#gordie. as per forgetting him the first time.
gamebunny-advance · 1 month
Random Thought
So, a while back I posted a pic of all the Pokemon dudes that I like despite knowing basically nothing about Pokemon, and it's become a very shocking fact to me that despite their apparent popularity, the train dudes do basically nothing in their home game.
#how do i know they do nothing if i don't play pokemon?#because i looked through a playilst of an old chugg/a/conroy LP and they weren't in a single thumbnail for that series#that dude covers EVERYTHING in a series. if they were important they would have been there#i guess side characters are capable of getting large fan bases for basically no reason#but i find it very odd regardless#is it a fun mode?#is there a different piece of media that led to their popularity?#because i have minimal interest in pokemon as a series outside of character/creature design#i don't mind looking up spoilers for it#so i know that ingo in particular got a boost after arceus for *Reasons*#and the inherent tragedy of that story was sure to increase the fans of both#but why the heck were they popular before that?#because them being on my personal list is because#i was bombarded with fanart about them for like 2 months so i was basically suckered into caring about them#anyway. i don't think i'm gonna go through the trouble of updating that graphic#but these are the new pokedudes that would be added to it:#gordie. as per forgetting him the first time.#the principal of the school and his alter ego#the dark type leader of team star#the biology. art. and cooking teacher#larry.#and the professor from pokemon sleep#for the record there are pokegals that i like too but that list is much shorter than thus much less interesting#it's hard for me to get into anime girls because i always feel like they're trying to sell me something#and i'm usually not buying
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strongerwiththepack · 3 years
I've got stab wound + swimming pool
Can u do it with my boi gordy?😁
From the Whump Generator. Thank-you for the prompt! Sorry it took me so long, I had a bit of a busy week. Still working through the ones I haven’t gotten to yet! Hope you enjoy some WASP!Gordon XD
Gordon & Stab Wound & Swimming Pool
Sometimes Gordon would come down to the pool at night. Despite the gruelling training they did during the day at WASP, Gordon still liked to relax with a calming swim. No one yelling at him from the side of the pool, no pressure to be fast or efficient. He could just swim. That’s what he’d always been in love with. That’s why he was here.
At 17-years-old Gordon was one of the youngest ever recruits in the WASP training program. A lot of the men he trained with had already been in the army. It was intimidating and he knew he was behind in some areas but in the water? That was his element and that’s what counted here at WASP.
The pool was empty, sometimes there were night exercises running but they liked to save those for 3am when you were dead on your feet. None of the other recruits would dream of doing extra training but Gordon didn’t see it as training, it helped him wind down and relax. The other guys in his unit didn’t get it. Gordon didn’t mind though, he loved having the space to himself.
He slid into the water with a slight shiver. He was wearing his WASP wetsuit, they didn’t heat the pools here as it was unlikely they were ever going to be in situations where the water was warm. Better preparation for the real world. It wasn’t too bad though, especially with the high-quality wetsuits they were given. The worst one was the ice pool, used for cold water survival training. Those days were painful.
He started his laps, gliding through the water effortlessly. Years and years of training kept him on autopilot. He could feel the tension leaving his body as he worked through the stress of the day. Being the youngest recruit also left him as a bit of an outcast. And his unit didn’t always appreciate his joking.
As he finished his first set he felt hands latch onto his wrists when he hit the wall. He startled as he was yanked up out of the pool.
“What-“ He started before he got his feet under himself and saw three of the guys from his unit glaring at him.
“Uh, hey.” Gordon greeted. “Have we got a training exercise or something?”
It was Jeffers, Higgins and Campbell. There were 5 people per unit and 5 units in this year’s intake. 25 recruits altogether. Peters was the other member of their unit. He was also the one Gordon was closest to. Well, not exactly close but Peters definitely tolerated him more than the others. It would usually be him who came and got him if they had new orders.
“No.” Jeffers answered cryptically.
Gordon knew Jeffers and Higgins didn’t like him. They never tried to hide it. They were the two glaring down at him right now. Gordon tried to catch Campbell’s eye but the man seemed to be looking anywhere but at him.
Gordon was starting to feel a little anxious and tried to pull back as he realised Jeffers and Higgins still had a tight hold on each of his wrists. Water dripped down his face from his hair.
“You’re an embarrassment to our unit.” Higgin’s continued. “This has been a long time coming Tracy.”
“Let go of me.” Gordon demanded.
“This is how it’s gonna go Tracy.” Jeffers said as they dragged him forwards. “As far as anyone else is concerned you were here doing your stupid extra laps and you slipped.”
They stopped by the training equipment. It covered the sides of the room from oxygen tanks to weights to dingy boats. The weighted rings were in-front of them stacked up on metallic poles. The hands on him adjusted and Gordon realised this was more than light-hearted hazing.
He dropped back sharply pulling both the men to the floor with him before ripping himself from their grasp and scrambling up to race for the door. Someone tackled him around the legs and he went down hard. His chin bashed off the tiled floor and pain exploded there. He kicked out but Jeffers was holding his legs tightly and Higgins grabbed his arms as they pulled him up. He was advancing quickly in hand-to-hand combat training but these guys had been in the army for years and they also had a lot of weight on him.
“HELP!” He screamed. A hand was clamped tightly over his mouth but he still continued to scream behind it and struggle in their hold. They were back by the weighted rings.
“As I was saying.” Jeffers continued, grunting as Gordon continued to struggle. “When you slipped like the careless child you are, you fell right onto one of these poles.”
All Gordon could do was widen his eyes before two sets of hands pushed him down hard onto one of the poles. A hand was still clamped over his mouth as he shrieked in agony. The poles were thin but blunt, it was like a punch that went all the way through his abdomen.
He was pulled back up off the pole and Gordon had never felt so much pain in his entire life. What the hell was happening right now? He was thrown backwards onto the floor and Gordon curled in on himself hand hovering over the crude wound. Blood was already seeping onto the tiles. Gordon scrunch his eyes shut and grunted in agony.
“What- what the hell are you doing.” He practically sobbed out.
“We’re not gonna let some kid show us up anymore.”
Gordon couldn’t believe what he was hearing. These guys were going to murder him because he was doing better than them in training?
“You’ll get kicked out for this.” Gordon tried to reason. “You’ll go to prison.”
“No one will ever find out.” Jeffers replied. “Like I said you slipped.”
“There are cameras everywhere. They’ll know.”
“Already taken care of.” Higgins replied. “Now we’re going to take care of you.”
The grabbed him off the ground and started dragging him towards the pool. His side was in agony and there was a puddle of blood where he’d been lying. He struggled weakly in their hold as sounds of distress escaped him.
“Poor Gordon Tracy, stabbed himself on pool equipment then fell in and drowned.”
Gordon panicked and tried to catch Campbells eye. The man had yet to touch him or say anything. He was staring at the wall though.
“Campbell.” Gordon wheezed as he was pulled to the edge of the pool and dangled over. The man caught his eye briefly looking guilty. Gordon saw his opportunity.
“Campbell, please.” He begged. “Don’t let them do this.”
The man merely looked towards the ground and Gordon’s heart sank. Jeffers laughed in his face.
“He wants this as much as we do. He’s set to get kicked out after this quarter if he doesn’t get closer to the top. And what better way to do it than to remove the top altogether.”
With that Gordon was pushed backwards into the pool and it took all of his years of training not to breathe in as he hit the surface and his wound was jarred. He desperately tried to swim back up but every kick he made sent agony through his side. His lungs were burning. Just a little further.
He spluttered as he broke through the surface trying desperately to stay calm and float.
Peters rolled over in his bunk. It was almost lights out and none of his unit were here. He had a bad feeling about what was going on. Tracy would be doing his usual nightly swim. Personally, he thought the kid was crazy, he could barely move after each day of training.
He knew the other guys were up to something. Something that involved Tracy. He’d heard them talking about it earlier. Higgins had even asked him how he felt about the kid. The other guys had watched him carefully as he’d shrugged.
Talented kid. He’d said. They’d gone back to their discussion.
Tracy got a hard time from them. Hell, he’d given him a hard time at the start as well. A 17-year-old at WASP? That was ridiculous. But the kid had proven himself. He was good at this. Sure, he was a little immature but honestly you needed a sense of humour to do a job like this. So yeah, he and Tracy got on.
That’s why he was a little worried now. He sighed and sat up to put on his boots. Bloody kid. Making him worry. He’d just have a walk to the pool. Ease his mind.
He was about to turn the corner for the pool when he heard the screaming. It was Tracy. Screaming for help. He increased his speed but was met with Campbell blocking his path.
“What the hell is going on in there?” Peters demanded as Campbell sidestepped, continually blocking his path.
“Pete, if you know what’s good for you, you’ll turn around and forget about this.”
There was some splashing and more quiet cries for help from beyond the closed door. Peters tried to push his way past but Campbell grabbed his wrist twisting until it was behind his back. He then gave him a harsh shove back down the corridor and Peters fell to his knees.
“Get out of here.”
Peters grabbed his abused arm and stared at his teammate in shock. What the hell? He needed to get help. He back away down the corridor slowly but as soon as he was out of sight he broke into a sprint. This was beyond hazing. There was something awful going on behind that door.
He burst into the training officers’ common room without so much as a knock and was met with 5 deathly stares that promised a lot of pain for him in the future. He didn’t have time to waste though.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing Peters?” Bentley, his units training officer, shouted.
“It’s Tracy.” He panted. “There’s something going down at the pool. He’s in trouble.”
All five men stood, and Peters sighed in relief. He explained the situation as they quickly made their way back to the pool. So much for an early night.
He saw Campbell pale as they approached the pool. He wasn’t surprised, all 5 training officers marching towards you with murderous expressions on their face was definitely something to fear.
“Move aside cadet.” One of the officer’s demanded as they got to the door.
When he failed to move, he was roughly grabbed by the officer and thrown against the wall, arms pulled behind him. The rest of them filed into the pool area. Campbell had never been WASP material, he was too much of a coward.
“What the hell is going on in here cadets?” Bentley demanded as they enter the room to see Jeffers and Higgins looking light deer caught in headlights. There was blood soaked into the tiled floor.
Peters looked around but could see no sight of Tracy. The silence stretched on to an uncomfortable length.
“Do I need to repeat myself?” The officer screamed again. Everything was loud in the military.
“We-we just found him like this.” Higgins started to babble.
“Yeah” Jeffers continued. “We heard a struggle so came to see what happened.”
Peters tried to keep track of the conversation but as Jeffers eyes briefly flickered to the water, he knew. The screams. The splashing. The dark shape under the water. Oh god.
“Tracy!” he shouted as dove into the water with expert form.
He heard a commotion as he hit but it was muffled by the water. He powerfully swam down to where he could see his teammate floating limply at the bottom of the pool. He forced himself to move faster. He was still wearing his clothes and boots which didn’t help the struggle.
He reached out and snagged hold of Tracy under his arm and planted his feet firmly on the floor of the pool before pushing off as hard as he could.  He broke the surface and pulled the kids head up above the water as he kicked his way back to the side. Bentley and one of the other officers were waiting for him. They pulled Tracy from his grasp as soon as they were in reach, yanking him from the water.
Peters could only watch as they began CPR. The kid literally couldn’t be in better hands. WASP trained CPR more thoroughly than any other medical procedure. But what if they’d been too late? He should’ve stormed in here the second he heard the cries for help. Campbell couldn’t have stopped him if he’d really tried.
He never dreamed it would’ve been this bad though. He’d thought they’d been trying to scare the kid, not kill him. Tracy was practically blue, his features lax as the officers worked. He pulled himself out of the water. Jeffers and Higgins were being subdued by the other officers. Idiots. He’d trusted those guys. They were suppose to be a team.
When Tracy coughed, Peters gave a sigh of relief. Bentley rolled the kid over as he started violently expelling the pool water from his lungs. That’s when he saw the blood.
“He’s bleeding.” He informed the officers urgently.
Bentley swore when he saw the large pool of blood under the boys body.
“Medical are on the way.” He supplied as he felt around the wetsuit to try and put pressure on the wound.
“Can I go with him?” Peters asked hopefully.
He’d just found out his entire unit had tried to murder one of their members. He gotten to know all of these men well over the past few months. He really didn’t think he could go and sleep alone in their bunk tonight.
It looked like the officer was going to refuse until he looked into his eyes and saw the pain there. Bentley glanced round to look at his other teammates. Reinforcements had arrived and they were all being led out in handcuffs. Peters stared intently at Tracy so he didn’t have to look.
Bentley sighed. “Go dry off and get changed then you can head over to medical.”
Peters nodded his head. “Thank-you Sir.”
“Yeah, well, the kid deserves to know he’s got one friendly face around here.”
Peters gave a grim expression. He didn’t want to think about what had gone on in here tonight.
“I want your report in the morning.” Bentley ordered. “There will be a full investigation into what happened tonight.”
Peters nodded his understanding. Medical burst through the doors then and Peters watched as Bentley ran a hand through Tracy’s hair with a sad look on his face before standing up to let medical take over. He always knew the officer had a soft spot for the kid.
“What’s his name?” One of the doctors asked as they loaded him onto a hover stretcher.
“Tracy” Peters said immediately then blanked on what the kids first name was.
“Gordon.” Bentley supplied for him. “Gordon Tracy.”
Right. Gordon. That was his name.
And then he watched as they wheeled the kid from the room.
A/N: I kind of want to write more in this universe...let me know if you’d be interested in reading more about Gordon at WASP training!
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
Flannel (Bit 14)
Bit 1 | Bit 2 | Bit 3 | Bit 4 | Bit 5 | Bit 5a | Bit 6 | Bit 7 | Bit 8 | Bit 9 | Bit 10 | Bit 11 | Bit 12 | Bit 13 | Bit 14
Why, Alan, why? This was supposed to be a wind down ::headdesk::
Scott kept an eye on his younger brother those first couple of days after the avalanche incident. Although quieter than usual, the engineer went about his daily tasks as efficiently as usual. There was a lack of piano which was a concern, but the man did disappear into his studio several times, leaving the door locked. Scott could only hope this meant he was working through it.
In any case, Scott nudged the others to fill in and go easy on Virgil during missions as much as possible.
Until Virgil realised what he was doing and tore him a new one.
Thunderbird Two operated as per norm after that shouting match.
But perhaps it was the shouting match that reassured Scott that his brother was going to be okay.  It was a familiar argument, words tossed back and forth in that brotherly sense that didn’t rip out body parts like hearts and lungs. Virgil made his point and was put back on the roster.
Scott still had questions and concerns, of course, but he made his enquiries more subtle.
Virgil wasn’t the only brother to worry about either. This had affected them all.
Alan approached him first. Hard back from a mission, still in a uniform reeking of the cold of space, he casually dumped himself on the edge of Dad’s desk. He had a small rock in his hand and was rolling it around in his palm. A blink and Scott realised it had to be a space rock of some kind.
“Where did you get that?”
“Space.” The rock was bounced up and down several times.
“Figured that. Where and why?”
“The culprit that crippled today’s freighter.”
An arched eyebrow. “And why do you have it?”
“Again, why?”
“Because there were a couple of kids on that freighter with their parents and John and I managed to save all of them.” A lopsided smile. “So, souvenir.” The rock was thrown up in the air again. Alan’s gloved hand slapped the metallic meteor as he caught it.
“You did a good job.”
“We did.”
“So why is your butt currently situated on my desk?”
A sigh. “Could I talk to you a minute?”
Scott frowned as he sat back in his chair. “Sure you can. What’s up?”
“I think we should go there.”
Huh? “Go where?”
“Where Mom died.”
The thought immediately froze his heart. “Why?”
“I need to see it.” An indrawn breath. “And I think it would help Virgil. And you.”
Scott opened his mouth, but Alan cut him off. “I know it sounds horrible, and it won’t be fun, but seeing a place again can overwrite old memories. Help them heal. I’ve... read about it.”
“You’ve read about it?”
“Virgil needs help. You saw what happened.”
“It was the first time he remembered what happened. He’s managing it. Doing something like that could just make it worse.”
“Or it could make it better.” Intense blue eyes, so like his own. “And I think it could help you, too.”
“You’re hurting almost as much as Virgil. I may be the youngest, but I’m not dumb.”
“No, you’re not dumb.” Scott thought of those mountains. The cabin they stayed in. The horror of the days that followed. Seeing that place again...
Alan cut into his thoughts. “Remember the hospital Gordy stayed in for all those months after his hydrofoil accident?”
The change in subject threw Scott sideways. “Uh, yeah, what about it?”
“I hated it. Dreamt of that place and those awful blue curtains. Nightmares.”
Scott sat up straighter. “You did? Why didn’t you tell me?”
Alan rolled his eyes. “I handled it and you had Gordy to deal with.”
“But you were only a kid.”
“According to you I still am. I swear I’ll be forty before you see me as an adult.”
“You’re sixteen, Alan. Definitely still a kid.”
“Yeah, well, I’ve seen more than the average kid, wouldn’t you say?”
Scott swallowed. “Yeah.” God, he wished he hadn’t had to put Alan in that rocket, but there was no way in hell he was going to be kept out of it.
“I went back to the hospital. About a year later. Walked those same corridors. Visited the vending machine Virgil sucked dry. It’s recovered, by the way.” A breath. “But the thing is, all of it was different. The curtains have changed colour. They’re still blue, but a different blue. The beds are arranged differently. The hole you kicked in the wall has been mended and painted over as if it didn’t exist. There are different staff. The place we were trapped in is gone, Scott. Seeing all those changes...it helped. I think it might help us to see the place we lost Mom - for me to see and for you to forget.”
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sneakymalou · 5 years
This was a amazing post! I don’t mind you doing one character per chapter with 5 letters. All that matters is our Fan fiction writing Santa (your new nickname 😉) is providing us with content.
You're so cute (。♥‿♥。) I love my new nickname 🤩 I hope I still deserve it with this Gordie littl' stuff 🥳
L   :   LOVE.   who does your muse love?
If the question was about what Gordie loves, it'd be pissed off his mom... but let's focus on the topic here : at first, you thought he loved nothing but being a rebel, or his rock's pokemon, or his job as a gym leader... but you couldn't be further from the truth.
The moment he put eyes on you, you were like a sandstrom in his life. He didn't see it coming, and neither did you. He wasn't very gentle in the first place, so you two had difficulties understanding each other... but even if it was hurtful, it was worth it.
Gordie never said I love you. Not once. Being romantic is just not his style. He prefers to show his interest for you by action, or even protection but words... man, he's not good at it. His pokemon type is the perfect mirror of his soul don't you think ?
But the truth his... the more you spent time together, the more you're essential to his life, and he's essential to yours... in ways nobody can understand but the two of you.
M   :   MOONLIGHT.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
Date & Gordie are pretty much conflicting. Even if he's doing his best, because it's you and he wants to please you, he's not the type of guy to bring you flowers and capable of writing pamphlets.
The more is different from his mother, the better. She always found him difficult to be around, and that opinion came with a reason : loving someone, open up and be anything to your world is just frightening for him.
That doesn't mean he'll never go on a date with you : that's quite the opposite. He's crazy about you and having fun with you is always great. You understood a long time ago he wasn't a super romantic guy, so you had a gentleman agreement about it : no flowers, no sweet words, no serenade. You quite like it : Gordie's always surprising you with fun ideas of how to spend your time together.
Next idea of his ? Make an entire walk on the wild area in the back of an Iwark, while eating stuff he cooked. Oh you didn't know ? Best cook of the year : Gordie ! One of his many secret skills...
N   :   NAUGHTY.   what is your muse like in bed?
When you open a dictionnary and search for the word naughty, Gordie's picture will be found. He's the naughtiest perso you've ever met. In fact, using a bed to cuddle you and giving you pleasure is not enough for him. He's got more imagination for that...
Most of the time, he's so surprising and inventive you never know what to expect. Did you mentioned that you were crazy about all his skills and imagination ? Well, you did just know.
You made love pretty much everywhere, following his naughty ideas. Even a particular place in his gym stadium (or others, even... but hey, that's a secret between the two of you so shhhht !) was a spot you'll never forget. All you know is that you pleasure is always his priority. How could you resist such a man ? Well, you can't...
O   :   ODE.   does your muse have a way with words?
Gordie has a sharp tongue, and never holds it back. He doesn't give a damn to be liked or hated for that, if he has something to say, he says it, end of story. Lots of people found him difficult to be around because they felt permanently judge, and it's not very far from the truth actually.
His many verbal fight with his mom has made him solid like a stone. He never shows weaknesses when he speaks since then. From where he comes from, it's kill or be killed. Of course it's a figure of speech, but you always knew him that way.
Even if he never said I love you, you know he does. When he pays compliments, you know it to be true. That's why you're crazy about him, because you know to well how he thinks and more important, how he feels about you...
P   :   PARTNER.   what does your muse look for in a partner? looks / personality?
The more you're different from his mother, the better. He couldn't be around a second corporal one, you know ? All he wants is to be free, lead the gym stadium as he pleases and not be pissed off by rules. If you're ready to accept that, you're his soulmate for sure !
What hit him about you was your look at first. Gordie couldn't take his eyes of you divine body, beautified by that provocative look of yours. If he was the romantic type of guy, he could say meeting you was fate. You're just like him : your style, your rules.
Personality is the most important thing when it comes to friendship, or even love for him. If you can judge a book by its cover, he certainly judge a person by his way of speech. But you talked just as he did with you : sharp tongue, provocative... well, you were the sexiest person he met when he saw you, but when you spoke... his heart was yours forever.
Tumblr media
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latesthollywoodnews · 6 years
Ariana Grande BREAKS SILENCE on Mac Miller Death With Sweet Tribute
Ariana Grande BREAKS SILENCE on Mac Miller Death With Sweet Tribute
Jeremy Brown - Latest News - My Hollywood News
Ariana Grande BREAKS SILENCE on Mac Miller Death With Sweet Tribute, Pixar News.
Watch Latest Celebrity News, A Wrinkle In Time Latest Story Song, Ariana Grande BREAKS SILENCE on Mac Miller Death With Sweet Tribute.
A Wrinkle In Time Film New Celebrity News Youtube find Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) is an American motion picture visual effects company that was founded in May 1975 by George Lucas. It is a division of the film production company, Lucasfilm, which Lucas founded, and was created when Lucas began production of the film Star Wars. It is also the original founder company of the animation studio Pixar.
How much are the Celebrities on Hollywood anywhere?
Walt Hollywood Studios has debuted their new Hollywood Celebrities Anywhere online service and iOS app which allows users to buy Hollywood, Pixar, and Marvel Celebrities and view them on multiple devices. Individual Celebrities – from a catalog of over 420 films – will cost $19.99 each.
What does Mulan’s name mean?
In the original poem, the heroine’s name is “Mulan.” According to the Chinese- English dictionary, the name means “lily magnolia.” Mulan is often given a last name, “Hua,” which means “flower.” The Chinese pinyin spelling of the name is “Hua Mu-Lan.”
Where are there Hollywoodlands in the world?
Hollywoodland – Hollywoodland Resort – Anaheim, California USA. The Magic Kingdom – Walt Hollywood World – Orlando, Florida USA. Hong Kong Hollywoodland – Hong Long Hollywoodland Resort – Penny’s Bay, Lantau Island, Hong Kong. Tokyo Hollywoodland – Tokyo Hollywood Resort – Urayasu, Chiba, Japan.
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Ariana Grande has finally broken her silence on the tragic passing of ex-boyfriend Mac Miller.
Sometimes, a picture is worth 1000 words.
Our hearts are still broken over the sudden and tragic death of Malcolm McCormick, better known by his stage name, Mac Miller. The 26-year-old rapper was found dead in his Los Angeles home on September 7 from an apparent drug overdose. His family confirmed his passing a few hours after the initial story broke, calling him a bright light in this world.
The statement read QUOTE “Malcolm McCormick, known and adored by fans as Mac Miller, has tragically passed away at the age of 26. He was a bright light in this world for his family, friends and fans. Thank you for your prayers. Please respect our privacy. There are no further details as to the cause of his death at this time.”
Many celebrities, including Shawn Mendes, John Mayer and Noah Cyrus, spoke out shortly after Mac’s death, but Ariana Grande, the rapper’s ex-girlfriend and one person who many people were waiting on to say something, took some time to gather her thoughts. While the 25-year-old hasn’t spoken any words about her ex’s passing, she did post a picture of the beloved musician on Instagram.
The comments on the photo are turned off, as they are on the rest of Ari’s IG posts, as she was receiving a disgusting amount of hate from people who think her quick engagement to Pete Davidson is the reason for Mac’s death.
Mac battled substance abuse for years, and was actually arrested for a DUI after crashing his G-wagon into a utility pole this past May. Although he fled the scene at the time, the rapper later confessed to the wreck at his home. Shortly after his arrest, Ariana was criticized for breaking up with him to date the SNL comedian when he had just released The Divine Feminine, which was reportedly penned in her honor.
Ari fired back against these allegations, writing on Twitter QUOTE “How absurd that you minimize female self-respect and self-worth by saying someone should stay in a toxic relationship because he wrote an album about them, which btw isn’t the case. I am not a babysitter or a mother and no woman should feel that they need to be. I have cared for him and tried to support his sobriety & prayed for his balance for years (and always will of course) but shaming / blaming women for a man’s inability to keep his sh*t together is a very major problem. Let’s please stop doing that.”
The “God is a Woman” crooner admitted that going through these things while dating Mac was QUOTE “hard” and “scary,” but said she will QUOTE “pray from the bottom of my heart that he figures it all out and that any other woman in this position does, as well.”
Mac Miller’s death is completely heartbreaking, but it’s absurd to blame it on Ariana Grande. It’s clear that she’s grieving right now and she doesn’t need to add hate to the list of things she’s dealing with. What do you think of Ariana’s first response to the rapper’s passing? Will she make an official statement? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below. I’m your host Ava Gordy thanks so much for watching Clevver. Please click to the right to watch another new video and don’t forget to subscribe to our channels.
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Celebrity Latest Story, Hollywood Celebrity Rating, Hollywood Celebrity News 2019, Latest Celebrity Releases, Ariana Grande BREAKS SILENCE on Mac Miller Death With Sweet Tribute.
Walt Hollywood created a short film entitled Alice’s Wonderland, which featured child actress Virginia Davis interacting with animated characters. After the bankruptcy in 1923 of his previous firm, Laugh-O-Gram Studios, Hollywood moved to Hollywood to join his brother, Roy O. Hollywood. Film distributor Margaret J. Winkler of M.J. Winkler Productions contacted Hollywood with plans to distribute a whole series of Alice Comedies purchased for $1,500 per reel with Hollywood as a production partner. Walt and Roy Hollywood formed Hollywood Brothers Cartoon Studio that same year. More animated films followed after Alice. In January 1926, with the completion of the Hollywood studio on Hyperion Street, the Hollywood Brothers Studio’s name was changed to the Walt Hollywood Studio. Hollywood Celebrities Latest Story 2018, Ariana Grande BREAKS SILENCE on Mac Miller Death With Sweet Tribute.
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latesthollywoodnews · 6 years
Jeffree Star TEARS UP Over Gabriel Zamora Apology & RESPONDS
Jeffree Star TEARS UP Over Gabriel Zamora Apology & RESPONDS
Jeremy Brown - Latest News - My Hollywood News
Jeffree Star TEARS UP Over Gabriel Zamora Apology & RESPONDS, Hollywood Celebrity Club.
Online Hollywood Celebrity News, New Hollywood Celebrities 2018, Jeffree Star TEARS UP Over Gabriel Zamora Apology & RESPONDS.
New Hollywood Celebrities 2017 Celebrity Latest Story Websites and The Walt Hollywood Company, commonly known as Hollywood, is an American diversified multinational mass media and entertainment conglomerate, headquartered at the Walt Hollywood Studios in Burbank, California.
Who married Sleeping Beauty?
Prince Phillip tells his father that he has met a young woman in the forest and that he will marry her, against his father’s will. Unbeknownst to Hubert, this young woman is Aurora under the disguise of “Briar Rose”, the fake identity the fairies have given her to protect her from Maleficent.
What is the story of Sleeping Beauty?
Filled with jealousy, the evil witch Maleficent (Eleanor Audley) curses Princess Aurora (Mary Costa) to die on her 16th birthday. Thanks to Aurora’s guardian fairies (Verna Felton, Barbara Jo Allen, Barbara Luddy), she only falls into a deep sleep that can be ended with a kiss from her betrothed, Prince Phillip (Bill Shirley). To prevent Phillip from rescuing Aurora, Maleficent kidnaps and imprisons him. The good fairies are the last hope to free Phillip so that he can awaken Aurora.
What companies are owned by Hollywood?
Hollywood/ABC Television Group. Hollywood/ABC Television Group operates Hollywood’s broadcast television, cable television and radio businesses. ESPN, Inc. Walt Hollywood Parks & Resorts U.S., Inc. Lucasfilm Ltd. Marvel Entertainment, LLC.
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Okay just to give a little recap if you haven’t been keeping up with the beauty guru community, it’s in flames. After Shane Dawson’s series about Jeffree Star saw major success, YouTuber Gabriel Zamora tweeted a photo of himself, Nikita Dragun, Laura Lee, and MannyMUA flipping off the camera with the caption QUOTE, “Bitch is bitter because without him we’re doing better”
They all started receiving massive amounts of backlash so Gabriel deleted the photo and apologized for dragging his friends into it when they had no idea he would do that.
While his video was filled with A LOT of shade toward MannyMUA in particular, it also featured a pretty lengthy apology to Jeffree Star.
He says that he spoke to Jeffree on the phone and apologized for QUOTE, “allowing myself to create an image of someone in my head in a negative light based on what I was being fed.”
He said that a lot of clarity came from the conversation and things made more sense when he heard Jeffree’s side of the story.
Well Jeffree saw the video and shared his own response on snapchat.
He said QUOTE, “I just want to say, first off, Gabriel, thank you for apologizing to me. You are the only person to look me, man to man, eye to eye, and actually say sorry. Thank you for that. I accept your apology.”
He revealed that the video actually brought him to tears and that several times he almost recorded his own videos about individuals in the beauty community. He thanked him for his transparency. Jeffree tweeted after the video went up QUOTE, “The truth will always set you free. Always.” and Gabriel liked that tweet so this could be the start of something new.
But what are your thoughts on alllll the drama lately? Let us know in the comments below. And then click over here to see another new video and don’t forget to subscribe to our channels. I’m your host Ava Gordy, thanks for watching Clevver and I’ll see you next time!
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Celebrity Latest Story, Hollywood Celebrity Rating, Hollywood Celebrity News 2019, Latest Celebrity Releases, Jeffree Star TEARS UP Over Gabriel Zamora Apology & RESPONDS.
Walt Hollywood created a short film entitled Alice’s Wonderland, which featured child actress Virginia Davis interacting with animated characters. After the bankruptcy in 1923 of his previous firm, Laugh-O-Gram Studios, Hollywood moved to Hollywood to join his brother, Roy O. Hollywood. Film distributor Margaret J. Winkler of M.J. Winkler Productions contacted Hollywood with plans to distribute a whole series of Alice Comedies purchased for $1,500 per reel with Hollywood as a production partner. Walt and Roy Hollywood formed Hollywood Brothers Cartoon Studio that same year. More animated films followed after Alice. In January 1926, with the completion of the Hollywood studio on Hyperion Street, the Hollywood Brothers Studio’s name was changed to the Walt Hollywood Studio. Hollywood Latest Story Moana, Jeffree Star TEARS UP Over Gabriel Zamora Apology & RESPONDS.
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