orange-s-mario · 3 months
it's Barrence Allen's birthday
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blanddcheadcanons · 9 months
Barry Allen's full name is still Barrence Allen
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bluebeetle · 9 months
I think we should pressure dc into acknowledging that barrys original name was barrence and that bartholomew was made up by mark waid.
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shrinkthisviolet · 5 months
Iris West for the character asks?
1. sexuality headcanon
bi or pan!
2. otp
Westallen and Westhallen 🥰 she and Barry are just perfect together, and with Eddie's “three people in this relationship” line, so are they! I do also adore Barriscowest because Barry basically has two lightning rods canonically anyway and it’s wonderful. And Snowest ofc, my other non-canon babies 💞
3. brotp
Her and Linda! For as little time as the show gave them, they were AWESOME. Also ofc her and Wally 💞 unbeatable dream team, it makes me so sad that she wasn't more supportive of him in s3 despite being his Girl in the Chair in Flashpoint :(
4. notp
Iris/Eobard, Iris/Snart, Iris/Frost. Aside from that, I don’t think I’ve found any that I hate? She’s a character I love to multiship 😂
5. first headcanon that pops into my head
She absolutely tricked people into thinking Barry’s full name was actually Barrence back in school (thank you @kitkatt0430) 😂 she tried to do it with Barnacle too, but that didn't take
6. favorite line from this character
Ooh there’s so many but “a girl’s gotta be her own hero every now and again” is a winner for sure 💞
7. one way in which I relate to this character
I also can’t cook 😅 sometimes, and for a few things, but not usually
8. thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Her Three List 😬 I’ve always hated it. Why would the writers do that?? That’s not cute. That’s weird
9. cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
100% a cinnamon roll 🥰
character ask game!
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thechaoticsuper · 1 year
Any day that I get to remind people that Barry Allen's name is actually Barrence Allen is a good day
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barrenceallence · 1 year
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#i can’t not think that barry’s double take at seeing for the first time in this issue wasn’t also ‘why does that look so good on him…’
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watched the little tour of the puppet history theatre shane did for watcher weekly….bro he’s so freaking adorable…??
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every so often it hits me that tim drake is actually, canonically, within the pages of officially published dc comics, as of right now, bisexual. and i just can’t believe i got to be around for this
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bitter1stuff · 9 months
New Barrence Whitfield & the Savages? OK!
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quicksllver · 11 months
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flashfuture · 2 months
Dick's relationship with school is so nuanced and I fear people like to shave it down to he hated it and refused to go. And listen they throw out random fake flashbacks about made up moments in Dick's childhood. But golden and silver age Dick's actual school career was just boring. Dick was an honor roll student an expert chemist before anyone had thought of the name Barrence Allen. When they thought he was failing Bruce banned him from patrol and Dick fell asleep studying (Bruce carried him to bed cute!) before it was revealed it was actually that other Richard Grayson who was failing Dick's a genius. Dick somehow managed to be on the track team in high school he had a trophy. When Bruce was sick and Dick and Babs conspired to keep him at home Bruce was like "but who will go to your parent teacher conference?" which is irrelevant to my point I just thought that was really funny.
Everyone cried when Dick went to college. Bruce moved out of the manor and into the city. And sure Dick failed out of college but he was kidnapped out of his dorm room biweekly. And Bruce was really uncool about the whole thing and essentially harassed Dick into going to Gotham College before Dick quit that too and decided full time heroing was for him. School was just There for Dick. He did it and did it well but he had no particularly strong feelings about it. His aversion to college came from Bruce being on his back about it all the time. Like when you're going to do a chore and then someone tells you to so you back out and refuse that was Dick with college.
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year
Iris - We had a prank war in high school that I won after convincing a significant portion of the student body that his full first name was actually Barrence.
Barry - I had to show the yearbook committee my driver's license and birth certificate to convince them it was really Bartholomew. We did a five year reunion and my name tag said Barrence on it, so people still think that's my name.
Cisco - Note to self, never get into a prank war with Iris.
Barry - To be fair, I did find it funny.
Caitlin - Is this why Joe calls you Barrence Henry Allen when you annoy him? As opposed to Bartholomew Henry Allen when he's upset?
Barry - Yeah. I hear the Barrence and I know I'm fine. The real first name comes out and I know I'm in deep shit.
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orange-s-mario · 7 months
wait. what if Barry Allen is in his room in Spurrier's run because he's talking to Barrence (Barrence survived coie due to convergence)
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So I found out recently that Barry isn’t even considered a diminutive of Bartholomew. It’s an anglicized spelling of Barra, which is short for Bairrfhionn, which means fair haired. Barry’s name is literally. Blondie.
Pre-Bart Barry's full name was Barrence. They changed it to Bartholomew when they created Bart because they wanted a name with more nickname potential (they wanted to name Bart after Barry but they didn't want two Barrys)
But yeah. Barry doesn't really come from Bartholomew. Like, at all. The historical nicknames are Bart, Bat, Bartie, Bartly and Tolly.
Not sure the origin on the name Barrence/what it means but they probably came up with Barry first and worked backwards from there. So Blondie fits lol
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pluckyredhead · 2 years
I can't speak for anyone else, but one of the reasons I'm reluctant to start Kyle's stuff is because of how badly it fucked over Hal - I'm not even a Hal fan, but a Wiki thumbnail of Emerald Twilight reads like Cassandra Cain's assassination under Beechen.
This is actually really funny to me, because the first Green Lantern comics I ever read were the 1990 series, since I'd heard about Kyle and wanted to read his comics - but what I didn't realize was that the first 50 issues of that series are Hal, leading into Emerald Twilight, and Kyle (who first appears in #48) takes over from there.
And oh man, did those comics make me hate Hal. He is domineering, entitled, and cruel. He combines being a huge asshole with being so completely convinced he knows what's best for everyone around him that by the time he decides to remake the world in his own image, I was like "Yeah, this tracks."
Now, having gone back and read every Green Lantern comic since 1960 in order, I know that this didn't start with the 1990 series, and it certainly didn't start with Kyle. Hal telling Guy's fiancee that he's dead and then almost immediately asking her out? Pre-Kyle. Hal dating a 13-year-old and then being incredibly cruel to her? Pre-Kyle. Hal mooching off of John indefinitely, and then when John tells him to get a job, robbing a diamond mine in apartheid-era South Africa and letting John take the fall for it? Pre-Kyle. Hal dismissing every woman he's ever dated as "crazy"? Pre-Kyle.
In other words, Hal is really only this shining golden hero in the Silver Age proper. From the start of Green Lantern/Green Arrow in 1970, you have about 20 years of a really fascinating narrative of a man who was once totally confident in who he was and how the world works, and what happens when it all crumbles away beneath him - when his girl doesn't need him to rescue her, when his sidekick doesn't want to be treated like a supporting character anymore, when his country and his politics aren't what he thought they were, when his faith in the Guardians is eroded more and more with every revelation. And then, of course, Hal's world crumbling becomes literal with the destruction of Coast City. It all dovetails really interestingly with the shifts in American pop culture away from 1950s homogeneity and towards diversity and inclusivity - culminating of course in the debut of Kyle, poster child for a new kind of sensitive, urbane masculinity that was popular in the 90s.
(I can't remember where right now, but I'm almost positive there's a comic somewhere where Barry says that Ollie ruined Hal because he made him question everything. But idk, maybe when you're part of the most dominant demographic in society and also a fucking cop, you should occasionally question things, Barrence?)
Anyway, this is all a really long-winded way of saying that when you read the previous few decades of Hal comics, Emerald Twilight feels pretty inevitable. This man was going to break, and it was going to be ugly. The dominant narrative that you'll find on wikis and in fandom and in the comics itself was that Hal's fall from grace was sudden and out of nowhere (which it has to be depicted as in modern comics thanks to the Parallax-is-a-giant-space-bug retcon), but it really, really wasn't.
And it's actually Kyle who starts the process of redeeming Hal. Kyle has sympathy for Hal during Emerald Twilight itself. Kyle is basically the only person who sees not just the destruction that Hal is causing, but the pain he's in. Baby boy is Team Hal almost from the beginning, and Hal responds by...well, okay, by trying to kill him, but like five minutes after that he's fully in "I've only had Kyle for a day and a half, but if anything ever happened to him, I would kill everyone in this universe and then myself" mode. Hal stans in the 90s HATED Kyle, but actual Hal Jordan loves Kyle very very much and it is completely mutual.
Also then DC fell all over themselves giving Hal three redemption arcs in a row (Final Night, Day of Judgment, and GL: Birthright). Four if you count the Spectre series.
So yeah, basically, please don't avoid Kyle because you think he does Hal dirty! Hal did himself dirty, and he did it for decades. It's only his, like, three deaths and four resurrections that pull him out of the tailspin he was in long before Emerald Twilight. (And then he immediately goes into like eight other tailspins, because the man is a mess. But he is much more fun after he comes back to life than he was for a long time before he died.)
Also, Hal would want you to read Kyle's comics. Kyle's his favorite.
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So I saw this meme and decided it was the perfect thing to draw for Barry's birthday. Happy Birthday, Barrence.
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ftl-faster-than-life · 7 months
Barrence is an adorably off-beat name but honestly, I favor Barry not being short for anything (because it isn’t). Because that basically means his parents named him Blondie.
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tzigone · 4 days
Multi-named characters
I started thinking about characters that had/were called by more than one name as their "real" name. So, I am listing a few, and would like others to chime in with ones they know. I'm trying to stick to characters that were fairly prominent already when they got their "second" name, instead of like Ray Palmer's parents (who appeared twice years apart, and were called different names each time).
Wally West - there is a silver age story where his name is established as Walter. Of course, later he's Wallace.
Barry Allen - originally Barry, then called "Barrence" once, then later said to be named Bartholomew.
Ted Kord - called Theodore and then in one BoP (I think it was BoP), Barbara says his name was Edward.
Doctor Thirteen - in the 70s series, he's named Terrence and flips his shit over Phantom Stranger calling him "Terry" but back when introduced, his father says he gave deliberately gave him a name with 13 letters, so his name is actually "Terry", not "Terrence".
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