#that dude covers EVERYTHING in a series. if they were important they would have been there
gamebunny-advance · 1 month
Random Thought
So, a while back I posted a pic of all the Pokemon dudes that I like despite knowing basically nothing about Pokemon, and it's become a very shocking fact to me that despite their apparent popularity, the train dudes do basically nothing in their home game.
#how do i know they do nothing if i don't play pokemon?#because i looked through a playilst of an old chugg/a/conroy LP and they weren't in a single thumbnail for that series#that dude covers EVERYTHING in a series. if they were important they would have been there#i guess side characters are capable of getting large fan bases for basically no reason#but i find it very odd regardless#is it a fun mode?#is there a different piece of media that led to their popularity?#because i have minimal interest in pokemon as a series outside of character/creature design#i don't mind looking up spoilers for it#so i know that ingo in particular got a boost after arceus for *Reasons*#and the inherent tragedy of that story was sure to increase the fans of both#but why the heck were they popular before that?#because them being on my personal list is because#i was bombarded with fanart about them for like 2 months so i was basically suckered into caring about them#anyway. i don't think i'm gonna go through the trouble of updating that graphic#but these are the new pokedudes that would be added to it:#gordie. as per forgetting him the first time.#the principal of the school and his alter ego#the dark type leader of team star#the biology. art. and cooking teacher#larry.#and the professor from pokemon sleep#for the record there are pokegals that i like too but that list is much shorter than thus much less interesting#it's hard for me to get into anime girls because i always feel like they're trying to sell me something#and i'm usually not buying
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sprite-writes-fanfic · 3 months
Ok so I wonder how the TMNT boys (any version you want) would react if they had an S/O who they loved a lot, and they get sent to the future and in the future they get to meet their grandkid, and sadly their now old S/O who waited for them the whole time and never moved on. it turns out the S/O had been pregnant before they went on the mission and technically lived out their life raising the kid on their own.(due to the turtles being in the future) Also said kid is now an adult and is very unhappy with said turtle but the grandkid is over the moon to meet his cool ninja granddad of course its resolved they eventually go back to their past S/O who didn't know any of this but of course is happy to see them again.(and said timeline is avoided) I wonder how the boys would react to that scenario Also sorry if this was super long winded or a not very well written request, its my first time asking one, Thanks for your writings!
Okay first of all anon, this is probably one of the coolest asks I’ve ever seen, I love your imagination dude!
Second, I AM HERE FOR THIS ANGST AND FLUFF DUDE CRYING. Also thank you so much! I’m glad you like my writing!! 🫶🫶🫶
Sent to the future!
🐢💙❤️2003 TMNT x Reader💜🧡🐢
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Word count: 2374
CW: This one is a long one, AFAB reader due to pregnancy, being mom/grandma, still tried to keep it gender-neutral. I haven’t gotten far enough into the 2003 series where they actually go to the future, so keep in mind this is my imagination going into overdrive, angsty, lots of crying, minor cussing, it gets fluffy in some moments though!
🐢 T/N stands for turtle name.
Tags: @sharkie-inthesea, for looking over this before I posted! <3
Sorry for the longer wait, I spent a lot of time the first day writing, then yesterday I was out of commission unfortunately 💔 But I finished today, I really hope you guys enjoy, because man, I enjoyed writing this!
Due to some circumstances, unfortunately the turtles had to travel to the future for a very important mission, I mean it’s not everyday you receive a hologram from a random stranger urging you to come save the future. And the idea of their future being in danger, meaning you, everyone they knew and New York would be in danger, so they had to take this mission.
You couldn’t help but bite your lip anxiously as you watched as they geared up, you wanted to hold them back, tell them to stay, tell them New York needed them here. The growing pit in your stomach telling you that you’d never see them growing much larger and even agitated, you absolutely hated the thought.
You looked at your lover, the feeling growing even worse, “T/N I—” you started, but was interrupted, “Hey, we have to go.” One of his brothers said, and your heart dropped as he turned to you and smiled. “Hey, I’ll be back, Y/N.” He pulled you close and pressed one last kiss to your lips, “I’ll be back before you know I’m gone, okay? I love you.” And that’s when you knew, you couldn’t talk him out of it, and with a defeated sigh you said with a forced smile, “I love you too.”
He squeezed you closer before finally pulling back, nodding at his sensei, before walking into the TV that took them to the future with his brothers, and just like that… They were gone.
“No…” you start, tearing up, before Splinter placed a hand on your shoulder. “It will be alright, my child.” He tried to soothe you, “It is okay to cry.” He said, and right then and there, you cried into the older rat’s shoulder as he comforted you. He stared at the TV and hoped for his sons safe return home…
Once the turtles arrived in the future, they were all honestly quite surprised how the world turned out to be. For Donnie, this was ABSOLUTE heaven! Everything is made from the ground up with technology! How amazing! The turtles couldn’t stare in awe for long, they had a mission to take care of.
They split off to cover some ground, and as T/N searched, something peculiar caught his eye. In a nearby alleyway, some cyberpunks came flying out, and they looked awfully familiar. He jumped down and took a closer look and saw an all too familiar tattoo. “The Purple Dragons…” he muttered bitterly. A sinking feeling grew in his gut, so it seems that Shredder’s influence didn’t die in the future and even to this day, they were still here to give New York trouble.
“Hey!” An unfamiliar voice called out to him, and a teenager came out, holding his weapon(s)?! The teen looked awfully similar to him too… Turtle features but had human features too, such as hair that looked a lot like yours, tied back, he had your eyes too, he wore a torn cloak around his shoulders and he eyed the turtle suspiciously. The teenager pointed his weapon at him, “What’re you doing here?! Helping those Purple Punks?!” T/N’s eyes widened. “No! Never! I never liked them much in the past, why would I ever like them in the future?!”
The teenager paused and eyed him suspiciously again, “Past?” He did a quick once-over before the kid looked shocked, “Wait… GRANDPA?!?!”
And that’s what led T/N to sit in a house, sitting on his knees in front of the low-dining table, walls covered in family photos. Some he could make out as, it was the teenager, which he came to learn his name was Lucas, with his father. Another turtle who Lucas obviously took after in looks.
Lucas came back into the dining room, basically dragging his father as he was babbling non-stop about who he just met. His father’s ridges were furrowed in confusion, “I thought I told you to stop fighting those stupid—” before he looked up and everything seemed to stop, his eyes widening at the sight of his own father who sat in front of him. “Lucas, who is this?” He grit his teeth as he held back his rage. Lucas would go on to cheerfully say, “It’s grandpa T/N! He said he came here in the future to help save it!” The young lad beamed excitedly.
“Get out.” He said in a voice full of anger, directed all at T/N, catching him by surprise, “What—” he started before being yelled at, “GET OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU SON OF A BITCH!” He raised his fists, about to fight his own father when he was stopped. “Giovanni, what’s going on?!?” A familiar voice spoke out as an older version of you rushed out and stopped, eyes widening at the scene in front of you. “T-T/N…?!” You stared in shock.
💙 Leo’s whole world stopped once he saw you, and he was quick to stand, “Y/N…” his heart ached when he saw the tears form in your eyes, “Leo… You finally came back to me?” You would rush to him, hugging onto him tightly, “It really is you…!” You sobbed out. Leo was quick to hug you back, holding you close as he comforted you. “Y/N, what happened?” He asked as you pulled away, cupping his face, “So much…” You whispered.
💙 Once everyone settled down, you sat across from Leo with Giovanni and Lucas beside you. Giovanni was giving Leo the harshest glare he ever gave someone, meanwhile Lucas was practically bouncing in his seat. You take a deep breath before looking at Leo, who waited patiently. “When you went to the future, I found out I was pregnant… I didn’t think it was possible, but… I had Giovanni.” You start, “Master Splinter helped me name him because I wanted to keep the line going with naming my kids after Italian artists, like he named you all…” you would lower your head, Giovanni placing a hand on your shoulder to comfort you. “Master Splinter passed away a few years later after you all went into the future and never came back…” you tear up again, “I don’t even know if in that future you’re still alive or not.” You began to weep softly, making Leo’s heart ache at even the idea of him ever abandoning you. He would never, and he knew that.
💙 He placed a hand on yours, “Y/N, I loved you more than life itself, I would’ve come back to you if I was still alive.” You look up, tears still falling, “I know.” Leo squeezed your hand gently, “Good…” he then finally stood, “I’m going to fix this, I can’t stand to see you suffer because of me.” He smiles at you and gently kisses your hand, “I’ll come back home to you.” You smiled as more tears fell, “Good.”
💙 Leo would leave after giving you a tight hug and wishing his future family well, despite the fact Giovanni barely wanted him there in the first place. Once meeting up with his brothers, they’d work hard to save the future so he could get back home to you, and to start that family together.
❤️ Once Raph’s eyes laid on you, he felt a sudden rise of emotions that made him want to tear up, but for your sake he held back. “Dollface…” he stood up quickly and hurried over to you, Giovanni wanted to protest, but stopped himself when his mother hugged onto Raph tightly, crying into his chest. “Dollface, what happened?” He asks softly, stroking your cheek as he stares at what seemed like a hollow version of yourself. What had happened to you while he was gone, and why on earth was he not with you?! He was supposed to be here protecting you…
❤️ “Oh Raph… After you left, I found out I was pregnant and ended up living with Master Splinter.” You sigh, “He ended up passing away a couple years ago, after Mutants became more accepted here.” Raph’s brows furrowed at the thought, his father was dead, of course that would happen, he was an old rat after all, but it still hurt to think about. He shook his head, “And where was I?” He asked the burning question, watching as your face fell more, “You never came back. None of you guys did, and I fear you might’ve died in the future.” You whisper shakily as more tears escape you, and Raph could only hug you tighter to himself.
❤️ “Oh Dollface…” he would pull away, gently grasping your shoulders with a determined look, “I’m gonna make it better.” He says firmly, “I’m gonna finish this mission, and I’m gonna get back home to you.” He teared up, “I’m gonna help you raise Giovanni, and I’m gonna take care of you. I’m gonna grow old with you, and you can count on it.” He promised as he pressed a kiss to your forehead, a soft sob escaping you as you hugged onto him tightly once more.
❤️ Soon it was time for Raph to go, and as he walked off to meet up with his brothers, he looked back and gazed at his family one last time, he vowed to you, Giovanni and Lucas that he would make it home, and he would make sure of that. When his brothers saw him, they saw a certain fire in his eyes, and the boys knew it was game time, and he sure as hell was gonna keep his promise.
💜 When Donnie saw you, he was still processing everything, how did you two have a baby? How is that even genetically possible? But his mind finally stopped and his heart sank when you came rushing towards him, making him quickly stand up and holding you close to his person. “Y/N…” He whispered breathily, pressing soft kisses to your temple, making you cry harder.
💜 “I’ve missed you so much.” You say, and Donnie knew, he put two-and-two together. “I never came back, did I?” He asks, pulling away as he gazes into your dull eyes, “No.” You shake your head with a whisper, staring back into his eyes. “And you never moved on?” He asks again, his heart breaking at the thought. “No.” You whisper again. Donnie would rest his head on yours as he would rub his hands over your arms, before gently taking your hands, seeing the ring he had crafted for you many years ago, still resting on your finger. He bit back his emotions and inhaled sharply, “Why? Why didn’t you move on?” He asked.
💜 “I don't think I could ever have found anyone who could fit the role that only you could fill.” You would cry again, making him finally break down and cry with you. He hugged you tightly, whispering how much he loved you, promising you that he’d go back to you, that he’ll come home to you. Promising you that you wouldn’t have to raise Giovanni alone. You would have him by your side…
💜 Finally off, he waved goodbye to you, his son and his grandson, and he held his head high, ready to take on this mission, to go home, and to kiss you. To spend every night with you like he always did, to hold you, to create with you, to enjoy peace and life’s gifts. Once he found his brothers, he got straight to work with Leo to make a plan to ensure they all made it home safe and sound.
🧡 Mikey would immediately begin to cry when you cried, the way you looked so sadly at him, the years of pain without him was more than apparent. “Babe…” he stands up quickly, “Don’t cry, don’t cry, I’m here.” He smiles, holding you to himself, but he couldn’t stop those cries, and he couldn’t stop himself from crying either. He held you tightly, letting your emotions run free. He glanced up and saw Giovanni glaring at him but keeping his distance, he knew his mother needed this…
🧡 Mikey pulled back and would place kisses along your face, trying to cheer you up, “I’m here… You don’t have to cry anymore.” He tried to assure you about everything that happened between sobs. He would rub your back soothingly as he hummed a soft tune to try and see your mind. You felt complete once again when he hugged you, and soon, you calmed down. You guys spent a lot of time in each other's arms, mostly Mikey trying to cheer you up and make you smile, making you relive the old days of when it was just you two being dumb and in love, and the thought made you smile.
🧡 Forgetting about the mission for a while, Mikey instead spent time with his soon-to-be family. Playing board games, getting to know Lucas, and trying to get Giovanni to open up, which he refused, as he very much disliked his own father for reasons such as he left his mother and never came back, not something Mikey could control, but Giovanni still held a grudge. Lucas on the other hand was thrilled to get to know his grandpa, and overall, thought his grandpa was amazing.
🧡 Soon it was time to leave, but Mikey wouldn’t leave until he gave you a sweet departing kiss and, against Giovanni’s protests, gave his son and grandson a big hug, promising to fix everything, to make sure that they don’t live a future without him! And off he went, being sure to fight his hardest on this mission to get back home to you.
Once T/N made it home, he didn’t hesitate to hug right onto you, leaving you surprised by this sudden burst of emotions, “T/N…? Is everything okay?” You ask, noticing his injuries, you pull away. “T/N, we have to take care of those—”
“No.” He says, “Just let me hold you.” He says as he hugged you tightly, resting a hand on your stomach as he did so, feeling his own chest swell with gratitude to be here again. This was the beginning of something new, and he was happy to be here with you, and to start this family with you.
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silent-raven13 · 2 months
One Omega and Three pups
(AU: Miles is an Omega and Hobie is an Alpha. They met through Gwen and started dating when Miles 19 and Hobie 20. In a short time, they love each or so Miles thought- share their heat/rut- after two weeks not hearing Hobie, Miles goes through heartbreak... sooo angst)
Miles went through his long texts and calls from boyfriend, the need to be with his Alpha became like a drug. After two weeks, he has not heard a single word from him, it broke his heart knowing he was a possible 'another Omega' all to satisfied his Alpha urges. His hands tremble feeling his eyes watered, sniffing as he calls again. "Please leave a massage after the beep."
"Hello? Bae, um... Hobie. I've been calling you and you're not picking up- can you call me back? Or at least tell me, what's up?" He wipes his tears as he sniffs, "Um... you just left? I mean... we mated, you know? I'm trying to understand what went wrong or what did I do for you to ghost me like this! This is unfair, because I thought we were good and you just-" His call cut off, "Message ended." Miles sat on his bed wearing his comfort sweater being so vulnerable.
Was he so easy that his boyfriend decided to leave him? He felt sick to his stomach knowing his boyfriend is no longer his boyfriend...
Miles toss his phone at the end of his bed, he broke down crying his heart out. This wasn't fair.
"He knew I didn't want to share my heat! He knew how important it was for me!" He thought to himself, he view being mating with an Alpha so important. How he visions himself being in love and sharing beautiful love through their heat/rut. It's more personal for him, and told many times to Hobie. It wasn't fair.
After dealing with the harsh shitty break up, Miles never thought his ex would ghost him like that. In fact, all of his ex's socials were basically ignoring him, never blocked. It sent him through so many series of anger and depression, photos of his ex living up in Uk or any parts of the world.
Then, one day after a month of being ghosted, Gwen and Peni came by to visit Miles in his room being so depressed. They saw his parents looking upset with their son's heartbreak taking a toll, it shattered their son's belief in everything to the point he had dropped out most of his classes. Jeff tries to be honest about life, and relationships while Rio tries to brighten up his future with small hopes. Miles didn't want to hear it.
"Hey, Miles..." Gwen awkwardly said as they saw his bedroom so messy, covered in all his favorite items to comfort him. One being his ex's leather jacket that he snuggles for a bit. "Um... how you been?"
"Like shit." Miles sniffs, still crying even with those puffy swollen eyes.
Peni sighs going over to hug him, her Alpha scent helps him calm down a bit, "Sorry, you're going through this, Mi."
"Yeah, dude. Gawd, fuck Hobie. I didn't think he'll do this to you- I mean, yeah, he's known to fuck around but I never thought he would ghost you like this!" The blond nineteen year old said out loud sounding more pissed off.
"It doesn't matter. I should've listen to you and waited. I'm so stupid to let him play me like this." Miles sniffs having to wipe his eyes feeling so upset with himself. "I- I TOLD HIM! And now, he's somewhere in the UK!"
The Asian American young woman looks over at her friend, "Gwen, tell him."
"Tell me, what?" Miles sniffs with his big eyes on his close friend.
Gwen looks like she didn't want to tell him, but hearing Peni's sharp Alpha demand, "Tell him, Gwen. You know it's only fair."
"What? Gwen, do you know anything about Hobie?"
"Well..." She began rubbing her neck seeing how her friend hold her hand with pleading eyes. "Um." She took a deep breath then asked, "So, you know, how I know the band?"
"Yeah?" He nodded.
"Well, before you and Hobie were together, that week when you two did it." She tries to not use words knowing his parents might listen over the other side of the door. "Well... before that week, I learn from Riri that they were sign with a label at the UK. I thought Hobie would tell you, since Ri said he was thinking about it."
"And you didn't tell me." Miles felt so hurt.
"I didn't, because Ri told not too! They weren't sure since the band were having issues about signing to the label! So I kept my mouth shut until, Hobie left. I saw how they went to London."
Peni said, "So, Hobie possibly left to be a Star."
"That fucking jerk!" Miles sniffs, "Why he didn't tell me? I would've listen and understand!"
"That's the thing Miles... being a famous star, you drink, party around, sleep around... maybe Hobie wasn't fully committed as much as we all thought." Peni sucked her teeth, "Fucking jerk."
"Yeah, we're all still young, you know?" Gwen didn't want to admit it, since her friend loves the idea of finding the one. "I'm sorry to say this, but maybe, it wasn't all cracked up to be. Hobie loves the wild life and you want to be serious, but the truth is... you are 19 and he's 20!"
"Yeah, not even drinking age, too. You got so much to live for and being depressed about a bum won't help!"
"You guys don't understand I love him!" Miles whines, "You don't get what an Omega goes through! I trusted him, and felt like he was the Alpha for me."
"Miles, the world is changing! Omegas aren't bonded to Alphas and you can't keep using that excuse!" Peni harshly said, "You finally have a chance to reach your career. What? What was your plan with Hobie? Be his Omega and that's it?"
"No..." Miles looks so small with his voice soft. "I would've found a career!"
"Come on, Miles. The way your love sick over him- and we don't blame you, it's our gender! Our primal urges to stay with our counterpart, but you have to admit you would've been a stay home Omega, and having pups!" Gwen points out, "You have a chance to finally to develop and look out for Alpha assholes!"
"Yeah, Omegas are getting more rights, more chances in higher positions too!" Peni points out, "You can be Vice President at a company or supervisor in some tech company! Or be the artist you want!"
"No, Hobie wasn't traditional. I know, we would-" Miles sniffs knowing he would've done anything to stay with his Alpha, yet he couldn't help it. "I just love him so much!" He weeps on his bed a bit more. "It's not fair he didn't tell me! It's not fair! It's not-" His stomach turns feeling the sudden urge to vomit, quickly jumping out of the bed to rush out of his room.
His parents and little sister were on the other side of the door being surprised how their son ran out of the room to the bathroom. They were listening on the situation, and Rio stood worried along side her daughter and husband. Jeff holds his toddler in his arms seeing how they both felt upset. Gwen and Peni look at them knowing this wasn't a good sign, the faint smell of powder sweeten milk lingers.
It went on like this for another three weeks, Miles had terrible sickness and felt his emotions going haywired. There was sudden cravings for fish n' chips and a big bottle of cold Ale, his mother had to prevent him from drinking beer knowing the signs. "Mamí, stop. I just want to-" His mother shushes him, "No! Not until you," she handed him a pregnancy test, "test this."
"Wah? Ma, you must be joking! I can't be pregnant!" Miles' honey brown eyes widen at the pregnancy test tube, "I'm- I should-" Rio gave him a serious look, "Why do you think your having sudden cravings, throwing up, being sleepy? You might be pregnant, Miles! You had tu papí running around all over Brooklyn for food?"
Billie stood with her outfit being ready to go on another adventure with her dad to look for Miles' next craving kick. She giggles, "Yeah, hermano!"
"I- I used protection! I've-" Rio cut him off, again, "Miles, you and Hobie mated during your heat and his rut, where tension is extremely high to ovulate! You two should know this."
True, he does. Yet for him being stupid to do such a thing, he risk very high chances into getting pregnant. He took the test with his head down in shame to check. Billie stood with her big puffy jacket being confused. "Why is Mimi sad?"
"He's facing one the biggest responsibilities of being an Omega, mi vida." Rio finally said to her daughter with a sad look in her eyes, she knows deep down her son is pregnant. The Omega scent of powdered sweet milk lingers, her own primal urges to protect her son from Alphas, too. She's happy her daughter isn't an Omega, she knows the trouble of being a female Omega is much more dangerous.
When Miles came out of the bathroom, his heart drops at the tube in his hand. His eyes widen, the color on his skin wash out looking grey like he seen a ghost.
Rio asked, "Y?"
"I-I-I..." His eyes widen with tears running down his cheek, his heart pounding against his chest. A wave panic runs through him, even his breathing became heavy.
His mother quickly went over to calm him down with her motherly Omega scent, "Relax, mi amor! It's going to be okay!"
"No, it's not! I fail you and dad! I'm pregnant all because I was stupid." Miles broke down in tears without his Alpha, what's he's supposed to do. "I'm pregnant and I can't- I can't ever be with another Alpha." Who would want a used Omega? He really fuck this up!
"No, hermano! Don't cry!" Billie's eyes water going over to hug her brother's legs. Rio weeps for her son's harsh life, so much responslty for being so young.
Jeff came into the house finding his family in tears, "What happened?" He spotted the pregnancy test tube, he stood a serious look and went over to give his son a big hug. Then he brought his wife and daughter into a big hug using his Alpha protective scent to ease them being the main Alpha in the household. The scent brought much comfort and safety that Billie will eventually learn how to be a great Alpha like her dad.
When they went to the doctors, Miles felt so anxious and sick. He didn't want to face reality, all his worries got him a nervous wreck. How many cups he drop when his parents talk to him, his mind thinking about how he's going to take care of his pup? Should he tell Hobie? No, fuck that Alpha, he doesn't care. Why would a pup be on Hobie's mind? He probably think their love child will ruin his future and toss some Abortion money.
Ah, Abortion... there's that choice. Curse being an Omega, his body is very dependent on his pregnancy, he felt his skin soft and pecks more pulp.
At first his parents mentions it as one way to terminate the pregnancy, Rio held her son's hand while his dad wants to respect his son's wishes. "I know this is going to be difficult. An Omega wouldn't pick Abortion compare to a Beta. It's in our DNA, and honestly, I'm worry about the after effects of this."
"Technology has gotten better than when we were young, Jeff." Rio said to him. "I know this can be scary, Miles. But this will be a good option, I'll call for an appointment with one doctor who's trusting, okay?"
Miles sitting in the doctor's office seeing the older man looking through his medical check up. "It is confirmed you are positive for pregnancy." Dr. Oct explained. "Now, going from here, you're going to be a strict diet, regular check ups and testing for your blood pressure."
Jeff and Rio looks at each other then the middle age woman clears her throat, "Dr. Oct, um... what about abortion? Is it possible for my son to have one and what are the side effects."
Their son flinched at the word since he wasn't too sure about this whole thing. He just wished to never got pregnant in the first place, yet his hand rubs around his abdominal feeling protective. Does he want to keep the pup? Is he strong enough to raise one- Is he strong enough to adopt his own pup? After all, his baby was made from passionately love and trust- well, in Miles' eyes. It was in the moment of love, and pure bliss- there was no consequences in that, so why should he go for it?
Then, he remembers a conversation with his parents about foster care. Can he give up his pup? Can he snoop low like his ex? Miles bite his bottom lip, he don't think he's in the right head space to abort his pup- No, he can't. Can he?
"Well, abortion have come a long way. Omegas can a have a safe recover, however as for emotional mentality... it's a bit harder. About forty percent have suffer in child lost grief due to their Omega instincts believing they lost their pup. However," The Doctor went into his desk to pull out a couple of flyers, "there's therapist, psychiatrists all part of this program to help Omegas through the after effects of Abortion. It's a slow healing process, yet it works."
"What about those rumors that Omegas not being the same after the abortion? I heard some have a certain smell after it."
"That is a trauma response and it's due to lack of safety. Now, with the technology we can ensure Miles have a safe process." Dr. Oct said in a serious tone, "Everything will be fine if you wish to go route, Miles."
Rio asked noticing her son looking scared, "Mijo, is something wrong?"
"I-I... I don't know! I-I," He felt tears coming down his cheek, with his arms protecting his stomach, "I wanna keep my pup!"
Jeff looks at his son feeling sorry instead of disappointed. It's not his son's fault to want to keep the pup, it's all instincts. He knows it's a difficult choice. His brown eyes landed on his wife, she nodded at his expression. Years of being together they understood each other by simple stares. So it's decided.
"Okay, what is the process as we continued this pregnancy?" Jeff asked in a serious tone. It won't be bad, his son is an adult, now.
Miles looks back at his parents expecting them to go against his wishes, but saw a small smile on his mother's face. She hold her son's left hand to reassure him as they listen to the doctor.
When they went to pick up Billie from daycare, the family decided to order some Chinese take-out. Billie happily smiles at her little bag with an egg roll, doing a little dance. Miles let out a small smile seeing his little sister, he had dealt raising a baby, maybe he can raise his own pup. He can do this.
At home, the family eat their dinner, Jeff chews his meal as he watch his son not eating as much, "You gotta eat Miles, your eating for two."
Rio snorted with a chuckle. "How come you guys aren't mad at me?" Miles finally asked. "I... I messed up! I messed up big time! I'm pregnant and 19! I still haven't finish college." He felt his eye watered, "All for a stupid Alpha!" He cover his face in shame, "You guys work so hard for me and I screwed it all up."
His parents were upset with themselves seeing how much they made their son believe this was big screw up. It's one way to view it, but they always pride themselves in family and honesty. Jeff finally said, "Miles, me and your mother always wants best for you, and yeah, we're upset that you got pregnant at such a young..." He wants to find the right words, "but things happen. You thought you were with the right Alpha and things went bad last minute, we don't blame you. Anyone who's in love would put all their trust in someone they are sure they want to be with. But mistake happen, this doesn't have to be viewed as a big screw up, this is just another obstacle you have to hurdle your way out."
Miles listens to his dad's words, "Right now, you have the opportunity to figure out a game plan. You can still go to school and finish your degree, you still have scholarships to help you. There's self work option if you want to start working and make money for the pup. You think your alone, son, but in reality, your not. You got me, your mother, your grandma, your friends! You have a community that's willing to help you. You and I, both know we, your parents would never kick you out for being pregnant. You know, your mom would divorce me if I ever considered it."
"That is true, papí." Rio giggles.
"And your my son, I know how much you were in love with that punk. Look, we have time to cry about this, but now it's time to be the man, suck it up and figure out what to do next. You need to focus on your pregnancy and them books, too! You have tests to finish up." Being a bit firm on his son, because this reality.
"Mijo, it's fine to feel upset with all this and you know, your papí means well. But he is right, life is only gonna get harder if you don't buckle down. We are here for you. I'm willing to help raise mi nieto." Rio said, "You made the decision to keep your pup, so it's not about what we feel, but what YOU want to do next? You are going to be a parent and it's a lot more responsibility. Being a parent never stops that's the reality. So, tell us, Miles. What do you want to do for the future? Forget about Hobie, forget about the love you to share. In this moment, it's only going to be about you and your pup!"
Miles listened to them feeling his nerves at ease, this is his responsibility. With a small nod, "I want to pass my classes, graduate and raise my pup."
"Alright. So what we need to do is focus on studying and gaining weight. The doctor saw you lost fifteen pounds and is worried about your health, we need you to gain a good amount for the pregnancies."
"Okay. I can do this." There was no time for him to cry about Hobie, that man is to be forgotten and buries. He needs to focus on his pup.
12 weeks had passed, Miles first ultrasound came by. The nurse noticed how large Miles' belly grew all for eighteen weeks it didn't look like a baby bump. Funny part, his parents thought his son looks like he's five months pregnant by the large belly.
The 19 year old lay on the chair feeling the cold gel on his pregnant belly. "Whoo," He breathes heavily feeling exhausted. These past few weeks had been so much, with school, work, and making sure his pregnancy is going well was tiring. Yet seeing his large belly made him forget all those woes.
"Alright, let see here." The Dr. Oct came by to check on the ultrasound, and heart multiple heartbeats. Rio's face fell at the sound. Miles look confused.
"What is it? What's wrong with my pup?" Miles' asked in a worry tone.
"Pups..." Rio corrected him.
Dr. Oct nodded, "Pups indeed..."
"WHAT?" Miles asked. "Twins?"
"You see this little one right here, and there's his sibling and another one right here." Dr. Oct shows through the Ultrasound as he moves the device around Miles' belly. "Three beautiful heartbeats. Congratulation, Miles. Your gonna be a father of three."
"TRIPLETS!" Miles shouted in a mixture of shock almost in disbelief.
Rio stood with her hand over her mouth being so in shock, "Doctor, triplets? You know how rare that is?"
"Yes, very rare especially when your family never had triplets. What would be rare if they all turn out to be Alphas." Dr. Oct chuckles at that. Like that can ever happen. "You should be happy Miss Morales. An Omega birthing triplets is often view as a blessing or good luck in some cultures."
Rio saw her son panicking, "Triplets! How can I raise three pups! I can't- I- Oh my god, I'mma be sick! I think I'ma throw up!" He felt sick.
"Mijo, calm down! The pups!" She said in a worry tone.
Back at home, Rio and Jeff had a long conversation about all of this. Jeff was so in shock, he needed to sit down and drink a can of beer to take the edge off. They needed to find ways to help their son, seeing how triplets need a helping hand. Rio can't ask for many day offs. Miles just cried in his room being so sad, his little sister came by looking worried.
"Miles! You okay!" Her three year old self went over to snuggle with him. "It's got be okay! There. There." She patted his head.
"Ah, thank you, boo-boo!" Miles hugs her feeling happy to see her. "Did mamí told you, you're gonna be a titi of three?"
"Ohhh, tree?" She pat her brother's belly being amused at the pup. "No pup?"
"Three pups."
"OHHH! Tree pups?" Her eyes gleams, "'m a titi! Titi Billie." She happily rubs her brother's round belly being so happy. Miles should be happy instead, but so many worries piling up. What can he do? How will he do it? How do single Omegas handle twins or triplets?
Well, his bright side did came true. His Abuela arrived from Puerto Rico, the happily older woman said, "MI nieto! Look at you, so big and beautiful! Don't worry tu abuela is here to help!"
"Abuela! How? Why? I though-" His grandmother Gloria wave her hand, "Your mom ask me to live here to help you! You know, your cousins will take care of my house over there! Anyway, let me see your face, your glowing!"
"Abuela... thank you! I really need the help." Miles' eyes watered.
"Shh, it's okay. Everything will be fine. Triplets is a gift, you will be so happy to be with your babies." She began, "Heck, I had your mom young, too! It's hard but not the worst thing in the world."
Miles slowly got over his worries. The day he hung out with his friend, Pavtri's eyes lit up at the sight. "Oh my gawd, you look so good pregnant! I always want pups!" He's the first one to touch Miles' round belly, showing so much love using his Omega scent.
Gwen, Peni, Margo, Kaine, and so many of their friend group went over to touch Miles' belly. "No way! Triplets? Dude, look at you!" Margo said.
"I can't wait to babysit them!" Gwen said out loud with joy.
"Wow, congrats!" Kaine sips his cola. "Have you thought of names?"
"Well, I only thought one boy name, Aaron from my deceased uncle. Then, maybe a girl... Mariana?" Miles admits the names he wants for his pups, "I still need to think of the other name."
"Name it after me, please Miles!" Pavtri pouted.
"Hahaha, Pav chill. Your baby fever is gonna get you." Margo laughs.
"I'm already in baby fever. I want pups now!" Pavtri whines. "I can't wait to bear them!"
9 months later!
Miles is twenty at this point. Babies born in October 31. Scorpio Vides!
Miles gave birth to three beautiful pups, all unique in their own way. Two boys and one girl, they all had different brown shades, and their hair curly. The triplets cries for their daddy needing his presence. "Shh, I'm here." He took two in his arms to breast feed and the third one on his lap seeing how this can be a handful. His heart flutters with joy, a small purring sound appeared out of his mouth.
His triplets happily quiet being with their parent, once he finish with one pup his mother helped him with the other one on his lap. He breast fed him. They all felt safe in his arms. "What are their names, Miles?" Rio asked.
"This one is Mariana." Miles whispers staring at his daughter, "And this one is Aaron." The boy in his other arm, then he looks down at the middle one on his lap, "And this handsome boy is Karl."
At least this will be the last thing, he'll give his Alpha. A name of his best friend, so when his pups ever ask about their dad he'll be honest with them. Hopefully, he doesn't have to talk about him soon.
Bilie's eyes gleam being held by her dad, "Mariana? Like me!"
"Yes, Billie." Miles smiles at her.
"Hehehe, hi babies. I'm your titi!" Billie whispers at the three babies being so happy to be an aunty. Gloria smiles at her grandson seeing Rio teary eye.
"Awe, look at them. So beautiful." She said. Yes, things will be good for them.
~3 years later~
Miles happily saw his babies playing around, "Mari, you need to finish your snack."
"No! No wanna!" Mariana rather play with her dolls.
The twenty three year old sighs at his daughter refusing to finish her sliced carrots. Karl came by taking her carrots to munch on, "Oh no, bebé! That's for your sister."
"I hun-gray, daddy!" Karl pouts at his daddy.
"OKay, you can finish it up. Mariana, I don't wanna hear you want pudding if you don't eat your carrots." Miles hums at his daughter.
"Nonono! Yucky! Pudding! PUDDING!" She rushes over with her big purple eyes on him!
"No, Mariana." He saw her sulking.
Karl munches on her carrots being so hungry, "More, daddy!"
"Honey, why don't we wait. I don't you to get stuffed." Miles always wonder how his son is always hungry, he's sure he's following the portions for three year olds. Big green eyes pouted at the response, "I know. If your still hungry, I'll give you more, okay?"
"OKay." Karl chews on his carrots.
Aaron's big honey-brown eyes on his daddy, " Daddy! I want juice!" He holds out his sippy cup, "More, please!"
"I want pudding!" Mariana whines as she hugs her daddy's legs.
Miles sighs, "No, Mari! I told you to eat your carrots." He got his son's sippy cup to fill a bit of apple juice with water to water it down, he never likes giving them too much sugar. "Here you go, mi bebé."
"Daddy, i'm still hungry!" Karl came by to hug his daddy legs.
Rio came by with Billie coming from work and picking her daughter from school. Billie being six years old saw her niece and nephews being loud and whine. "Titi is here!" Aaron said, "Y Abuela!"
"Abuela!" The triplets went over to see their aunty and grandmother being super happy.
"Y yo?" Their great grandmother came in with a bag of groceries coming from shopping.
"Abuela!" The triplets shouted for hugs and kisses.
Miles came to help his grandmother with groceries, "Oh thank god, they have the pull up pampers." Potty training his three year olds have been one crazy mission. Of course, he tries to lessen the pampers to night time, until they learn on their own. "Gracias, Abuela."
"No problem, mijo!" His abuela picks up Aaron to give hug and kisses.
Rio put Billie down so she can play with her niece. The middle age woman pick up Karl to give kisses. "Hola, Karl. Have you been behaving?"
"I'm hungry!" Karl pouts with his big green eyes on his grandma.
"Aye no! Miles, did you fed mi nieto?" Rio asked her son.
"I did, look!" He show her the tray of apple slices, carrots, and PB&J.
Rio pouts, "Aye, Miles. You and that ridiculous book. He needs real food! No wonder he's hungry. Look, I'll cook dinner today." She never believe in those mom's cookbooks, they were too American and simple. Her grand babies need really Puerto Rican food.
"No, mamí. i'm cooking today. I'ma make pork chops!" That got his babies attention, something about meat gets them happy.
Gloria laughs, "Might as well make Arroz con gandules."
"Ohh! I wanna eat dat, daddy!" Mariana said out loud.
Miles saw how his dinner plans drastically changes from something simple to a more Puerto Rican meals. His mother ended up helping him while his grandmother watches for the triplets, Billie plays with them but had to do a bit of homework and eat a snack.
Mariana watches Billie write her letters for her first grade class, "Wow, how yuh do dat?" The little girl became interested in writing.
"Easy. Like dis." She shows her how to write the letter A.
Mariana got a crayon and paper to write an A but it was choppy and hard to do so. "Umm!" She frowns.
"Keep going, Mari! I use to write like that. Practice." Billie happily said.
"Okay, titi!" Mariana nodded being confident to do another one.
The adults smile at the Mariana admiring her titi so much, it's cute to see. Even Karl and Aaron join on learning how to draw an A. Miles love seeing his babies being together, it gets his Omega so giddy and happy.
When Jeff came home from work, he was greeted by triplets attacking him into hugs. "Hahaha, awe. I miss ya'll too!"
"Grandpa!" They snuggle against him with his familiar Alpha scent.
"How's my favorite grandkids?" He chuckles at his own joke, he picks the all up with his arms seeing how happy they are to be carried by him.
Dinner placed on the table, Miles wipe his hands on his apron. "Okay. Dinner is ready, mi bebés!" His triplets rushes over to their high chairs as his daddy put them in. They got their spork being ready.
Jeff serve some glasses of juice, and Rio being able to serve plates. "Miles, you want steamed vegetables?"
"Yes, mamí."
Then the door bell rang, "Who could that be?" Gloria put on the bibs on her grandson Karl.
"Hmm," Jeff rub his chin being unsure who was at the door.
"I'll get it. It must be a delivery." He did waited for some books for class he went over to the door, his hand turn the knob opening it.
His honey brown eyes widen in shock as he stood silent. Why? Why now? His voice speechless, he could only hear his parents' voice in concern.
"Miles, who's at the door?" Jeff asked.
"Miles?" Rio asked.
Miles' mouth moved without thinking, "Hobie..."
There stood his ex boyfriend in all punker black clothing, probably expensive clothing. His dark inky eyes soften as he looks at him, "Hey, Sunflower. Been a long time, hmm?" He holds out a big bouquet of flowers with Sunflowers in the mix.
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boxfullaturtles · 1 year
I have a question about your fic if its okay to ask
I was wondering what the threads and lights were about that mickey saw? What are those?
Ah yes, the worldbuilding I started for the magic system that I never went anywhere with lol
I'm gonna get kinda long here, please forgive me. I love talking about this kind of thing.
"Mortal Shell" was originally going to be a lot longer of a fic, with Mikey being outside of his body for an extended period of time, something nefarious possessing his body, and then it leading the family on a fun little chase all over New York with lots of collateral damage. It would have gone more into the mystic plane that Mikey was existing on and how mystic powers draw from it and so on and so forth.
When I changed almost everything about the fic (partly to make it shorter and partly because I had started reading Dandy's "I May Be Invisible" and got paranoid about being called a copy-cat), pretty much all of that stuff was scrapped. There was going to be a little scene at the end of the fic while Mikey was recovering where he asked Draxum about the stuff he saw on the mystic plane. I did start writing that scene, but it didn't fit the pacing anywhere so it got scrapped too. Here's the only bit of that scene I wrote:
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So first off I am a massive fan of personifying things that are beyond comprehension. Sort of cosmic horror but without the horror. I love the idea of a city being alive simply because it is a city, because lives have been lived there and where there's life, there is magic. Kate Griffin's Matthew Swift and Magical Anonymous series have had a huge impact on me and remain my favorite books to this day for a reason. I highly recommend them if you're a fan of urban fantasy and kick ass women and a protag who is a pathetic little meow meow that could burn London to the ground if they so desired.
Anyway. All that to say, when Mikey describes New York City as "alive", it is in an almost literal sense. New York is living place, it is alive, it breathes, it feels, it IS. The white lines are akin to ley lines; the theory is that there are lines across the globe that important and historical landmarks and monuments fall on. I sort of localized this specifically to New York City and its major landmarks. So the ley lines connect to each other like a dot-to-dot going from places like Time's Square to the Statue of Liberty, etc.
The Threads I think I touched on a little in the fic, Draxum dropped a line about them being the connections of the universe. And that's pretty much what they are. Individual people have thousands of Threads that connect them to other people, to places, to objects--they are powerful in their own ways but can't be seen outside the mystic plane. Originally these Threads were going to be used in a ritual to pull the antagonist creature out of Mikey's body and put Mikey back in. But that ritual got scrapped really early on since I never really figured it out. Mikey was also originally going to be able to see the Threads of his family members, flowing out and tying together and attaching to him. But when I was writing the scene, they made everything wwaayyy too cluttered and would have given away what was going on far too early. So why can Mikey only see the Threads in that one specific scene? idk because mystic reasons. The mystic plane is a mysterious and virtually unknown thing, that's why.
As for the golden river of light in the sky, that is very much inspired by the river of light from Mushi-Shi, an anime I love very much which has also heavily inspired me. It represents life itself, in its purest form.
I think that basically covers everything? But please! Feel free to ask me more questions! I am always down to talk about turtles and my writing! And other people's writing. I can wax poetic about that all day, my dude. <3
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The Return of Bruno
A family Die Hard-athon in the Dean Cave has to be postponed.
Suptober prompt: Fine Wine Flufftober prompt: Movie Marathon Fictober prompt: "Check that again, are you sure?" Inktober prompt: Trip
(Read on AO3)
The popcorn was popped, there was plenty of beer and soda on ice, and all three of the Bunker's couches had been wedged into the Dean Cave. They had everything they needed for their Die Hard movie marathon.
Except Die Hard.
Dean had deemed it crucial that they go “old school” on this, so he'd called ahead to the last active video rental store in Kansas and put all five movies in the series on hold. Cas had volunteered to make the three-hour round trip to pick up the tapes. Dean, Sam, and Jack had stayed behind to set up their new ultra large screen TV, figure out how to hook up an ancient VCR to it, and then jigsaw the furniture in around it.
By the time Cas had returned with a big plastic VIDEO VANGUARD bag, everyone was ready to start the show.
Dean dumped out the bag and started sorting the tapes into order.
“Lessee here, Die Hard with a Vengeance, that's the middle one. Live Free or Die Hard, number four. Die Hard 2, uh-huh. A Good Day to Die Hard – the triumphant conclusion of the pentalogy. Which means this one is... Blind Date?!? Dude, what the hell, didn't you check the tapes before you left the store?”
He thrust the unwanted video in Cas's face and pitched his voice low and rough in a broad, sarcastic impression of the former angel. “'Hello mister video man, I am here to pick up my incredibly important special order. Oh, they're already in this bag? All five movies are in there? Can you check that again, are you sure?' You seriously didn't think to double check, Cas?”
Cas glared at him. Making an obvious effort to keep his tone civil, he replied “No, Dean, I did not stay to interrogate the clerk at the video store. You told me before I left that I needed to hurry because everyone was waiting for me. I took the bag I was handed and I drove straight back.” He accepted the tape that Dean was shoving towards him and peered at the front cover. “By the looks of it, this movie also stars Bruce Willis. Is it not an acceptable substitute?”
Dean gaped at him. “Acceptable substi–!! A chick flick?!? No way, man, we can't have a Die Hard marathon without Die Hard! Sam, back me up on this!”
Sam shook his head. “Dean's not wrong. We kind of need to have the first one to start things off right. And since there's no way we're watching that piece of crap instead, I'm gonna make this an early night and go read in my room.”
Jack piped up, “Couldn't we just str–” but Dean cut him off with a warning look.
“Hey! We're not streaming anything! When we run this marathon, all five films will be presented as John McClane would want them to be shown: in gritty low-fi! With tape noise, and tracking errors, and shitty sound!! And you!!” He whirled to face his brother, finger pointing between his eyes. “What do you think you're calling a piece of crap?! Blind Date is Bruce's first credited lead role! Maybe his movies haven't all aged like fine wine, but his early work still stands up! Everybody sit your asses down, we're watching this!!”
By now, they were all used to the way Dean could flip his opinion on a dime whenever someone dared to insult one of his many guilty pleasures, so this about-face didn't come as much of a surprise. Sam was not in the mood to indulge him on this one, though.
“Ehh, whatever,” he said dismissively. “If we're not doing the marathon tonight, I'm out. Tomorrow one of us can make the drive and swap the tape. 'Night, guys.”
Dean made a derisive sound at his brother's retreating back, then turned to their son with a hopeful grin. “Jack, you're still up for it, right?”
Jack was visibly hesitant to reply. “Umm, actually, if it's okay with you, I'd rather not. I don't like movies with a lot of kissing.”
Cas cleared his throat from the couch to Dean's left. “The description on the case suggests that this movie might be a little adult for Jack. Perhaps we can postpone family movie night altogether until the correct tape can be acquired.”
Jack seemed to take that as permission to leave, grabbing a bowl of popcorn and a couple bottles of soda on his way out the door.
“And then there were two,” Dean intoned with a sigh and a quirk of his mouth.
“Indeed,” Cas agreed with a smile. “The perfect number for a romantic comedy.” He patted the cushion next to him on the couch. “Join me?”
Dean popped the tape into the VCR and cuddled up to his boyfriend. As the anti-piracy ad played, a thought occurred to him. “Baby, did you pick up the wrong tape on purpose?”
“I swear I didn't, love. The video store truly did make an error. But I can't say I'm mad about it. Are you?”
“Nah,” Dean muttered, wrapping one hand around his boyfriend's and digging into his popcorn with the other.
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taki118 · 1 year
SuyaLight Master Post Part 10
I really like these two there’s not a lot of content for the fandom as a whole soooo here’s my submission as I get every moment of these two royals who literally share a braincell (and I love them for it) First up this is just on the manga if you are anime only its going to have stuff you havent seen, yes even with what the anime covers (so read it) and there will be spoilers so beware. If you prefer Demon Monk/Cleric/Leo (which I don’t really get) I am sorry this isnt for you. Lets go! Part 1 is here Part 2 is here Part 3 is here Part 4 is here Part 5 is here Part 6 is here Part 7 is here Part 8 is here Part 8.5 is here Part 9 is here
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So this chapter Leo is being well a little unsettling he doesn’t like the easy going nature between Suya and Twilight and poor Musican is the only one aware of how close Twilight is to death. 
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Like they are very oblivious its amazing they havent died.
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Poor Twilight he just wants to help with the birds.
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Leo leaves cause he notices his interest in Suya is kinda.....not great (dudes like two levels below a yandere who traps his interest in a room) so he leaves a letter to explain himself.
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So they go to track him down and bring him back, I love how instep Twilight and SUya are. They both look so evil too.
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Now I think it’s important that its not just Suya who notices but Twilight and Siberian. WHile its def not normal its good to show that its just something certain people do.
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This is again proof to me that Twilight is a better match for Suya. While Leo is over here wanting to monopolize her and guilting over the fact that it could ruin everything beyond his interest in her. Twilight wants the world wider for me to be there. I can say that this would not happen were the roles reveresed.
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Again Suya is all ready to tease Leo but Twilight is trying to help him. (Whos really the demon here?)
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They obviously get the wrong idea.
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I think had this been an earlier chapter Suya woulda milked this misunderstanding.
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They all know her MO
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They know something is up, and Twilight thinks he’s really got her here.
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She made a teddy casino (no idea why) 
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But he actually did like it.
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They actually have quite similiar tastes.
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This chapter is really cute. So theres a storm and its really bad so Suya wants to sleep in Twilights room. Why exactly?
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I thinks its in part because she thinks the Kings room would be safest (though i think the ch shows us the REAL reason soon) but Twilight allows it cause he sees no harm.
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But Siberian is also cowering here (I love when the series reminds us he is in fact a dog)
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Look just saying it’s like a person loving their partners pet.
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But i think the real reason Siberian is here is to show the real reason Suya came to Twilight.
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They both feel safest beside him.
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Despite everything I think Twilight likes being needed by the two. 
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pixeljade · 1 year
finished my rewatch of ATLA and LoK and here's my takeaways this time:
• Actually it makes perfect sense that Toph and Aang would grow up to be bad parents. The entire Aang Gang was basically parentless! Zuko and Toph both had parents but they were abusive (Toph's being too strict and Zuko's, well, you know), and Katara and Sokka had one dead parent and one that went off to war when they were little. Aang outright had no regular familial structure, but even the family he had was lost to him when he was frozen. Add on top the horrendous traumas they all experienced and being thrust into celebrity status, and of COURSE they'd have flaws in parenting! I get that we want to reject it because we love these characters and they're caring, but caring alone does not a good parent make.
• However, Toph becoming a cop makes ZERO sense! She was SERIOUSLY anti-rules the entire first series! It would have been much more believable if she'd ended up inventing pro-bending. Also she woulda come out as trans and become a big buff dude, but obviously there was no way they coulda gotten away with that. Still, they could have at LEAST made her not a cop!
• Zuko's arc is 90% of what makes ATLA the great story it is! Its incredible how perfectly his story mirrors Aang's, and how the two of them slowly begin to accept the other. They're both trying to reclaim something they feel they've lost, and they both must confront their pasts to do it. Its a shame that it happens off-screen, but the fact that LoK confirms that Aang and Zuko became best friends eventually made me so happy.
• The plot writing in LoK was KINDA terrible! They covered it up with good character writing and of course flashy bending sequences, but Season One was a mess and Unavattu was only defeated by a bunch of deus ex machinas. I could go on! Not the worst writing but after rewatching ATLA it really is a step down in that department
• Also, the first-series cameos were a BIT gimmicky by the end! I'd say that in particular, Zuko and Iroh (the original Iroh not the general of the united forces Iroh) were unnecessary to still be around. Both of their roles could have been completed by other characters easily. Toph made sense, as did Katara, and flashbacks to Sokka and Aang, but Iroh should have died peacefully in his tea shop instead of going to the spirit world, and Zuko should have died peacefully after fixing the Fire Nation's problems.
• The number of characters who show up regularly in LoK are about double the number of characters that show up in ATLA. I think that might be why the character arcs for so many (cough cough Mako) are so unsatisfying, theyve got too many character arcs to complete.
• The mech-suits were EYE-ROLLINGLY cheesy. Sorry, I know its a nerdy nitpick I just think that if everything else is 1920's-1940's style technology, having something thats completely not doable by modern standards just kinda breaks the world for me a bit.
• I know I know, they were limited by the executives and breaking new ground, but the Korrasami ending was REALLY underwhelming compared to subsequent examples! They LITERALLY just hold hands to hint at it. Still important that it happened, but wow, how far we've come, you know?
• The politics of LoK were so very clearly neoliberal centrist its EXTREMELY eye-rolling. Cops are treated like superheroes instead of oppressors, and those who do call them that are shown to be villains. Amon and Zaheer are both VERY CLEARLY shown to be right about their respective ideologies, but are made into villains by having them be wildly zealous, and their ideologies are never really defeated. And neither of them are treated with compassion, yet Kuvira, the fascist dictator with an atomic bomb-analog, DOES. Exactly like centrists who think we should be nice to cryptofash conservatives but treat anyone seeking a more equitable world as monsters.
At least, those are my takeaways this time. Admittedly I was watching while working on homework 90% of the time so i may have missed key moments which change this all, but gosh it was overall a little underwhelming of a rewatch for LoK! For ATLA though it was like revisiting a bunch of old friends.
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 324: Is There a Force Field Around Him??
Previously on BnHA: Flashback!Rat Principal was all “please tell Midoriya that I spent a concerningly small amount of money upgrading U.A. into a wacky physics-defying funtime grid so as to make the final battle much more confusing for everyone.” Present Day!Mic (or Present!Mic, if you will) and Jeanist were all “if only somebody could deescalate this dangerously unhinged mob, we’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas.” Ochako was all “LISTEN UP PEOPLE.” The mob was all, “god??” Ochako was all, “NO, IT’S ME, OCHAKO. I’M REALLY HIGH UP ON THIS BUILDING AND THE VISIBILITY IS LOW DUE TO THE RAIN, SO I CAN SEE HOW YOU MIGHT MAKE THAT MISTAKE. ANYWAYS, DEKU WAS OUT THERE RISKING HIS LIFE FOR YOU CLOWNS EVEN THOUGH HE’S JUST A KID, SO I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE IF YOU COULD ALL REMEMBER HOW TO BE DECENT HUMAN BEINGS, THANKS.” Let’s see if her Big Scolding Energy has any impact.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “so I have this speech planned out, and it’s really good, but it also only really needs about 6 to 8 pages, but I’m gonna see if I can stretch it out to 17 pages so I can kill time before we get to the next volume cliffhanger two weeks from now.” Anyway but it really is a good speech though. There are feels, and tears, and more talk about how Deku is so in need of a shower that just looking at him requires a tetanus booster, and more feels, and more tears, and bonus ship drama, and an iconic callback to the very first chapter which reframes the entire series in a new context in a totally epic and moving way, and it’s all very good. Except that Horikoshi is determined to never let anyone actually give this kid a hug. Who hurt you, dude.
omg we are opening on a callback to chapter 212, a.k.a. the chapter with by far the cutest flashback that doesn’t involve any baby Todorokis
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baby Ochako is lethally cute. she could literally murder someone with her cuteness. I just want to scoop her up and play airplane with her until she accidentally activates her quirk while we’re spinning around and we both helicopter up into the air never to be seen again
“a child’s insistence” huh well that’s all well and good, but I sure hope this doesn’t mean we’re going to drag out the whole “sternly lecture the obnoxious citizens” plot for another whole chapter. no offense but I think we’re good
so page 2 is just continuing the whole happy/worried faces monologue, which of course is very important to Ochako’s character as it provides the context for why “who protects the heroes” ended up becoming her thing. and this is making me think we actually are in for a whole second chapter of this sob. when will my boy finally get to rest
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HORIKOSHI: [reaches for a box of tissues while tearfully penning an homage to his beloved Spider-Man 2, specifically the train scene where the crowd sees Peter without his mask and they suddenly realize just how young he is]
lol at this one guy who can feel the mood of the crowd shifting and is all “WAIT, NO, I WANTED TO KEEP BEING AN ASSHOLE DAMMIT”
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as many pointed out last week, this man is wearing an All Might shirt. that’s some fantastic irony there
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“LITTLE GIRL, I HOPE YOU’RE NOT SUGGESTING THAT WE SHOULD ALL BE WALKING AROUND DRESSED LIKE A SOVIET-ERA BUS STOP.” heh. last week I said I was ashamed of BnHA being my favorite manga. that was a lie, actually
(ETA: in the original Japanese Ochako’s next two lines are basically “the only ones covered in mud will be us heroes!” followed by “please give us some time to get rid of the mud”, with that second line basically being the single funniest thing I’ve ever read rdslkjl. Ochako thank you so much for supporting my running gags. “YEAH WE KNOW HE’S DIRTY. WE ARE GONNA TRY AND CLEAN HIM UP, BUT IT MAY TAKE A WHILE, I’M JUST SAYING. I MEAN LOOK AT HIM. HE LOOKS LIKE AN ASBESTOS COSPLAY.”)
doesn’t the megaphone kind of look ever so slightly like an axe that she’s wielding maniacally here
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easy there Lizzie Borden
also that’s a really bold claim to make there. and not one she necessarily should have to make, either. but as we all know, there’s nothing that shounen manga likes more than having its heroes bravely hoist heavy burdens of responsibility like good self-sacrificing citizens
p.s. lowkey loving how Kacchan is positioned here standing slightly behind Deku. not presuming to stand in front of him all overprotectively (because he would hate if anyone ever did that to him), and kind of being unobtrusive and letting others take center stage -- but still being close enough to Deku that he can catch him if he stumbles or passes out again
(ETA: or maybe not lmao.
DEKU: [falls to his knees]
KACCHAN: [glancing up from his phone a few minutes later] “someone just sent me the stupidest meme about milk crates -- oh. uh. you good...?”
really, son. “the burdens you can’t carry, we’ll carry them for you. ...later, I mean. right now it’s late, and we’re all cold and wet.”)
also lowkey loving this OchaTsu moment here
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I was going back and binging Ochako chapters this past week for reasons, and I gotta say it really stuck out to me just how often these two are paired with each other. they do everything together. it’s a really sweet friendship that often goes unappreciated but it’s very cute
meanwhile, not to be outdone by the OchaTsu, Iida is staring at Ochako with open admiration talking about how she’s fighting too. it’s been so long since we’ve had any IidaRaka you guys. I was starving and I didn’t even know it
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THE LIGHT IS BACK. he finally looks like him again. what a cathartic fucking moment omg
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BUT, jokes aside, truth be told this is the exact right approach to take imo, and something that’s long overdue. I’ve said this before, but this new generation of heroes is shaping up to be much more transparent than the All Might generation. they’re basically abandoning the almighty, untouchable Superman “heroes as gods” concept in favor of the more nuanced “heroes as people” concept instead. and that’s a good thing. seeing their heroes as humans, with human limitations and weaknesses and flaws, will hopefully not only lead to more scrutiny and accountability, but also more awareness of how hard some of them are working and how much they’re sacrificing. that’s something All Might never quite grasped back at the start of the series -- that the weak, vulnerable, injured him could be just as inspiring as the mighty, invincible him -- perhaps even more so. there’s a power in seeing otherwise ordinary people show extraordinary bravery and compassion. it inspires others to try and do the same
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so he was still back at the hospital this whole time?? smdh at this disrespect. that feeling when your sexy self-insert character’s powers of rationality are too strong, and so you have to nerf him so that he doesn’t ruin your Deku Angst arc twice over by (1) immediately talking some sense into Deku and making him come home Right This Instant Young Man, and (2) not allowing him to leave U.A. in the first fucking place. excuse me, you want to do WHAT now, Midoriya?? that’s it, go to your room
also living for Katsuki and Hawks’s soft expressions. Shouto’s too, although his is tinier and harder to see. and Jeanist’s 12-foot-long neck. imagine Jeanist’s head with Mic’s hair. maybe Jeanist had a mohawk back in the day and that’s why U.A.’s doors are so big now
speaking of soft faces, Enji’s is also excellent
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what could this random close-up possibly imply?? hell if I know. but Horikoshi truly fears no discourse and that’s what I love about him
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“smh my child is so dumb.” poor Ochadad. your child is cute af count your blessings
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I’m telling you guys. lethally, catastrophically cute
this speech is still ongoing lol. Horikoshi you’re doing so good but I think we get the point now my dude. you gotta learn how to transition out of these things
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“there we go” Horikoshi says, crossing off the last line on his list of Ochako ships. “that’s all of ‘em”
poor Ochako is just repeating the same “LET HIM REST, PLEASE, WITH EVERYONE’S COOPERATION, IF YOU DON’T MIND, WE APPRECIATE IT” talking points over and over again hoping someone will throw her a bone and acknowledge her already. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP HER
literally they’re all just staring up at her silently omg. work with me people!!
now she’s saying it for the 56th time but more dramatically all of a sudden
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they got so dramatic that for a minute I thought she had suddenly leaped off the building or something
look, not to rush you or anything Horikoshi, but I’m starting to get the feeling that this is yet another one of those “the volume is ending soon so I need to either hurry things up or slow things down in order to make sure we end it on my perfect cliffhanger ending” chapters where you go to ridiculous lengths to drag things out much to the exasperation of your week-to-week readers
(ETA: ftr, volume 31 ended on chapter 306, and I’m predicting that vol. 32 will end with chapter 316 (a.k.a. “you’re next!” [explodes]). I’m guessing vol. 33 will follow suit and likely end on chapter 326, so keep your eyes peeled for a big cliffhanger in two weeks’ time. Deku’s dad?? All Might in peril?? U.A. traitor at long fucking last?? we shall see.)
is Deku straight up falling in love with Ochako right on the spot lol what is happening
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I know I just said that I enjoy when Horikoshi gives zero fucks about discourse, but shipping discourse is a whole different beast lol. I hope he’s prepared
(ETA: and for the record, I have no interest in shipping discourse either, as always. and I think this scene can be interpreted as platonic, tbh, with the context being that Ochako was literally introduced as someone who was willing to help him so casually without a second thought, and now here she is saving him again.
I don’t think it really fully hit Deku until this moment how much he needed saving. like I said in another meta somewhere, selflessness is basically just selfishness on behalf of others. and Deku is selfless to a fault, but that’s okay, and it doesn’t mean he needs to change -- he just needs friends who are willing to be be selfish on his behalf in turn. and I think the full emotion of what it means to have friends like that just hit him at last. everything his friends have done for him, how much he needed it and didn’t even realize, and how grateful he is. anyways what a terrible day for rain.)
-- son of a --
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is he apologizing?? or pleading?? please tell me that’s not the case, because what the actual fuck. Deku you beautiful precious radiant selfless child, this is the exact opposite of how this should be. all these motherfuckers should be on their knees apologizing to you
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A KOUTA IS GOOD TOO!!! oh my god if Kouta hugs him I will seriously 100% straight up cry. go on and test me
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is this man expressly forbidden from drawing hugs in his contract or something. DO YOU DO IT JUST TO SPITE ME?? this is tyranny, sir
AND I KNOW, THIS PAGE ACTUALLY CHALLENGED THE VERY PREMISE OF THE SERIES ITSELF, AND HERE I AM COMPLAINING ABOUT HUGS, OR THE LACK THEREOF. “this is the story of how we all became the greatest heroes.” and just like that, he waves a polite middle finger at all of the Strongest Greatest Chosen One shounen protags of old, in favor of something much less conventional, much more interesting, and much more suited to Deku’s character. because if that one sentence doesn’t just sum up Deku to a T. he gladly relinquishes his Greatest Hero status in favor of acknowledging the hero in everyone. what a class act. that’s my protagonist
I love this kid so fucking much I swear. only just PLEASE. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. GIVE HIM HIS HUG
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xpeachesncream · 3 years
bands | sixteen
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[ series masterlist ]
summary: jeon jungkook has it all: the looks, the fame, the money, the women. being considered the sexiest man in the industry, he finds no complaints about the way his life is going nor does he find any reason to apologize for the way he approaches it. he is a force to be reckoned with - until he meets you.
pairing: stripper!reader x idol!jjk
genre: (18+) strip club/nightlife au, post grad au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 5.0k
warnings: cussing, mature language/implied sexual content, angst, anxiety, alcohol consumption, slight intoxication, physical abuse, slight verbal abuse, belittling, mentions of cuts/wounds but nothing too graphic, mentions of coke
tags: @brightcolorsoffendme @min-nicoleee @eggbutnotyolk @ra-mun-e @miinoongi @jimidol @ppeachyttae @thebeebi @bluesharksandfish @kooafraid @liriaus @thisartemisnevermisses @ggukkieland @preciouschimine @sunniejinnie @cypheruby @cyb3rbab3 @masterlists101 @awhnamjoon @redhedhoseok @wooya1224 @taeismydeath​ @jikookiekosmos​ @un2-verse​ @aynsx​ @wearenot7withu​ @knjeuphoria​ @bringitseijoh​ (closed!)
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Jungkook laid on the dorm couch, legs sprawled out as he wore his hood and covered his face as much as possible. He shut his eyes, trying to make sense of the cryptic texts you had sent him.
"We shouldn't do this anymore."
"I can't do this, Jungkook."
"You don't deserve this."
"I'm only trouble."
"We aren't going to work."
He repeatedly called you, asking for an explanation, a way to help make things better because none of this should have been the reason for you to want to call it 'quits' like that. He asked for you to talk to him. He'd call and after two rings, it'd bring him straight to voicemail. It never failed. Indeed, there was much more to the text but he only fixated on a few lines, and those few lines seem to be circling his head time and time again with no sign of leaving him alone.
"I think I'm falling in too deep and I need to stop this while I can. You hear them, you hear the shit they say. I would never let them ruin you, I don't want them to. You deserve better. Maybe it's true that I don't fit into this."
It frustrates him, every single time. Where the hell did he go wrong? Why was there a sudden change? Something was off, and god forbid if his assumptions were right. But, everything was leading right back to it. The way you called in sick, the way you shut everyone out. The way you texted him these things, wouldn't pick up his calls just to tell him you're busy or whatever the hell it was. It didn't sound like you. It didn't seem like you at all.
All things led right back to the club. To Bigs. Where you felt high and mighty. Wanted. Like no one could ever hurt you the way they did outside of the club because they worshipped you in there. They knelt down to you. The way you were so fucking tough there. He knew this is where you would fall back if things got rough. He couldn't help but think that you had been forced into it though, because he knew you didn't give a shit about that anymore. Ah well, forced or not, it just felt so off. Unusual.
"Hey." Namjoon sits on the floor near Jungkook's head. "You good?" He asks even though he's fully aware he's not. Joon hates those people who ask if something's wrong when clearly, something is wrong — however, he wasn't really sure how else to open up this conversation without coming off too pushy or forward. Too insensitive, even.
"What's going on?" Jungkook sighs as he tries to lower his hood even more, although there's no more of his hood to lower. He keeps his hand on his face, trying his hardest to keep himself together.
"I don't know." Now, going back to earlier — everyone can tell Jungkook isn't happy. They've tried to butter him up and make him feel better even though they knew you were the only person who could truly make him happy again. They've tried to talk to him in one way or another, but they never forced him if he didn't want to. The only person that really hasn't said much was Jimin, and that also pisses him off because if he had anything to do with this, he will surely fuck him up for ruining his happiness.
"You hear from Y/N? She still sick? Does she need anything?"
"She's not sick."
"Hm?" Joon slightly turns back, confused.
"Something else is wrong."
"Like what?"
"She's not picking up my calls. Not answering my texts the way she normally does. When she does, it's super blunt or one worded."
"Maybe she's really not feeling well, or just caught up with things—"
"No, hyung. I know her, she always has her priorities straight. Even if she was sick, she wouldn't do this. She wouldn't go as far as to shutting her own brother out."
"Idol life too overwhelming? I get it." Jimin jokes as he walks into the kitchen, making Jungkook shoot his head up to glare at him.
"The fuck, can you not? I don't see why you feel the need to joke around right now."
"Jeez, sorry. I just thought I'd lighten up the mood somehow."
"Come on, dude." Namjoon looks at him with disappointment, Jimin only returning the gesture by rolling his eyes and walking away. "How can I help you?" Joon asks, returning his attention back to Jungkook.
"Maybe I was being selfish bringing her into all of this. These people— they're fucking mean, and she's already had her fair share of dealing with mean people. How am I supposed to protect her all while not feeling selfish about it?"
"You're not selfish, who told you that?"
"Jimin." That's like strike.. whatever to Namjoon at this point. Why the hell was Jimin being so fucking weird?
"Look, I know it's not easy in this industry. But I think what you can do is prove to her that you won't hurt her, especially with everyone around her doing nothing but hurting her. You need to show her that you're different from the rest of them, that she can fully trust you. If I were in her shoes, to be honest, it would be scary for me. You got a whole lot of shit going on in your life. You're expected to provide a lot, and on top of that, you haven't had the best reputation with women."
"Yeah, I hear you."
"Then, nothing else matters. You keep fighting for her if she really matters to you. Does she?"
"Of course she does, I mean, can't you tell? I've never been this way over someone." Joon nods.
"You sure as fuck haven't. It still catches me and the guys by surprise. But, I'm happy to see someone helping you become a better person. She's been nothing but genuinely sweet, and I know she already does a hell of a job taking care of you."
"She's— I don't know. She's become so important to me."
"I know she has, and I'm happy to hear that. I really am." Joon sighs. "So tell me, what can I do? I hate seeing you like this."
"Well, I'm sure as hell not allowed at the club. Bigs will do anything to get back at me for what I did to him. He won't hesitate."
"I won't let him. We won't. You really think she went back?" Jungkook nods.
"Positive. Something doesn't feel right. It feels weird. And I feel like she was egged into this. I don't like it one bit."
"Want me to go check out the club tonight?"
"Yeah, please?" Jungkook says. "But don't be too obvious. Bring Jin hyung or someone who could use a lap dance or two."
"Sooo Jin hyung?" They chuckle.
"Yeah, exactly."
"And if she's there?"
"Then I'm going straight to her tomorrow night. I just need to make sure I do this right because I don't want her or Kai to get hurt. I'll stay out there if I have to just to make sure she doesn't go back. What else do I have to do—" Jungkook pauses to stop himself because this clearly wasn't you. He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Who the fuck made her do this?"
"Bigs, who else?"
"No, she wouldn't listen to just Bigs. He's definitely working with someone and using shit against her."
"Okay, let's just not assume the worst. I'll head there tonight and drag Jin hyung with me."
"Thanks hyung, I really appreciate it."
"No problem." Joon gently massages his shoulder before getting up from his spot to make his way back to his room.
All Jungkook can think about doing is sleeping more right now. He'll send the occasional text to check on Kai and see how he was doing, but they both worried too much about you and Jungkook would hate to tell him that you ended up going back to the club. He didn't think he would tell him, he didn't think he'd have to because he was gonna make sure to get you out of there before shit hit the roof again. If it hasn't already, and he's hoping it hasn't.
And so when Namjoon and Jin hyung [obviously in need of that lap dance or two] head out to the club, Jungkook stays in his dorm room, suddenly feeling the adrenaline rushing through his body even though he can't do shit besides sit here and wait. He goes through the random pictures he's taken of you - the cute, candid photos he had of you, the cute candid photo of you as his lock screen. He deletes all the texts in his inbox even though he knows it might have been a little late. It honestly hasn't mattered to him in such a long time, but he just never got around to wiping his inbox clean since he was so caught up with you - his baby.
"Is this going to turn into some kind of action movie? We bust through the doors, take down all the guards and steal Y/N?"
"No, hyung. Jesus. Do you forget you're an idol? That's probably the very last thing we should do."
"So, what do we do?"
"We just walk in there like we normally do?"
"Plus, we can't have Bigs onto us like that. We have to act like we don't know anything."
"Do you really think he's using something against her?"
"I don't know. I have to be honest though, I think Jimin's involved."
"W-what?" Jin says, furrowing his brows. "No, he can't be."
"Trust me. He always acts so weird around her, and he's probably the one person who hasn't taken this as seriously. He hasn't said anything to Jungkook."
"But why though?"
"I don't know, beats me. I just don't think he respects her. Or, likes her. Whatever it is."
"She hasn't done anything to him though."
"That makes it worse, doesn't it?"
"How could you be so sure?"
"Look hyung, I'm not. I just think he's involved. My gut says so. We'll find out whether I'm right or not, right?"
"I hope you aren't. That'll really mess Kookie up."
"Well. I love him, but he'll have to learn the hard way for butting into someone else's business like that. No matter what the reason is." Namjoon parks the car and fixes his rolled up sleeves before adjusting the Rolex on his wrist. He looks at Jin once more, nodding in approval once they both feel like they've fixed themselves enough to look presentable, not questionable.
Meanwhile, you had just finished up your time on stage so you headed to the back to take a break. Bigs hadn't given you the option to secure private bookings knowing damn well there would be opportunity for Jungkook and some of his boys to slip through and try to work their magic in private. As much as possible, you were just trying to protect Jungkook, even though you knew he wouldn't back down without a fight. You knew Bigs wasn't all that tough, but right now, he seemed to hold a lot of power with Jimin being on his team. And you knew damn well it was Jimin all along. Did you have concrete evidence? No. But your gut feeling might as well be enough with the way he talks to you. Why else would Bigs all of a sudden feel all mighty? Bigs had threatened Jungkook and your brother enough to keep your mouth shut. Enough to keep your attitude level at a 0.
The scene played in your head over and over again—
"I gave you a better life, you ungrateful piece of shit. You do as I say and your little Jungkook and your little Kai won't get hurt. You think I'm scared of them, sweetie? You think I'm scared of you? Your stepfather don't give a damn about you two. I can easily send my men down to do their magic, especially after how Jungkook treated me. Is that how he repays me after all the special treatment I've given him?" Mr. Bigs hunched over you. "You two wanna play me like a fool, I'll show you two what it's like to be played like a fool." He pulled on your hair before aggressively releasing and spitting to the side.
There was no way they would get dragged into this. Not anymore. They didn't deserve to be included in this no matter what it was.
Boy, did you miss Jungkook. Everything about him. It took everything in you not to come running back. It took everything in you not to answer those calls or texts like you normally would.
You chose him, every single time. You wish he knew that. Him and Kai.
You sighed, sipping on the flask you snuck in. The alcohol relieving you of any pain, helping you feel numb as the night goes on. You didn't want to feel tonight, you just didn't. Why would you, when everything had just been hurting you lately?
You had just finished dancing out on the main stage, throwing your ass back to some Megan and Cardi. A few other dancers were gathered at a vanity, sneakily sniffing lines of coke while Bigs and his men were busy paroling the main stage.
"You want some of this, sis? In celebration of you coming back?" One of the other dancers smirks at you. You simply shake your head no and return to the flask in your hand.
"I'm good, thank you."
"Alright, well it's here if you want it. Just let me know, babe." Her and the other dancers go back to their business on the vanity. However, another dancer continues to eye you, sympathy filling her expression as she approaches you while you sip on your flask once more. You were starting to feel pretty tipsy again, hoping you could just hide out in the back 'till the very end of your shift.
"Y/N." She says, her hand gently on your arm. "You okay?"
"I'm good." You purse your lips together to prevent yourself from tearing up. Those words were triggering for you because you were not okay, whatsoever.
"Why did you come back, babe?" She genuinely asks, worried about you. "Did Bigs do something?"
"No." You lied. "Things just didn't work out elsewhere I guess, and I need money."
"Didn't work out? I saw the way Jungkook handled Bigs that night." If anything, she was probably the one dancer who paid attention to the environment around her. Everyone else was oblivious to the shit that's been happening and that's because they didn't give a fuck about anyone else. Her stage name was Trixie, but her real name was Miki. She too didn't really enjoy being here but her parents talked so much about how she was useless and couldn't make it out in the world, especially as a vlogger. She loved it. She loved being in front of the camera and talking to the world thru the lens. But her parents thought it was dumb— that she was dumb for even wanting to grow a career online like that. Besides all of it, she remained sweet, and she was always super nice to you. You wouldn't be surprised if she knew about you and Jungkook, and you honestly wouldn't have a problem with it. She never treated you wrong. She knew Bigs had a tendency to overstep and abuse the power he had with his status and his money. However, she knew he was a big coward and that he was all talk, no play — especially if it was outside of the club. He may be a big honcho here, but outside, he had no chance. And she couldn't wait until the day he'd get his for all the mess he's caused.
"Yeah well, things happen." She shakes her head.
"Y/N, you can talk to me. Look, as much as I love seeing your face, you have so much potential. You don't deserve to be stuck here. Let me help you figure this out."
"I'm okay, Miki. Thank you, though." She nods, not wanting to press you any further.
"Well, I'm here for you." She gives your arm one good squeeze before walking off.
Eventually, the rest of the dancers retreat back out onto the floor, leaving you to hide away in the back room as long as possible — which is why Namjoon can't get a glimpse of you anywhere out in the main area. Bigs is actually a little taken aback to see both him and Jin walking through the club, even after everything that has gone down. But hey, business is business— and if they weren't gonna cause any trouble, so be it. He knows though, he knows full well there's a possibility they're here for you.
"Boys! Long time no see!" He greets them, Joon and Jin giving him a toothless smile in return. "How've you been? What brings you in?"
"Mr. Bigs." Namjoon says, smoothing down his shirt. "Ah, we're good, just getting busy prepping for the tour. Wanted to take a little breather tonight."
"Well, I'm glad you guys came here to do so. Can I get you two anything to drink?" The both of them shake their heads. "Anything to help relieve that stress?"
"We're good, thanks. Just gonna sit out on the floor for a bit."
"You two let me know if there's anything I can do for you, at all." Bigs smiles at them as he begins to watch them walk away. "Make sure she's covered." Bigs slightly turns his head to speak through the headset mic, alerting his men to keep an eye out. He thinks he's said it low enough so that Jin and Namjoon don't hear, but Jin catches the movement in his peripherals, causing him to pinch Joon's bicep.
"Back room." Jin says, subtly nodding towards the backroom as he keeps his gaze out on the main stage and adjusts his tie. Namjoon looks around to see Bigs has welcomed himself to the other side of the club, speaking to a few customers, looking distracted.
"I'm gonna go see if I can talk to her."
"Talk?! You said we were just scoping her out. Don't cause any trouble, Namjoon-ah. Please."
"Oh, now you suddenly don't want this action movie to come alive?! You sure were talking a whole lot about it in the car."
"Since when do you even take me seriously?!"
"I always take you seriously, hyung!"
"How about you just sneak towards the back door and get her attention? You said we can't go all out like that!"
"There's guards there too."
"Look, I just don't want you or Y/N to get hurt. Maybe we should just lay low and figure out how we can approach this better."
"Hey, can I get you two anything?" Miki interrupts, fully aware of who they are and what they're here for.
"No, sweetie. Thank you." Jin responds, flashing his 100-watt smile.
"You looking for Y/N?"
"Depends who's asking?" Namjoon says, trying to keep his guard up.
"Look, I'm not gonna rat you out if that's what you think." She puts her hand on her hip, tray still balancing on her free hand. "She's in the backroom. But there's no way you can get to her. Bigs is watching her for whatever reason."
"Yeah, we're aware. Can you send her a message for me?"
"Sure. You have 10 seconds though or else Bigs is gonna be onto you." She points towards Bigs slowly making his way back.
"Just tell her that Jungkook is worried about her and wants to help. Or, we want to help. We just wanna know what's going on."
"I'll try, but she didn't let up when I asked earlier."
"Thanks." Joon sighs.
"Shoo, I'll find you guys around." She says, sneakily walking off towards the bar with her empty tray as Bigs starts to eye the main floor. Jin and Namjoon welcome themselves to a seat on the side of the stage, acting normal as possible by throwing bills onto the stage for the dancers. Miki tends to her customers before she's setting her tray down and pretending to take a cigarette from her bra to take a quick "break." She heads to the back to see you still sitting at your vanity, head resting against the palm of your hand.
"Babe." You turn to look at her, eyes slightly glossed over.
"RM and Jin are here. They said they want to help you, and if you can tell them anything, that's all they'd want."
"Girl, look. Don't let this man keep running your life like this. I don't care what he said or did, this isn't you. You need to get out of here and you need to let people in. People who genuinely care about you." You sigh.
"How is that possible when Jungkook's own bestfriend doesn't even like me? And ontop of that, Bigs even dragged my little brother and my evil ass stepfather into this. I can't let anything happen to him, he's the only thing I have."
"I get that, and I'm sure Jungkook will do whatever it takes to protect you both. Why are RM and Jin here then? Whatever Jungkook's other friend's issue is, he needs to figure it out. It's obviously his own problem, something he created himself for no reason."
"I know he's helping Bigs keep me away from Jungkook. All the hurtful shit in the media, all the shit he's been tossing in my face. Whatever, I get it. He wins. I don't belong."
"Don't say that."
"It's true, and I know even if I chose Jungkook, he'd choose his bestfriend over me. Why would he go against that? They've been together for so long. I'm a fucking nobody." Miki knows this is all the alcohol running through your veins, but at least now, she knows Bigs isn't doing this on his own [as she assumed, he's a fucking pussy for the most part - he's a pussy who got handsy with the dancers cause that's all he can do to feed his ego].
"I don't think that's true, and I don't think it's a fair assumption when he's stayed by your side, hasn't he? He hasn't given up on you." She says before walking out. Really, things were just completely scrambled in your head. Just fucked up. Your questions, your uncertainty was strong enough to pull you towards the negative - the what if's, the assumptions, the rumors, the shit-talking. After all that, the positives were dim.
Miki grabs her tray and serves the first couple of customers in dire need of their drinks before she heads over to Jin and Namjoon to spill the information she received from that conversation.
"She won't budge. It sounds like a lot of this shit talking got to her head, so she came back to make herself feel better but then Bigs ended up turning this around on her, threatening Jungkook and her brother. If I were you, I'd get Jungkook to her before she can even come back here. Make sure her brother is with him too. Bigs is all talk but being the guys that you are — I wouldn't take any chances to ruin your reputation and all that." She smacks on her gum. "And I hate to tell you this, but one of your little friends has been working with Bigs. I don't know who, but you better let that little shit know he was wrong for getting in her head like that. She deserves way better." She says with a punch of attitude before walking away.
"Jimin?" Jin mouths out to Namjoon, who only shrugs in response.
"Let's go." Namjoon tosses a couple of more bills before they head out.
"Have a good evening, boys." Bigs yells out, causing the two of them to return a tight-lipped smile.
"Are we going to tell Kookie about Jimin?"
"No? Because we don't even know ourselves. His name was never dropped, and we'll look dumb if we acted on assumptions."
"This is so fucked up." Jin sighs, looking out the window.
"You're telling me."
When they finally arrive back at the dorm, Namjoon and Jin find Jungkook pacing around in his room, tossing a rubber ball against the wall to keep himself occupied. His doe eyes dart over to them, letting the ball drop to the floor while he nervously walks closer to them.
"I'm sorry, dude." Joon sighed. "From what it sounds like, all this mess just got to her head so she went back to the club to make herself feel better. But Bigs ended up bringing you and her brother into the situation so, I'm assuming she's distancing herself to protect you in some way?" Namjoon runs his hand through his hair. "Honestly, I really don't know, that's as much as we got."
"We didn't even talk to her or see her, some other dancer helped us out. I guess she's a friend of hers? Or maybe she just likes Y/N. She wanted to help." Jin says.
"Fuck!" Jungkook groans, slamming his hand down onto his bed. "Why couldn't she just talk to me? We could have figured this out."
"Look, I'm sure there's a lot more to it and I'm sure it's difficult for her. Promise me you'll hear her out when you see her."
"I mean, yeah I know, I will. But, how did this get to her head so easily? I really can't wrap my head around it, I—" He catches how tense Joon and Jin suddenly get. He watches them nervously looking at each other, making him cock his head to the side and furrow his brows. "Wait, what is it? You know something else, don't you?"
"I mean there's really no concrete facts behind it so we can't necessarily say it's true."
"Well?" Jungkook asks, his fists clenched so tightly his knuckles are turning white. But, before they could go any further, Jungkook's ringtone echos in the room. He quickly turns in case it's you calling, but he picks up anyway because it's someone equally as important.
"C-can you come pick me up? My sister isn't picking up. I'll send you Eric's address." Jungkook worries when he hears the shakiness in his voice, his tone low to a whisper.
"Yeah, sit tight. I'll be right there." He hangs up, darting out of his room, Namjoon and Jin following after him.
"Where are you going?"
"I need to get to Kai."
"Let us come with!"
"Look, it'll be quicker if I go myself—"
"Jungkook-ah, stop. We're not gonna let you go alone." Joon and Jin make it just in time to join him in the elevator, heading straight for his car even if it's nearing 1am. Jungkook pulls up Kai's location, pressing on the gas to rush over there just in case Kai was hurt. And yes, Jungkook was going to give it to your fucking stepfather if he sees anything on Kai. He will fucking destroy him, he promises.
Jungkook, Namjoon and Jin walk into the house quietly, seeing Kai putting his finger up to his lips when he meets them near the kitchen.
"What happened?" Jungkook whispers, handing his bags over to Namjoon and Jin. Jungkook looks at the small hint of blood pooling near his nostrils and the cut near his eyebrow.
"I'll explain in the car, can you just take me to—"
"Really? Calling your sister's boyfriend and his friends over to save you? You really are a helpless little shit." Namjoon, Jin and Jungkook are all shielding each other and Kai from Eric, Jungkook's blood boiling seeing him standing there, clearly very drunk and not in the right state of mind.
"Aye, don't fucking talking to him like that." Jungkook's spits out, making Eric laugh.
"First you fall for my slut of a daughter, now you help rescue him? I thought you were so much better than that, Jungkook. You aren't the person people portrayed you to be. Shittiest idol I know. All of you."
"You don't know me." Eric snorts.
"You guys do know I help sponsor your shit right? I play a big role for you, don't come into my house acting like—" He slurs his words.
"Yeah, well fuck the contract." Namjoon's jaw clenches. "Better yet, don't fucking worry about it, I'll make sure to take care of it for you."
"You need me." Eric says, almost at a growl.  "You need me and Bigs—"
"Since when?" Namjoon responds in a mocking manner as he begins to usher Jin, Jungkook and Kai towards the front door. "If you wanna send your people over, you can let them know I'm free tomorrow in the late afternoon. I'll be more than happy to tell 'em what kind of sick person you are."
"You can't just take him—" Eric tries to flip the script, obviously unaware that Kai has already turned 18. He grips onto Kai's arm and tries to pull him back, except he's intoxicated, so Jungkook easily pushes him off. He watches as Eric hits a bar stool, stumbling over himself before he drunkily falls on his ass.
"You're such a sad excuse of a stepfather, you aren't even aware he's 18 already. He doesn't need you." Jungkook scoffs. "I'm gonna send people for the rest of Kai's shit tomorrow. And let's get this straight - we never needed you or Bigs. You both aren't shit without us and yout fucking empire thrives because of us. And if you do anything to Y/N, if you even think about working with Bigs on doing anything to her, I fucking promise you I will bury you alive. I won't stop until you have nothing left. Don't underestimate me."
everybody's angry and they're coming for me, but i can't give them energy that i won't receive; so i brush 'em off, i got a lot on my sleeve, like i'm moving backwards, but it's all on repeat; this place is getting crowded, i got no room to breathe
track twelve: hundred - khalid
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(All We Have: Part One)
Part Two
Colson x Female Reader
Summary: You and Colson are close friends and he invites you to move in to his house while you work on his record together
Word count: 1,580
Feels: Friendship Fluff for now
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, cursing, mentions of feeling depressed
Companion playlist:
Machine Gun Kelly - Home
Sia - Dressed in Black 
The Beatles - With a Little Help from My Friends
A/N: Throughout the series there will be changes to the timing of real life events like the pandemic, the release of certain songs etc. There's certain things I want to incorporate into the series, like particular events in MGKs life and lyrics from songs, so some stuff will get moved around to fit in to the story ✌️
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It had been a long evening working in Colson’s home studio, The Boulevard, with him and the gang on the upcoming Tickets to my Downfall album. To say your schedule was busy was an understatement, but Colson had insisted you get involved with the new material after the success of your work together on Hotel Diablo.
Composing music was your main gig, you had an ear for melody and your passion for writing meant you always had lyrics swirling around your head. You had a penchant for dark and melancholy lyrics, finding music to be a source of therapy for you. It was something you and Colson had instantly bonded over. He'd bugged you to list some of the stuff you'd written that he'd know and you had gained his professional respect immediately.
He always kept a close eye on your work, ever the supportive friend and had laid claim to your piece ‘Glass House’ as soon as he'd heard it.
You were sitting crossed legged on the sofa in your lounge, gently strumming your guitar and gazing off into space and mumbling to yourself, as you worked out some lyrics in your head. Colson was lying on the floor by your feet, scrolling through his phone with earphones in, a blunt in his hand that he occasionally passed up to you. This was a common set up, you found it easier to write in the peace and quiet and Colson has gradually started hanging out at your place more when he needed to focus on his own writing.
"All alone in the glass house, lie awake til the sun's out, pink sky when you come down…"
"Throw me in the damn flames, Bury me in gold chains, throw me in the damn flames…"
You'd started singing out loud, occasionally stopping to scribble down lyrics and make adjustments, not noticing that Colson had removed his earbuds to listen to you
" Dude, that's hard, like, beautiful… " His comment made you jump slightly, you hadn't seen him propping himself up on his elbows, watching you intently "Sing that last bit again"
You blushed slightly, his opinion was always important to you, and started singing. He muttered to himself as you did, then pointed at you "Again!"
Letting out a little laugh and rolling your eyes, you sang again
"Throw me in the damn flames, bury me in gold chains, throw me in the damn flames"
Colson's voice met yours at the end of the line, rapping softly "I'm waiting on the rain to come and wash it all away"
You locked eyes, smiling and he sat upright. "Dude, Im'a need that hook! That spoke to me right there, I've think got something for it that I've been stuck on"
He looked so excited, your heart did a little flip. You'd seen that writing this album had taken it out of him, he'd been digging deep and really going through it emotionally. You could tell it was going to be raw and special from what you'd heard already.
He sat forward and moved the guitar from your lap so he could lean his arms on your knees and looked up at you shooting you puppy dog eyes with those baby blues "Pretty please Y/N"
You laughed and ruffled his hair, "Anything for you Col" Honestly, it'd be an honour to be part of such a personal project, you thought
He wrapped his arms round you and squeezed,
"You're a legend, kid. Get a sample recorded and send it to me!" He grabbed your guitar off the sofa and whipped back around, strumming a few chords as he carried on talking with his back to you, leaning against the sofa "This is gonna be fire, you always just hit the nail on the head, I swear it's like you're in my head sometimes"
You smiled, seeing the wave of motivation that had struck your friend. You felt so lucky to have a friend who was not only so inspiring, but one who 'got it', who understood that music was a form of release. Someone who recognised that it was important to feel these things, rather than encourage you to push dark thoughts away with toxic positivity.
He’d pushed to use your original samples on his record, but as much as you loved writing and singing, you were a behind the scenes kind of gal which had always suited you just fine. Naomi, a mutual friend of you both, came onboard to record them with him. A decision that turned out to be golden… 'Death in my Pocket' would be born not long after, with Naomi doing your lyrics such beautiful justice yet again, perfectly pairing with Colson's emotional rapping.
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From then on Colson had kept you close to his recording. You'd been helping here and there with composition and notation, but your production skills were what was taking centre stage during the most recent sessions. You had a long list of projects you were working through, leaving you chained to your equipment most days and nights anyway so throwing more music into your workload didn't seem like much of a big deal. In all honesty, the chaos of Colson’s studio and the revolving door of personalities that were in and out constantly, made it one of the most fun places to be. You loved what you did for a living and it never really felt like work Even though the guys were a real handful at times, you kind of enjoyed being the studio 'Mami' as they often affectionately referred to you
Everything had wrapped up for the evening and the guys had migrated back into the house. You could hear from the raucous that the drinks must have started flowing freely. You were saving your work and packing up your stuff when Colson bursts back into the studio and throws himself in a chair, spinning it around with his arms in the air.
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"You staying for drinks Y/N?" he grins at you, clearly hyper and in party mode
You let out a big sigh "Urgh, I'd love to but I have an early start tomorrow. I finally managed to get an apartment viewing. I swear I've looked at a hundred places now, they get snapped up so quickly.. I've only got a few weeks left on my lease as well"
“Ah, that sucks kid” Colson empathises, spinning his chair again before an idea strikes him “Wait! Why don’t you move in here for a bit until you find a place? The guest room is pretty much your room anyway, the amount you crash here”
You laugh “This is true, that mattress is so much better than mine! Aw Col, that would honestly be so helpful, the stress of finding a place when I’m this busy is killing me. I don't know… You sure the guys won’t mind?”
Colson scoffs “Why would they mind? You practically live here anyway” he teases “I’m sure they’ll be just as stoked as I am at the thought of you joining the madhouse for a while”
Before you have a chance to respond, he stands up and throws his arms around you, squashing you into him tightly “That’s it decided Roomie. Another song in the bag and a new housemate, plenty to celebrate tonight!”
Wriggling out of his tight grasp, you laugh and in a deep voice shout “let’s goooooo” mocking his signature catchphrase. He flips you his middle finger and says “Kitchen, now”
Once you’re in the kitchen, Colson heads to get you a drink and grabs one himself. Appearing back at your side, he passes you your beer and then shouts out to the rest of the group,
“YO, meet our latest housemate, Y/N is moving in. LET’S FUCKING GOOOOO”
Everyone in the kitchen lets out a big cheer, clearly pleased as he said they would be. Colson bends down and picks you up, swinging you around in a circle, spilling your drinks all over the both of you as you shout his name in mock annoyance, between giggles.
“I hope you know what you’re letting yourself in for” Rook laughs, clinking his drink against your now empty beer bottle once your feet are back on the floor
“It’ll be good to have another pair of hands around here, looking after you lot” Ashleigh chimes in, laughing and slapping Slim away as he pulls her hood up over her head, covering her eyes
It had been 5 years since you'd made the decision to move to LA, barely knowing a soul. You'd worked several jobs, jumped from place to place, worked your ass off to catch your break in the music business, sometimes feeling like the grind would never get you anywhere.
There had been times where you felt like you couldn't carry on, aching from trying to keep pace. The dream had felt like it was turning into a nightmare, as you tried to make ends meet, feeling so lonely in this enormous city.. but eventually you'd made these amazing friends who made you feel so safe and loved.
Now, there were times you had to pinch yourself just to make sure it was all real.
As you shake off some of the beer that's dripping from your hands, you look around the kitchen. Taking in the crazy, loveable bunch before you, your new housemates, you are filled with gratitude. You finally felt like you were exactly where you were supposed to be…
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❌❌ Lace up!
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bistevethor · 3 years
Steve Rogers Fanfiction Recommendations
Happy birthday, Steve!
I know that there are some (a lot?) of steve fans who sometimes struggle to find fics focused on him, so I am here now putting a list of Steve fics. I was going to fics that I haven't seen recommended a lot and most of the ones on this post have less than 200 kudos only, but I end up putting everything (it's probably easier to put my bookmarks as public but well...). It's a massive list (over 100 fics?), so it's will be separated into several posts/reblogs.
Not all of them are from Steve's POV or even have him as the main 'main' character, but rest assured he played an important role and is featured heavily. Lots of these are friendship-focused but I categorized them. The shippy ones are mostly samsteve, thundershield, and some rare pairings because I don't venture to other ships a lot and when I did it's to the rare ones instead lol. Hopefully, any of you can find some gems from this list and these are as enjoyable or as good as I remembered. I'll continue to update it, hopefully, every time I find new ones.
Fics are under read more.
The Rocket's Red Glare
Steve was born on the Fourth of July (no joke), so a party is in order! Unfortunately, PTSD decides to rear its ugly head. Fortunately, Steve's got an entire team at his back to help him through it. And screaming goats.
an entry in the scrapbook of absurdity
In which Steve turns into a baby and bites people.
Baby Steve Adventures
Captain America gets hit by a spell during a battle. The rest of the Avengers look after him.
Do You Remember Being Happy? ('Cause I Sure Don't)
"Dragr," Thor called them. "Demons" Clint had said. "Thieves" is what Steve labels them as. AKA, the one where Steve is captured by creatures that feed off of happy memories, and the team is left to pick up the pieces. Post-Avengers.
In Search of (Bucky, Family, Home)
Pairings: Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov & Sam Wilson
A week following the events of CATWS, Steve recruits Natasha and Sam to help find Bucky.
Sam raised an eyebrow. “Do we need to recap again? You were shot three times, beaten near to death by an enhanced super soldier with a metal arm and then almost drowned. Yeah, your ass is going to need a few more days of healing time.”
The Truth When Captains Meet
Steve Rogers wakes up on an alien’s space ship being carried bridal style by Carol Danvers. As far as first meetings go, it’s memorable.
Irish Coffee
Pairings: Jessica Jones & Steve Rogers
Jessica runs into an incognito Cap at a cafe. They form an unlikely friendship of sorts.
The Lifetimes of Steve Rogers (Series)
What happens when Steve Rogers steps onto the quantum platform to return the Stones? Where does he go? What challenges does he find? Who does he meet? How many lifetimes can one man have?
Fifty-Two Pickup
Less than a week after the fall of the Triskelion, Steve Rogers is released from the hospital. Although his physical wounds are almost fully healed, other injuries need a bit more time, and some help from friends.
little kids get big so fast
Steve ends up having to take care of the deaged Defenders.
Grampa Steve's Bedtime Stories
If Mommy was away for work, then Morgan’s Grampa Steve came over to stay with her. He’d tuck her in, let her give Mommy a kiss on video chat, then hand her the picture of Daddy for his kiss. Once Daddy’s picture was back on the bookshelf, Grampa Steve would turn off the bedside lamp so that Miss Friday could cover the ceiling with stars, and ask Morgan what story she wanted to hear.
“Captain Steve, Grampa! Tell me Captain Steve!”
Grampa Steve sometimes read to her from books and other times watched a movie with her, but her favorite by far was when he told her Captain Steve’s Adventures Through the Multiverse.
On Camping Trips
Sam is more Hermione than Natasha is, and Steve doesn't want to be Harry.
Steve loses the advantages of the super-soldier serum. This is not a tragedy.
His Dream
Pairings: Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson
As if on cue, Steve cut him off with a loud sneeze.
"Yeah. Like that." Sam nodded. "And please sneeze into your elbow next time, dude. You could've just started an epidemic."
"Sorry. Allergies." Steve excused, and Sam raised an eyebrow.
"How do you know it's allergies?" Sam asked, and Steve sighed, putting the ingredients together and solving the mystery of what the gas had actually done.
The answer wasn't ideal. "It feels like the seasonal allergies I had before. Before the serum- and I haven't had them since the serum."
Realization clicked in Sam's head.
"The gas de-serumed you."
Steve swallowed and nodded reluctantly.
OR: Steve gets temporarily de-serumed, with his height and stature staying the same but his immune system being as bad as it was before, and has to stay in the hospital to prevent a severe allergic reaction or illness. Sam stays with him the whole time, making sure he's not alone.
A Strange Encounter
Things have gone awry and Strange is injured. With no other options, he's called for assistance from Captain America and his team.
even if we're apart, i'll always be with you
Steve finds a dirty toy bear at an abandoned gas station, on the way back from a school trip. He brings him home.
As Long as You’re Not Tired Yet of Talking
Pairings: Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov
When Steve Rogers tells her, “Don’t be a stranger,” as they’re all going their own ways after New York, it makes her want to laugh.
Pairings: Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov
Natasha like knowing what makes people tick. She likes knowing things, about her teammates and her coworkers and herself. Oddly enough, sometimes other people like knowing her too.
AKA: Natasha wants to know why Steve isn’t drawing anymore, and takes the long way round to get her answer. Because why not.
With Magic We Do Fly
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff & Steve Rogers
In Civil War we see Wanda fling Steve into the air with her magic. They must have practiced that, right?
Que Wanda throwing Steve against a wall. Many times.
Just Like We Practiced
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff & Steve Rogers
Steve had said, in the movie when he asked Wanda to lift him into the building, "Just like we practiced." But just how did they come up with the idea of her lifting people with her powers, and putting them up somewhere like an escalator? Perhaps it was because Wanda accidentally sent a certain tall, blond Avenger face-first into the floor once and he decided he would help her learn to utilize this as a confidence building exercise. Natasha keeps an eye, Thor and Sam help build the training grounds, and Wanda has found her new home. Takes place between AGE OF ULTRON and CIVIL WAR.
Black and White but Red and Blue
They're watching black and white film reels, but Steve sees them in colour.
"My shield may be black and white but it was red and blue. Just like the blue sky under which red blood was spilled. Like Bucky's blue eyes and Peggy's red lips..."
The Road Warriors
Characters: Sam Wilson (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff
It wasn't pretty, but somehow the four of them managed to make it through two years on the run.
We'll Fix It
Pairings: Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov
Steve has a hard time after his battle with The Winter Soldier and isn't sure what to do with himself. After not seeing him for a week, Natasha finally shows up to his apartment unannounced to figure out how they can get back to work. There is some crying involved.
From Here On Out
Pairings: Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov
The Accords, the search for Bucky, the fight at the airport ... In a world where nothing will ever be the same, sometimes the road to rebuilding trust and friendship is a little rockier than it should be.
AKA, the story of Steve & Natasha and how they got to where they are.
Set post-Civil War but pre-Infinity War.
I have this breath and I hold it tight
Parings: Wanda Maximoff & Steve Rogers, Clint Barton & Wanda Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff & Vision
Steve finally goes to Wanda’s tiny room and taps on the doorframe, although it’s hardly necessary, with the slightly warped floorboards creaking under his feet. “Hey,” he says. “Got a minute?”
Wanda's been a little withdrawn since Steve broke everyone out of the Raft. She's had a lot to think about.
to you.
Pairings: Pietro Maximoff & Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton & Wanda Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff & Natasha Romanov, Wanda Maximoff & Steve Rogers, Wanda Maximoff & Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff & Tony Stark
It's Wanda's birthday today. She's not sure how to feel.
New Love
Pairings: Diana (Wonder Woman) & Steve Rogers
Near the end of World War II, Diana Prince finds herself attempting to reconnect to her long-gone, beloved Steve Trevor. However, she comes across Steve Rogers instead.
Sharing Life (And Canned Green Beans)
Pairings: Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov
It’s Thanksgiving, and Steve is hiding in the second living room on the 8th floor of the penthouse apartments with a can of green beans.
I'm Fine
Steve slowly began to realize that the problem with being a national icon, a hero, and a role model, is that somehow, he became more than human. He become a symbol, not a person. So when he becomes increasingly unhappy, deeply depressed, and utterly adrift in a world where he doesn't belong, the loneliness and isolation are unbearable. How could anyone believe that an iconic hero like himself was really just an ordinary kid from Brooklyn, dying inside because everything he'd gained still wasn't enough to replace everything he'd lost? How could he possibly bring himself to bleed on the ones he loves? So he tells himself the same lie over and over, hoping one day, he'll believe it.
"My dog ate my mission report" An injured Steve remembers something he has to do. Unabashed Steve and dogs fluff. "Didn't peg you for a pet guy." "Allergies."
Alone In This World (Together)
Pairings: Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov & Sam Wilson
“We’re fugitives,” Steve said finally. “It might never get better.”
“The world’s always going to need saving," Sam replied. "We’re still Avengers. No one can take that away from us.” Then, like they hadn't been having an entire conversation before, “So when do we leave?”
“Once night falls.”
Do we have any idea where she is?”
“No.” Steve took a sip of his coffee. “But I know where she’ll be.”
it gets the worst at night
Pairings: Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov
Here's how it goes: Natasha sometimes shares a bed with Steve. It's not what it sounds like.
(In which there are Colombian drug lords, awkward boners, cuddly super-soldiers and the Avengers are all giant dorks.)
Pairings: Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson
Sam and Steve, right after the fall of SHIELD.
Princely Bickering
Pairings: Jane Foster/Thor, Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers & Jane Foster, Steve Rogers & Thor
Steve allows Sam to lean up and inspect his head for bruises and blood. He then checks out Steve’s eyes. ‘Do you know where you are?’ Steve rolls his eyes. ‘Don’t be an ass, Cap, apparently you can break.’ ‘London, England, chasing apparently useless Hydra intel despite having about five hundred international arrest warrants out for us because we’re just that stupid,’ says Steve. Sam pats him - gently - on the shoulder. Life on the run isn't easy, especially not after an injury. Fortunately Steve still has a few allies left.
And The Seconds Tick Down
AU of Civil War. How the world ended in twenty steps when Steve died.
"Grant" and "Francis" Go Shopping
Pairings: Clint Barton & Steve Rogers
Steve and Clint both have holiday shopping to do for their family of choice, so they make a day trip to an outlet mall, have a few heart to hearts, use some coupons, buy a bunch of presents, and eventually get through their shopping lists.
A Tune Without Words
Pairings: Jane Foster/Thor, Steve Rogers & Thor, Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson
As he and Sam prepare to begin searching for Bucky, Steve gets various offers of help—some more unexpected than others.
Tony Stark wins the fight in Siberia completely by accident.
Steve Rogers does not resist his arrest as he is taken to the Raft.
Sam Wilson, T'Challa, and Pepper Potts pick up the pieces.
Full of Wounds and Still Standing on my Feet
Pairings: Steve Rogers & Wanda Maximoff
The five times Steve looked out for Wanda, and one time Wanda decided someone needed to look out for Steve.
Three Awakenings
The first three times that Steve Rogers woke up during his first twenty-four hours in the twenty-first century.
Making Your Own Future
Characters: Steve Rogers, Diana Prince, Steve Trevor Five times -- plus one -- that Diana Prince and Steve Rogers encountered one another.
Better Living Through Pizza
Pairings: Clint Barton & Steve Rogers
Steve takes some time off from soldiering and Avengering to get his head on straight, and Clint is assigned to keep an eye on him, because apparently SHIELD believes in the blind leading the blind. Steve really needs a hobby, since modern television shows baffle him, but Clint keeps bringing him DVDs and pizza.
Five Times Clint Barton Spoke with Steve Rogers about Growing Old and the One Time He Didn't.
Pairings: Clint Barton & Steve Rogers
When Steve Rogers reappeared from the past as an old man, there was a lot of catching up to do. Clint Barton made sure nobody got left behind.
Hammer's Totally Heavy-Handed and Incompetent Revenge
"So, at the end of IM2, Justin Hammer swears revenge on Pepper. He waits until Tony and Rhodey are halfway across the world to launch his attack.
Unfortunately for him, thanks to SHIELD, Iron Man and War Machine aren't the only superheroes in Pepper's rolladex. Steve thinks Pepper's just swell and doesn't take too kindly to somebody trying to hurt her."
Cue badass!Steve and competent!Pepper
Fan Mail
Steve starts getting his fan mail and receives an invitation to the prom. Written for a prompt at the Avengers kink meme. It was a great prompt, and so much fun to write and get feedback for!
Prom. Steve 'Grandpa Iceberg' Rogers at a 21st-century high school prom. "This isn't happening. This whole conversation is just an elaborate practical joke. Bruce really just has orders for widgets or something."
Bruce waved the printouts at him. "Fraid not. I don't really do practical jokes. Messing with other people's moods just seems. I don't know. Karmically unwise."
Steve runs. People see Steve run. Steve gets adopted by the neighbourhood he runs through every week day morning. He finds this confusing. Tony finds it amusing.
Locks Not Replaced
Tony angsts back at Avengers' HQ, Ross is a bully and Steve makes sure he doesn't get away with it. In other words, there is much regret, a bit on the philosophy of locks, adventure and far too many Robin Hood metaphors.
For a prompt on the avengers kinkmeme: "...something different happens when Steve gets Dr Erskine's serum plus the Vita ray treatment... Steve does get taller and stronger, but when the first full moon hits, he turns into a big friendly looking dog. Yes, he's a weredog, not a werewolf."
Mission: Baby
Pairings: James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers
The Asset finds himself in charge of the care of a small baby, but somehow he knows—he has to protect the baby from all harm, whatever the cost.
14 Tracks
Pairings: Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers & Avengers Team 14 tracks from Steve's iPod and how they got on there.
Life Will Rattle Your Bones
Pairings: Erik Lehnsherr & Steve Rogers
Captain America and the Howling Commandos find Schmidt sooner than they thought... wait, what do you mean this is a *different* Schmidt?
In war-torn Germany, the paths of Steve Rogers and Erik Lehnsherr cross, part, and cross again.
come build me up
Pairings: Sharon Carter & Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers
“Do you ever feel like -- like you joined up because you wanted to do good. You wanted to do the right thing but somewhere along the way, you just lost the whole fucking plot.”
“All of the time.”
Or: the one where Captain America and Agent 13 give long distance friendship a whirl.
Down in the Worn Out Place Again
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff & Natasha Romanov, Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov, Steve Rogers & Wanda Maximoff
“You don't look a day over 85, Captain,” Wanda says.
Natasha smiles, just barely, and nudges Steve with her elbow. “She makes jokes now.”
(Post AoU, stories about friendship.)
Characters: Natasha Romanov, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Nick Fury Pairings: Natasha Romanov & Steve Rogers, Minor Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, Minor Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov
In the immediate aftermath of SHIELD's collapse and Steve's plunge into the Potomac, Natasha considers her place in the world. Also the fact that Steve is depressing.
Timeless Classics
Pairings: Steve Rogers & Avengers Team Five An undetermined number of times (six, apparently) Steve unexpectedly got the reference (sort of), and one time everyone discovered something new together.
you just wait and see
Pairings: Rocket Raccoon & Steve Rogers
“Thor said you’re the captain.” Rogers says, his voice distant, sad smile growing into a sadder grin. “Tough job.”
The Small Hours
Pairings: Steve Rogers & T'Challa, James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers
"I'm not getting him back, am I." The words were flatly delivered – not a question so much as fatigued resignation. "We will do everything we can to help him," T'Challa quietly replied, but he wouldn't lie, not about this. Not to a fellow warrior he respected on and off the field of battle. "The possibility does exist, however, that the triggers are permanent."
The Man We All Remember From the Newsreels
Still getting used to the twenty-first century, Steve comforts himself with memories of long-gone friends. But Howard Stark, the man Steve remembers, is nothing like the man he sees in the newsreels.
we're all choir boys at best
Characters: Steve Rogers, Johnny Storm
You are totally getting laid tonight. "Please stop talking." You hijacked my brain first, this is totally not my fault.
Steve doesn't worry the first time he gets a bloody nose that won't quit. But when it happens a second, third, fourth... He, and his teammates, start to get concerned.
You Close Your Eyes and the Glory Fades
His body isn’t his own, he knows that, knew before the procedure that everything would change. That was the easiest thing to wrap his head around, actually, the physical changes. He’s used to his body betraying him, so this is just another thing to learn his way around. But the colors of everything, even the sliver of blue sky he could see, craning his head at the tiny window, look different.
Looking For Answers (From The Great Beyond)
After the Battle of New York is over, and Loki and the tesseract are returned to Asgard, Steve takes a road trip across the country, and tries to figure out what he wants to do next.
Mourning the Future
Steve's ties to the past and the future are pretty tenuous, and the serum ensures he lives in an eternal present state of ever-youthful vigour. When an old war buddy gets handed his last marching orders, Steve has to wonder if everyone will eventually leave.
Riviera Life
Sam and Steve have been traversing Europe looking for Bucky. Not everyone is convinced it isn’t an open invitation road trip.
Voluntary Bros.
Characters: Steve Rogers, Johnny Storm
"Dude, you could be twins, they tested you before they defrosted you to see if you were a clone or something, or if he was a clone," Clint said.
"I want to talk to him, I think. I mean, a girl threw her latte at me last week for not calling her back and this dude felt me up at an art gallery yesterday," Steve said.
Two Brooklynites and One Big Apple
Pairings: Miles Morales & Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
“You did good out there today,” Captain America said, brushing a layer of detritus from his unfathomably broad shoulder. “I’ll see you around.”
“Not if I see you first,” replied Miles, fingergunning with one hand as he sent a web rope fwipping off into the distance with the other, catapulting himself away at tremendous speed.
... in which two superheroes battle with bad guys, embark on community art lessons, and a friendship forms along the way.
Battle Fatigue
Steve thought he was doing okay. Things weren't going great, but they were fine, manageable even, and then suddenly they weren't.
We Become New Yorkers (or: Five Times Steve Rogers Looked For Home, and One Time Home Found Him)
New York is a million cities at the same time. This is how Steve found his.
A beautiful day in the neighborhood
In which Steve and Peter learn that the best way to get through a bad situation is together. And to avoid collapsing buildings. And that concussions are terrible, terrible things.
Leviticus 25
"You want to save Bucky Barnes? You are going to have to put your own house in order first because he is going to need a rock to cling to. You are not ready to be that rock for him. You owe it to him -- and more importantly, you owe it to yourself -- to figure things out, figure out how you can be happy in this time and place, whether or not Barnes is with you."
Sometimes the road to recovery involves bowling. Conveniently, so does the one to the Grand Canyon.
Conversation in Wakanda
“I have been told that you had the privilege to share a training session with some of our Dora Milaje,” T’Challa says. “May I ask how it went?”
“Well,” the Captain huffs. “There’s no polite way to say it: I had my ass handed to me. Repeatedly.”
He sounds and looks utterly delighted.
Contact Light
Everyone thought computers would be the thing that really blew Steve's mind about the 21st century. They were wrong. When he finds out that he missed the moon landing, it's the start of an ongoing obsession with space that maybe involves Neil deGrasse Tyson, Twitter, and Star Trek marathons.
“This is Lucky,” Clint said when a dog got between him and Natasha. Lucky’s vest was bright, like desert mornings and night explosions.
“Does he help?” Natasha asked.
Clint pressed his hands flat on the counter behind him. “He saved my life.”
Natasha looked at Steve, her expression fierce. Steve resisted the urge to yank down his sleeves. Instead, he dug his nails into the puckered skin on his forearms.
AKA An AU in which Steve is a veteran just trying to survive (or not).
Peter doesn't expect Steve to show up at his house one night when he gets home from school. He also doesn't expect to have a long conversation with him, and choose to be on his side instead.
We're Happy, Free, Confused, and Lonely at the Same Time.
"Tony isn't sure, but he *thinks* Steve Rogers is going to try and argue with him about not being a kid, while wrapped up in a fluffy blanket and plaid pyjama pants watching a Disney movie. Tony really hopes that is the case. The Captain America voice looses all affect when wrapped up in that blanket and Tony can't wait to inform him as such." - The one where Tony realises that Captain America and Steve Rogers are not the same person, and Steve is so much younger then he thought.
This Isn't A Love Song, This Isn't A Fable
Steve's not OK with people's perception of Captain America, no matter what he says or how much he pretends otherwise. It's like no one in this time period realizes that there's more to him than a spangly outfit. And yes, he's including the Avengers in that. ... or, the one where everything's all right, until it's not.
it's safe here in our new world
Post TWS. In which Natasha and Steve go shopping, have Thursday night movie nights, and learn that Natasha loves to platonically kiss Steve. Which is good, because Steve loves being platonically kissed by Natasha.
Pairings: Matt Murdock & Steve Rogers
It doesn’t matter how many times you fall – what matters most is how many times you get back up. Steve Rogers knew this lesson far too well and it was one Matt Murdock had endured all his life. With both men at their lowest, could a chance friendship bring each of them to their feet again?
Everybody Eats When They Come to My House
Pairings: Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov, Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers
“You’ll ruin your dinner,” Sam says, gesturing with Steve with his spatula.
i fear for the calendar; its days are numbered
Pairings: Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov, Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson
Before she goes off the grid, Natasha gives Steve her phone number. He’s honored that he’s the only one to be trusted with it, but quickly learns that she spends most of her free time texting him Dad jokes.
Status Quo Ante
Pairings: James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers
A tale in which Sam suspects he should be used to this by now, for values of 'this' that involve certain folks he hangs out with and situations he finds himself in, Team Cap becomes Team Ex-Cap becomes TBD, and nobody but Clint really wants to know what happened to Scott Lang's GI Joes. (Sam Wilson from the final scene to the mid-credits scene.)
The Glass Parade
Pairings: Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov
Steve thinks that he’s seen Natasha be at least three different people in the short time he’s known her, and he isn’t sure which one is real.
In which the most confusing part of the future is how much Steve has in common with Natasha, and the fact that she seems dead-set on being his friend.
Still Life
Steve Rogers and a very modern form of art therapy. (The one where Steve draws himself out of despair and into some notoriety when his cartoons hit the internet, but he's still not allowed to look at Tumblr without an okay from Pepper.)
Selective Service
The serum's given Steve a lot, but it hasn't taken anything away from him. Not even the things he never wanted in the first place.
I'm a Hustler, Baby
Steve Rogers has a talent for pool--and for making others believe he's terrible at it.
The Healing Properties of Felt-Tip Pens
Rapid healing has worked wonders on Steve Rogers' body, but occasionally it really screws with his head. In the aftermath of torture, Bruce Banner helps Steve to reconcile mind and body.
If I Die Before I Wake
It's his job, as their leader, to endure the sadistic focus of their captor, and that is the one thought that carries Steve through.
Even Gods Do
Captain America doesn't have a good relationship with sleep anymore. Also, he's not a toy.
Under My Skin
Written for a prompt on avengerkink: I want to see something where, for whatever reason, Steve's accelerated healing turns out to be a bad thing. Something where the faster healing is making things worse. I would prefer something other than the standard, super-healing allows for more torture without death. “He's lucky – to have the serum, to have you all.” Tony wasn't sure about that first part. When one faced death and destruction every day on the job, there were many advantages to having a healing factor...and a great many disadvantages as well.
A Glossary of the 21st Century
Pairings: pre-Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov
Steve's sick of not understanding what's going on, and the team are not all that helpful, so he starts keeping an illustrated notebook for further research. With the help of wiki, google and Logan he starts to settle in and find his place in the twenty-first century.
Blanket Gift Policy
“You didn’t,” Bucky said, with no real hope of being contradicted. Clint shrugged helplessly and passed him the large, soft bundle wrapped in shiny purple foil.
“Sorry.” Tony covered his eyes with one hand.
“I’m getting a migraine.”
“So,” Bruce said wearily, “counting Clint, me, Bucky, Tony, and Sam, that brings it up to five.”
“Excuse you, mine’s not a blanket,” Sam said. “Mine’s a slanket. Big difference.”
Bucky resisted the urge to throw the whole heap of parcels at Sam’s head. “Because it has sleeves? It’s still a blanket, Wilson. They’re all blankets. Even Thor’s direct-from-Asgard raven gift delivery was a cloak, which just means it’s a blanket with a strap. We all got Steve a goddamn blanket.”
One Tin Soldier
Written for a prompt at avengerkink: Because really, under any other circumstances, why would they follow him when he's some guy who's younger than the rest of them (time as a Capsicle aside), who goes around wearing that spangly outfit, who's not even used to the modern world? Why Steve Rogers, rather than a Norse god or the CEO of Stark Industries or anyone else?
“Love is for children,” she'd said, but respect knew no such bounds. The five times the Avengers accepted Steve as their leader, and the one time they followed without question.
and if there's life we'll see it
Steve is instantly taken with this idea of having the picture of the person calling you flash on your screen when they ring your cell.
Secure Your Own Oxygen Mask (Before Assisting Others)
Steve keeps going, because they need him. Being Captain America - having the serum - is a responsibility and a privilege he takes seriously, and he won't waste it by sitting around resting in the middle of a crisis. But then the work is over, and the original victims of the crisis aren't the only ones needing looking after.
Way of the Eagle
Clint introduces Steve to kung-fu movies. Things escalate quickly.
Walking Wounded
In the aftermath of the battle against the Chitauri, Steve's doing just fine. Until he's not. Fortunately, Thor is a perfect mother-hen, Tony makes decent back-up, JARVIS is a genius, and Soap Operas are life-changing. (Or, Post-Shawarma Feels.)
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weekend-whip · 2 years
Everyone else was too busy to take the new kid on a tour of the school. At least, they acted busy. Jamie had the sinking suspicion that they were all just hanging around in the student council room on their phones while Zane and Nya tried desperately to get something done.
Thus, as the unfortunately kind person he is, Jesse took up the position as tour guide. At least he gets to miss most of his classes.
The secretary in the office is nice, as far as he’s concerned. She always has a jar of Jolly Ranchers on her desk and a kind smile on her face, though Jesse had seen that smile morph into a sneer in less than a second when someone tries to steal more candy than she allowed. Now, she gives him a grin and a polite wave.
“Ah, Jesse, good to see you.” In a school with so many students, Jesse would never be able to figure out how she knows all of their names, “You have impeccable timing. They’re just finishing up in the principal’s office. Here-“ the secretary digs around through the papers and sticky notes that litter her desk. It takes her a few moments, in which Jesse stands in front of the counter awkwardly shifting from foot to foot, before she emerges triumphant, “Aha! Here you are. It’s his schedule. I’m sure you’re familiar with the rooms.”
A quick scan of the paper shows that they have a few classes together. Should make it easier to help integrate him into the school environment, then. He turns to the secretary and flashes her a smile, “Yep! I know this place like the back of my hand. We’ll be able to find everything okay.”
The secretary was about to respond, but the sound of a heavy door opening stops her. She whips around Jesse takes this opportunity to sneak a handful of Jolly Ranchers into his pocket.
“Alright, you should be set to go.” The principal’s voice rings out from his office, “If you have any trouble, don’t hesitate to ask a faculty member for help.”
A figure emerges from the room, and the first thing Jesse notices is the dark blue and yellow hair, tied up into a half-ponytail that does nothing to keep it away from his neck or face. He holds himself laxly and with an almost bored expression on his face as he thanks the principal in a smooth voice, before turning away and placing an earbud into his ear and pulling out a phone from his hoodie pocket.
The new kid, then.
The new kid starts making his way down the hallway towards the secretary’s desk, and Jesse walks forward to meet him in the middle. Before he can even get close enough to be noticed, the other looks up from his phone with a raised eyebrow.
“Hello!” He smiles, “Welcome to NGC high. I’ll be the one showing you around-“
Jesse hadn’t seen it before. The new kid was a bit taller than him, so his eye-level didn’t exactly match Jesse’s, but once he finally looked him in the eyes, Jesse’s heart came to a stop.
It was like that moment in Into The Spiderverse, when they all got a buzzy feeling after meeting another Spider-Man. There is a flutter in his stomach that reminds him of the butterflies that live in the garden club’s flower beds. He distantly realizes that his jaw has practically dropped to the floor, but he has other, more important things to think about.
He has yellow eyes. Yellow with white pupils, like how Jesse’s had been not too long ago.
You’re like me.
“…do I have something on my face?”
The new kid’s words snap him out of his trance. He flushes with embarrassment and stammers out an answer, “N-No! You’ve got a good face- I mean, your face is good-“ Jesse shuts himself up before he can dig himself into an even deeper hole.
Then the new kid starts laughing. It’s more like a series of snorts than anything, but it’s a far cry from the borderline resting-bitch-face from earlier. He covers his mouth with his hand, but Jesse can make out matching dimples on either side of his face, “Relax, Dude. I’m just teasing.”
“…I knew that.”
Another snort, “Sure,” the other kid pulls an earbud out and reaches out a hand, “I’m Jamie.”
Jesse grins and takes the hand, “Jesse. Good to meet you.”
Jesse would need to get closer to Jamie. To have another elemental master at the school is a big deal, and when dealing with an unknown element, Jamie could be at risk due to the Shark army and Olivia’s presence. The only element that comes to his mind when faced with those yellow irises is Light, but something tells him that won’t be the case.
Either way, school is about to get a heck of a lot more interesting.
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(Click on it for a surprise!)
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ramzawrites · 3 years
Ah right sorry! I dont know how but my brain was like 'yes discord is exists in minecraft'- Yes of course I dont mind! You can do whatever you want with the request :) Good im happy to hear that! And Thank you!
Original Request: Could I request a shy and quiet reader forgetting they're on a discord call and starts to sing a song that they are listening to? and whoever is on call with them joins in? maybe with Tommy, Wilbur and some other characters you want to write for :)
Remember to eat and drink water!
Secret Singing - Reader Insert
Pairings: none stated but can be read as Wilbur x Reader
Characters included: Wilbur, Tommy, Jack Manifold
Warnings: n/a
Series: a request <3
Summary: Wilbur was busy, but not busy enough to help Y/N set up their workspace at their favorite spot! Going off to fulfill his own errands only to come back to a nice and beautiful tune in the air. 
Words count: 2125
Authors Note: Lmao you are valid, I mean after all skype is canon in the dsmp 💔 Skype my abhorred 💔
Also adhd went brrr again, I tried looking over it a ton but there might still be a few mistakes!
“Oh, wow! Need any help with that, Y/N? That’s a lot of wool you got there!” Wilbur was running through L’Manberg to deal with some errands but stopped in his tracks, having to do a double take as he just saw a mountain of blue wool on legs walk towards his direction. Only then did he notice that it was Y/N who was holding on to a basket with the wool in their arms.
With a concentrated expression Y/N turned around a bit so they could look at him. Pieces of loose wool was laying in their hair or was stuck on their flushed face “Oh! Didn’t see you there! And it’s alright! I’m just getting it over to my bench!”
With their bench they meant the wooden bench they set up themself next to a small pond. They loved working close by it hence the bench to make it a bit more comfortable. It was also still a minute or two off and with the way Y/N was already struggling with the basket, Wilbur couldn’t just stand and watch. How could he hope to be a proper president when he didn’t help people who clearly needed it?
He shook his head with a fond smile on his face, stepping closer to grab the basket from them “Nope, let me help you. Not taking no for an answer.”
Y/N let out a few weak protests but ended up just pushing it into his arms, not wanting to accidentally spill the freshly treated wool unto the ground.
“Hey, um, be- bend down a little, Wil.” their voice weak and wavering like usual. Their shyness getting ahold of them again.
Not even thinking about why they asked this of him, he obliged. They then scoped up the top of the soft mountain so Wilbur had actually a chance to look across. He might be tall but that didn’t help when you held something big in your own arms.
With a soft satisfied smile they begun moving again and for a second Wilbur just stared as he readjusted his grip on the surprisingly heavy basket that Y/N probably made themself. Following after them and making sure that no stray pieces of wool would fall off.
“So, what’s all the blue wool for?” he asked.
For some reason this seemed to amuse Y/N “Well, a lot of our clothes use blue wool. The flag as well! I need some blue thread to either stitch some more flags down on clothing or when repairing them. Same for the flags flying about. General stitching. Besides can’t hurt to have some extra, might even sell some!”
In hindsight this made sense. When this whole L’Manberg situation started out Y/N offered to help stitch together their torn clothes. Over time they got really good at it and nowadays they have kind of turned into the resident seamstress.
Wilbur once apologized for pushing them into this profession only for them to vehemently shake their head “No! It’s fine! I- I enjoy it! It, uh, it also gives me something else to do than worry about our existence.”
He couldn’t argue with that. It was something that he lacked. Everything he did was dedicated to this new nation after all and he would lie, and he did, if this didn’t take a bit of a toll on him sometimes.
Once they arrived at the bench, Wilbur softly placed down the wool next to the seating area as Y/N carefully returned the extra wool back on top. They then sat down on the bench while taking out their tools out of their inventory to turn the wool into yarn or thread.
It wasn’t unusual finding them working here, especially when the weather was playing nice. Often enough sitting together with other people in sometimes comfortable silence or happy chatter. Either making thread, stitching or whatever work they had to do and could do outside.
“Thank you, Wilbur! I’m sure you are busy so I won’t keep you longer but you are welcome to join me if you are done with work before me.”
Wilbur picked some of the stray wool off his uniform and sighed, not particularly looking forward to the work “Yeah. I’ll come around if I can. I’m going to meet up with Tommy in a bit so he might join as well, not sure though.”
Y/N nervously chuckled “Yeah, don’t worry. I know.”
They then begun to set up their tools to start working. Not even looking after Wilbur who begun walking off again in a snail’s pace. He really wasn’t looking forward to his work at the moment but alas it was very important.
It took a bit, but he soon arrived at the building he and Tommy set up as something of a headquarter. It was basically just a room covered in maps, scrapped ideas, plans and a few weapon and armor pieces.
Tommy was already waiting inside for him. He looked a bit annoyed with his arms in front of his chest. Before he could complain to him though Wilbur already threw his arm around Tommy and led him to his latest sketched out plan for L’Manburg. Trying to distract him with work.
They were mostly discussing how to ensure the safety of the new nation and how to create a functioning system inside that would ensure that everything inside would move along smoothly.
Hours passed as they schemed and begun setting a few safety measures up or helped the residents of L’Manberg where they could. Jack Manifold later joined them as well. Helping and even offering ideas of his own to incorporate.
“I think that is all we can do for today. I’m getting seriously tired.” Jack sighed, cleaning the dust off his hands on his own clothes.
“You’re going home?” Tommy asked.
Jack crossed his arms, his eyes wandered off to the side behind his mismatched glasses as he thought for a second “Mh, I was hoping we could hang a bit, you know, outside of work. Haven’t done that in a while.”
“Oh! I promised to maybe spend some time with Y/N if they are still at their pond!” Wilbur suddenly exclaimed, remembering the exchange from a few hours ago.
A happy smile appeared on Jack’s face “Let’s go together then! I haven’t seen them in a while, and it’s been even longer that I hung out with them while they worked. It’s always very calming for some reason.” The last part he muttered but Wilbur caught it.
He wasn’t the only one who thought like this. Most of the people in L’Manberg were drawn to them especially in this chaotic time. It was nice having someone like that around.
“Guess I’ll come with you.” Tommy suddenly exclaimed, pulling Wilbur back out of his thoughts.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, why not. I need to ask them to look at my coat anyhow.”
With that the group begun moving, it was slowly getting darker, but it was still warm outside, so if they were lucky, Y/N was still out.
They were chatting about what they were planning to do next or in Jack’s and Tommy’s case what they have been up to only for them to get interrupted by a tune that the wind carried over to them.
A bit surprised Wilbur looked at the others, hoping to see if they too hear it and true enough, they seemed to be just as surprised as them. Someone was singing but he has never heard a voice like this.
Frankly, it was beautiful.
The tune was sounding sad and yet the lyrics that accompanied it were hopeful. Wishing for peace in a time of turmoil. Promises of a better time filled with a deep love via the voice.
It was a song that none of them ever have ever heard. An original song perhaps?
But what really surprised them was from what direction the music came from.
It came from the pond. From Y/N’s bench.
Almost as if they were worried to scare away a wild animal, they begun to sneak towards said pond. Staying off the path and taking a wild berth. Hiding behind the trees, trying to avoid that if their hunch were right, that Y/N wouldn’t see them approaching.
Wilbur pressed his index finger against his pursed lips as they got closer, motioning for the others to keep quiet. To which Tommy just rolled his eyes, seeing how this was obvious.
Jack slowly moved around the tree and there he saw it.
Y/N was sitting on the bench, their legs crossed with a piece of fabric in their hands that they seemed to stich another L’Manburg flag into. Slowly moving their head from one side to the next to the rhythm of the song.
Wilbur followed suit, using his superior height to peak his head out above Jack while Tommy crouched down to do the same.
They were still intently staring at their handiwork, pushing the nail and thread into the cloth only to pull it out again. Their mouth turned into a happy little smile as they sang this hopefully hymn.
“Wow, I didn’t think they could sing like that.” Jack whispered, looking up to Wilbur.
He nodded, his eyes continuing to rest on Y/N’s happy expression “Yeah. It’s beautiful.”
“I guess it’s fine.” Tommy just whispered back. Of course, he still had to put on his cool dude persona.
Wilbur flicked Tommy’s head “Just say for once what you really think!” He still made sure to keep his voice down, not having heard enough of the song and Y/N’s voice yet.
Tommy scowled and jumped back so he was standing at his full height again “What do you mean? I say what I think! The hell are you talking about!” He tried to keep his voice down but at the end he got louder which made Wilbur panic and clasp his hand around Tommy’s mouth.
Though Tommy saw this coming and dodged out of the way by ducking, resulting in Wilbur to fall over. Crashing into Tommy and pushing him onto the ground, both of them letting out a startled yell.
The singing immediately stopped.
“Ah! Look what you have done!” Jack whined, helping the two reluctantly up.
“Well, if Tommy would have shut his mouth!”
“You attacked me!”
“I did not! I was trying to shut you up!”
“Guys?” a soft and unsure voice broke through their argument.
All three men slowly turned around to see Y/N clutching the piece of cloth they had been working on close to their chest. Avoiding any eye contact. Their face covered in a deep blush. Chewing on their lower lip.
“Are you okay? I- I heard a thud and- I just- I wanted to make sure-“ they stammered.
Tommy seemed to be confused at that “What? No. You were singing though, right Y/N?” Getting straight to the point apparently.
“Tommy!” Both Jack and Wilbur yelled out in outrage.
Y/N’s eyes widened, and they moved the cloth up to their face. Effectively hiding behind it “No. I- uh. I’m sorry?”
“What are you sorry for? Your voice is amazing! Why haven’t you told us you can sing?” Wilbur stepped closer. His eyes wide as well but in amazement.
Though Y/N seemed to cower down even more the closer he got “Because- Because I can’t. Please just forget about it.”
Wilbur wanted to know more, hear more of their singing but they seemed panicked. Hiding away and trying to clearly get out of the situation and he had to take a step back. Guilt welling up in him.
“I’m sorry. We just heard your song, and it was beautiful. I have never heard this song. I guess we got enamored by it especially since your singing was really amazing.”
Jack put his hand on Wilbur’s shoulder and pushed him back a few steps “Come on let’s drop it. They are clearly uncomfortable. I’m sorry Y/N.” He then begun pulling Wilbur along, grabbing Tommy in the process as well who just yanked his arm away from him stating he could walk good enough on his own.
He immediately turned around again to see the nervous Y/N with a determined expression on their face. The cloth now back down.
“The song! I mean, uh, my parent taught me that song when I was a child. Apparently, they wrote it.”
“It’s a really beautiful one. Your parent must be very talented. If you feel ever more comfortable enough I would love to hear the full song.”
Y/N took a deep breath in “I know how to play it on guitar and keyboard? I could, uh, you know. Teach it to you?”
Wilbur’s smile returned to his face “Sounds like a plan.”
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simplysummers · 3 years
Breaking down Hunter and Omega’s relationship. Pt 2.
We’re back at it, here with the second post in this father-daughter-space-duo series! You guys responded to the first post better then I expected in all honesty! I didn’t think my insights were viewed as so important lmao. I don’t really think much introduction is needed here, the post itself is very self explanatory.
(Pasted paragraph: I would just like to add a disclaimer here. I am, in no way whatsoever, slating the other batchers for having differing relationships with Omega. I absolutely adore everything single one of the boys, and I think they all have wonderful and unique interrelations with her. Although I may point out these different approaches in comparison to Hunter’s, I am not stating these engages are wrong, just different is all!
I’m going to separate this into a little series- covering each episode in a separate post, which I’ll have tagged as the series progresses. Once I’ve tackled these two, as they’re my favourites, I’m going to move on to each individual Batcher and perhaps a few other dynamics such and Hunter and Crosshair, or Wrecker and Omega! Let me know what you guys would like to see!)
(Thank you to this weeks proof-reader: @treasureofmy-heart 💛)
Cut and Run: S1/E2
We kick off this episode with Hunter walking in on Echo inspecting Omega and Wrecker fast asleep on the floor. His face is very relaxed and he clearly finds it very sweet that her childlike curiosity has tired her out. His line, “ha, well this is a first,” while holding a strong gaze in Omega’s direction, suggests that she’s been exploring for quite some time, unleashing her endearing juvenile inquisition in the batchers presence. Hunter continues to claim she’s curious, using the same lighthearted tone he has always used in her regard, sparing the conversation in the medical wing on Kamino. This continues to confirm his gentle approach and concern towards the young clone.
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When Echo confronts him over the situation at hand, it’s evident that Hunter hasn’t actually thought about what he’s going to do with Omega, yet by the look of quizzicality on his face. I personally took this as a sign that his initial thoughts were always “we’re going to lay low with her, look after her, while keeping everybody else safe.” It’s clear here that Echo has differing ideas that Hunter hadn’t even began to consider, and I think that’s what perplexes him in this moment. He needs to consider everybody.
The kid is up and awake! (Let the havoc commence aha.) Omega’s reaction to sunlight and dirt is definitely one of my favourite developmental moments of hers, it really sets in place that this little girl may have been an intelligent medical assistant, but she lacks experience, and still needs a guiding hand to help her through this new world she’s never endured before. I’d like to point out that it is, in fact, Hunter who stops to watch Omega’s reactions, and his FACE when she’s playing in the dirt! I’ve never seen such a parental smile on a man so stoic! I feel like I’m repeating myself a lot, but he is so endeared by her! She’s a breath of fresh air in Hunter’s very toxically routined life, and I love that for both of them. When they finally reach Cut’s land, Hunter is the one to pull her back, despite the fact she had to run between Echo and Tech to get to him. And upon Suu and Cut’s arrival, I actually didn’t realise that Omega creeps behind Hunter, most likely because these are strangers she doesn’t know and she feels she needs the protection. This confirms a clear bond between them has already began to flesh out.
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There isn’t too much to say about the introduction and inhibitor chip discussion, as Omega spends a decent amount of that time exploring Cut and Suu’s house, but I will just say that it’s a nice touch that she ends up back at Hunter’s side when her part of the conversation is needed, she always seems physically drawn to him. Which brings me to my next point. Upon Shaeeah and Jek’s arrival, Omega once again creeps behind Hunter out of fear, only deciding to approach when formally addressed to do so. *Sigh*, and when Shaeeah pulls Omega out to play, and she halts to ask for Hunter’s permission, which is clearly given through a series of comforting smiles, is a plain indication of a trusted child-parental relationship. I must admit, Hunter’s face is pretty hilarious when everybody practically calls him out on his parental role- it’s just “why are you all staring at me..?” Because you’re acting like a dad, my dude.
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Okay! Down to Cut and Hunter’s discussion. It’s a nice touch that Hunter is the first one outside to watch Omega play, swiftly followed by Cut, who, rightfully so, questions her existence. Although instead of explaining Omega’s origin (and by that I just mean that she’s a medical assistant clone from Kamino), he states that it doesn’t matter what the Kaminoans created her for, because she’s with them now, and to be with them she doesn’t need a purpose, she’s just a kid and should be allowed to act like one. Cut goes ahead to tease him over the ins and outs of raising a child, but to Hunter it was a no-brainer, Kamino wasn’t safe, so she was coming with them, as I’ve said previously, he saw NO negotiations. And as Cut says, “I (you) have to do what’s best for them.” This adds sentiment to the narrative of Hunter’s commanding role within the squad and Omega specifically.
So I’m shifting ahead slightly to the ball incident, and I have a LOT to say about this scene. First of all, it’s clearly evident that Hunter is the first to leave the house, along with Cut and Suu following closely behind. Associating this trio together is purposeful on the animators part in my opinion, they intentionally exclusively had Hunter leave with the other parents in the situation, isolating him specifically with that role in Omega’s life. When he finally reaches her, we see the protective hand come straight out to guard her against the Nexu, a typical trait they’ve established between them.
Now we move on to the confrontation. This is the first time Hunter raises his voice at Omega, and immediately she turns herself away from him, curling into her shoulder and making herself small. Omega is going through a lot of emotions right here, she’s afraid, anxious, and she’s being forced to deal with the fact that for the first time, Hunter is mad at her, for something she didn’t even intend to do wrong. Whereas from Hunter’s perspective, he hasn’t acknowledged she’s already in a bit of a state, and instead feels the need to immediately lecture her for her mistakes….although this lasts all but thirty seconds. Upon Cut’s attempts to diffuse the situation by having him pull Hunter away and reiterating that “she’s (Omegas) not a soldier”, his face immediately softens, he forgot for a moment, but now he realises and instantly the features are set in a regretful frown, he clearly feels awful and misrepresented. Hunter continues to observe Cut’s behaviour as he comforts Omega, who seems to take to the attention like a kicked puppy, lip trembling, eyes shaky, shoulders hunched, and I honestly think as Cut carries her away- is the exact moment Hunter realises he isn’t good enough for Omega. (I’ll further out on this in a moment)
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I only want to briefly touch upon Omega’s gunners nest scene because I don’t think it has too much impact on her relationship with Hunter, however I would like to address the symbolism. I personally see the removal of her headpiece and the addition of her bangs as a new beginning, attaining the contrasting yellow light of Salucemi in comparison to Kamino, where she would’ve been given her jewel. Considering the episode’s outcome, Omega is no longer the tightly held, quivering little girl from Kamino, and instead she brings a slight unruliness to her aura, a little cheeky, definitely her brother’s sister. Still a sweetheart of course, but with a matter of confidence and boisterous behaviour to her. She seems to bounce out of her sadness quite easily here, as she seems suddenly awkward- yet curious- over Tech’s plan later on.
Furthering out into my previous point about Hunter believing Omega deserved much better in comparison to what he could provide: his conversation with Suu. “Protecting them is what we do.” The realisation on his face when she says this, it’s so…raw, something he’s taking time to comprehend. He heeds her words because he knows she and Cut are experienced in this field, they are better suited for Omega than he and the boys are, he believes he isn’t good enough for her, and this is projected when he insists ‘Mega leave with the family of four. Although Suu questions his sincerity, and he does indeed dodge the straightforward answer, this is what Hunter anticipates is best for Omega. He’s putting her needs above his happiness, no matter the heartache.
Moving along slightly, as Omega and Hunter spend a short period of time away from each other during the ship impoundment, I briefly wanted to touch upon the tone of Hunter’s voice when he learns Omega is on route to their position…by herself in a heavily armed spaceport. His eyes widen in a moment of fear, his voice is suddenly strained, he is struck with another raw emotion, something he frankly can’t obtain right now, and it’s let out in a minor threat towards his brothers- “if something happens to her-“ a clearly indication of worry.
This next point absolutely breaks my heart, the poor dears, both of them. Upon Omega’s arrival, Hunter is left to explain his forced proposal that she should leave Salucemi with Cut and Suu. As usual he completes his little ritual of taking her shoulders and crouching to her level, although this time he can’t quite look her in the eyes, a clear sign of regret and guilt, because he doesn’t want to give her away, he knows deep down she belongs with them, but he doesn’t believe he has what it takes to raise and protect her. The way Omega’s eyes crumple really catches me here, she’s being left, again… All this kid has ever known her entire life has either been abandonment, abuse or isolation, and she’s being passed on to strangers by the only people she’s ever been able to trust, and not only is it clearly breaking her heart, but she’s taking it personally, she thinks she’s at fault, much like Hunter does. Her line: “but, I want to stay with you.” compressed with the quivering tone and her precious accent really aides her desperation here, it conveys her in an adequate and very precise way.
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Starting a brief new point to split these up slightly: I bring us to the continuous glances shared between them. Omega consistently looks over her shoulder to Hunter, she doesn’t want her eyes to leave him for one moment, she’s savouring his face, his details, for the very last time. And equally, Hunter is letting go of something he doesn’t want to leave behind, he likes the kid, to the point where his own self depreciation and doubt have been forced ahead in order to protect her, he can’t risk anything at this point. I’d also like to quickly mention how beautifully Omega’s eyes are animated, they intel so much, those precious little doe irises hold such story to them.
Moving on to a little jump cut enduring the batch’s escape and Omega’s return: Hunter’s tone of voice when addressing Wrecker is so pained, and his facials match it perfectly “she’s not com-“ it’s almost as though he’s biting back the urge to sprint headfirst into the gunfire if only to catch up to the little clone before it’s too late.
However, seeing as she’s managed to find her own way back that wouldn’t be exactly necessary. I think it’s a nice point that Hunter is the one to rush to Omega’s aide after she is grabbed by the trooper (flowing a brief flash of concern crossing his face), although Wrecker might’ve been closer, it’s a nice hint to their subtle closer bond. He, once again, crouches to her level although an unnecessary step in the situation, and I see this as another nod to their familiarised dependancy.
Finally, my last point for this episode, is their final conversation within the last few minutes. It’s faint, but the fact that the other batchers are all busying themselves in the cockpit, leaving Omega and Hunter to chat privately, is a very distinct use of separation. It also should be noted that Omega is the one to approach Hunter, this shows a decent level of not only maturity on her part, but trust between them as family, she trusts both him and herself enough to advance on a delicate situation, we even see her hesitate slightly, before pushing forward with a slip of confidence, and that takes a lot of gut from a little kid. She stands her ground, but with compliment. She very much reminds me of Hunter himself in the brig, assertive yet respectful. And speaking of Hunter, his face is just absolutely guilt-ridden when talking to her, because he too made the mistake of attempting to give her away, no matter how much good he thought it would do them both. While Omega is admitting she has a lot to learn in regards to safety and tactility, Hunter is suggesting he has a lot to learn about raising a child and providing the necessary care for her. It’s a brave moment for both of them, to be honest and open, and yet its received extremely well on both ends.
“If this is where you want to be…then this is where you’ll stay.” The admiration in his voice, the admiration in her eyes! They absolutely adore one another, and it melts my heart every time it’s displayed!
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I hope you liked my analysis of Hunter and Omega’s relationship in episode two of The Bad Batch! Of course, I’d love to discuss these two with anybody who might be interested, so please feel free to drop me an ask or a DM, and if you’re captivated enough I’d totally recommend looking out for my future posts on the topic!
As always, much love to our ‘Megs and Hunter, thank you for reading! 💛
Part One: Aftermath
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lifewithdavefarts · 3 years
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DaveFarts - Episode 1 “FartsApp” [Episode List] Since he’s a gassy nerd, Dave teases his friend Tim via WhatsApp by sending him a series of short videos of him farting.
Being gay with a fart fetish is really hard sometimes.
For me at least.
While the world is definitely getting more open-minded about homosexuality, I can’t really force it to accept this weird fetish (to be honest, all fetishes are kinda treated like taboos, regardless of the sexuality involved). I had to settle for YouTube videos or websites devoted to this whole fart-sniffing thing; not that I’m complaining: it was good to discover that so many people actually had this fetish.
Cue Dave. Well, sort of, actually. He doesn’t have a fart fetish and he’s not even gay. Dave has been my best friend since forever. Unlike me, however, he’s straight and is currently dating some (lucky) girl.
Around my age, he’s like a brother to me, and we’re actually well-known because of how much time we always spend with each other.
Dave is a great guy, a great friend, very open-minded and, dare to say it, actually quite hot.
Not surprisingly, being the brother I never had, he’s the first friend I came out to, the only one who knows about my homosexuality. Actually, it’s not like I told him… he found out on his own, in the worst possible way (for me).
During one of our nerdy game-nights, being “that one gassy friend”, Dave started to rip -as usual- tons of farts, fueled by some junk food, until he ripped one directly in my face (and boy it was amazing…). Everything went downhill from there… kinda. For some reason or another… he just accepted all at once not only my homosexuality, but also the fact that I found face-farting… hot. He just laughed about it and honestly gave me some encouraging words about my peculiar situation, proving that he’s indeed the best friend ever. Oh… and he also literally farted for me after that, in my face, letting me sniff and enjoy his amazing rips; he can also fart on command apparently: got a taste of his talent that same night.
That one, surreal night.
I still can’t believe it happened.
Felt like a confused dream. Like one of those nights where you drink too much so you don’t clearly remember what happened. But it was all true.
Dave, my best friend, was perfectly fine with me, my fetish, and all this weird stuff.
Yes: I know how lucky I am.
It’s been 4 months since he found out.
And, believe it or not, I’m getting face-farted so often that I’m almost forgetting how beautiful it feels.
Seriously: Dave simply accepted it like I’m living in someone’s crazy fetish dream and, when we’re alone, he just casually farts in my face (without me asking for it). Not always, but very often.
Surprisingly enough, despite the fact that my nose spends a lot of time brushing against his denim-covered butt, our friendship didn’t change at all though: we still hang out with the rest of our friends and generally spend a lot of time together.
Sometimes I’m so in disbelief about how easy-going he’s been with me, that I randomly ask him “You sure you’re OK with… this?” (I say, gesturing all of me), but he just smiles or rolls his eyes annoyed, tired of hearing the same question over and over again. What can I say? He’s perfectly comfortable with his own sexuality I guess, so he doesn’t have any problem with my fetish.
Sometimes though -sorry I say this- I kinda wish he did…
No, I’m definitely not complaining. That’s the best possible scenario for me, but sometimes he can get a bit too… inopportune. Dave is not really a prankster, but he loves teasing his friends, just for fun, including me.
I was in the middle of an important exam once, one of these pop-quiz thingies that make zero sense, and I felt my phone vibrate. I checked my FB private messages and all I saw was this YouTube link sent by Dave. Since I’m a fool apparently, I clicked on it, and one of those popular YouTube fart videos popped up and played, one with really loud farts. The first fart actually echoed in the room and other students glared at me: never felt so embarrassed (not including the night Dave found out about my fetish).
“Dude! Stop sending me this stuff!” I texted him. “I’m in the middle of an exam here!”
I scolded him for this, but the truth is that I couldn’t ask for a friend more open-minded than him.
The fact that he teases him with fart videos like he teases our heterosexual friends with those “shock” porn pics made me feel more… accepted.
But still… I was in the middle of an important exam so he had to stop.
And he obviously didn’t.
He sent me like 10 other links, just to annoy the sh%t out of me.
I mocked him by texting something like “Those videos are quite hard to find. Guess you’re gay too then!” but he would reply with “I had a great teacher!” and send me one of my awkward photos from Facebook.
Other times, since our friendship didn’t change a bit, he even made random references to my homosexuality or even my fart fetish when messaging me to make plans for the night (especially during the weekend). This mostly happens on WhatsApp:
Dave: “Dude, you have to come with us. Stop being a whiny little bi*ch and get up from that couch!”
Tim: “Sorry, man. I don’t think I’ll be joining you tonight…”
Dave: “You know what? If you don’t come with us… you’re gay!”
Dave: “Sorry, I mean… if you don’t come with us, you’re a fuc*ing heterosexual!
Dave: "U ride pussy, don’t you? Fuc*ing straight people!”
He was obviously being sarcastic, but I just loved how he adapted his… uhm… “humor” to my situation.
One time, however, things got a bit… hotter for me…
Dave: “Dude, come over. We have a lot to study…”
Tim: “Sorry, really can’t today. Aren’t you with Dana right now anyway?”
Dave: “I need somebody to focus with, not focus on. You know me and Dana always end up in bed after like 20 minutes.”
Dave: “It’s awesome but this stuff ain’t gonna study itself…”
Yep. Dave and his girlfriend Dana apparently had a very active sex life.
Glad he was getting laid. And Dana was pretty cool to be honest.
Tim: “Dave, sorry. Maybe tomorrow, k?”
Dave: “Dude! Come on! I’m farting like crazy today!”
Did… did he just try to “bribe” me using his farting abilities?
Dave: “Seriously. I just ripped one that was like 10 seconds long. What a waste of farts!”
Tim: “Dave… are you crazy?”
Took a couple of minutes to reply to that one, and then I got two messages at once.
Dave: “Oh yessss, Tim, crazy for youuuuuu!” he wrote, with a heart emoticon at the end (again, he’s a sassy bi*ch as usual).
I then saw that WhatsApp was loading a video sent by him, an actual video, not a link.
It was Dave, a smirk drawn on his face while staring at the camera. He was wearing a simple black shirt. The view soon moved and I saw his slightly sagging-butt in jeans sitting on a wooden chair, and then heard this big fart echoing in his living room (he was alone), rumbling loudly and hard on the wooden surface. He even turned the camera to his face while he was forcing the “classic”-sounding fart out, making funny facial expressions; indeed, the fart lasted almost 10 seconds, and I obviously loved that: biggest farts I’ve ever heard from him in awhile! It was like watching those funny fartvines on… well… Vine, but having my best friend as the funny/hot farter this time.
Dave: “Hope that convinced you…” he then texted.
I was kinda… “offended” by that last message.
I mean, yeah, I seriously wanted to be there, but I always love spending time with Dave, farts or not (that’s why we’ve been friends since… forever).
Tim: “Are you seriously using farts to buy my friendship? It’s not like I don’t want to study with you. I just can’t today!”
Was that too harsh? Should I have added a smiley face at the end?
Only thing I was sure of, is that I never thought that a sentence like that would even make sense someday.
And I was still bewildered by how Dave was so comfortable with the fact that I loved farts.
Tim: “You don’t need farts to convince me, Dave. More like… you’re making me suffer!” I joked, finally breaking the ice myself with a reference to my embarrassing fetish, proving that I indeed wanted to be there with him, enjoying those farts.
Another couple of minutes passed.
Was he making another…?
Dave: “I know you’re suffering, Tim. Don’t worry. That’s why I’m sending you this.”
Oh boy, another video. Should I play it? Was he aware that I was getting a boner from all of this?
I literally pitched a tent in my pants.
There… it’s Dave again, this time sitting on the couch. The video started with his face winking at the camera with a sly smile; the camera then moved between his legs and slowly panned towards his butt in loose jeans (he probably put his legs on the small table in front of his couch, to make his butt more visible). Now I had a rather unique (and hot -for me) view of both his butt (and part of his crotch) in jeans and his face. He grinned wildly and the fart began, ripped right in front of the phone. The sound and the views were perfect; Dave moved the camera towards his butt as the fart kept going strong, sounding like a deep trumpet; I could see the detailed blue fabric of his jeans as the funny sounds continued. What a lucky phone!
It lasted around 8 seconds and it was simply the hotness.
The video ended with Dave laughing at the camera and all went pitch black.
Tim: “You’re insane, Dave!” I joked again, enjoying how crazy he was about this. And for me I guess.
But I had to tell him.
Tim: “Dave, you do know that all of this gave me a… well…”
But as I was halfheartedly writing the second part of the message, Dave wrote more stuff.
Dave: “Then go beat your meat! I can’t do everything for you, Tim.”
Dave: “And please don’t act like this is some kind of big deal…
Dave: "Wow, Tim got a boner! How impressive!”
Dave: “Let’s all bow to Tim, the mighty guy whose penis can turn bigger!”
Dave: “Behold, the Great Tim! The guy who once had a boner and had to tell everyone!”
Further proof that Dave was being the best friend ever.
He was clearly being sarcastic; he was joking. That was his way of telling me “Nah bro, it’s all good”. And I was kinda surprised that he was so… chill about this stuff. I literally had a boner because of him and he just… didn’t care. As I said, he’s very open minded and perfectly comfortable with his own sexuality, so he didn’t have the irrational fear of “turning gay” when doing this stuff with and for me. I also appreciated that he trusted me with those funny, but otherwise embarrassing videos.
After one or two minutes, I’ve received one big audio file and I just knew what I was going to get when I clicked the triangular-shaped button to play them.
I heard Dave singing my name like he was some kind of serial killer trying to find me.
Dave: “Tim… come here…”
I then heard a series of muffled noises, as if the camera was being put under something, and it was clear what: I in fact then heard the loud, audio-glitching sound of one big fart that lasted around four seconds.
Dave: “He’s waiting for you…” he sung again in that creepy tone of voice.
Another fart, just as big as the first one.
He was on fire that day!
Now I was both laughing like an idiot and having the biggest boner.
Tim: “Dude, you’re on fire! But… to be honest, that was kinda gay…” I chuckled.
Dave: “Says the guy who gets a boner when he hears a fart. You fuc*ing hypocrite.”
He then sent yet another audio file, with him singing that meme-song “I’m gay, gay, gay, I love long big c*cks”, but slightly changing the lyrics. He even put a karaoke version of it on his computer while recording the audio file.
Dave: “You are gay, gay gay, you love long big farts. ‘cuz you’re supah-super gay, and you love big…”
Fittingly enough, a huge fart from my best friend took over the last part of the song. Loud as usual, sounding like a deep chainsaw. I could just imagine how beautiful that was. But the best part was probably the fact that he was definitely farting for me. I know, not your usual “hot sexy” scenario… more like a “sweet” one, in a very twisted way of course.
I wasn’t obviously offended by that “gay song”, since I knew that Dave was just being silly as usual and his mocking words were definitely not mean-spirited.
Tim: “Aren’t you supposed to be studying right now?” I asked.
Dave: “I don’t know, aren’t you supposed to be here right now?”
Tim: “Dude, seriously. Thank you! But I’m serious… I really can’t today.”
Dave: “Alright… alright… cya tonight faggot…” he wrote, with a heart-shaped emoticon at the end.
I just rolled my eyes and chuckled a bit, then drove my attention to my own books.
This was going to be a long afternoon. But after only one minute of silence, my phone vibrated wildly: it was Dave and he was calling me. Very unusual in that moment.
“Uhm… Dave? Hello?” I picked up.
I was greeted by a series of “Dude, sorry!” and I was really confused.
“Dave… what?”
It was just Dave being adorkable I guess.
“Dude, sorry about that 'faggot'… that was bit too much, sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”
I laughed in disbelief. “Bro, it’s OK. I’m not offended. I know you didn’t want to insult me or anything…”
“No, Tim. That one word is not a joke and I shouldn’t have used it, sorry.”
I was just… wow. Dave went from “dominant friendly farter” to “adorable/awkward confused puppy” in mere seconds. Further proof that I was the luckiest guy alive (fetish or not): Dave cared so much for me that he even apologized for the “f-word”, which admittedly is a very bad word for a guy like me. But this time it was coming from Dave, my best friend, a guy who cares so much about me that he would even “censor” his language just to avoid unfortunate implications.
Ironically enough, the roles were switched, and he was the one saying a rapid-fire series of “sorry!” this time.
“Dave, quit with the apologizing. You’re the best.” I chuckled. “We’re bros, that’s what we do: we insult each other!”
“Alright… you sure? Not going to use that word ever again though.”
“Dave… it’s OK. You’re the best.”
“OK… OK. See you tonight. Take care.”
And he hang up.
He just wanted to make sure that he didn’t accidentally offend me by calling me a “fag”.
I would have been, if it wasn’t coming from Dave.
But then again, he also said that he was going to kick in the face whoever dared to insult me.
And he said that before he found out the truth about me: he’s always been quite protective.
“Oh come on!” I shouted, almost annoyed, merely five minutes later, when I heard the phone vibrate one more time.
It was Dave. Again.
He sent another video.
I tried to scoff at it but I was obviously loving all of this instead.
He was lying on the couch, the camera focusing on his butt in jeans. I could see both his face and butt, at the same time. It was like he filmed the video imagining my POV when he farted in my face, and I absolutely enjoyed that.
“Alright, Tim… Sorry for calling you a faggot.” he spoke in a “comically” serious voice. He truly was “sorry”, but it was clear that he was trying not to laugh. “I’m really, really sorry, believe me.”
Keeping a straight face, he ripped an incredibly loud, deep fart at the camera. He didn’t bat an eye, blink or smile. He eventually lost it towards the end of that 6-seconds long blast. He chuckled a bit and then turned “serious” again.
“That was a sad fart… we’re both sorry.”
He then closed his eyes and made a funny face, signing in relief as he ripped another long fart, the lucky camera slowly panning towards the seams and textures of the blue denim covering his powerful sagging butt. It lasted almost 10 seconds: truly a fart master. And those weren’t even on command!
“Oh my…” I whispered, staring in awe at the amazing video.
“This one was on the house…” he chuckled, right before turning the phone to his butt one last time and ripping a short series of toots, grinning wildly, clearly forcing those smaller farts out just for me. And that was it.
My boner was definitely wet now as bits of that well-known white substance poured from the tip of of my “standing” dick, slightly dampening my boxers and pants. It was like a volcano going to explode. A volcano that, just like me, couldn’t take it anymore. I rushed to the bathroom and furiously beat my meat, almost strangling my rock-hard penis with a firm grip. I didn’t last much: I literally peed sperm, thinking of Dave’s farts. The best part is that I didn’t need to imagine anything: it was all real. I laughed in relief just as I felt my penis deflating like a balloon, after it vomited its white substance. It felt good, not “masturbation good”, like “life is good”. And it was.
My best friend, Dave, was this fantastic guy who, in his own, twisted way, was taking care of me, accepting me, making me comfortable with my fart fetish. A gassy, open-minded, mildly disgusting “bro” who only wanted to preserve our friendship.
And I couldn’t be happier.
End of Episode 1
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A little help from the team
Word count: 2989
Genre: A little angst but mostly fluff
Pairing: Natasha x fem!reader 
Warnings: Light swearing, brief mentions of alcohol (let me know if I need to add more)
Request: Can you do a natasha x reader fic where they are so in love with each other but none of them makes a move and the rest of the avengers are frustreted, even Nick Fury so he goes and sets them up by sending them to a mission together in Budapest? You decide who finally makes the first move
Summary: Frustrated with you and Natasha avoiding your feelings Tony convinces the others to try to get you together, Nick Fury needs no convincing.
A/n: This was an anonymous request and it’s a bit late so I hope the person that requested this is seeing this and if you are I hope you like it! Also I’m trying out the thing where you post it at a scheduled time because I don’t think posting at 11 pm is a great idea so hopefully that works. Also to anyone who has sent requests, they will get done soon, the reason why they are taking longer is because some of them gave me series ideas so obviously series take longer than oneshots. Anyways I hope everyone enjoys the story!
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“Just tell Natasha your feelings already, it’s not a big deal!” Tony says exasperated. 
“Yeah what am I supposed to say?” you question. “Hi Tasha, sorry to bother you but I just wanted to tell you I’ve been hopelessly in love with you for years. You don’t like me back? No, that’s cool, it's not like I have a broken heart now, see you around!” 
“Come on Y/n, it wouldn’t go like that, you have to tell her!” He insists so you look to Bruce who is sitting at the other side of the lab for help. 
He glances guiltily at you. “Sorry but for once in his life Tony is right-” Tony scoffs but Bruce continues “-you need to take a chance and honestly I think it will work out. She’s nicer to you than to anybody else.” 
You give him a small smile. “Thanks for trying to help guys, I really do appreciate it but I just can’t tell her right now I hope you understand.” They both nod their head but you can tell that they are a bit disappointed in you. You’re a bit disappointed in yourself as well because you would like nothing more than to tell her but even the thought makes your heart race in a way nothing has done before.
“Anyways I’ve got to go now because I promised Maria I would help her train some of the new recruits and then we’re meeting up with Tasha for lunch.” You tell them plopping yourself down from the counter you were seated on. 
“Bye!” “See ya!” You hear both of them say as you walk out of the room and you inwardly smile, thankful to have such great friends. 
As soon as Tony realizes you’re out of earshot he turns to Bruce with a mischievous expression on his face. “We’ve got to do something about the two of them.” 
“I don’t know,” Bruce says while looking down at his hands, “it really isn’t our business and there’s a good chance whatever you have in mind could make it worse.”
“Is that seriously what you think of me?” Tony teases. “Besides, it wouldn’t be just me helping, I think we should call a team meeting minus those two. They are both out of the tower right now so it would be perfect.”
Bruce sighs. “I don’t know Tony…”
“Please Brucie?” Tony pleads. “It’s for love! And I’m doing either way so you either get a say in the plan or you don’t.” 
He caves in. “Fine. But you have to get Steve to agree with whatever you do.” 
“Not going to lie to you Bruce, it hurts that you trust Steve more than me,” Tony says, looking completely unbothered, “Jarvis, tell everybody to meet in the common floor living room.”
“Of course sir.” The A.I. responds as Tony already starts to race upstairs, Bruce trailing after him slowly. 
Because Tony got so excited he didn’t want to take the elevator and wanted to run up the stairs, it actually took longer for them to make their way up to the floor because, predictably, around half way up Tony got exhausted and needed a break. Therefore by the time they made it the rest of the team was already waiting. 
“Why did you call us here Tony?” Steve asks for the group. 
“Because we were just talking to Y/n in the labs and since she and Natasha are so obviously in love with each other we need to come up with a plan to get them together. You in?”
“Of course I’m in!” Clint answers without any hesitation. 
“As much as I would like to help, it is none of our business what they choose to do.” Steve tells Tony, looking conflicted. 
“Do it for love!” Tony says dramatically. “Do you really think those two idiots are going to do anything about their feelings anytime soon?”
“Well no,” Steve yields, “I guess there’s no harm in that.” Wanda, Sam and Bucky follow Steve’s lead and agree, Tony pumping his fist in the air as soon as they do as Bruce sighs loudly, wishing he wasn’t a part of whatever this was.
“So do you have any ideas?” Wanda asks. 
Tony grins like a maniac. “Yes actually I do. All we have to do is convince Fury to get on board and then we can send them on a fake mission, pretending to be a couple, with no actual objective. Then in order to keep their cover Fury can force them to sleep in a room with only one bed.” 
Everyone looks at him blankly and Sam speaks up. “That’s your plan dude?!!?? That sounds like the plot of a bad rom-com.” 
Tony is not known as a great businessman and negotiator for no reason and two hours later he finds himself walking through the hallways of Shield with Steve by his side, on his way to ask Fury about his idea.
“Why did it have to be us two?” Steve asks.
“Because I’m a smooth talker and charming so Fury will obviously like what I say, and you’re responsible so if he knows you agree with me there’s no way he’ll say no. Steve sighs but doesn’t protest as they reach the door and Tony knocks. 
“Come in.” Fury says and they both enter. Immediately upon seeing Tony’s expression Fury raises his eyebrows and leans forward in a way that made him look doubtful already. 
“I need a favour-” Tony starts. 
“No can do.” Fury interrupts him. 
“It’s about Y/n and Natasha not me.” Tony says, trying to change his mind. 
“Tony, he said no.” Steve tries to remind him so they can leave. 
Fury holds up his hand. “No, wait, this I am interested in.” Steve looks shocked that he isn’t throwing them out of the room but Tony just smirks and explains his plan. Neither of them have ever seen Fury look so mischievous and considering that he’s a spy that has lied to them more times than they know of, that is saying something. 
“Usually I would hate to admit this but Stark is one hundred percent right. They both will not admit their feelings but being alone together pretending to be a couple for a week could push them to the breaking point. I will inform them later today about the ‘mission’.”
“Thank you sir, we will leave you alone now.” Tony says, ushering Steve out of the room. 
“No, thank YOU Stark.” Fury says before phoning you.
Two hours after you received a phone call from Fury you walk with Natasha into the briefing room for a mission. You were a bit disappointed because when you had asked Nat and Maria earlier if they wanted to get lunch after the training session, only Nat had agreed so you were supposed to be eating lunch with just her, which was rare. At least the mission was together, although most missions didn’t allow much time for talking to each other. 
“Do you know what Fury has in mind?” Natasha asks but you shrug in response. You never know what goes through Fury’s mind but that’s what makes him such a good director. 
Speaking of which he somehow knows you’re there before you knock on the door and says, “come in.” You and Natasha exchange glances, rolling your eyes at his dramatics before entering and sitting in the two chairs provided. 
“You have a mission that should only last a few days. Your job is to go to Budapest on a honeymoon at a hotel where we believe this couple of prominent arms dealers are staying.” You’ve never had to act in a romantic situation with Natasha before so it makes you very nervous but you know better than to argue because Fury never changes his mind. 
Natasha apparently doesn’t. “Why do I have to do it with her, wouldn’t it be more believable if I did it with one of the guys?” You can’t help but feel hurt at the fact that she is so against doing this mission with you and you make a mental note to tell Tony about this so he stops bugging you about her liking you back.
“Agent Romanoff, I have my reasons, and this is what is best for this particular mission.” Fury says, offering no explanation as to what his reasons are.
Natasha frowns but doesn’t argue. “Fine, when do we leave?”
“Now,” he says, “you’ll get the full file briefing on the jet on the way over, please read them carefully.” Neither of you respond verbally but you both respectfully nod before making your way over to the jets. You’re a bit surprised by the type of mission he gave you because usually you don’t do many spy missions but you aren’t surprised by the lack of turnover time. Everything at Shield has no exact schedule meaning the hours were horrible. 
The jet ride over there is silent and Natasha seems to avoid you, either in the bathroom or cockpit the entire time except for when you were reading over the files. This didn’t seem like a very exciting mission because there wasn’t even a guarantee that the couple would be there, just rumors, however based on the files Fury seemed to think that taking the chance was worth it because they were important.
All the way to the hotel in the cab Natasha continued to act strangely and ignore you instead of striking up conversation like she normally would. You try not to let it bother you and thoughts of her behaviour go out the window when you see the hotel you’re supposed to be staying at. It’s gorgeous and obviously would cost a ton of money. You marvel at architecture as you step out of the cab, mumbling thank you to Natasha as she hands you your bag you almost forgot. 
The bonus of working with Shield is that you didn’t have to check in because the key card was already provided for you so you rush up to your room which is on the fourth floor, pulling Natasha by her free hand behind you to keep up the newly married and in love act. You burst into your room and stop short; there’s only one bed. Natasha follows and also pauses as she sees the situation. Both of you look around for a pullout bed or a couch but there’s none to be found. 
“Well I guess we’re sharing now!” You say brightly, trying to pretend that you are not completely freaking out. 
“Yeah…” she says quietly, unenthused. Once again you keep a straight face but it hurts inside. 
“Should we start off at the bar?” you ask her. “In the files I got the impression that they’re the type of couple that would like to drink quite a lot.” 
“Good idea!” she praises, and your mood brightens considerably. 
In the end it turns out that both of you are wrong and the couple doesn’t make an appearance at the bar even though you were there for three hours. Afterwards, still tired from your flight you both crawl into bed, lying at far opposite sides and trying not to move. It’s awkward so you want to fall asleep to escape the feeling but you lie awake for hours, dreaming about what it would be like to sleep in the same bed but holding each other instead of turning away. 
When you wake up in the morning you aren’t well rested at all. Staying up late combined with not letting yourself fully relax because you didn’t want to invade Natasha’s space were two things that worked well to keep you tired. Luckily all you have to do today is go around the hotel participating in activities together and looking out for the arms dealers while pretending to be honeymooning. 
You soon learn that it is harder said than done. There still have been no sighting of the targets but honestly that seems easier to you at this point. The entire day Natasha was on you, whether it was a quick peck on the cheek, fiddling with your hand or her hand on your waist, she never strayed far and you were worried your heart was going to combust or you would accidentally tell her you were in love with her, both of which would be bad. Luckily you manage to hold it together for the whole day and take a long shower to destress and try to keep your mind off of Natasha. You think you do a pretty good job but once again you lie awake for hours before you finally drift off and even when you do, your sleep is not very good. 
The next day is a repeat of the first which annoys you because you were supposed to be flying back to Shield tomorrow and you still hadn’t even located your targets. Both of you are feeling a little frustrated so when Natasha suggests you call it a night and head to the bar you agree quickly. You drink enough to be tipsy but not drunk before you cut yourself off because you don’t like the idea of a hangover. Natasha doesn’t stop drinking when you do yet looks perfectly sober whereas you feel like a mess so you inwardly curse her alcohol tolerance and acting skills. 
The two of you stay in the bar playing useless games like darts but having a lot of fun until 2 am when the bartender kicks you out with a creepy look, telling you to enjoy the rest of your night. You shudder slightly when you realize what he is thinking about but don’t dignify him with a response, instead following after Natasha as she walks back up to your room, occasionally sneaking glances at her butt. 
When you get inside both of you change into pyjamas back to back, too lazy to take a shower or even change in the bathroom. You sigh as your head hits the pillow, the last few days of late nights and bad sleeps catching up to you. Luckily you start drifting off fairly quickly and feel more relaxed, although that could just be the alcohol helping.
“Y/n?” Natasha’s voice calls from the other side of the bed, more timid sounding than usual.
“Yes?” You answer, yawning in your attempt to regain some alertness. 
“Do you ever feel lonely?” She asks. 
You have to think about it for a second before answering. “Of course I do sometimes, I think everybody feels lonely sometimes. Why do you ask?”
“I feel lonely right now.” She admits. 
“Why?” you say with a small giggle to try to lighten her seemingly dark mood. “I’m right here.”
“But you’re purposefully as far away from me as possible.” She pauses and you think that’s all she has to say before she continues. “I-I want to cuddle.”
Your heart clenches and you get extremely nervous. “Are you sure that’s not the alcohol talking?”
She shakes her head with an unreadable expression on her face. “I’m not drunk.” She says before turning to face away from you like she is upset. You still are nervous but don’t want her to feel upset and she did mention cuddling so you scoot yourself across the bed until you are close enough behind her that if you moved another inch you would be fully against her. She feels you behind her and turns around looking into your eyes for a second before burying her face in your neck and wrapping her arms around you. Pleasantly surprised you slowly wrap your arms around her as well, sighing in contentment when she seems to try to wiggle closer to you. You want to stay awake to fully experience this but far too soon your eyes feel heavy and you fall into a deep sleep. 
You feel warmth and a press of lips on your jawline and your eyes flutter open quickly. Natasha looks up at you with an expression you can only describe as one a child wears when they get caught stealing cookies. Laughing at how cute she is you go down to kiss her on the nose at the same time as she tilts her head further up so your lips end up catching hers. You both practically melt into the kiss, sighing until a loud ring tone breaks through the silence. You groan and pick it up. 
“Hey Y/n, are you done your mission yet?” 
You ignore the question and put the phone on speaker so Natasha can hear as well. “Tony, why are you calling me?”
“To ask if you’re done your mission, duh.” He responds. 
“Well technically we haven’t done it but we haven’t seen either of the targets.” You tell him, disappointed in yourself but knowing you followed all the orders so it wasn’t really your fault. 
“Not that mission you idiot, that doesn’t exist, the real mission was did you get together with Nat?” You freeze because you weren’t sure where you stood with Natasha, but luckily she doesn’t seem to mind what Tony just said.
“Wait Y/n you want to get with me?” She says in an outraged voice with a wink to let you know she was joking. “What’s wrong with you???”
Tony audibly gulps on the other end of the line. “I’msosorryY/nanwaysI’vegottogonowbye! (I’m so sorry Y/n, anyways I’ve got to go now, bye)” As soon as you hear the line go silent both of you collapse in laughter. 
“Was that too mean?” She asks, not sounding very serious.
“Nah, he deserved it, although I don’t know how he got Fury to agree.” You respond. 
“Well he always was a cheeky bastard,” Natasha says, shaking her head fondly, “although I guess we do have them to thank for this.”
“Mmhmm,” you agree, “but they don’t have to know that.”
Taglist: @fayhar @stephanieromanoff @stop-drop-and-drumroll (if you want to be added, comment, send an ask, or message me)
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