’t be that hard.”
“Famous last words.” Aloth smiled gamely. “Even if it would be, what choice do we have?”
“Exactly.” Tavi leaned in and kissed him on the cheek, trying not to dwell on the dangers inherent to their plan.
Much to her relief, there were no guards posted, and no enchantments or traps that either of them could detect when Tavi and Aloth snuck into the empty house. She wasn’t sure if that was arrogance--thinking no one would look for them--or trying to make the house seem worthless, but it didn’t really matter. Still, they were cautious. Despite her growing impatience, Tavi made herself creep down the stairs only slightly faster than a snail, listening carefully for any sign someone was down there.
Given that it remain silent as a grave(bad analogy, Tavi) the whole way down, they relaxed slightly once they reached the floor. Still quiet, but with slightly more speed, they made their way to the room the Acolyte used. Tavi let Aloth take the first peek down the short corridor, and then did the honors of trying the door herself.
It was locked, of course. So she took the simplest route and broke the lock.
“What are you doing?!” Aloth hissed.
“Getting in the room,” Tavi whispered back fiercely. “Neither of us knows how to pick a lock, and this is our only shot anyway, so I don’t particularly care if someone knows we were here.”
He looked less than thrilled, but didn’t argue. Instead he nudged the door open. Both let out a breath they didn’t know they’d been holding when it was clear no one was in the room.
“Okay,” Tavi murmured, scanning the organized bookshelves and near-immaculate desk. “You search the bookshelves, I’ll take the desk, and we’ll both have to keep an eye on the door.”
Aloth nodded and both of them went to work. After a few minutes, he commented in an undertone, “Are we certain the Acolyte’s not a wizard?”
“Considering his multiple attempts to read my mind, yeah, I’m pretty damn sure he’s a cipher,” Tavi muttered, poking through a drawer. “Why?”
“There’s quite a collection of grimoires here for someone who’s not using them,” he replied.
She frowned, looking up from the desk. “Could he be both?”
Aloth bit his lip and pulled one off the shelf to page through. “That would be... unpleasant. But not unheard of. In theory, anyone could learn to be a wizard. And a cipher’s ability to focus would make it far easier for them. I don’t relish the thought of facing someone with both skills.”
“Was that your subtle way of telling me we should hurry?” Tavi said with a smile, closing another unhelpful drawer.
“It’s my subtle way of telling you perhaps we should just find a lead to another cell, turn what we have over to the authorities, and leave. Without unmasking him. I don’t think it’s worth the risk.”
After a few moments of thought, still furiously rifling through drawers, Tavi reluctantly nodded. “You’re right. As usual. Which isn’t fucking fair- Aha!” she crowed, pulling a small, folded slip of parchment from the back recesses of the drawer. “’Our brothers and sisters in Deadfire could use some help. Can the family spare aid?’ Here we go, this is promising.”
“I’m so glad you found what you were looking for.” The Acolyte’s voice rang in her head, but Tavi couldn’t see him.
She tensed, leaning over the desk, evaluating each item visible as a weapon and dismissing them all.  Behind her, Aloth had frozen as well, still paging through a grimoire.
‘You heard him, too?’ she mouthed, and he nodded. “Awful nice of you to be happy for me,” she said out loud, still trying to locate him.
“No trouble at all,” the Acolyte said smoothly, stepping out of the shadows at the far end of the short corridor and stepping closer. “In finding what you sought, you confirmed a suspicion of mine. So we both profited from your little venture.”
“Always glad to help out,” Tavi said glibly, mind racing. She was weaponless, and even if she had her sabres he was too far away--
A searing bloom of pain lanced through her mind, cutting off her thoughts as she dropped to her knees. She was dimly aware of banging her chin against the desk, Aloth’s cry of alarm, but they were a distant second to the agony speared through her skull.
Fucking ciphers, she groused internally, even if she couldn’t push the words past her lips. As she attempted to gather herself and regain her feet, another wave of pain pulsed through her head. Gods damn him!
Even as she struggled to push through the pain, Tavi could hear Aloth chanting something, and looked up just in time to see a crackling bolt of electricity fly from his outstretched hand. It hit the Acolyte’s chest with enough power to burn through him before rebounding off the wall and down the corridor. It slammed into a pile of dry-rotted crates, splintering them and setting the pieces ablaze.
“Nice choice. Guess he didn’t know you were a wizard,” Tavi managed as Aloth helped her to her feet. “Or he’d’ve made you put the grimoire down straight away.”
“That’s the spell I had it open to, and I worked very hard to keep that knowledge secret,” Aloth said, dropping the borrowed grimoire on the desk so he could tip up her chin. “You’re bleeding.”
“An’ the fuckin’ house is gettin’ ready to burn down,” Tavi retorted, running her tongue over her split lip. “Priorities, city slicker. Let’s get outta here an’ then we can worry about me.”
“Right.” Aloth nodded, his hand curling around hers as they hurried toward the stairs. Tavi gave in to the urge to spit on the Acolyte’s body as they passed, and Hylea’s tits did it feel good.
Old and dry as it was, the house kindled quickly, and the floor of the main level was already smoking when they emerged from the basement. Hand in hand, Tavi and Aloth hastily exited the building, warned the first locals they passed, and then hurried back to their room at the inn.
“Well,” Tavi said as she cleaned her lip, “guess we don’t hafta worry about unmaskin’ the Acolyte anymore....”
Aloth gave a sharp laugh. “That’s one way of lookin’ at the bright side, I suppose. We also burned down a house.”
“No one but us knows who did that,” Tavi protested. “An’ I’m pretty sure they caught it b’fore it burned all the way down. I know it wasn’t subtle, but it’s not like we did it on purpose, and it doesn’t tie to us, so the Leaden Key shouldn’t get suspicious...”
“Suspicion is in their nature,” he countered cynically. “But I do appreciate the we.”
Tavi shrugged. “We’re in this together, an’ you were protectin’ me. Figure we can share the blame.” She kissed him on the cheek. “Let’s get this shit dropped off with someone in authority and get the fuck out of here.”
Aloth grinned. “Feeling antsy already?”
Tavi shrugged. “It’s a long way to the Deadfire Archipelago. I’d rather get movin’ sooner opposed to later.”
He slid one hand around the back of her neck and pulled her in for another kiss. “They’ll still be there in a few weeks, Tavi. Better to do things right than fast.”
She smirked and rested her forehead against his. “You do realize how many different ways I can make that dirty, right, Corfiser?” 
“Yes, and I’m fervently hoping you won’t take any of them,” Aloth replied, taking a step back. “Even if we’re not in a hurry, we still have work to do.”
“That we do,” Tavi nodded, eyeing the pile of evidence on the table and praying silently the next time would go more smoothly. “Deadfire, here we come.”
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flauntpage · 6 years
Kyoji Horiguchi's Impossible Task
When Fightland profiled Kyoji Horiguchi in 2014, the young Japanese fighter was just beginning his run in the UFC. Asked about his motivation to begin fighting, Horiguchi replied that he had begun watching mixed martial arts when he was at high school and had been drawn to the fights of Norifumi ‘Kid’ Yamamoto. Horiguchi remarked: “He was knocking out guys much bigger than him. I’m not so big myself and wanted to do the same. That’s how it started.”
Kyoji had begun his martial arts training the same way that many Japanese children do, in traditional karate. Horiguchi learned under the instruction of Mr. Hirou Nihei. Beginning his MMA career as a sort of Kid Yamamoto knock-off, the more Kyoji allowed that karate training to show through in his fights, the better he performed. The influences of Yamamoto and Nihei, and of American Top Team combined to make Horiguchi something truly unique in mixed martial arts and in 2017 he was able to do exactly what Yamamoto had: he went up a weightclass and stopped three men over two nights to be crowned the Rizin bantamweight champion.
At this point it is no exaggeration to say that Kyoji Horiguchi is the finest mixed martial artist that Japan has ever produced and the gulf between Horiguchi and the remaining talent outside of the UFC is substantial. The move to bantamweight was for a challenge. After Horiguchi made it look a doss, Rizin dug out Ian McCall as a respected flyweight name and Horiguchi stopped him with the first punch thrown. Everything Rizin lines up for Horiguchi seems to be just to keep him busy, and Horiguchi has been able to knock opponents down faster than Rizin can line them up. Finally, Rizin pulled the trigger and booked the fantasy match that fans have been dreaming of since the first Rizin events: Kyoji Horiguchi would take his first professional kickboxing match, against perhaps the best kickboxer in Japan, the undefeated Tenshin Nasukawa.
Horiguchi has that same presence as Yamamoto in the ring—he is simply electric—but outside of the ring he has always been understated and cheerful: the most harmless knockout artist you will ever meet. Yet as he navigated a course through the finest stretch of his career there was much more happening below the surface. Explaining his decision to leave the UFC and return to Japan, Horiguchi revealed that it was partly influenced by Hirou Nihei being diagnosed with cancer. What wasn’t revealed to the public is that during almost the same space of time, Kid Yamamoto was also battling cancer.
And so at Rizin 13, as Horiguchi strides into the greatest test of his career, tasked with besting an unbeaten fighting prodigy in a completely different combat sport, he does so having laid to rest both his teacher and his idol in a few short months.
A Brief Introduction to Tenshin
We have written about Tenshin Nasukawa at length before—both a stylistic study and then a reflection on his toughest match—so we will keep it brief here. Nasukawa, like Horiguchi, is at his best out in space and has little desire to place opponents on the ropes most of the time. What Nasukawa does very well is counter punch—both up the center of kicks and over the top of his opponents punches when he can drawn them into over-extension. The style of drawing the opponent’s rear hand, angling off on the retreat, and firing one’s own power hand over the open side has been around for a hundred years or more (below is Benny Leonard doing it in the 1920s), but it has suddenly found new prominence between fighters like Conor McGregor, Stephen Thompson, and Tenshin Nasukawa.
Here is a great example of Nasukawa drawing out the right hand and countering through the open side, twice in quick succession. It is a pretty unique clip because the majority of the time Nasukawa’s opponent will crumble when he lands it, but Rodtang’s head might actually be full of concrete.
And the same can be seen here. Notice how Nasukawa draws Rodtang’s right hand into extension and throws his left hand in from that slight angle. Attacks from the open side can not be rolled off on the lead shoulder and back with a well-timed turn of the body, making them considerably more dangerous than if you tried to fire a straight from a similar angle on the closed side.
Nasukawa also has a brilliant check hook and a solid southpaw kicking game—pounding the opponent’s right arm with the round kick and looking to drive stepping knees in when he can. With that out of the way, let us talk match up specifics.
The issues Nasukawa has faced have come as opponents have pressed him to the ropes. He needs space to retreat and angle for that left hand counter to work at its best, so when he hits the ropes he will either try to check hook and duck out the side door, or simply run to get off them. Doing this over and over again left him exhausted in the fourth and fifth rounds against both the aggressive Rodtang and the cautious Suakim. This led to many occasions where Nasukawa performed a rolling thunder, or even double legged his opponent in order to take breathers on the mat.
Points Karate in a Nutshell
From the moment that this match was announced, it seemed something like Mayweather vs. McGregor for the fight fan who considered himself too good for that circus. Granted, kickboxing is considerably closer to MMA than boxing but the idea of a fighter taking up a new sport and immediately jumping in with a great will always seem like a stretch too far. Though there is some precedent to offset a fight fan’s usual pessimism: Gegard Mousasi beat Kyotaro Fujimoto in a kickboxing match on New Years Eve (albeit ten days after Kyotaro went the distance with Semmy Schilt), and Alistair Overeem famously upset Badr Hari after years away from kickboxing, previously only having competed at a fairly low level.
But outside of a matchup between Japan’s two most promising young fighters, this fight might also tell us something more about the kickboxing game at large. The kickboxing meta has always favored a closer range and combination work. The threat of a takedown in MMA necessitated striking from a greater range and points style karate found tremendous success within MMA where you never really saw it in kickboxing. Horiguchi is one of the best examples of long distance karate in MMA and that style is always built on two ideas: drawing the opponent into overreaching through the exaggerated distance, or bursting in through that distance with alarming speed.
When “The Machida Riddle” was still unsolved, Lyoto Machida would establish an extended distance, control it perfectly, and then step in to intercept his opponent when they committed to chasing him. This style of counter punching created perfect sen-no-sen or intercepting counters, and by timing his step in as his opponent was advancing, Machida could appear considerably faster than he actually was.
Kyoji Horiguchi is best at the other portion of competition karate—he actually is exceptionally fast and he makes his money fighting from beyond his opponent’s reach and then bursting in before they know what is happening. He does all that Machida stuff, but it is probably safe to assume that the best kickboxer in Japan isn’t going to run face first onto a counter like Horiguchi’s MMA opponents often have.
The Bounce
When a boxer steps in to lead, it is typically with the jab and he drives from his back foot to extend his stance. Boxing is about economy of motion and a good percentage of fighters, a good percentage of the time, want to use that first attack to get into range to either follow up or draw counters they can continue working against. Points karate isn’t that—the man who gets there first, wins. When you watch a man like Horiguchi or Michael Page burst in on his strikes, know that there’s more going on than just extending into it as a boxer does with his jab. Attention is paid to drawing the opponent around the ring and trying to catch them stepping onto the strike, and often the strike itself is hidden in bouncing—which in turn can be used to cover more distance than leading straight out of the stance.
Converse with a couple of decent point fighters and you will quickly learn that everyone has their own philosophy on bouncing, but most good point fighters use some variant on the idea for a couple of reasons. Firstly, bouncing is a tremendous means of complicating the action. Strikers get good at reading tells and these are even easier to pick up on if the opponent comes in straight off a static base—watch any UFC event from the previous decade to see a ton of that. Add in the bouncing and suddenly you are trying to pick up on a dropping of the hands or a shuffling of the feet while everything in your vision is moving up and down.
Most importantly though, bouncing is a marvellous means of hiding what the feet are doing and moving the fighter into a closer range before he has performed that fencing-like lunge into a longer stance. You can watch any number of clips of Christophe Pinna demonstrating this idea on YouTube—the feet go together so that you can perform your thrust after an initial bounce in. You might not make double the distance of a fighter just lunging straight from his stance, but perhaps you can add an extra fifty or sixty percent range to your advance and that is more than enough to catch a man out.
Pretty much any Horiguchi blitz is preceded by a bounce in, maintaining his stance and then a movement into the actual movement.
In fact the current TKO heavyweight, Ciryl Gane uses a very similar bouncing to get in on right hands and establish clinches. As did the late and underappreciated Ryan Jimmo. Gane’s speed is glacial compared to Horiguchi’s but the attacks still flow so nicely out of the bounce that Gane’s opponent is caught completely unprepared.
Bouncing effectively makes fighting from a longer range more viable. Lyoto Machida didn’t do a lot of bouncing to lead but his opponents were so woefully out of their depth at his extended range that they often simply sprinted at him as Ryan Bader did. Do that against Tenshin Nasukawa and you will get murdered with a counter ten times out of ten. But with convincing bouncing and feinting from that uncomfortable range well, as Nasukawa put it in one of Rizin’s pre-fight packages:
The Hypothetical Gameplan
In terms of what Horiguchi can do against Nasukawa—this could be an uphill battle. The thing about the bouncing, bursting, long range style of fighting is that it gets very energy consuming. As fights go on, Horiguchi abandons his bounce and strides around the ring, returning to it when he wants to hide his burst. More than ten or 12 bursts a round is going to get tiring.
A good fight for Horiguchi is one where not much is happening, which is interesting because normally that is what we would say about Nasukawa—the power hitting counter puncher. For most fighters, pushing the pace against Nasukawa would probably be their best chance, but Horiguchi’s style has just never been about that. Furthermore, where Nasukawa looked slow and sloppy in the late rounds against Rodtang and Suakim, those were five-round fights and this one is just three rounds. Horiguchi has three minutes to work each round and he would do best to do as little as possible and punctuate rounds with bursts of offense.
In terms of avoiding the counter strikes, keeping his bursts unpredictable is the priority. The bursts are longer than a standard lead from kickboxing range, which means if you aren’t keeping the opponent confused you are giving them a long distance space in which to counter you.
In writing notes for this bout, my thoughts were that Horiguchi should use low calf kicks to skip up and knock the long-stanced (for a kickboxer) and often backward moving Nasukawa off balance momentarily and make advancing on him less dangerous. Furthermore long straight kicks would be the best method of getting in single strikes with the least chance of retaliation. And for Horiguchi’s bursts, you would want to see him do what he has always done in MMA—make himself hard to hit in the aftermath. Where Machida was always a sitting duck after his big reverse punch, Horiguchi will always weave into a left hook, push the opponent away, or grab a clinch—these are the things that make a fighter harder to hit after he has dashed forward with uncontrollable speed.
Watching the absurdly well put together Rizin Confessions web series revealed that Horiguchi and Nasukawa had in fact sparred in 2015. Sparring footage is not something to be taken too seriously—these McGregor-Mayweather parallels are getting spooky—but it did show each of those above mentioned ideas that might improve Horiguchi’s chances. In addition to the skip-up calf kick, the front kick to the body and the punch-and-shove, notice the beautiful contrast between Horiguchi’s bounce and Nasukawa’s more kickboxing/Muay Thai style of transitioning weight back and forth between the feet within the stance. That’s the great thing about fighting: there’s a hundred different ways to do it.
The skip-up calf tap (albeit with no follow up):
A nice front kick to the body (again out of the bounce) and a pull away from the counter.
The clip Rizin repeated over and over was a good right hand which was immediately pushed through to the wall. The right hand itself isn’t hugely interesting, the shove is. This is the thing Horiguchi should be doing in the fight above all else: denying the open side counter. Horiguchi’s game is bursting into his right hand and Nasukawa’s game is countering through the open side as that hand is drawn back. Often when facing that counter the better thing to do is to push through and fold behind the right elbow or shoulder, driving into the opponent and smothering him rather than trying to retreat into the stance.
One of the great things about kickboxing, compared to boxing, is that a good degree of physicality is permitted. A push or pull might not seem like much but Giorgio Petrosyan has built a career out of it as we examined in Giorgio Petrosyan and The Counter to All Strikes. Every strike or combination ends with a little shove—it is re-establishing range but rather than stepping back, one forces the opponent out of their stance and out of their opportunity to come back with a counter.
Petrosyan mixes this in with ducks into clinches after his strikes and this—the more familiar “punch and clutch” should also be a staple of Horiguchi’s game here. Hiding the burst and staying safe after the burst are paramount. Other tactics that allow Horiguchi to score points with the least chance of retaliation—long front kicks/low-line side kicks if they are permitted—or complicate counter punching—the skip-up calf kick—should be thrown in liberally throughout.
The excitement here is not so much whether Kyoji Horiguchi can beat Tenshin Nasukawa: you wouldn't expect him to, given his complete inexperience in kickboxing competition. The intrigue is in seeing whether Horiguchi can effectively apply the point fighting game to kickboxing, where it hasn’t really been proven at all. A few seconds of sparring recorded on a phone in 2015 doesn’t mean anything to the outcome of the fight, but the teaser of that point fighting style flummoxing Nasukawa for even a few moments has definitely got this writer intrigued.
If Horiguchi can perform even respectably here the world opens up for him. An Alistair Overeem style staggering of combat sports would be remarkable and an excellent way for Horiguchi to establish himself as Japan’s fighting superstar: something he was unable to do while being hidden away on UFC undercards.
Jack Slack wrote the biography Notorious: The Life and Fights of Conor McGregor, and hosts the Fights Gone By podcast.
Kyoji Horiguchi's Impossible Task published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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dailynewswebsite · 4 years
At 43, Tom Brady looked above average rather than great on his Buccaneers debut
It’s unattainable to microwave a championship within the NFL. An excessive amount of goes into it. It’s why many an low season “winner” has blown aside in spectacular trend: The Dream Group Eagles, the tanktastic Browns, numerous editions of the Jets.
Flash-frying a title-worthy crew is further tough this season, because the Tom Brady led Tampa Bay Buccaneers confirmed on Sunday. The reshaped Bucs have been off the tempo towards the New Orleans Saints, beset by particular person errors, sloppy penalties, a turnstile at left sort out, and a scarcity of velocity.
It takes time for gamers to gel right into a crew, all of the extra so once you’re coping with a batch of recent arrivals – most notably Brady and Rob Gronkowski – who’ve had success enjoying their means.
Transferring the ball appeared arduous for Brady for a lot of Sunday. It was just like the sensation that hovered over the Patriots throughout Brady’s ultimate stretch in New England. Every part felt slightly off-beat. Staccato. A bit gradual. The Bucs completed the sport with penalties totaling in extra of 100 yards, a basic signal of an out-of-sync aspect.
The Bucs hung within the sport, by and enormous, because of their protection (a gaggle that profiles as one of many 5 greatest within the league) and a few baffling play-calling from the Saints. However there should have been a lingering sense of déjà vu for Brady, who watched this comparable script play out all through his ultimate weeks with the Patriots.
This was all the time going to be the way in which. Brady and head coach Bruce Arians try to wed two contrasting types. Brady introduced parts of the Patriots blueprint with him to Tampa, however he pressed his outdated type onto Arians’ run-n-gun system.
Brady is betting on the Bucs’ ceiling. He’s betting on their personnel. This isn’t about Gronkowski, who was working on fumes towards the Saints after a 12 months away from the sport and gave the impression to be held collectively by robotic components and Scotch Tape, neither is it about Leonard Fournette or LeSean McCoy, a pair of gamers whose fame far outweighs their worth to the crew. That is about Mike Evans, Chris Godwin, and OJ Howard, the younger core who Brady is banking on to assist him roll again the years.
There was all the time going to be teething issues. Brady, his new receivers and the offensive line are every studying one another’s idiosyncrasies. It’s the identical with the coach, too: Arians is a coach famed for limiting his tight ends within the passing sport; Brady is a quarterback who has spent the final decade ripping opponents aside over the center of the sector by concentrating on tight ends. It took till deep into the second-half for the Bucs to begin to characteristic Gronkowski and Howard on Sunday – Gronkowski completed with simply three targets; Howard with 5.
There is no such thing as a storyline we get pleasure from greater than ‘the outdated man’s nonetheless acquired it’. And Brady confirmed flashes of his outdated self: in command on the line of scrimmage, pretty environment friendly, prepared to problem all ranges of the protection. Fearless. Worryingly for Tampa, the errors that crept into his sport throughout that ultimate 12 months with the Patriots – the miscommunications, the inaccuracies, the turnovers – have been nonetheless there, too.
That’s who Brady is lately, an above-average starter able to a drive or two of magic however liable to overlook wildly on a quick-out that prices the crew six factors.
It will have been unfair to anticipate the Bucs to gel quick, on offense not less than. The continuing pandemic has restricted the crew’s apply time and eradicated the psychological and bodily reps that preseason would have supplied.
Nonetheless, once you signal a 43-year-old quarterback, you’re confessing that your championship window is 19 video games – in case you’re fortunate. And so each side of the Brady-Arians relationship can be hyper-analyzed. The early returns weren’t nice. However the constructing blocks of one thing are there, and it will likely be enjoyable watching them attempt to determine it out.
Brady and the Bucs should be a slow-burn. And as Sunday confirmed, they’ve a protracted technique to go.
Stat of the week
Cam Newton appeared comfy in his Patriots debut. {Photograph}: David Butler II/USA At the moment Sports activitiesExtra
Story continues
Cam Newton’s 75 dashing yards have been probably the most by a Patriots quarterback since 1977.
Sunday supplied the primary have a look at the post-Brady period Patriots. It was totally different, however it was efficient. “That is very environment friendly soccer and really straightforward soccer,” Tony Romo stated on the printed of the Newton-led offense.
As anticipated, the Patriots shifted the main target of the offense from a timing, passing-based offense into one revolving across the run. Newton was environment friendly by the air (15-19, 155 yards) and a bulldozer on the bottom – 75 yards and two touchdowns. The run and passing video games labored in excellent sync, with 80% of the crew’s passing performs that includes play-action and all however three dropbacks that includes some form of pre-snap motion or movement.
Greater than that, Newton appeared comfy and wholesome. He might not fairly have his outdated breakaway velocity, however he stays as prepared as ever to provoke contact and to function the crew’s energy runner. Few gamers may deal with the strain of changing one half of the Brady-Belichick partnership. Newton will not be solely dealing with it, he’s embracing it. At this fee, with Newton’s damage historical past, it’s prone to be unsustainable. But it surely’s undeniably enjoyable.
MVP of the week
Russell Wilson, QB, Seahawks. Is that this the 12 months that Wilson lastly will get the MVP award he deserves? The much-discussed ‘let Russ prepare dinner’ offense was out in full pressure in week one. Wilson responded together with his now-standard excellence, explosive and environment friendly in equal measure.
Wilson accomplished 31 of 35 passes for 322 yards, with 4 touchdowns and no interceptions, because the Seahawks went to Atlanta and began the season with a dominant 38-25 win.
Video of the week
That is the Browns faking a punt in their very own half with a former rugby participant nicknamed the “Scottish Hammer”. Jamie Gillan fumbled the ball, and it didn’t get significantly better for the Browns the remainder of the way in which.
It was a tough day for brand new Browns head coach Kevin Stefanski. Baker Mayfield by no means appeared comfy in Stefanski’s new offense. He was hitching all through the primary half, not sure whether or not to belief his eyes or instincts. On protection, the Browns have been rolled by a Ravens aspect that, as regular, had every little thing clicking behind Lamar Jackson.
It’s a brand new regime, however watching the Browns continues to be a laborious expertise. You already know there’s expertise on the sector. And but all you possibly can suppose is soccer shouldn’t be this difficult.
Quote of the week
“If the Washington Soccer Group title catches on and our followers embrace it then we might be completely happy to have it as our everlasting title” – Dan Snyder in an electronic mail to the Wall Road Journal.
Dan Snyder not often, if ever, has a good suggestion. In truth, the world is a brighter place when he doesn’t communicate. However, this isn’t his worst.
Associated: Dan Snyder has made Washington right into a grubby mess. Do not anticipate him to depart
Coke. Twitter. Apple. Why not a sports activities crew? Washington. Nothing else. As Justin Timberlake infamously retorted in The Social Community, “drop the ‘The.’ It’s cleaner.”
Washington, a crew for all the town, maybe the nation; you possibly can see the advertising now. Whether or not a crew in that metropolis may obtain such unity is open for dialogue.
Elsewhere across the league
You possibly can all the time belief Philip Rivers to Philip Rivers. {Photograph}: Reinhold Matay/USA At the moment Sports activities
— The Colts wished to signal Philip Rivers within the offseason, and signal Philip Rivers in all his glory they did. The Colts have been trailing by 4 with 5 minutes remaining and the size of the sector to drive. As evening follows day, Rivers threw a back-breaking interception. Rivers’ numbers during the last 10 years within the ultimate six minutes of one-score video games are terrible: he has accomplished simply 53% of his passes and has thrown 9 touchdowns to 23(!) interceptions.
— An early entry for the silliest ejection of the season: Jamie Collins, in attempting to show to an official how he was speared, wound up thumping his helmet into the official.
— Adam Gase is in the course of what’s changing into a really dynastic run. The Jets hiring in 2019 was the worst transfer of the season; and bringing him again in 2020 was the only most franchise-wrecking transfer of 2020. Jets followers will already be looking forward to subsequent season after their crew have been rolled 27-17 by the Payments.
Associated: From incompetence to outright villainy: the NFL’s worst-run groups
— Aaron Rodgers appears set to stay it to Packers administration this season. Rodgers was calm and environment friendly within the early going towards the Vikings after which caught hearth in a means solely Patrick Mahomes and Rodgers actually can. He completed 32-44 with 364 yards and 4 touchdowns in main the Packers to a 43-34 win over the Vikings. Put the quarterback controversy items on maintain for now.
— A tricky debut and loss for the No1 general decide, Joe Burrow. All of it appeared really easy when he scampered for a gap landing early in his skilled debut. However his Cincinnati Bengals picked first within the draft for a cause, and Burrow appears like he has loads of studying to do as he missed a couple of open receivers for what would have been touchdowns. Nonetheless, he has greater than sufficient expertise to turn out to be a pressure within the league.
— Like the perfect bunkers, Gardner Minshew is tank proof. The Jaguars’ plans to place themselves for the No 1 decide in subsequent 12 months’s draft (likely Clemson quarterback Trevor Lawrence) have been dealt a blow by their budding second-year, almost-star. Minshew completed 19-20, throwing for 173 yards and three touchdowns, with a complete bunch of that manufacturing coming off-script.
from Growth News https://growthnews.in/at-43-tom-brady-looked-above-average-rather-than-great-on-his-buccaneers-debut/ via https://growthnews.in
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