#good job hawberries
my year in fic: 2020
it’s. it’s truly inconceivable to me that i somehow managed to write 46k this year. That’s over half the total word count on my ao3 at time of writing. For the first time ever, I broke 10k (AND 15k!) on a single project. This same project was the first chapter fic I’ve ever seen to completion. It’s... been an outstanding year for me, really.
worklist under the cut
     Pruning: Yu Yu Hakusho, Yusuke/Kurama, 2.6k legitimately this fic was never supposed to exist. I wrote this completely unbeta’d in three days like a victim of demonic possession because ace fuckin goaded me and got me back on my bullshit and it gained so much more traction than i ever anticipated. i’d do it differently now, if it was a fic that i’d sat down and planned out, but? as is, i’m still rather fond of it.
     Empty Vessel: Fire Emblem - Three Houses, Dimitri/Felix, 1.7k this... this is the one that i kind of wish had gotten more attention than it did, but i’m not surprised that it didn’t. it was a challenge fic, something that i’d written to distract me and keep me writing between dry spells on working on bigger wips. This also was a fic that arguably wasn’t supposed to exist, what happened was i heard Like Real People Do for the first time and had a straight up religious experience, and this refused to leave me alone until i got it out. it’s rather purple, looking back, but i did a good job sticking to the challenge, i think.
     a dagger for impetuousness: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Bruno & Fugo, 2.8k I’ll be frank. I’m still not a hundred percent satisfied with how this one came out. Whether or not I’ll complete the series it belongs to remains to be seen, but I hope that someday in the future I will. There are things I still like about it (the way I indicated bruno’s problems with compartmentalization being foremost among them, I’m still pleased with myself over that), and things I don’t like about it. It’s an Okay Fic.
     through other eyes: Final Fantasy XV, Prompto/Noctis, 750 the shortest fic this year! another result of being brainwormed, one that I thought was good enough to post. It’s purposeless, really, more an exercise than anything else, but I remain fond of it.
     starshower: Dragon Ball Z + Ace Attorney, Clay/Future Trunks, 1.8k there’s a reason this one didn’t get it’s own post when I published it. no i will NOT elaborate. I got dared to, that’s all.
     a touch of home: Haikyuu!!, Hinata/Oikawa, 9.3k god. talk about an EFFORT of a fic. When I started it, i figured it’d only be 3k, maybe 4k if I was lucky and rambled. it got to be three times that, and I’m still trying to figure out how. The idea of those two having a fling overseas must have really appealed to some part of me, I guess. you can thank @hawberries‘ fabulous art for kickstarting it.
     Life on Gunsmoke: Trigun, Vash/various, 9k @ahkaraii‘s fusion comic made me finally sit down and binge trigun, during and after which I furiously wrote a shitload of little drabbles (some porny, some not) in ace’s dms, because if there’s one thing I love, it’s quasi-immortal character’s suffering. If there’s any other person on the planet who’s really into Vash/Livio, PLEASE step forward, i would like to talk to you.
     take hold of the sun: Bleach, Ichigo/Grimmjow, 17.8k I... what do I say about this. This fic happened so fast and mutated so quickly, I’m still having trouble processing it. Before starting it, I hadn’t so much as thought about Bleach seriously for roughly 10 years. I was legitimately working off of fuzzy high school memories of all the lore and the character voices, and the events of the arrancar and hueco mundo arcs, which I never even finished! at conception, I was going to have it be in two chapters. In chapter 1, grimmjow realizes and accepts that he is touch starved. in chapter 2, he acts to fix it. somehow. five chapters and a half-finished epilogue later, I’m here, winded. the previous longest fic i’d ever written before this year was in 2015, it was only 8k, and it took me 6 months to do. a touch of home took 4 months. i wrote all almost-18k of this... thing... in 2 months with almost no planning aforethought.
i’m happy with it. I am. unimaginably so.
I wanna break my record in 2021.
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yluminary · 5 years
Hello, I've seen you around conventions before and love your art so much and I just had an art related question! It's ok if you don't want to answer, I understand! I was wondering how does one go about actually printing prints for con? I tried to find places online to print my own art for conventions but it just seems so very expensive, so how do other artists manage that/ where can I do the same? Thank You Very Much.
hey!! and thank you i’m glad you like my art!
most of the time I don’t even print more than 10 pieces of print for my local cons, and even then that amount is only for rly popular series I know people like (which............i mean. i just draw what i like lol so it might be niche). I go to a local printer about 15min away from my home to print, so it’s pretty simple to fire an email off to a printer around your area to enquire about it! 
You can also grab a6 and a5 postcards off vistaprint, they’re decent quality and a good price if you get them on sale, but it doesn’t 100% beat being able to examine papers at a local print shop to decide what you want, or being able to check colours properly with a test print!
This is probably different if you live outside of Melbourne, but the best thing to do is to ask around - my first con had a load of start-up costs but over time you get better at judging how much to print of the stuff you draw!
Australian Artist Alley Resources
Another good resource you can check out for general Aussie artist alley stuff is by hawberries, here!
There is an Australian artist alley group here! there’s usually someone alerting the group for sales on Vistaprint, offering to run group orders etc. participate if you like, or lurk like me (because i’d prefer keeping my personal profiles private lol)
most important of all, have fun! I’m not the super best at cons at all since that’s not really what I want to do as a job, so please take my advice with a grain of salt - overall, Aussie cons are super cool and most artists at the con are totally open to convos with another tabling artist, so defs get around and say hi to your neighbours!
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and---kaylee-ilwl · 6 years
And---More about me
I was tagged by @steelestingray (whaaat, oh my goodness, thank you!)
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 10 people
# following: 172 I try to keep it low since I have a thing about wanting to scroll down to when I was last on
# of followers: 43 Honestly, I expected less. :::/// wow thanks y’all.
average hours of sleep: I think it’s something between 6-9 hours of sleep. probably mostly 7 hours.
lucky number: 3, which leads to 9 and honestly, with that logic, it should be 27, but eh
instruments: I’m a pianist, flutist, and singer babby. Always wanted to play a string instrument, but... *fear* (NO, I don’t consider the piano to be strings. shush)
what are you wearing: A brown hoodie with orangey golden designs on the side. Bunch of stars, arrows, hearts, lines, and whatnot. Underneath the hoodie, I got a white sweater and I’m also wearing these uncomfortable jeans that I only wear because my others are getting cleaned. :::///
dream job: To be in musical theatre and act, sing and dance. To also write on the side (even though I never write D: One of my greatest flaws) Also to actually know what realistic career I can achieve.
dream trip: I... don’t know? Greece maybe? Paris? *shrugs* I guess I’m not much of a traveller, or maybe it’s because I haven’t done a lot.
birthday: June 9
height: ....I don’t know. Is this something I should know? Probably is. Maybe... 4”11? maybe?
gender/pronouns: she/her
other blogs: Bruh, I’m too laazzyyy.
nicknames: Kades (thanks @psycoticobsessedfannibal. ~.^)
star sign: gemini
time: ...I don’t know a lot about myself. DON’T JUDGE ME.
favorite bands musicals: Hamilton, Great Comet, and Ghost Quartet
favorite artist: Sara Bareilles, Ingrid Michaelson, and Camila Cabello (coincidentally, they all became my favourites through musicals, wouldya look at that?)
favorite tumblr artist: Okay y’all, @crimson-chains has such beautiful ocs??? Like dam. and @hawberries draws the most perfect capri characters. (Hello, have you seen my profile picture) Also, @finnthebunneh has such a wonderful art style, I love. @succumbtoyourtendertone also draws AMAZING gq and tgc artwork, like I am mesmerized.
song stuck in your head: uuhhhh. You Make my Dreams by Hall & Oates
last movie you watched: Uhhhh, I cannot recall. I don’t watch a lot of movies???
last show you watched: Y’all might judge me for this, but I don’t care. I am not that into TV shows. HOWEVER, I love cartoons, so if you haven’t seen some stuff I reblogged, I last watched Miraculous Ladybug.
why did you make your blog: Y’all, I need this for them updates on fics, read those prompts, like those fanarts - basically basic fandom stuff.
what do you post: Captive Prince, Yuri on Ice, Ghost Quartet, All For the Game, and a bunch of random, interesting, funny, or important-ish stuff.
last thing you googled: Tamagotchi website. I was feeling nostalgic okay? Besides, I wasn’t sure whether I was making up that tamagotchi world website in my head. HA! I WASN’T. 
ao3: And--peggy, inlovewithlove
do you ever get asks: ...nop 3′:
how did you get the idea for your url: I was in the throes of Hamiltrashdom. I related to Peggy on some levels so I chose and---peggy. (andpeggy was chosen, so I used three dashes as a space. Re: lucky number) I chose inlovewithlove, because I wanted something other than a Hamilton lyric and I love romance books or books with romance (don’t judge me), so inlovewithlove it was.
favorite food: Durian (I don’t care about what all the people say about how it smells bad or tastes bad. FROZEN DURIAN DURING THE SUMMER IS PURE HEAVEN.), any noodles (other than spicy), and rice.
last book you read: Well, I was reading these at the same time... Kings Rising and Since You’ve Been Gone (both rereads)
top 3 fictional universes: ...aoiufhoaiubef. I haven’t a clue. Dammit. Errr... ToG, ACOTAR, and Harry Potter (yeah yeah, I know).
I tag... whoever’s reading this right now. (Yeah I’m wimping out, but the only people who follow me (other than porn blogs) I also follow, so I would actually really like to tag y’all.
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For those of you who are watching this that have not played last day on Earth, grim soul survival is a copycat game of that game. It is an amazing copycat game And I'm excited about playing  it, but I'm telling you this because if any of these tips seem too advanced for you, I'd recommend checking out some of my last day on Earth videos. I have videos on how to get each resource in the game and other videos that cover pretty much every concept within the game. I will be putting links to some of those videos in the top right corner throughout this video.  
When you're starting the game, the first question you need to ask yourself is whether or not you want to cut down the trees in your home area. Once you cut down those trees, they will never grow back so if you would like to design your base with trees on it, you need to use those trees.   After killing everything in the area (CLUB), I recommend building 1 pickaxe and then putting your character on auto.  When he is done, you should be at least level 3 which will allow you to build a peasant chest. No one can actually raid your base yet because that has not actually been implemented in the game yet so don’t worry about building walls just yet. After building a sack, I recommend using all of your resources on building storage. Place everything in that storage and leave the area.   An attacked caravan event will appear. This event has over 50 slots worth of items so you want to make sure you go completely itemless and naked.  
Anytime I start a game, I like to look for something in the store that's between 5 to $10 as my way of supporting the developers of that game. If you like to do the same, I strongly recommend spending $6 on the on an adventure package. This will let you start out with the equivalent of a military backpack which you can't actually build in this game until you are level 55, but buying one could obviously make the game more stressful because if you make one mistake, you will lose your entire purchase (beginner tip).  
If you buy the backpack, then you can get all of the stuff from the event in two trips, but otherwise it will take 3. If you have to choose between items, these items seem to be the most important to get early on in the game.  
The first thing you want to build with your loot is a Raven’s Cage. If you grabbed the resources I highlighted, you should have enough to build it. The Ravens cage will engage you in a long series of quests. These Quest will give you crafting points which are needed to craft items. If you finish a quest, leave the area and come right back in for your next Quest.  
After this, you're going to be tempted to run to the various events that pop up. I would advise against going to those events just yet. Events give you great items, but they require a lot of energy and they give you almost no experience. I explain this in more detail on my video on the fastest way to level up. If you don't level up, then you can't build these workbenches. These workbenches are the key to advancing in this game. In my opinion, you are still playing at a beginner level until you build a sewing machine which requires you to be at least level 19. On that note, I recommend building two sewing machines before you build your Stables. Horseback riding doesn't exist in the game yet and you will need those chords to build your sewing machines.  
After you build those, your base can properly function like a Hub for everything you do in the game. At this point, you can do events as much as you would like. I recommend checking out my video on how to summon 4 events each day which is actually five or six events in this game, but the concept is the same. In fact, the reset time for this game is also at midnight GMT just like it is in last day on Earth.  
I recommend waiting to go to the surrounding AI bases until you get the quests for it, but when you do, they have some great stuff. You can’t break down walls yet, but they have a lot of food and materials which makes it worth it. This base has the best loot, this one is good and these two are ok. If you stay too long, enemies will appear. If there are spikes on that base, I recommend using them to kill the knights and Templars. These enemies drop Nails which if you play last day on Earth, you might think that that is lame, but it is in fact not lame. Nails in Grim souls are far more expensive than they are in last day on Earth. Each set of nails requires one bronze Ingot to make. Each bronze Ingot requires a copper Ingot and tin ore to be smelted together. Since Iron, Birch, oak etc. don’t exist in the game yet, this means that currently bronze nails are the highest tier resource in the game. I recommend getting as many bronze nails as you can before they fix this.
As many of you know, I recommend doing everything you can in the green zones, but unless you are building a mega base, you will start to need more copper than what you can get by simply farming the green zone at around level 25. Copper is a bit more rare than iron is in last day on Earth, but the concept is the same so if you are wanting to get a lot of copper ore quickly, I recommend watching my video on the efficacious way to get iron.  
In addition of those, I have 34 more random tips for you guys.  
If it is night, the night guests will appear. I love this addition to the game. It makes farming at night really suspenseful. Currently, no weapon in the game can do damage to him so the only way to deal with him is to scare him off. There are 4 ways of doing this. The first, is to equip a torch. The second is to stand on one of these cryptic symbols which will also scare him off. If you are in a zone, you can also survive by leaving the zone and waiting until day time. And if you are at home, you can go into your house. You can also trap him, but I imagine they will fix that soon.  
Lumber Burns 50% longer than wood just like it does in last day on earth, but I wouldn't recommend trying to maximize this at first because your woodworking benches are going to have trouble keeping up until you are around level 20. After that, I do recommend using only lumber so you don’t have to make as many wood runs.
Eating too much will make you sick and need to throw up which decreases your movement speed by 60% and can put you in a bind if you are fighting so don’t pop too many berries in the middle of a fight.  
Also, hawberries can be used to make a healing drink and I believe hollyberries are used in alchemy. So you might want to hold on to them.  
My favorite healing source is fried leak which heals 30 over time. Their healing system is a little different and in my opinion, amazing.
This game has done a great job of creating a wider diversity of attacks and ranges of weapons. They have also done a great job of diversifying the hit points and armor numbers of the enemies you are facing. This means that some weapons are really good against some enemies, but using them on other enemies can be wasteful. For example, the Cart Thill is amazing against the damned, but are quite wasted on Lepers. Though one might argue they are still good against lepers because their range allows you to kill them without taking damage.  
Taking a stutter step in between attacks will allow you to increase how fast you can attack. I’m really glad they left this in there because it gives an advantage to those who are paying attention versus just clicking it on auto.
Sneak attack only does 2x the damage which makes sense because the halberd has 81 attack and as a medieval fantasy game, I imagine they will have even stronger melee weapons in the future.  
Mining limestone through graves is a fraction more efficient been farming ore deposits, but honestly, it is most efficient just to farm whatever is in front of you.  
Level one walls are twice as expensive that Last Day on Earth, but level two walls are 33% less expensive. Level three walls are a bit more expensive then what they used to be for last day on Earth, but are way less expensive than they are now. In my opinion, their scaling system for walls is very smart.  
You can find maps to both dungeons, but the keys to those dungeons do not yet exist. I still recommend looting the areas because they have some great stuff, but the best thing you can do in the game right now is to build up your base and get an armory ready for when the dungeons do become active.
Horseback riding does not exist yet and it seems like the feeding trough is the new equivalent to the Last Day on Earth gas tank which was not introduced for the first 5 months of that game.
Iron, steel and meteoric ingots do not yet exist. Birch and Oak do not exist yet. Sulfur, Saltpeter, Coal, etc. And of course all of these vehicles do not exist. It seems like ranged weapons of any kind do not exist yet. And just in case the devs watch this video, I hope when you do implement ranged weapons, you will make them hard to use with heavy armor. Like it makes their attack rate super slow or something to force players to use weaker armor thus making ranged weapons not always the best choice. I think that is more realistic, but you do you. I am very impressed with the thought you have put into this game.
To my subscribers, I definitely recommend checking out this game. Almost every change they have made to last day on Earth, I have thought, “wow, that was really smart.” I still stand by my theory that the original game will most likely do better, especially because it seems like Last Day on Earth is getting close to releasing multiplayer, but this game is really fun and I can tell that the developers are really smart. Also, they have a storyline that is revealed through RNG and so far I am impressed.  
Well. That’s it guys. Hope that helps. I have attached a playlist of just the Last Day on Earth videos that I think will be most helpful for this game.
Alright guys, I’ll see you next time.
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caijennichi · 7 years
hood & glove
hood & glove by: Faye (art by hawberries) WC: ~12,000 Fandom: Yuri on Ice (AU) Pairing: Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky Rating: Teen
Summary: Otabek is the kingdom hero who is doing fairly well for himself, so he can afford to be picky in his heroics. JJ is a rather exasperated monarch. Yuri is a grumpy fairy. Victor is the love-sick king of the fairies. I think you can guess the rest.
Such a sweet story. Not the type that gives you a tooth-ache, but rather the refreshingly pure and novel type. I love how all of the YoI characters fit so well into their alter-egos here. This isn't a medieval fairy tale where the characters happen to share the names of the YoI cast. It's a lovely story with the cast as they would have been if they grew up in this kind of world. And I love Otabek SO MUCH in this story.
The art is simply the icing on the cake.
The king of the fairies has fallen in love with a mortal, and the weather is completely fucked up.
The latter half of that statement is obvious to anyone; the first half, and the fact that the two are related, Otabek only learns when his own rather more human king summons him to try and hang the problem around Otabek's neck like an unwanted medal. Medals, in fact, are mentioned. Bags of gold. Marriage to the king's daughter.
"You haven't got any daughters," Otabek tells the king.
"I know that," says JJ, who is lounging on his throne as though waiting for someone to leap out from behind a pillar and paint his portrait. This is not beyond the realms of possibility. There are a lot of portraits of JJ in the palace. "I meant it metaphorically."
"I see," Otabek says. "No."
"Sorry. Find someone else."
"This is your job!" JJ says.
Which is more or less true, but being a hero pays well and Otabek is very good at it, so it's not like he doesn't have savings. Five years ago he had his sisters to think of; now one of them is apprenticed to the palace falconer and the other has opened a potions shop and is making a killing selling health tonics and luck charms, so Otabek feels fine about picking and choosing his adventures.
"I don't mess with the fae," Otabek says.
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